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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 1.44 MB, 900x2881, wig_acrylic_dye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6939245 No.6939245 [Reply] [Original]

Tutorial thread?

Wig dying.

>> No.6939246
File: 495 KB, 475x750, tumblr_mmks3dNqXp1rb2wq2o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cat ears/horns hair

>> No.6939249
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Feathered wings.

>> No.6939250
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>> No.6939253
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Cowl sleeves

>> No.6939251
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Fairy wings.

>> No.6939254
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Chest-binder/boob corset

>> No.6939255
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Boot covers. These always turn out terrible, I find.

>> No.6939257
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Puffy sleeves.

>> No.6939258
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Parting a wig.

>> No.6939259
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Wig detangling

>> No.6939263
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Clip-on ponytail

>> No.6939262
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PVC stands

>> No.6939264
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Obligatory bunnysuit.

Has anyone done this one? It's on my to-do list but haven't gotten to it. Curious if it's decent.

>> No.6939266
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>> No.6939267
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Not a tutorial, but useful.
Visual shoe dictionary.

>> No.6939268
File: 630 KB, 1963x1653, Photoshop Shortcuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Photoshop shortcuts.

>> No.6939270
File: 685 KB, 1024x2987, sailormoonBow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sailor Moon styled bow.

>> No.6939271


You can use this same method for dyeing faux fur, just without the fabric softener. Mix up water with your acrylic paint to make sure it's very liquidy. I was told to paint on the back and let it soak through, but that wasn't working, so I painted directly on the fur and just combed it through to make sure it wasn't clumpy (if you've added enough water, you're just getting the pigment onto the fibers, really).

I had read you need to comb every 10 minutes, but I did about every 30 at first, then every hour, then I let it go overnight and it was fine. It does take away from the softness, but I wonder if mixing the paint with fabric softener like for the wig tutorial would work on fur.

Regardless, if you need a special color for fur, just get white in the pile you need and dye it with paint. So easy!

>> No.6939294

Has anyone done this? Is it even remotely washable or will you need to beware of rain?

>> No.6939295

All the comments on her deviantART lead me to think that it's fine once it dries. She says it's similar to Sharpie-dyed wigs except it rubs off less.

>> No.6939297

Hm, I lucked out with my first ink dye, but I'll keep this is mind for the future in case I end up needing to dye a wig in a fiber that doesn't work as well.

>> No.6939316
File: 477 KB, 623x871, 2d653d074df6655455b826090379d966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any tutorials out there for wing/tail/whatever harnesses that don't involve using PVC pipe as the base? Like, is there any alternate way to get the same effect?

I don't have easy access to a hardware store anytime soon (living in the middle of nowhere, wooo), and I'm making a nine-tailed character to wear... so I'd like the tails to stick up and fan out behind me.

Is there anything I can do, other than the usual?

>> No.6939335

Talk to furries for the tail thing. I remember something about making the armature of the tail a foam noodle (like the swimming ones) or upholstery foam and that reduces the weight enough that you can just attach to a belt. Wings are a whole different beast.

>> No.6939345

I've never heard of tails with PVC. Sounds frustrating. I'd listen to >>6939335's comments. Foam noodles seems like a good idea.
Otherwise just makes some tails and string them all together with some fishing line.

>> No.6939353

Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry, I posted this from my phone, and it seems I accidentally deleted a line of text without noticing!
Well, let me explain what i meant to explain in my main post!

I actually already made the tails using chicken wire as the inside so they're hollow and not too heavy. What i'm stuck on is making the harness. I figured I would take the idea that wing harness tutorials use (PVC pipe screwed onto a padded square that sits on your back), and adapt it to fit my tails so I can put the harness on underneath my dress, put the dress on, then add the tails afterwards.
However, i am not in range of a hardware store at the moment, and was wondering if there may be something I can use instead of the pipe to securely keep the tails sticking up behind my back (sort of like the picture I posted above).

>> No.6939360
File: 2.77 MB, 800x2900, yarn_tail_tutorial__feline__by_willowfall-d5bdvg3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd make a belt-loop styled thing. Definitely look into fursuiting for that. I couldn't find a tutorial so quick, but they do exist. Browse furry stuff as the first anon said.
Run fishing line through the top of the tails and then a line to the top of your back. Your harness thing sounds much more industrial than what you're actually trying to do.

On the topic of tails, has anyone tried this? It looks okay in the photos but I'm afraid of doing this and it looking like shit in person. A cheap alternative to buying faux fur.
Yarn tails.

>> No.6939369

I think it should work. Looks pretty, economical, might be tedious. Some people customize or restore My Little Pony toys with brushed out yarn instead of buying doll hair; you can even straighten (like with an iron) the individual bits of yarn for a silkier look or leave them fluffy. Tips from the toy collectors: use acrylic yarn because the individual fibers in the yarn are the longest, and if you want it to be brushable without a bunch of fluff coming out you are going to be combing out a shitload of fluff.

>> No.6939372

I started one and didn't finish. It's very soft and shiny, and moves pretty nicely, but it's so fucking tedious.

>> No.6939377

Wait, I've seen that, let me get the link.
Looks pretty natural to me. The toy method is apparently inspired by the costume method.

>> No.6939418

The only thing I worry about with belt loops and fishing wire is that, well, the tails are quite big/thick. If I had to make a rough estimate I'd say that each tail (there are nine tails) is about 2 1/2 ft long. I'd worry that the tails wouldn't stay in the correct positions! Hence why i figured the PVC method might be suitable.
However, I will try this to see if it goes better than expected.

>> No.6939431

Fishing line is pretty strong. Pardon the tautology, but they catch fish with it.

>> No.6939458

any non-strech material glove tutorial?

>> No.6939499

Anyone have a gem mold making and casting tutorial?

>> No.6939535

Any detailed pleated skirt tutorials? I'm pretty new to sewing, so I'm afraid I'll need a lot of help. I've also got a limited amount of fabric, so I want to make sure that I do it right the first time.

>> No.6939670

Fishing line will do the trick! Many (all?) spools of fishing line say the width of the line, the amount on the spool, and how much weight it can hold (for a certain length, I think?). I know i had similar concerns when holding up so rather large wings of my own, but everything worked out perfectly! Just make sure you secure it well.

It's already been posted over here >>6921413

>> No.6940509

My brother did that, it made a HUGE fluffy tail, but he put chain as the base to make it swing properly.

>> No.6940526

Anyone have any tutorials for a successful crosplay? Want to cosplay Watson and look like a dude, not every Sherlock/Avengers/Hetalia crosplay. I got chest binding down, just wondering about contouring, lips, eyebrows, believable facial hair, et cetera.

>> No.6940553
File: 2.75 MB, 900x4050, cosplaytutorials_by_napalm9-d659yx0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go!

>> No.6940569

Rapist brows

>> No.6940570
File: 447 KB, 1280x1247, 1354297379222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is perfect, thank you!

Also to be useful, this might help with the pleats anon?

>> No.6940576
File: 204 KB, 787x1023, tut-pleatedskirt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a version of this with some written instructions underneath.

>> No.6940580

Ah, yes, thank you very much! That does help!

>> No.6940614

/r/ing any hakama and kisode/yukata type tutorials.

Will dump some tutorials soon.

>> No.6940620
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>> No.6940627


jfc she makes a sexy man

>> No.6940625
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Altering a petticoat

>> No.6940630
File: 703 KB, 1199x3201, IMG_3143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wanted to try this but I don't have a penis.

>> No.6940654

I remember this from a long time ago, someone said they could be only used once and that the price over time wasn't worth it compared to an actual pocket pussy. Like it would be better to just put a few bucks away each week than the time and effort to make these each time you want to fuck it.

>> No.6940656


Maybe you can make a penis out of the starch mix. Wonder if it would be hard enough or floppy?

>> No.6940660

When you're uncircumcised, your hand feels better than all of this shit. My hand even feels better than an actual vagina.

>> No.6940663

It looks pretty floppy. Sounds embarrassing.
>ssustml picture

>> No.6940684

I heard it's pretty uncomfortable. Wouldn't recommend.

>> No.6940694 [DELETED] 
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Someone test this out and report back with details

>> No.6940717
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>> No.6940719
File: 28 KB, 500x357, IMG_3971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you! That pictorial instruction is very clear.

>> No.6940726

holy shit, what?

>> No.6940734

this is the worst way to do the gradient.

>> No.6940749

A friend of mine did this. It takes a fuck long time, but the result is beautiful. I thought the two she made were made from fake fur, and was awfully surprised that it's yarn. She didn't even do the straightening thing, which I bet would make it look and feel even better.
They're thick and a bit heavy, so keep that in mind if you want them to stand up.

>> No.6940751


>> No.6940756
File: 90 KB, 1024x742, hakama tie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6940776

Thank you anon I really didn't need to sleep tonight.

>> No.6940777

What a shittily worded tutorial. Almost impossible to decipher. ESL creators or something? They write like it, at any rate.

>> No.6940784

ALWAYS wear a mask working with resin.

>> No.6940809

How is better?

>> No.6940830

Does anyone have a rectangle skirt tutorial, especially one with an actual waistband instead of just gathered with an elastic?

>> No.6940838


Something like this?

>> No.6940854 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1500x1125, iwilldothis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering if anyone would even really know where to start with this one. I absolutely love this, and it's on etsy but I'm not paying 300 fucking dollars for it. I usually don't sew much, but I am somewhat experienced and I do have someone who's been a seamstress for most of her life that's willing to help. Tips are VERY well appreciated.

>> No.6940855 [DELETED] 
File: 252 KB, 1125x1500, 78645632543243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more shots of it

>> No.6940857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6940859 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 1125x1500, 53463453634575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaaand last one. Sorry for spamming that.

>> No.6940864

You'll want to start with the right material. The material and the stitch are what give it that wavy texture. A pattern would be easy to draft out of paper or muslin since you have such detailed pics and can clearly see all the seams.

>> No.6940888


>> No.6940921

Is uh something wrong with this request? Not the same anon but I'm curious about making something similar.

>> No.6940946


>> No.6940949

Are there wig tutorials for Joseph Joestar's hair?

>> No.6940950
File: 180 KB, 998x1500, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know if this is the right place to ask but would anyone have suggestions (or a tutorial similar to) the flame on Ultimate Madokas bow? I have the bow made but I'm lost on the pink part that wraps around it. I'm also not sure how to make the arrow if anyone has ideas for that.

Sorry for no contribution I will post a couple tutorials when I get the chance to use my laptop.

>> No.6940952
File: 183 KB, 428x640, 7504475448_67fef5c3dc_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it like how Flame Princesses' do their flames.

>> No.6941183

I don't have a tutorial but I suggest buying a glove pattern (Vogue makes great ones; I think Butterick has one too) and cutting the fabric on the bias (turned 45 degrees from where you usually cut it). Fabric cut on the bias has mechanical stretch.

>> No.6941515

Alright, thanks for the help.

>> No.6941537

But that looks like a strange wedding favour.

>> No.6941546

This might be a little confusing, but use cotton like for plushie stuffing.

You'll need cotton, spray glue, fabric dye(or sharpies) and rubber gloves, also you can use sealant to coat it. For the cotton, you should take about twice as much as the item you want to make.
Dip dye the cotton the colour you want, you can also get a good gradient if you dip it in lighter dye all over first then partial dip in the other colour. You should use colours that are slightly lighter than what you need because you'll be making the cotton more dense later on so it will appear darker.

Then wait till it dries completely. After that, you'll need your rubber gloves, spray the glue onto it until it's fairly damp, then shape the cotton how you'd like with your hands. Then wait for it to dry and you can spray it with sealant if you like to prevent the colour from running.

>> No.6941567

Then figure it out yourself.

>> No.6941602
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Oh kay then.

>> No.6941609
File: 2.91 MB, 590x4167, arm socks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obligatory armsocks post,

>> No.6942110

Wig straightening tutorial, anyone??

>> No.6942115

If you Google for it they're like in the first fucking results.

Heat up water and pour it over the wig, but not insanely hot. Leave to dry then brush.

>> No.6942240

All I was getting was hair straightener-using ones, which weren't using. Sorry. :C

>> No.6942241

Weren't working*

>> No.6942314

Sorry about the other person who responded, they weren't even the person who asked the question (aka me). Thank you for the idea, I may try it out and see how it looks.

Awesome I've never heard of doing this before, thanks for being so specific I'll try it out!

>> No.6942379


Does anyone have a tutorial for making this but with round jewels? Or just round jewel making in general. Gluing two halves together might look tacky as hell.

>> No.6942389

I know they make ball shaped molds for lollipops or cake pops or some crap and depending on how big you want it you could use something like that.

>> No.6943277
File: 2 KB, 118x118, Bag_'o_Bells.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would anybody have a tutorial on how to make a drawstring bag that I can put stuff in? Pic related

>> No.6943288

If you can't find a suitable tutorial, cut a circle out of your fabric, put your things in the center, and pull the edges up in the middle, then tie a ribbon around it.
Not the best method, obviously, but if you can't find anything else.

>> No.6943305
File: 7 KB, 539x444, bellbag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tanish/gold fabric circle. Sew red string in and out in a circle pattern. Paint brown star on. Pull the strings to tighten. Wrap the strings around where they're threaded to make the a solid band of red. Probably add some tassels to the ends of the string. Done.

>> No.6943315

I got ya, google D&D dice bags for really good tutorials for these sorts of bags.

>> No.6943326

Thank you very much for your help.
I'm from /g/ so this really isn't my domain.

>> No.6943796

What are you cosplaying from Animal Crossing? Or do you just want the bell bag for decoration and fun?

>> No.6943798

Here's one that's not totally 3D, but could work

>> No.6945212

Does anyone have the tutorial for using polystyrene bases for shapes in wigs? Thought I had it but can't seem to find it anywhere.

>> No.6945236

I need good tutorials of kimono for my Tomoe cosplay, does anyone have?

>> No.6945285
File: 87 KB, 246x225, Screen shot 2013-07-01 at 6.02.41 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this reminds me of that kawaii uguu titan

>> No.6945669

does anyone have a good tutorial for styling bangs on a wig? looking to change them from straight to side-swept

>> No.6945738

brush bangs to side, congratulations.

>> No.6946181
File: 625 KB, 650x2200, rit color dye chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6948222
File: 1.05 MB, 900x3857, 1357270471875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone have tuts on binding medium to large sized chests with closed shirts?