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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6928754 No.6928754 [Reply] [Original]

Continued from the last thread.

Let's discuss:
> What Homestuck cosplays are you working on right now?
> What Homestuck cosplays do you have planned, and for when?

Me, I'll get around to a Dirk Strider cosplay in his various outfits, I'll start once my wig comes in and I figure out where to get a good pair of glasses. Everyone gets them from Akujinscos, but the Mini Black ones aren't angled / shaped properly, and the bigger ones are just too big.

>> No.6928776

Old thread

>> No.6928777

damn it >>6922748

>> No.6928780

I personally think the glasses from Akujinscos are just fine. The angle is hardly off. Besides, the actual shape of his glasses is kind of ugly. They'd follow the "just because it looks ok in the comic doesn't mean it'll translate into real life flatteringly" rule.

>> No.6928784

The angle is off because it's angled lower than how it's supposed to be, so it almost looks like just one flat line. And, I have seen two pairs of these glasses irl, and while they look okay, it's going to bug the hell out of me because I know they're not exactly canonically angled and shaped.

>> No.6928830
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Putting together tunics for some Derseite soldiers today.

>> No.6928967

Unless you plan on lasering them yourself, Akujinscos are probably the best option.

>> No.6929010
File: 174 KB, 720x960, animegacon_2012___jade_harley_by_koaru_chii-d5csj05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently working on dead Aradia, Meenah, and Godtier Jade! I'm hoping to do Peixes bingo and maybe Callie Ohpeee someday.

>> No.6929091
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Working on a God Tier trickster John

>> No.6929113

working on meenah and that's about it. most of my costumes for my next con aren't homestuck, surprisingly enough

>> No.6929130
File: 183 KB, 600x450, dress of eclex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for some opinions, HSG. Would you rather see a Dress of Eclectica with the skirt silhouette on the left or on the right? (pardon the scribbliness, I was getting increasingly drinky throughout the night)

Looks exciting! Are you going with a platoon?

>> No.6929143

Right. It looks better as part of a casual set and is actually accurate. Maybe if you wanted a bit of both/some personalisation, you could make the top layer a little longer, and add a sweetheart neckline or something?

>> No.6929147

The right.

Working on a shits-n-giggles crossover cosplay (gotta learn to sew somehow), plus if I have time before Otakon I should polish my WV cosplay a little. That's it for this year, though in the future I'd like to do some Problem Sleuth cosplay, Aradia, maybe avenge my shitty first cosplay of Kanaya...

>> No.6929190
File: 5 KB, 151x243, JadeDress.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is actually accurate
My personal uncertainty actually arose since there had been talk in HSG previously about how the top tier on the Eclectica dress should be bubbled into the second tier, since it's hard to tell with the sprite image. I do prefer the silhouette on the right, though, since it'll look better with my body shape. Thanks for the input!

>> No.6929222

Guys, all of these cosplays are inaccurate because when they stand there, they have no arms.

A dedicated cosplayer would chop their arms off.

>> No.6929242

And on top of that, there are no white cosplayers.

And I don't mean caucasian, I mean as white as snow. Since there are no polar white, ampuated Homestuck cosplays, no good Homestuck cosplays exist... what a shame.

>> No.6929256

I'm disappointed.

>> No.6929274
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>> No.6929273

Can you guys please kill yourselves?
You and bronies are the fucking cancer of cons.

>> No.6929279

She still has her arms. Tsk, tsk. Plus, she looks more undead / like a ghost than anything.

>> No.6929281
File: 13 KB, 243x271, Screen Shot 2013-06-23 at 7.11.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /hsg/ I am a long time lurker, I almost never post, but since I know you guys tend to like to see normal dreamer outfits, I thought I'd ask..My sig other and I are planning on doing Dreamer Cronus and Aranea this summer. I have a good idea of what I am doing, I am just wondering if anyone had any tips on the "tube" collar part. There is a tutorial I found, but it doesn't go into the "filling". I was thinking of just making the tube and putting some rolled up batting in it to keep the shape. Any ideas/suggestions?

Also, since the Dancestors don't have their dreamer outfits shown officially, I was going to go off the standard Derse and Prospit, using the skirt version for Aranea, since it is what Vriska has. But I've been toying with the idea of making the skirt with the edges of her blue default skirt, though. Sound good/bad/indifferent?

Thank you muchly!

>> No.6929299

She has the shapeless body and lack-of-neck down, just like Homestuck characters do, but those arms have to go.

>> No.6929316 [DELETED] 

You even had he decency to sage. How polite.

>> No.6929323

2edgy4me, pls go.

>> No.6929333

fucking horns

>> No.6929337

So, what do you all think of Derse Dreamers who go for the more royal / deep purple shade as opposed to the more accurate pink-purple shade for their outfits?

The former does represent the colour of Derse well, but the actual outfits the characters wear lean more towards the latter. Some make the former work quite nicely, like those two Striders at Katsu (I think one of them was gomu...?) that people tend to post.

Question is though, what looks better? Go for accuracy of the outfits, or go for the accuracy of representing the colour of Derse?

Prospit Dreamers have it easier... they just have to be dressed in yellow.

>> No.6929364


Personally I'd rather see somebody in a costume made of something nice that's off color than a shade accurate broadcloth mess. Purples are hard, and with dense it's not like the gauze/eridan difference where a few shades off is actually a huge deal.

>> No.6929390

Eridan's dreamer outfit has his cape and scarf, so you could probably get away with Aranea's skirt.
Derse magenta is actually a pain in the ass to find as far as fabric goes, and I only had to do a carapace cosplay. I can't fault dreamers for purple; it gets the point across.

>> No.6929400

Magenta! That's the name of the colour... I kept calling it pink-purple every time. Which it is, but I now know it has an actual name.

But yeah, it's just, as
mentioned, I was wondering how big of a deal it would be since finding the right shades of a colour (usually purple in this case, both with Eridan, and the Derse colours, and what do you know, Eridan is also a Derse dreamer).

On a sort of related note, I can't find ANY good blue shirt for John, because I can't find any in the right, exact shade of blue. They either end up being too light or too dark of a shade, and the symbol doesn't contrast with it enough to stand out, and I can't resort to just making the symbol white since... well, it's not white. What do?

>> No.6929405

Hey HSG, I painted my shoes for God Tier John a few days ago using yellow and blue acrylic paint, but when I had them on earlier to walk around and break them in, the blue started flaking and peeling cleanly away from the rubber lining around the sole. If I repainted with fabric paint, would that solve my problem? Anyone know why this is happening?

>> No.6929422

You probably didn't seal the paint. I read on homestuckcosplayhelp that clear nail polish can do the trick and seal the paint, although I've yet to try it myself and I don't know if anyone else has. But in all likelihood, if you simply just painted it on and didn't have any way of sealing it and protecting it from scratches and rubbing, well... it leads to scratches and rubbing, I imagine.

>> No.6929426

I sprayed the shoes all over with a sealant I bought at Michaels. I was thinking maybe the flexing of the shoe on the rubber - as opposed to the canvas body, where the yellow was - was making the paint loosen and peel off? But I'm not sure.

>> No.6929486

Nail polish would be a good way to go. I've got to touch up my god tier John shoes myself, I was stupid enough to think that modge podge was a good enough sealant.

>> No.6929513

I think that having jagged edges like on Aranea's skirt would be cute.I don't think anyone's going to get mad at you for adding that detail.

>> No.6929533

Does anyone have an opinion on Amphigory's wigs? I found a wig that looks like it could work well for Roxy, but I'm unsure of the quality.

>> No.6929543

Amphigory is averageish quality. Kanekalon fiber but not heat resistant for most, and don't expect a wig with a huge amount of fiber like something from Arda. Also do not order from them unless you don't need the wig for at least a month - their shipping times are absolutely nuts despite being in the USA. That being said they do carry several different lines, so the quality can vary.

>> No.6929556

The one on the right.

Hero mode, anon. Hero mode.

>> No.6929712

I am is happy someone is doing this. Pls post more progress pics as you take them <3

>> No.6929918

I'm pretty sure in the huge Vriska vs Meenah showdown Aranea was shown to have the exact same outfit as Vriska. Maybe the little detail wouldn't be bad, but don't make it as short as Aranea's other dresses.

For the collar, try paneling it like a scarf, but make it a complete circle, sewing it shut into a tube (you'll have a raw edge here; leave a little opening), stuffing it with poly/cotton stuffing, closing the opening, then using the raw edge to sew it to the top.

>> No.6929921

You're thinking of gomugomugodhead and dersedreamer. I think it's okay to go for a more royal colour, but make sure you buy your different shades of purple together and they actually look NICE together. There's no real wrong way for letting loose of canon a bit and going for something more visually appealing.

>> No.6929923

hero of breath blues doesn't exists. it's just such weird blues.

>> No.6929987

yeah i think the biggest issue with derse dreamers is that everyone seems to end up with just
awful colors
and it really ruins any other appeal the costume might have, design or craftsmanship-wise

(sage because eh i'm not contributing much)

>> No.6930310
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If you could change one thing about the homestuck community what would it be?

>> No.6930347


Push the average age up by at least 3 years

>> No.6930377

At the moment, I need to get some more supplies to work on Dave Strider and a few of his outfits. I plan to redo my Gamzee especially a big change with makeup. Probably going to do both of them at AWA

>> No.6930385


>requiring any work at all

oh please.

>> No.6930387

Go back in time and kill Hussie, so it never exists in the first place.

That and never make the trolls gray. I'm so sick of gray bodypaint.

>> No.6930401

Because wig styling for someone relatively new to cosplaying is no work at all

>> No.6930448

Did Heaven ever pay anyone back or did the drama die down enough for her to go back to doing nothing?

>> No.6930465

It just happened 3 days ago. If Heaven refunded anyone that quickly, I'd be surprised.

>> No.6930467

What do, then? Am I just going to have to keep finding different shades of blue and hope that it looks okay enough?

Yup, gomugomugodhead and dersedreamer, their Derse Dreamer Striders were very nice and in fact, are sort of what I want to go for, since I want to be Derse Dreamer Dirk.

See, I read in a previous thread that the colours are important, and that they should also compliment your skin colour. Somebody with lighter skin like gomugomugodhead and dersedreamer would look nice in the royal purple, but I've got tanned skin, so I think it was suggested that the more canonical magenta would look nicer.

>> No.6930485

Does anyone have the picture of all the complaints against her? I didn't save it when I had the chance.

>> No.6930489
File: 519 KB, 1618x1630, 1371800622986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't save the updated version of it. I just have the original

>> No.6930524

Make sure they actually read the fucking comic.

>> No.6930540

That if there's a problem with someone, tell them there's a problem and work things out as opposed to bitching to others about it.

This could go with any other community, group, or social gathering really, but being in a Homestuck community, I've noticed this happen.

>> No.6930553

Has anyone ever tried to grey up using liquid latex? I'm looking into buying some for a non-Homestuck cosplay this year and given that you can paint your entire body with it, there's bound to be someone out there who's done it, right?

>> No.6930581
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>> No.6930584
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not sure what I'm looking at

>> No.6930588
File: 804 KB, 500x804, hs__real_dandy_by_princekarakuri-d6a6aqr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6930589

Cosplay community-wise I'd go back in time and make every single person sit through an instructional video on how to respect con and volunteer staff.

And then make them work as volunteer staff and let them see if they like immature people who don't know shit about how the real world works bitch about ~con security 2 mean~ and ~we won't listen to you~ and ~not my property who cares if I get it grey~.

Nothing pisses me off more than this fucking attitude. Nothing. But I can't tell if its just the HS community full of these assholes or if its a case of "kids nowadays".

>> No.6930636

Do what anon said for the derse and apply it to the breath colours. Just buy your colours together and make sure they look good /together/ and against your skin tone.

Try to start searching with over a month to make the cosplay, or ask the employees when they restock their store and go right after.

>> No.6930643

If you've ever heard of a thing called PAX it's kinda like liquid latex. It's a liquid based skin adhesive called Pros-Aid that you mix 1:1 with nontoxic acrylic paint. It peels off instead of rubbing off, but you have to look out for cracks anywhere the skin crinkles, and it's discouraged to use on your face.

I did have one friend who cosplayed Zombie from Hanna is Not a Boy's name, who used some standard body paint on their arms (not sure if it's Ben Nye or Kryolan or what) and then used liquid latex on their hands. I'm not sure if they mean actual liquid latex or just PAX.

>> No.6930651

Buying the colours together basically means you'll buy the right shades that look good together as far as the outfit goes, but then making sure it'll look good with your skin colour is also just as important, right? Just to reiterate. Even then, I wouldn't be showing much skin anyway... just my hands and face. But what'll matter is that it's still something that will either compliment or contrast nicely, or if it's something that'll conflict, right?

>> No.6930662

Saturated blues are surprisingly tough; I've got a MLP cosplay in the works that skews a little more purple than canon because I needed to match three blues in the same sort of fabric and not have them look too assy together. The best thing you can do is use one color to find the other; once you have a decent symbol cyan, carry it around to compare to the cornflower blue or whatever you'll need for the shirt. At least since you only need a symbol and shirt your options are pretty open as far as fabric goes.

I've also dyed applique fabric before, but I had easier colors to work with.

>> No.6930685

If I had the power of a god I would arrange the fandom in a pyramid of intellectuality and then slice the bottom layers off.
Not only does the fandom need to get sized down, but I also don't think homestuck gets the respect it deserves in relation to what a very intellectual piece of literature it actually is. It is a very interesting work in terms of storytelling and similar and I think it's a shame how that gets constantly forgotten.

>> No.6930701

>very intellectual piece of literature
>very interesting
>constantly forgotten

>> No.6930704

ok anon does sound like a pretentious douche but I have no idea wtf this greentext is meant to be implying

>> No.6930708

The anon above seems to imply that Homestuck is a very intellectual piece of literature, they're implying that it's very interesting, and they're implying that Homestuck is constantly forgotten.

The idiots of the fandumb will make sure nobody ever forgets it, and this isn't a good thing.

>> No.6930715

oh no
the cosplay isn't half bad otherwise, I mean the wig could be bigger but sheesh

>> No.6930728

I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be looking for. The boots? The feminine figure?

>> No.6930809
File: 421 KB, 500x714, 1358469942314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not sure what anyone is implying anymore but you can't deny Homestuck has lost a lot of its potential cultural contribution or whatever due to morons in the fandom.

>> No.6930837

I'm not sure if it would have ever had a huge effect on society, but I guess i can agree that the shitty fandom has kind of ruined it for everyone else.

>> No.6930843

I think that they're trying to say that it's an intellectual piece of literature, and really interesting, but the fandom and everyone else seem to forget that and just gets to the "YAOIZ XD" or something irreverent

>> No.6930854

I think that they're implying that it's an intellectual piece of literature, and really interesting.

And the fandom and everyone else will not let anyone forget that because of the "HOT YAOIZ HURR".

>> No.6930855


There's a lot of innovative stuff in it with regards to formatting and expounding on the "web" part of webcomics and will probably be pretty influential wrt all that regardless but any of the interesting narrative/meta textual stuff that would be nice to see as a legacy is firmly lost under a sea of streaky gray ham beasts. Unfortunate.

>> No.6930863

>implying that Homestuck is innovative
>implying that it will be influential, ever
Even without the fandumb, you make it sound like Homestuck is good. It's just another subpar webcomic, nothing influential in the slightest.

>> No.6930872

I think my implications were more along the lines of >>6930843
's interpretation.
I mean seriously just sit down for a bit and analyze the way Hussie is telling the story because hot damn.

>> No.6930873

I'm not sure if I see it as influential as the other anon does, but I do see their point.

It's certainly better than a lot of the random schlock that the webcomic craze created and the writing and format are fairly interesting.

>> No.6930933


I'm not arguing that its GOOD, but that it did a lot of new things in a well executed way (merging panels and music, incorporating so much animation, the game mechanics embedded in the page controls). A lot of the genre has been stuck in a very print-based format, Homestuck is something that can only exist as a whole online. Already, other webcomics are picking up on that stuff and using it. In THAT way, it in influential.

But yeah the characters/plots/jokes not so much I'll give you that nobody's going to remember some weird gray sprite characters in three years.

>> No.6930947

Oh, okay, so you see it more as an influence in terms of literally breaking the format in some cases, like... in a recent update, John escapes into the wind and actually leaves the panel, no, he leaves the site itself as the trails of wind go off screen, and then in another recent flash, all glitchy and messy, featuring Jade and Jane, shows the panel window moving and resizing as it needed, just like some moments in Cascade.

That sort of thing, is what you're talking about, right?

In terms of the content itself, it's just a lot like Kingdom Hearts, I see it as, anyway.

>> No.6930953


>>>/co/ is that way

>> No.6930954


Yeah that sort of thing, all the stuff that "breaks" the edges of the comic box you'd have if it was a print comic, etc.

>> No.6930963

Homestuck has ruined me for trainwreck cosplay. Costumes at a normal level of ugly and lazy no longer entertain or phase me, it has to be a complete and utter disaster to be worth laughing at.

/r/ing the worst HS cosplays of all time

>> No.6930969

I also think the emphasis on chat logs is somewhat unique, and the parts where it pretty much turns into a visual novel or whatever those games are called.
I think it's more like Digimon than Kingdom Hearts, though it's not really much like either. "Kids on the edge of pubescence have crazy adventures in ridiculous outfits" is a pretty common genre though.

>> No.6930977
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Not to mention the way Hussie incorporates himself as a character, maybe that has been done before but how he utilises his hypothetical place as the author as well as the website itself as a storytelling tool is very interesting to me.

Things like the "treasure" Vriska found as well as her communication with Hussie, how the site changed when Doc Scratch, Caliborn and the Tricksters overtook the narrative...

Sorry, I just cleaned my folders. Posting some dreamers, I think.

What really sold me when I was starting homestuck was the comparsion to The Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy.
The story isn't very much alike but especially in the beginning the humour is a bit similar.

>> No.6930981
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I believe these were the dreamer Striders talked about upthread?

>> No.6930985
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>> No.6930986

I'm pretty fond of HHGG and that never occurred to me (and for a while as a teen I would read any webcomic that made an HHGG reference). The misattributed quotes remind me of it most, now that you mention it.

>> No.6930988

Not gonna lie, I'm amused at the fact that the Hussiebot is a literal Deus Ex Machina.

>> No.6931001

Yup, gomugomugodhead and dersedreamer, two pretty good Striders and pretty good Dreamers who I look up to. I'd want my Derse Dreamer outfit to look as well done as dersedreamer's is, but my issue are the colours, especially since I'm not white like they are.

>> No.6930999
File: 365 KB, 500x333, 1358385914754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll mix some canon and fancy dreamers, not sure what is QT and not from the thumbnails though.

I kind of need to reread homestuck actually, just to better appriciate the jokes and small things rather than trying to comprehend the story in itself like I did first time I read it, but from the top of my head the seemingly misplaced humour seems to appear in both HS and HHGG.

Yeah. Along with making himself a character, essentially making nothing in homestuck canon.

>> No.6931008
File: 391 KB, 1000x667, 1368044813996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh man, I would really like to see how you manage to solve it, because violet will be a bitch. Personally I would go by "does it look good and reasonable" rather than "does it look canon".

Good luck man.

>> No.6931011
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>> No.6931012
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>> No.6931015
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Why are all the dreamers Dersite.
C'mon guys, contribute. I don't have a lot.

>> No.6931016
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>> No.6931018
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>> No.6931019

See, I'm getting the outfit commissioned, but I'll be meeting with my commissioner in about two weeks so we can discuss how this thing will go down. I'm still leaning towards the more canon magenta since I read that it'll look nicer against tanned skin as opposed to the royal purple (violet? That's the name, right?), but at least until then I can still gather some insight.

Also, I'm not really digging that wig, but I love those glasses. See, I was also talking about the ones from Akujinscos earlier, and the pair everyone gets from there aren't angled as canonically as those ones are, nor as they as big (or at least, the bigger ones are too huge and still more suited for Kamina, maybe Bro as they're meant to as opposed to Dirk). Thankfully somebody told me about a store from Store Envy and I tried to link to it but... I got banned? They were properly shaped though and they were from Lightning And Lace I think, I was meaning to ask if anyone else had such a pair but I wasn't able to due to the ban (which I'm still not sure why it happened).

>> No.6931023
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>> No.6931026

Why are the colours black?

>> No.6931028
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That wig makes me sad.

Depends on how warm/cold your skintone is, I don't know the exact metrics but yeah. About glasses, I don't cosplay Striders so I don't know.

No idea.
Maybe some sort of "post revolution" or just bad shooping. Maybe the colours were off and they just went fuck it and shooped it grey instead.

>> No.6931030
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>> No.6931033

There's something very fitting about John having a rubber nose.

>> No.6931036
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>> No.6931043
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>> No.6931051

Aside from the thin makeup and those rather lame horns I am liking this sollux a lot. source?

>> No.6931052
File: 617 KB, 600x900, tumblr_mihiq2E4fk1qf6qkjo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6931056


>> No.6931073

there's like two seconds in a couple flashes where there's a flash of lightning and it makes dirk's dreamer outfit look black and white

>> No.6931082

Something from "prince is dead/shit is wrecked", I believe.

>> No.6931089

>prince is dead
prince is awake

>> No.6931112

Quite right.

>> No.6931125


When I made a dreamer, I made the collar in the most annoying way possible but I think it turned out looking ok. What I did was cut out several strips, I think... 12? Or 14? Maybe more of the same length of the colors of the collar (was Prospit, so light yellow/white) each about an inch and a half thick. Sewed them all together, stuffed it generously with polyfill, and sewed it directly onto the collar. It took a long time but I think the result was worth it.

>> No.6931164

does anyone have any good dreamer eridans, since we're posting dreamers now

>> No.6931176

There are no good Eridans, let alone Dreamer Eridans.

>> No.6931183

You are so tiring.

>> No.6931188

If you say it at least once in every single thread, it'll come true.

>> No.6931191

But it is true.

>> No.6931203

What's a good cheap way to do god tier wings? I've finished the rest of the costume but this has me stumped.

>> No.6931212

Pretty sure a bunch of people proved you wrong last thread but keep on dreaming.

>> No.6931219

HSG creates a bad eridan tulpa.

>> No.6931302
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>> No.6931305


oh shit forgot text
/r/ing good 3am jades

>> No.6931371
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>> No.6931515
File: 52 KB, 720x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>found a bikini and it looked like something a captor would wear ;u;

>> No.6931524

messy as fuck room/10

At least push some shit aside before taking selfies girls.

>> No.6931535

No, you're getting it confused with "there are no great Feferis". There are a few great Eridans. I mean, yeah, there aren't very many, but there are at least good Eridans out there.

>> No.6931537

Seconding this... I've thought about a thin/see-through material around wire, as that seems to be the best-looking, but what fabric and how would I do it?

>At least push some shit aside before taking selfies girls
and boys.

>> No.6931543


I like this tutorial.

>> No.6931542

I personally think there are a few decent Feferis but people seem to be especially nitpicky with her and it always dissolves into the "glasses vs goggles" debate.

>> No.6931551

It's the fact that the seadwellers have so many bells and whistles, such as their jewelry, accessories, fins, finding the right glasses, getting a good wig, getting the right colours (particularly the shade of purple for Eridan's cape and hair).

You could say the last three about any character really, but they're especially important for the seadwellers for... some reason. Because they're royalty and they must look as such, I suppose.

>> No.6931557

Of course there are decent Fefs, but there aren't any 'great' ones. Although, I have seen some promising WIPs. We need some new, good Eridans.
>Let's all get to work

>> No.6931579

Speaking of "no good-", I've never seen a good Signless (or Disciple really; I've seen DM's, but I just don't think she suits her). Anyone know of any?

>> No.6931586
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>> No.6931605

Jane and Terezi's symbols are invisible, although Jane's collar looks okay. That's the only okay thing about it, though. Everything else is here... eh. That unstyled Dirk wig is especially eh.

>> No.6931610
File: 566 KB, 200x133, 1370733119882.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a pattern. yellow purple faggot purple faggot faggot faggot

>> No.6931626
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>> No.6931629

I just don't know why Terezi has no pants??

>> No.6931642
File: 2 KB, 171x233, Terezidream2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because they're shown as leggings in the sprite??

>> No.6931656

I mean't passable* signlesses. She's just too short and feminine. Her male makeup is ok but could also be improved. Her cosplay is fantastic though, don't get me wrong, I just wish she looked like a guy.

>> No.6931665

Those look more like tights though, they're far from opaque.

>> No.6931672

but not pants, which is my point

>> No.6931675

I'd rather see tights like on the Terezi than pants like on the Roxy.

>> No.6931686

My point is actual leggings would be better, rather than transparent tights? Now it just looks like she's pantless.

>> No.6931710


I've never seen really manly looking sufferers whose costumes weren't shit, all the really good ones have girl faces. It sucks.

>> No.6931712

The Roxy is wearing leggings, though? Not pants.

Literally the only difference between leggings and tights is transparency, while pants relates to cut.

>> No.6931742

/r/ing critique on this roxy?

>> No.6931750

I think the legwarmer mess on Roxy makes them seem more like pants.

>> No.6931752

Fucking shit 1/10 would not make fun of because it's not worth the effort.

>> No.6931780

I can't even tell which is which.

>> No.6931782

What's a good tutorial for horns?

>> No.6931784

>Style the curl into the wig.
>The pants/leggings look...odd. Try for more form fitting.
>Collar looks good, the sleeves could be a little more "circular" instead of "droopy bags." Think perky princess sleeves.
>Stray away from th typical Lalonde-black lipstick.
>Change the shape of the tunic to be more flattering to your trunk.

I don't want to go insanely in-depth though...

>> No.6931792

thank you! i will keep in mind for next time.

>> No.6931811
File: 1003 KB, 1218x972, tumblr_m4tbj40FN11qiv8wqo6_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dumping male sufferers of questionable quality

>> No.6931813
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>> No.6931815
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>> No.6931816
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>> No.6931817
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This was a bad idea. That's enough.

>> No.6931818 [DELETED] 
File: 169 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mody7oqQ7H1r35os0o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only two good sufferers IMO and both are obviously girls. The many ones all have 2 yard cape syndrome.

>> No.6931823
File: 169 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mody7oqQ7H1r35os0o4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's only two good sufferers IMO and both are obviously girls. The manly ones all have 2 yard cape syndrome.

>> No.6931853


inb4 cowbuttcrunchies and vantasticmess

Neither of them did the canon design either

>> No.6931854

>2 yard cape syndrome
Wide or long?

>> No.6931872

inb4 arguments over what parts of a black silhouette are canon.

>> No.6931895
File: 1.78 MB, 700x1050, god_tier_jade_by_a_c_photography-d69s6kd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like >>6929543 said, Amphigory varies since they don't have their own wig brand. If you're worried, just see what line the wig's from then run a google search on it + 'wig review'.

I think a couple threads on the rest of the board got spammed with store links so the janitor just ban listed the url. And I forgot to mention that I got banned for trying to link to it the first time, so oops.
But what information are you after? I owned a pair in grey, which I sold to a friend, but I still have a red pair because I haven't stopped to try to sell them yet.

>> No.6931912

Oh, perfect! I just wanted to ask if the middle part with the screws and plastic piece was too noticeable, and like, nobody would be able to see your eyes, right? On top of that, it IS described as grey, as opposed to just black, so that sort of worries me. And I wanted to ask if the size was okay. It looks pretty good otherwise, in terms of the shape, so I'm really considering getting it as opposed to the pair everyone gets from akujinscos.

>> No.6931946

You come in every fucking thread pointing out that you don't want those glasses from Akujinscos. We get it. They really aren't that bad.

>> No.6931950

They aren't. I just don't want them. I'm still looking for insight for alternatives, that's all.

>> No.6931991
File: 86 KB, 600x900, knight_of_time_by_giraffechan-d688hfz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, green texting because tired
>lighter than Aku's (his're actually transparent black acrylic), but look off-black when worn
>opaque enough to hide your eyes, unless in low light or lite from behind on a side
>screws are always noticeable, but easily fixed w/nailpolish

The surface area is only a tad bit more than Aku's, but the angles make them better for average faces, as I've said before.
So they're the best fit since you're worried about the Mini's sizing.

>> No.6932014

When you say off black, what do you mean exactly? And, for the screws, I just use black nail polish to cover it up?

Aside from that, they sound great, and I'll look into getting them when they restock.

>> No.6932024

If you're really worried about the darkness of the glasses, you could try getting transparent black enamel spray/window tint. Testors works really well, you just do thin coats until it's dark enough for you. Caution on it though, you don't want it so dark that you can't see indoors.

>> No.6932031

i dont care at all about that dave but i'd love to see more pictures of the zillyhoo in the background

>> No.6932032

...Why? It looks pretty sub-par.

>> No.6932034
File: 74 KB, 640x960, kigustucking_it__by_fishboneth1-d67rgot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They look black until you stand next to something true black.
And yeah, just dab a little on and they'll blend in.

Also >>6932024 has sound advice. If you don't have the steady hand for spray, you can get window tint film from local auto stores or the internet.

>> No.6932035

are you kidding? so you can see the striations of the cardboard they likely made it out of, big deal. that silhouette is exponentially better than what most zillyhoos have.

>> No.6932037

Alright, I'll take it all into consideration. Thanks so much for the info, apologies for pretty much always asking in each thread, I just want to get insight and information on how I'll handle with Dirk's glasses.

>> No.6932040

...Source on that Rose?

>> No.6932043

I'm >>6932024 , window tint film works but it kind of sucks to use, if you're not /extremely/ careful it has bubbles or has a rough edge. I'd go with spray either way, I shake a lot and it still works fine without being blotchy.

>> No.6932046
File: 65 KB, 1000x667, kigustuck_jade_and_rose_by_miirumiru-d67p4j5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oooh, I've only heard good things about the film, but I've never touched it so thanks!

>> No.6932155
File: 1.01 MB, 320x240, tumblr_movxfbGV8S1s6nh69o1_400[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're welcome.

>> No.6932162


>> No.6932188 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6932192
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No, no, you're welcome.

>> No.6932195


>> No.6932344
File: 46 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m4gd7mngFw1qc309yo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face automatically made me think of this guy

>> No.6932347
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>I can make your nips stir

>> No.6932356

Why is he crying?

>> No.6932422


>replying to cowbuttcrunchies pic

>> No.6932586
File: 116 KB, 499x750, tumblr_mit62qAGrN1ro0exso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather see a great costume on someone with the wrong face type or a noncanon design than the other way around. What's your opinion, CGL? Since we get so much "there's no good *insert character here*" whining, what's your checklist for quality HS cosplay?

>> No.6932605

I'm thinking of buying two shirts from the official Topatoco shirts, just for more casual outings and meets, for Dave and John.

Should I get their shirts in white, or coloured (Red for Dave, light blue for John)? What looks better?

>> No.6932615


the horses left the stable a long time ago with homestuck and noncanon designs, at this point I'd just like to see more of them be well made and thoughtfully designed (more street stuck less Mookie's Jfashion disasters).

nobody can help their face so as long as their makeup and contouring etc well done and clean its hard to fault people for not matching some random asshole's headcanon

>> No.6932670

I like the colored ones more, personally. I think the white ones are a waste of money. You could just make them yourself.

>> No.6932707

Makes sense. Coloured ones it is then.

>> No.6932794

white ones look cleaner, crisper, and more "canon" imo.
be careful to not get them dirty, obviously. but at the end of the day it's 100% what is your headcanon.

>> No.6932803
File: 8 KB, 650x450, ps001.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Problem Sleuth wearing a suit or a sports coat? I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be the latter, but with its MS Paint art it's hard to tell.

>> No.6932837
File: 55 KB, 900x600, psleuth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a suit mang, the guy's a smart-dressed detective. My bro did a Problem Sleuth cosplay, have that for reference.

>> No.6932852

White are better. Colored doesn't really even look like cosplay to me for some reason. I just hate most adds of color, especially to the shirts.

>> No.6932855

Why would he be wearing a sports coat? It's not the latter, or supposed to be, it's the former.

>> No.6932866
File: 938 KB, 320x240, tumblr_moynupijvF1rkgs1eo2_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has gotta be the most annoying askblog of them all while going through the tag.

>> No.6932870

What the fuck is that?

>> No.6932875

my guess is ginger dave.

>> No.6932873

Because of the collar. In >>6932837 the collar on the suit doesn't seem like it goes down far enough. I was thinking something more like http://www.amazon.com/FLATSEVEN-Stylish-Peaked-Blazer-BJ200/dp/B00BGLA4P8/ref=sr_1_8?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1372184299&sr=1-8&keywords=white+sports+coat

I guess the two are interchangeable enough though that it doesn't really matter all that much. Thanks for the advice though, you all.

>> No.6932874
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>> No.6932877
File: 995 KB, 500x706, 4f897c1ac3a59febcd165cca134466c3-d6aicq3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugly. That's what it is.

>> No.6932882

Is this... even Homestuck...?

>> No.6932884
File: 322 KB, 1024x1535, abc3__equius___aradia_cosplay_by_beincraban-d6ag9zf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932881
File: 284 KB, 900x1200, 8_d_hehehe__by_swankified_squeegee-d5nkhcu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932887
File: 380 KB, 1024x1529, dat_ass_by_pony_untastic-d6ai4gh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932886
File: 129 KB, 1024x683, can_you_just_for_a_moment____by_princelingcat-d69ack2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932890
File: 935 KB, 1000x1506, hs___vriska_by_ayuru_chan-d6a7y34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932888
File: 1.91 MB, 951x1874, flying_by_jufix-d6agps9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932889
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>> No.6932892

What is even happening with those wings?

>> No.6932891
File: 169 KB, 900x1404, i_said_kneel__motherfucker_by_princelingcat-d5qz3j7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6932893

Personally, I like them. What is wrong with them?

>> No.6932901

They're choppy cardboard

>> No.6932908
File: 527 KB, 1024x695, vriska__that_is_highly_inappropriate_by_welcometomyworldvxi-d4jxtav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't bother to zoom it. I still think they're fine. Much better than the ocean of wings like pic related.

>> No.6932911
File: 139 KB, 600x446, b439bc5d171269cb8c74cb1ce1be6a67.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example of why cellophane is a bad choice unless you really know how and aren't going to fuck it up horribly.

>> No.6932916

these are the laziest things i've ever seen. it drives me so insane it makes me so mad. same goes for any other dumb 'au' shit where you literally just put on a random outfit you own, then put on your kid wig and call it that character.

Am I the only one who gets so incredibly angry at this shit? It's usually 'pastelgrungestuck' that drives me so insane. The character designs for the kids are so simple, you can't change shit because then it's literally not the character anymore. just putting on a long black wig and glasses doesn't make it a fucking jade cosplay. Christ.

>> No.6932917

The concept is fine, but they could have made it much cleaner (the cardboard ones)

>> No.6932922

The cellophane does turn out bad 90% of the time, though

>> No.6932924

I've been into the BDSM scene for 5 years and I always laugh really hard at these girls who dress up like Dave and try to look like a Dom

it's just really funny

>> No.6932927

There are lazier, I mean, have you even seen
At least these girls are pretty.

>> No.6932929
File: 40 KB, 500x667, why this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people think this kind of thing would even look good?

>> No.6932934
File: 678 KB, 1482x1140, vriska_serket_god_tier_wings_by_anniina85-d4nh0v6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cellophane done right. I still prefer transparent fabric for wings though.

Yeah. I still think it's alright, though, honestly. Their whole costume looks kind of mediocre anyway. Their wings don't look bad, is all I'm saying. It's better to tackle things at your own skill level, which I am guessing is why they didn't try to make pic related with their fabric. (Maybe just laziness, though, who knows. Still would've came out shitty if they were.)


>> No.6932939

Wow those are gorgeous

>> No.6932940

actually i think the girls are worse because people will lick their ecunts because they're pretty, and hail it as great cosplay when it's not even fucking anything. at least no one is paying attention to that guy.

>> No.6932942

Fatty cosplaying, why would they do that.
It doesn't look good and isn't fun for anyone.

>> No.6932946

Requesting more beautiful god tier wings

>> No.6932947

A lot of people are paying attention to that guy, and it's annoying to see him clog the tag with his dumb shit ask blog. It's all retarded, though. The tumblr fandom is mostly like that.

>> No.6932952
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>> No.6932966

oh my god are you actually serious

Never before have i ever seen a fandom that's so obsessed with mediocracy. The Homestuck fandom is the only fandom that I've ever seen that tells people that not putting effort into something and not trying to better yourself is better than improving and growing.

absolutely disgusting.

i bet i could smear myself in shit, put on a black wig, call it 'aradia excavation cosplay!!' and people would say it was great

>> No.6932967

Not gonna lie I want to see this and see how people react

>> No.6932977

I have more problems with the "HMM I'll just wear a grey bodysuit and make myself into an amorphous blob" bit than the "fatty" bit. Heavier cosplayers can look great with the right styling and costume choices.

>> No.6932984

>Heavier cosplayers looking great, ever

>> No.6933000

EXACTLY! And if they want to cosplay something but don't have the patience to do it right, they'll fall back on some dumb AU.
"uhh yeah,, I'm uhHHH onceler stuck!"

>> No.6933098

You guys should construct the shittiest, laziest closet troll/kid cosplays, say you're cosplaying from AUs, and spam the tags. I just want to see how people would react.

>> No.6933104


>> No.6933105

overweight = potentially decent
obese = NOPE

>the more you know

>> No.6933111

Everyone can agree that lazy closet wear with a wig is stupid. Where does the line go, though, between stupid excuse "AU" cosplay and "noncanon design costume". Is it when you're sewing something yourself?

There's a lot of AU designs I like but I don't want to get lumped in with >>6932046

>> No.6933136
File: 158 KB, 864x450, tumblr_m8xlfx4l371qb1o3bo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like it's worth mentioning that >>6932046 is actually based off a piece of popular fanart. They still had to go through the effort to make their kigus, so even if it's not a canon design, I feel as if it's nowhere near the atrocity of Ginger Dave up there. It might not be spectacular, but it's not barf-worthy either.

>> No.6933159

Someone says this literally every thread and it's annoying as hell. Your opinion is not law. Fat cosplayers can look fine if they know what flatters their body.

>> No.6933213

those barely look the same as the reference at all
oh my god

>> No.6933228

Well, the Jade looks okay compared to the reference.

>> No.6933334

welcome to /cgl/

>> No.6933431

>Fat people looking fine, ever

>> No.6933464
File: 60 KB, 640x480, 130625-181812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May I please request for some critique on this Hero of Breath shirt? I'm a little worried the two shades of blue don't contrast well enough, and I'd like a second opinion, wondering if I should try again and find another shirt. I feel like the shirt itself is fine but I'm guessing the symbol needs to be lighter.

>> No.6933475

i bury my aradia cosplay in my backyard after i'm done wearing it. then when the next con comes around, it's moldy and filled with dirt and worm holes which is accurate and canon because aradia rolls in dirt

>> No.6933485

Homestuck fandom is also the only fandom where I've seen people cosplay fanart. it's the dumbest concept imaginable. Maybe if people stopped cosplaying extremely easy costumes from fanart, and actually tried to put effort into the CANON OUTFITS THE CHARACTERS WEAR, there would be more good homestuck cosplay.

I know why they do it. Homestuck is a big fandom, and they want to be unique, so they cosplay some dumb AU instead of the actually outfits for attention. But the thing is, 99% of people cosplaying the canon outfits are shit. if you actually put effort into the canon outfits, you'd stand out a lot fucking more than just wearing a dumb cat suit with a rose wig and black lipstick.

>> No.6933492

On top of that, there's already tons of outfits available for all of the characters. That somehow still isn't enough for them, I guess.

>> No.6933501

'Well I COULD cosplay ironlass jade...

Or I could cosplay genderbent grimdark trickster trollstuck transstuck hemostuck 4chords OFFstuck toddlerstuck pastel grunge Jade lol. Now I'll stand out!'

>> No.6933514

Can I get some lipstick recommendations for Rose? I know not to do black, I was thinking about a dark purple or plum, but I'm not all that familiar with lipsticks.

>> No.6933534

I would reccomend you go to some sort of make up store. Be honest, say that you do not usually wear make up but that you need something dark. Bring some pictures of whatever outfit you will go with and ask them for help in choosing a good colour that suits the cosplay as well as your colours. The only problem is that you need to go to a bigger make up store because a lot of make up stores do not have "odd" lipstick colours in stock.

But that is the absolutely best way to find good make up if you are not familiar with it.

>> No.6933582
File: 47 KB, 363x696, tumblr_mh7dj1xEHj1qjzj7jo4_r2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those aren't even the right fucking references

>> No.6933590
File: 53 KB, 209x400, tumblr_mh7dj1xEHj1qjzj7jo2_r2_250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


HERE'S the right references jfc

>> No.6933592

what's everyone's beef against black?

>> No.6933596

symbol is WAY too fucking big. also imo the sleeves are too short but that's more personal preference.
i also think the collar to too close to your neck but your hood should hide it.
don't forget the slits on the side of the shirt.

>> No.6933602

It simply tends not to look very good, it smudges easily.
Personally I think that works on Rose who is a typical 13yo gothchick, but on Roxy I really prefer pinks over dark colours. Her lips can be heavily make up'ed but black simply doesn't suite her most of the time IMO.

>> No.6933677

I think it's absolutely hilarious how different the anons in HSG are. From "THE ANGLE IN THESE DIRK SHADES AREN'T RIGHT/THIS EXACT SHADE OF BLUE ISN'T ACCURATE/THIS PARTICULAR LOCK OF HAIR IS OVER THE SHOULDER AND THUS NOT CANON" to "eh disregard the sprites go with pink lips for Roxy bro it's chill."

>> No.6933694

Duly noted. I don't remember there being slits in the side of the shirt though? I thought it was just like, a regular shirt. Anyways, how are the colours, though?

Okay, pardon for wanting to be accurate and exact, or at least as close as possible, I thought you guys were all about that anyway. I never knew there was leeway for things like not getting the right shades of a colour down, even though many people have talked about that in regards to Eridan and well, Derse colours. It's the purples and blues, huh?

>> No.6933742

I feel like a lot of us don't give a Single Fuck if you don't have the exact shade of whatever as long as it's not too off or compliments your skintone/color palette of the entire costume, considering we all probably know how difficult it is to get these certain colors in fabrics/wigs/etc. It's always just that handful of assholes (the There Are No Good Eridans asshole, for example) that like to nitpick down to the shade of your contacts (an exaggeration, but you get the point).

So yeah, there's leeway. I really don't see the point in stressing yourself out over tiny details just to be 100% canon in a webcomic where the colors and lengths and shapes of the outfits can completely change depending on the panel -- John's GT shirt being a good example. His sprite doesn't have the slit in the sides, but a lot of his hero mode images do show it.

>> No.6933758

There is - check again.
There's some smaller ones on Dave too that most people miss.
Colours for breath are nigh impossible, I thought you did pretty well considering. Maybe making the symbol more vibrant and less pastel.

>> No.6933765
File: 327 KB, 1280x853, tumblr_moxb00AjeF1r0b3lno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone more on the latter side of the scale, it annoys the shit out of me sometimes when other anons unnecessarily rip apart those sorts of stupidly small details. HSG has probably always been like that, but the negative ones have just been louder as of late.

>> No.6933770

I kind of feel like it's not just the "There Are No Good Eridans" anon that feel like well, there are no good Eridans, or Feferis, and I sort of thought those two are the most difficult, especially Eridan with his different shades of purple. But, as you said, leeway is given because well, it's difficult to get exact or correct or matching shades, so it's okay to just come close? On top of that, it's hard to be exactly 100% canon since the shape, size, colours, etc do change in say, Hero Mode or different panels, right?

As for the Dirk and glasses one, I did kind of feel like everyone was just cool with Akujins glasses, but as a personal preference I would have wanted better angles. That's why I've been asking a lot about alternatives, and although I now know it's not really anybody else giving a damn, in fact people would have probably been a little miffed that I kept asking, so pardon me for that please.

I've checked, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to be looking. I'm guessing it's easily missed? May I please ask what the slits are supposed to look like?

Regardless, thank you. Yeah, I did have a feeling the symbol needed to contrast and stand out a bit more, but I do think the shirt's okay.

>> No.6933831
File: 17 KB, 650x450, 03404_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some slits for you.

And yeah, just come close, man. Nobody likes the asshole anons that get their balls all twisted up over every tiny thing. It's going to be hard to get the exact color of fabric and even if you did get the right color, what if it photographs completely differently? Probably why you got snarky anons about your Dirk glasses questions, tbh, because we think akujincos is just fine even if it's not the exact angle it should be. Though... I personally did not know about lightning and lace and your questions helped shed a lot of light on the topic, so thanks.

If it helps at all, I really like dersedreamer's colors for John's GT.

>> No.6933834

It's a tough color on the lips for most complexions., Especially if you have very pink undertones, which many Homestuck cosplayers do in their pastiness.

>> No.6933836
File: 11 KB, 650x450, 06090.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and so i give to you - schrodinger's shirt slits

>> No.6933843


dark purples, plums and maroons all look really good for lalondes, it just depends on your costume and your skin tones

>> No.6933845


it makes your teeth look really yellow

>> No.6933871

is voice acting for homestuck allowed in this thread?

>> No.6933919

No, why would it be? Unless it's a video of a cosplayer doing it, then take it to /co/ or something.

>> No.6933936

wth does comics and cartoons have to do with voice acting homestuck chars?

>> No.6933976

What the hell does voice acting the characters have to do with cosplay? No one wants your voice acting here.

>> No.6934023

voice acting is just another level of the cosplay and adds depths to the work of it

>> No.6934027
File: 129 KB, 900x1347, male_rose_cosplay_2_by_sofiamidori-d5fjh6t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy good HS VA work a lot, but you should only post here if there's an accompanying cosplay to go with it.

>> No.6934042

who's that fucking Jake or Eridan who goes to all the Atlanta cons who always puts on this kind of shouty Doctor Who accent

put me right off voice acting cosplay

>> No.6934098

Why are your panties in a bunch over these? Sure its lazy but its a good sunday cosplay, i mean why not?

>> No.6934112

Because it has to do with the comic. It doesn't have to do with cosplaying the comic

>> No.6934169

Question for everybodies

I'm being contacted to DJ at a very large anime convention this summer. I can't say which one because nothing is set in stone yet. But once/if I get conformation I will let y'all know...
Has anyone you know of DJed a LARGE event as Dave or Dirk?
Would doing so be un-tasteful?
Also, post me some GOOD Dave/Dirk.

>> No.6934174


being a DJ at an anime con "rave" is pretty much already untasteful

so go for it

extra points if you can get good photos

>> No.6934183
File: 247 KB, 1280x909, 1347088032308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting this off with some of my faves, sorry they've all been seen before.

>> No.6934186
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>> No.6934190
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Does this count

>> No.6934191
File: 108 KB, 500x632, tumblr_mifi2n8vW51r6nzsco1_r2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some good derse versions.

The homestucks will probably think it's awesome, but expect to get some shit from a handful of whiny neckbeards. Then again, it's entirely possible that non-homestucks won't even realize what you're cosplaying from since you won't be wearing grey.

Go for it. Take pics if you can.

>> No.6934195

The guy who DJ's the Vancouverstuck dances (100-150 attendance) wears a Dave shirt. Personally, unless it's a HOMESTUCK SPECIFIC event, I think it's tacky. Plus, won't it be too dark for anyone to notice/care?

>> No.6934199

No. They're ridiculously short.

>> No.6934200
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>> No.6934202
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>> No.6934208

I don't see why not.

As long as it's not GT, and easy to cosplay. I'm already cosplaying other things at the convention and I'm just looking for an easy throw-together... maybe order a t-shirt off line, go shopping at goodwill and make/buy some sunglasses.
Which Dave/Dirk form would be the best for this?

TL;DR- I'm looking for a picture of the easiest thing to replicate. (also, wigs are not a problem, I have a metric shit-ton of wigs)

>> No.6934209
File: 835 KB, 1000x1500, tumblr_m92rsozoho1qg0qlbo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6934214

I think that'd be pretty cool. Sorry for nothing to contribute, though.

>> No.6934215

Just... go with one of their more common, casual outfits, then... (Broken) Record shirt and jeans for Dave, and it'd be easier to get aviator sunglasses, or the hat shirt and jeans for Dirk, although his glasses would be a bit more complex, but... they have some really easy outfits, so you're fine here.

>> No.6934230
File: 85 KB, 800x533, dave_strider_cosplay__with_katana__by_akira92414-d632zxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even read HS, do you? Oh well. I guess that'd be starter Dave. Also, Dirk is not a DJ, if I remember correctly. Only Dave is.

>> No.6934231
File: 192 KB, 900x1200, dj_dave_strider_by_darkangelxx447-d4z67nj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6934232

How old is "drunk Roxy"? (person, not the character)

>> No.6934251
File: 1.33 MB, 1280x960, tumblr_mc7gbrrTLE1qhrmsao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

17 I think.

Pic tragically related.

>> No.6934260

Pretty sure she's 13 actually.

>> No.6934284

I stopped at 5th.
Didn't know you were supposed to read the logs so I had NO clue what was happening.
My friend suggested that I do this so I'm just asking y'all. Hope y'all don't mind that I'm stepping on your toes without being completely immersed into the fandom.

I think Dirk had some decks in his room... But Dave is more recognizable as THE DJ I guess.

>> No.6934289
File: 665 KB, 1199x1920, drunkroxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I can confirm she's 17.

>> No.6934308
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>> No.6934310
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>> No.6934312
File: 335 KB, 1962x742, purples.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick a shade and I can give link(s) and tips on application.

I'd go with Dave. It's been pointed out directly that he fiddles with mixing equipment and he'll be easier to pull together overall.

>> No.6934314
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>> No.6934316
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>> No.6934322

Ooh, thank you! I am liking the two shades of UD, presumably Urban Decay?

>> No.6934440

>Didn't know you were supposed to read the logs so I had NO clue what was happening.
I'm laughing so hard right now.

>> No.6934442

She's so pasty and gross-looking. What's wrong with her skin?

>> No.6934445

Tonight is a bad night to be on HSG.

>> No.6934513

omg sauce on that porrim/her tats because damn

>> No.6934516


Every single one of those tattoos is photoshopped on. Are you blind?

>> No.6934519

One of the friends I got into Homestuck started off that way. I laughed so hard when I realised she was confused because she didn't know she had to read the pesterlogs at first.

>> No.6934594

no, but I am on my phone. goddamnit.

>> No.6934749

Yup! The first is Lip Envy in Greedy
and the second is their lipstick in Confession, but I can't find it on the site so it may be discontinued, though there are a couple new tubes on eBay

As for wear, using a clear liner (http://www.eyeslipsface.com/studio/lips/lip_balm/lip_lock_pencil is my favorite) and an optional primer'll stop feathering and reducing fading throughout the day!

>> No.6934894

Goddamn shitty Porrims. Standard /r/ for good or passable ones.

>> No.6935016

Something I've been curious about Calliope, maybe it's a bit obvious but it couldn't hurt to ask.

She's one of the few, if only, characters where it's okay to have a headband with horns showing? Since she isn't really a troll to begin with and pretends to be, whereas with the actual trolls you need to give the illusion that the horns are coming out of your head, right?

>> No.6935041


I would think it's fine to have her headband showing. She's not a "good" troll cosplayer, as shown by the fact she uses the liquid makeup (which is shit)

>> No.6935050

How bad is liquid makeup? Is it because you might sweat it off, like Snazz?

>> No.6935112


It's streaky and hard to make consistent unless you're applying with an airbrush

>> No.6935119

So it's better to go with cream based makeup, like Ben Nye? Are there any other alternatives aside from that?

>> No.6935149


Yeah cream Ben Nye or water base like kryolan/Mehron (snazz is less pigmented not advised)

>> No.6935328
File: 19 KB, 213x213, tumblr_m6bv7rGIht1qetgp1o1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A question about Dave's wig.

Many people just slap on a short blonde wig and call it a day, even though that doesn't really fly. But, how does one go about styling it exactly? Up and swept to the side? Something like the linked picture? Gomugomugodhead's been posted quite a lot too, so... should I just try to emulate their styling?

>> No.6935346

What's the OCC one at the end?

>> No.6935349

Definitely try to give it volume, but actually cut your bangs to that shape and don't just completely sweep them to the side :/

gomu's is a good example of how to do the bangs and styling imo

>> No.6935390
File: 1.18 MB, 1000x1500, tumblr_moyy41SO4h1rcbx9no2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi, HSG. I'm cosplaying Equius and Nepeta with a friend of mine in September, with her as Nepeta. While I'm doing my best on details to make sure everything looks good (such as getting a lace front wig and wefts to ventilate it), I'm kind of worried because I'm short for a guy and fairly skinny. I have some muscle tone and am planning on working out a good amount before the con, and I'm good with makeup so I can accentuate what muscles I do have, but I really don't want to catch shit for having all my details down but not being super muscular.

Basically: for Equius, if the cosplay itself is really good, how much shit would I catch for being on the skinny side and what if anything can I do to avoid it aside from dropping the whole project? (Pic, clearly, unrelated.)

>> No.6935405
File: 25 KB, 650x650, CtHero.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, truthfully, Equius is 13 years old. Fanart likes to depict him as massively ripped, and the more well known Equius cosplayers do have muscles to show off, but he isn't as bulked as a professional body builder. Like most other cosplays, details are what'll set you apart from the mediocrity of the horde, so pay close attention to replicating every element of his outfit as it's shown in canon.

>> No.6935454

Alright, cool. It's pretty easy to forget he's not actually a huge body builder, I guess, so thanks for reminding me. Detail focus it is.

>> No.6935471

Personally I don't think it really mattes what KIND of muscular Equius is.

Ever heard of Durarara!!? Shizuo is skinny as fuck but can throw vending machines like it's nothing. I kinda think Equius is like that - or at least, CAN be like that. Different strong people have different body types.

>> No.6935474

Another good point, actually. Sage for lack of contribution now; I'll probably post progress photos whenever I get started to make sure I'm on the right track. Thanks again.

>> No.6935543

I would go as far as saying for troll Calliope you NEED the headband showing.

Also note that her "troll paint" is lighter than "canon grey", so I suggest taking that into consideration.

My favourite Calliope also did green blush which I thought is a really nice touch.

>> No.6935570


All that said, look into getting shoe lifts. You don't have to be huge but you should at least be taller than your Nep by a decent amount

>> No.6935576

Man now I kind of want to see a Calliope with a layer of green pax under her grey make up,

>> No.6935595

I have a pair but they're fairly wimpy, do you (or anyone else) have recommendations?

>> No.6935611

fuck, if i ever have the time to cosplay calliope and have the bravery to even attempt this, i'll totally go for it.

>> No.6935629

PAX on the face though? Wouldn't that be really uncomfortable?

>> No.6935658

When I first found out about PAX it was throug a WOW cosplayer. As in, who had to cover their entire body, and thus didn't have cream make up as a starting point.
It works, but your face gets rather restrained and it can be hard making expressions. But since Calliope is a skeleton I don't know if that's an actual problem...?

>> No.6935961

OCC Lip Tar in Hoochie

I highly recommend using a clear lip liner and either a good gloss or lip primer because while the color sticks the best out of everything I've ever worn, and takes just a tiny bead to cover your entire lips, it doesn't provide moisture so your lips will dry out throughout the day.

>> No.6936107

It is pretty uncomfortable from what I can tell. You would get a lot of peeling where you face moves/wrinkles, and you have to really scrub it to get it to come off, which would probably hurt a lot on sensitive face skin.

That being said, I do have two friends who have skin types where PAX on the face isn't horrible. Definitely test before going to a con, though.

>> No.6936140

You do not actually have to scrub as much as many believe. If you know how to use the remover correctly that is. Which most don't since it doesn't come any instructions with the bottle.

For future information, you dab it on the pax and let it sink in for a bit before you scrub it off.

>> No.6936280


>> No.6936391
File: 803 KB, 749x805, Screenshot_2013-06-26-20-19-26-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found on instagram
>i wanna cosplay a lolita version of jade's eclectica outfit ;;
i personally like the design, what does cgl think?

>> No.6936397

no its looks like shit, just do the fucking canon design

>> No.6936400

Its looks like shit indeed.

>> No.6936404

ita as fuck

>> No.6936406

Aww I think it's cute

>> No.6936409

You're wrong.

>> No.6936416

Well what's wrong with it?

>> No.6936426

it looks ita as fuck
and meshing cosplay with lolita is generally an ita thing to do, or at least greatly frowned upon

>> No.6936427

nothing about it really says lolita imo. it'd be a pretty lame coord.

>> No.6936440
File: 950 KB, 1000x714, tumblr_mozdcwLLC71qjnfuho6_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6936446

The only thing that really bothers me about this is the hairline. Actually, that's a pet peeve of mine with Eridan cosplayers in general. It just throws the look of their entire face off. Or is that just me?

>> No.6936600

not just you mate, a flat hairline like that on eridan wigs bothers me as well. it's not that hard to extend it, even if you're not using a lacefront wig...

>> No.6936666
File: 158 KB, 900x1144, the_purest_sciences_by_kkcosplay-d5wg4w1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cosplayer's got one of my favorite Eridan wigs. Or, at least, it looks fantastic from this angle.

>> No.6936846

y'all should check out janecrocker's blog right now, they're claiming that "yo" is cultural appropriation and so is white people cosplaying anime charcters

>> No.6936923

oh great if 'yo' is no longer acceptable, i'm just gonna have to stop talking because it shows up in about 70% of my sentences

>> No.6936927
File: 96 KB, 544x556, Screen Shot 2013-06-27 at 8.10.10 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeaaaah
nothing like WHITE GIRLS talking about how evil WHITE PEOPLE are
(and calling all the WHITE PEOPLE unfollowing her racists holy shit)
i shouldn't have scrolled through all of that bullshit this early in the morning oh my god i'm rolling my eyes so hard that they just flew out of my skull

>> No.6936942

What the fuck kinda bullshit is that?

>> No.6936984
File: 55 KB, 343x400, 1371087739707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that white guilt

>> No.6936987

See kids, don't stay on tumblr too long, this is what happens

>> No.6937151

because it's not cosplay

>> No.6937189

Is this a fucking joke? Do these kids even know what blackface is? Do they realize that their cultural tiptoeing only makes them alienate minorities even further? Morons, I swear.

>> No.6937195

How exactly is it not cosplay?

Unless the rational here is that AUs/fanart designs/humanstuck/whatever the fuck isn't "real" cosplay.

>> No.6937201

Since when do black people need allies what the fuck have I been missing
What the fuck part of the world does she live in
What the fuck

>> No.6937207

Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.6937217


can i get some examples of good heavy cosplayers

>> No.6937228
File: 106 KB, 394x700, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6937253

not the anon your replying to, but 10/10

>> No.6937295



>> No.6937296

and here i was expecting the usual

>> No.6937375

can we have a new thread

>> No.6937401

10/10, I laughed.

>> No.6937422


I don't understand why this is a common occurrence in HSG. If you want a new thread and it's time for a new thread make the thread yourself?

>> No.6937469

finally someone said it

>> No.6937736
File: 582 KB, 466x703, tumblr_inline_mo8ia5TmMl1qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only excuse would be mobile users. My guess though is there's a lot of people in here who don't use CGL other than for HSG and have no idea how easy it is to start a new thread.

>> No.6937752


New thread

>> No.6938659

You could say she's off her [c]Rocker.