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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 60 KB, 720x960, 535096_3458814622384_667068468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6924136 No.6924136 [Reply] [Original]

New ita thread.

>Black and white outfit for class 4/17/2012. This outfit is really hard to photograph well for some reason.

haha because the outfit is horrible

>> No.6924221
File: 121 KB, 500x667, 55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing with ITA's is that it's sometimes hard to tell them apart from 'old skool lolita'.

>> No.6924278

I'm ita for liking this... I think it would look cute with OTKs instead, a cupcake shape, black teaparties and better make up.

>> No.6924344

No it really isn't. Unless John, you are the itas.

>> No.6924673
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>> No.6924678
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>> No.6924729
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>> No.6924730

The fuck is she doing?

>> No.6924738
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>> No.6924734
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>> No.6924742
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>it got worse

>> No.6924745
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>> No.6924744
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>> No.6924749
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>> No.6924748
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>> No.6924750
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>> No.6924753
File: 51 KB, 600x800, 20130606_120827_zpsddb7fb87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This just popped up on my dashboard.

>Star Trek Lolita

>> No.6924759
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>> No.6924761
File: 273 KB, 499x280, stopthatshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not specifically ita so much as 'grown-ass white girl trying to look like a kwaii azn little girl and looking like a retard', but I feel the need to share.

>> No.6924767

Not even remotely ita

oh jesus I just saw that, what a trainwreck...

>> No.6924769

How is this ita?

>> No.6924773

Can we post other j-fashion failures?

>> No.6924777

How is it not ita? The cutsew is awful and none of the pinks match.

>> No.6924779

You don't know what an ita is, do you.

>> No.6924785
File: 58 KB, 400x534, tumblr_mmzxqhPe0R1ret8eao6_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Today I also wore Lolita out in major public areas, Ikebukuro and Roppongi, with my friends. It felt great to finally do that and I feel like I can start really calling myself a Lolita now that I’ve done that. Sorry the full length photo is blurry (elevator again :P) but I’m sure my friend got photos of me too. It’s Alice in Wonderland themed :3"

>> No.6924786

The "ankles" are hilariously photoshopped. Girl needs to lrn2anatomy

>> No.6924782

I, at least, would love to see failures of any J-fashion... as long as they are EPIC itas, not just mediocre bad choices.

>> No.6924783

Ugh, saw that. 99.99% of the posts on fyeahnerdylolita just make me feel like dying of second-hand embarrassment, but that one is special.

>> No.6924789

'Ita(i)' means painful, I'm sorry but this doesn't look awful.

>> No.6924797

My ankles look exactly like that, I don't get how it's photoshopped.

>> No.6924801

It's not the best wow amazing super awesome coord ever, but I agree that it's not downright ita. It doesn't belong with the other trainwrecks in this thread.

>> No.6924810

Man, I think this is a cute outfit, but it's not really lolita... and a very bad photo. Hair could be a little neater, not a fan of the shoes either, they're a bit frumpy. Very fixable though.

Would make a better otome outfit with the bold print if she added an accent color piece like a jacket or patterned tights.

>> No.6924809

You guys are pretty blind if you think this is an attractive outfit. I didn't even mention the head bow, it's also bad.

>> No.6924812

Pics or gtfo.

>> No.6924816

No, sorry, you really just don't know what ita is. Ita does not mean 'not absolutely perfect'.

Calling vendetta since I've also seen other outfits of this girl and they're all generally pretty good.

>> No.6924813

>>6924786 her ankles look like that because her whole leg is the size of a normal person's calf

>> No.6924826

1) Not ita
2) Her ankles actually look like that. I've seen her posts before and she's just incredibly thin. God, what is it about this site that makes everyone scream "photoshop" at the drop of a hat?

I remember once my photo got accused of photoshop, and I don't even know how to use the damn program. Grow up.

>> No.6924822

I don't have a vendetta, I actually follow her on tumblr. Her outfits are pretty hit or miss from what I've seen, though.

>> No.6924831
File: 504 KB, 742x989, tumblr_mmhtby8teF1r5ybn5o2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Lolitastuck just stop being a thing please

>> No.6924834


yeah no, that's just how her legs and ankles look

>> No.6924850
File: 18 KB, 175x131, xallthey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many belts can you wrap around your torso?

>> No.6924855
File: 497 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mnqeb4GrcC1qcfequo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a pic of the full outfit, if you guys are interested. I think the clashing is easier to see here.

>> No.6924864

There are lighter pink stripes in the skirt that match the cutsew... There's two shades each of pink and sax. I'm really not seeing your issue here.

>> No.6924866

The socks and bag don't match perfectly but in no way is it ita.

>> No.6924862

But the fact is, it's still not ita. It's not a GREAT co-ord, but if you think it is eye-searingly horrible you are wrong.

>> No.6924870

oh my god, stop trying to convince us it's ita. It's not. It might not be ~amazing~, but it's a solid outfit and your grasping for straws is just embarassing.

>> No.6924867

If there's anything that doesn't match here, it's the bag.

>> No.6924871

Mintkismet(sp?) is not a Lolita. Everyone who follows her Tumblr will know that she is into himekaji/otome but will occasionally have a Lolita-inspired outfit but by no means does she claim to be a Lolita.

>> No.6924874

Slightly clashing doesn't mean OMG ITA. GTFO summerfag.

>> No.6924879


uh what? She is a lolita, she just doesn't wear it very often. She hosts and participates in that dress up panel game they have every year and goes to and does admin for the lolita group in her state...

>> No.6924901

Thanks for con crit, that's actually me. I agree that the skirt needs a different/better petti underneath (this was with a MM 582) and I am an admitted makeup fail. Kind of interested as to how my pic got on here though...

>> No.6924913

A picture you posted on the internet got posted somewhere else on the internet?! It must be a conspiracy! !!

>> No.6924914
File: 375 KB, 1275x1920, tfwfandomloli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6924918

Just to add, please tuck in your blouse next time, it looks really unpolished when it's hanging out like that.

>> No.6924921
File: 166 KB, 450x600, w-waitisthatgrimes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6924920

I hope you realize you need to cut down on those muffins and pot noodles, Anon.

>> No.6924926

Well, I thought I had kept all pictures on my rather locked-down FB but then I thought about it and remembered that some girl wanted a worn pic of that skirt on egl and I obliged. Mystery solved!

>> No.6924931

Totally agree on that. I was misled by the decorative ruffles on the bottom, and thought it would be cute.

I've lost 15 lbs since then and I'm trying to into kettlebells.

>> No.6924937

>ankle photoshoppers detected

>> No.6924940

It's a busy clusterfuck and I don't like it. People only like it on her because she's thin. If this were on a fat person people would harp about how ita this is because it's so busy.
>inb4 samefag

>> No.6924944

Cutsews tend to look like shit on fat people, so yeah.

>> No.6924946

The cutsew is the least of that outfit's problems, so yeah.

>> No.6924950

Lol she just got posted in the mint Lolita thread and her legs look exactly the same

>> No.6924957

Photoshopping two photos?! Unheard of.

>> No.6924958

>People only like it on her because she's thin
Well yeah, obviously, it would legitimately look like shit if she was fat because different frames suit different things. It looks fine because she is thin and cute, and maybe that's not fair, but that's how it is. I mean, I don't particularly like the outfit myself, but there's no point in trying to compare it to shit like >>6924831 and >>6924753 because it's in a completely different league.

>> No.6924969

Lol there's no way sure could be that good at shop and it not be noticeable on those stairs. Pretty sure she hates her legs. If she shooped them she would do them fatter lol

>> No.6924983
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>> No.6924997
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>> No.6925264

I was misled by the decorative ruffles on the bottom, and thought it would be cute.

I get that problem with blouses too. Plus the fact that a lot of blouses are rather short and are easily untucked makes it more bothersome/confusing.

>> No.6925277

Wouldn't surprise me if she posted that picture herself. She probably thought we had all forgot about last time she selfposted as an anon, and made a bunch of secrets about herself just to get attention.

>> No.6925281

I don't understand why so many people think this girl is always self posting when there's never been any evidence for it, only suspicions.

>> No.6925319

>it's only a suspicion
That's what /cgl/ strives on.

>> No.6925322

This comment is pretty suspicious

>> No.6925331
File: 113 KB, 720x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6925333

Case in point.

>> No.6925334

I like this coord bitch

>> No.6925341

It's an old school coord worn to a halloween meet, not ita.

>> No.6925342

There's 5 girls in the picture...? Most of which are pretty ita.

>> No.6925348

She sounds so excited and happy though. It may not be lolita but sometimes enthusiasm means it doesn't really matter. Yeah, it's bad but yay she's happy I guess.

>> No.6925353

Come on. There's tons of absolute shit in the 'lolitastuck' tag. This one is kinda, dare I say it, cute....

>> No.6925361
File: 297 KB, 599x523, amikawaii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really want that skirt..... where did she get it??

>> No.6925363

I like the right two, at least.

>> No.6925364

Because internet basically. Pictures spread easily.
Kudos for taking the con crit sensibly though, if only more people on this board could be so mature.
The skirt is so cute and old school btw and could look great with good coordination. Hair and make-up is definitely 2 of the key things in making an old school outfit look good.
I wish you luck in future co-ord endeavours.

>> No.6925390

you are right, I miss fire pic :B ( all itas in that pic)
this one :

>> No.6925405

Well, last time she dumped a her own pictures while posting "great otome coords" as an anon, without saying it was pictures of herself, until some anon pointed it out. And at the same time, her pictures kept popping up a lot on /cgl/ and btb, and it stopped right after people complained about her selfposting herself.

>> No.6925410

Ridiculous looking wig, terrible white makeup with big black eyes, ballet pumps, yeah it's ita. Suck it up and deal with it person in picture

>> No.6925432

Clearly you're going to keep believing I'm the person in the picture even though I'm not, because everyone here is either a selfpost, samefag or spoony here.
Regardless, I just said it was a Halloween event. Shall we did up your Halloween costume photos for this thread too?
You just said it yourself, the outfit is fine apart from the costume makeup.

>> No.6925435

you're an ita, bitch. I hope a pigeon shits on your glw wig

>> No.6925434

That's pretty ita too, at least 1-2 girls in the group pic are somewhat passable...

>> No.6925456


Oh man. This girl has good intentions I'm sure, but her Tumblr makes me cringe. It's all her giving advice to new lolitas and SJW'ing.

>> No.6925454

I thought that was a pizza for a second.

>> No.6925462

>outfit designed by Tetsuya Nomura

>> No.6925468

I think it's cute, just not lolita. And she could use some make up and do something with her hair...

>> No.6925476

Anna House, they have it in pink and sax as well as black.

>> No.6925480

I thought I was the only one who thought this. I follow her because we started around the same time, and we're from the same state. Back then I talked to her a few times and she seemed really nice. She seemed to have a really good grasp of things. I don't know what happened.

>> No.6925484

who is she? she looks like a diner waitress...

>> No.6925490

Thanks anon! I feel like people here are harsh but really good sources of critique. I'm actually getting more into old school, so I really appreciate the tips on hair and makeup. Now I really have to get better at those things.

>> No.6925503


I think finding a good Lolita community would help her immensely. She could she how she's supposed to dress instead of the thrift-store-handmade-itaness she has going on now.

I think losing the glasses, putting on make up and wearing a wig would be a great improvement.

>> No.6925513



>> No.6925563


I liked her 'cheap coords' series well enough, but then again I'm a newbie what do I know.

>> No.6925642

this is not ita, she looks cute

>> No.6925791
File: 61 KB, 703x846, lol-ita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legitimately claims to be lolita

>> No.6925821

>boring outfit
>nothing matches
>greasy flat hair
>no petti

Definitely not lolita, but cute as a retro outfit at least.

>> No.6925841
File: 63 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mocud3v6UV1s0oesro1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let came the zombies

>> No.6925847

The girls are lined up like "from ita to decent"
It's like a progress timeline.

>> No.6925852

That's simple but not really ita.

Also, I kind of like when lolitas are doing silly poses instead of just staring at the camera with doe like eyes and an expression that says it's their first time seeing a penis and they're not quite sure whether they like it or not.

>> No.6925851

and the jsk itself can look so FUCKING beautiful when coordinated well
excuse me while i weep

>> No.6925901
File: 207 KB, 577x658, no.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aw come on, guys. I honestly thought we were done with all these girls getting their dresses and 'petticoats' from Hot Topic and claiming to be lolita. Can these girls please just evolve already?

>> No.6925908


ita to ita

the last one has no blouse and a flat petti, she's just relatively pretty

>> No.6925916
File: 169 KB, 463x750, tumblr_mormqcjhP71qb9ia7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure what's happening with the girl on the right

>> No.6925919

Peachie's freakishly small head in comparission to her broad shoulders and square body.

>> No.6925941

I agree it's not ita (and I also believe most pictures in this thread to simply not be good rather than ita) but I do have complaints regarding the socks and t-shirt.

>> No.6925953

>That's simple but not really ita.

Except for the "t shirt as a blouse" thing you mean.

>> No.6925951

Her outfit is cute but I don't think she's aiming for lolita, although that is a Meta set. I think the tags in that photo are aiming towards what Peachie is wearing.

>> No.6925962


I want that jacket.

>> No.6925969
File: 49 KB, 500x667, cannotunsee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6925996

Congrats on losing weight- keep up the good work :)

>> No.6926025

The girl second from the left's legs look odd. Not sure why.

>> No.6926154

I think it's because her thighs are weirdly disproportionate to the rest of her body.

>> No.6926195

Not ita, just Grimes.

>> No.6926213

Is this really what girls fucking do? Just go on /cgl/ and make fun of unattractive girls?

No wounder you guys are going to die single.

>> No.6926235

>"Lel look at this beta faggot/can't into anything"

>> No.6926239

These girls are huge bitches anon. I never post here and I just go to read the hilariously bitchy stuff these girls write.

>> No.6926242

It looks like you were tying to put a thought down into words. How about a sentence?

Stupid cunt.

>> No.6926267

Someone's mad.

>> No.6926269

Don't bother with them anon, they didn't get the joke that was made.

>> No.6926272

lmfao xD u got me dude

>> No.6926276

oh my god i'm laughing so hard
her fucking face
why do people make faces like this when they know they're being photographed
or photographing themselves

>> No.6926281

Humor soothes all wounds.

>> No.6926294

"tradition is the corpse of wisdom"

i can say unrelated quotes too!

>> No.6926435


I follow her on Tumblr and she gets asked a lot of weird questions about her personal life and the way she answers them seems like she doesn't really want to talk too much about it but doesn't want to be rude and not answer it. It really doesn't seem like she self posts to me, I think there are just weird people that follow her and are a bit too obsessive about her for some reason.

>> No.6926450

>t-shirt instead of a blouse
>those fucking socks
Coupled with the fact that she looks like she raided her teenage daughter's wardrobe....

Maybe this is an unpopular opinion, but I think that people who really do not suit the fashion are itas too, even if their outfit is just mediocre. Just because a morbidly obese person or someone who is obviously in their fifties isn't wearing Milanoo's Finest doesn't mean I don't think "ouch" when seeing them. I'm not saying that lolita can only be worn by pretty girls in a certain age/height/weight category, but when someone falls so far outside of the jfashion 'norm' and doesn't bother to tweak the style to make it work for them, they just look really bad. Of course they can't help being ugly or old or having an unfortunate body shape, but they CAN help the clothes they choose to wear. It's not unheard of for certain brolitas to look better than a fair number of the women in their comm. If men can do it, why can't those women? You're not automatically a good lolita just because you were born a girl, you still have to work for it.

>> No.6926470


There are a lot of older women in Japan who you would consider to "not really suit the fashion" that come up with some amazing coords and some are even designers for some of the brands.

I consider ita having more to do with how you put your outfit/makeup/hair etc together, and less about how much you weigh and how old you are. Although to me personally there is a point where some people are just TOO big for lolita, but age does not matter to me at all. When I see an older woman who puts together a coord well I am more impressed and happy that someone could continue enjoying a fashion regardless of their age and it gives me wishful thinking that I could do the same.

>> No.6926535

Actually person in picture
Those aren't ballet pumps, they are RHS. I was a old school ghost shiro loli, of coarse my makeup would be shit compared to a normal day make up and the wig is an school wig, I get you don't like it. It is more 08 and older loli thing.
Though I feel you shoul take a chill pill because someone pointed out it was a theme meet.

>> No.6926575
File: 220 KB, 576x495, Screen shot 2013-06-22 at 9.25.19 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know, it's kind of funny because I always thought that Claire would really suit lolita. I want to see her in a proper coord now.

>> No.6926580

I think mediocre is ita regardless of who wears it.

Any outfit short of "absolutely lovely" while still following lolita rules is ita to me.

>> No.6926644

yeah, well that's just , like, your opinion, man.

>> No.6926793

What are you talking about? She's constantly whining about her personal life. I had to unfollow her because I was tired of seeing annoying I'M SO SICK, FEEL SORRY FOR ME posts.

>> No.6926807

I don't think the costume is that bad but I also don't think pointing out it was a theme meet is a reasonable excuse. As for con crit, I do think the make up could have been better done (it seems quite uneven and the eyeshadow is quite heavy. I also think pink tones would have been a nice addition) and the tights are a little loose. Other than that, it's fine.

>> No.6926855

>Mixing up crappy Rockabilly with Lolita
That outfit would actually be cute, for Rockabilly, if the dress was better quality, Better fabric, structure, fit, and length. Hair and bow look good, though.

>> No.6926859
File: 135 KB, 960x597, lsg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6926873

Man... This looks fun.

>> No.6926919

That dress is actually really nice though. Not necessarily lolita but it's a soft, somewhat thick cotton. And has a nice fit, for a pin up dress.

>> No.6926924

I can't argue, I shouldn't use it as an excuse and won't again.
Thank you for the concrit, if I ever do a ghost loli again. I'll try adding some pink with an even white and less black eyes.
I must confess, I didn't realise my tights were loose at all. Never thought that would happen.

>> No.6926930

I wish I could do with with other lolis :(

>> No.6926933

Because they're not being serious and don't expect to look professional? Who the fuck cares. Calm down.

>> No.6926942

Girl with the rose headband - Lauren Simm.
Banned from Scottish Lolita, Newcastle comm and most of the Northern comm for insulting members, posting secrets and being "ashamed to associate with them for being ita"
Only friends now are a comm she had to make herself and is pretty much every Scottish ita. One girl even wore a Vocaloid kimono Cosplay sans wig.
Absolutely pissing myself Laelette/Lauren, well done

>> No.6926997

Is she also Laelette Romanov on facebook?

>> No.6927000

She had something like a stroke or some sort of facial palsy anon
I remember someone mentioning it before

>> No.6927013

I don't think her ankles are shopped, but I can tell that choke shops her legs, she just does a good job of it.

>> No.6927103

>tfw you're a guy and can never be ita

>> No.6927133


you can be ita, just look like a jackass in frills and you win

>> No.6927166


Girl be a spooky bitch.

>> No.6927257
File: 581 KB, 838x601, naughty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignorance is bliss.

>> No.6927260

that looks more like a poor gyaru attempt to me than anything resembling lolita. Simply because of the size of the wig

>> No.6927262
File: 539 KB, 800x600, n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true.

>> No.6927276

yeah, but we did establish earlier in thread that other jfashion fails are ok, and it's pretty bad

>> No.6927277
File: 25 KB, 250x334, tumblr_motgz8vuf41r3p8iso2_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6927286

It can be both.

>> No.6927293

Her face is literally like that

>> No.6927307

This, same reason I unfollowed her too. It came to the point where everything else she posted wasn't worth it from all of her personal posts and the asks she gets.

>> No.6927313

Ugh offtopic but in general I hate when people answer strings of untagged asks, so you can't even savior them.

>> No.6927424


Is he wearing the dress...backwards?

>> No.6927450

I actually love this dude. He puts effort into his coords and has improved over time. He could use some more direction, sometimes there's too much going on or clashing colors, but I like him as a brolita.

>> No.6927467

Tumblr savior doesn't block things based on tags alone, it can also block based on the text of a post. All ask posts end with "Ask (whatever username) a question" so you can block that and you won't see their asks anymore.

>> No.6927471

Weird... mine has never done this and I have that tag blocked?

>> No.6927481

BAHAHA! You're right.

>> No.6927484

I think the main direction is to try to stick to one pastel color and not to buy from dolldelight EVER. Her designs are pretty hideous and overpriced, but delusional people will still buy it...

>> No.6927494

wait, this wouldn't happen to be that like $800 dress, would it? if so, dear frilly god.

>> No.6927501

He's not. Notice the cross ties are still in the front. Dolldelight just has this weird thing where she puts the bustle in the front.

Of her work this isn't nearly the most hideous...but it's still bleh, and that bow, dear god.

>> No.6927500
File: 1.02 MB, 845x1268, dolldelight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's funny because he's only popular because of dolldelight for some reason

>> No.6927951
File: 94 KB, 480x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since it's a jfashion fails thread apparently, have "ganguro"
Best part is this girls about a size UK20-22

>> No.6927956



Gonna need more pics of this trainwreck.

>> No.6928033

Its not meant to be a bustle I don't think, its meant to be like late 1700s Rococo dresses that were open fronted to show off an elaborate petticoat.

>> No.6928051
File: 18 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't post any full outfit shots but have her jumping on that retarded fawn bandwagon

>> No.6928070
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>> No.6928068
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>> No.6928072

Damn, that dress is nice. Too bad the rest looks like crap...

>> No.6928186

really fucking terrifying....

>> No.6928210

What the fuck am I looking at?

>> No.6928241


deer in headlights

>> No.6928293


I like this dress, but yeah it's really not lolita.

>> No.6928587

Choke's stick legs are her worst feature

>> No.6928590

that's not...choke...

>> No.6928601

I don't like anyone who actually buys from dolldelight.

>> No.6928633

I own that middle dress. It's weird to see someone else wear a dress you own. It is pretty simple dress too. It would be difficult to mess up a coord with it.

>> No.6928670

I agree. She has a great foundation, just needs a good comm.

>> No.6928703
File: 576 KB, 627x608, JgkI9CX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god I was just catching up on old secrets and that dress was $850

>> No.6928815

You can buy 3 brand dresses for that amount.
And you tell me this is an indie brand? And people actually buy this shit?
I mean, look at the fucking chest construction!

>> No.6928899

This isn't that bad.

>> No.6928901

I can't get over how this dress looks so backwards.

>> No.6928913
File: 198 KB, 900x1205, 35895_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A few weeks ago my boyfriend and I were able to go out to my old karaoke spot I use to frequent in years past. Apparently I looked like Cyndi Lauper, and the other drunk karaoke people made me sing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun". XP I loved my side pony!

>> No.6928920

I have that jacket lol not lolita at all. Got it for Christmas. It's from hot topic haha
Captcha:associations werszen

>> No.6928943


>> No.6928953

>shapeless dress
>that fucking headband
what the fuck? Now i'e seen some relatively nice Dr. Who coords, but this looks like shit.

>> No.6928957


>> No.6929519
File: 316 KB, 823x1182, tumblr_motgp2dlL21sq0fabo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So out of curiosity, do your jimmies get rustled when your favorite dress gets worn in an ita way?

Because that's what I'm feeling right now.

>> No.6929527
File: 108 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mov8fn3gZT1qg8anxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If h8ers gunna h8 then I has a new bodyguard! Mew mew!

>> No.6929531

>It's brown, therefore it must be steampunk!

>> No.6929532

I quite like that. The bow and boots could be brown, but I wouldn't call that ita.

Sage because possible vendetta

>> No.6929537


Vendetta against steampunk? Probably. I don't even know this girl but I won't lie I judge a bit more when there's steampunk involved.

>> No.6929546


I am so sad.

>> No.6929553

Did you miss the armor?

>> No.6929564


Is that Rabbit?

>> No.6929624

>do your jimmies get rustled when your favorite dress gets worn in an ita way?
Yes, but although I rolled my eyes at the mediocre ~steampunk~ coord, I wouldn't call it ita. It's not eye-searing, it just doesn't make much sense.

>> No.6929627

Sure looks like her

>> No.6929705

fucking saved

>> No.6929998
File: 85 KB, 500x669, tumblr_mov8abKd0j1qg8anxo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tagged on tumblr as alexandria web which is what she tags all her ita "model" photos as

>> No.6930005

Is that a Rouge Aerie print?? The Carouskel one?
My heart is breaking for that gorgeous fabric.

>> No.6930053

She did post on sew_loli a while ago that she'd made a skirt out of the Caroskel fabric, although I swear it looked miles better on there because I'd convinced myself she might actually be getting better.

The fabric looks really washed out here...is it just Spoonflower will be Spoonflower?

>> No.6930057

either she has washed the fabric and it faded or she bought the cheapest cotton available and it came faded to begin with

but yeah
spoonflower being spoonflower

>> No.6930058

That was lolita for it's day. Black and white ≠ ita shit. Just because it's not AP or the newest print doesn't make it ita any less. It doesn't look flattering on her but there's worse wardrobes

>> No.6930964

also, color schemes are kind of a stupid thing to get offended over..?

>> No.6930974


>> No.6931020

Back when this sort of thing was fashionable, she would have been called an ita too. I love old school. I love seeing people who still wear it. But this particular outfit was a real lapse of judgement on her part.

>> No.6931054
File: 127 KB, 640x960, 1369559662009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't really get "offended" by color schemes in the way you're thinking. People describe a lot of visually unappealing things as "offensive" because they're jarring and uncomfortable to look at or extremely unflattering to the wearer, not because they think the colors are insulting their grandmother.
Black and white is considered very hazardous territory for a lolita (especially newbies) because there are so many black and/or white dresses and accessories that are ita as FUCK, and are also readily available at cheap prices for newbies to get their paws on. The newbie thinks "hey, these are easy colors to start with because they're so versatile, everything matches them and they're so classy!". Pair that with the fact that most first-timers don't do very much (if any) research in the beginning and consequently don't have a very broad visual library of nice dresses/coords that they've seen. Usually, their mental image of a "lolita" starts out looking like some variant of old-school Gothic lolita crossed with the Hot Topic mall goth look. Obviously, black and white can be coorded very well if you've actually done your research and you know the fundamentals, but for a first-timer with a skewed mental image of what lolita is supposed to be it usually just ends up looking like a train wreck.

>> No.6931148

Does anyone have an example of a proper black and white coord? I know such a thing exists, I just don't recall seeing one myself.

>> No.6931151

Lots of old school stuff was very cute, it's just not in vogue right now.

>> No.6931158
File: 312 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mf4x8gn0Dz1rkefino1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could see someone considering this ita though I think it's pretty cute and simple.

>> No.6931160

Awwww look at Rabbit, still as terribly dressed as ever.
She looks particularly older in these pictures!

>> No.6931162

That co-ord is really cute.
I think that the problem with other people who try that type of co-ord really just ignore their hair and make up.
Not to mention that they try to include as many black and white accessories they can fucking find.

>> No.6931205

This is adorable old school and not ita at all. As much as it is maligned, I still like some of the old black/white pieces. It is difficult to pull off but looks great when done well.

>> No.6931213

those. fucking. shoes.
Is she wearing clogs?

>> No.6931224
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>> No.6931225

It's kind of cute for a casual look

>> No.6931249

YES! Jesus fuck what was she thinking
quick somebody post that girl who was in moitie from head to foot and looked HORRID

>> No.6931272

I love this kind of classic oldschool. It kind of sucks how easy it is to mess up black x white.

>> No.6931276


This is really cute. I also think oldschool black x white can work better, or at least be less offensive to newer aesthetics, when it's solid black or white pieces being mixed instead of the pieces themselves being black x white. White x black also tends to get a less kneejerk reaction, I think.

>> No.6931312
File: 438 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_mox6gvHpaD1rpsoomo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's wearing a blouse as a cardigan...

>> No.6931317

She needs to get that shit off her bed before she takes any more photos

>> No.6931341

It's funny that she's holding a Derpy plush because her face looks pretty damn derpy.

>> No.6931424
File: 81 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mowwzza3Cg1s7wjgao4_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hitting all the ita bingo squares.
>bad lace
>terribad dress
>no blouse
>bad emo haircut
>fingerless gloves
>cat ears

>> No.6931436

Wow. I don't know what to think about this.

>> No.6931454

Hey there, quick question, what does /cgl/ think of these shoes? Too much?

>> No.6931455
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>> No.6931461

no i think...i think she's actually wearing indoor slippers or something wtf

>> No.6931480

That fabric...

>> No.6931487

I actually think the shape is pretty cute. Don't look very well made though. Plus I, personally, am not a fan of crushed velvet. It'd be pretty iffy with lolita, imho.

>> No.6931509


I have these in wine, and whilst I don't wear them with lolita (Try yours on with a dress and you'll see why; they look awful and clunky.) I do wear mine with general clothes and they get me lots of compliments.

>> No.6931549
File: 111 KB, 720x960, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure this girl's comm despise her, there was a massive amount of secrets about her submitted to BtB a few months back.

>> No.6931554

>her facial piercings
what the hell? I understand some people might have some on their faces, but that choice of piercings looks like someone covered her face in glue and smushed it on a plate of good&plenties.

>> No.6931558

>pointed toe heels
>dat uncomfortable facial expression

>> No.6931563
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I still miss the drama threads.

>> No.6931745
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>> No.6931748

Is that a black plastic tulip in her hands? Or????

>> No.6931760

looks like it, yes. so rori.

>> No.6931841

Aw man, she looks 12 at the most. They just keep getting younger.

>> No.6931947

She says she's 16
It's like the third post in the lolita fashion tag.

>> No.6931963

I teach, and that sure as hell ain't 16. I agree with >>6931841, she is 12.

>> No.6932148


Not lolita,but looks very Milk or Emily Temple Cute, and at least isn't a nightmare of lace and crap fabric.

I'm half hopeful because she just started and has potential, half concerned with the whole "Alice" theme that totally isn't there.

Blue dress is not Alice, people. Sometimes a dress is just a dress.

>> No.6932152


Wherever you posted it, someone saved it for the express purpose of re-posting it, endlessly.

Your chest area lacks definition, so the blouse is making you look bigger than you are. If it comes with ties, you should tie them, if not, it's easy to sew some on so that it gives you more shape.

>> No.6932166


I ground my teeth together when I took a look at that pic.

>> No.6932173


I stared at this a long, long time trying to decide how I felt, and I finally concluded it's more of a neo-decora look, and then I felt better.

But seriously what the fuck is up with that tail?

>> No.6932177

I've seen those used in like, fairy kei, so I guess it's not too uncommon an accessory. I agree (hope) that this wasn't meant to be lolita, though.

>> No.6932178

All that shit and you focus on the tail?

(They seem to be popular as keychains lately, or at least they were 1-2 years ago, where you could even get them in H&M)

>> No.6932203

Holy fuck I almost thought I knew this girl.

I mostly lurk here for hilariously bad cosplays, but this was the next best thing.

>> No.6932359
File: 1.01 MB, 256x192, 30sc3d4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I own that dress.

>> No.6932400

I actually like it. overall it's a well balanced outfit!

>> No.6932482


Hey! I'm popular enough to be on 4-chan!

My question to you is- would it be ita without the backpack?

I multipurpose my classic wardrobe as steampunk because I go to lots of steampunk events. (and ~gasp~ the majority of my wardrobe is off-white, pink, and mint. 'cause you know, steampunk can be any color.)

The backpack is a work in progress. I know the pauldron is a bit OTT, but I needed somewhere to hide the batteries for the lights. I wanted to put together an outfit so I could show off my latest changes to the gallery curator. I'm finishing this piece for an art show later this summer. When it's finished, it will be a functional liquid dispenser that draws from the bottles in the back to your wrist for easy pouring. (My personal belief is steampunk props should be functional as well as visually interesting)

I understand that it looks a little out of place when considering a strictly -lolita- coordinate, but then again, steampunk is a bit out of place in general in any type of outfit.

I'm just wondering if I'm getting hate because 4chan hates steampunk, or if its that this outfit really needs a re-do. If so, what should I wear this dress with? I've been pairing it mostly with off white, navy, and brown.


Aw, thanks guys! I'm still kinda new at posting my coordinates on the interwebs, so it makes me happy that you like my coordinate!

>> No.6932494

i just want to say. If you're literally labeling this 'Steampunk' it's pretty bad.

1. What kind of character are you trying to portray within the steampunk world? (engineer, noble lady, Medical doctor, etc)
2. Would that character even wear armor and goggles?
3. Why the hell would the goggles be on the brim of a hat? You cannot USE them or even take them off and put them over your face in any kind of efficient manner: fucking stupid, no function in this outfit.

Balance form and function and make the steampunk character make sense...

Unless this is "Steampunk Inspired" then I guess it's fine.

>> No.6932522

i like the sound of the liquid dispenser but agreeing with >>6932494 why?
what is the character and why would they need something with this function?

your co-ordinate is hardly an eyesore or anything as all the colours go together nicely and just on a visual basis it looks alright.
that said it's really missing the mark on being either steampunk or lolita

>> No.6932526

1) My character is sort of a cigar-lady. She goes to parties and dispenses alcohol or other illicit materials. The backpack is built for that purpose. My gadgets generally revolve around a theme of vintage chemistry and doctors equipment (this backpack will eventually have syringes mounted on a bracer that act as a valve to pull the liquids out) I have another backpack that features boiling flasks, and a doctors bag that I fused with doll carriage and a tackle box that I can vend "pills" out of at events.

2) I guess the pauldron is rather armoresque, but as I stated before, It's to conceal the battery pack. I think that a pauldron is much more appealing than a black box strapped the the side.

3) Not wearing goggles on my hat- they're sunglasses. ;) I was wearing them on and off during the event, I actually forgot about them while taking these pictures.

>> No.6932537

She just LOOKS nasally and obnoxious.

>> No.6932563

I'd argue that if the cutsew fits, then they look better than blouses because they're less fussy round the neck. All the collar details make it even easier for fatties to lose their neck and just look like a round head on a round body.

>> No.6932567
File: 282 KB, 500x733, 04052012extra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you do that to such a gorgeous jsk?

>> No.6932591


>> No.6932599

I quite like your outfit. Especially the boots - where'd you get those?

>> No.6932601
File: 12 KB, 213x320, trip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rabbit's recent blog post about lolita and traveling...not sure whether to laugh or cry or rage...

her blogspot handle is hrhqueenalexandria /2013/06/lolita-52-challenge-week-21-plan-for.html

>> No.6932602

I think that wig looks really cute on her.
But other than that, her JSK looks way too big for her... And those shoes just baffle me.

>> No.6932648


How old is Rabbit? I swear she looks at least 40, maybe 45.

This is the only thing I've seen her made that actually resembles some sort of lolita item. Apparently she joined a new lolita comm as well (mainly full of ita's who are too young to know about her) but most of them don't know her wonderful reputation. I wonder how long it'll be before she starts slagging off her new members on 4chan/BTB's and acting "holier than thou" for her godly lolita coords and creations. Place your bet's people.

>> No.6932652


I liked your outfit, but in terms of character what bothered me was I don't know why the character you've described would be wearing a what, 5th century or so-art themed dress (I don't know the exact era, so forgive me art history anons).

And yeah, 4chan hates steampunk, so there's that.

>> No.6932668

Thanks! I found them on modcloth, but I actually bought them on amazon because they were cheaper. They're rocket dog. I think the model name was barker or something.

If you're tall, they'll fit well. I'm a bit short, so they hit me midknee. They're great for plus sized calves too as the laces are long and functional!

>> No.6932725

I feel like she's just trying to throw around a bunch of different trends or brand items together andnit looks really off. Then again, I went to her lookbook and she wore that jsk again and it looks like fits her better now so she mustve gained weight. But it still looks bad in the other coord too so idk...

>> No.6932728

>My personal belief is steampunk props should be functional as well as visually interesting
This is good steampunk. COGS FOR THE COGS GOD is bad steampunk. As a matter of taste, everyone should hate bad steampunk, unfortunately they don't and so bad steampunk is allowed to perpetuate and as a result this tarnishes the opinion of steampunk as a whole.

Also, never forget the -punk aspect over pure aesthetics.

>> No.6932781


Don't forget those fucking googles.
"Oh look I added googles, it's steampunk nao"

>> No.6932826
File: 67 KB, 391x750, tumblr_inline_morlpeoO5k1qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another 'omg muh graduation' ita

>> No.6932841

She's in her 20s I think.

>> No.6932872
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>> No.6932880

heh, the h&m ones where cheap quality faux fur.

>> No.6932899
File: 130 KB, 1161x1600, 100_7246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything looks so sad

>> No.6932961

Dayum dat's a fugly dress

>> No.6932969

that is the droopiest person i've ever seen.

>> No.6932978

She would look so much better if she took off the choker, adjusted her clothes and stood up straight instead of in a weird slouch.

>> No.6933001
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>> No.6933004
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>> No.6933032

Lay off the apostrophes bro.
Also everyone in her new comm is fat as fuck.

>> No.6933074

I've had the misfortune of purchasing from the seamstress who made it. Her customer service is terrible and she can't take an ounce of criticism. All her garments are awful and for the most part they fall to pieces within weeks. It's the seamstress equivalent of Amy's Baking Company

>> No.6933077


>> No.6933119
File: 101 KB, 633x960, 484970_528407100538082_1331152118_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, not a single good outfit in the worn album for Be My Full Moon.

>> No.6933271

I think I go to school with her...

>> No.6933317

I know right!

>> No.6933315

Rockabilly looks a hell of a lot better than ageplay princess dresses.

>> No.6933364

They don't look good on the mannequin so of course they won't look good worn by the lumpy itas who buy them.

>> No.6933408

Those ends make her piercings look like whiteheads.
If she had small twinkly ones, or even just plain metal ends, they'd look forgiveable.

>> No.6933410
File: 74 KB, 720x960, 480590_532855520093240_503994350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good garment has ever been made by Be My Full Moon if we're being honest here
It makes me genuinely sad that people commission her

>> No.6933430

goddam milanoo

>> No.6933440

The worst part is she would look okay if she did something with that goddamn hair. That shit looks like a literal rat's nest.

>> No.6933460
File: 74 KB, 516x640, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found in an old secrets

>> No.6933467

it looks like he feet are backwards...

>> No.6933494

Those fucking sleeves oh my god, did she even do anything to them after cutting them?!

>> No.6933497

>her breasts
>what happened to them

>> No.6933520

Uhh, I'm pretty sure that this is just a normal person wearing normal clothes?

>> No.6934158

nope, found in the classic lolita tag- girl genuinely thought it was lolita

>> No.6935246

Not the person who you're replying to, but I'm pretty sure that dress Rabbit is wearing is by Forever In Black. The woman who runs it is Rabbit's BFF so any clothing she has that's handmade is by her. She claims to be an excellent seamstress but I don't understand how she can look at the final result stretched awkwardly over Rabbit & go "Yep that looks fine!" Not surprised about her customer service. She bitches a lot, while claiming to be above drama. I've thought in the past of commissioning her for stuff, but her attitude and Rabbit's badly-fitted shit put me off.

New comm implies there was an old one. She refused to have anything to do with any comms before because she claimed she didn't want to get involved in drama (even though she is involved with the Newcastle goth scene which makes lolita comm drama look calm and laidback and it never stopped her getting involved in online drama). Only now most of the Newcastle comm veterans have left to go to university or have drifted away and the lolitas down in Middlesbrough have got their own comm going now so don't really bother going up to meets there, so it's all noobs who don't notice how shitty her coords are or know her history.

Stupid thing? One of the reasons I think she avoided local comms so long was because of the drama between her and Bloodmyer. But everyone has finally run out of patience with that stupid cow, so she's more likely than ever to show up to Newcastle meets where nobody knows about the drama she has caused.

>> No.6935499

I'm kind of curious as to who you are.

>> No.6935606
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>> No.6935697

why why why why why why

>> No.6935745
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>> No.6937048
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>> No.6937222
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>> No.6937223
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>> No.6937224
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>> No.6937815

Such an ugly being.