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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 79 KB, 720x960, kidmiranda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6923383 No.6923383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else find this super creepy?

ITT: Things kids shouldn't cosplay

>> No.6923421

It's not creepy unless you make it creepy.
It's a kid having fun dressing up.

>> No.6923454

I think it's a pretty good rule that if you can watch your PC have sex with the character, maybe you don't put the cosplay on your kid.

>> No.6923481

i read her emails on the shadow broker ship, shes too lewd

>> No.6923555

/cgl/ won't back you unless she's fat, OP

>> No.6923713

uh, given the character's relationship with her parents? Creepy as fuck.

>> No.6923719

Why is a kid that young playing Mass Effect 2?

>> No.6923744

Inappropriate game for someone of her age to know, and beyond that inappropriate costume considering not only the characters relationship with her dad but also the whole "genetically perfect human" aka made her body to be optimally sexually desirable. I saw a little kid as EDI once too and there was just something wrong about that too. The only female characters I can see a little kid cosplaying from mass effect would have to be Shepard, kasumi, or tali I suppose. But given the fandoms/games sexualization of tali I wouldn't do that as a parent either.

Miranda has GOT to be the worst choice though with Jack and EDI and samara as close seconds.

>> No.6923748

she's not, idiot. her parents probably are big fans and made her dress up like the character.

>> No.6923749

you guys are a bunch of retarded ass prudes for giving a shit that this kid was dressed up as Miranda by her parents.

>> No.6923751

I don't know about this outfit beig specialized since on a child it's basically footie pajamas. As long as you avoid the fandom and romances, it's not a very sexual game, but then there's the violence thing.

Inappropriate that she's wearing it? Nope. Inappropriate that she watched or played ME? I'm pretty sure.

>> No.6923754

I think it would have been better if the cosplays are more age appropriate... Kids shouldn't play Mass Effect or anything sexual until after they hit puberty... That kid probably just sees a pretty lady her mommy wanted to dress her up as.

>> No.6923760

wow you are the dumbest person ever if you think Miranda is a worse choice for a kid to dress up as than Jack. protip: nobody gives a flying fuck about a character's background. only what they actually look like.

>> No.6923763

If I had kids I wouldn't care if they played Mass Effect. The adult situations/dialogue would probably go over their heads and the violence is very sanitized compared to popular shooters like Halo or Call of Duty (which are played by kids).

>> No.6923783

>It's a kid being forced to wear a costume by her parents


>> No.6923790

I don't think kids are THAT stupid.
I don't think violence is as much of a problem, but sexuality isn't something kids should be exposed to until they hit puberty.

>> No.6923794

Nope, the post about her on the N7 Elite Facebook group said she chose Miranda because Miranda was her favorite character. She either plays it or watches dad play it.

>> No.6923802

The fact that it's clinging to her crotch makes me wanna physically harm her parents. Like seriously, you don't have to vacuum seal her into the thing for us to get that she's Miranda (who I don't think a little girl should be dressing up as for a multitude of non-costume-related reasons)

>> No.6923810

>I saw a little kid as EDI once too and there was just something wrong about that too
Same father
WTF is wrong with this guy?

>> No.6923819

She probably watches her dad play it, but that doesn't mean anything. Maybe she only watched him kill a few geth or something. It's a huge stretch to assume she knows the Mass Effect story inside and out given her age.

Either way her dressing up like this is still the result of her parents, and not her own doing.

>> No.6923820

why's that? you think violence is less harmful than sex? why do you even assume this kid was exposed to any sex scenes or sexual dialogue?

>> No.6923822

why the fuck are you staring at that kid's crotch?

>> No.6923824

That is dumb. Are you supposed to just let a kid believe that babies come from a stork until they are 12? Stop treating kids like idiots, they might just grow up into actual people one day you know.

Should you go showing a kid porn? No. But you shouldn't pretend like sex doesn't happen, you shouldn't shield them from every moment in media where sexual topics pop up. Sure you shouldn't show them the sex scenes in mass effect, but what is wrong with playing the game with them and if that section pops up explaining what is happening and cover their eyes if you have to'? The responsible thing is to talk to your kids about this stuff. Not hide them away in a bubble of shame.

As for the girl cosplaying this character? WHO CARES. I bet you she doesn't even know how sexual the character is, i bet she chose the costume because it looks cool.

>> No.6923828


>> No.6923829

I think it'd be less creepy if she put it together on her own out of stuff in her closet. The fact that daddy is telling her to go put on her Miranda costume (and, if others in the thread are to believed, her sister to put on and EDI costume) it just really sketchy to me.

>> No.6923831
File: 2.03 MB, 300x169, 1370668157250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ugh what an ugly bitch she should wear a wig to cover that greasy mop. I bet her cosplay is store bought what a ho she probably never played mass effect and just chose a sexy character.

>> No.6923832

It's not creepy. You only think its creepy because for some retarded asinine reason you think it's bad for kids to dress up as characters from an M-rated video game. I'm sorry but you're an idiot.

>> No.6923835

Why would anyone think sex is worse than violence? that's really sad.

Not saying anyone should sexualize children,which is not the case here. Just don't act like sex is something you should plug your ears about and look in the other direction.

Are you american? this is why america is so fucking stupid and has a high teen pregnancy rate.

>> No.6923840

I personally don't care of she watched the game being played or not, a grown man putting little girls in the costumes of a genetically perfect sex goddess and a hyper-sexualized robot makes me wanna barf.

>> No.6923843

>this is why america is so fucking stupid and has a high teen pregnancy rate.
I blame abstinence only education for that one, actually. Tell kids that condoms don't work, that birth control causes cancer, and they'll keep having sex, just without the condoms and pills.

>> No.6923847

> you think it's bad for kids to dress up as characters from an M-rated video game
I never said that. I said it was creepy that daddy was putting his little girls in sexy sci-fi lady catsuits. I don't give a shit about kids playing/liking/dressing up from M-rated games. Just not Miranda and EDI.

>> No.6923849

OP I haven't even played those games but I am horrified that someone thought that was a good idea. Usually I think people should be able to do what they want and not have others judging about what a terrible parent they are, but I do think this is questionable at best. There are so many sick fucks out there...it's not even like it is really a costume anyway, I could allllmost understand it if he went all out and did a beautiful job on the construction and it ended up being a near dead ringer for the game. This just seems like an excuse to parade the child around in a costume that was designed to be very sexy. I don't understand the point.

>> No.6923853

It's a little creepy because Miranda is a horrible character. Why would you let your kid dress up as one of the worst bitches in Mass Effect? you'd be better off letting her dress as one of the Asari consorts.

>> No.6923854

Do you guys even have kids? Educating kids about sex and letting them get away playing whatever the fuck they please are two different things.
Holy shit guys.

Why does everyone assume this? Violence is obviously bad, but how do you tell a child they're too young to have sex?

>> No.6923866 [DELETED] 

>Anonymous 06/21/13(Fri)00:56 No.692385
Miranda is a horrible character and it is weird for their dad to not pick cutesy characters from another series but instead pick an character that isn't appropriate for her age.

>> No.6923870
File: 91 KB, 600x448, 1369800366059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miranda is a horrible character and it is weird for their dad to not pick cutesy characters from another series but instead pick an character that isn't appropriate for her age. It is like dressing up a little kid as Jessica rabbit its creepy.

>> No.6923874

>miranda is an ugly character

>> No.6923875

>very sexy

Do me a favor and google children's swimsuits. Not girl's swimsuits, not children's bikinis. Just Children's swimsuits. I was going to save a picture, but let me just say I was not comfortable doing that. That should say something about the kinds of clothing people find to be perfectly acceptable to send their kids out in, but OMG an outfit that literally covers her from her neck down is too sexy for a kid to wear. That is just silly. There is nothing sexuall about this outfit unless you have to squeeze your massive breasts into it. As the costume stands, you could walk into any childrens dance studio and feel more uncomfortable. or heck, little girls wear even more revealing and deliberately sexuall clothing items as everyday clothes! (need I remind anyone of the lingerie for little girls debacle?)

Now, the one thing that is actually questionable about this whole ordeal, is why this little girl's picture is easily available for anyone on the internet, but even that is only kind of weird given the times we live in where everything you do can be found at anytime by just about anyone.

>> No.6923877

Part of me wants to see the EDI, but most of me would rather not.
Hell I'm uncomfortable seeing ADULTS cosplay EDI

>> No.6923879

How can anyone find Miranda sexy.
I'd sooner fuck wrex.

Of course that's not saying much.
Wrex is one sexy mother fucker.

>> No.6923881

(No homo)

>> No.6923886

> but how do you tell a child they're too young to have sex?

With pictures and graphs if you have too! are you fucking joking?

And how does playing the game with them equate to letting them get away with playing whatever they want? I am sorry you want to be a lazy parent and avoid talking your kids about anything important, but that is your own personal failing, and a big reason why lots of kids find themselves in dangerous sexual situations without even realizing how they got there.

>> No.6923887

1) Showing skin isn't the only thing that makes something too sexy for a child to wear
2) Just because it "could be worse" doesn't mean it's not bad
3) Miranda's backstory involves a very creepy relationship with her father, including being genetically engineered by him to be hyper sexualized
4) You can have graphic sex with her in the game
5) This guy posts pictures of her all over the place

>> No.6923889
File: 529 KB, 800x496, 1367554704948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrex is sexy on personality alone. If I could fuck his personality. I would. I'd settle for fucking him, too.
(I know it's a pic of Grunt)

>> No.6923891

Just a reminder.
Four testicles.

>> No.6923903
File: 41 KB, 293x245, sodivine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two sets of testicles

>> No.6923907

He's coming.
He's coming.
He's coming.

>> No.6923914

again you are being a retarded idiot and acting as if the story/backstory matters when it comes to inappropriate cosplay. the only thing it's inappropriate is if someone's dressing up like Hitler. Dressing up as a strong female character from an M-rated video game? I don't give a flying fuck what her story is, it doesn't matter. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. You should be ashamed of yourself.
There is also nothing sexy about the outfit that is on the kid. And the father posting pics of his kids dressed up is no different than any other parent posting pics of their kids dressed up.

>> No.6923922

BRB, getting Bible Black uniforms for my children. They're just school uniforms, right?

>> No.6923954

you are a real fucktard for comparing bible black characters to Miranda Lawson

>> No.6923957

6'8" weighs a fucking ton

>> No.6923992

I thought backstory didn't matter, though?
And if backstory DOES matter, then I think Miranda is just as fucked up, and it's even more fucked up for a father to be dressing his own daughter that way.

>> No.6924050

>you are a real fucktard for comparing bible black characters to Miranda Lawson

Yeah, bible black characters are way more attractive and well thought out.

>> No.6924053
File: 308 KB, 620x877, 1247321812629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I thought backstory didn't matter, though?
Plot > backstory imho, but backstory can be pretty good in the right setting.

Of course sometimes you get both at once. Which is amazing.

>> No.6924077

I never played ME, so i wouldn't know about the character. But i do not think you should put a child in a skin tight suit or any outfit that is clearly meant as something sexy. Why not just dress her up as princess Zelda, link, Ash, Pikachu or whatever the fuck. And if you really want too dress her up like something from a more adult thing, at least chose something that is not a sexualized outfit. I mean there are plenty of options.

>> No.6924157

ok seriously when did this thread get derailed with bullshit social studies and political philosophy debates.

having said that, making the costume look kid-friendly doesn't remove the creepy implications if you actually know the character's history. if she were an adult or at least a teen and doing her own work, different story. But a child being dressed up by her family like a very deliberately sexualized genetically perfect sex bomb is some creepy shit no matter how you play the game.

>> No.6924208

>the only thing it's inappropriate is if someone's dressing up like Hitler

Credibility level: zero.

>> No.6924210

I'm sure it's great fun to wear an uncomfortable tight dress (in b4 "b-b-but I wear high heels because I love the comfort! :(((") of a character you know nothing about.

Then again, I'm probably talking to some pedophalcone.

>> No.6924212

Personally, if I had a daughter, I'd tell her to be as slutty as possible and to whore herself out to any guy who wants to fuck her.

>> No.6924234

Miranda is a terrible character.. not to mention that this would fall on the parents to monitor and realize what position they'll be putting their kid in. I'd personally suggest trying to get the girl into one of Shep's armor sets if she wants to be a badass biotic.. or even more awesomely, a mini-Mordin. Anything clingy like that or with character connotations like that is just not ok for that age-range.

>> No.6924238

Also, I'd tell her to disregard education, school and any subject she likes.

Since girls always do the opposite of what their fathers tell them, I'd raise a educated, independent, non-promiscuous daughter of high moral fiber. :^)

>> No.6924253

>N7 Elite Facebook group
Useless without screenshots, dude.

>> No.6924270

I agree she is not the type of idol you want your kids to start dressing up as at this early on an age.. specially since she's very lewd and nawwwty. Why can't she just cosplay Fem Shep, at least fem shep wasn't created to be the perfect sexy human female.

>> No.6924281

That's what I'm saying! I'd love to see a mini-FemShep.. and tiny Mordin would just be bloody hilarious. Terrifying, but hilarious.

>> No.6924300

People who like Bioware are fucking retarded.

>> No.6924304

this is how i feel. Well, not retarded-- but Bioware games get so much praise and i dont understand why.

>> No.6924332
File: 508 KB, 2033x1616, 1351815482307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they used to make really amazing games. All they've been making is putrid shit since 2011.

>> No.6924426

ITT: A dashing battle between /cgl/'s shockingly huge pedophile population ("it's HER RIGHT to dress like a slu-strong independent woman! it is obvious she loves the character herself! also please remove age of consent btw") versus normal people.

>> No.6924436

Not pedophiles, just creepy women obsessed with children because they have none of their own.

>> No.6924444

Quadz says OP's girl is ripe for mounting.

>> No.6924448

I don't agree with the child being dressed up as Miranda because of her relationship with her father and the fact Miranda can be very sexual. However, you guys realize you don't have to romance anyone in ME right? If you don't romance anyone then you skip out on a good chunk of the sexual stuff. I'm not saying you eliminate it completely (there are the bars with the Asari dancers, etc.)but you definitely minimize it.

>> No.6924450

But it is misogynistic to deny little girls their birthright. Consent is a concept of patriarchy.

>> No.6924461
File: 126 KB, 571x800, cosplay-powergirl-and-huntress-kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about this?

OTOH these characters are pretty sexualized, but the costumes have been altered

>> No.6924475

You know what i find sad? Most people seem to be upset this little girl is wearing a costume from a highly sexualized character. Maybe if women weren't objectified all the damn time in videogames and media, this wouldn't be an issue.

I think the girl is probably having a great time and she knows nothing about the character. Maybe she just thought the costume was cute and her parents made/bought it for her?

Maybe this is a damn lesson that it's not right to completely objectify women, so when a little girl wears a costume, it wont feel so fucking awkward and wrong.

>> No.6924489

> I wanna kossspleh mommy.

Ok sweetie, from what?

> The game Daddy plays a lot!

Who do you want to be?

> The pretty lady!

That could be how it went down. However, that requires pretty open thinking. They may have wanted to think about it more, but the kid looks adorable, and isn't sexualized in the outfit itself.

>> No.6924496

Or maybe her ignorant mother could have chosen one of the many thousands of female characters in video games that aren't sexualized. "My daughter had no choice but to cosplay a sexual character because of the patriarchy" is not a valid argument.

Go wage your feminist war on tumblr with the rest of the idiots.

>> No.6924502

>Maybe if women weren't objectified all the damn time in videogames and media, this wouldn't be an issue.

I want SRS to leave.

>> No.6924503

or maybe you should stop being a worthless retarded conservative republican asshole. sexualized characters are not bad and you should be ashamed of yourself for trying to push your nanny state morals onto this family.

>> No.6924504

how fucking stupid are you that you would equate normal people who realize there is nothing bad about the Miranda Lawson character with pedophiles? GTFO you piece of shit

>> No.6924506

>Maybe she just thought the costume was cute and her parents made/bought it for her?

>> No.6924507

sarcasm aside, it is moronic to compare porn to an m rated video game.
People are being retarded maggots and overblowing a character from an RPG whose only crime is having some stupid backstory that they disapprove of. Fuck off you prudish republicans.

>> No.6924509


if you have a problem with this, then maybe you should have a problem with ballet

You're putting too much thought into the "sexualization" of a character.

>> No.6924511
File: 20 KB, 208x400, 244dsfs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right. I apologize.

brb dressing my 2 year old child up as Snooki from Jersey Shore.

>> No.6924516

Typical pedo argument.

>> No.6924518

yes ,yes sexualization of children is fine, and definitely not one of the main problems of the younger generation

>> No.6924530

Are we in Saudi fucking Arabia?

Lets just throw a blanket on all of our women and children, because men can't control themselves!

>> No.6924542

I'm in N7 Elite
I could provide a picture of the EDI but it makes me super uncomfortable so I'd rather not. From the looks of it EDI is even younger than Miranda up there.

One guy in the group posted that it was a bit odd, but everyone else is kissing each other's asses, like Bioware cosplayers tend to do. The dad was super snarky in his response, saying "Awesome psycho-analysis of a choice literally as simple as "OK little one here's the characters I think I can make a costume for in time for our family photo shoot, which one do you like the best?""

So she didn't even like Miranda or anything, daddy TOLD her she was gonna wear a sexy costume, but at least she got to pick it from a list of, like, 3 characters, right?

I just... how can you dress your kid up like Miranda when she's so young you still call her Little One?

>> No.6924549

>he thinks that sexualization of women exists only because there's men looking at them

I bet you're that McDonalds mangina from yesterday

>> No.6924548

Why are you fighting for a child's right to be sexualized? This is not a liberty you should be championing.

>> No.6924551

People cosplay as villains... Villains who commit genocide and cause strife?

It's all fiction and wanting to look cool. You're on a really high horse right now, get off before you break your neck.

>> No.6924556

why are you an ugly fat woman with no boyfriend?

>> No.6924558

why are you Falcone / a pedophile rapist who will never have sex if it's not a child in his dungeon?

>> No.6924568

Why are you ugly and will never fit into a Miranda cosplay because you eat too much ice cream?

>> No.6924571

>You don't think little kids should dress up in sexual outfits? lol you must be ugly and have no life.

wtf am I reading

>> No.6924592

Question: Why not just dress your kid up like the kid from ME3? Either the one from Shep's nightmares or the Catalyst. There are actual children in the game kids could easily be.

>> No.6924597
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>> No.6924599

>keeps using the word sexualize as if the intent behind these cosplays is to make smut

>> No.6924615

The intent is to personify a sexy character who is only recognizable to others who know the character for their sexuality. Hence sexualization. It's the same thing as if a young child went as Pamela Anderson from Baywatch for Halloween.

>> No.6924616

Why is their count covering the fireplace like that..terrible furniture placement.

>> No.6924636


At least it's not the black latex outfit from the loyalty mission.

Then we'd have a problem.

>> No.6924634

>sarcasm aside
Who's being sarcastic?
Certainly not me.
Miranda's awful.

>> No.6924670

Violence is fine, but SEX? My kid can kill as many people as they want, but god forbid they know what sex is. Uh-uh. Not in my Murrika.

>> No.6924679
File: 117 KB, 603x349, Mass-effect-3-kid-in-vent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should tell him to let her be the kid at the end of 3.

>> No.6924688 [DELETED] 

saved that to my cp folder, thanks

>> No.6924693

>everyone else is kissing each other's asses, like Bioware cosplayers tend to do

Why does the Bioware cosplay community suck so badly?

>> No.6924696

probably because bioware sucks and so do their fans.


>> No.6924701
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>> No.6924706

I agree with this 100% and am somewhat of a living example of what happens when you never explain shit to your kid. My parents raised me as if we lived in Leave It To Beaver land and never explained sex or violence to me, and didn't really give me any ways to socialize with other kids before just dropping me into public school with no idea how normal kids behave. And if you don't think a 9 year old knows sexual humor, go spend some time listening to 4th graders when they talk amongst themselves.
To make this short without going into what happened to me, all you're doing by not telling your kids about sex is setting them up to not know when someone is doing something wrong to them, and not knowing what to do when they reach maturity and want to act on the urges they feel.

>> No.6924707

>most kids are already dressing sexy at 10 and women support it
>suddenly it;s wrong when it's cosplay?

>> No.6924711
File: 197 KB, 430x512, Screen shot 2013-06-21 at 2.47.53 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Original Post. Ill see if I can cap more stuff if it is funny/cringe worthy.

>> No.6924713

The woman who are against little girls dressed in sexy cosplays are probably also against little girls dressed in sexy clothing though.

>> No.6924720

forgot to add most of the comments are "parenting done right" "you win the father of the century award"

Here is the one comment: "There...is a lot of really strange subtext in dressing your daughter up in a Miranda costume.....arguably the most overtly sexualized Mass Effect character who's own father engineered her to be the perfect woman. Argh, the complexity hurts my brain!

Costume does look great, though. Are you using a stencil and an airbrush or dry-brushing method for the hexagons? "

Replies: "^ From the perspective of a young girl: Miranda is a pretty, no-nonsense, take charge, almost-super-girl, who has admirable qualities (rescuing her sister so her sister can have a better life). I'd want to be her too if I was her age! The costume is well done and completely modest. You can't read that much into her character choice or over analyze it. I think it's awesome!"

Original Comment reply: "Yeah, I love the complexity and moral ambiguity of Miranda's character. I'm just commenting on the irony of a father designing a costume for a character that was "designed" by her father"

I have to admit I agree with this guy. There is just something disturbing about it especially since the dad cosplays shepard who can fuck miranda Idk. Weird. But I am a huge Mass Effect fan so maybe its just my knowladge of the game making it weird. Lets just say its not the costume I would dress my kid as.

>> No.6924718

I doubt it, considering whenever someone raises an objection to that here everyone cries patriarchy.

>> No.6924719


The fuck, brain.

>> No.6924724

I seriously do not understand how anybody can support this. She is a minor, a person who legally can't make her own decisions until she is 18, and you think it's perfectly okay for her to be walking around in a skin tight body suit? What if this was your little sister or your own kid? Would you want her dressed like this?

Even though her parents say that she picked out the costume and likes Miranda, I highly doubt that is the case. It's like a kid picking out the prettiest doll in a toy store without really knowing anything about them other than the fact that they have long shiny hair.

This girl has no idea what is going on, and her horrible Biodrone parents should be goddamn ashamed.

>> No.6924725

Yeah that...

That is odd isn't it?

I dunno. Normally I'm not the type to even chime in with this...or even browse this board, but uh...

there's just something about that costume though. It seems sheer? Clingy? I dunno. I can't put my finger on it but there's something about it that seems just a little too much.

Insightful post at least.

>> No.6924726

>She is a minor, a person who legally can't make her own decisions until she is 18, and you think it's perfectly okay for her to be walking around in a skin tight body suit?

So a skin-tight body suit is bad but as two-piece bikini is ok?

>> No.6924731

I never said that was okay either.

I fucking hate going into Victoria's Secret and seeing 12 year olds looking at the same $11 panties I am. I'm not saying that kids need to wear burkas, I'm just saying that kids need to be kids.

This girl doesn't even have her period yet, and they're fucking dressing her up as a character you can fuck in a video game.

It's absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6924732
File: 148 KB, 282x475, Screen shot 2013-06-21 at 2.59.50 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres the EDI. I didnt want to post the whole image because its a family shot and I didnt want to include the kids not dressed up or anything

>> No.6924739

generally, it's fans are the loud, obnoxious, LBGT community, if they aren't within this group then they consist of the people who think BioShock Infinite was a "piece of art" and generally have shit taste in games
to be on topic, some mass effect/dragon ages cosplays usually aren't god awful, although I'm sure theres exceptions.

Also: while the girl is cosplaying an over sexualized character, the costume isn't rally over sexualized- it's meh in general and nothing to get my boxers rustled.

>> No.6924741

...Are those fake boobs on the costume or just part of the lanyard cord?

>> No.6924751
File: 100 KB, 600x450, paxe11fr05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They may not be god awful cosplays, but some Bioware cosplayers have some god awful personalities.

Picture completely fucking related.

>> No.6924756
File: 113 KB, 1000x700, me3-krogan-female-eve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not feel ok with this.

Picture related is the only female in the ME universe that is bad ass enough for any age.

>> No.6924757

>It's absolutely disgusting.

It's what feminists wanted, isn't it? Now women control their sexuality and prudish men can't tell them what to do. If a 12 year old wants to dress sexy, they should be able to. If you disagree then you're a sexist prude.

>> No.6924766
File: 927 KB, 628x896, 1371819075352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the hell did a cause get in the way of people having common sense?

>> No.6924772

Causes always do.

>> No.6924780


>dat Bic lighter

>> No.6924787

But...twelve year olds aren't women.

>> No.6924781
File: 130 KB, 965x990, 1371818940593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's true. One minute you are part of a political movement to get your country out of a financial black hole caused by a massive war, and the next minute the leader of said political movement is telling you to kill all the Jews.

I suppose raging hysterical nut cases are a part of any movement, and you just have to recognise them and not actually take them seriously.

>> No.6924790


I'm pretty sure when I was younger at around 9 if I had known about cosplay I would have cosplayed as Tifa or Yuffie or some highly sexual character. Why?

I didn't know any better, they were in a cool game that my Dad and I played together.

I honestly don't see any harm in this, are you teling me that little boys in spandex for halloween is pedophilia too? This is getting blown way out of proportion. She wanted to play dress up, and she did. There's no underlying reason, her parents aren't auctioning her off into sex slavery, Everyone needs to chill out.

>> No.6924796

Nothing personal, but, I think you might be a little too good for this board. What the hell are you doing here?

>> No.6924798

They should still be allowed to dress how they want as long as it doesn't break decency laws.

>> No.6924807
File: 35 KB, 400x600, 1359387412347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me? I'm just here waiting.

I'm waiting for her to return.

>> No.6924815

Generally children are regarded as property until they turn 18 or whatever the rule is.

So usually it's up to the parents.

>> No.6924817
File: 79 KB, 500x625, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It seems like the kid thought the character was cool. I thought scantily-clad characters were awesome long before I learned about sex appeal. When I played Torment, I had a child crush on the character Annah. I didn't realize she was fap fodder, I just thought, "she's fun and cool and has a tail I wanna be her!"

>> No.6924821

And if your parents were decent parents they would have beaten your ass for dressing like that, not encouraging you to do it.

Because even though you're a kid and don't know any better, you're parents do and should.

>> No.6924824

And they're clearly fine with it.

Seriously, are you really sexually threatened by a little girl who hasn't started puberty yet? I notice that women only complain about young women's sexuality when they feel threatened and like they have to compete with objectively better partners.

>> No.6924832


pretty sure not every parent is going to police their children the same way.

everyone is different, and even if my parents HAD said no, I would have made a damnedest attempt to do it anyways. If you attempt to disagree with you, I'm going to call you a liar. I know everyone probably has done the same thing.

>> No.6924827

I'm a different anon.
Just ...chiming in unexpected is all.
Sorry about that.

>> No.6924828

>beating a kid's ass for not understanding something a child can't understand

Sorry, "decent" parent? You wouldn't know a decent parent if one came up and gave you a very simple and clear explanation of a complex idea so that you have a basic understanding of the concept.

>> No.6924842

Its not lined, is what it is. White spandex always needs two layers or it looks kinda sheer.

>> No.6924844
File: 352 KB, 385x572, beauty-pageant-child.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's your decision. This isn't a kid wearing a tube top and lipstick and then sneaking out of the house, this is a kid whose parents sewed an outfit for her with an intent of dressing her up as a character from a video game who was designed to romance in a game with an intent to appeal to older men, and then wanted to put her on display.

Honestly, this shit reminds me of those horrible child beauty pageants, but that's female empowerment too, right?

>> No.6924846

Its just the shaping/color blocking of the costume.

>> No.6924847

>mfw someone else played Torment as a kid
I like you.

>> No.6924854

Thanks, I'm glad someone else remembers this game. Most people have no idea what I'm talking about when I bring it up.

>> No.6924853

>but that's female empowerment too, right?
Everything that makes /r9k/ virgin MRA/neckbeards like you butthurt is empowerment, Athens.

>> No.6924856

I can literally hear this post buzzing from all the shitty buzzwords crapped into it.

>> No.6924868

Perhaps you should go away then. Hearing voices isn't very good for your mental health.

>> No.6924872

About 9:30.

>> No.6924878

You're getting desperate, Athens.

>> No.6924889

We're not having your argument. Your argument is retarded and you won't listen to reason.

So we're having my argument.

I said we're leaving at about 9:30

>> No.6924893

Also, I have no idea what athens is, other than the capital of Greece.

So please.

>> No.6924900

>playing dumb
Literally everyone can tell you're Athens. You're also the original poster of this thread and most people in this thread, arguing with yourself.

>> No.6924902

No, but I guess we can if you need to.

>> No.6924906

Different anon, but I think what they're trying to get across to the lot of you mouthbreathers is that the girl and her parents aren't realizing that while she may love the character and want to show her appreciation for it, they're not taking into account the creeps out there such as yourselves.

>> No.6924907 [DELETED] 

>tfw every day you have dreams about having sex with little children
>just today you dreamt about having sex with Stephanie from Full House (she was on top, she liked it and she let me cum inside her)
>go to /cgl/ after waking up and cleaning cum on your bed with tissues
>see OP's pic, a girl who looks like Stephanie


>> No.6924915


>> No.6924923

Why contain it?

>> No.6924933
File: 22 KB, 720x540, 1371409625290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6924936
File: 24 KB, 720x540, 1371409625290.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6924948

Even creepier, his older daughter cosplayed as Edi. He said he allowed his daughter to pick which character she wanted to cosplay and she choose Miranda.

I find Edi worse, she has a major cameltoe in ME3

>> No.6924955

pretty much any female character designed after me1 looks like garbage.
Hell even ashley isn't very good.

I guess what I'm saying is tali is best.

>> No.6924963

I hate her so much ugh. She was the start of the bad reputation of ME cosplayers. She is really mean. And her shepard is truly not the best. Not even top 5.

YES. Mini-eve would be so much more impressive and incredible and appropiate than this.

In what world are Tifa and Yuffie as sexualized IN GAME (not in fanart or fanfics) as Miranda. Terrible comparison.

My contribution? If youre going to dress your kid up as a super sexy character, at least line the bodysuit and maybe use thicker material so it doesnt seem so filmsy and see-through and clingy. If it was more like that, I doubt people would complain because it wouldnt appear as "sexy". I mean theres still the whole character choice to come into it but eh. Like Im just the most disturbed that he would dress as Shepard and Joker with his daughters dressing as Miranda and EDI

Also to the person who said Jack is more Sexualized than Miranda, Id really have to disagree with that. While she wears less, a kid in a tattoo shirt and baggy prison pants I can almost PROMISE you would of caused less of an uproar than see-through catsuit body designed to be a sex object Miranda. If they wouldnt of used a tattoo shirt though yeah that would be a bit different.

I think the problem is skin-cat catsuits are made to be sexy, they serve no other purpose then accentuating a females form and basically being a second skin. In a way its like being naked with out being naked, it doesnt leave much to the imagination. I dont think theres a problem with catsuits, I love them and usually love character designs with them but Im also an adult and not a dad dressing my innocent daughter in it. Its not fair to compare THIS (thin catsuit from a very sexualized character) to a kid wearing a bathing suit since they are thicker, less see through, and not based on a character with the "reputation/story" of Miranda. And yes, that is important since the venue she will be wearing this at (Dragon*con, N7 meetup)

>> No.6924967

Cont. Since the venues she will be wearing this at, the character is very well known. If that makes sense. Sorry, Im not sure how to put it.

>> No.6924971

are you a grill? if so can I be your bf? thanks

>> No.6924974

>> "[EDIT] blarg, stupid post that will only cause more flame issues and I should know better and let the idiot posting crap on 4chan wallow in his/her own insecurities while I enjoy an incredible family experience. done."

Apparently the dad posted something else but later edited it so Im not sure what else he said. N7 Elite has 614 members, he should know not everyone would be ass-kissers and find this weird/uncomfortable as well as the EDI. He has a very small child, hopefully he wont dress her up as an Asari constort because she liked the shiney dresses.

>> No.6924978


I did dance and gymnastics when I was her age. Everything we wore was skin tight. So glad we were being "overly sexual".

>> No.6924987

>In what world are Tifa and Yuffie as sexualized IN GAME (not in fanart or fanfics) as Miranda.

According to feminists all you need is to have huge breasts or skimpy clothes and you're automatically max level sexualized.

>> No.6924988

Were you dressing up as a gymnast from a video game where you can have sex with a gymnast who was genetically designed to be a beautiful perfect woman with a camera that constantly zooms in on her ass? Because I would love to play that.

>> No.6924998


>According to feminists
>According to feminists
>According to feminists

you sound like a broken record, do you have any SOURCES to back this up or are you just talking out your ass?

>> No.6925009

>do you have any SOURCES to back this up

I dunno, which feminist meltdown over sexy video game characters will convince you the most?

>> No.6925010

No, but we did dance to "Pretty Woman". You guys are thinking about this way too much.

>> No.6925016

That is easily Roy Orbison's worst song and you should feel ashamed.

>> No.6925033


and you don't provide anything still?

Are you even trying?

>> No.6925039

Okay, the EDI's cute, that looks like a typical kid-in-a-costume.

>> No.6925042
File: 375 KB, 550x2742, male privilege in action.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not that anon, but here I'll just prove that you only like sources if they agree with you anyway.

Pic related. It's all offensive misogynistic trash made by misogynist researchers and misogynistic poll makers.

>> No.6925045

So you don't see a problem with a child cosplaying a character who was rendered with serious cameltoe in-game?

>> No.6925047

lol athens
lol virgin

>> No.6925049

>shaming someone's sexuality
Hypocrite alert.

>> No.6925052

athens alert

>> No.6925055

Is everyone athens?

Is that what athens means?

It's a wordfilter for "everyone" isn't it?
Hold on let me test:

>> No.6925059

>this thread
>everyone eating all the bait..jesus why.

>> No.6925061


>> No.6925068

No one is eating out the girl ("bait", as you call her, you sick fuck) in OP's post. Only you are doing it, in your dreams you pedo.

>> No.6925075

As somebody who danced her whole life, does it professionally now, and also cosplays (and yes plays mass effect) you cannot compare what we wore for convience of movement (like leotards or even unitards if thats what you wore) to a costume of a character from a game that you can sleep with and as the other person pointed out zooms in on her ass all the time. Also for competitions or preformances, they are generally private events that only family attends. This little girl is going to DRAGON CON in this. Theres a difference.

>> No.6925080

I'm asking you a question.

>> No.6925082

>> Dad "Yah, I know better than to get my panties in a bunch over the esteemed members of 4chan ... Just harder when my daughter is involved. Ah well. She loves it and is super excited to be a badass super powered sci fi woman. What more could a father hope for?"

>> N7 Elite ass kisser: "The internet is full of stupid "know-it-alls" who like to criticize others to feel better about themselves. And 4chan is where all the idiots congregate. Personally, I think helping your daughter cosplay a strong independent woman means you're a great dad!"

I cant even anymore. My dad is the reason im into comics, video games, and sci fi and this makes me cringe. Maybe if it was actually well constructed out of a good, non-sheer material this all would be different. Guess thats what you get for cheaply buying stuff and piecing it together.

>> No.6925088

Maybe the dad just can't afford that much good stuff but wants to give her the best he has?

Good intentions, bad execution.

Who knows.

>> No.6925095

I just feel like if I were to dress up my little sister, and she wanted to be a sexy character like this, I would try my hardest to tone it down with out sacrificing the design. Like I would save up to buy a lyrca and lined unitard from a dance retailer so I KNEW it would be a good weight material and no chance of it being see through

>> No.6925113

Miranda is pretty much the worst character.

>> No.6925127

>>[...] super powered sci fi woman. What more could a father hope for?" he said and then he took out his hairy 3 inch penis and shoved it into his 10 year old daughter's vagoo.

Fixed. The girl's father is a pedo, no doubt about that.

>> No.6925128

Dohoho, of course, it's easy to exploit a child, but look at how they ALWAYS turn out.

>> No.6925130

Like the average seagull?

>> No.6925136

More than most people would be able to admit.

>> No.6925147

>implying that her mother would do any different

Women would rape her all the same if they had a benis.

>> No.6925154

But if desensitize a child to sex that young, it teaches them that sex is 'no big deal'. Children learn by imitation; they grow up thinking that acting like that is consequence-free and 'normal'.

>> No.6925155

>Personally, I think helping your daughter cosplay a strong independent woman

>> No.6925156


>> No.6925161

So, how many times have you guys jerked off to OP's pic? I only four times today.

>> No.6925162

Sex isn't a big deal. Why are we making it out to be?

>> No.6925168

That's positive, the sooner children start having sex the better. I personally think that the current average (12 years) is way too old. They're basically adults once they reach 12 years, they have to start sooner, 8-9 at least.

>> No.6925177

tell that to all the rape victims.

>> No.6925182

5/10. Almost raged.

>> No.6925183

Rape isn't sex, rape is an instrument of patriarchy / men to dis-empower and try to enslave women.

>> No.6925184

Sex is no big deal. Sex is normal. Driving a car is no big deal. Driving a car is normal. Walking to the bus station is no big deal. Walking to the bus station is normal.

All of these actions have risks, and in any case a person should be made aware of the risks. The person should do these things as safely as possible. That doesn't make them a huge deal.

>> No.6925186

what are the percentages of murderer/criminal/abusers' genders, praytell?

>> No.6925189

It's still not a big deal.

This is coming from a rape victim. No STDs, no pregnancy? Nbd.

>> No.6925191

You sound like a huge fucking moron. Sex for children is like air for humans, they need it.

>> No.6925192

>literally asking for something that's explicitly shown in that picture
I want SRS to leave.

>> No.6925199

>implying that people who photograph half-naked children ever have pure intentions
Watch out for anything with a Russian address

>> No.6925201

I don't think you're actually replying to me.

Anyway, 3edgy4me m8.

>> No.6925203

This. I am also a rape victim and personally, I would like if my rapist raped me again. He had a huge dicked and sex with him felt more satisfying than with either of my boyfriends. If it weren't for the unfortunate pregnancy that came after (he didn't use condoms ofc...) and the trouble of getting an abortion 6 months in (I was busy you know...), I definitely wouldn't mind.

>> No.6925209

>Do me a favor and google children's swimsuits. Not girl's swimsuits, not children's bikinis.

Just reading this turned me on. Then I googled and masturbated furiously.

Do you want me to go into prison? Or die? :o) Or do you want me to fill your daughter's pussy with seed? My seed is precious, it is the seed of Bull's strength, and it is very nutritious, if a bit salty.

>> No.6925213



>> No.6925215

i will laugh hard if someone seriously replies to this

>> No.6925218
File: 218 KB, 800x800, god I'd rape all three of them at once, godm y dick oh god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the problem you dumb fucking broad. There's a difference between children's swimsuits too.

The one on the top is sexualized not only in terms of design, but the photo is also featuring a sexually posing child.

The bottom swimsuits are what children's swimsuits should look like. Why the fuck do kid's swimsuits need to show skin anyway? They only want ot have fun building sand castles, fucking each other, and swimming in the sea.

>> No.6925221

Troll or not, this is how a typical female with average IQ reacts to rape in the US.

>> No.6925223 [DELETED] 

Beta programming, sex kitten programming, I'm scared for this little girl.

>> No.6925224

>He had a huge dicked and sex with him felt more satisfying than with either of my boyfriends.

>> No.6925227

Is this some fucking haiku or what?

It doesn't matter if she starts having sex at the age of 5, as long as it's some Alpha as fuck guy (=not pedophiles) and not Betas (=pedophiles).

>> No.6925229

Sorry, guess I'll bite, what about that pose is sexual? The little girl in the lower picture is in a similar pose. She just isn't looking at a windchime.

>> No.6925230

Pretty sure the girl in the top pic is 18. Children cannot be so smoking hot.

>> No.6925234

>legs spread wider than the fucking Amazon river (that's the widest, not longest river [that's the Nile] on the world)

>> No.6925232

[citation needed]

>> No.6925239


>> No.6925236

Look it up, unless you would rather stay ignorant, as so many people choose to do.

>> No.6925238

As you people clearly are experts in child development. What should my 5 year old daughter cosplay for the next convention? Please do tell, I don't want a scantily clad women come up to me and lecture me about my child being over sexualized and abused by her mother and father.

>You people can't even take care properly of yourselves.

>> No.6925240

Girl in the lower picture is doing the same thing with her legs.

>> No.6925244

>first result from google:

Are you fucking kidding me? You are fucking Athens man,

>> No.6925246

Marilyn Monroe

>> No.6925247

She's using only ONE LEG, which means it's innocent. The harlot above her is using TWO LEGS, which means she probably slept with a dozen of guys to get that lucrative photoshoot, fucking bitch.

>> No.6925248

Liz Vicious.

>> No.6925250

/r9k/ pls go

>> No.6925249

If she's cute, it doesn't really matter, she'll turn me on anyway. :o)

>> No.6925252
File: 131 KB, 411x400, anzu has milk all over her.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anzu from Idolmaster :3 She's really cute and kids love it and it's easy to do and shit! :33333

>> No.6925256


>> No.6925261

/cgl/ = child psychologists

>> No.6925265

>/cgl/ = child rapists


>> No.6925268


>> No.6925267
File: 7 KB, 181x278, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking each other

>> No.6925276

>is on a lolita board
>has not read Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

If little girls were having sex as early as the age of 10 a hundred years ago (like casually, with each other, in summer camps and shit) then why do you expect it to change?

It's funny how the Betas always think there's like some accepted age when sexing begins. The Alphas start having it the moment they have their first boner (for males) / the moment they look different from boys (for females).

>> No.6925278

athens? :))))

>> No.6925280

Normal guy here, should I feel bad when looking at OP"s pic did give me a boner? Like not the stiffest boner of my life, but guy just stood up in my pants.

I am really a normal guy and have a gf, so it is just an accident yes?

>> No.6925283

Don't worry anon, it's okay. You were probably just turned on by the fact that you can see her highly erotic panties and her nipples through the see-through white fabric. You just forget it's a kid, no problem.

>> No.6925287

I'd hit it, ain't no shame to admit it.

>> No.6925288
File: 13 KB, 300x200, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw people believe prepubescent children much less anyone under the age of 17 is capable of handling the consequences of 'making babies'

>> No.6925290
File: 59 KB, 750x600, 1412162-picard_facepalm[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6925291

But you have actually great sex-ed in hollywood shows and shit.

It's not like parents raise their children in the US anyway, the TV does it for them.

>> No.6925292

le faecpalm hivemind :^) upboat pls

>> No.6925297

I am a girl and I think that it is okay to be attracted to the girl in OP as long as you keep checking your privilege.

>> No.6925298

kill yourself

>> No.6925300

Completely fine. Another normal straight guy here, I would hit it.

>> No.6925304


Smoker for president/ king of CGL.

>> No.6925313

I've never played the gave so if I saw a girl dressed up like that I wouldn't give a shit.
The only people who seem to give a shit are the ones who have played the game and know the character's backstory.

From what I've read the problem isn't the costume per se, but more about what the character represents.

>> No.6925318

Did you even look at the costume? See >>6925283 it's actually true.

I hope you report OP for sharing cp on 4chan. This is a sick joke,.

>> No.6925350

>245 posts

Why does /cgl/ always do this.

>> No.6925369

you must be fucking stupid or trolling

>> No.6925373

Are there any cosplays of her?

>> No.6925374

there is no problem really. no one should give a flying fuck about a fictional character's backstory. there is like one samefag in this thread that keeps trying to rally cgl to her taliban-like cause but no one supports her.

>> No.6925392

I'm sure there are one or two. I'd do one if I could figure out the tail. Also, I'd need to play the game again, to be sure I get everything right.

>> No.6925416
File: 73 KB, 266x246, hugo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taliban-like cause
Oh yes, it's totally religious jihad up in here....on a cosplay forum.

>> No.6925443

OK, I'm a member of the N7 Elite, I find the cosplay creepy and the Edi cosplay creepy, but it's also creepy posting a picture of a minor on 4Chan

>> No.6925457

or perhaps you're OP and you're protecting yourself?

>> No.6925458

Yes I looked at the costume and no I didn't notice her nipples or her crotch because why the fuck would I be staring at that picture for more than 5 seconds to notice them.

Seriously why would I?

>> No.6925466

>so insecure about being a pedophile that he can't look at a little girl for more than 5 seconds

>> No.6925477

Because there's far too many women here.

>> No.6925482

>Implying I'm a pedophile.
>Implying I'm a "he".

No you fucking moron. There is just not a single reason to stare at that picture to go nitpicking about how her body is showing through the suit.

Would you stare at that girl if she passed walking next to you and looked at her crotch because "omg it's showingggg"?

Just imagine that situation in your little head and tell me it's not off to do that kind of shit.

>> No.6925501

Same, I didn't notice anything until someone pointed it out. Even so, I'm still not seeing nips at all, and can only barely see underwear.

People need to get a fucking grip.

>> No.6925522

why are you people even still posting? Fuckers bumping a shitty thread.

>> No.6925586

I came here from /d2g/. My name is Dresh and I love to fap to little kids. :^)

>> No.6925600

Only men can be pedophiles.

>> No.6925608

You still on about the "pedophile" part?
Jesus Christ you're dense.

>> No.6925616


>> No.6925625
File: 109 KB, 695x960, Usdf342-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is now sitting on the couch.


>> No.6925654

The picture shows percentages of victims. That anon wanted to know what the gender ratio is for the perpetrators of those crimes.

>> No.6925658

still fapping material

>> No.6925659

Fuck off SRS shitter.

>Behavior Disorders
>85% men
>80% men

>> No.6925665

i love you

>> No.6925709

> I WILL Find out who posted this on 4chan. She is a Minor. You are the lowest grade of human being and I suggest that you remove yourself from this group ASAP.

I love how the group is like "How dare you post a minor in this kind of outfit on the internet?" when her dad posted the pictures on Facebook in the first place.

>> No.6925725

Seriously. If there's nothing wrong with what you're doing than there's nothing wrong with the whole world seeing it

>> No.6925736

Shit, I wanna leave the group after this horseshit but I'm afraid they'll think I'm OP
Though now I'm super curious as to who OP is...

>> No.6925747

obviously its some mentally disturbed fat fuck who thinks some stupid backstory is grounds for a video game character to be considered uncosplayable by minors

>> No.6925752

How is it not?

>> No.6925802

Does that mean that if a minor cosplays a school girl from an ero visual novel, it's okay?

>> No.6925810
File: 67 KB, 497x486, MIDF disguise.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're everywhere, my friend.

>> No.6925827
File: 73 KB, 620x480, 466329065_1358352631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't find this super creepy or even a little creepy, I find this very disappointing. You see, little kids lack that one essential thing that makes women so appealing: curves. That kid's cute and everything but she's pretty shapeless. Let's compare with the woman to pictured with this post. Now that's fapworthy.

>> No.6925833

>cosplayers whining about cosplaying
....if THAT is your reasoning for jumping ship, you must be new to costuming thing. Cosplay communities breed drama like fire draws moths.

Oh and sage btw - still a shitty thread with grown adults freaking out over a kid's costume.

>> No.6925837

I don't think the point of the OP is that you are supposed to fap to it...

>> No.6925838

Is it still cosplay when it's paint? I'm always confused by that. I get mixed answers.

>> No.6925856

I say yes. The more nearly naked women the better.

>> No.6925855

Did he read the comments here?

Tell him that his daughter has a very healthy looking pussy and that I'm willing to come inside it, if he offers me a good dowry.

>> No.6925864

That's the group admin making threats on the internet, not the father. Just FYI.

>> No.6925877

Tell the group admin then that he has a firm ass and a healthy looking cunny. I would like to cum inside it, he just has to offer me currency.

>> No.6925875

who cares what the fuck the OP's point was. the OP is a worthless maggot who thinks Miranda Lawson is on the same level as a pornstar or hitler and doesn't think little kids should be cosplaying her. Well fuck the OP. Biggest taliban-like douche ever.

>> No.6925880

Pretty much every male who came across it ejaculated in his hand pretending that their left hand was that girl's vagina. I even reposted on the 4chan Dota 2 chat rooms and everyone came.