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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6922751 No.6922751 [Reply] [Original]

Today in 'I don't know how business works' and 'give me free money for altruism'...

>Indie brand business practices general?

>> No.6922807

She won't get far and she'll disappear in a matter of months, if she evens lasts that long.

Making cheap clothing is easy to say until you actually start making shit and realize you're making no money (for yourself) except funds to get more fabric and whatever else you need. Even then, you'll probably still have to pay out of your pocket for some things.

>> No.6922819

This. If it were easy to make cheap, GOOD lolita clothing or costume people would be doing it. You better have good business sense, factory connections and actually be a designer. Oh and the capital to get yourself started because bulk purchases are the only way to do anything cheap.

A sophomore in highschool who can make a rectangle skirt? please.

>> No.6922822
File: 127 KB, 531x665, Screen shot 2013-06-20 at 10.57.13 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many dumbasses on tumblr lately, goddamn do I hate summer.
>mfw I used to try to help people there
>got called an 'elitist cunt' 9/10 times i did
>all i said was 'maybe get a petti'
Pic related, ita-sounding wall of text.

>> No.6922831

>$80-300 is overpriced
Maybe once she's a senior and has to shop around for ugly tulle-covered prom dresses she'll know the real meaning of overpriced.

>> No.6922856

oh god

>> No.6922988

but ~lolita is a princess frame of mind desu~

>> No.6923830

God what is it with bitches saying ~we all wear Lolita to feel like princess~
I don't wear it to feel like a princess, I wear it to feel like a cupcake.

>> No.6923842
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>sophomore in highschool

>> No.6923845

I wear it to hide the ginormous hips and thighs that genetics bestowed upon me and years of sports and martial arts shaped to be even bigger, personally. Same reason I really like swing dresses and avoid tight jeans.

>> No.6924493
File: 43 KB, 414x285, Screen shot 2013-06-21 at 9.38.06 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update on our brave little designer.
> hand painting
> already realizing she cant sell shit for china slave labor prices

>> No.6924612

>I drew a picture!

Jesus, this is going to be a great trainwreck to watch. Kind of hoping she posts on egl.

>> No.6924908

>hand painting
>more expensive

god she really is clueless. yes people you can sell lolita for cheap, if you pay yourself a negative amount of money.

>> No.6924929
File: 49 KB, 500x281, tumblr_inline_mlq6vpq1E91qz4rgp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make clothes like MmM and AatP

>> No.6924938

She seems even more delusional once you watch that NHK special on lolita, where they showed a fleet of loli designers AND team of little old ladies sewing like crazy.

>> No.6924942

Do you have a link to this? I don't think I've seen/heard of this one...

>> No.6924947

Oh i just watched this and it made me appreciate bttsb a lot especially since it appears they don't source China labor like AP. Of course they could have just been showing their one japanese factory heh. Still makes me sad they are considered the lowest quality of the big brands though.

>> No.6924956

I'm pretty sure they do, though? Like you said, it was probably their Japanese workroom, where they do finishing details in-house. I think a lot of brands work that way (it's also how a lot of brands work so they can be called Made In Italy/France/whatever because the details were done in-house).

>> No.6924993

Where can you get prints made? I know she said it was expensive, but I just wanted some cute fabric to make bows with and wanted to use some designs of my own.

>> No.6925001


>> No.6925011

Scroll down a few posts on EGL, someone posted about it and linked it. It's a really cute video, definitely recommended.

>> No.6925021

Thanks anon!

>> No.6925035

Holy shit I never expected it to cost THAT much. And I thought $6.50 a yard was expensive...

>> No.6925044

it's not, you're just a cheapass. 6.50 is a good deal.

>> No.6925057

I know. How do you even make clothes for $17 a yard though?

>> No.6925078

by charging a lot of money. welcome to the world of fashion. though tbh, spoonflower is a lot more expensive than a large company would pay for their fabric. Indy designers don't have access to whole factories or the capability to bulk print though.

>> No.6925120

Yeah true. I was thinking if I liked the fabric for the bows that maybe I would buy more fabric and make a cute skirt or something, but for $17 a yard I think I'll settle for something at Joann's. And large companies buy crazy amounts of supplies so they get really good bulk discounts! I wonder how much a brand like AP has to pay per yard for their prints.

>> No.6925133

Just make sure you don't use Spoonflower for dark colors, anon.
They usually show up looking faded and become even more so after any kind of washing.

>> No.6925141
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My god has someone told her to shut up yet?

>> No.6925316

Sadly, I think this is adorable, because it's so hopeless, and it's such a sweet motion. Doomed to fail, but you try, dear. You try.

>> No.6925596

>grunge lolita

>> No.6926023

They make most of the print series and nicer pieces in Japan. Most of the blouses, knits, and simpler dresses are made in China though.

>> No.6926033

ah ok, I figured that was the case. Does AP also have a factory like that in Japan? I'm curious about all the other brands too, i think MM and jetj are all made in Japan?

>> No.6926051
File: 221 KB, 674x546, canyounot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On the topic of indie "brands" I can't help but to bring up Mellahugbear. About a month ago she posted on the 80s-cuties lj (fairy-kei sales comm) asking if anyone would buy a design for a skirt she had made. The "design" was crooked rainbows, lopsided balloons, and poorly drawn teddy bears. Everything was drawn in paint and those girls tried denying it so nicely. It looked a lot like the pic, which is a design for her leggings...

>> No.6926063

oh.. wow... that looks like something an 8 year old would draw.

>> No.6926069

Is it bad that I would buy those leggings because it's just so funny?

>> No.6926074

Cute idea, horrible drawing skills...

>> No.6926077

It seems like something PT would buy. I wish she would start her own burando already.

>> No.6926079

This is her Deviantart.
And holy shit, she's 18 years old. You think she'd either have better drawing skills, or realize her drawings were so horrible she shouldn't be trying to print and sell them...
She says she's been drawing for 7 years and does commissions too...
I hope to god this is a troll.

>> No.6926083

I am honesty so sick of these little girls thinking they know how fashion works. Yes, brands are expensive and, yes, you are paying for the brand name as well as quality. But don't even try making your own brand because "not evry1 can afford burando lol ^^". If you're trying to be affordable and inexpensive, have fun digging into your own money and not even seeing a centimeter of profit. Give it a week or so; you'll see her posting about how it's more money than she thought it'd be and she'll have to raise her prices but it's okay because "It's still more affordable than most stores hah"

>> No.6926088

She already has. She mentioned ina nother post how she'd have to raise it to $50-100 items. Which you can find some pretty well-done basics for about $75-100 on Etsy already, so it's not like she's breaking the mold by doing this :/

>> No.6926090

too bad I know someone whose 19, draws the tardest anime (think mella only with goth tier moves bleeding from eye sockets carrying a scythe) and think she's talented enough to get swooped up for a tattoo artists job before the end of this year.
I mean she seems normal at first but when you dig deeper...

>> No.6926098

She is no troll, friend. She is 110% serious. I think it's because with fairy-kei, childish designs and such are seen as cute. SPANK!, Swimmer, Milklim, and Party Baby (indie brand) have some designs that are on the childish side but they look professional. I guess she thinks it just has to look like a five year old drew it for it to be ~*~*totemo kawaii~*~*

>> No.6926110 [DELETED] 

Her designs look like they would be cute if they were made by a better artist. If she paid someone to remake her two leggings and t shirt designs for like $10 I'm sure they would be pretty cute and would actually be drawn decently.

>> No.6926112
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Hell, I get second hand AP for $60-$100

Image related; this AP set is currently $80 on mbok, which isn't that much for the quality.

>> No.6926113

Her designs look like they would be cute if they were made by a better artist. If she paid someone to remake her two leggings and t shirt designs for like $10 I'm sure they would be pretty cute and would actually be drawn decent enough to do something with.
Although if she made actual clothes I'm not too confident about what would come out. Have you seen her outfits?

>> No.6926115

Pretty much this. When I first got into lolita ages ago I decided that brand was too expensive and I wasn't fond of any of the Bodyline stuff, so I'd just make my own.

Yeah, no. You spend a godawful amount of time and money learning how to sew well. Then you spend even more time trying to understand what makes fabric good quality. I hate seeing people who are convinced that being able to run fabric through a machine makes them a seamstress and a designer.

Pardon my rant, it just frustrates me.

>> No.6926116
File: 107 KB, 774x1032, ohgod...jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was enough to scare me away from the idea of her making any sort of clothes, even if she did pay someone to redo her print designs.

>> No.6926126
File: 129 KB, 637x713, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sad part is that I didn't even have to dig for this; it's the first result when you google image her name. But, fuck, how do you draw for seven years and stay at kindergarten level?

No need to apologize, it's a very frustrating concept. I took Marketing for only half a semester in high school and I understand the fashion industry more than these girls.

>> No.6926150

>tfw you click out of curiosity
>tfw horrid drawing skills
>tfw profile picture
>tfw no face
There's not enough bleach in the world for my eyes

>> No.6926152
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>> No.6926166


holy goddamn run on sentences.

>> No.6926204
File: 62 KB, 303x303, 1371019045689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paying less then $50 for Lolita
>excepting to make a profit

>> No.6926207
File: 1.05 MB, 350x191, Dis_gonna_b_gud.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6926208

I don't think she expected custom prints to be so damn expensive... I mean holy shit. $17.50 a yard? But even if it wasn't that much for custom prints, she'd still have almost no room for profits.
She's already seeing that $50 is extremely unrealistic and it hasn't even been very long since she started.

>> No.6926211

Some people just have to learn it the hard, cold way

>> No.6926214

>#please help #it would be great and if you do help I might make you something free of charge since you donated or something
I really don't think she'll be able to do that for anyone who helped a little bit. The time to make shit plus all the money she would waste for a simple shirt or skirt freebie would seriously bankrupt her.

>> No.6926216

snowydeer at tumblr

>> No.6926220

Yeah it's sad.. I had to learn some things that way too. It's a shame since she was trying to put work into this and was so hopeful, but not everything can work out as well as people would like it to sometimes.

>> No.6926222

I haven't even scrolled through her tumblr and I'm already having mixed feelings

>> No.6926229

such as?

>> No.6926230

Second-hand embarrasment and evil joy

>> No.6926621
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Here comes the pity parade.

>> No.6926638

if you use spoonflower, don't order prints with a black base, and gently handwash in cold water with vinegar, because their ink fades and their blacks aren't a true black, more of a charcoal.

>> No.6926668
File: 504 KB, 410x589, 1356623375376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

need I point out the obvious? she's underage..

>> No.6926677

>like underaged people don't go on 4chan all the time
Okay anon.

>> No.6926687

I didn't ask her that; I just posted it here. She already said she was a sophomore in High School. But do you really think only people 18+ go on 4chan? Pls, gurl.

>> No.6926695

Doesn't seem bright enough to learn how to use google either