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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6919564 No.6919564[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's bothering you /cgl/?

Stressing over cosplay, friends, work?

>> No.6919569

OP confirmed for Falcone.

>> No.6919586

I am going to be dressing up for a party in just over a week and am not prepared. Because I have no money and my job does not pay for a month.

>> No.6919604

I feel so miserable right now, cgl. At first I thought I just felt sad because I didn't get to go to an event and see my friends, but it's been a couple of months now and I still feel sad. I'm so lonely. My life at the moment is just studying on the week days, work on the weekends. I don't get on with anyone in my class because I'm 6-7 years older than everyone else, so they avoid me. There is a class with mature students in, but for some reason I got put in the regular class. All my friends live far away from me and I can't go visit them because of work/studies. My boyfriend keeps promising to come visit me, but never books time off work. Lately he's not even been talking much to me, and I feel like he's losing interest in me. To be honest, if I was him, I would as well. It's so hard dealing with someone who is sad over nothing. Tonight I had a big fight with him over something really small and stupid, but for me it was the thing that pushed me over the edge since I'd been bottling up things for months (disappointed in him not visiting me, annoyed at him for getting bank charges on my account/making it overdrawn, angry that he didn't even speak to me after I told him my cat died etc.) We both acted really childishly, and said stupid things. I feel terrible about it, but I can't even appologise to him until he starts talking to me again. I don't know when that will be, since he can disappear for days. I don't want to have to wait around for him to come back though. I just want to go to an event again, I don't even care if I cosplay or not. I miss my friends. How can you even get post con depression when you didn't go to the con?

Sorry for the long rant, I just needed to get it off my chest. And yes, I know I'm pathetic.

>> No.6919616

Someone on my Facebook wants to do a "sexy dalek" cosplay. I told her "please don't" because they usually look terrible and that she would probably happier with something that would give her better attention. Someone decides to be a smartass and say "lol dey dunno wut a dalek iz". I know perfectly well what it is and state that, and state that "sexy" cosplays are looked down on, especially when something else could be done.

This filled me with such a significant amount of rage and I don't know why.

>> No.6919634
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I feel ya. I love so many dresses that are for sale now, but when I get the money they'll be gone. Looking at you drained cherry.

>> No.6919638

Are you sure they weren't agreeing with you, implying "sexy" and "dalek" don't belong in the same sentence?

>> No.6919639

Whores gonna whore. I had a ton of faith in a cosplay girl I knew from school, she went on and on about how cool hr next cosplay was. Get to con- with my little brother- to find out it's a no wig Misty cosplay with her damn shorts unbuttoned and half off. So much potential wasted.

>> No.6919645

A friend of mine keeps complaining about how she doesn't get recognized for her cosplays, which are always closeted or badly sewn genderbends of whatever's popular on tumblr and I am getting so sick of it. Shut up, do something proper.

>> No.6919659

If you are fat or ugly and believe that you shouldn't have to lower your standards to find a significant other, please stop deluding yourself.

>> No.6919673

I'm losing my battle with agoraphobia again, I'm on a gigantic cocktail of pills that seem to do next to nothing, I sleep all day and night, I barely leave my bed, even with potassium supplements I am still dificient. I didn't go to this years local con because of all this. Forget the con though I can't even have a rewarding life right now. I always hope that I will soon get the courage to off myself. I'd rather do that than be a stress on the economy and get committed to a hospital again. I never had friends and a loving bf before so while I lay here and the world moves on it's just a matter of time before they leave me behind. I really hope I die. I'm so sick of taking so many pills and never getting better.

>> No.6919681
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I want to steal some aspects of this one girl's life.

She's cute, has all the dresses I want, and has the job I want. The weaboo in me desires to be her.

I am so jealous. I want to be living like her. I'm just so socially awkward and not the person I want to be.

I'm not in a bad position, but I would much rather look like Nana Kitade or Kyary Pamyu Pamyu than look like me. Fuck looking like me. I can look sexy if I really tried, but I just want to look cute. And I can't do that. Fuck.

>> No.6919682
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I feel like a worthless piece of shit when I think about how I'll be graduating college in a year. I'm so burned out from my semester that I haven't done any art since or anything for the matter since getting home a month ago. I work 40 hours a week and either spend my free time browsing the internet or shoveling mulch for my parents.
I can't find it in me to be creative at the moment and I hate myself for that. I spend my days at work daydreaming about possible things to draw or write but when I get home all I do is crash, and repeat. Plus it doesn't help that I'm away from all of my friends for 4 months until school starts up again.
I can't get myself out there, and my self loathing and depression cripples me in the summer months. I hate myself, I hate how much of a coward I am when it comes to self promotion, and I hate how I know what I need to do to get forward in my field, but I'm stuck working long ass shifts in an entry level job since I was 17 because my family is lower middle class. I have dreams and aspirations, but apparently those are only things that can be accomplished by people who have the funds to actually pursue them.

You know, basic young adult shit
Pretty sure this can apply to 99% of American college students.

>> No.6919683

I'm doing everything right diet and exercise-wise and my weight hasn't budged in a freaking week. I have spandex to wear in a couple of months and I'm getting worried. If I make a perfect costume but I still have thick thighs I'll feel like it was a waste.

>> No.6919687

yo, if this is a suicide plea for help, /cgl/ isn't really the best place to be doing this. Please go seek out official help

>> No.6919689

Don't feel bad, anon. My last year of college was a mix of stress and burn out. Went for an art degree and I was so fed up by the time I graduated that I didn't even draw for a year after I finished. It gets better, there is a rainbow at the end, just push through.

>> No.6919691

anon, would you mind telling me about your experience getting out of school?
I'm taking that you understand where I'm coming from, just being so burned out from school to make art.
What are you doing now, if you don't mind?

>> No.6919710
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I know you don't want to hear this, but that's life. Yours understandably sounds incredibly taxing, but don't feel ashamed for having agoraphobia. I had a mild case when I was younger, so I somewhat get where you're coming from.
Also same thing with the friends or bf, 21 year old super virgin here. I have a hard time keeping friends, and the ones that stay with me for more than a year, let alone longer are precious for me for those reason.
I struggled so hard as a child to make friends but it was hard when I couldn't even go to recess for years and had to miss school once a week specifically for counseling.
I know this isn't the answer you want to hear, but you'll only get better if you WANT to get better. You're going to have to look into the mirror and think about what you like about yourself. You're going to have to actively strive to achieving something, and that will be the push to better yourself, and try to live with your fear.
No matter what you're you and everyone has something that they are capable of contributing to society. Once you find it in you to get over the self loathing for a bit, you'll eventually sort things out. Gotta stay positive, buddy, in this horrible shithole of a world

>> No.6919713

I just feel stuck in a hole and I can't dig my way out. I need to make money but I can't get a job, I can't drive, and I don't have any education past high school and no job experience. I wanted to start up an Artist Alley table but I need money to start and to get money I need a job. It's an endless cycle of "to get this I need to get this but to get this I need to get this first".

I just keep digging the hole deeper instead of being able to get myself out.

>> No.6919716

child, go get your license. Also what did you want to go to college for?

>> No.6919724


I've noticed in the past few years even shitty retail jobs won't hire someone unless they have past experience, which sucks and is really stupid since it's entry-level anyway. I never had to worry about this since right when I turned 14 (minimum working age where I live), I answered phones at a family business-type thing. It wasn't even a business, per se; my dad made and sold collectible shit online and people would call for him and I would take messages. Apparently that's "customer service experience." If there's anything like that you can do, or volunteer work, you can always get experience that way.

>> No.6919725

Just to keep this /cgl/ related, I'm stressed as hell over my current costume. I've finally lost enough weight (not really on purpose, just college takes a lot out of me) to not be another fat Mami, but now I can't seem to find material for the skirt. The stupid tan/yellow/golden color she has is damn near impossible to find in anything that isn't satin.

I'm also irritated because I can't find a decent tutorial for making a corset to go with it. Mami's seems to be 6 panels, but I can only find stuff for many more panels, or unsuited to putting steel in.

Shit's just pissing me off right now.

>> No.6919727

Just cover the corset in six panels? Linen comes in a lot of colors, it acts like cotton but moreso though.

>> No.6919729

nobody wants to fuck you, you fat disgusting cunts. at best men will fuck you to raise their score and deny they had anything to do with you if you ever talked to their friends.
I hope for your own well being you pathetic sluts just die from diabeetus before turning 30 while still being single and try to make others lives miserable out of personal anger.

>> No.6919731

Haha I'm a high school English teacher now. And no I didn't got for art education, just studio art. Most everyone I know with a degree is doing work not related to it. It happens, and sometimes it's a good thing. With my burnout, I took it as a sign that I probably shouldn't go into graphic design for a living. I had my concentration in that area and one semester I had 6 hours studio in a row in the comp lab and realized I found it boring and tedious for such a long period. Then I realized, uh oh, it's just like how it'd be if I do this for a living. I still paint and write now, but they're things I do that may or not take off well enough for me to quit teaching. I'm content with what I'm doing for now. I did spend a year applying for art grad school only to decide it wasn't worth the debt and 3 years of my life, despite having a full ride scholarship. Then I just shitty odd jobs for a couple of years until I magically lucked into my teaching position. It was a grueling first few years, but worth it... and getting my Masters in English now. Masters programs are so much more enjoyable and a good sort of challenge. I adore college now but in that last couple of years as an undergrad, I couldn't have been farther from that sentiment. Good luck to you.

>> No.6919739

Don't count on artist alley as being a real revenue stream. I have a friend with a huge following who has quit doing regular jobs now and is 24/7 hitting up cons and making money and she can't even get her car fixed sometimes because she doesn't have the cash on hand. It's unreliable.

Are you unable to drive or lack a car? The longer you put off driving the more awkward it'll be to take lessons.

>> No.6919742

I really need to. I've taken driver's end and had driving experience but I've never once driven without completely freaking out. The last time I drove I was on the highway and nearly got run off the road by a merging semi so that was the sort of the last straw. I've been in several wrecks in my life so I hated driving even before I ever tried to drive. I wanted to go to college for my bachelor's in early childhood education but yeah, I honestly don't have a penny to my name.

I have done volunteer work but it's all child related so I'm sort of screwed for retail work. I'm thinking I could maybe see if anyone needs a babysitter in the area or something. It's not much but at least it's cash.

>> No.6919746

Is this towards PT?

>> No.6919747

That's depressing to hear. Guess it was unrealistic to think I could make decent money off conventions. And I'm unable to drive with no vehicle. Around here though that's not really uncommon though. We have city bus transit and a lot of taxi services.

>> No.6919764

The best thing I can tell you is work full time or as many part time jobs as you can, save up your money, apply to community college, and go from there.

>> No.6919767


Not to press the issue, but if you ever answered the phones/talked with parents of kids you cared for, it's a little bit of customer service since you have to put on a happy face and talk with strangers.

>> No.6919772

This is what I'm afraid of happening. I love art (illustration) but there's so much I know I'd like to do with my life, and to do so I'd have to move out of my house and I guess venture to a city. But I'm so obligated to my family that it actually stunts me be in artistically, or socially. It's really weird, but I guess I just need to move on. Who knows, I have one year left, and I like to believe that all bad things in life like to eventually sort themselves out.

>> No.6919774

What this person said. Answering phones is customer service skills, and during the summer at least there are plenty of summer programs/camps/businesses that are looking for part timers to act as "secretaries" and that entails answering phones.

>> No.6919780
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I went and saw a doctor(which ended up costing me $2,500 because the stupid section I had to go to is in the hospital's ER, so it was treated as an ER visit. My boss cut my hours down to pretty much nothing, told me I was a liability at work, and I need to see a doctor and get treated before I go back to work. The problem was, the doctor I saw only told me "Yep, you're X, call this number" and that was it. No medication, no nothing to get me back to work. The phone numbers I have been calling have either told me "I don't know why they told you to cal mel, call this one instead" or just got a message to call "x" number.

The problem is, my company didn't offer health insurance, we couldn't afford to put me on my husband's health insurance. I'm running ragged trying to get a hold of anybody who can get me some kind of insurance or financial aid.

At this point, I might as well be unemployeed so I'm hunting for a new job. Because we can't afford all the bills on my husband's paycheck alone.

So yeah. Can't go back to work. Don't have money to pay for a doctor, or even the 2.5K hospital bill, and my husband can't afford to cover all our bills, let alone pay for my hospital visit.

>> No.6919785

I want to join my local lolita comm but I don't know how to go about any of it (how to find them, how to ask, whatever). I'm new to lolita so I've never gone though this before. I just wear my dresses by myself in my apartment :(

>> No.6919790

Hadn't thought of it that way. Thank you for the help.

Well, I'll try my best. Around here teachers don't get paid much (but again it's the same everywhere) but it's good to have a degree.

>> No.6919791
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I'm a weirdo 25yo who never dated. I should just get cats.

>> No.6919801

My friend is like this but the crossdressing version.

>> No.6919805

i would try driving a route so you get comfortable, that has some city, some country road and some faster (~60mph) stretches, i don't like the highway either.

>> No.6919879
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I'll bite.

I'm really, really, really frustrated with how my weight loss is going right now. I had a surgery a few weeks ago that didn't allow me to eat anything solid for about a week and a half and I lost a pound a day. I dropped I think around 12-14 pounds in that period, but now it's hit a plateau. I'm counting calories, drinking only water, and trying to get out and exercise but nothing is showing a significant budge.

Maybe I'm just being impatient. Maybe I am technically losing weight but it's just not noticeable. All I know is it makes me feel really angry and bitchy, I think I'm going to punch the next faggot that comes up to me and says "hurrrffadurff weight loss ish easeh tho XD" Holy shit.

>> No.6919886

I've been feeling pretty bummed out lately.

The other day I was out with my sister after going to the gym and while driving we passed a Gamestop where some teenagers were hanging outside of a little before its opening time. She saw them and commented that I used to be like that and she was happy I didn't act that way anymore, that it was weird. I can't recall being that way and it made me feel like shit later in the day because I haven't talked to many of my high school friends since graduation and some of the most pleasant times I ever had was playing or discussing videogames with them, either at school or our home get-togethers.

Plus she and her friends comment about how much more outgoing I am compared to how I used to be, but it's not that way at all. I pretty much don't have any friends and outside of work either stay at home by myself or hang out with my sister. I can barely stand any of the things she's interested in but I just do it for the sake of...I don't even know, to hide my real interests I guess. I feel like I'm two different people sometimes.

>> No.6919887

>try to make others lives miserable out of personal anger
Oh I get it, you're being ironic.

>> No.6919903

eating just a little bit more than usual, or fasting(not recommended) will break the plateau.
source: ex anorexic, lowest weight 90 lbs.
(please don't solicit advice after this but anon seemed like a responsible, healthy person who just needed a pointer.)

>> No.6919906

Thank you, I'll try the fasting and see if that helps.

>> No.6919912

School is dragging me down and I don't have any motivation for anything anymore, including cosplay. I regret taking summer courses. I'm also stuck in a major that I hate and everything I actually want to do scares me because it doesn't look very stable.

>> No.6919916

same anon
drink -plenty- of water, and please break it if you feel dizzy when you stand or start to black out.
good luck, and stay safe

>> No.6919931

I "relapsed". Which only really means that I'm obsessing over my weight and food all day long, but I can't stop eating. I quite literally lose control of myself when I do eat, my mind will scream "DON'T" but I won't be able to stop myself.
I gained 20 pounds these past few months and only my shirred dresses fit me now. I haven't worn lolita since this started because I'm so scared of stretching everything.

It hurts so fucking bad, because it's the same emotional pain I felt back when my ED was at its worst, exact same intensity (which is REAL FUCKING BAD) except this time I don't even get the tiny satisfaction and rush that not eating gave me. I just want to wear lolita and feel pretty again, but I just can't.

>> No.6919933

Kicked out of my college for a year for low grades.

Family sucks. Refuses to take responsibility for certain things (borrowing money from me, giving me ultimatums regarding my major and what classes they want me to take). Long story short, each semester, they refused to let me pick my own classes and forced me to take what they wanted me to take, even if it was too hard or something I was bad at, and now wonder why I got low grades and got kicked out.

Oh, and they want to send me to China to teach English, even though I don't speak Chinese or have any teaching experience.

Even though the ticket (round trip) would be around $6000, they refuse to help with the $3000 I needed for summer school and community college, which would help me get back into college.

>> No.6919936

I'm a bit upset because a few weeks ago, right before A-kon, one of my friends confessed that he really liked me.

>We'd both just been through breakups, each a bit nasty in their own right so we decided we'd just take it slow and sort of 'date but not date' Y'know?
>We fooled around a bit an I actually felt comfortable with him. (I've never been super comfortable with physical contact)
>I was finally allowing myself to really start liking him.
>today he messaged me and said that he valued friendship too much to pursue the relationship.
>mfw the friendship pact my Ouran group made when we formed ruined my chance at a happy relationship.

>> No.6919940


Oh, and:

* My mom stole $35,000 from me and still, 2 years later, is refusing to give it back.
* My best friend at college tried to kill herself, I told her parents, who made her go to therapy, and it all snowballed and she got told to leave the college for a year too. She doesn't talk to me anymore.
* My mom keeps emailing my dad (they're divorced, he's never been in my life or wanted to be, which is fine!), my grandparents, and my dean every time she gets pissed off at me. It's gotten to the point where my college told her to leave them the fuck alone.
* My mom's convinced I'm a schizophrenic (I'm not) and wants me to be put on meds, even though last time, it made me gain 80 lbs in less than a year. Every time I get checked out, I'm told I'm fine except depression, which she says "isn't real". But apparently, her delusions about me having schizophrenia are totally valid!

>> No.6919947


woah where did you get $35,000 from?

>> No.6919946

Your mom sounds like she needs meds Anon. I'm sending you good vibes and hope things improve for you.

>> No.6919957


Settlement as a kid. I broke my leg, my mom sued, I was supposed to get it at 18, she made me sign it away as soon as I turned 18 (I didn't know I could take it and run, she said she could sue, tell them I was crazy, etc.) but I'm 20 now and realize that was fucked up.

Yeah, she paid to sue, but the money wasn't hers to touch.


Here's hoping.

>> No.6919964
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>mfw I have no face.

>> No.6919978

>Oh, and they want to send me to China to teach English, even though I don't speak Chinese or have any teaching experience.
Ugh, I'm surprised my ex-husband hasn't tried that yet, he would always try to rope me into his get-rich-quick schemes that wouldn't get off the ground or would fall through.
>I'm going to learn to draw and get rich off commissions!
>let's join the military!
>let's make chainmail!
>I bet you could become a cam girl!
>let's open an e commerce website!
>let's flip houses!
>let's make jewelry for a shitty Internet scam!
>let's grow medical marijuana!
>I'm going to buy an Ouya and become an indie game dev, you should get one too!
>I bought a fast computer for harvesting bitcoins, I'll let you know how it goes!
He's ambitious enough, but shit stupid.

>> No.6919984
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>Bare with me cgl. I'd feel better if I could articulate my problem rather than greentext this shit.

My only best friend in college (and just happens to be my cosplay buddy) has decided to leave this apartment because our other roommates (one of them especially) chewed her out over some stupid bullshit, mainly because they've been keeping pets that we aren't even allowed to have.

These pets include two mice and a wild rabbit. The mice stink and the other roommate is very attached to the damn rabbit. I don't support PETA because they're fucking nuts, but I will agree with them on that a wild rabbit needs to be back in its natural habitat instead of holed up in a cage to be fed and let out every so often, let alone be held by a human being. They're not meant to be held because it's against their nature and they have delicate backs. It's bad enough that for a while a stray cat found its way into our apartment. I'm glad we got rid of that littleshit because its shit was stinking up the bathroom and I felt like hurling every time I have to use it (also, it yowled every time it was left alone or if we're heading to the kitchen).

>> No.6919987 [DELETED] 

I would've just posted that here if I knew there was a thread.

>> No.6919992


ohmygod he sounds really dumb. I hate people like that. There is no way to """beat the system"""

>> No.6919993

I think your mum just wants to ruin your life, mate. Do whatever you can to get outta there. Do shit in secret, make progress somehow. Make a plan to escape. We'll be rooting for ya anon.

>> No.6919995

I'll keep this entirely cosplay related:

I'm really nervous about making my first full costumes. My friends at college used to do all the sewing for me, so I'm used to quality cosplay, but now that I've graduated and gone home, I have to do everything on my own. (At school, I was props, jewelry, wigs, hand sewing, ect. girl.) I know not to expect perfection right away, but I'm really worried that I'm going to beat myself up about beginner mistakes. So... I'm stressing over the idea that I'm going to be stressed, and it's preventing me from getting started.

Fairly minor concern, but bleh. Has added to my stress level.

>> No.6920017

Just spend a day fucking up. Make mistakes, even if they are so basic. Then see what you did, and learn why you did them. But practice on scrap fabric. And make a mockup before you do the real thing.

>> No.6920027


>wants you to become a camgirl
>not understanding that shit would get everywhere
>not understanding that there's not getting out of the adult industry the way you can get out of industries
>not understanding it leaves a black mark on you wherever you apply to because they will eventually find out you did porn
>not getting that with porn, it's all in, balls to the walls, or a waste of time


I'm already out, I was at college and relying on it but I got a shit grade in a class she made me take last semester so I'm not going to be allowed back unless I get in again when I reply in November.

>> No.6920026

Knowing good from bad is half of the battle, so you sound like you're well underway. De-stress, grab some muslin and make mock ups of everything. After you've got stuff down on the muslin cut into your good material.

Sometimes I feel like sewing is half fucking up and figuring out how to fix it. This seems doubly true for cosplay when you don't have an exact pattern, and most of the time you have to make a best guess of where seams go because of goddamn lazy animators. /rant

>> No.6920033

Have patience anon, weight don't fluctuate that fast. If it goes the same for another week, maybe you need to it a bit less/more exercise

>> No.6920037

What a bitch. Sue her back for your money.

>> No.6920042


With what lawyer? With what money of my own?

>> No.6920044

2/? (I lied)
I rented this place, looking forward to getting out of my last apartment because of the assholes I was living with, and the obnoxious neighbors that came with it. I thought it would be fun to live with people I actually know. Little did I know, the two girls living with me now aren't the most ideal ideal roomates, and this apartment is kind of worse than my last one. As much as I enjoy solitude and relative quiet, this apartment is right next to the train station, so I have to hear the damn thing honk its horn whenever it rolls through. The kitchen is soooo tiny and I'm a muthafuckin chef. I've seen galley styled kitchens with more counter-space (I miss the last apt's kitchen space - so perfect for beerpong if my roommates hadn't pre-gamed on that poor kitchen island). It gets super hot too.

>Current bedroom shares the wall of the entrance into the unit - people like to slam doors and walk like elephants up or down the stairs.
>The fucktard upstairs likes to play heavy metal without headphones after midnight
>Each unit has one coin-operated laundry machine; each apartment holds 22 people. Do the math

Going back to the pets: I brought shit like art supplies and coffee table books to help make the apt more welcoming, but I gave up after knowing that the stuff has to be cleared off for the mice to run around on (Yes, these furrycunts are let out every so often and shit all over the nice coffee table that came with the apartment), or used to block the rabbit from certain parts of the apartment when let out to run around. I seriously hope that these furfags are gone by the start of the Fall semester because ain't nobody got time fo dat, especially since everyone is a senior and 3/4 of us are theatre students. I fucking hope I don't get cast into a show with my roommate. I don't even like the play she wants to be in (srsly, Dancing with Lughnasa is BORING AS FUCK).


>> No.6920052


sage for forgetting to sage

>> No.6920050


not to rain on your parade, but I did camming for 2 years after college (was smart enough to use a studio that is professionally incorporated as something other than a cam studio, of course, so any background checks have me as a "customer service independent contractor") and I'm now a nurse. I even know a girl who got hired at a daycare where they knew exactly what she used to do. Things ain't what they used to be, just saying.

sage for not really relevant

>> No.6920058


No, thanks. It's good to have both sides of the story.

I've never worked as a cam girl because I've seen 4chan dox people and assumed it came back to bite those women in the ass eventually. If it's safer now and harder to get doxxed, that's great.

>> No.6920059


Seconded. Especially if you go to college/tech school after you cam and you have other shitty retail on your resume, you can leave it out entirely. I have friends who were literally in actual porn films and as long as you look different, no where really cares unless you want to go into politics or become a teacher.

>> No.6920066

I don't even think that's his motivation, he just hears of some way some random schmucks have made some money and goes "hey, I could do that".
I didn't even have to think that far ahead to say "ha ha, no". I am not camgirl material. But I'm Asian so that makes me hot, right? What a maroon.

>> No.6920073


No problem. The ones that get doxxed, in my experience, aren't usually professionals; it's underage whores who do it for specific people to get quick money/attention or post on 4chan in the first place. If people know it's your actual job, they aren't going to be like HURR HURR I'M GONNA TELL EVERYONE YOU KNOW BLACKMAIL because they assume it's common knowledge and won't bother you. And I know the site I worked with had settings where you could disallow people to see you existed on the site based on where they lived/where the incoming traffic was from. But, then again, it was a nice site, not those weird pop-ups that come up when you're watching porn and the girl's fucking herself for free or whatever.

>It was actually a nice part of my life and I don't regret it, surprisingly enough

>> No.6920078
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>3yr gf is leaving to another country for school in less then two months for probably two years, Barely get to see her for long periods of time now because her mom hates me/us.
>lost second closest friend to her backstabbing me
>Most friends like what I don't so I don't even know who to hang with anymore
>has no interest in drawing like I used to be
>won't go to cons at all because I've been hating them recently
> Registered for fall classes today, but it made me really sad knowing my girl won't be at the same college I am now.
>afraid I'm going to fail said classes because It's going to be really stressful for the first month or two of her gone
I have no idea what I'm going to do for two years...it's a really...really long time. I love her so much and I'm saving up to go be with her in the summer, but still, I'm really afraid of being alone.

Maybe I should turn off my sad music playlist now.

>I need new friends

>> No.6920076
File: 21 KB, 500x334, 1333865922622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3/? (I hope that this is the last post)

Anyway. I went back to check on a group message among my current roommates and my friend who is leaving. Both girls chewed out my friend for being "immature" and self-entitled. Even if I weren't close to my friend, I'd still say that the other two are being immature based on how everything was articulated. They basically made her feel very un-welcomed in spite of pressuring her to live together (they roped me into it too; I didn't have time to go apt. hunting).

Being my last year in college, I want to go all out and be able to throw parties every once in a while, but rabbitgirl is all defensive about how she doesn't want drunk people scratching her expensive piano. I've been to parties with thousand dollar flat screen tvs and no one gets near that thing.

Right now, both girls are aware that I'm unhappy about all this drama and that I don't want to be around them as much as possible. God knows how long I'll be able to keep my grudge. I'm not sure how I feel about the new-sub-leaser (she's staying all year round). I know who she is and we're in the same dept., but I don't know if I'm going to be able to friends with her because every time we hang out, she comes off as argumentative and a bit of a know-it-all. She's close friends with a mutual male friend (of all of us in the apt). He's a cool dude, but I wish that he'd stop over staying his visits.

Man. I should have rented a house. I don't care if it's more expensive than what I'm currently paying for. At least I don't have to deal with shitastic realty agencies knocking on our door without notice. I really hate dealing with their unexpected visits. It's not fun to scramble to hide the fucking cages because there's a fee of $300/pet. I'm a poor college student, and so are they. They need to get their fucking priorities straight.

>> No.6920084

Find new hobbies. Join new clubs. Ger active. Make a schedule for communicating with your gf.

>> No.6920093


Thanks for the support and tips. I forgot about making mockups -- I'll have to go back to the fabric store and pick some up tomorrow.

>> No.6920095

friendship pact...?

>> No.6920100

>EGL community on livejournal
>Lefthand tab
>Other communities
>Scroll to Regional communties

Most of them should have a link to the facebook communities which tend to be more active. Posting on lj there wouldn't hurt though. Some people post here for community requests too.

>> No.6920107

What major are you in?

>> No.6920105

Not a problem, all you seem to need is a pit of a push in the right direction!

One more tip is that you should try and find material of a similar weight and drape for mock ups. Cotton solids are usually fairly cheap, and come in a variety of weights, including VERY solid cotton duck.

>> No.6920110
File: 122 KB, 960x640, cos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay so basically we formed a cosplay group, and in order to keep it from falling apart we all had to promise not to date each other. Friendzone pact to keep us from ruining the group dynamic.

>> No.6920116

I'm having flashbacks to some scenes from Ouran. Now I want to reread it.

>> No.6920115

Accounting. I like the math and balancing numbers but I hate all the other business courses involved in trying to achieve this degree.

>> No.6920121

why didn't you guys just tell that girl to fucking get rid of her pets, or kick her ass to the curb?
Seriously, it's not that difficult to get someone booted from an apartment.

>> No.6920119

Fucking pissed that when I started out in lolita with $600 to blow at a time I bought a ton of more inexpensive things and now I'm trying to sell off basically everything at a loss as a poorfag to get some actual quality garments. WHY, ME.

>> No.6920124 [DELETED] 

So which one's the guy and who are you

>> No.6920123

What would you rather do? Is it too late to switch majors, or are you fucked?

>> No.6920129

Haha. I was the opposite when I was a business major. Fortunately, you shouldn't have to take as much business classes as I would have had to take. When I was a business major, I only needed to take two accounting courses.

You could minor in something more math related. Sure, it would take longer to graduate, but at least you will be doing something you love.

>> No.6920137


MFC? I was considering joining actually (I'm the person you replied to) but then I realized I wasn't pretty enough.

>> No.6920139

Not stable? My friends with Accounting degrees are some of my only friends who got jobs based on their major. Like all of them are accountants making good money.

>> No.6920143

Dude, I've been telling them to get rid of them for ages. I don't understand why they're so attached to the furfags. Don't worry, I'll make sure that they're gone. I just need to let off steam.

Even without the pets, I'm still bummed about my best friend finding a different place to stay. I'm not willing to sublease because it was an annoying process when I did it and my folks pay for this place until I graduate. I'd probably going to stay over at my friend's place pretty often. I stayed over at other friends' places a lot when I subleased last semester. I hope her new place is cool about throwing parties, especially when they involve theatre people. It gets pretty nuts when they're all together.

>> No.6920144

Money. Money. Money. Can't even afford brand let alone basic clothing right now. I've been applying everywhere but my previous job experience isn't in retail/etc sectors and I can't find similar work to what I did before where I'm living. Life sucks

>> No.6920149

>I can cook a 4 course meal
>Can't put together a damn sandwich the way corporate says it needs to be put together

I'm surprised that my workplace never gave me a menu to memorize. I can see why most people dislike working in restaurants.

On a more related note, I hate stressing out about money and it's what I've been doing for a good while now. I know it's my last year in college and I ought to make the most of it, but man, I can't wait to get a big kid job. I miss going to conventions and sparing money for cosplay and lolita. My wishlist is haunting me. Hell, I miss being ok with eating out.

>> No.6920152

"The things I actually want to do aren't stable" is what I meant. I know accounting is stable. It's one of the biggest reasons I went into it.
I'm still wading through the core business stuff so it feels like there's a shit ton still waiting for me to complete them. Also I may have been a bit misleading with saying I like math. I like the easy math in accounting. Anything beyond calculus will most likely fly over my head.

>> No.6920153
File: 76 KB, 680x460, FEEEEEEELZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ha, you posted at the same time as I did. Let's share feels.

>> No.6920161

Huh. Where are you in college? I generally see this kind of attitude among freshmen and sophomores because they have to go through the boring/neverending amount of gen ed. courses.

I don't know about your school of business program, but how about finances? Similar, but the difference is that it's more about managing money. I hope your adviser is more helpful than mine because it's something you should talk to him/her about.

>> No.6920164

Actually, if this isn't an option, I have an idea if you haven't done it already: have you thought about tutoring people? You might be able to get money from this and you're doing something you like.

>> No.6920192

My gf's parents are letting two dogs with cancer rot to death, because they refuse to get treatment for them or have them put down.

My gf herself is working her ass off trying to get work, but pickings are slim for someone with no previous experience.

>> No.6920203

Upcoming junior actually. I enjoyed my gen ed courses far more compared to what I am doing now. I guess you can say I am taking the gen ed version of business right now and it's hellish for me. I have heard rumors that I'm still in my final stages of weed out courses so that could be why I hate everything but it's such a lame excuse for whining about how I don't like X and Y. Funny you should suggest finance though. Currently struggling my ass off for it at the moment. I guess if I can't state how many brokers established the NYSE under the buttonwood tree I'm not fit for a decent grade.
I've also never tutored people before. How does this relate to me doing something I like? I guess I do like helping people out with things but I'm not quite confident in any subject to be actively helping people for profit

>> No.6920209

Refuse or can't afford?
I... I had a similar problem with my dog, my mother didn't want her to be put down either, but we couldn't afford treatment no matter which vet we went to until one of them finally told us the truth and said she was in too deep to even do treatment, and this was within a week of visits.

>> No.6920216

I meant being a tutor at school. Some programs offer work study for this sort of thing. Since I can't think of anything, you might as well talk to an academic adviser or just suck up with the business courses. I'm not going to lie, I have had the same feelings about taking those kinds of business classes too. I was bored out of my mind with sitting on my ass through those lectures. I like learning on my feet (that is a weird expression).

>> No.6920223


Refuse. She'd rather pretend nothing's wrong. One of the dogs has a tumor on his leg so large that he can't walk, but according to gf's ma, it'll 'heal right up.'

>> No.6920232

Oh dear god. Excuse me, I'm crying a bit right now because this horrifies me beyond words.

>> No.6920234

i have this friend and i love her to death, but anytime the topic off self harm comes up, she turns into this uppity snobby bitch. if she finds out that you've ever self harmed, she'll do everything to try and make you feel ashamed/embarrassed. i admit that i used to cut, but i haven't done it in many years and most of my scars aren't super visible. one day though, she happened to see them and immediately grabbed my arm and started pointing them out (we were in public btw.) i explained to her that they were all very old scars, but that really didn't make any difference to her. anytime this shit comes up, she always goes off about how she's better than/above anyone who has ever harmed themselves.

>> No.6920251

>feel left out of con experience because I'm always alone
>can't start a group with current friends because they don't exist
>can't get new friends because awkward so I never approach, also never get approached unless I'm in costume and it's only about my costume
>Even if I did get friends I'm insecure and paranoid, can't let anyone get close and I have huge boundaries, so I would never keep in touch or meet up outside of cons
>the only time I can feel like I can be open with someone is if I'm interested in them romantically
>actually getting a girlfriend is more or less impossible
>even if I do they wouldn't be physically attracted to me so there'd be no actual intimacy, so there's no point anyway
>because I'm so insecure and paranoid I wouldn't tell a therapist this stuff
>things that need changing prevent me from getting help to change them
>repeating cycle of doom that ensures that I'm forever alone
It's getting to the point where I'm only going to panels and the game room because those are the only things that don't trigger my depression when I remember them.

>> No.6920280


Just don't let her get to you. Apathy hurts a bitch more than anything.

>> No.6920289

How much of a bitch does one even have to be, goddamn.

>> No.6920298

I would still if it it was less socially abhorrent. I like the way it feels, and bleeds and scars. So many people freak out about cutting but some consider it a mod/ art-form.

>> No.6920299

Bleegghhh reading everyone elses responses makes me feel better, like I'm not the only one struggling..

I'm 23 (soon to be 24), and after 6 years going to my community college I still have yet to receive a degree because I just can't decide on a major
(I've tried computer science, art, teaching, accounting) Half don't guarantee a job and the other half require a Master Degree in the least.. while all of them still require a Bachelors and not an AA.. I'm only 4 classes away from said AA but my GPA is only a 2.4... none of my state colleges will accept me (plus I've been going for free this entire time thanks to scholarships and pell grants)
So I've decided to stop.. and take a break for this semester and maybe even the year..

Why 6 years? I've been working full time since I graduated in 2007.. I'm currently a keyholder and work from open to close at a mom and pop retail store in a historic port town. My pay is a decent $10/hr but there is no way for me to get a raise or promotion so I'm slowly being forced to look for a new job so I can finally move out of my Mom's house that we rent together. Not to mention rent anywhere within 30 minutes is $1200/mo at least!!

Now last year I was involved in a car accident and sustained a herniated disc in the C4/C5.. (6 months of physical therapy is all I could afford and I still have serious neck and shoulder pain)
Although I finally resolved my settlement and received a nice sum of money to place into a retirement fund/savings for the future it is nowhere near enough to live off of.

Now comes the worst.. during the MRI on my neck they found a 6mm nodule on my thyroid... I don't have health insurance and the only way to find out if it is cancerous or not is by a biopsy which I've been told can run up to $10k.. So I've been sitting on this thought for the past year with no idea if I'm slowly dying or what.

to be continued..

>> No.6920316

I reached the limit.. lol ok ok now this is what I'm currently stressing about since con season has started..

Not to mention my boyfriend of 6 years wants to move to Maine of all places and I'm like, WTF there are no jobs up there, how are we going to survive..

He also is growing tired of conventions which we have been attending since we started dating.. but I still love the atmosphere and I love to sew which is my only motivation now a days.. I don't want to attend by myself, nor do I want to force him to do something he doesn't enjoy.. but I don't have many friends and none that enjoy anime or cons for that matter..

Also I'm having a hard time deciding on costumes for the big con this summer. I have 3 I really want to do (with one I know won't be recognized) but I just found another one that I'm in love with and I know a lot of people will enjoy also but when the heck will I have time to wear it and I don't want to wait until next year to debut it! sooo bleeeeggghhh

>> No.6920323

I hate the SF bay area. Massively. I'm unhappy because everyone here is an asshole including me. Girlfriend doesn't relate to me. Trying to make music, can't. I keep having dreams about people that have left me.

>> No.6920327

pills won't make you feel better. they can only assist what you need to do on your own. only leaving the house and getting used to society will. agoraphobia is a vicious because the less you subject yourself to other people the worse it gets.

you need to build a social callus. its hard at first but the more you deal with people the less painful and scary it is, and in a couple years you won't give a fuck.

>> No.6920336

I hate being sober and think about drugs and getting high pretty much every second of my life. I just want to give in and get high again.

>> No.6920345


how long you been sober?
my friend is on a year probation for paraphernalia and had to quit smoking.. He's been saying as soon as October comes he is smoking an ounce (silly I know but that's how bad he wants to) but he's made such strides and stay sober for so long that it might be better for him to not start again, like get a better job besides a grocery store... since every place drug tests now

>> No.6920358

A month now. The last time I was sober I was hospitalized was 2 years ago. And before then it was when I was 18. So a good 5 years of drug abuse. I know I can't substain it. It can already tell my brain is turning to mush. Plus I have a constant tremor that makes it difficult to work on detailed parts of my cosplay.

>> No.6920363

I just got a call from my sister that my dog has passed away...Hes in Doggy heaven....Getting...Bitches..

But srsly, this is a pretty crummy night.

>> No.6920384

My boyfriens lives in Canada, I live in California. He was going to move out to Cali in July. He starts getting stressed about money and the move and starts emotionally abusing me. I can't handle it any more. I break it off. He gets desparate. Says he's sorry and that he sees he's hurt me and that he's going to try harder to be better for me.
He says he's going to visit the next day. Books a last minute flight. His mom goes apeshit because I told him no and he's coming anyway. She tells authorities that he's coming to rape me, murder me, and then wait for my dad to get home so that he'll kill him.

Banned from US.



>> No.6920387

Holy fuck.

>> No.6920393

What do I do, anon?

>> No.6920394


No, not MFC...I forgot what it was called (I didn't sign up with a site directly, I went with a studio that gave me a PO box at their office for gifts and shit). I do know that on MFC people can see you naked for free and you rely on tips, not getting paid per minute you're naked so I was never interested. And it's mostly charisma/sales, but it's really easy because if guys are on camsites they're already gonna buy someone anyway (although I'm sure you're pretty).

>> No.6920398
File: 56 KB, 399x388, 1297202946772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy who I see as my best friend and whom I have feelings for well I might not ever see him again. I met him a year ago when I first started my current job. We became fast friends and we both developed feelings for each other. We started fooling around and hanging out quite a bit. I then found out that he has a girlfriend and he's been with her for 7 years. He never wants to get married or have kids though. He's ok with long term relationships. We kind of stayed friends with benefits and I started seeing him more as the brother type. We're good friends but recently I found out he might be moving and if he does there's a good chance I might never see him again. We could keep in touch but long distance friendships/etc. have a good chance of not working out and well his girlfriend would be moving with him. I just don't want to see him go because even with the fling we had, he helped me out in a troubling time and has been a solid foundation. I still have feelings for him but I'm trying to make them go away because I know they will never truly be reciprocated. He told me so himself because he's with his girlfriend. I'm just so conflicted...

>> No.6920402

No, no not you, just the entire situation. My jaw hit the floor pretty fast.

Sorry you had to deal with him being such an ass though.

>> No.6920407

I graduated in December, but the university fucked up my degree. I spent the next four months commuting two hours to campus (as I no longer had a place) to argue with different boards until they finally pulled their heads out of their asses and awarded me the proper piece of paper. While all this was going on, I really wasn't able to apply to jobs in my field, as I couldn't claim a degree. All the temp. positions I applied for never responded.

Now, back in November, my grandma broke her hip and was in rehab until the day I graduated. She lives alone and used to maintain a huge yard by herself. Due to the splintering of her bones, she wasn't able to do many everyday tasks for a few months. So in addition to commuting to campus, I also played caretaker. By the time I got my diploma both my grandma and mother were relying heavily upon my assistance.

I was planning on going to a small con this weekend. I haven't been to one in a couple years due to school and I've been working on a costume I knew I would have fun in, even though I was going by myself. My mom even needled me to finish it so I could go have fun finally. Except, a great crisis arose with my grandma, and I have to drive her across the state, you guessed it, this weekend to resolve it. This was the last con of season within a ten hour drive.

I want to get out of here and get a job I love (or at least don't dread going to). My degree isn't in the most feasible of fields though there are quite a few positions through the government. However, there is no say in where they would place me and most the work only runs until Sept/Oct. I could very probably be unemployed four months of the year in a city I'm not able to afford. I'm really having trouble finding anything other than gov't work that I'm qualified for. Where do people advertise obscure, full time positions?

Thanks for a place to whine /cgl/. There's plenty more I can bitch about, but I'm just making myself miserable.

>> No.6920423

My girlfriend is basically everything I'm not (smart, nice, outgoing, friendly, has goals, etc) and I feel like I'm bringing her down. She's never once shown any disdain towards our relationship and we're both really sure we want to spend our lives together, but I still just feel so guilty for being useless. I'm an idiot who buckles under stress so I dropped out of college less than 2 years in (not even considered a sophomore and I'm 21), and I can't afford to go back. Can't even find a job cleaning tables or picking up garbage because of the area I live in and the whole "no experience no job" endless cycle. I'm worried that when we're together (it's long distance, we've known eachother for years but just started dating a year and a half ago and I might be moving in with her within the next year) I won't be able to help pull my own weight. I should be able to find a job because she lives in a bigger city than I do, but I've got no chance at a real career while she's almost 3 years younger than me and is already past me in college. The weird part is that I don't think she'l leave me, and she's said before she doesn't care, and that she doesn't mind taking care of me but basically I still feel like a huge fucking burden.

>> No.6920450

I work as a doctor and my current partner has been on 5 different anti-depressants, dropped out of his degree, essentially just played runescape/diablo for 9 months and left the house only to go to mental health appointments, then finally got a job at the supermarket after a good 6-8 months of searching and makes just over half of what I do, but works more hours. He did get enough to support himself on the benefit, but yeah. The thing that will probably break us up is that I've been with him through all the bad stuff and tend to be a bit overbearing/protective/nagging because in the past that's been the only way to get him to address his mental health issues, and it hasn't been a great adaptation (for me) to him being more well.

>> No.6920462 [DELETED] 

>friend starts 'first real relationship!'
>she is not allowed to tell anyone about their relationship because girlfriend is embarrassed and doesn't want people to know
>girlfriend tells her to her face she is not attracted to her at all
>girlfriend has no job, uses her to pay for costumes, conventions, everything
>meanwhile, she condescends my own relationship
>"Anon, I can tell that you and your boyfriend don't actually have a real connection to each other. You have nicknames for each other, which shows that you're still in that cutesy preteen sort of love with each other."
>been dating boyfriend for 3yrs, living with him for 2, we're together constantly and want to get married
>"My parents were just like you and your bf, Anon, and look how horrible their marriage ended. You're in the wrong sort of relationship."

>> No.6920521 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 493x484, 83362498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girls are interested and then when i open up to them they friendzone and want nothing to do with me.
i got over my drug addiction 2 years ago and have really toned down my drinking but i think i'm boring now.
people online say they want damaged goods but nobody wants damaged goods.
i'm 6-3 240lbs and think a better body can at least get me started in finding a girl.
been working out every day because i can't contain my jealousy with so much "LOOK AT HOW CUTE MY GIRLFRIEND/BOYFRIEND IS" on the internet i can't avoid it.
I used to be 190 and girls seemed so much more interested.

after quitting drugs i became an alcoholic if you're wondering where the weight came from.
>nobody to watch comet ison with

>> No.6920531

i would do anything for a girlfriend.
it's girls like you that boggle my mind.
there are millions of men like me who want to treat you well.
>feeling bad for the guy and that's why you're staying with him
i have no sympathy for you. you're doing this to yourself.

>> No.6920541

There are a lot of things, I'm sorry to ramble to anyone reading this.

I live with my mother, and her health is failing. Failing so much, I have to stay home as the youngest with the least prospects so I can take care of her. I have to clean the house, tend to her and do everything short of driving her (which I can't because I do not have a drivers license and experience panic attacks when behind the wheel).

Recently she's been getting sicker and I keep trying to take care of her while balancing school and work. Work has cut my hours and I'm only hitting the six month point of this job (which is actually my first real job). I've been having trouble finding direction in school and I made a split second decision to take a quarter break to figure out what I want to do major wise and I think I finally found what I want to be.

My friend/girlfriend (it's complicated) just got the a-ok to move wherever the hell she wants to go and she wants to move to where I live and we have enough space in this house (it's a four person house housing two people), and in a pretty good area. I'm so afraid that everything is just going to come crashing down if something happens or changes.

I got a really interesting chance to enter this year long program where I'd get college credit, a stipend and all sorts of stuff as well as a paid internship at a couple companies before either going to school again or getting a good paying job. I want to take the opportunity but the only time I'd be able to take it would be this September or next March. I was planning on taking classes and working over the Winter rush to earn money for cosplay and other stuff, but if I get that opportunity I can't go to school and can only work weekends.

>> No.6920542

My elder brother is coming at the end of August to visit with his girlfriend, and he still doesn't know I'm a lesbian and I don't have the heart to tell him but we've been reconnecting over games on Face Book and I don't want to crush him because he's already upset because my sister is a lesbian as well.

I guess I'm just afraid that if I do anything it'll all fall down, but if I do nothing it'll be the same result. I'm afraid my girlfriend/friend till hate where I live and how I live and not want to be with me anymore, and school and work will all fuck up and I'll just break down from all of this.

>> No.6920554

I did mean pension, not rent. Sorry for that

>> No.6920552

I want to study but I'm too poor.
>get a job you cunt
I got a job, but if I work too many hours I won't be able to receive my half-orphan rent (for lack of a better translation) and child benefit. Boo fucking hoo life is expensive

>> No.6920558

I didn't finish my cosplay in time and I only have my Rorschach cosplay.
I am honestly worried about going to a con with it.

>> No.6920562

I need to take a test in August that I need to start studying about a week ago for (licensing exams, covering about two years of material in two months yay), but all I want to do is make cosplay and lolita crafts. It's all my fault. I just can't prioritise.

>> No.6920568

Can you even read? I posted to illustrate to other anon that the situation is not necessarily uncommon. I'm not with him because I feel bad for him. I'm with him because he's awesome, intelligent, understands me, encourages me to be less intolerant of stupid people and a better/nicer person overall, and shares a lot of my values and interests... he just happens to come with a few psych meds and bad days. It's me that's having trouble adapting to him being more well, since he had months of needing a lot of support and encouragement and I forgot what it was like being equals and I actually have to cut that shit out now.
>i would do anything for a girlfriend
is a huge fucking red flag and there is no way in hell I would go near that. I wouldn't be surprised if you're one of those people who thinks girls are horrible bitches because they won't date you. I am a horrible bitch and I won't date you, but those two things are entirely separate.

>> No.6920571


>encourages me to be less intolerant of stupid people

My boyfriend does that too, and honestly, he makes me a better person for it. I know feminists are all about "don't change for a man" but hell, if it makes me a better person overall then I don't see why that has to be a bad thing.

Sorry for butting in. You just gave me feels. I can see why you stay with him (other than that particular thing, he sounds pretty great overall). I really hope things work out for you guys.

>> No.6920582

My husband is an abusive prick and a meth dealer. He forced me to launder money for him. But that's not even the worst thing. I can live with it, I can make the sacrifice for our family to keep it safe. But I just cannot live with our children living in the same house, being in danger every day because of him. I tried to get them to a better environment, by convincing my husband to let them stay at my sister's place, but that can't go on forever.

What should I do /cgl/?

>> No.6920587


Tell him that the 4th season of breaking bad kinda sucked but that his performance in season 1and2 was amazing.

>> No.6920586

Thanks! To be honest, things are pretty screwed at the moment, despite all the good things there are huge issues that are getting in the way of it being a working relationship at this point in time, and we both need to work on things ourselves - he feels trapped and smothered, and I get really frustrated by the limitations that he still has whilst still almost wanting him to have those limitations (again, a mindset left over from when he was less well). We had a huge talk about it and figured that we want to least maintain some sort of friendship, since it's rare for both of us to find the understanding/connection - and if in the future the relationship happens again, then it happens.

The trouble with that, of course, is that we both still like each other and would both be very jealous if either of us got a new partner in any way, even just a casual hookup. It's also so easy to stay together because it hasn't quite gotten to the stage where it's imploded, and so we spend time apart but just fall back into the habit of being 'together'.

>> No.6920591
File: 10 KB, 424x162, sneakysneaky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so sick of girls fishing for higher prices by asking people for offers, rather then just setting a price.
It's not cute, I can see that you're out to get all you can from that girl for a defective dress, so you can go see a shitty band.

>> No.6920605

Get friends who aren't millenia younger than you and you might grow up.
If your boyfriend doesn't want to see you, take the hint that maybe he's just not man enough to finish it with you.

>> No.6920610

Ok that was good, you got me.

>> No.6920624

You're all fat and ugly as fuck.

>> No.6920623

Fucking paypal chargeback because some chick who bought lolita from me used her mother's paypal and her mom found out and is understandably pissed. I could do without the chargeback though. I'm $20 in the hole and I need that money, goddamnit. Also I don't see why I have to pay for someone's adult child/possibly teenager at home that snaked your paypal address and bought shit you don't like. MIND YOUR FUCKING KIDS.

>> No.6920627


>> No.6920654

I've had that issue before, although not with lolita. I was selling my old iPhone. It's so annoying!

>> No.6920687

>implying Skyler knows / cares about the difference


Literally every female character in the series is a massive bitch.

>> No.6920693

as someone with a little bit of experience:

First, the OP is the admin of the site, no one else.

Second, get a few trusted people to do a sort of " moderator " job as in removing spam posts, advertisements and obvious trolls ( everything else, no matter how you despise the content should have a right to stay online so it can be debunked; eg. feminist posts, liberal posts etc. )

Third: Do regular updates; doesn't matter when or how often, just regular so people know that no matter how dry a week was, they'll get their daily dose of happening at least every Sunday afternoon for example.

Fourth: Get trusted people to do the " main " articles; by trusted I mean people who will provide necessary sources and give credit where credit is due.

Fifth: Give everyone the chance to publish an article without the need of registration; just hand out your or the "mod" or the "trusted" emails out.

Sadly, you can't really do a site without any form of moderation - it takes just a small group of people to utterly destroy a site.

>> No.6920700

Let him go. It sounds like he is invested in the girlfriend. If you hang around for him, then you'll miss all these other guys that would be better for you, more fun and more stable. You deserve someone who will give back everything that you put in.

This is the Universe telling you to move on, because it's trying to bring something better for you.

>> No.6920708

I have to return to the US after a year abroad in Austria. I'm worried my friends have moved on. I'm anxious about having to live with my family again, they overreact about everything and the atmosphere is always so tense. I feel like I've built a great circle of friends here and everyone's so normal and kind, I don't want to return to such craziness.

>> No.6920710

The work may run until Sept/Oct, but by then you are already in the pool and chances are they could keep you on. What have you got to lose? At the worst, working in government until then will provide a few month's pay and add something to your resume and may lead to more work. Cities usually have department stores that recruit around Sept/Oct for the Christmas period, which will keep you afloat until the next round of jobs open up in Feb. You just gotta keep moving, don't stop and you'll get there.

>> No.6920715

Marie isn't a bitch, and that crackwhore prostitute from the first season was really sweet, oh and then there's gretchen, and .. ugh.. Yeah actually you're all right breaking bad is pretty misogynistic, there isn't a single admirable female character.

>> No.6920729

People always tell me I'm attractive and "adorable" but I never get asked out on dates and the guys I actively pursue are always attached. It's depressing since I haven't gotten laid in six months. On the plus side, not getting the D means I have more time for cosplay. Oh God I'm so lonely.

>> No.6920787

I realized that the only reason that I've never been in a relationship is because of myself, and not because "all girls are retarded sluts". If I shaped up and was actually interesting, I'm sure I would be able to find someone.

At least I realized it now, a little bit too late though.

>> No.6920804

I'm just so god damn sick of my family and there's currently no means of escape for me.

I hate my mom because she imagines herself a saint and makes us feel guilty for not working ourselves to the bone like she does

I hate my dad because he's a misanthrope who yells at the news on TV and glares at other drivers on the road.

I hate my sister because I can't even say hello to her without her looking at me like I'm an alien

And I hate my brother because he has no social life and all he does is play video games, or watch people play video games on Youtube.

>> No.6920811

>my current partner has been on 5 different anti-depressants, dropped out of his degree, essentially just played runescape/diablo for 9 months and left the house only to go to mental health appointments

you sure made him sound great.
sounds like a complete burden and terrible person to be around.
go ahead and stay with him.
you're probably gross and worried he's the only person you can get.

>> No.6920846

Mine is going through all of that shit as well. He is the most awesome guy I gave ever met- even with his depression issues.
Mine just spent 2 weeks in an institution where they tweaked his medications and he is nearly back to the guy I fell in love with.
Abilify helped.
If you live someone with depression sometimes it is worth it to tough out the bad times

>> No.6920852

>I hate my brother because he has no social life and all he does is play video games, or watch people play video games on Youtube.
something tells me you have quite a bit in common with him, so why the hate?
Also, are you a 16 year old emo, by any chance?

>> No.6920855

My best friend is bipolar and he's currently in a depressed period. He pushes me away and basically says he never wants to meet me or see me ever again. This has happened several times over a couple of months, and the meds don't seem to make him any better We always get back together again and everything is fine, but then it keeps happening. Even though I know it's not really him talking it obviously hurts alot. He's one of the few people I can talk to and we've really shared many nice moments. I'm not sure how much longer I can keep this up. As much as I want to be there and help him there's only so much I can take. Help please?

>> No.6920878

At 25 years old I finally got my first boyfriend (wether too crazy or too ugly to have relationships when I was a teen). And then I discovered that sex hurts. A lot. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me a medicine, but we haven't tried sex for almost 3 months now and now I'm terrified that it won't work and that he does not want to have sex with me because I could not handle it the first times we tried.

I want to enjoy sex, but I need to practice and the only person that would want to have sex with me... I don't know

>> No.6920889

>have to make one night hotel reservation for group going to a casino/clubbing
>ask which place they want to stay at
>recommend certain casino that I'm familiar with
>"we want to go to this casino because it's better"
>casino's hotels are completely sold out
>refuse to stay at any other hotels in the area that aren't affiliated
>nobody knows what places they'd want to eat at/make reservations for there
>all the available hotel rooms available from cancellations are over $500, $600+ with tax
>not possible to find anything lower because it's a weekend so the prices are jacked up
>leader uses contacts to get a hotel room for free that has transportation to the first casino I recommended over a week ago
>immediately make restaurant reservations and find extra transportation

I'm relieved, but at the same time annoyed because it's like we just went around one big circle of no one listening to me. But I probably would've been crying poorfag tears if we actually got a $600 hotel room for just one night.

>> No.6920893

My fiance and I are moving in less than 20 days... Work is not allowing me off to move, which is stressing me the fuck out. I have been putting in more hours there and they arent paying me for it.. even though I have brought up to the manager many times that I have been there and helping, I need to receive payment. I dont want to quit because I love it there and I get paid 11.50 an hour.

I cant finish one of my cosplays that I have in progress due to money, (and that ties in to me not getting paid extra) and the con is not to far away.. the place I live now is awful, non affiliated with college but ALL college students live here and they and the management treat it like a dorm. My balcony has been puked on multiple times by the asshole above us, there is piss always in the hallways, broken beer bottles, etc.. Im just ready to move asap and work is preventing that and causing a lot of stress on my life right now -_- (cant break the least to leave earlier too)

>> No.6920925
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I am losing my guy friends one at a time because they keep falling for me. I will note for the record I am not thin, not particularly pretty and I have a pretty caustic personality. I do not try to appeal to them in any way, in fact I am engaged to another FEMALE so I have no interest in flirting or guys anymore. I treat my guy friends exactly like my female friends. We hang out, we talk about the stuff we like and we sometimes play videogames or watch anime. Most of my guy friends already have girlfriends who are as attractive if not more attractive than I am, yet without fail 7/10 of them have admitted their crushes to me in the past two years.

If this doesn't ruin our friendship outright when I turn them down, it makes it awkward as fuck afterwards. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. We're both in relationships, I don't lead them on in any way and I have never once made my interest or availability questionable.

It's gotten to the point where I feel like I can't trust guys to just hang out anymore or talk to them as equal human beings. As a friend I am happy to listen to their problems and be for them, but not at the expense of our relationship. I am just so fucking confused. I just want to be a good friend and have close male friends like I always have, I don't want any of this stupid drama or romantic BS.

>> No.6920932


People hate seeing their bad habits in others. It's true I used to be addicted to video games, but I've managed to tear myself away from them. I don't want him to look back and see empty stretches of time in his youth filled with meaningless electronic fluff, like I do.

I am in fact 21. I'm stuck at home because I can only get seasonal/temp work so I can't build a financial base for myself to move out

>> No.6920936

>tfw too fat to cosplay any character, too skinny to cosplay fat characters
>tfw too tan to cosplay common characters, too white to cosplay tanned characters

>> No.6920940

I know your problem.
You made friends with pricks. But don't worry, there are some guys out there that do give an ass about actual friendship and don't just see you as a vagina.
Obviously you are more attractive (and based on what you're saying obv less caustic) or else they wouldn't take the interest to try to steal you away from your gf.

Just keep reenforcing that your relationship isn't a fad or a joke to you, that you're serious about it, and frankly if they can't handle either of those facts then the guys can piss off. Fuck "friends" that can't be happy for you how you are.

>> No.6920941
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You are me.

>> No.6920942

>not a bitch
>not a bitch
>a bitch (prostitute)
>not a bitch

>> No.6920950

I really am not that attractive. I'm not hideous, but I am not pretty by any stretch of the imagination. I can clean up with makeup but on a day to day basis I don't even bother to shave my legs. I only ever look 'hot' in costume.

I honestly think part of the issue is that my friends are all dating girls they found attractive who are completely dull to them on a personal level, they don't care about their emotions or the hobbies they're into and I do.

I've been living with this girl for three years now, we are engaged and they are all friends with her too. I am somewhat friends with their girlfriends. I'm just sick of this shit, I have so much fucking guy drama in my life and I'm in a goddamn lesbian relationship.

>> No.6920974

You won't see much change so soon. The first week you're body is going to be adjusting to all these changes. Maybe go as something else until you get to where you want?

>> No.6920980

I know this feel

At least cats are cute and fluffy enough to fill the void in my heart.

>> No.6921013
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My best friend just broke up with her fiancé, she found out he cheated on her with some girl he had been texting for a while.

She is all emo and sad about it, they even have a kid together. Calls him a dick bag for cheating on her with a "slut"

Me and my friends do our best to cheer her up, one of them is a guy with a girlfriend he is thinking of asking the big question.

They text a lot, she says he is tells her about how boring his love life is and how he is confused about what to do next.

She starts sexting him and talking about meeting up to have sex. He is still with his GF who I know.

>> No.6921028

Guess I bite.

You ever have a friend that be like he don't want any drama or problems but in reality, he's the main person causing all the issues in your group of friends? I gotta friend who basically is like that. He claims he doesnt want drama but for some reason, enjoys causing it and tearung friendships apart over something trivial and minor. Dude's my age (24) and yet act like he's still in high school (which a lot of 20-somethings in the cosplay and con community i am in are like, which is sad.)

I cant be alone with dealing with people like him, right anon?

>> No.6921066

My friend is attempting to use me as an emotional tampon. She forgets that even though I have a relatively good life I do still experience stress and personal problems but she's too self-centred to notice other people have shit to deal with sometimes.

If I tell her I want some time to myself she accuses me of abandoning her.

If she falls out with a mutual friend she tries to get people to pick sides rather than just ignoring the person.

This girl is 22, I can't take this anymore.

>> No.6921103

My friend did that to me when I was a junior/senior (I cut in freshman year). Surprisingly nowadays, she has no friends except for the fake hipsters.

Kinda hard since she seems to be okay otherwise, but I would leave her.

>> No.6921109

Same here dude. This guy in our friend group is 23, claims he hates drama but starts it/likes pushing his nose into everything.

He nearly ended a friendship with my best friend for five years just be driving us both crazy/mooching and eventually stressing us the fuck out.

Good thing we got rid of him.

>> No.6921110

I feel like we're in a really similar situation, anon. Although my friend is a little bit younger (she's 18). Every time I talk to her it's always about how terrible her day is, or that something bad has happened. I want to be there for her, I really do, but at the same time it's just never ending and half the time it's overly dramatic about things that really are not that big a deal. I've got my own problems too, and as much as I love my friend, I don't know if I can put so much energy into looking after her as well as looking after myself.

>> No.6921113
File: 36 KB, 490x327, FUCK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was making my last pack of Ramen

But dropped the flavor packet all over the floor

>> No.6921123

The best thing to do would be practicing masturbating, using your clitoris to get yourself more turned on and then gradually fingering yourself at the same time. When having sex make sure you're fully relaxed and your boyfriend is v.slow and lubed up when penetrating and thrusts slowly until it feels comfortable and can speed can be built up. I find sex is a lot less painful if I've climaxed just before, so I feel a lot more 'relaxed'.

>> No.6921122

Aw shit.

>> No.6921165
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Thank you anon.

>> No.6921170

Lots of lube, lots of relax. Took me a couple of boyfriends before sex went from ow fuck to uncomfortable to hey this is fun.

>> No.6921180


Not to freak you out, but


See any of this makes sense. I have this, and until I was diagnosed I felt literally the worst, like my life was falling apart and no one, including myself, understood. Better to find out sooner rather than later.

>> No.6921206

The first time always hurts imo. Esp if I haven't had sex in a week or two penetrating is always painful for me. Take it slow and relax. Things definitely hurt more if you're nervous and tense. Definitely use lots of lube like everybody else is suggesting.

>> No.6921247

I'm trying to turn my life around but sometimes I wonder if it's too late for me.

I was abused as a child and now that I'm 25 I finally got my shit together when it comes to work and studies, but socially I'm still far behind other people. I don't know what people would think of someone my age who barely has any friends and never dated.

>> No.6921251

Simple solution: Threesome!

>> No.6921260

don't kid yourself, you were too ugly

>> No.6921261


Mfw my self esteem takes a dunk in the sewers and leaves me feeling like those first two will always be true so long as the third one is true.

>> No.6921262
File: 72 KB, 310x451, 1336360800750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trouble gaining weight because there's no time to eat. Even when I'm hungry, I'm too tired to eat. I'm not in the best of health.
Also, working and going to school at the same time is not as easy as I thought, but it will be worth it when I can do what I love all day in a year or so.

That's the spirit! Let the anger out!

Eating a bit more than usual works. Also breakfast should be your largest meal, and meals should get smaller as the day progresses. Drink a lot of water, even if you aren't trying to lose weight. It helps with everything.

>> No.6921266


>> No.6921271
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>> No.6921270

I honestly hope you're not a troll because I REALLY want you to keep this mindset so you just stay alone forever.

>> No.6921272

It's athens, don't bother.

>> No.6921276

This girl i don't like is invading all my social groups and being all happy with my friends. It is as if no one sees how she really is. That you can't trust her, that she wants attention from all the guys but when it gets to serious she dumps them like trash. I want her out especially now she will joining a roleplaying club where i am finally learning to open up. I just know she will hog all the attention and stupid shy me will fade into the background again, because i am too afraid to say that I don't want her to be there. Too afraid people will think I am petty for saying such things about her, that she will manipulate people so she is the victim and i am the big scary monster. I hate her for not caring if she ends relationships, for coming on too my boyfriend, for always acting as this cute nerdy girl while only few will see her vile and ugly face. And I am so mad right now, the anger is making me physically ill and i'm taking it all out of my boyfriend. Partly because he is completely neutral instead of supporting me on this. But mostly because she is such a fake fucking attention whore. That is starting to make all my social places into nightmares where i am constantly on the edge, but afraid to shout out because I am stupid and shy like that.

>> No.6921278


Former fatty here, fasting just makes your body think famine has kicked in and double your urges to seek out food.

Doesnt work if weak willed.

>> No.6921280

>lift weights
Give me money so I can buy a bench set pls.
All I have is a 30 pound kettle bell and two five pound dumbells.
>inb4 $150 bimonthly subscription to the only shitty gym within a 40 mile radius

>> No.6921282

You should be fine with making friends, but about dating it depends on your gender. If you're female then it's not that much of a big deal.

>> No.6921284

Also I ate some canned salmon and worked out some more today and I noticed a difference. So I think the eat more than actually worked.

>> No.6921285

But I'm not a female. I'm male.

>> No.6921287

Did your daddy penetrate your vagina? If yes, you're worthless, if no, I'll be ur bf. :3

>> No.6921289

>I was abused as a child

>> No.6921288

I'm a guy and nobody ever sexually abused me.

>> No.6921291

The only abuse is sexual abuse?

>> No.6921290

Then I hope you like dying alone. Nobody likes virgin Betas.

>> No.6921296

yes, take your "omg I was mentally abused cuz all kids called me fat at school:(" somewhere else you magina piece of shit

>> No.6921299

My cat had cancer. We spent $4,000 on chemo. He was miserable and sick the entire time. Finally we stopped treatments and for his last few weeks was a happier, although very sick cat.
I would never put an animal through treatments like that again. The treatment was worse than the cancer. We let him live until his body started to shut down and he was no longer happy to be alive. I wouldn't have wanted to euthanize him while he still had his purr or his will to live.

>> No.6921303

This is a simple remedy. Never tell anyone your a virgin. When you suck in the sack, then just say its been a while.

>> No.6921306
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>> No.6921308

But that's not what happened, it was a family member who'd beat me and do other things to me constantly.

>> No.6921309

Noone cares about your fucking cunt of a cat. Good riddance she died. I'd rape her corpse if I could.

>> No.6921312

S T R 8

>> No.6921313

If you're bad at sex than your a virgin in my book.

>> No.6921317

I don't wanna lie to a woman I like.

>> No.6921320

This made me cry tears of joy. You go girl, show that patriarchy supporting neckbeard that we won't take no oppression.

>> No.6921318

Well who gives a shit about your book?

>> No.6921319
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Jesus christ, what a terrible thread.

>> No.6921321

>>>/a/ >>>/r9k/

>> No.6921324

And you don't wanna talk to a woman who does not like you.

No one cares who you like.

>> No.6921326


Then make one you give a shit about. Not that fuck'n hard.

>> No.6921334

Don't worry, if you're a good person then women won't have any problems dating you. Don't let the trolls fool you.

>> No.6921338

This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard.

>effectually suotic