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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6918413 No.6918413 [Reply] [Original]

What's the worst advice you've ever gotten from /cgl/?

>> No.6918425
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"You shouldn't worry about what others say, just do your thing!"

>> No.6918465

Not bad advice, just how I executed it.

>Buy wig for lolita, ends get tangled
>Wash it in fabric softener, gently detangle with comb
>Still has tangles. What should I do /cgl/?
>Recommended to find someone with experience with wigs since I was nervous and have a hands on lesson
>Cosplay friends know a girl who knows a lot about wigs, she's coming over to visit
>They show me some pictures, her wigs looked nice
>Call her up and ask for some help detangling while she's in town
>Doesn't seem keen, so I offer to pay her for the lesson, she agrees.
>Friends have a slumber party, pack up my wig and head over
>"You should never wash a wig in fabric softener. Just use normal shampoo."
>Don't think that's right, but she's the expert and I'm paying for her advice
>She pulls out her hairbrush and goes to town on my wig
>Fibers falling out by the handful
>Try to stop her, get the evil eye from everyone at the party
>Realize I'm fucked and resign myself to my fate
>She finally stops when she notices a huge fucking hole in the back of my wig
>"Sorry, that's what happens when you buy cheap wigs."
>Picks up my wig and drops it straight into the trashcan

And that's how all her friends found out that she doesn't actually know much about styling wigs and gets hers commissioned.

Bonus fun! She got my friends to confront me on why I didn't pay for my "lesson". I just stared at them with my best "Are you fucking kidding me?" face until they buckled under their shame and left.

>> No.6918474

Dear lord, your cosplay friends are jackass shits.

>> No.6918480
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>hairbrush on a wig

Please tell me she was at least using one with metal bristles.

>> No.6918516

Yeah, they were a bit immature. This happened a few years ago, and they were pissed at me for a while. I guess because I accidentally revealed that their cosplay guru wasn't so knowledgeable after all. They came around, though, actually stood up for me against that girl at one point.

Nope. It was one of those paddle brushes with plastic bristles. I don't know if she ever used it on her own wigs, but she definitely used it herself because it had a ton of her hair caught in it.

>> No.6918525

>auction off your lolita dress, it is a rare and popular piece and will bring you more than selling.

Worst decision ever, I could have sold it for 150$ more if I just waited for a regular buyer. Egl auctions are intimidating and risky, less people will give it a try because they fear to be outbid or the ones who'd be willing to spend more money on it will miss the auction and you have to accept low as fuck bargain offers. Yeah, I've learned my lesson now.

>> No.6918532

sage for offtopic but my god that gif nearly made me piss myself. Can someone shoop hairbows onto him?!

>> No.6918552
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Similar thing happened to me when a "friend" offered to take my wig and detangle it for me the day after a con. Claimed she was really good at it and would make it look just like it did originally. This was my first wig and I stupidly decided to cosplay a character with incredibly long hair.

I stop by her house to pick it up the next day, see it on her table looking 10x more ratty and frizzy. I ask her what she did to detangle it, shrugs and tells me she "tried to get out the tangles with a hairbrush, but it didn't really work."

>mfw I already knew that you never use a hairbrush on a wig.

>> No.6918560

Wow, that girl is a bitch. Some guru she turned out to be. Thankfully, those kind of people get found out quick... really sorry you had to find out that way, Anon. I would've smacked a bitch.

>> No.6918578

Who is this obnoxious drama vortex? God I am glad I dropped PR after season 8 if these are the kinds of people who make it on these days.

>> No.6918595

That's Season 1 of Project Runway Australia, so don't worry, you'll never have to worry about him offending your delicate sensibilities.

>> No.6918625
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>Season 1 of Project Runway Australia aired around Season 5 of Project Runway.

>> No.6918890

Now I'm trying and failing to imagine an Austrralian accent coming out of... that.

>> No.6919044

"Just be nice, polite and avoid contact with girls not to be branded a creeper."

>> No.6919083

Yeah, most shampoo is full of shit like lauryl sulphate that will fuck with your wig. Also a HAIRBRUSH. She is a terrible friend.

>> No.6919409

Is this bad advice from anywhere or just /cgl/?

I've not really gotten any bad 'advice' from /cgl/, but I've gotten bad advice from friends.

For the second wig I ever bought, I need to make Konata's hair curl and my friend (who supposedly lurked /cgl/ all the time and knew all the secrets of cospay) told me to use rubber cement on a section of hair and hold the wig in place until it dried.

It ruined that part of the wig and the next time we went to a con, her costume was safety pinned together.

I seriously didn't think anyone could be that hopeless if they browsed /cgl/ until that girl happened.

>> No.6919429

"Google it."

After I'd already done exhaustive research and just wanted reviews.

>> No.6919483

Back when /cgl/ used to have a lot of "comfort me" threads, I posted about how my boyfriend had dumped me because sex for me was extremely painful and he told me I wasn't trying hard enough which meant I didn't love him.

A couple anons (or possibly one anon samefagging) who apparently were internet doctors went off on me. One said that I never tried, that I was an overdramatic bitch, that I actually did enjoy it but was so prudish I pretended I didn't. I spent weeks agonizing over whether that anon was actually right, and that's why my boyfriend left me. I became deeply ashamed of myself.

Finally I worked up the courage and went to my gynecologist and explained everything. Found out that I had an underdeveloped vagina and my doctor was shocked that I could even stand to try sex more than once. She prescribed me hormones and I'm doing fine now.

Also found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me the entire time, and then cheated on his next girlfriend and the one after that. I don't think there was anything I could have done to make him stay.

>> No.6919488

You dodged a bullet there. Sorry about your experience with /cgl/ anons, but I'm happy you're doing better. Hope you'll find someone that will treasure you, if you haven't already.

>> No.6919614

"You don't have to wear a wig, dude, just sue hair clank! That was you don't have to dye your hair to get a different color."

>> No.6919621



>> No.6919828

How is anyone supposed to know you have a fucked up vagina?

>> No.6919832

How is anyone supposed to know she's actually just a prudish bitch? I think in a "comfort me" thread the point is to comfort, not prescribe or judge.

>> No.6919908

Well, not all /cgl/ is like that, but I learned and I'm doing okay now. Thank you for the kind words.

I appreciate it, but I don't worry about the ignorant bitches here anymore, so you don't need to either.

>> No.6920505

>underdeveloped vagina
You better keep it that way, just think of all the hot guys (like Falcone) who want to put theirs into it.

>> No.6920537
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>I don't think I can finish this cosplay in time..

>You should just kill yourself anon.

>> No.6920827

She probably was looking for advice on getting over her boyfriend, not about her vag.

>> No.6920836
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> sex for me was extremely painful
> didn't fucking immediately go to a doctor
> nobody said she should, instead showering her with bullshit insults
Is this real life?

>> No.6920838

i said i wanted a change of fashion and some one on cgl suggested i join lolita the worse advice i got.

>> No.6920845

Got told to use silver tape to bind my chest. Fuck you, /cgl/.

>> No.6920844 [DELETED] 

>"You're fat"
>Go on a diet and join a gym to lose weight
>Actually get a potbelly due to the diet
>Gym makes me suffer because I'm not losing the belly
>Get deeper and deeper into depression
>cgl keeps saying I'm fat
>Nothing I do to lose weight works
>Getting fatter and fatter because the depression makes me eat like a pig

Then I went one month in vacation, stopped the gym and the diet and actually lost weight.

>> No.6920858

Should have seen that one coming, Anon.

>> No.6920860 [DELETED] 

>eat like a pig when depressed
Well there's your problem, Anon. You need to start improving your mood and outlook on life and then start a diet.

>> No.6920865 [DELETED] 

That's where the vacation helped, I came back much happier and am now eating much less. Still, not coming back to the diet, it was a really awful stress. I prefer to be fat (and I'm actually not, just don't have abs) than to be suffering.

>> No.6920902 [DELETED] 
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> depression makes me eat like a pig
Not being able to control yourself is not in any way an excuse.

>> No.6920903 [DELETED] 


>> No.6920909

Who the fuck in the right mind would take advice from /cgl/, or even 4chan for that matter? There's plenty of underage and trolls, and even if you do, at least do some research. There's no one to blame but your own stupidity.

>> No.6920910 [DELETED] 

For a person that is used to eating a lot and needs to drastically cut down on what they used to be able to eat, dieting is a major bitch because your body is sending signals to your brain that you still feel hungry. Not only that but people go overboard and completely deprive themselves of "bad" food without realizing that they could maintain their diets better if they just ate in some moderation.

I know I for one wasn't able to lose weight with exercise unless I kept my daily diet at around 1000 cals. I was miserable because I was used to eating at least 1800-2000 a day and felt depressed and deprived all the time. Had to visit my doctor and everything for that.

>> No.6920914 [DELETED] 

What else did you expect from hambeasts? If they didn't eat so much they wouldn't be so fat in the first place.

>> No.6920919 [DELETED] 

Well, it's just that last summer when I decided I want to become fit instead of skinnyfat I also had to change my diet, but I saw it in no way whatsoever as suffering. All I had to do was pay more attention, use smaller plates, and ditch potatoes and pasta for veggies. Can't really imagine much pain there.
I guess I can see where you're coming from, but you CAN feel full for a small number of calories. For example, a portion of vegetables and beans strew is around 300 calories, the same as a Snickers and it's much more filling.

>> No.6920934 [DELETED] 

>but you CAN feel full for a small number of calories
Sure, but what I'm saying is that won't happen from the go for most people. It took me awhile before I realized that consuming protein alone won't make me feel full without getting fiber into my diet as well. To many that's just a nutritional given, for others like me I had to learn that. And I never ate junk food that I knew for a fact wouldn't make me feel full like Snickers.

Can't remember the last time I had chocolate actually. But I did have two ice cream sandwiches last week and even then I knew what a horrible choice I'd made, satisfying as it was.

>> No.6921031

This guy wants to get in that tight cunny.

>> No.6921348

So what? Just because I am a virgin does not mean that I can't want to have sex with her. I have a small dick so only the tightest pussies will make me feel like a real man.

>> No.6921562

/cgl/ has proven to be more relevant and helpful than fucking coscom weebs who think they know the answer to everything. Urgh JasonTerror.

Either way, if you go to 4chan asking about your feelings and other stuff like that, you probably aren't going to get the full support therapy session that you want. But if you go here with technical questions, there are a lot of seasoned cosplayers who are willing to share experiences and techniques.

>> No.6921581 [DELETED] 

I don't even cosplay, go to /cgl/, or have a vagina, but cutting fucking sucks. Not only do you begin to lose strength, but you feel tired, weak, and hungry all the time.

Shit sucks, not gonna lie. But that fat needs to come off somehow, so you just have to deal with the consequences of eating below maintenance and do it right so that it doesn't take longer than it needs to and you don't lose too many gains.

>> No.6921603

I have seem some shitty advice in make-up threads. People are generally helpful with cosplay and lolita though.

>> No.6921635
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Still trying to lose weight?
I could help you out.

>> No.6921742

This. Ive gotten a lot of helpful advice on cosplay related things from wig help to sewing techniques.

>> No.6921764

One of my friends who used to frequent here told me that I should start cosplaying.
4 years later, thousands down on hotels/passes/materials/etc and what what do I have to show for it?
>12 cosplays which dont even fit me anymore.

You're an asshole. yes you

>> No.6921782

sorry, but I already have a boyfriend...

>> No.6921805 [DELETED] 

>Then I went one month in vacation, stopped the gym and the diet and actually lost weight.
I lost 30 lbs in a month just by eating less and better. Not even a specialized diet or cutting my meals in half, I just cut down on stuff that was obviously bad for me and snacked less.

>person makes a genuine effort to lose weight
>doesn't actually lose anything
>says that she gained weight after attempting to lose it because of binge eating
>/cgl/ replies "It's all your fault, the diet wasn't the problem it was you" after that same shit threw the person into their depression in the first place
>"I don't actually know anything about depression so I'm just gonna say everything is your fault"
>says in the same post that they lost weight without the diet or gym
>completely ignore that
I'd just ignore /cgl/ for weight loss tips, they clearly just hate fat people (inb4 trying to rationalize through stereotypes and strawmen) and would rather make fun of you than try to understand your situation and help.

>> No.6921812

I'm pretty sure we're in different continents

I know how hard losing weight is for some people, that's why I offered my help

>> No.6921824

Hair chalk? I've never seen anyone give that advice on /cgl/. Unless you're talking about venus.

>> No.6921854

Girls apparently love asshole guys. Just be a huge dick to them and they'll love you.

>> No.6921859

GRRRRRRRRRRRR I HATE THIS SO MUCH. If i'm asking you to tell me something, you can just assume I already asked Google, because everyone knows what that is and it's the first thing you do. Anyone who thinks Google holds all the answers is infinitely stupider than the people they're assuming didn't Google first.

>> No.6921867
File: 98 KB, 673x556, 1352085175528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something along the lines of

"Cosplay girls AREN'T crazy"

While this may have never been typed out as so plain, with the amount of times I've heard praise and seen the outright lusting after some girls, I figured,

>Cosplay girls must be hot shit

Fuck. Pic unrelated i think.

>> No.6921881

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but people some to /cgl/ all the time with problems that would be easily googled.

>> No.6921934

How will you know unless you Google it yourself? If you do that, there are two options;

1. They did Google it and there really is nothing

2. They didn't and it's right there on page 1 or 2, where you could easily copy & paste the link for them

"Google it" means that you don't know what you're talking about and have no intention of helping.

>> No.6921944

>2. They didn't and it's right there on page 1 or 2, where you could easily copy & paste the link for them
Again, if they're being told to just google it, it's because it's something easy as fuck to find and they can do it themselves for less effort than it takes to post.

>> No.6921962

But in order to actually know, you'd have to look, which means you already found it. And if you're telling them to Google it, you're posting anyway. So the only reason you wouldn't just give them the link is to be a dick, or because you don't really know.

>> No.6921972

I usually tell people to google when I know the info is there. Like I was looking for something else, but saw the info the person needed. I don't remember where exactly I saw it, and I'm too lazy to re-search for it when it's not even my project.

>> No.6921968

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

>> No.6922033

You can do both.

That's the only scenario where "Google it" would be acceptable. Unfortunately it's usually just people who think that Google is a magical wizard machine that instantly gives you exactly what you want as the first result, and that people don't know what it is.

>> No.6922172
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What? When something is causing you extreme pain and you don't even know why, you drop fucking everything and run to a doctor. I was surprised that neither >>6919483 nor people advising her thought of that, when it should be the first thing that comes to mind. Come on, it's not rocket science. Doctors exist just so they can help you in cases like this one. You don't need to "work up courage" to consult them, you just go and do that before your vagina explodes in little chunks.
If you are reading this and something is seriously bothering you about your body right now, schedule a meeting with a doctor no later than next week. You don't want it to end in trouble.

>> No.6922206

Honestly I can't think of any bullshit advice I ever got from cgl that I didn't already know was bullshit and acted upon.

I think one piece of bullshit advice a lot of cgl lolitas give to newbies though is "Buy Bodyline first so that way you'll get a better idea for what you want." I bought a brand dress as my first dress and I knew that was the dress I wanted. The third dress I ever bought was from Bodyline, it was a trendy impulse buy because I thought I'd might want it, but I've only ever worn it twice. It was a huge waste of my money and I can't even resell it for what I technically bought it for. And usually I'm not a fabric snob, but this dress is not impressive in terms of fabric. They didn't even line it so it sits weird over petticoats.

If a newbie has been lurking and knows what they want then let them do it. Don't advise them to waste their money and time just because they're new.

>> No.6922215 [DELETED] 
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> I lost 30 lbs in a month
How fucking fat must you have been? People who have just a little more than what they need don't, and indeed can't lose that much in such a short time. If your goal is 54kg when you are 90, then, if you're doing it right, you'll lose a lot in a short time. But if you're at 60 and need to drop just a little more, then it'll take effort. If you cut "30 lbs in a month just by eating less and better", then you should've been 10 times that. Hamplanets gonna ham.
> "I don't actually know anything about depression so I'm just gonna say everything is your fault"
I know a lot about depression. It's still your fault if you gorge yourself like a pig. Only hambeasts get fatter under depression. Normal people either don't get these urges or can control themselves.

>> No.6922230 [DELETED] 

I was pretty big, not morbidly obese but you guys seem to think that everyone over 40 lbs overweight is morbid so there's no point convincing you. Although, she never did either, so I just kinda assumed.
>I know a lot about depression. It's still your fault if you gorge yourself like a pig. Only hambeasts get fatter under depression. Normal people either don't get these urges or can control themselves.
Other way around. They don't do that because they're fat, they're fat because they do that. If you actually knew jack shit you wouldn't just be saying "simple solution, stop being fat."

>> No.6922235 [DELETED] 
File: 1.76 MB, 640x480, oUVty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only hambeasts get fatter under depression.
I really hope the unfunny catmeme and the complete lack of understanding about depression is an indication of a really poor shitpost, because I'd be super fucking embarrassed for you right now if you were being serious. I really hope you don't share these opinions with anyone irl, anyone that would dare associate themselves with you probably thinks you're a shitty person.

>> No.6922239 [DELETED] 

This. I lose weight when I'm depressed because I don't leave my room for weeks and refuse to eat. Then when I get manic, I don't sleep and use that time to stuff my face.

>> No.6922267 [DELETED] 
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> everyone over 40 lbs overweight is morbid
Morbid? No. Harpoon-worthy? Quite.
> They don't do that because they're fat, they're fat because they do that.
Wow. Just wow. I thought people stopped believing in these kinds of fairytales the moment they were told that Santa doesn't exist. No, you're fat because you're an animal who can't exert self-control. Don't give me that shit about depression, it only diminishes your already futile efforts to not die of overeating. And besides, your implication that all fatties are depressed (hint: many aren't) only shows your insecurities. Have fun getting your third heart attack on your 40th birthday.
Uh-huh. I talked to depressed people. I was treated for clinical depression myself at some point in time. Depressed people usually don't get fat. In fact, some lose weight because anxiety makes them unable to stuff a breadcrumb into their throats (as is the case with me, for example). When I feel like shit, I eat only because I know I have to. But if you only chat with hamplanets, I get where you're getting this from.
But for what it's worth, I'm sincerely sorry for offending your fat feelings. Eat a pork, it'll get better.

>> No.6922275 [DELETED] 

>I talked to depressed people
So a small collective pool of people you talked to, and one experience point from you is enough to generate a mass assumption about the clinical effects from depression, which btw, NO MEDICAL DOCTOR can say for sure causes weight loss or weight gain?

You need a cuntpunt.

>> No.6922278 [DELETED] 

It's so obviously a shitpost.
[nospoilersoncgl]Or someone who is sincerely suffering from an extreme form of autism who genuinely can't relate or understand why someone suffering from depression might have different side effects.[/nospoilersoncgl]

I wish our janitor gave a shit so people like this could get a nice ban.

>> No.6922286 [DELETED] 

> clinical effects from depression, which btw, NO MEDICAL DOCTOR can say for sure causes weight loss or weight gain
So you acknowledge there's no conclusive proof that depression causes weight gain. Yet you claim it does. And when I say it doesn't based on empirical evidence, which by the way I don't use as a conclusive proof but as a counterargument to your bogus claims, you call bullshit. Hypocrisy, hypocrisy all the way.
> bawww this person is saying things I don't like, they should be banned!

>> No.6922290 [DELETED] 

Consider the possibility that there are more than two anons in your conversation.

>> No.6922292 [DELETED] 

Hams and ham sympathisers are all jelly-like biomass to me, so I don't bother distinguishing between them.

>> No.6922297 [DELETED] 

Eh, I find it likely you've just set a few mental health advocates adrift in the jelly biomass.

>> No.6922300 [DELETED] 

>fairy tales
>fatties just can't control themselves!

>> No.6922303 [DELETED] 

> >fatties just can't control themselves!
Right, it's just their metabolisms, genes and wide bones. It's not like they wouldn't have had these problems if they were eating and exercising like normal people.

>> No.6922306 [DELETED] 

>So you acknowledge there's no conclusive proof that depression causes weight gain.
You must also acknowledge there's no conclusive proof that depression causes weight loss as well.
The reason, oh smart one, why they can't prove either is because it can go either way. And if you publish something as arbitrary as saying "gee guise, I guess it can go either way xD" in the medical community without a proper study, it will look non-credible.

Now can you take your unfunny bullshit someplace else? Like the ED tag on tumblr?

>jelly biomass

>> No.6922307 [DELETED] 

>It's not like they wouldn't have had these problems if they were eating and exercising like normal people
Actually they probably still would.
But hey, why get into the semantics about that?
Fatties gon fat. Now fuck off.

>> No.6922309 [DELETED] 

ok who is that in ur image sage for offtopic

>> No.6922319 [DELETED] 

Stop before you make more of a fool out of yourself.

>> No.6922320 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1365x936, 1359282488242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> You must also acknowledge there's no conclusive proof that depression causes weight loss as well.
I never claimed that. I just said that no, depression doesn't make you eat more if you didn't before, it's you and only you.
> Actually they probably still would.
1% of them probably would. The rest wouldn't.
It's a mascot from Brazilian boards, can't quite remember her name. Ask on /int/ (if you dare), they know.

>> No.6922325 [DELETED] 

>Depressed people usually don't get fat. In fact, some lose weight because anxiety makes them unable to stuff a breadcrumb into their throats (as is the case with me, for example).
You did claim that you lying cunt. Unbelievable.

>> No.6922327 [DELETED] 

Haha right? What a fucking bitch.

>> No.6922330 [DELETED] 

> Depressed people usually don't get fat.
> usually
> some lose weight
> some
Yeah, I was so arbitrary in that post I set new records.

>> No.6922331 [DELETED] 

That's still claiming people lose weight.
And nobody here is exactly saying ALL depressed people gain weight either, only some. But nope we all have to agree with your princess ass apparently. Holy shit your double standards.

>> No.6922333 [DELETED] 

So where's the source that says usually depressed people lose weight?
Protip: You can't.
Just leave, it's an argument you're not winning.

>> No.6922342 [DELETED] 

> That's still claiming people lose weight.
Some do. That's not a certainty, but it happens in practice.
> And nobody here is exactly saying ALL depressed people gain weight either, only some.
Yes, and these "some" are hams I am talking about. That's what I'm trying to say: it's fats who get fatter while depressed.
> So where's the source that says usually depressed people lose weight?
I'm going to provide it once you show me proof that depression makes you gain weight. Do you have such proof, I wonder?

>> No.6922369 [DELETED] 

Fuck having proof about people in general gaining or losing weight because of depression. What I want proof for is THIS:

>it's fats who get fatter while depressed

Because with nothing to back that statement up, it just sounds like an asshole's assumption because "ew fat people" and "people can't POSSIBLY have experiences other than the ones I've had".

>I was treated for clinical depression myself
>some lose weight because anxiety makes them unable to stuff a breadcrumb into their throats (as is the case with me, for example).

Also, depression and anxiety are two different disorders. Just because you have one doesn't mean you have the other.

>> No.6922377 [DELETED] 

>I'm going to provide it once you show me proof that depression makes you gain weight.
That's been the whole point all along you dipshit.
It hasn't been proven that there's a solid link for weight GAIN nor LOSS in depressed people.
Can you just go fuck yourself already? Nobody is agreeing with you.

>> No.6922380 [DELETED] 

> What I want proof for is THIS
I haven't googled, but I'm quite sure no serious research was done on this specific subject, so yeah, I'm talking out of my ass because I don't like fats. As if that wasn't obvious from the start. But in any case, I only ever saw hams saying depression makes them eat, even if their 'depression' was just feeling bad about being overweight. Um, yeah, depression is more serious than that.
> Also, depression and anxiety are two different disorders. Just because you have one doesn't mean you have the other.
About half on those who have one have the other. But yes, true, they aren't exactly the same. Yet still, depression might make you eat less for a variety of reasons.

>> No.6922385 [DELETED] 

>I'm talking out of my ass because I don't like fats
Read that a few times, close out of this thread, lay down and have a good long think about your life.

>> No.6922391 [DELETED] 

> That's been the whole point all along you dipshit.
The point is this: it's you who first claim that you can get fatter when depressed, but it's for me to prove that you can also lose weight. You believe in one statement, but demand proof for another. Your fat must be replacing your grey matter.
> Nobody is agreeing with you.
Hams gathered and their whines of fat anguish are louder than me, so I should leave. Because that's how you win arguments.

>> No.6922403 [DELETED] 

Because she's talking about *herself*, and you're talking about *all depressed people*, retard.

>> No.6922404 [DELETED] 
File: 358 KB, 1014x799, HAHAHAHHAAAA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying she gives a shit about her life or the quality of her opinions
You think too highly of these cunts.

>> No.6922407 [DELETED] 

>It's you who first claim
Actually cavelady, I first replied to you after >>6922215 that in which "you who first claim" that only fatties get fatter under depression. Which is bullshit. Bullshit. Bullshit. Yes, more than two people think you're a retard. Now go to bed.

>> No.6922408 [DELETED] 

> They don't do that because they're fat, they're fat because they do that.
Done after my statement about all depressed people? Yes. Still retarded justification for fats that just proves me right? Doubtlessly.

>> No.6922409 [DELETED] 

Okay, I did state that first. After which you still made yourselves look like idiots by agreeing with me. Happy?

>> No.6922411 [DELETED] 

>by agreeing with me
...what? Look girl, just go to bed please. Bad enough you derailed a thread, worse yet to know our janitor doesn't give a shit enough to ban a teeny bopper that is obviously running low on their bedrest.

>> No.6922419 [DELETED] 

> ...what?
> They don't do that because they're fat, they're fat because they do that.
Yeah. Agreeing with me.

>> No.6922432 [DELETED] 

...Because that was what you were arguing ever. Shut up.

>> No.6922451 [DELETED] 

Yep, you really want that cunny.

>> No.6922468 [DELETED] 

30 lbs...HOW?? TELL ME NOW!

>> No.6922469 [DELETED] 

By eating less and better. :)

>> No.6922476 [DELETED] 

How were you dieting exactly? Because sometimes people think starving themselves is the answer but it's a lot worse.
Also going to a gym is hard to get used to, but after a while you'll actually start to enjoy it. It becomes a habit.

>> No.6922497

>"never put mascara on your lower lashes, it looks horrible!"

This was in a makeup thread.

>> No.6922499 [DELETED] 

Oh wow, my post turned into this? I'm >>6920844


I was 54kg at 168cm at the time. Now I'm 58 and my top was 62 when I was stuffing myself like a beast

My diet was a no carb diet (prescribed by a nutricionist, it was not a random recipe I found online) and I was, literally, always hungry. I had to eat giant servings to feel full and like, 3 plates of soup and 10 minutes later i was already hungry. I ate no complex carbs, but stuffed myself with fruit and cheese and juices when I was hungry (and I was still hungry after that)

I was already depressed before going into the diet and the medicine I was taking at the time was an appetite stimulator (only discovered later). The more I ate the more hungry I felt and I was not getting ripped and thin and that made me sadder, which raised the dosis of the medicine, which made me hungrier, etc.

>Insert monthly vacation

Changed medicine, ate loads of rice and beans (that's Brazil for you), stopped feeling hungry between meals, started eating less, got a decent figure. Still skinnyfat, but stopped caring as confidence boosted and depression started to slow down.

Not completely happy with skinnyfatness, but accepted as it is. Never want to diet again, may go back to gym someday and make a habit out of it. I don't care about the outside anymore, but I'm worried about my heart and lungs.

I eat well, have a balanced diet and don't feel hungry between meals anymore.

And that's the whole story for you guys.

>> No.6922511


That's awful anon, I'm so sorry that you even wasted so much time on that your guy. Your love should be reserved for somebody nicer because I'm sure you certainly deserve it.

Similarly I experienced some pain during sex and I believe it's due to me having a tilted womb, but recently for like the last year it's been different ie. very sore, stinging pain when my boyfriend first enters me, and it can last for days so that it stills hurts if we have sex a day or two after.

The pain immediately dissipates once we get into it, but I won't go to a doctor because I don't put a lot of trust in them after I got some bullshit results from some arrogant, know-it-all, fresh out of medical college young doctor who wouldn't prescribe me antibiotics when I went in with an infected tooth. The entire gum around the tooth was swollen so huge I couldn't close my mouth and when I attempted to lance it myself at home when the fear got too much... it leaked pus.

He tried to tell me that sometimes antibiotics make tooth infections worse and gave me a pack of Co-codamol. I went to a dentist the next day and the dentist was horrified that he'd left me in this state and booked an appointment to have the tooth out in 2 weeks. I had to wait two weeks because the dentist wrote me out a prescription herself for the antibiotics so I had to wait for the infection to clear.

Based dentist.

Does anybody else here experience a similar issue with sex?

>> No.6922539

Sex also hurts for me. I went to a gyno and she perscribed a lubrificant, I've been applying it but don't know if it will work or not yet. I talked with my psychiatrist and we both think that it may be a psychological issue...

>> No.6922545


I have heard that these things can be psychological also, that sometimes the vagina can tense up to such a point where entry becomes painful.

I don't ever seem to have this problem with tampons though haha

>> No.6922550

Tampons are uncomfortable but not painful for me. I think it has to do with your own control of the situation...

>> No.6922575

Look up vaginismus, it's the name for when the vagina tenses up at any attempt at penetration. It's fairly common and there is quite a lot of advice out there for dealing with it.

>> No.6922581


Reading the Wikipedia article is starting to make a lot of sense in my mind because I was molested as a child over a 2 year period haha

I don't know why I'm laughing about it lol

>> No.6922588

le vaginismus x)

>> No.6922792

> I don't put a lot of trust in them
So just because you met one bad doctor you're going to literally torture yourself? Don't be unreasonable. Schedule a meeting right now.
> Based dentist.
You do know dentists are also doctors who went to same schools as the rest of them, right?
> we both think that it may be a psychological issue
Only ever think that when you ruled out everything else. Shrinks don't know the first thing about medicine. I listened to them and it's a tendency among them to ascribe everything to coming from your psychological issues, even when it can't possibly be true. Seriously, some of them think cancer is the result of bad feelings and can be cured by working out your personal issues.

>> No.6922802

I had a similar experience. Pain on entry, etc.I went to two different female doctors that told me to just use lube despite the fact that I'd already tried that and it wasn't helping. I was told twice that I just wasn't using enough.

That was the last time I went to my local health unit. My GP made me a referral to a specialist who had his resident look me up and down and do every test known to man and finally my problem turned out to be scar tissue right at the entrance. I probably got a little tear from my partner being a little rough one time and it never got enough time to heal because it kept getting aggravated every time we had sex.

The doctor prescribed me a cream that had a bunch of stuff in it and like a miracle I was healed. Can't tell you how good it felt to have sex without the pain again.

This goes for any issue: when your doctor is being a douchebag and blames the inefficacy of your treatment on you, or ignoring any other concerns you might have, it's time to get a second opinion.

>> No.6922805

"Kill yourself.........SERIOUSLY"

>> No.6922821

I trust the medical knowledge of my shrink a lot (I'm in the medical field as well), so we're outing the physical reasons and leaning to a psychological one... But I think I'm going to a different gyno if the lube does not work out. On any case, my suspect that it's psychological has to do with the fact that it hurts more and more each time we try. Like, my first time it did not hurt at all, then my first time with my boyfriend (who is a bit bigger) hurt a bit, second time hurt a lot, then it keeps hurting more and more.

>> No.6922932

I apparently have a condition where my body "forgets" it went through puberty already and will just stop producing hormones. It took YEARS of telling my mom something wasn't right before she finally got me a gyno appointment (I was still on the family medical plan so couldn't arrange it myself). My periods started really late at 17, and will randomly stop for up to a year. My boobs also randomly jump in size in a short amount of time. And I still have issues with sex, my sex drive itself is way way low and I can only have it for less than 10 minutes before everything goes kind of...painfully numb? Like when your leg falls asleep and you get that numb yet stinging feeling as the blood rushes back.

>> No.6923261

uh- just so you know, Psychiatrists have to go through medical school just like doctors and dentists. Generally psychiatrists and psychologists work in a firm together, one specializes in medication for treating mental conditions that can be improved with medication (e.g. depression and bipolar disorder) and the other specializes in non-medicated therapies for those who benefit from long-term coping solutions (e.g. OCD, Phobias) Psychologists are also educated in medication, though not as thoroughly. Those who have a specialty (e.g. therapy for autism) will know the common medications, drug interactions, and side effects like the back of their hand.

Main differences- Psychiatrists go to medical school before learning psychology. They can prescribe medication. They have PHDs. Psychologists generally go through liberal arts/humanities before learning advanced therapy techniques and brain physiology. They usually have PsyDs, though sometimes they will have PHDs (those who pursue PHDs are better versed in medication and brain function.) They cannot prescribe medication.

(This is for the US- I'm not sure how doctorate programs work in the EU)

>> No.6923263

Wouldn't you rather stick it in a vagina that would enjoy your presence?

I was extremely ashamed of my body. Of course I realize I should have gone sooner and that I didn't have anything to be ashamed of, but when you're very embarrassed you don't always act rationally. If I could do it again and do it differently, I would. I hope no one gathered from my story that you shouldn't go to the doctor when you have a problem.

Thank you, anon. I'm sorry you had problems with that doctor. What I learned is that I can have fun with my own body without necessarily having penetrative sex, and that going to a doctor is nothing to be ashamed of!

If a doctor makes you feel ashamed, find a new one! There is nothing wrong with getting a second opinion, and any good doctor will tell you the same!

Talk to another doctor!

I'm so sorry, anon. Please don't be afraid to ask for help.

My shrink has turned my life around. Not that every experience is like my own, but I don't think you should discount them all either. I love my shrink, she has done me a world of good.

>This goes for any issue: when your doctor is being a douchebag and blames the inefficacy of your treatment on you, or ignoring any other concerns you might have, it's time to get a second opinion.
Very well said!

Your doctors will always know more about you than anons will.

I'm so sorry you have to deal with that, anon. I hope you feel better soon.

I'm so glad that some of you have come forward with your own problems. It's nothing to be ashamed of. I hope you all have every hurt you have healed.

>> No.6923290

It's the same process in the UK, can't speak for the rest of Europe but I would hazard a guess at it being the same there too

>> No.6924371




>> No.6924378

I once witnessed a debate on here about whether or not cat ears were acceptable and there were a disturbing amount of people who thought they were.

>> No.6924409

At conventions? Yes. I want everyone not in costume in those ugly fuck yaya han cat ears. I love it. Its a staple of a convention.

>> No.6924423

But pedophiles do.

>> No.6925121

Haha so fucking true. To me it doesn't feel like a con unless I see people wearing those things.

>> No.6925590

I still can't wrap my head around the idea that the greater majority of doctors don't all share largely the same knowledge, especially if they come from the same country. How does one doctor miss one thing that another doesn't? How did the doctor that missed the thing graduate from med school and get their license?

>> No.6925620
File: 261 KB, 332x397, 1364218728406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you are fat, cosplay as sexy, busty characters to show off your boobs.

>> No.6925624



>> No.6926835

Support patriarchy one more time, see what happens.

>> No.6926849

I always figured I was too fat for lolita because so many people/probably jealous fatties say lolita only fits thin japanese girls so I just looked at pictures for years. When I finally decided to buy a taobao jsk it turns out I fit into an unshirred M with room to spare. Fuck your body issues, cunts, I'm wearing beautiful dresses now.

>> No.6926998

I suppose it's because there's lots of things a person can suffer from? I mean, fevers and nausea are symptoms are a lot of things, so it has less to do with textbooks and more that some doctors are better at deducting the right malady than others.

>> No.6927041

Or perhaps that person doesn't particularly find fat sexy. I'm female and I don't find myself attracted to rolls on men or women.

>> No.6927091

Because there should be no such concept

>> No.6927127

I don't think you're actually serious but that's the advice given to self-conscious timid people. They should be reminded so they actually begin thinking about it and stop giving a fuck about the big cruel world staring at them - because in reality, the world doesn't give a fuck about those people either but it bothers the fuck out of them.

The people that take in that advice with a big heart are those who shield their ego well and aren't afraid. However, they shouldn't be told that because rash people will hear that as "fuck yes, do whatever retarded shit you think is cool right now!" instead of "if you try, you can have fun too".

>i've been maybe considering an easy cosplay for two years now but i'm not very good with wig caps and well..
>Don't worry, do it!
>i'm gonna wear my nekomimi lolistuck cos and a vibrator to work tomorrow, i bet it'll be kinda weird lol
>Don't worry, do it!

>> No.6927144

....a concept of physical attraction? I'm sorry, I didn't know we were all blind and only sexually attracted to people's hobbies.

>> No.6927200
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>> No.6927414

the world does care though, as soon as you step outside or onto the internet you're judged and mocked and laughed at. people are fucking asshats, especially in the cosplay and lolita communities.

>> No.6927581

You asked for it, you're about to see what happens when you support patriarchy.

>> No.6927593
File: 61 KB, 500x467, 1333218277396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's coming!

>> No.6929862

>be on /cgl/
>call someone fat
>"anon don't be so mean!"
>I mock them and log off


>the seagulls are still online
>my abusive rapist comments still lurk in the shadow of their thoughts
>it starts raining outside their rooms
>the rain doesn't "plink"
>it thuds
>the seagulls briefly waddle away from their screens to glimpse the vast and terrifying world of "outside"
>it is raining penises
>the penises fall from the clouds in a thundering deluge of patriarchal oppression
>outside is a lone figure confidently holding his umbrella
>its me
>I open my mouth and unleash a guffaw the echos through the vast reaches of eternity
>a 9' penis crushes a parked car, setting off the alarm
>the seagulls and only blubber and wail under the eternal rain of oppression penises
>I keep laughing

>> No.6934840

People suggesting spot exercising/toning as an effective way to lose weight in areas.

>> No.6934926
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