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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6918059 No.6918059 [Reply] [Original]

Lolis of cgl, what's the worst drama you have had in your comm??

Anything that's secret or under wraps...let it out!!

>> No.6918086

I'll bite.I gotta let this out.

Back story: I met this guy (lets call him X) and we started dating, during this time neither of us was mutually exclusive and we both knew that the other person was fucking around so to speak. Eventually we got serious and have now been together for 3 years.

During the few months leading up to our mutual exclusivity a girl (lets call her Y) I had never met decided to friend me on FB stating that she was one of X's really good friend. So I accept the friend request and we start to talk to one another.
Y tells me she loves lolita fashion and has wanted to get into it for many years and has finally bought her first dress. Y links me to what can only be described as a questionable choice of clothing, I tell her that it's a great beginners piece and link her to some stores. I then explain LJ and egl etc to her and that she can pick up some nice second hand pieces on there for the same price as said questionable garment. I also offer to help her out with the comm sales and shopping services until she is confident to do so on her own. ... she fobs me off, I don't mind maybe she already knows?

I don't hear back from her for some time.

A few months later I find out that Y has been stalking my FB and reporting all she can back to X. X tells me as he finds it amusing...I don't.
I later find out that X has been banging Y and Y hasn't taken to kindly to being put aside and not being girlfriend material. Y tells X that she wants to do me physical harm and quote make me 'eat dirt'. Y refuses to believe that she wasn't the only girl X was seeing at the time even before me, and directs all her anger towards me.

I alternatively go from being amused to pissed of that someone over the age of 20 is acting like a 16 year old and doesn't have the gonads to say anything to me directly only secondhand through others.

>> No.6918100


Is Y still into lolita and how good are her coords now?

Also, I don't understand why anyone would date someone wanting to be their exclusive girlfriend knowing full well they don't do that and don't want to. It seems pretty stupid to me.

>> No.6918111

Crunch time comes and I and X move in together. Y shits herself and keeps well away as there are no longer miles and miles of land separating her from me.

I agree to be the bigger person and tell X that if Y wants to hang around him and his group of friends again she is welcome to. I'm not the one acting like I'm still in high school after all, I've not even been around people who act like that in years.so. whatever. doesn't faze me.

The first time Y tries to hang out with said group of friends that includes me she brings a girlfriend and stands outside crying for 20 minutes. I stay inside watching t.v wondering if at this point she has a mental disability or is just a straight up drama queen. Y eventually joins and proceeds to ignore me.

Things go this way for sometime. Y never bothers to apologize and pretends as though nothing ever happened. One day she decides to start talking to me and we are 'friends' after that.

I tolerate her.

The time comes and I don't feel I should exclude Y from my local comm as it's not like an exclusive club or anything. If Y enjoys the fashion and wants to join who am I to stop her.

I am apprehensive at first being that my comm is small and I have seen first hand her penchant for starting shit and acting like she's in 9th grade. But I'm nice and I tell Y about it.

The very first meet Y rocks up in a dress she knew I had been searching for for ages. :/ I don't even know how to take it. ok, maybe she just likes it to?

Meet goes ok Y plays nice.

It drives me up the wall that the girls in my comm have no idea what she's really like underneath it all and that they probably never will, and all the time everything that happened always runs through my head when I see her.

Even now I can slowly see Y starting to try and gain favour with a few who I consider to be really good friends. She's been trying to do that whole 'hey let's all do something together but conveniently forget to invite said person' kinda game.

>> No.6918139

I've given up trying to understand her or why she would put herself through that.

She only has one good one which I helped her with and she hasn't worn it yet. Her coords aren't great but she just needs more time to polish herself I think.

>> No.6918168

Not loli but I had the same thing once.
I almost lost a good friend through a third person like that. I was really best buds with a guy and this girl super into him. She would exclusively try to get one-on-one time with him or arrange to be him and his guy friends without me. He had even told her straight that he wasn't interested but she just wouldn't give up.

I brushed it off at first but it really stressed me out once where I couldn't even hang out with my friend without her trying to invite herself and make it about her and him hanging out (taking photos of them two/fbing etc). He was a super all round good guy and I would try not to sound like a crazy paranoid bitch but I found out she also looked up his exes and contacted them on fb. It was sort of trying to get intel and trying to show off her and him in front of the exes.

She was kinda weird.

>> No.6918172

Thank you so much. It's nice to know that another person can relate and has gone through the same thing.
It's incredibly frustrating.

>> No.6918185

Simple stuff, com member owes money. Member keeps buying dresses instead of paying back money.

>> No.6918214

I want to go to a meet but my local community is the north west one. I've seen them posted for a few weeks on behind the bows. Can anyone from that community give me some advice.is it that bitchy?

>> No.6918219

dat's fucked up!

>> No.6918221

Our comm was posted about in the BTB secrets this week. Ever since, the fb group has gone dead, and I've noticed old non-coorded haul selfies being taken down because people are afraid of the vendetta-chan in our midst. Fuck that noise.

>> No.6918228

That's so shitty. I don't expect people to put their lives on hold when they owe me money, but the least they could do is make payments.

>> No.6918229


That happened to my comm a while back too. Its split between about 3 comms now.

Though it also caused people to up their game a bit. Make better coords spend more time on makeup etc so they have nothing that can be BTB'ed.

>> No.6918234

any thoughts on who its is?

>> No.6918231

There's more than one comm in the northwest. Portland specifically, I've always found super nice, in general. You may have people you don't click with, so you just don't get close to them, no big deal. I've never seen anybody go out of their way to be bitchy.

>> No.6918233

Dude, why'd you give her so much info?

Why didn't you lecture your boyfriend for not putting his foot down?

Why not just block the bitch?

You gotta have SOME sort of proof that she's acting like a cunt. Use that. Get rid of her. Detox your life. That bitch ain't worth shit.

>> No.6918242

I don't have anything to do with her other than lolita or at least i try.

I asked him to but they have been friends for so long. He puss'd out!

I did block her. lol

And I'm past caring anymore i just needed to to get it off my chest.
Also wouldn't care if she realized this post concerned her.

>> No.6918249
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Tell him to get rid of her or no snoo snoo.

>> No.6918253

Post a plethora of intentionally ita photos.

>> No.6918287

Your talking about the Perth comm I assume? She's the only one who is still elitist over the fact that Arty wears bodyline really well and there was so much butthurt ITT over Arty's bunny.

>> No.6918296


and no. Arty loves that bunny, so I don't get the butthurt over that, but the girl could do something more exciting with her coords, it's true. She wears that blue dress a lot. She always looks great, I'm not denying that, but she's playing it safe. Then again she does lifestyle so it must be hard not to recycle looks. People should definitely ease off about the bunny thing though. She LOVES her and would never mistreat her.

>> No.6918323

Sorry if this is too personal, but are you from TX?

>> No.6918345

Take Y out back and fuck her real good. Women only respond to dominance, so dominate her real good.

>> No.6918355

The drama is horrible in Chicago.

>> No.6918356


Sorry I meant UK>>6918214

>> No.6918358

>being in open relationships
>pretending like some girl who pisses you off actually doesn't and then get mad when she helps herself to your social circle
You dun goof'd

>> No.6918373

The drama is exactly the same as anywhere with a large population of females.

Females actively seek this crap out. They need it in their lives otherwise they will complain about how bored they are.

>> No.6918423


>> No.6918535

Nope, I think >>6918221 was referring to the little comm of Perth, Western Australia!

>> No.6918545
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Good lord this is so juicy.

>> No.6918586

Depending on how large your comm is why don't you try this?
>take multiple shitty looking photos
>post them on comm fb
>restrict viewing on each photo to one specific girl
>wait for secrets to go up
>secrets are up with a photo of you looking terrible
>check who you restricted the viewing of that photo to
>vendetta chan exposed

>> No.6918596

You're an idiot. It has nothing to do with being female. Every all-male group has internal drama too, it just looks different.

>> No.6918598

>girl loves her bunny
Why do I think of vibrators?

All that whirring is scary though.

>> No.6918862

There's actually a girl (I'm not sure what comm she's in) who was OBSESSED with my boyfriend and sounds like this chick. Had already been with my guy for about a year or so when the drama started happening with her. Lemme try to condense it down.

>bf has lots of female friends, don't care cus most of em are pretty cool/also my friends
>there is one friend who is a lolita, they talk a lot and he tells me about her
>I kind of want to talk to her as I had no other lolita friends but bf says its a bad idea as she is very snotty towards girls who do not wear brand (I am 6 feet tall, very little brand fits so my stuff is custom offbrand/home made)
>bf is pretty open about this chick and all other friends so I'm not concerned at first
>it must be said bf also has this "daughter/sister" complex about girls in general and doesn't notice the warning signs of crazy
>I start picking up on how this girl is trying to hit on bf but him brushing it off as joking
>girl seems to think bf is flirting back
>girl also fully admits she is just using her (much older) boyfriend for money and gifts
>girl starts to be insulting/dismissive of me when brought up
>eventually girl starts telling my bf about this guy she really likes, says she really wants to confess to this guy but doesn't know how
>she wants my bf to help her practice
>all my bullshit sensors on full blast
>I try to warn him but he says "No she's talking about some guy from school, she knows I'm not into her"
>surprise! she tells him she loves him
>he tries to let her down easy, gives many reasons why. Already has a girlfriend, she has a boyfriend, there is a major difference in age, etc
>she is having none of this, begins spamming him with suicide threats and Avril Lavigne videos (yes that goddamn Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend song)

>> No.6918882

>we already have some stress in our own relationship, this pushes him over edge and he stops talking to both me and her
>after a day or so he contacts me again, we get settled again
>he ends up having to block her and turn off his phone for a while
>she apparently dumps her bf and turns into a 'sexy gamer gurl', something about halo booty calls
>last we heard of her, she seems to be doing pin up or porn or something?

Its kind of insane really, this girl met my bf when she was only 17 and he was already over 30. Most of the female friends my bf has were met through a hobby we share and most are totally normal ladies but there's some wacko young ones who seem to think "This man is being nice to me? IT MUST BE LOVE"

>> No.6919056


Oh my God THIS.

I had a boyfriend my freshman year of college and one of his old female friends from highschool friend's group (she was 15 mind you and he was 18) was OBSESSED with him. She would cling all over him, openly talk about how perfect they were together, and stalk me like a crazy bunny boiler. We were going to a college in the middle of bumfuck, so we had to go back to the big city on weekends for fun. Bitch would not leave us alone. The calls and texts were constant and she would randomly pop up where ever we were and hang all over him.

This went one for a year before I finally broke up with him for not having any balls in our relationship.

Get into lolita 6 years later and find out she's a top member of the local comm. Don't go to any meet ups because I am moving out of state soon and I don't need the drama. Live in a new state now, love my local comm, and other people who have moved from that city have told me she is infamous for being crazy.

>> No.6919136

this didn't happen in either Kentucky or Georgia or somewhere around there, did it?

>> No.6919143



>> No.6919163

Wait hold on, did his name start with an A? I might know the guy in question, and the crazy chick by extension.

>> No.6919166

>spamming Avril Lavigne videos
>Hey Hey You You I Don't Like Your Girlfriend song

More like 12. How much more juvenile can one get?

>> No.6919168


No, his name started with an S.

>> No.6919173
File: 19 KB, 500x375, tt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are a genius
thank you. I hate it when 'gurrrlz' go into a tirade of 'HURRR DRAMA IS GIRLY MEN DON'T LIEK DRAMU'

>> No.6919201

Yeah it was pretty terrible. If I remember right (this was about two years ago) she was a frequenter of /cgl/ so if she sees this.... Girl get yo act together.

>> No.6919211

I hope she shows up and we have a Yui style blow up.

>> No.6919221

That would be entertaining, but I guess I'm too nice and am sincerely hoping she's gotten herself straightened out. Plus, as I said she's just a kid compared to me and bf. It was just an upsetting/stressful situation. We've actually gone so far to avoid another that we've not really acknowledged dating on FB or other social sites. Everyone that should know, does know.

>> No.6919231

Who's Yui?

>> No.6919233

This thread is great. My comm is generally drama free, so I have nothing to add. There is the occasional ita weeb but they always leave after a while.

>> No.6919266


I was president of a club that was all males and maybe like two girls (it was a tech related club)

I literally saw so much drama in my all male club that lolitas looked tame in comparison

>> No.6919282

This is true. I have two teenage brothers and holy shit the weekly drama of who is talking to who's girlfriend, who wants to fight who, so and so dented my car, so and so took my game, etc.

>> No.6919296

I wouldn't mind hearing some stories if you remember any. Don't get to hear a lot about how guys can be just as gossipy as girls are and have their own drama.

>> No.6919363


Seeing as I'm still president, I have a ton of stories.

>I am elected president after a few years
>take over
>we're a mailing list based club mostly
>there is a huge fall out over a discussion without the proper EVENT tag in the thread title
>guys start getting pissy because their email clients don't thread and so and so who started the thread is being rude and inconsiderate
>some of the mailing list threatens to leave if we don't change the tag on the mail
>gets to be such a big issue that weird factions are formed over event tags
>I'm in the middle and don't care
>"I heard the guy who started the thread said x about you being president!"
>"I heard the guy who got mad about the thread said you slept to get presidency!"
>the whole list gets into a silent steaming rage over event tags.
>this goes on for two weeks
>We finally agree at the next in person meeting to use event tags so we can chat on the list without pissing anyone off because some mail clients don't thread

I couldn't believe what I was hearing, their were just drama mongers over whether it was mandatory to start threads with [EVENT] and it was really shitty to hear a lot of criticism to be a president

and that's the day I saved the club

>> No.6919368


we also bicker constantly with the other group that is similar to ours but is not a college group.

We held an event but since we were doing more than just a specific task, and being social instead of working only on the one thing, we weren't allowed to be called a real club of x, and I got a bunch of nasty emails about how I was ruining the integrity of y because instead of just doing x we had talks and pizza etc. We recently switched to a different way of doing things and that also caused them to come to our meets and complain loudly like a bunch of 14 year olds.

Men are seriously bitchy over the dumbest shit.

>> No.6919405

Anybody got any Houston drama?

>> No.6919424

Is this girl 13 or something..?

>> No.6919449


The most autistic of males only begin to approach the drama generated by average females.

>> No.6919450

Your illiteracy is kind of impressive.

>> No.6919455

>tech club
>members freaking out about subject tags

Yet, autistic.

>> No.6919466

>doesn't notice the warning signs of crazy

What are the warning signs of crazy??

The two seriously crazy girls I knew IRL didn't have any specific warning signs.

One had a temper problem, but that's not unusual.

The other was a sweet, nerdy girl until she broke into her ex-BF's dorm room and stabbed him in his sleep.

>> No.6919469

At the time of the story, she was 18/19 or thereabout. My boyfriend met her about a year or two before the story and she was still 17 then. I think her age is why my bf didn't take her too seriously at first. He's had a similar problem with another young girl who decided that him being nice = him being interested in her, and thus went around telling everyone such and got him banned for being a pedo on a site we frequented. I think he's given up talking with anyone under 20 online at this point, even in the context of publicly viewable forums.

>> No.6919478

Wait, being nice gets you girls?

Every other board on 4chan tells me being nice repels girls.

>> No.6919482

Well maybe not crazy so much as warning signs of trouble. Girls flirting heavily with him that he brushed off as jokes because "it didn't make sense" for them to be into him due to age difference. This girl also would get upset or would change the subject every time my name came up, even in just a 'oh girlfriend and I went to so and so", or she'd try to turn the conversation to stuff about herself, how big her boobs were, etc. Pretty basic attention whore stuff.

>> No.6919484

He is nice in a...well... to put it bluntly, most women assume he is gay at first because he is very nice, knowledgeable on female topics, and belongs to a largely female hobby.

>> No.6919485

Oh! So that's the trick. :)

>> No.6919489

Wait, if younger girls brag to you about their lady bits, that means they're interested?

>knowledgeable on female topics

What counts as female topics, aside from cosplay and lolita?

>> No.6919514

He had mostly female friends growing up plus an older sister and niece, so he's used to "girl talk". Like the stereotypical stuff. Clothes, relationship advice, hair, etc. Plus our shared hobby is collecting BJDs which is mostly female. He's also pretty into some things that most girls involved in BJDs also like, like anime and fantasy games.

>> No.6919520

Not so much of a trick, man, not really a key to ensure things with the ladies. If you're a nice person be nice to people, don't do it just because you want to bang/date someone.

>> No.6919528

>most women assume he is gay at first because he is very nice, knowledgeable on female topics, and belongs to a largely female hobby.

I've never liked this kind of thought actualy, just bothers me how they put someone's sexuality on doubt for their interests.

sage for off-thread

>> No.6919557

so you would say there are no interests that are particularly more gay or straight than others?

>> No.6919566

Only drama in my comm comes from a girl that dresses herself impeccably, but feels the need to bring down any girl who wears 'inferior' brands. She never comes to the meets but has said that girls who wear bodyline in particular should not be allowed at the meets. I think she thinks this way because she does dress better than the majority of us.

>> No.6919568

There's this one girl in my comm who is the source of pretty much all our drama. She gets super clingy with people and wants to be their best friend, but if she ever gets into a minor argument or finds something about the person she doesn't like, she will drop them like a hot potato and then go behind their back to other members of the community and start viciously spreading rumors about them. It's this cycle that happens over and over again, and we're all too afraid to be critical of her or say anything to her because we're scared of becoming the next person she spreads rumors about.

She said recently that she's quitting lolita. It would be a relief if she stopped coming to meet-ups, but she has "quit" before and then come back again so I don't want to get my hopes up.

>> No.6919587

If there was drama in my comm then it usually came from the spoiled high school tumblrlite making shitty fashion choices and then getting posted to BtB. Since she had a queen complex and wasn't satisfied until everyone kissed her ass, she'd often pitch huge childish tantrums over being "bullied" and all of her addwhore 'friends' would only further validate her.
She's starting to stray away from lolita though, thank god. She's graduating high school now and going to community college so ofc she's too mature and unique for it anymore. Good riddance.

The most recent drama I can think of was one girl who got picked apart for wearing uggs with a rare print who got posted in an ita thread on cgl. Same attitude. Same story. Spoiled, doesn't work, no education, and has the privilege to sit around and whine about how bad she has it because four people on the internet have a bad opinion of her. Ugh.

>> No.6919593

Darn it, I knew there was a catch.

>> No.6919594

She's clearly superior and should refuse to come to meetups unless they keep the riff-raff out.

Maybe she should hold court, like a Queen.

>> No.6919613

As steryotipe, yes, but for real? Nah.

You can't put a sexuality to things.
"Rugby? so straight."
"Broadway? so gay."
Just seems stupid to me, some gays like some stuff that others not, some heterosexuals like some stuff that others not.

There's a majority on each group that seems to have a tendency for certain things, so we have the steryotipes, but these come from a not-so-close past, and are becoming obsolete as we see how the diversity of people increase.

Well, at least that's how I see it. Don't know about you.

Sge for off-thread ...(again)

>> No.6919618



>> No.6919625

Don't worry man, just keep trying and improving yourself, no need to think much about relationships.

>> No.6919672

yup! Y is totally the type of girl to go do something like porn. :/ she already started on the body flashing photos with creepy photographers!

Sorry you had to deal with that crap as well anon.

>> No.6920104

How can us creepy photographers know who she is?

...so we can avoid her, of course.

>> No.6920567

Good lord!

>> No.6920749

Ooooooh so sneaky! Love it.

>> No.6920956

Hellooo, fellow Texan! Really all my comm had was that crazy Barbie girl but she went away on her own. Quickest 'leaving lolita sale' ever.

>> No.6921014

Neither of those was saged, child.

>> No.6921033

I'm North East comm, it's relatively quiet if you ever make the trip to the Newcastle area.

>> No.6921051
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>implying men aren't worse/even more catty
go on any other fucking board, see it first hand.

>> No.6921055

I remember her, and that outfit was pretty bad with her having gloria but wearing those uggs and flower headband.

>> No.6921059

The uggs girl took criticism well and was very civil about the whole thing. I don't remember her ever whining in the thread about her getting posted.
I laugh because no one gives a shit about gloria anymore lol

>> No.6921062

Guy drama is about important issues, like which video game console to support.

>> No.6921068
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I laughed

>> No.6921072

A girl in my comm faked having diabetes for attention.

>> No.6921073

that's...a weird disease to fake?

>> No.6921078

And pretty common, so it's easy to get called out on too...

>> No.6921080
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To be fair, with this new generation of consoles it really is serious business.

>> No.6921083


She's not particularly bright as you might have guessed.

>> No.6921097

Nah, this gen makes it easier since XBone is so obviously the wrong console to support.

>> No.6921129
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Yeah, sad but true. I have a 360, but it looks like I'll be getting a PS4. Microsoft forgot this is an area they don't have a monopoly.

>> No.6921132


I'm just amazed just how boneheaded Microsoft was about this whole thing. Never has a company fucked it up for themselves as badly as this.

>> No.6921133


My guy cousin once yelled at my brother and me for supporting Sony over Microsoft. Shit was real.

Now I'm just going to laugh at him for being such a diehard Xbox fan. Where are his gods now?

>> No.6921141


One of my male co-workers hasn't spoken to anyone since we all agreed that Nintendo and Sony 'won' E3.

Guess which console he supports.

>> No.6921167
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It doesn't make any sense, rooting for consoles the way you'd root for a sports team.
I love the 360, and Microsoft could have easily kept my support by just giving me more of the same, only better.

But instead, they go full.... well, full Microsoft, like this was an OS and we didn't really have any easy alternatives.

How anyone could still support them after this is beyond me.

>> No.6921177


I know. I can't believe they'd just not take their customers feedback into consideration. They made it so much easier for customers to just skip consoles.

>> No.6921184

Yeah. I guess the crazy fantards help with that, they'll buy it now matter what.

I'm sad I'll be missing out on Call of Duty: Nintendogs, but I think I'll be happy with the PS4. Or maybe just getting a new 360.

>> No.6921186

Hey there! I've actually just moved down from PA to be with my boyfriend, so I'm not part of a comm, I could just tell by your lingo. I'm really interested in making some lolita friends here though, and I hope to join a comm by the end of the Summer- I just don't know where to start.

>> No.6921226

Why fake diabetes in a hobby/fashion where most of the meetups involve eating sweets? I mean yeah she'd get attention but she wouldn't be able to enjoy it.

>> No.6921367

Meh attention is attention.

>> No.6921392

Oh, god, I was in a gaming club in college. I was one of two females. The menfolk had so much fucking drama. Friends one day, wanting to kill each other the next.

>> No.6921421

Some guys get butthurt when they lose in multiplayer.

>> No.6921456

i wish there actually was a COD:ND. blue-eyed huskies taking down german shepherds with AKs. if you don't take good enough care of your dog he'll ignore your orders on the battlefield

>> No.6921458

I don't even stay long in the gameroom at my campus because of this and they don't just rage about losing or winning.
They go at each other over games, grades, who's popular (this one especially) drugs, drama between friends (which is just ironic) and girls they wanna date but jesus if your bro even LOOKS at her they're at it.

They get more sulky than anything. But their dramas last long into the weeks. You don't even need to bring it up they'll drag it back to whatever conversation is happening somehow and then get mad cause "You're not listening to me!"

Every sort of group/hobby has drama. Not everyone enjoys it or even deals with it but eh it's just there.

>> No.6921895

Do you mean Austin? If so, join the comm! I swear we're super nice.. I mean, I think so! Austin is small compared to most cities so sometimes we're able to do a lot in one day. We've been going to this tea service place often lately because they have two for one specials! Houston and Dallas also have comms but I'm actually not on Facebook so I wouldn't know what to tell you with those! Good luck!

>> No.6922028

One time for like one day the Kansas comm had drama when a girl used the name of a notorious local ita to scam some people online. Then she was found out to be one of the more popular/well dressed girls in the comm and the drama ~vanished~

>> No.6922059

>mfw people know instantly who that is the second I mention uggs
I bet you're thinking of the second time she was posted. The first time she was posted, she did not take it well at all. And from what I'm told there was a huge spam flood on the comm page (I unjoined it so I can't see it now) about bullying.

She also threw another tantrum in another thread (and revealed it to be herself on FB by linking it) because some poster listed some traits that they didn't like about some girl in a different comm and immediately she projected it to be about herself because she matched with the bad traits and didn't think to assume anyone else might have them as well lol.

>> No.6922062

All I'm going to say is there's an annoying newbie (I think newbie) lolita who keeps spamming the group and makes some questionable shoe choices.

>> No.6922069

And no location or names were dropped either btw. I don't remember any physical description either. It's as if she ran onto the internet one day and decided that the first negative post was gonna be about her, which to me is pure batshit. Even if I had a hunch that something was about me, I still wouldn't say anything unless someone dropped pics or my name.

>> No.6922091

Once, someone attacked me in a game of MtG. I never took the game (or any game) seriously, so I attacked him back, knowing full well it wasn't a smart move because he outpowered me by a lot. i think I hit him for like...two damage. That guy got RIDICULOUSLY mad. He got red in the face, called me a stupid bitch, revenge killed me, scooped his cards up, and sulked for hours. I was positively flabbergasted.

I just don't understand taking games that seriously.

>> No.6922193

Wow are you me? What's your comm?

>> No.6922227

I'm actually closest to Austin, so I think that would be the one! It sounds super lovely- I love that you go to a tea house often, that's really cute. If you have a tumblr, mine's franoeli.

>> No.6922241

>The other was a sweet, nerdy girl until she broke into her ex-BF's dorm room and stabbed him in his sleep

>> No.6922281

deets please- is she known online?

>> No.6922302

You just had to use fucking letters for names didn't you. Please for the love of god just use fake names from now on. It makes the stories more confusing then they have to be.

>> No.6922308

Sometimes I wish I had a story just so I can come up with the most ludicrous names possible.

>> No.6922315

Thats some detective shit if I've ever seen any.

>> No.6922323

I shuddered at the second story

>> No.6922349


I just moved here, how is the comm? I've been lurking for a long time on cgl but haven't made the jump into wearing lolita yet... wondering what it's like in these parts.

>> No.6922352


er, sorry I forgot to say, is there a facebook page for any of them? I only found one when I looked.

>> No.6922365

hooly shit my ex was in a frat, it was kind of an ~alt frat~ thing so the people were cool, but fuck if they weren't the sluttiest, most dramatic people i have ever met. all the fucking man drama about everything possible was insane... it just happens when people are in unsupervised close relations i would guess.

>> No.6922384

>omg frands!

I hate that bullshit excuse.

>> No.6922422


what the fuck man?!

>> No.6922431

Mine is the fairly typical "stealing boyfriend" story.

>Have an awesome bf
>Really hard working, buys me a lot of nice brand stuff on occasions like anniversaries
>Girl in my comm takes a shine to him
>He never, ever stops her from flirting, he actively encourages it, I learn he's added her to FB, texts her etc
>They were even implying they should meet at some point from the logs I saw
>I start a highly successful drama campaign against her through LJ and IRL and succeed in driving her out of the con and stopping her from contacting the boyfriend ever again

Feels good sis.

>> No.6922434

Who are you going to believe, this board containing actual female posters, or every other board full of angry neckbeards with misogynistic axes to grind?

>> No.6922436
File: 660 KB, 1270x1754, 2439342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It always takes me a few seconds to remember that that stands for ball-jointed dolls and not pic related.

>> No.6922437


My friend of a friend had a similar situation where they hooked up. She was 18 I think? And he was 27.

Same with my mom and dad. My mom was 17 when she first met my dad, who must have been 26 at the time. Their story is romantic, but I still get weird vibes from it to this day, particularly as I'm 22 now and I still can't imagine hooking up with anyone more than 5 years older than me.

>> No.6922439 [DELETED] 

I'm happy for you, but he doesn't exactly sound like a prize if he was encouraging here attention (and that's exactly what he was doing by maintaining the text and Facebook contact). Stay smart, sister.

>> No.6922440


I'm happy for you, but he doesn't exactly sound like a prize if he was encouraging her attention (and that's exactly what he was doing by maintaining the text and Facebook contact). Stay smart, sister.

>> No.6922471

my local community has been inactive due to the classes being over/summer months

even though I lurk cgl, I still feel for the typical "omg anon, someone is posting about you in this thread!!1"
lesson learned on that one for believing that person (not naming names for I just simply stopped talking to said person)

that (gloria) coordinate is still pretty bad because it was thrown together with haste, I'm not going to deny that
I did take the criticism for my next coordinates were thought-out and did not include uggs

contrary to your belief, I'm not the spoiled, uneducated person you think I am
I still respect your opinion for everyone has them and not all of them are happy sunshine rainbows

>> No.6922506

Just continue milking him for all he's worth, I say.

>> No.6922552


I was already attracted to older guys at that age (and younger), but I also had the common sense not to pursue actual relationships, or even casual association that could lead in that direction, until I was out of high school, out of my parents' house, and of legal age to have sex with for starters.

Also, anyone THAT much older who will willingly date/bang teenagers is about 99 times out of 100 an irredeemable creep who only chases the jailbait because he's fucked up emotionally and women his own age have learned to avoid him and his bullshit. That the poster's boyfriend laid down the law to this girl speaks to his having very good character.

>> No.6922558 [DELETED] 

He broke up with her, so it was justifiable in her head.

>> No.6922566

He broke up with her, so it was justifiable in her head.

>> No.6922569

>I'm North East comm, it's relatively quiet if you ever make the trip to the Newcastle area.

Yeah right that com is full of drama

>> No.6922574

Didn't realize how common this kind of thing was. Reminded me of a story my friend told me when she was in MIT:

(pulled story off Internet)
A judge found a former Wellesley College student not guilty on grounds of insanity in the stabbing of her ex-boyfriend in his dorm room at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology weeks after he broke off their relationship.

>> No.6922593


That's her.

She seemed perfectly ordinary shy nerd girl the times I met her, I was shocked when I found out what she did.

Either my psycho-detector is broken, or she was very very good at...err... hiding her power levels.

>> No.6922601
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I don't even know

>> No.6922637

I hate the stereotype that women are all drama llama gossips 24/7 and men just sit around chilling and mostly agreeing with each other 100%.

I used to play CCGs competitively and the amount of bickering and backstabbing and general drama that men got up to was absolutely as bad as lolita.

It's just not just nerds and neckbeards, either. I had a male roommate who was a manager for a huge manufacturing company and he was constantly complaining about the drama that went on over fantasy football and said they were "worse than a bunch of hens."

>> No.6922649
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Football is serious business.

>> No.6922656 [DELETED] 

Every other board on 4chan has also told me that girls lie, constantly.

>> No.6922677

That's because they're all "Nice Guys" who got rejected, and are now convinced that all girls hate nice men because they're nice (except not really) and were rejected.

>> No.6922680

Other boards consider "nice" to be "showing basic human decency with absolutely no other positive traits". Like shit, are you going to go for someone whose only redeeming trait is that he's "nice", or someone who is kind, funny, and charismatic?

>> No.6922682

this is what females actually believe

>> No.6922693


there's being nice and then there's the contents of your average beta thread on /fit/

know the difference, your cock will thank you for it.

>> No.6922696

This is what betas actually believe

>> No.6922701


Really though. "Nice" guys aren't dumped because of their "nice"-ness, that's just what they'd like to believe. In reality it might just be that....she just...doesn't...like him...*INTERNAL SHRIEK OF HORROR*

>> No.6922706


Nice guys don't get dates in the first place.

>> No.6922709

There is a difference between being nice and being a "nice guy".

This video explains it clearly: http://www.youtube.com/watch?&v=5rZu-tBi7DM

>> No.6922712

Sorry, meant rejected. "Nice" guys who get rejected.

>> No.6922713
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>> No.6922719

This guy is very accurate.

>> No.6922989

I usually just use whatever celeb/movie character the people most remind me of. It helps with mentally visualizing the story

>> No.6922995

Originalanon here. My guy wouldn't date someone that young, and I guess he didn't really consider she'd want to date him. Admittedly I am younger than him as well, but definitely not 13 years difference. Her ex was something like mid 30s.

>> No.6922999

My boyfriend isn't 'nice', and all the 'nice' guys I've met have been terrible people under a shiny veneer of politeness and compliments. My boyfriend is an ass, but he's hilarious and fun to be with and he'd defend me and what I like to the fucking death and thats why I love him.

>> No.6923022

He's a black dude.

Every other board on 4chan tells me black dudes get girls automatically.

>> No.6923114

Aside from a banned member who tried to "apologise" then when was told where to shove it, posted us on /cgl/, we have none.
We do have a massive ita noob who's just joined and she can't seem to work out how to do anything for herself. "Where can i convert yen?" "Where do I find this?" "Should I buy this dress from this cosplay website?" and makes a point to mention she's fat every second comment. "Oh I need custom sizing" "Oh I can't buy brand due to my size" "My mum makes fun of my size so I can't wear a petticoat"

Bitch plz, there's quite a few plus-size girls in our comm who dress beautifully who don't need to rely on hellocosplay's custom sizing ita bollocks.

>> No.6923119

>awesome boyfriend
>makes plans to meet with some other girl

yeah that's not what awesome boyfriends do. did you at least dump him?

>> No.6923185

why would you want a man who would replace you with the "next best thing" in a heart beat? You should have dumped him instead of vendetta-channed her like a child. He returned her advances, he was shit.

>> No.6923217

Do you want a pat on the back? You sound delusional. And your bf isn't very awesome. I feel bad for you.

>> No.6923222

Agreed. Career choices, general hobby interests and what you eat, drink, etc have absolutely nothing to do with your sexuality.

>> No.6923266

Is this the same girl that had drama surrounding her blog because she bitched about the comm then bawwwed to the comm about it looking for asspats when it got posted here?

>> No.6923275

While it's not a good or accurate way to think, certain people do still think that way, which is why anon mentioned that.

>> No.6923295

The scottish one? I don't think so, the stories aren't similar

Scot lolis what did you do about that in the end?

>> No.6923305
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Nah same girl, new shit.

Nothing. I know one or two of the girls just treat her with contempt but we have had a few weeaboo ita noobs in the past who disappear if we don't pander to them too much; I can't speak for everyone but I hope the trend continued as far as she's concerned.

>> No.6923894

not drama just kind of venting
>about a year ago get into lolita, get curious about comm in area
>all photos I find are really really bad but they're from 2008-2009 so I bite the bullet and just go to a meet because hey if I don't like it, I'm not obliged to ever see these people ever again
>everyone in comm actually turns about to be amazing and well dressed, feel bad for judging >prominent members in lots of brand or godly handmade, younger members mixing offbrand + BL
so yeah pretty awesome

six months later, a bunch of crazy itas are being allowed to join though
>girl who makes terribad handmade and gets buttblasted when people concrit or say anything not 100 percent positive
>girl who comes in cosplay
>girl who comes in regular work shirts and long skirts
>girl who wears CAT EARS and short as hell skirts and always seems to flash me

it's like "????" because it was so awesome...mods, what are you doing.

>> No.6923917

So is it true the Seattle comm is split into two groups? Because I had a Seattle girl from the "hand made" side of lolita go on and on how the brand whores made their own clique, and hate anyone who isn't rich or owns brand.

She then went on the say that she met my comm six years ago, and we were all brand whores who hated brolitas, and they told her she wasn't welcomed. When I called her out on it being bullshit ( Since we've always had a few brolitas here and there ) she shrugged it off and said she couldn't find her fairy godmother in our comm anyway.

>> No.6923934

Different anon here. I'm curious if sugarcreamcandy is still involved with lolita. I know it's a long shot, but I felt like asking since she practically mentored me back in the myspace days. I really miss her artworks, even if they basically mimicked Imai Kira.

>> No.6924061

This is false.

>> No.6924199

/pol/ is always right.
/pol/ is never wrong.

>> No.6924207

Lol what? You have to spill who told you this crap.

>> No.6924213

Is it actually that bad though? I'll be visiting over the summer and I was hoping the place would have changed and everyone would be lovelies so I could drop in for a meet or two.
I'm totally ita myself so if it's just coording skills they lack rather than manners, I'm cool with that.

>> No.6924241

I would never date a black guy, because their dicks look like a log of poop

>> No.6924264


I really don't like her attitude. I've been trying to help her out, but she strikes me as like, really high and mighty if that makes sense? I don't know if she maybe just comes off worse online, but I've found her pretty grating.

If I'm honest, I'll probably ignore her until she shows up to a meet or something and see what happens. Still pissed at her for calling the comm itas.

>> No.6924316

It's the sense of entitlement too. It took all my willpower not to comment when she started trying to get the golf meet to suit her and her alone.
Yeah sure, lets move a meet to a day when very few people can make it, when the meets damn host can't make it, just to suit one individual who, since joining has spammed the comm, insulted the comm and hasn't even attended a single meet.

And this might be me being pernickety but that petticoat needs to go.

>> No.6924336


Oh God, I think I saw that. I don't know if this is just me being weird, but until I'd been to a handful of meets and had properly met and formed friendships with people, I wouldn't dream of asking anybody to change the date of an arrangement for my sake.

I just don't know. I like our comm, it's peaceful and fun and everybody in it is perfect, and I'd rather just ignore this girl until she takes the hint and starts behaving more appropriately. I'm sort of humouring her, because I like the peace and quiet, but if she pulls any shit at a meet or says anything else about anybody from the comm, she will know about it.

To be honest, I don't know what we were expecting from somebody who's Tumblr URL is "notyourlolita".

>> No.6924355

She tried to move a meet to a day where the host couldn't make it? What a bitch!
If that was me, I'd tell her to arrange her own fucking meet!

>> No.6924361
File: 37 KB, 320x320, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looked her up...she's posting about Meta "lucky bags".
Bitch, this is a lucky bag.

>> No.6924364 [DELETED] 

That's twice in one week I've seen Tiggs be a paragon of subtlety in telling people where to go.
First Kikikikikikikikikidadada and now her.

>> No.6924623

Um, you know that lucky packs are also called lucky bags sometimes, right? That's a dumb thing to nitpick...

>> No.6924677

Not really drama, just a little peeve, but there's a girl in my comm who only joined very recently, and now has decided to leave lolita, but she's saying "Don't worry, I'll still be coming to meetups!". I don't know if I'm being a bitch, but I don't really see the point? I could understand if she was a longtime member and had made some close friends in the group, but like I said, she's new, and to be honest, nobody has really clicked with her much. I don't have a problem with her continuing to forge friendships with members outside of meetups, but I just don't think she should be coming to meets if she's not going to bother dressing up.

And really, I don't think she was ever into lolita much in the first place, since I took a look at her "Leaving Lolita! >_<" post and it consists of one Bodyline dress, lots of "loliable" (and not-so-loliable) accessories and cutsews, a couple of F21 blouses and a bunch of cosplay wigs.

I don't know, am I being harsh here? I just think if you're going to be at a lolita meetup you should at least make some effort to wear lolita.

>> No.6924700

No, I would be really annoyed by that too. Hopefully she'll get the cold shoulder if she tries to show up again and will get the hint.

>> No.6924702

Huh? Brolitas frequent our meets, and good handmade stuff is praised, including among people who own tons of brand.

>> No.6924721

Wtf is a fairy godmother

>> No.6924740

There is one girl in my local comm who constantly goes "Well I can't attend this meet because I'm SO POOR so I'll host my own at my house for the other poor people!" Girls even offer to buy her a snack or carpool with her but she turns them down and keeps handwringing over how sad and poor she is. She's even said before that she's too poor to afford bus fare to the CITY OUR COMM IS BASED IN and pay less than $5 to get into a park. Yet she owns some brand and even some bjds (which even the cheapest recast doll is $100)

>> No.6925469
File: 36 KB, 473x565, llllll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lonness. She said it was " the Bellevue vs the Seattle Lolita group." and that "the lolita group is in a split beteen rich brand whores and the ones who make there own ...its sad truely"

The conversation is so WAT I deleted her right after.

>> No.6925500

>fairy godmother

Also shouldn't the Bellevue group be the most snotty and brandwhorish because all Bellevue people are fucking Microsoft rich?

>> No.6925532


Wait I just saw that post. Did she make a point about a lot of it being plus sized friendly?

>> No.6925535

*I think I just saw that post.

I bet lolitas leave every once in a while, and promise to come to meetups nonetheless, especially if they just come to chat with people. Idk, I thought my comm was very nice about it though?

>> No.6925542 [DELETED] 
File: 3 KB, 279x237, 1362414495774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually schlicked to this thread, is this normal?

I also schlick to behindthebows when the new lolita confessions come out.

Maybe I should make this my btb confession.

>> No.6925577

No, she's not really big, maybe slightly on the chubbier side for lolita, but she didn't mention anything about being plus-sized. Weird that there's some other comm with the same thing going on, though! I don't have anything against the girl, I just thought it was kind of weird that she was making a point of still coming to meetups even though she's fallen out of lolita when nobody is really close to her yet.

>> No.6925664


Ahhh yeah, coincidence indeed! The girl in my comm seems very lovely so I don't mind her at all, lolita or not. And yeah, I guess if someone is new and isn't too close it's a bit weird for them to tag along without lolita. As long as she doesn't cause drams or anything ridiculous...

>> No.6925942

That's too funny. First off, I don't think there's a Bellevue lolita group. I've been in the Seattle group for years, I've met pretty much everyone, and have never heard of this. Second off, the Seattle group (the only group for the greater Seattle area and those within a few hours driving distance) has lots of handmade, and lots of brand. Many people have both, and some that might be seen as "brandwhores" I know for fact that we like to see nice handmade items. It's a very diverse and accepting group that has very little drama.

Now Lonness... I don't like to publicly gab much, but lets just say you could write a short horror story about him.

>> No.6925958

After speaking to this person they seem like a shit stirrer.

>> No.6926099

Would a Bellevue group then be kind of like this, except instead of a lunch meeting it would be afternoon tea?


Seriously, though, I've never heard of a Bellevue group.

>> No.6926652


>> No.6926810

I got day dream carnival is all colors. *Sniff*

>> No.6926857 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6926951

She has a tumblr if you want to see how she's doing. I unfollowed her awhile back b/c we were never too close and I was following way too many people but last time I checked she was still into lolita.

>> No.6927255

There used to be a large comm NEL, that died a year or two back. There's probably about 10 or so lolis that aren't really associated with a particular group so you can usually find them in the town on a saturday

There's the Middlesbrough group too but that's based too far away really to be central.

>> No.6927753

Aus loli here.


when did this shit start and are all the perth lolitas really dressed that badly?

>> No.6928208

There was like 8 secrets this week?

>> No.6928301


someone spill the beans I want to know

>> No.6928306

Want to know what?

>> No.6929086

This isn't really comm related (well, potentially could be in the future) and I haven't a clue where else to ask for advice on this board without starting a new thread. So, here goes:

There are three people who live near me, a year or two younger and are just getting into Lolita fashion primarily because I unwillingly tend to set their trends for some reason. I'm not close friends with them, or even friends for that matter - we're barely associates.. but because we share the same fashion tastes, they think we're BFFs.

These girls, let's call them A, B and C are buying their first coords and they're ita as fuck. I don't think they have jobs and they're not from very generous families so they're stuck with these heap of shit bodyline ita messes. Manchester expo is coming up and they've expressed interest in tagging along with me to the con.

I don't want to be seen with these clowns at all. I've offered help, but I'm not sure how I can help these girls when they're stuck with what they have. A has two bodyline JSKs, a bunch of school shirts, school shoes and I believe some second hand BtSSB headbows. B only has one JSK from bodyline and wears it over a short sleeved school shirt. C has bought some wretched mess from bodyline's separates section in classic black x white colourway.

These girls will more than likely go to manchester expo without fail and if they see me, they'll stick to me like flies around shit. Advice? Should I just not go? They're really childish and embarrassing.

>> No.6929170

They'll just make you look better anon? If you're going with a group of your friends then it's not a problem because they'll just look like they are tagging along with a group rather than you personally and they'll eventually get the message to leave

>> No.6929178

Problem is, I'm going on my own. Going on a bit of a shopping spree, get some pictures of fellow lolitas, cosplayers, etc. Just a day out for myself. So three weeaboo itas hanging around me either makes me look like I'm hanging around them, or I'm also a itaweeb.

>> No.6929287

All calm on the Houston front as of now. Maybe the heat will cause something to explode soon.

>> No.6929303

If you happen to run across them, tell them you're in a rush and can't hang out with them. Don't stop to talk to them, keep walking. Assuming it's gonna be crowded it should be easy to lose them.

Also stop talking to them.

>> No.6929319

I kind of wish my comm had some drama. We're too small for the time being to stir the shit pot. I do love them though.

>> No.6929385

I'm about 80% sure I'm in >>6925532 's comm, but I have to say I agree with you completely here.
Even if I "left Lolita", I'd keep 1 simple co-ord to wear to meetups (if I still insisted on tagging along).
I'd see my close comm friends in a more personal setting where civvies wouldn't look out of place.

I wonder why our new girl decided to bolt so suddenly? How many meets did she attend, like, two?

>> No.6929434

Thanks. I'll probably do this. I'll more than likely be in the dealers halls for the most of it anyway.

I don't talk to them, as such. However I'm good friends with one of their friends.

>> No.6929500

Oh cockroach lolita.