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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6916935 No.6916935 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /cgl/, /fa/ fuccboi here. I come with a question cause i cant imagine any other board being able to help

How can I make the leather on the shoes in the left look more like the shoes on the right? I know the left looks like pleather, but it's actual leather just really new.

I pretty much just want to weather/distress it? but I'm not sure how.

Thanks cuties :3

>> No.6916940

Wear them.

>> No.6916942

but they're $1150 shoes
i only wear them once a month

>> No.6916943

Wear them around the house then?

>> No.6916946

thats a waste of swag

How will wearing them encourage that texture? It's not me breaking them in per se, but rather just changing the texture of it manually with whatever leather methods people use

>> No.6916950

Rub fine fine fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine sandpaper on it or wear them.

>thats a waste of swag

Its wasting nothing. Its a pair of shoes.

>> No.6916949

You schedule a day once a month to wear them?

>> No.6916956

If they're that expensive then Jesus Christ don't deliberately fuck with them. Especially when you don't know what you're doing. What is wrong with you??

>> No.6916959

lol /fa/

>> No.6916961

really? That'll work?

I don't want discoloration or anything. I just want the slightly wrinkled/aged look. Does water or any other chemical application help?

>> No.6916974
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op here
another pic of quality im partially aiming for

>> No.6916976

That's an ugly-ass pair of shoes for $1150.

>> No.6916979

What do you think a nice pair of shoes is?

Curious, as a /fa/ user. I know we get kinda crazy sometimes, but this is what everyone on our board orgasms over.

>> No.6916983


get over it

you got fuckin jipped

>> No.6916988

Those look like something Bieber made popular

>> No.6916991

Not yet

>> No.6916998

Try throwing them in the dryer and see if that gets rid the new look.

>> No.6917000

I wouldn't suggest the sandpaper. That's for distressing shoes, not changing the overall texture.
I own several leather pieces as part of my wardrobe as well as some pretty nice boots. I'd suggest regular application of mink oil and a leather conditioner if you can find one. Both products soften and moisturize the leather whereas water would strip the natural oils and dry it out. Not good. Note, Mink oil darkens leather but since it's black you should be fine. Try it on cheaper shoes to get the feel for what it does first, though.

>> No.6917001

They look like something I can buy on taobao for less than $50, or something you would make yourself for a cosplay.

>> No.6917002

Waait, that's one of the pictures on the site. They're supposed to look like that from the start. Why don't yours?

>> No.6917004

Will this actually work?
different leather

>> No.6917008

Oh, I should mention, both products are usually available in any dedicated shoe store or some better shoe departments. They aren't too expensive and a tin of Mink oil will last you forever.

>> No.6917007

You wear them, Mr. "I've been wearing this style since before it was cool; see, my shoes aren't brand new like yours". Thats the way normal people do it.

>> No.6917010

I don't know the difference between distressing and changing the texture. all I know is I want something other than the total smoothness it has now. Anything that moves toward rigidity is what i want.

What is the difference in look between moisturized/softened leather and dry leather? I really don't care which route it takes, i just want to remove the whole "Pleather" look.

>> No.6917012

I have no idea. Try it and report back.

>> No.6917013



this explains everything


>> No.6917015

inb4 OP tries out these advices and fucks up his "$1150 shoes that are too expensive to wear".

>> No.6917016

dont listen to him hes a liar

>> No.6917020

OP's shoe are fake and he wants to make them look real by transforming china leather to real american bull leather

>> No.6917018

Haha, they are fake.

>> No.6917021

>How do I make my shoes look like the have more wear?
>Wear them.
>I don't wear my shoes.

Usually I don't diss on /fa/ because we /cgl/s buy and do some ridiculous shit, too...but...

>> No.6917029

>but they're $1150 shoes
>Just copped these off ebay for 770ish

>> No.6917032
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Shoes on bottom row are cgl's most populat shoe.

>> No.6917034

sooooooooooooooooooo qaauuuuuuuut

>> No.6917036
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Are you trying to impress us with your shitty fake sneakers?

>Thanks cuties :3

>> No.6917037

Distressing would be making it look like it's been worn heavily (same aesthetic as, say, ripped jeans). You're trying to change the texture.
As for moisturized/vs dry leather, it's honestly very similar to your own skin. Dry leather becomes rough and brittle (and more prone to forming nasty creases), moisturized leather is more elastic and pliable. Mink oil is usually discouraged from dress shoes, but encouraged for leather athletic shoes because of the need for flexibility.

That being said... I'm afraid it is very possible you ended up with a fake of some sort.

>> No.6917038
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I remember these being popular with /cgl/

>> No.6917039

nah, those are pretty out now.

>> No.6917040
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>paying this much money to look this stupid

>> No.6917042

that isnt regular for /fa/ they bought fake rick sneakers they thought were authentic from ebay and now are trying to find ways to pass them off as real

>> No.6917044

Bunny shoes. Want.

>> No.6917045

He didn't actually pay $1150, but he payed $770 for cheap fake shoes lol.

>> No.6917046

Yeah, I know they're fake. I just am trying to figure out a way if i cant get my money back, i can at least make them resemble the real ones. Both are made out of leather, but the ones im getting arent the same grade.

What do you think would most distinctly change the texture to that similar to the real ones?

Also, i appreciate your help and information. /cgl/ so fwendly

>> No.6917047


>> No.6917054

>I know the left looks like pleather, but it's actual leather just really new.
lmfao it's like literal plastic i get that you lost money but just open an issue with ebay and see what can be done. if nothing then it's a lesson learned: don't buy clothing on ebay that fakes exist of esp leather

were you really planning to only wear real dunks once a month wtf

>> No.6917056

cant ruin the value. If I keep them in good condition for 2 yrs i can probably sell them for 1500

>> No.6917057

>2011 + 1 + 1
>not knowing about taobao


>> No.6917058

i hope you arent real

>> No.6917066

are you really that stupid
please tell me you're joking

>> No.6917068
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>Dream shoes

>> No.6917067

Except that they are fake and look fake and cheap. Most people aren't that stupid like you when paying $1500. They look cheap.

>> No.6917072

Ahhh... In that case I'm afraid you're out of luck. The surface texture of leather is often a product of the animal used and the tanning method. If the original is lambskin and yours are cowhide, you're not going to change one into the other. Some leathers soften better than others, among other traits. Cheaper leathers are less flexible and the pores are generally chemically sealed so they resist extra moisture intake.

I was providing advice on the assumption that they were the same shoe, so I'm afraid that advice isn't going to have the effect you want. If you're keeping the shoes (I wouldn't suggest it), I'd try the mink oil and conditioner anyway since, at the very least, you'll waterproof the leather.

>> No.6917075
File: 15 KB, 251x221, Old+Gregg+oldgregg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lie to me, boy.

We don't take that so kindly here.

>> No.6917077

im pretty positive the dreambox fakes are plastic and the real are calf leather. theyre not going to look real no matter what you do

>> No.6917083

What's the point of buying designer swag if you barely wear it?

>> No.6917084
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doesn't look plastic to me.

>> No.6917085

>fake designer swag

>> No.6917086
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>> No.6917087
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>> No.6917090

these are real and not yours lol

go away

>> No.6917097

That is... An unfortunate stitching job. I'd agree that it's leather, but it's not high quality stuff. Sorry bro.

>> No.6917101

Also just to back that up, there's apparently a market for fake RO shoes, but you're not going to make more than $80 off of them and even that'd be a hard sell.

>> No.6917103

Even more so then. It's not even real so no loss if it gets dirty.

It's harder to tell fakes for shoes unless your up close or wearing them tbh, a fake bag is easier to spot

>> No.6917106


Is it that obvious

Maybe I'll just wear them to the dark club only/dark parties and pretend like theyre real

>> No.6917109

Yeah, I could tell the stitching looked terrible, too.

At least you don't only have to wear them once a month, though!

>> No.6917117

I'm afraid so. There are loose threads at the top and the sewing machine operator seems to have lost control of the material here and there (the wavy lines) which are all signs of shoddy craftsmanship. Additionally, as you wear the shoes, they're going to crease in the toe area instead of flexing like a soft leather would. I'm afraid you got jipped big time.

>> No.6917124
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Something along the lines of these

>> No.6917130

>but this is what everyone on our board orgasms over.
No one on /fa/ has orgasms over fake sneakers.

>> No.6917146
File: 72 KB, 1140x346, shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When it comes to non-lolita brand, stuff like this.

>> No.6917153

...You've got to be kidding me. Those things look fake as shit and there's no way you can pass them off as real. Just because you got tricked and bought some fakes, you're going to try scamming someone else? The shitty construction of the shoes are a dead giveaway!!

>> No.6917157

Read that whole thread. What an embarrassing board.

>> No.6917175

Gah!!! I want that pair in the middle but everyone is out of black in my size. I got them in lavender though, and they are gorgeous.
Crying about missing the black though.

>> No.6917221

Since I like being vaguely helpful if only to be contrarian, I'll tell you how. Be warned though, if you fuck it up you will fuck up the entire pair of shoes.

You will need:
Large piece(s) of heavily textured leather/pleather, preferably cut out into rough dimensions of the black bits of the shoe.
Really fine sandpaper/nail buffer
Mod podge (type of expensive-ass glue).
Black dye (food colouring, sharpies, fabric powder dye all works fine)
Paintbrushes (flat ones rather than round ones, in various sizes)
Matte finishing/sealant spray for paintwork.
Shoe varnish.

After wearing the shoes in for a bit, use really fine grade sandpaper/nail buffer (not the rough "file" side, the smoother "buff" side) and buff the shoes down until you can see the texture going matte and some of the pleather about to come away.

Mix mod podge with a very small amount of dye at a time until you get a nice glossy black.
Using the paintbrushes, paint a very thin (barely covering the shoe), even layer of the mod podge onto the black parts of the shoe.

After the initial layer cures (it takes about an hour on a sunny day), paint a slightly thicker layer of mod podge, let it sit for about 30 seconds (or however it takes for it to get tacky enough that if you placed a bit between your fingers and pulled apart, the pulled-apart texture stays when you put your fingers back together) then press down the heavily textured leather on the black areas with glue, and pull apart to transfer a mirror image of the texture.

Let it cure overnight, spray over twice with matte finishing varnish (it doesn't actually make it matte, just more velvety to the light), let *that* cure overnight again, then give it a polish up with shoe varnish.

Eventually when the varnish flakes off, buff it down to the mod podge layer and repeat varnishing process or try redoing the mod podge texturing thing.

>> No.6917228

Oh, and before you get any grand ideas of knockoff-overpriced-shoe-flipping, this is solely to help you avoid embarrassment at a casual glance. Real leather *smells* different, and is porous and naturally wicks sweat - which your shitty PU won't do, especially after the mod podge sealing and varnishing.

>> No.6917237


Not OP at all, but I've got a pair of leather boots that are getting the wrinkles you mentioned. Would putting mink oil on that help with that?

>> No.6917257

Wrinkles aren't going to disappear with mink oil, get a good commercial leather conditioner and an iron/steamer/hair dryer. Thoroughly clean the surface of the leather boots then apply heat using your implement of choice to the wrinkled area. When the leather expands and the wrinkles appear to temporarily "disappear", work in the conditioner into the leather to stopgap the areas that used to wrinkle. Afterwards it shouldn't look as bad.

>> No.6917787

The abuse of the English language in that thread is making me cry. Does everyone on /fa/ talk like that?

>> No.6918925

Do these shoes look like something a cosplayer would wear?

>> No.6918960

THIS is what fucking /fa/ is like now?
Jesus Christ I am horrified

>> No.6918974

>>6918960 again
Fuck I am still fucking appalled.
God dammit /fa/ the real version of those shoes don't even look that good
stop encouraging people to spend hundreds-thousands of dollars on styles that they will grow out of when they graduate high school

>> No.6918975

It's not
There're a bunch of teens playing to be ninjas (goofninja) that dress using that stuff

>> No.6918978
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well, that is a bit reassuring
this has been a trainwreck
but I'm not sure why it agitated me so much

>> No.6918992

Check the WAYWT threads, none is over 16
Not to mention only a few can afford this kind of clothes

>> No.6918991

post fit fuccgirl

>> No.6919003

>this whole thread
my sides are in orbit

>> No.6919006

rev up that credit card chargeback and you're good to go

>> No.6919032

Me too sis/bro and I haven't even gotten to the fake shoes.

/Fa/ seems to completely forgotten that fashion was meant to be enjoyed and worn. Your sneakers don't mean jackshit if you're too pussy to wear them... And I weep for you if your $1000 sneakers can't handle a day of walking.

And this is coming from a lolita.

>> No.6919038
File: 87 KB, 370x500, 1351402012664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hooooooooooly shit what even HAPPENED to /fa/ I haven't been there since 2010. are ct and slater still there?? does /fa/scist still post??? or is it all full of this shit, jesus fucking christ

>> No.6919051

while looking through ebay to see if I could find the auction I found one auction for a pair of similar shoes that were marked as an 09 release. The heels were completely fucked up on both shoes (as in, missing chunks. Someone still paid $650 for them.

>> No.6919052

Thanks a lot! Definitely will do this!

>> No.6919066

This is the era of Dan.

>> No.6919067
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we mfa now

>> No.6919077

I wish /fa/ had an archive just so I could read that thread in its entirety but no one would want to archive /fa/.

>> No.6919079

Read the fucking sticky.

>> No.6919081
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>> No.6919092

To be honest I didn't even go into /fa/
I had just assumed that no one in their right mind would archive the board

>> No.6919091

Oops. That's /fit/. I meant "Read the goddamn sticky". It links you to TWO archives.

>> No.6919094

Use 4chan X (or a different addon if you prefer it)
dead threads will just link straight to the archive


>> No.6919103

Agreed. You know shit's ridiculous when girls who will stay up 3 days straight for a print release and drop $500+ for a dream dress are calling you out on your stupidity.

>> No.6920441

I feel kind of sorry regarding the OP's absurd mental deficiencies, but this is the funniest thread on /cgl/ that I can remember. Ahahahahahahaha.