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File: 682 KB, 800x1430, Asians Superiority 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6916155 No.6916155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The full info are posted in the antiwesterncosplayers blog so just read it there because all the info can't be posted in here due to maximum text limitations.

Anyway, this proves all the westerners who claim we Asians make our Anime characters based on them to be a bunch of retards http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KT-EzudJXmY

>> No.6916160

You're a real faggot. Reported anyways because your shit deserves to be removed in the hard way.

>> No.6916159

I know this is troll bait, but seriously, I don't think anyone who's not a weaboo or over the age of 13 thinks that. Most westerners don't give a shit, so get over it.

>> No.6916164

How disgusting that you ugly westerners even have to use sore loser way to get recognition in the Cosplay world because Anime fans hates you ugly westerners who not look like Anime characters, awful

>> No.6916166

Anyways, report. this faggot just made a deviantart account to spam his shit over and over again.

>> No.6916170

Can Proud Cancer be more pathetic than that?

>> No.6916174

Westerns don't care because they're still the most powerful race. A race vs race cosplay debate isn't going to hurt their feelings

>> No.6916176

I just made a new one, I don't mind it keep being deleted as long as what I posted still get views, it is even have benefit being deleted because none of you ugly westerners will know who read it and how it will affect them, of course I only care it being read by my fellow Asian brothers and sisters.

>> No.6916179

Powerful who being pawned by us Asians in the Cosplay world?

Who even scam to get recognition in the Cosplay world? Powerful in being the loser, mwahahaha

>> No.6916180

Can somebody doxthis piece of shit and kill him in Indonesia?

>> No.6916181


Fellow Asian here.

You're a faggot.

>> No.6916182

You obviously don't know how to read, because I said if you have more money and power than any other race, then no one cares about cosplay

>> No.6916186

Cosplay is just 1 of the many things we Asians are superior at.

>> No.6916187

You mean actual Asians, because you are a dark brown fake asian

>> No.6916188

Like natality, or youth suicide ?

>> No.6916190


You're pretty awesome at breeding too fast.

>> No.6916192

Do you even know the fact you ugly westerners prefer imitating our Anime/Asian characters and not your cartoon/westerners is an indirect admittance by you ugly westerners that we Asians are superior while you westerners are ugly?

I mean why else you ugly westerners not prefer to imitate your own western characters if not because you losers believe you are ugly since your western characters are based on you ugly westerners,

>> No.6916194

Proud asian is best troll.

>> No.6916196

>Dark brown fake asian
Please stop.

>> No.6916197


Because no one cosplays from western shows like Adventure Time, the Powerpuff Girls, Scooby Doo, or anything like that, right?

Oh, wait...

>> No.6916198

We Asians are also the most civilized because we Asians have the lowest crimes in the world.

Not to mention hitler is not one of us Asians but one of you ugly westerners, we Asians also not have slavery history unlike you westerners who enslaved the african and native american.

>> No.6916199

>best troll
>spouting the same shit again and again
A good troll should be varied, which this faggot isn't.

>> No.6916200

Stop responding to the troll guys.

>> No.6916201

He himself has said this, that true asian are small and pale. I know Asians have many different looks, but he's only accepting of the kind of Asian girls on the Ulzzang and Gal magzines. If he's going to preach that, while being a darker Asian himself, I'm going to throw it back at him.

>> No.6916204

Or you can spam this shit with less cancerous content like hentai

>> No.6916205


Nah, the best trolls are consistant. Like Frances...

>> No.6916207

Well, that's fair then.

No. You know that's false.

>> No.6916209

It's like a joke. It's pretty funny at the beginning but overusing it kills it. Not that Shitty Asian was funny in the first place anyways.

>> No.6916208

I just wait for him to say something negative about Kotakoti. Would cause some glorious shitfest.

>> No.6916213

>No history of slavery in Asia

>forgets to mention the time Japan enslaved Korea.


>> No.6916215

Don't forget China bullying Tibet.

>> No.6916216

Or the plans of Northkorea in the past few months to nuke Southkorea and Japan.

>> No.6916217

Anyways, Asia is at the same level at the western countries in term of faggotry, racism, violence.

>> No.6916222

What I said are based on the fact, this fact can be seen at cosplay.com which is a western based Cosplay site where most of its members who are westerners are prefer to imitate our Anime/Asian characters rather than their own cartoon/western characters. On the opposite, not just most of us Asians but almost all of us Asians who do Cosplay are prefer to imitate our own Anime/Asian characters, this fact can be seen at curecos.com which is our Asian based Cosplay site where almost all of its members are us Asians who prefer to imitate our own Anime/Asian characters rather than the westerners cartoon/western characters.