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File: 1.66 MB, 288x403, PARTYHARDMEEPYGAL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6915740 No.6915740 [Reply] [Original]

So ive been to a couple of cons and noticed that quite a few people who are underage drink. Is that even safe with hotel security and staff? I mean couldnt they call the cops and shut the whole thing down? I just turned 21 and have a lot of friends who arent 21 yet and they want me to host a room party but i dont want to get in trouble. what should i do?

>> No.6915760

If security does find out, they will kick you out of your hotel room and you will have no place to sleep.
Tell them to have it somewhere else, there will be plenty, and you would rather them puke all over there room then yours.

>> No.6915759

I've never heard of anyone getting in trouble for a room party or under aged attendants at the parties. As far as I know so long as you aren't too loud to disturb hotel staff or the other patrons you are usually ok- it's when things get out of hand that it can start to cause trouble.

>> No.6915787

Sauce on that gif?

>> No.6915877


>> No.6916878

OP pls

>> No.6916879

Silly Meepygal, that's not how you make pancakes.

>> No.6916895

meepy sure is a class act

>> No.6916914


She's something, that's for sure. I've seen better-looking shitshows.

>> No.6916970

no, the class act here is OP with their disgusting vendetta

>> No.6916980

Kafukachan @ Otakon

>> No.6917009

Cry more meepy

>> No.6917019
File: 185 KB, 978x720, 1365283702620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disgusting vendetta

The OP just posting the gif and didn't say anything about Meepy. Disgusting vendetta indeed.

>> No.6917053

the sauce is OP

>> No.6917102

Why is she throwing up? I demand deets!

>> No.6917110

She was drunk. She is also 18 years old.

>> No.6917113
File: 38 KB, 453x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, her throw up looks like a smoothie.

>> No.6917112

Back on topic now. I agree with above anon, DON'T do it. Room parties are fun and all but adding people that are not yet legal age to drink can cause huge problems. Especially if you're found out. It's not worth the risk.

>> No.6917253

Posting a candidly taken gif of someone throwing up who wouldn't be identifiable without a huge label at the top constitutes some bitch ass passive-aggressive shit in my book. I don't really care about her either way but it's just bad form.

>> No.6921899

So, any links to external host of said gif? I came late to the thread ;3

>> No.6921912

Seconding this

>> No.6921916


Was at a room party at Fanime, they had cops breaking up all the parties and checking ID of every single person on their way out. I was one of the first few out so I dont know what happened to the few obviously underage there

>> No.6921920

>especially if you're found out
how is it going to cause problems if you're not found out?

>> No.6922858

Underagers thinking they are cool drinking and then getting sick, vomiting, damaging things, or ending up in the hospital. The party doesn't have to be discovered by any hotel staff for it to have repercussions.

>> No.6925129
