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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6914251 No.6914251 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about pet peeves of cosplayers

For example how does anyone feel about a cosplayer who cosplay a character from a series that barely just came out like Attack of titans and is only doing so in order for people to give you attention? I've seen cosplayers who cosplay characters that is new and popular at the time before abandoning it once the series is not as big when it first came out. Now I don't mind people cosplaying newer stuff since it can be the next best thing and he'll I might like it but i'm talking about the reason for it such as being an attention whore who craves nothing but attention and not actually caring for the actual characters or series.

Any similar pet peeves?

>> No.6914269

>Barely came out
Bitches don't 'bout my mangoes.

>> No.6914273
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That, to me, would seem hard to know with 100% accuracy, but I see what you'reg etting at.

For me, it would be (and I'm sure this is one of the biggest pet peeves for many) meeting a cosplayer who has no idea what their character is. I can understand if they don't get certain 'inside jokes', but you would think they would at least study or look up their character in order to interact with others. Nothing is more awkward than asking a fellow cosplayer a question, only for them to giggle/chuckle and tell you "Oh, I don't know anything about that". Literally, these people looked up for a cosplay that they could od and just ran with it.

I plan on going as Godot next year, but by God I'm going to study him like a book.

>> No.6914279

People like OP are my pet peeve. As if you knew all about other people's motivation for a certain cosplay.
Is there really nothing else you can be a judgemental cunt about?

>> No.6914280

I do believe that you're actually having issues with two different things

I don't mind new series cosplay if there's enough reference material out there to make good outfits and if the cosplayer legitimately likes a character. as it's possible to still love the characters you're cosplaying. With how anime cosplay becoming a bit rarer at cons I'm actually happy to see cosplayers cosplay from more recent series as we're sorely lacking in them.

My biggest pet peeve are cosplayers who make amazing outfits but don't take the time to learn the basic poses and expressions of their character

>> No.6914283
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I guess I can understand that peeve, though it's not really one of mine. It's stupid if they don't really plan on watching/playing it and just want attention, but if they pre ordered it and want to get a head start on an awesome costume, it's not so bad IMO.

My biggest pet peeve is when people go out of their way to make details inaccurate because "it looks nicer/more realistic". And then they turn around and expect credit for their creativity.

Also when people make shitty or mediocre cosplays and refer to it as their "signature cosplay".

>mfw I know someone who does this and it annoys the piss out of me.

>> No.6914297

That's exactly what I was talking about. Not want to offend anybody but its hard to put down what I meant since this is hard to explain

>> No.6914300

It's cool. I think I understood it well enough, since one of my friends kind of feels the same way.

>> No.6914304

Is caring about the character or having some sort of deep emotional bond with them a requirement for being a fan or even cosplaying? No? Then shut the fuck up about it.

It's always moving goalposts anyways. Even if the person told you they've been reading the manga and watching every episode, it would be "Well, they probably didn't read the author's original one-shot that got rejected!" or "I bet they weren't even on /a/ when we started talking about the announcement for the series!" or "They probably don't even fully understand the plot!" or "They probably didn't watch the original japanese broadcast!"

Sometimes, cosplay is a fucking race. Homestuck does this constantly. They get the costume out ASAP because making costumes is a thing to do. It's like a little game. You gather allt he details you can, as fast as you can, so you can hurry and share with everyone else.

This is like bitching about people rushing to make fan-art of things that just came out, for fuck's sake.

>> No.6914307

At the rate the AoT anime is going they are going to have to make the series 52 episodes long at least to get any where near where the manga is at. Especially if the pace established by episodes 10+11 are going.

It's going to make spoilers at conventions pretty damn tough. If you're going to cosplay from something like that which has an ongoing manga at least catch up with that. It's not like it's hard to the magical internets.

>> No.6914309

For real? I mean last year cosplayed from a game that is new at the time but I actually played the game in order for me to understand. I'm sure there are some people who've done the same thing or even heard about it before it came out. I'm talking about people who've done this all the time in order to grab new fans.

>> No.6914310

I was just about to say this. New? it's 3+ years old. Sure the anime just came out but the manga's been out since 2009.

>> No.6914313

>TFW you started your SnK costume before the anime was a twinkle in a weebs eye
>TFW you tried so hard to convince your friends to get into this amazing series and cosplay it with you
>TFW everyone said the manga art was ugly and the plot was boring
>TFW the anime comes out, they all get obsessed and act like they've been into it all along
>TFW "Anon, we'd ask you to join our group but we already have that character" and act like you're copying them

I have a grudge against the new fans because I promoted this series so hard and no one would watch it and passed it off as ugly and stupid until the shiny anime happened.

I'm just going to be a lonely and bitter 5'0" Levi and give people disparaging looks.

>> No.6914317
File: 31 KB, 360x360, Ugh+this+ugly+annoying+bitch+keeps+trying+to+talk+to+_c6365cbd2acd843b1e7fd67fd02a36a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but most fandoms aren't half as retarded as your beloved Homestuck shitfest, what they decide to do with their shitty closet cosplays doesn't matter. Shut your bigoted mouth, your opinions are automatically inferior because of your shit taste.

>> No.6914318

>mfw i'm one of those new fans that started reading because of the anime

>> No.6914321

And of course not knowing the series at all. THATS WHAT I MEANT!

>> No.6914326

You mean like cosplaying Edward Kenway before the game released, without having played a single damned AC game in their life?

>> No.6914334


>> No.6914336

Okay I get it now.

What about cosplaying characters from a series you've been familiar with for years? Seems like a lot of people do this.

>> No.6914352

That's different, Which I do NOT have any problems with. I was thinking about doing Sailor Pluto or one of the monsters from Digimon since I grew up watching it when I was 8

>> No.6914358

I just get annoyed by those slags who just cosplay skimpily-dressed characters for sexual attention, but that's nothing new. Not much anyone can do about it, anyway. Whores gonna whore.

>> No.6914361

speaks truth
is literally made of glycerol

>> No.6914370

Man at this rate Monkey Trouble won't even make an appearance.

Why the fuck they are wasting episodes on RECAPS is beyond me

>> No.6914385
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Thanks for that. It's this basic as fuck social identity bullcrap where everyone wants to be the in-group and accuses others (mostly those that are new to the party) of a load of shit just because they want to keep their in-group exclusive as fuck. It's hard to get around this even if you see through it, since everyone wants to have their exclusive coolkids club in their fandom and is automatically pissed of when others join. Mainly others you don't like for a variety of reasons. If someone you hate likes the same thing as you it just fucks over your balance. It is not an even trial. Same goes for someone you love hating a thing you like. People have to deal with the negative feels they get from this discrepancy and so you just go ahead assuming that another person doesn't like a certain thing as much as you do.

Which is kind of a reflex towards unwanted feelings of discrepancy but a really stupid one.

>> No.6914391

is literally made out of dogshit

>> No.6914615

get the fuck over it, I remember reading it as a manga and finding it slow and the art to be not my taste. Watching the anime pushed me to catch up with the manga. Find a new cosplay group or whatever, don't get bitter because you read it first.

My best friend did this to me with my favorite show, told her to watch it for months and she ignored me, now she's caught up and going on and on about it and I try to match her enthusiasm because she's my friend and I'm not a huge jerkass

>> No.6914628

Tumblr. Where everything is made up and the quality and accuracy don't matter.

I just went looking up photos on my photographer's blog and found some other people's cosplays in the character's tag. One that got posted around the same time as mine is frumpy, ill-fitting, inaccurate, badly-photographed and has twice the amount of notes. So yes, I will freely admit to feeling jelly right now.

>> No.6914640

>cosplays L, easiest character in the world to cosplay
>still manages to fuck it up

>> No.6914693

The less details and materials needed for a character, the easier it is to mess up.

>> No.6914756

I don't see why this manga/anime is so hyped. The story is mediocre at best. There's a lot of manga with similar concept, and executed better. 2edgy4me

>> No.6914760

I feel similar in the aspect that I fucking hate bandwagon cosplayers that just drop the series once it's no longer the "in" series of the season. They come off as nothing but giant attention whores to me but meh. To each their own.

>> No.6914765

Funny how it's almost always female cosplayers, too.

>> No.6914773

list them then
SnK is popular because it's different and fresh but also really fucking weird
so if it's so mediocre and played out, where are these similar animes

>> No.6914778

My biggest would be when people cosplay built characters but they don't have any muscle definition. Seriously, Chun-li and Cammy have muscles not lard thighs and just because that one black dude thinks you have a nice ass doesn't mean it's a DAT ASS instead of an inflated pancake.

>> No.6914794

>really fucking weird
You must be new to animu.

>> No.6914950

A "friend" dropped her plans for a con awhile back when there were less than 5 episodes out at time of SnK to cosplay from the series. Did a shitty job, her props were made out of BRISTOLBOARD and YARN then complained after that no one wanted to take her picture despite being "being the only Mikasa at the con."

I don't even know.

>> No.6914988

I feel for you but tbh the manga is kinda shit compared to the anime, especially the first couple of chapters.

>> No.6915024

Friend who always try to steal your costume/character and/or copy you. I have a couple friends who do this but one is the WORST. She is always copying me even if she has never watched the series or doesn't like the character. It usually goes like this.

First stage.

>Pick a design from an anime I love.
>"What are you making anon?"
>I tell her about the show and character.
>"That sounds lame and I'm not a fan of the costume."

Second stage.

>Go shopping for fabric (my favourite part)
>Post progress pictures of costume and get comments from fans and friends.
>"That's looking good anon, maybe I should do someone from that series."
>"Sure friend, if you'd like we can watch it together."
>Watch series with friend.

Third stage.

>50% done my costume, looking pretty good due to intelligent fabric choices and picking a character suited to my body. Being passionate about the series doesn't hurt either- I think your love for a fandom shows in your work.
>"Anon I want to cosplay that character."
>"I'm doing this character friend, why don't you be someone else?"
>"I don't like the series or any of the other characters, I want to do that one!"
>"But I already started, and considering I'm the one who showed you don't you think maybe you're being unfair?"
>"OMG anon it's always like this with you, you always take the characters I want to cosplay!"

Fourth stage.

>Wear costume. Looking cute and feeling cute. Get lots of pictures.
>50/50 chance friend decides to make outfit for another con which really doesn't bother me, I only get pissed when she tries to keep me from doing it.
>Doesn't pick great fabric, doesn't look very much like the character, gets upset because she doesn't get as much attention as she thinks she will get and takes it off in a few hours.
>"That costume was a waste of time, wasn't it anon?"
>"Not really, I made it because I love the character- getting photos is just a bonus."
>"People must just like your boobs anon."

I just don't understand.

>> No.6915036

>I'm just going to be a lonely and bitter 5'0" Levi and give people disparaging looks.


>> No.6915045

It seems like they use cosplay to try and outdo you and get more attention, and when they obviously fail they just say you have great boobs. Not a great friend to have, just get rid of them you'd be much happier.

>> No.6915064

The sketchy style is really rough early on. It doesn't settle in well for a little bit. Now I think it works better and makes action scenes look pretty sweet.

I want to cosplay from it, but mostly because I want to make a 3DMG. I'm obsessing over that weapon the way some people might with Gundams or lightsabers. The characters I like aren't suited for me so I might just be random soldier #46. As long as I get to wield my 3DMG and feel like I could actually fight with it.

>> No.6915077

Pics of this "friend?" I'm mad curious now.

>> No.6915089

Finally, someone who actually got the idea!

>> No.6915102
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>My biggest pet peeve is when people go out of their way to make details inaccurate because "it looks nicer/more realistic". And then they turn around and expect credit for their creativity.
Fuck yes!

Cosplayer Snobs - Their spent huge amounts of money on shiney shit, cover it with glitter, wear an outfit not suitable for their body type and consider themselves superior to you who budgeted carefully, used suitable fabrics and gets asked for photos.

Or talk down to you or act as if you know nothing because you haven't been cosplaying as long as them.

Then cry "favourtism" or "bullying" when you or someone else wins a prize.
Or worst - they win a prize (never first prize - still they bitch), makes them feel justified in their shitty behavior

>> No.6915103

She didn't use to be like that. Somewhere along the line she got obsessed with being cosplay famous or something. I have since cut her off, but she still tries to copy everything I do through stalking my DA and cosplay.com account.

>> No.6915234

A cosplayer I know does that shit ALL the time, they also try to go for the 'popular' character of the series to get attention. I just don't understand.

>> No.6915270
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I'm personally pretty sick of people cosplaying as character designs from fan art or fanfiction or 'headcanons' or any version of a character that's been designed in a tiny corner of the internet.

Regardless of how well made it may be, it's still fucking nothing. The only reason these sort of things even get recognized as what they are supposed to be is because of some distinct wig or because the cosplayer in question is following around others in more recognizable and obvious costumes.

Unless this original design is somehow more intricate, difficult, and thematically appropriate for the character than their normal outfit, there's usually no reason to try and pass off closet cosplay as some sort of praise-worthy herculean effort that somehow deserves more attention than all the people who didn't just make up whatever they felt like.

>> No.6915281

This. I talked to a friend who's a veteran cosplayer who started in 2001. She said stuff like genderbends and gijinkas didn't exist beyond maybe a sexy Pikachu now and then. It's only with the rise of the internet did stuff like this start happening.

That being said I'm not going to scoff at something like a legendary birds group where their outfits are well made and designed like intricate Heian princess garb or something.

>> No.6915324

Usually I'd agree with you, but with the picture you posted, the only alternative to a "fan-made" design is a quad fursuit so I'm not sure what you expect them to do ("Not cosplay the entire series" not being an option)

>> No.6915337

Same thing with Pokemon, sure there are trainers and humanoid Pokemon, but sometimes a kid just really likes Bulbasaur. I generally assume most closet cosplayers are doing it for fun, too, not because they think they'll get 8000 likes/notes/comments.

>> No.6915345
File: 34 KB, 545x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, the only humans in My Little Pony were back in the '80s. Ironically, one of them is a hat and an apple symbol away from passing for a human Applejack.

>> No.6915359

My biggest pet peeve are people who dress up/not in plainclothes, but aren't actually dressed as anyone. I can deal with video games and American comics for some reason, but when people aren't even a thing it bothers me. I also hate it when people dress as live action people who aren't related to "nerdy" things, or memes. I'm not saying no one should do it, it just annoys me.

>> No.6915373

You talking about people who wear random spikes, collars, kimonos or other random clothing pieces?

>> No.6915383

I'm more peeved by whole outfits than accessories.

>> No.6915387

Like lolita and stuff?

>> No.6915391

Yeah. I didn't want to outright say it but I really don't like that whole thing. Also people (almost always women) who wear almost nothing aren't dressed as anyone.

>> No.6915393

(same guy) not to say those are the only things, just the two most prominent examples.

>> No.6915395

I hate when people genderbend characters and slut it up. Like a female version of a male character that shows off way more skin and shit like that. Just because they're a different gender doesn't mean they should really change their clothing all that much.

>> No.6915404


Because I mainly read manga I often get into series (Attack on Titan included) before the anime comes out. when it does come out at first I think 'great now I can cosplay from the series and actually be recognized'.
I rarely ever do though because when it get's popular I worry I'll just look like I'm hopping on the bandwagon. I know I shouldn't care but I would hate to think someone saw me like that.

>> No.6915421

This. I hate this. Personality is a part of the costume when a character -especially for any game or animation-.
Example: You could probably get away with slutting up Ezio, who is a womanizer, but not much.
You wouldn't do the same with a character like Connor or Altair

>> No.6915425

I don't care about the whole race to make new cosplays once something new is out sometimes its good and sometimes its bad.

But I hate how they don't stay very long since you lose a bunch of friends, and I hate how just cause its new and popular suddenly everyone who isn't in it is hating it.

>> No.6915438

The exact reason I can't stand Rosanna Rocha. Openly admits she only cosplays characters who have tits hanging out.

>> No.6915440

People who rip on other people because their cosplay isn't absolutely perfect. Dude. Dude! Duude! There's a person behind that disgusting costume. You are choosing an emotionless, fictional character over a human being. Get a fucking grip.

>> No.6915450

Dude the point that was being made is that you shouldn't whore out an entire community just to feed your own egoism. That is gross.

Calm down.

>> No.6915451

This. I saw some girl posting pictures of this one character, don't know her name but the character has like tape or something? Covering her nips and that's it for her chest.
The girl cosplaying her was wearing a sort of bikini top that matched the rest of the outfit and had two x's where the nips would be. Nothing but harsh comments on it, saying she was being inaccurate and a wuss and blah blah.
She took her photos down quickly and hasn't responded to anymore cosplay groups.


>> No.6915459

>did you mean: Lily?

Openly asked about why her neckline didn't match the design. Said "that kind of neckline doesn't look good on fat chicks so I altered it". She then wanted praise for her ingenuity when it just looked really inaccurate.


She entered the Advanced cosplay comp with it too, despite one of the big things for that comp being accuracy.

>> No.6915472

Why do I have a feeling this person was cosplaying from OFF. Since Sucre is the only character I can think of that has X's on her nips and doesn't wear anything else.

And since tumblr has a cancerous fandom for it that would actually hurt people like that.

>> No.6915480
File: 426 KB, 480x320, 1370974778172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>TFW everyone said the manga art was ugly and the plot was boring

And they were right.
SnK had potential to be good, but instead of focusing on lore they focused on teenage relationshits, then it became a shounen sterotype POWERLEVEL mess.

>> No.6915484

I think that was her, but this wasn't on tumblr. It was the girl's personal blog where she had up all her other stuff too and projects. After she took down her photos she just removed the blog.

Makes me mad too, cause I bet all that spam drove her away.

>> No.6915492

>SnK had potential to be good, but instead of focusing on lore they focused on teenage relationshits, then it became a shounen sterotype POWERLEVEL mess.
The Legend of Titan.

>> No.6915496

It's poorly drawn shounen shit and you know it.

>> No.6915510

Butchering a character just so you can show of your boobs. That is literally the only reason I don't like J Nig, she's funny, great at putting cosplays together, but if she fucking just made them accurate...

>> No.6915515

>implying I was defending it
I was saying that it has the same problems as Korra.

>> No.6915611

dear guy, lolita is actually a fashion. So it's not just "Oh I'm going to wear random weird shit to this con believe it or not I wear lolita everyday, yeah foodshopping, to my job (I work at a small thrift store I can wear what I want), to do everything. Am I supposed to buy a tshirt and jeans to wear once a year just to please a few weirdos.

>> No.6915614

Anecdotal evidence. Also I don't entirely believe you.

>> No.6915616

it's not even that far into the story yet, we don't know shit. I'm pretty sure they don't intend this to be a 12 episode show, they're going to drag this, therefore making you care about the characters before revealing anything. Read a fucking book...christ

>> No.6915620
File: 364 KB, 405x599, 1337204471084.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't care
Just go up to a lolita, and tell her that you don't like that she's not wearing normal clothes to a con, and see the massive bitch face she gives you.
We're lolitas, we're a subculture, and we collectively have the sandiest cunts on the planet.

>> No.6915624

You're entitled to your opinion, as I am entitled to wear whatever I want to a convention that I pay money and spend time&effort to attend. You don't like it? You don't have to look at it. At least I look and feel fabulous.

>> No.6915641

I'll take a nicely dressed lolita over random conswag wearer any day.

>> No.6915644

>we collectively have the sandiest cunts on the planet.
I am well aware of that, also part of the reason why I can't stand them. And what the fuck is your problem? I never said you shouldn't be able to do it (quite the opposite, actually), just that I don't like it when you do. Your "subculture" causes so much bitchy drama it's like you haven't even progressed emotionally passed middle school, and I'm being unreasonable for not liking something you like? Well, like you said, sandiest cunts.

>> No.6915648

They might be talking about the manga, which is much further than the anime...

>> No.6915651

I'm just gonna go ahead and quote myself because y'all seem to have selective illiteracy:
> I'm not saying no one should do it, it just annoys me.

>> No.6915652

Everyone's a titan. We can all call it a day and go home.

>> No.6915655

Bro, you must've not met some nice girls and guys in lolita. Not all of us have the sandiest cunts on the planet.

It's not the "subculture" that causes bitchy drama. It's the people in the subculture. Clothes can't mask a bitch.

>> No.6915658

I didn't say that. You also have selective reading.

I'm saying I respect your opinion, but I will still do whatever the hell I want.

>> No.6915659

Five of the kids total so far are titans.

As for the pacing they're trying to be true to the manga, which means that there's gonna be a lot of dialogue.

>> No.6915660

I know, there are very nice people in every subculture (aside from Nazi's and shit but whatever). I was referring to the majority, like if you see a Homestuck or a Brony your first thought wouldn't be very nice.

>> No.6915663

No offense but you were kinda being a jerk about it.

captcha: sttlym genuineness

>> No.6915664

You forgot about the villager.

>> No.6915666

meant to reply to:

>> No.6915668

As were you, though. I responded accordingly.

>> No.6915671
File: 290 KB, 396x290, i just cant.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even in a thread NOT about lolita
It becomes about lolita.

>> No.6915674

How was that being a jerk? I pretty much just said "I don't like it".

>> No.6915675

Not the same guy. Just had to correct this notion. They aren't handing out titan forms like bankais.

Almost don't get the impression that it's turned into a teen drama. They're still fighting constantly and there was a couple mentions of people liking the same girl and one quick exchange acknowledgin sexuality. Beyond that, fighting Titans.

>> No.6915681

>even on a board where people dress as spoilers
moot doesn't give us spoilers

captcha: unrsual gave

>> No.6915684

>Anecdotal evidence. Also I don't entirely believe you.

>> No.6915689

Sorry about that. Logical fallacies are another one of my pet peeves.

>> No.6915691

Now stop responding to me and derailing this thread. We got enough lolita threads around.

Cosplayer pet peeve: Meeting cosplayers that don't know the series or games they're cosplaying from. Not even new/popular ones. I understand liking a design, but at least learn about the show/game! It's frustrating when I thought I have someone new to fangirl with about something, and it turns out he/she doesn't know anything about it.

>> No.6915709

Don't forget the pointless deaths from capable and strong characters or how the three MCs are never going to be permanently injured or killed even.

>> No.6915726

I've developed a peeve in the last couple of weeks once I realize there are maybe 2 cosplayers (read: hyperbole) who cosplay Tifa without getting their tits out. It's not THAT hard to google this shit, girls. Not to mention then you have people encouraging that shit by saying "omg this is so accurate".
Come the fuck on guys. I get you like the tits -that's your prerogative- but it's not accurate just because u liek da boobeez. Stop conflating the two.

>> No.6915744

I hate when this happens especially when it's from something with a smaller fandom. I saw a group cosplaying Triple-H from Mawaru Penguindrum and was really excited to see MP cosplayers for the first time.. Turned out that the girls had never seen a single episode and just saw a picture of Triple-H on tumblr and wanted to cosplay them ugh.

>> No.6915772


It's usually girls who don't have the right boob size trying to compensate by showing cleavage when the character actually doesn't.

About a tenth of the people who've ever cosplayed her FF7 outfit actually have any business doing so. It just doesn't look right if the person wearing it isn't curvy and fit.

>> No.6915782

People who feel the actual fucking need to "claim" certain superhero characters and make themselves into the "[insert city here]" character. More often than not, their costumes are mediocre at best. It's ridiculous, attention-mongering nonsense and the AIDS that is killing /co/splay.

Oh, good for you. You're Portland Spider-Man. Nobody gives a fuck, now stop trying to get the most amount of congratulations for the least amount of creativity or effort.

>> No.6915800


Thanks you guys, I read this a couple of years ago and never got to finish it because I forgot the name. Wouldn't have glossed over the fact that it was one and the same if it weren't for your post.

Pet peeve: I have a friend who isn't very good at cosplay who likes to bitch about another friend who is amazing at cosplay but will sometimes cosplay things like disney character. I think it's rather silly gripe given the fact that she is good at cosplay and there really aren't that many places she can cosplay these things. I think cosplayers shouldn't be so elitest.

>> No.6915806

when they think they're hot shit and all they talk about... ALL THEY TALK ABOUT is cosplay. seriously, you're real people outside of con, be more interesting.

>> No.6915815

You know that fifty percent of cosplayers are those who don't care much for the character, right? I know elitist sorts get their britches in a bunch over that fact.

>> No.6915835

You know 35% of statistics are made up on the spot?

>> No.6915842

87%. God, it's like you've never heard of Google.

>> No.6915853

That's what we said about L, too, when Deathnote was still in print. My money's on Armin either dying or getting seriously crippled.
...Though if Levi gets killed off, I'm burning my copies of the manga.

>> No.6915885
File: 110 KB, 500x373, tumblr_inline_mjm2y95Cj31qz4rgp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genderbends when they go like this: "Oh so now that this guy's a woman she MUST wear high heels, bikini top and tiny shorts!"

Yeah, because every girl always dresses like that no matter what her personality is. Even when she lives, for example, during Renaissance or the Victorian Era. Cuz that's the way girls always dress.

>when people cosplay a character they don't even like that much or know anything about

Of course you don't have to know what your character ate in chapter 164 or how many times they have used their most powerful attack but I just don't get what you get out of cosplaying something you don't even give a shit about? Usually people do this with the most popular series at that time, just like OP said, which pisses me off. It's a different thing if you spot a new character, like their looks/outfit and then get to know them and the series before cosplaying as them. If the character and the series are totally indifferent to you, why bother cosplaying that?

>people who claim they're the best Character X and bash other cosplayers because they're "stealing their character" or "nowhere near as good as their cosplay"

Bitch plz, you can't own a character and claiming you're _the best_ makes people frown upon you for obvious reasons. Even if you were the best that would be obnoxious as hell.

>people who buy their cosplays but don't admit it

There's nothing wrong with buying your costume if you can't make it yourself. However, you should be honest and admit it. If you didn't make your costume you deserve no credit from making it. Simple as that.

>> No.6915902

When a cosplayer with an inaccurate costume is universally praised because they're hot or look like the character
Like come on, if your body and face are already great, why not go the extra mile and have an all-around amazing cosplay?

>> No.6916560

>When girls don't wear makeup and do full photoshoots (even if their cosplay/wig is good).

I understand it's for fun, and your close circle of friends will compliment you, but notice that it's limited to that. No makeup generally makes you look pale, or like you didn't care enough to bother. I know you probably think you look wonderfully fabu without it, or you don't feel like you HAVE to have it, but it just looks half-assed, especially when it's a generally makeuped character like Stocking.

I don't care how pretty you are, just a little bit of mascara and eyeliner go a long way to keep your eyes from looking sunken/face from being shiny/keep you from looking like you just bought the costume the day before and you just didn't give a shit.

>> No.6916574

This happens all the time, I rage like no other. I am so sick of people in my fandom fawning over shit tier cosplay and barely acknowledging stuff that deserves it.

>> No.6917887


how dare lolitas wear an obscure jfashion at a convention dedicated to japanese shit? you'd think lolita would be more appropriate at a con than mainstream western normalfag cities. (not to say lolitas shouldn't wear their clothes out there, but they obviously wouldn't be out of place at a con compared to the streets.)

i think you need to chill out, anon.

>> No.6917906 [DELETED] 

Selective illiteracy strikes again. I've been respectful and have flat out said "you can do whatever you want, this is just my opinion"
>I'm not saying no one should do it, it just annoys me.
so you have no justification for getting mad at me other than "he doesn't like what I like". If I can deal with you, you can deal with me.

i think you need to chill out, anon.

>> No.6917963


I'm sorry that we get more attention than you at a con anon, we'll try to steer all the photographers your way

>> No.6917971

All I said was that I don't like it, there's no reason to get this upset. You're really not helping your case by acting like this.

>> No.6917996

People criticizing your cosplay when they can't make stuff like that for shit. Bitch, you've got no fucking idea, you do it better.

>> No.6917998

People not caring how their costume is bothering everybody around them. Guys with large sword props not watching that they don't bump into something, girls with huge dresses dragging over the floor not bothering picking it up in crowded area's. Body paint that gets everywhere etc.

>> No.6917999

>saying that like you aren't the most upset one in this case

>> No.6918002

>saying u mad
Oh man I was just trolled so hard.

>> No.6918469

Eh, it depends. It doesn't take Tim Gunn to tell someone their crinkly satin-and-fleece cosplay looks bad.

>> No.6918471


>> No.6918476

Oh, you mean just sweeping the bangs out of the way, not an actual center part?

>> No.6918488

No like legitimate, "I'll just seperate the bangs in the middle so I can see because I don't realize the bangs are meant to be cut/not parted in the middle."

>> No.6918503

>wearing jeans for a character that clearly would not wear jeans.

Jeans =/= school uniform pants or any other navy blue pants, especially in a setting where denim shouldn't even have been invented yet. I swear, if I see one more Kraft Lawrence cosplayer whose costume would've been fantastic except for the fact that he had to wear fucking jeans I will punch someone in the face. My SO went to Target to buy blue khakis for his cosplay. If he can afford $20 for pants and still make it to the con then so can you.

>> No.6918547

>crossplayers doing male characters
>all that makeup
>all that eyeliner

>when people closet cosplay for shits and giggles
>then gets mad when someone who makes an extremely accurate outfit gets more attention then them
>then bitch and moan about "elite/snobby" cosplayers

>shitty wigs dear god all these shitty wigs

>when people cosplay as a "rude/asshole" character but just abuse it and say really uncalled for shit and push it off as being ~IC~

>sneakers for shoes, just god damn it man god damn...

>> No.6918588

cosplayers who choose costumes way out of their skill level and when they inevitably get stuck throw a hissyfit until someone helps them. if you can't properly sew a jacket or a pair of pants you have no business making a giant ballgown or that ridiculous artbook outfit. it wouldn't piss me off so much if it didn't always turn into them taking advantage of their friends last minute to scrape their costume together, then seemingly forgetting that half the work was done for them and how screwed they were and picking an even harder outfit for the next con because they have an inflated ego from all the comments they got on the outfit they shouldn't have been able to make.

we are sick of bailing you out. we have our own costumes to work on. have some respect for your friends and stopping guiltripping them over your own poor choices. you are the one who picked this costume, you can sit in the hotel room by yourself and finish it. we are not missing half the con again because you're desperate for attention.

>> No.6918603

Tifa's breasts aren't even HUGE if you go by official art, its just in cutscenes where she's a titty monster in FF7.

But fanart and the later games have inflated her chest by a large degree

>> No.6918609
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Asian cosplayers who think that if they're 5 cm shorter than they're character that they need to wear plastforms or stripper heels to be "accurate." These are usually so ridiculous that is defeats the purpose.

>> No.6918741

You're seriously over simplifying what was said. They're not saying they want the cosplayer to be in love with the character or be able to quote every word they've said or some shit. They're just saying it's annoying when someone cosplays a character or series they don't know *anything* about or give the slightest shit about, just for attention. That gets annoying, especially when it leads to out of character poses and photography and stuff. Granted, there are people who expect every cosplayer to worship their character (which, by the way, is a pet peeve of mine), but OP's post was basically complaining about bandwagon jumpers.

Homestuck is a little bit of a different case, since most of the people who do the scrambling to cosplay thing are already in the fandom, and there's kind of an unspoken contest going on about it.

>> No.6918782

Honestly, one of biggest pet peeves is when someone takes a pre-existing outfit and just makes it sluttier for no reason, especially if it already kinda was to begin with. (See: new Harley Quinn, although that's DC's fault)
Or when someone does a gender flipped cosplay and does the same thing. Why is Thor, God of Thunder and Ass Kicking, wearing stripper heels?

>> No.6919319

>3 weeks ago fat "friend" want cosplay Mikasa (SnK) because "is awesome and is just like me"
>she want make clavage version of the uniform (only want show big (fat) boobs"
>yesterday say "70% already!"
>I don't want see the final product

>> No.6919331

Mikasa is flat... with washboard abs.

>> No.6919339

The problem, then, is that you expect every cosplayer to constantly be on their A game and that's simply expecting too much from the majority of cosplayers.

There are people who do know their character and what sort of poses they'd do and have people take good photos of them and despite all of that, they still act like hyperactive weebs who spend their entire con humping other cosplayers, taking stupid 'crack' photos, and acting like silly retards.

There are also people who give a fuck and cosplay a character because they like them, and not because it will guarantee them popularity because it's the flavor of the month. Cosplayers who practice their poses and expressions so their photos come out perfectly. They are called good cosplayers and they don't get treated like they are doing the hobby a valuable public service.

>> No.6919345

>That one cosplayer who is going to do cosplay with you and drops out like a week before the con
Me and a buddy were gonna cosplay Rei and Asuka but then she (Asuka) just kinda didn't do it. She didn't make any progress. Didn't make it. Just kinda fizzed out. I was sad and alone.

>> No.6919379

All of this. I did a genderbent version but tried to stray far from super sexy/lots of skin/cleavage showing. People still recognized the character without half my boobs hanging out.
One of my other pet peeves is the whole "I'm wearing the same costume, how dare you do better than me" attitude. Look, idc if we're wearing the same outfit.To be honest, sometimes theirs is better but when you give me a deathglare after i smile and say hello to you? Yea, no. Completely uncalled for. She gave me a total staredown the entire time and seriously looked like she was going to cry.
My other pet peeve is people asking me last minute for sewing/cosplay related things. They just think i have some fucking wand in my desk drawer that helps me bibbity bobbity boo all this shit into existance. I do try to tell them politely as possible that this isn't how it works and they get frustrated. :/ I feel like i never win.

>> No.6919391

Exactly, this needs to stop.

>> No.6919433


Homestuck FIRST-ers are also pretty universally reviled as talentless attention whores

>> No.6919516

Aren't most Homestuck characters clones or something of each other, and most outfits pretty basic? One kid seems to wear nothing but differently colored suits when not wearing the usual symbol shirt, and another looks exactly like another character, but wears a sweater. The fandom seems pretty conducive to fast cosplays.

>> No.6919524

If not for the weird weaponry and accessories and body paint, Homestuck Cosplay would be even more intensely closet cosplay than it already is.

>> No.6919608

mfw i am always the girlfriend making my boyfriend's fucking shit a week in advance because of how loudly he cries because he wants attention

>> No.6919620

I hate when cospalys are sewn really stiff like a uniform and don't look like actual clothes.

>> No.6919632

Agreed. Or when casual/everyday outfits look really costume-y because of the materials and construction.

>> No.6919701

Yeah, most of them are weird time clones of eachother. There are a couple of more intricate outfits, but even those aren't super crazy. It's all pretty basic stuff.

>> No.6919714

>tfw when hardly anyone cosplays the fashionista's alternate outfits
How did Jade end up with all the fun clothes, anyway?

>> No.6919738

Cause the boys only seem to think suits are cool.

More on topic, I kind of hate when people constantly say they are going to do something and then never get it done. Like, I've seen people that post a new costume "plan" every day. I just don't get why.

>> No.6919819

Very much this
I have a friend who came with my group to Acen with a HUGE motherfucking cosplay
like gigantic cardboard armor with things shooting out of the sides
The guy couldnt see properly out of it either, and ended up hitting 15+ people in the head with it, and totally didnt even give a shit because
'hurdur so many pictures so its worth it'
No, no its not. I felt so bad. And the other members of our group were *expected* to follow him around and help him get through the con
It was a bad time
Also, hes going to midwest with it
Goodluck to you guys because fuck him

>> No.6919846

But OP what if they were following the manga for a long time before the anime even got put up for discussion?

>> No.6919860

I want to smack the shit out of people who make colossal statue cosplay that's only good for standing still and having people swarm around them for pictures.

There's always at least one at ACen. Some stupid fucker with a 14 foot tall Optimus Prime. Some stupid kid who made a lumpy gundam out of metal and had to be bolted into his costume to keep it on. Some cockwaffle on stilts.. Or just some jackass who built some big stupid monstrosity of packing tape and glowstick waddling through the halls with no destination.

THINK you desne fucksticks. It's not impressive. It's retarded. You're not impressive, you're inconvenient. Learn to scale your shit. Wear it around your fucking driveway before you go to the con. Consider, for the briefest moment, that you will be wearing this shit for extended periods of time while surrounded by crowds of thousands.

>> No.6919910

I completely agree
And dense is definitely a way to describe him
My friends and I have been going top cons for years and were trying to explain scale to him, but he refused to take any sort of criticism because it was 'just fine the way it is'
Seriously, I had to act like a body guard to keep him from hitting people. it sucked. And he didnt even TRY to avoid it
Try telling a 6'4 guy with his head covered to stop turning around on top of the rest of the con noise
Im legitimately surprised no one asked him to leave, and if he continues to bring it to places, Ill send an anonymous report just so he stops
>rant over
Back on topic now;
*Obnoxious fandom cosplayers of any kind or fashion (MLP, homestuck, Hetalia, ect) With nothing against the fandom itself. Just please... I understand cons are fun... But theres a limit to how rowdy you should be.
*People who call themselves "king/queen of cosplay" and dont put any read effort into their cosplays to begin with. Then have the nerve to look down at people who are trying to get into cosplaying with a 'im too good for you attitude'. Its just depressing...

>> No.6920411

This, or not doing very simple styling on a wig. Like, you payed god knows how much for a wig the perfect length and colour, you can't just trim half an inch off the bangs and move them?

>> No.6920419

My pet peeve is people talking to you like you /are/ your character. I was in masq judging at like 9 in the fucking morning, groggy as hell, not even wearing my costume (Irisviel from Fate/Zero), and this guy spotted it and asked me "Why did you sacrifice yourself to the grail? You had a daughter!"

He asked me that three. fucking. times. How do you even respond someone who asks something like that without telling them to go fuck themselves?

>> No.6920443

This. I cosplay characters when I like both their personality/story and design. I don't feel a great need to act like them though. I'll certainly pose and walk like them and have appropriate facial expression. But if someone tries to get into some sort of roleplay I can't take myself seriously, especially if they're no good at it.

>> No.6920448
File: 100 KB, 500x800, 08b9da7592eecf8d7ad9efaf0b803bc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ugh. So many Madoka's just take their wigs right out of the bag they came in and put them on unstyled. Most have really smooth banana pigtails when Madoka always has really spiky, shorter pigtails. I thought maybe this changed when she was in Puella mode but nope.

>> No.6920447


No see, you are SUPPOSED to tell them to go fuck themselves.

It's the only way they learn.

>> No.6920449


Exactly this. I hate this. I'm not LARPing, I'm cosplaying. I get the "play" in cosplay was from "playing like the character" but there's just so much I can take...

>> No.6920451

That's basically what I did, except as politely as I could manage at 9 in the morning.

>> No.6920457
File: 43 KB, 500x333, tumblr_mkpn0wrcAZ1qgct92o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this isn't necessarily a 'cosplay' pet peeve, but faun makeup. Sure, some of it is nice, but now it seems like a trendy thing that kids on tumblr slap on lazily with a flowercrown for notes. Thank god it's dying down now, but I still see it occasionally on my dash.

>> No.6920491

because stripper heels are hot

>> No.6920506

Oh fuck, agreed so hard. At this point I'm actually kind of impressed when I see an Asian cosplayer (especially crossplayer) WITHOUT stripper heels or platforms.

Like seriously I don't think I've ever seen a single fucking Asian Organization XIII cosplay with accurate shoes.

>> No.6920519
File: 19 KB, 320x240, whysojudgementalanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MFW I for the first time ever got dragged into cosplaying a character I didn't know everything about by peer pressure, got the neckbeard interview and failed.

People like you make being a new fan of an established series intimidating.

Giggling shyly as a response doesn't mean they're not a fan, some of us shyfags literally break down and derp when under social pressure to prove our knowledge of the fandom, especially to strangers we're not yet comfortable around.

Rather than pull a Freud >>6914385 why not stop being an aspie and either leave that person alone or change topics if you see them clearly shutting down. If you gave them a chance you might realize their power level is far higher than your judgmental first impression would have you believe.

Anyways, stepping off my soap box to get on a new one... My pet peeve is the majority of the convention culture now adays, specifically with all these territory claims on characters and series. I've been doing this shit since the early 90's and never understood people being absolute cunts to people for the most insignificant reasons. Just because you're at a convention, common courtesy and manners shouldn't be thrown out the window.

>> No.6920527

Bitches who cosplay Sakura/Madoka/Chii with no petticoats or hoop skirts. This happens soooo much with Chinese cosplayers it's not even funny. Fucking cunts just buy a costume and a wig and don't think about accuracy or anything, as most costumes don't come with a petticoat or they're not willing to shell out extra to buy one. Also Chii and C.C.'s with blunt choppy fringes, it happens to other characters as well but these two seem the most prevalent.

>> No.6920742

Pick up any copy of Cosmode and at least half of their photo gallery is full of these. I think this is a lot more common than it seems, but I only notice more in Cosmode since they do full body shots.

>> No.6920783

except you just said you weren't a fan, which is why you failed. if you don't know what the fuck you're dressed as its your damn fault if you humiliate yourself in front of people who assume you must be a fan of the series and want to talk to you about it.

it's like wearing a goddamn full-themed soccer fan outfit and not being able to respond when someone asks you a question about the team. you are wearing a fucking signal that says HEY I'M INTO THIS people will expect you to know.

if you don't want to make a fool of yourself, know your shit or don't cosplay it. if you don't care? then don't care- but don't blame other people for your own ignorance.

>> No.6920785

Bet you just love that one girl with the GIGANTIC dress who just sat in the field outside the con

>> No.6920786

>I have a strict ideology of what one should and should not do in costume.

Granted the person is an example sounds like a complete twat but it sounds like you folks have beef with anyone trying to conjure the character's personality.

>> No.6920795

I'm not familiar with the series but I've studied my character well enough to cosplay them effectively. I've read multiple character bios, wikipedia articles and seen a few clips. If I've done the proper research then I don't see why I should get any flak.

Also does being a "hardcore fan" really affect my ability to pose and craft a costume? If I were to cosplay Phoneix Wright, does not playing the game affect how well I point with a shouting expression?

>> No.6920807

If you're going to cosplay someone who's barefoot, please, PLEASE, just wear flip flops to the con and take them off when you're getting your pic taken.

Seeing nasty dirty feet just creeps me out.

>> No.6920808

> Pet peeves about Cosplayers

It's annoying if you don't feel like being a part of their joke, just because it's harmless does not make it any less of a bother.
You can make small talk to a Madoka character without yelling at them to make a damn contract.

>> No.6920812

Apparently not that effective if you got outed. Here's and idea, be an actual fucking fan. The only thing more lame than dressing up as a cartoon character for fun because you're passionate about the series is dressing up for attention and not even being a fan. You are the fucking cancer killing cosplay and removing it from its roots as a hobby for and by dedicated fans.

>> No.6920813

proper research is actually viewing/reading/playing this series you stupid twat. if you can't even bother to do that then you deserve to be embarrassed.

>> No.6920817

why are people so mad about people cosplaying things they haven't seen? why do you care so much? they might just like the design, or just do it to fill a friend's group, sorry that we don't all have a deep emotional reason for wanting to play dress up.

>> No.6920818

Don't know if troll or...

It just makes you look like an idiot. It's not even that hard to see the source. Maybe you didn't play Phoenix Wright but there's a million youtube videos with game playthroughs. How easy is it to read manga or watch anime with the magical internet?

Let me guess. You buy your costumes?

>> No.6920821

Where did I say I wasn't a fan? You should go back and re-read the post anon. I finished the series but that particular fandom has a ton of sub plots, secrets and information that this individual was bringing up (and consequently spoiling for me) as casual conversational starters.

Having finished a series yet not fully diving into all the hidden content (despite making efforts to) should not be a welcoming door mat for public humiliation.

I have no issues with fellow fans of a series coming up and chatting about it, but when you approach it aggressively not for discussion sake but rather for the sake of testing that cosplayers knowledge... That shit is beyond frustrating and for introverts like myself, overwhelming.

Also >>6920795 not me.

>> No.6920829

But part of playing dress up is pretending.

How can you pretend if you don't know what you're pretending to be? If you want to play dress up, make your own character designs. Or just dress up and don't go to conventions. That way you don't disappoint others when you respond with a vapid "what?" when they think they can share their love for the show with you.

>> No.6920828

You said dragged into a group you knew nothing about. If you are a new fan I have no beef with you and that level of questioning is dumb. All cosplayers should at least have read or watched through their series to some extent though, wiki'ing shit does not count.

>> No.6920830


Dat file name.

>> No.6920832

>got dragged into cosplaying a character I didn't know everything about
>cosplaying a character I didn't know everything about
>didn't know everything about

Like I said... You should go back and re-read before jumping to conclusions. I am a new fan, who did not just wiki the shit and was sincerely so happy to be apart of that fandom. After that incident though... Not so much.

>> No.6920835
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I think it has more to do with the person in question whining when they get pulled into a discussion and embarrassed for not knowing anything about the series. I honestly don't see the point of wearing a costume without some kind of love/appreciation for the character/series and not just trying to fill a space.

Also my biggest fucking pet peeve will always be 100% of the time those fucking awful boots Japanese cosplayers wear. I've seen so many pictures of really great costumes ruined with those godawful things. I can understand using them to have the height right for certain group shots, but crop that shit out and if it's a solo picture GET THE RIGHT FUCKING SHOES NO ONE IS GOING TO NOTICE YOUR HEIGHT WHEN YOU'RE BY YOUR DAMN SELF.

People who wear them to conventions I hope you enjoy your blistered feet. Wear the right shoes next time.

>Don't want to forget crocs too.

Come on at least buy those $5 pairs of shitty shoes from walmart. They look so much better, and they're white so you can paint them too.

>> No.6920870

No the cancer are cosplayers who know nothing of a character. That's not me.

You're acting as if I stayed away from the entire source material. I read a few chapters, seen a few key clips and watched an episode or two just to understand my character.

>Several videos playthroughs of Phoenix Wright.

Which I would have seen if I actually did cosplay Phoenix Wright. Reread my post, I said I didn't PLAY Phoenix Wright but I would watch a run through of it.

>> No.6920876

Again not me, not sure if troll or vendetta chan at this point.

>> No.6920882

Did you read the post? Anon said that they finished the series in full

>> No.6920885

you're still cancer. how hard is it to just read the damn series you stupid cunt, are you that lazy and that completely uninterested in anime/manga that you can't even bring yourself to tolerate what you're dressing as? just fucking buy a leg avenue costume and slut around a club costume party if all you want is attention.

>> No.6920890
File: 109 KB, 280x302, 1271717614647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I said I didn't PLAY Phoenix Wright but I would watch a run through of it.

It was an example.

You're not going to find much support here. Just go to class.

>> No.6920901
File: 33 KB, 400x225, Summer-is-Coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can not tell the difference between OP and troll/vendetta...

>> No.6920906

i don't want to pretend, i want to wear a cool costume and hang out with my friends. i shouldn't have to pass an entrance exam to be able to do that.

>> No.6920927

then wear a random design and not a character dumbass. no one expects you to play pretend but if you're going to wear the jersey be a fan of the team.

>> No.6921283

Ok I'm guilty of having picked a cosplay based on design rather than love of a series/character. But I'm in cosplay more for a sewing challenge and the fun of turning something 2d into 3d. Usually the cosplays I do this way end up being used for contests only, not walking halls.

Plus, a good 75% of the time when I go idea-hunting I end up researching the show/book/whatever to see more of the art style and fall totally in love with it. Its how I ended up loving Ludwig Kakumei and Soulless.

>> No.6921293

If only J.C. Casuals actually existed.

captcha: risfrie necessity

>> No.6921316

Pet peeve: People who cosplay as Zero suit Samus. I'm sorry, but my automatic assumption is you're doing it for the attention and haven't played a single fucking Metroid game. ugh.

>> No.6921484


Stop your bullshit false advertising and fake geek thing. This is why cosplay culture is dying.

>> No.6921504

>FFXV gets re-announced last week
>fb explodes with people talking about cosplaying from it

Probably one of the worst cases of "I'll cosplay it because the design looks cool"

>> No.6921506

This. Goddamn, this so hard.

You don't even learn Samus is female until the very end of the first game, and so many people are trying to play her off as a sexy heroine.

>> No.6921517

Yeah. I remember this happening too as soon as FF13 character designs were released. i really cant stand idiots who only cosplay for the attention and know nothing about the character because the game isnt even out yet.

>> No.6921519

Thank you. Super Metroid on SNES is probably my favorite of the Metroid series. I really enjoyed that Samus happened to be a female character in a robot suit, so you couldn't objectify her.

Zero suit Samus ruined everything. It's awful.

>> No.6921526

I'm not even a huge fan of the game (free-roaming platformers just aren't for me, I'd rather watch than play) and it bugs me. I was so impressed with the original Samus' character. And her armor design is great.

Also, when the baby metroid...oh god, I almost cried.

>> No.6921528

Baby metroid saving your life at the end of Super metroid is always my favorite.

Yeah, Samus has so many amazing suits to choose from, why would anyone want to do Zero suit ? Ugh

>> No.6921550

>the baby

>> No.6921582

I'm a HUGE Metroid fan. Super Metroid is probably my favorite video game ever. I played Other M because of the tie in with SM.

I love the zero suit design. I wouldn't mind making it myself. It's a classy outfit that's sexy without being revealing. Haters gunna fucking hate.

>> No.6921758

I don't mind zero suit cosplayers. What if they love Samus, but they're better at sewing than armor?

>> No.6921777

she does have a few NOT ZERO SUIT outfits.
like from the fusion endings.

>> No.6921793

>skintight bodysuit with heels

Lol ok

>> No.6921798

I remember a couple of those, don't they show even more skin?

>> No.6921804

Some general rules for determining if an outfit is classy:

1. If you can paint it on your body without much deviation from the design, it isn't classy.
2. If latex fetishists fap over it and sell it for use in the bedroom, it isn't classy.

Take these words and carry them with you throughout your journey. Good luck, anon.

>> No.6921952

Personally, this is why I did it. I don't have a lot of money or space, so for now, armor is out of the question.
>play every Metroid game and love all of them
>make black suit from Super Metroid
>"omg what an attention whore that doesn't even look like Samus"
>spend hours custom-patterning own Zero Suit from scratch
>"i bet she didn't even play the games!"
Can't win.

>> No.6922068

I feel your pain anon
>burgeoning interest in star wars cosplay
>look up how people do their cool stormtrooper and mandalorian armor
>vacuuforming, as far as the eye can see
>lives in an apartment
Guess it's time to buy a lightsaber...