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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 532 KB, 421x636, IaX3ju4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6912737 No.6912737 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6912739

Damn that's early!

>> No.6912753
File: 274 KB, 960x639, Uaq6Loo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What thread was this from? I don't remember seeing it.

>> No.6912757
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>> No.6912765
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>> No.6912773
File: 100 KB, 640x469, MpgW6uG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

La la la la la~

Daria is the best.

>> No.6912794
File: 203 KB, 543x207, marie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is.

>> No.6912797

Sweet! The cake analogy is mine. Glad it seems well recieved.

>> No.6912811

Dammit where was my secret?

>> No.6912821
File: 267 KB, 485x282, HcRQyAr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This secret is just perfect.
Can't wait to read the comment of those that don't get it.

>> No.6912937

too many people were unnecessarily butthurt by this because they thought it said 'masturbate'

>> No.6912941

That's ... the joke...

>> No.6912944


>> No.6912949
File: 134 KB, 640x528, z0VZwdj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really liked this one. He's really good. It's unfortunate he doesn't use LJ anymore.

>> No.6912956

I had forgotten about him until I saw that secret. Did he leave lolita, or just go to a different site?

>> No.6912967

Omg, he deleted his LJ? He's like the ultimate example of god-tier brolita; he dresses and styles himself better than most female lolitas and his wardrobe is incredible.

>> No.6912962

Nah he's around on the internets. His tumblr handle is lastsnow.

He's thinking about going to the AP Tea Party in Paris and Japan Expo next month.

>> No.6912985


you should be saying this to them not me. the joke went over their heads.

>> No.6913032

I laughed so hard at that one

>> No.6913271
File: 259 KB, 460x367, crystalmoonmoon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they didn't forbid names, I'd have submitted this...

>> No.6913275

it was a thread a few days back, sharing stories about comms and meetups.

>> No.6913318

The only lolitas that don't get bashed on lolita secrets are obese women and men.

>> No.6913317

Why are there always secrets that are almost completely unreadable due to font color choice and horrendous jpeg artifacting? Don't the secret makers realize how retarded their images look?

>> No.6913412

Because those are the only ones the teenage girls aren't jealous of

>> No.6913441

>don't get bashed on lolita secrets are obese women
You're either new or you don't actually look at secrets on BtB.

>> No.6913556

I don't really see why we're the shittiest comm, especially as the picture being used is one where we were supposed to be doing stupid poses. Besides the stuff that's being said is complete and utter crap. Our community is full of some of the nicest girls I know and they don't deserve people saying this stuff about them.

>> No.6913568

this is satire, right...?

>> No.6913572
File: 244 KB, 471x405, WhalesVictims.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you new here?

>> No.6913582

Oh my god

>> No.6913588

>new here
>talking about someone other than /cgl/

You must be new to memes.

>> No.6913604

Embarassing-chan, you're back!

>> No.6913652


chan that calls everyone somethng-chan, what are you doing here?

>> No.6913663

Link to the thread?

>> No.6913674

I'm sure you perth girls are nice, but you don't know how to dress for shit. I'm glad we've got many comms over in the Eastern states, it must be awful having only one, albeit horrible looking comm to attend. And the fact that the girl in the light blue brought a rabbit to a meet just grinds my gears like crazy

>> No.6913678

sweety, don't try and defend yourself or your comm, it just makes you look whiny. No one cares what kind of poses you were doing, if it was supposed to be silly etc, it still doesnt change the fact that half of the girls are hardly in lolita, or have very basic coords

>> No.6913697

THAT'S the Perth comm?

Well, lone Perth Loli here. Was wondering whether to join a comm, not sure if I want to or not.

>> No.6913701

I read half of BtB in Quinn's voice. It makes it so much funnier.

>> No.6913709

Lone Perth loli here too... and I'm good with that after seeing this photo

>> No.6913711

Diff anon here.
Meh, it was a newbie welcome meet.
People will complain if you exclude newbies and do the same if you include them in pics.
I'd rather choose to try to include people though because being at a big meet can be scary enough as is.
People will always nitpick and I personally find this whole thing pretty funny since I know I had a good time.
That being said I'll admit I look like a trainwreck, it really wasn't my finest outfit.

Honestly, come give it a try. The girls are all pretty nice and welcoming. If you don't like it you can always leave, it's not like you sign your soul over or anything.

>> No.6913715

>If you don't like it you can always leave, it's not like you sign your soul over or anything

That is good advice. I'd probably be a bit more confident in going to one, but not now knowing someone put the comm pics on cgl & btb.

>> No.6913718

People will be dicks, you can't really stop them.

It's the minority that has done this, not the majority. That doesn't mean that people weren't hurt by it but it is a little comforting knowing that people have your back.

>> No.6913730

Please don't refer to me as sweety, it makes you seem condescending, and if people are going to post nasty things about my community why shouldn't I defend it? The information regarding the types of poses was relevant as most of the comments on the picture are with regards to how the girls are posing. Also as another anon said it was a newbie welcome meet, so the standard of dress is hardly indicative of our usual level.

>> No.6913734


Now correct me if I'm wrong but uh isn't that the fucking point

you can't seriously tell me you make a hobby out of dressing up in the frilliest fucking shit you can find, and then turn around and give people in your hobby shit for "trying to be cute"

/cgl/ is a strange place

>> No.6913741

It was meant to sound condescending. Also, ity doesnt seem like the creator of the photo was trying to imply anything about the poses, except for the one chick doing a peace sign. Obviously it's a vendetta, a personal one, but you still all look terrible, and the fact that it was a "newbie" meet (why is that even a thing btw?) doesn't draw away from the fact that no one in this picture looks good, or looks like they know how to dress themselves.

>> No.6913742

>(why is that even a thing btw?)
Might be because lolita is notorious for being filled with snarky backstabbing bitches that make Mean Girls look tame

>> No.6913744

Some outfits look like they might be alright but you can only half the outfits clearly...

>> No.6913745

Well, we do live in Perth, one of the most isolated cities in the world that is described as being in a 1970's timewarp. We only got coat hangers last year, many of us are still trying to figure out how to use them.

We also got this new invention called a 'tea bag' which is really good because since electricity came to the town 2 years ago, it really speeds up the tea making process. I don't need to light the stove for a cuppa anymore,

>> No.6913751
File: 176 KB, 640x640, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is this about? I want to know what this op himitsu is.

>> No.6913756

It was meet to welcome the newbies as at the time we had recently made the community more public and had gotten a lot of new members. Also I disagree greatly with your statement that we all look terrible, because as far as I'm aware you seem to be making this judgement based on one picture covered in writing with most of the outfits not properly visible and really that's not enough to form a proper opinion.

>> No.6913759

So where do I go to check out the comm? do you have FB or something?

>> No.6913762

Yep, we have a facebook, just search Perth Lolita and it should come up.

>> No.6913764
File: 218 KB, 640x640, bVyNGKD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read every secret apart from the one with text over an old sewing machine. There's absolutely no way I could get close to successfully attempting to read it.

I actually liked all these short skirts if not the co-ords. I find it both elegant and cute.

>> No.6913773

The closed one with 74 members?

>> No.6913775


>> No.6913778

The sewing machine one gave me a headache.

>> No.6913780


Is the open one with 30 members even worse?

>> No.6913783


>> No.6913814
File: 979 KB, 500x269, 1366744799460.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest I thought there was no comm, after moving from there 6 months ago. Perth is too small and most of the time too hot for you to go into town dressed up so nicely. People are so rude you'll more than likely just end up with a ruined dress.

>> No.6913825

The heat and the comments/rudeness don't bother me. I've actually never encountered any rudeness or stupid comments. The only comm I could find was the FB one (the Perth Lolita Group page that is listed as a company with 124 likes). After viewing their photos, quite frankly I was put off joining a comm.

If the other Perth comm is full of nice people, who dress 'bad' then that's OK. They can work on their outfits and improve their co-ords and have fun doing it without having to deal with horrible people along the way. I'd rather deal with a comm like that than one full of moles with bad attitudes towards each other.

>> No.6913827

Really? I thought it was a bit too tryhard.

>> No.6913872

I've seen this girl Celestine in some of my friend's mutual friends thing or whatever on FB, but I'm curious as to know more details about her recent shit?

>> No.6913885

Dem legs.

The open one had little moderating and low privacy settings so pretty much anyone could join which is why it was plagued by issues (mainly creepers and people who thought it was the other type of lolita.)

Perth is ridiculously small. Most people I know from the comm are connected up with other people I know.

The general public can also be pretty rude but I've never had anything worse than glares and snickering so it's really not that bad. It's kind of a given considering how we dress.

The other Fb one is long dead and for ages I thought that there was no active comm in the state.
We have fun and enjoy ourselves which is great. I've also managed to learn a heap from the group.

>> No.6914026

I've sent a request to the FB, if that's ok?

>> No.6914056


>> No.6914382

Her legs are skinny enough to pull it off. Especially since it's sweet lolita.

>> No.6914384

I think this girl pulls it off really well. I wonder how tall she is?

>> No.6914501


>that feel reading the bashing of this pic when your comm looks 10x worse

>> No.6914504

Agreed. It must have been a vendetta-chan.

>> No.6914513

I know that feel. My comm has like five girls that are really good and can't be arsed to hang out with the rest of us, and a very large number of girls who just can't into coordinating. There's a few mediocre girls who I'd like to consider myself a part of, but /cgl/ would probably call us ita as well. I consider it a miracle that we've never been posted here.

>> No.6914516


I concur, she appears super cute.

>> No.6914619


What comm?

>> No.6914909

Yeah that sounds really familiar.

>> No.6915184

I'm not a mod on there but it should be approved soon!

>> No.6915307
File: 75 KB, 500x606, tumblr_mdu2ghlGQV1rlcx3mo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes me happy.

>> No.6915463

Eels. It's a website about eels.

>> No.6915795
File: 84 KB, 400x600, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what makes California so crazy?

>> No.6915863

Dunno. SF comm is great except one or two exceptions.

>> No.6915866


>> No.6915870

Somebody's butthurt

>> No.6915876

I'm pretty interested to know who or what the story is. Is it that Celestine weirdo?

>> No.6915878

Its ok rumor has it bris has the worst

>> No.6915882

Well, we have Nipple-chan

>> No.6915886

Who is that?

>> No.6915888

Celestine is a crazy ita driving the socal comm nuts

>> No.6915894

Even better since that girl is clearly one of the cutest ones there. Methinks there are some unreachable grapes in this vicinity that the secret submitter has decided are quite sour.

>> No.6915937

Last year there was a meet, and she got her picture taken there, and subsequently posted on the EGL Comm. Later, there was a secret made of her, saying that the OP thought that a cherry on her dress that could be seen through her cardigan was a nipple. Nipple chan found out, immediately posted on FB about how she hated the community and blew up at the girl who had posted the pictures initially (not realizing that it obviously wasn't her who made the secret). Then she went on an anonymous spree on BtB, throwing a tantrum and making comments that she used to be a model, that she had beautiful tits, that everyone else was whores, etc. She was called out by someone in the community, because before, despite being really badly dressed, she'd never acted out before. She immediately switched gears and claimed that someone was pretending to be her, deleted her first FB post and made another that said something along the lines of, "Someone made a mean post about me but I haven't posted on it at all~!" and the whole thing was quietly swept behind the rug. She also looks really old (badly aged), buys shit tons of brand she can't fit in, smears her make-up on like a first grader, and over all can't dress for shit.

>> No.6915960

Seconding as well, but just genuinely curious since the first time I met her I tried to be nice and chat with her and I've since given up because I'm not sure what to do. If she just has some disability then fine, but if she's actually some kind of drama infestation then I suppose I'll just do my best to avoid her.

>> No.6915965


hahahahahaha please show yourself out please

>> No.6915972

can we see this picture please

>> No.6916001


>> No.6921930

Please? ):

>> No.6921954

Sorry, anon. That wasn't me, but it happened a year ago and I don't really feel like digging through BtB to find the picture.

>> No.6921974

I feel cock-teased

>> No.6922035

This was that invite only egl board wasn't it? (Or some RPG nonsense. Do people even do that anymore?)

>> No.6922041

Awe ok

>> No.6922629

Wait does that mean there's lolitas in Ventura County?

>> No.6922648

We also have "Melissa" who I'm pretty sure is a sissy. And then there's Phil, the creepy older guy who was banned from Baby, but still goes to all the AP events to take pictures of the girls.

>> No.6922659

I know some in the Santa Barbara area, which is close enough to Ventura county. The infamous pinkzombies hailed from Ventura.

>> No.6922684

Different anon, but I JUST deleted the caps where she goes on her rampage. I feel bummed now. :(

>> No.6922735

I think i's a combination of entitlement, enabling from her mother, and lack of social awareness in addition to mental disability. I've only met her once, too, but it's really hard to talk to her. And then online, she has no awareness or concept of appropriate conversation (spam spam, spam, and butthurt) and won't listen to advice.

>> No.6922983

What happened to pinkzombies?

>> No.6923270

Last time I saw Melissa, he was wearing a JSJ as a skirt. Not even modified, like, it as just shoved around his waist.

>> No.6923609

Yeah, pretty much. She pushes herself into the middle of pictures and conversations and generally makes things pretty awkward since she's difficult to understand but crazy persistant. Fingers crossed she doesn't show at this weekend's meet.

>> No.6923638

It's kay, anon, it's forever burned into my memories

>> No.6923880

Yep, I'm here in Ventura and I have recently come to find out there are at least 3 more in the area. One of whom I have met and is decently dressed.

She went on after her silly lapband surgery and flounced. Sold all her shit, according to some people she got divorced and moved in with her sisters in Palmdale or some place nearby.

I had contact with her via text for a while but she dropped off shortly after I heard about her dog having to be given away as a result of all of that.