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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 199 KB, 329x438, d_gray-man_-_kanda_yu_04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6906695 No.6906695 [Reply] [Original]

How does it go over with people when a guy wears a long/somewhat feminine wig when going out just for fun? I kinda want to try out Kanda hair :P

>> No.6906714

First of all, stop with the emotes. Second, people will react the same way to a guy in a long wig as a guy with naturally long hair: no one will care.

>> No.6906752

Well, considering that
-Kanda has bangs and a high ponytail
-Not sure if people would be able to tell it's a wig
what would people think?

>> No.6906770

>People will be able to tell it's a wig
>This style doesn't help the fact
>Kanda's hairstyle isn't something guys can pull off unless you're really androgynous looking
>It will tangle to shit

You'd be better off getting a shorter fashion wig

>> No.6906796

High ponytail makes it all the easier to fail and look like you're wearing a wig.

>> No.6906879

>>6906770 >>6906796
Actually, I am fairly androgynous-looking and have a slender frame. Also, the wig I'm thinking of is a regular streetwear wig with clips in the back/front and "baby hair" in the back for updos (from a hair/beauty shop).
In any case, are there any long hairstyles that work better?

>> No.6906989

>Actually, I am fairly androgynous-looking and have a slender frame.
That's what they all say. Chances are you're not quite as "androgynous" as you think yourself to be.

And no, wearing long anime-style wigs is going to look stupid as part of everydaywear. If in the off-chance a few retarded people actually don't notice it obviously being a wig you're still going to look foolish.

You are not a final fantasy character. Stop trying to be.

>> No.6907119


Post a picture of yourself and we'll be the judges of that. Chances are you're just another skinnyfat, fuckugly retard in a fedora.

>> No.6907715
File: 49 KB, 500x747, moi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6907720

jfc marry me please (femanon)

>> No.6907723

Are you Choke or do you think we all are stupid ?

>> No.6907722
File: 8 KB, 271x293, 1222607083422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6907729

you just reached an entire new level of retard

>> No.6907730

Considering OP is a guy it's safe to say that it's just some idiot that don't know everyone here knows who Choke is.

>> No.6907731

I don't know if this is a 0/10 or 10/10 troll

>> No.6907741
File: 144 KB, 900x599, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(OP) Nope. (No kidding.)
To be honest, I actually got the idea because I wanted to get a new wig for this very cosplay.

>> No.6907746

sorry, quoted wrong post (see above)
Fun fact: At the time, I made that cosplay to impress Sachie. (It didn't work.)

>> No.6907751


Choke anon here. Not OP.

>> No.6907755

(OP) I actually don't know who Choke is.

>> No.6907760


Chokelate, just put her name into Google and she'll pop right up.

Quick run down: Beautiful model that runs a successful business. cgulls are incredibly jelly and bitch about her as a result.

>> No.6907763

(OP) That sounds a lot like Sachie, from what a /cgl/-savvy friend told me.