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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6896324 No.6896324[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

i need help i'm going to a local comic con in a few weeks and i want to cosplay as the joker can anyone recommend the best type of make up to use and best brand of temporary hair dye? i want to be more of a classic joker and look as far apart from a ledgerfag as possible this is my 2nd time ever cosplaying.

>> No.6896341

just wanna say, i'd drop panties for this guy

>> No.6896346

He's known to be kind of an asshole.

>> No.6896348

he looks pretty damn creepy to me, i mean
he actually looks freaking sinister not like he is acting.

>> No.6896351

he sorta looks like the asshole type

>> No.6896350

Don't. He's an egomaniac.

>> No.6896353

Whatever, I'd still fuck him.
In a heartbeat.

>> No.6896358

with the makeup on or off?

>> No.6896360

Why would he want to go anywhere near a landwhale like you?

>> No.6896363

That was mean, I apologize. I'm sure you're a lovely person.

>> No.6896366

fuck you i'm not apologizing to giga land whale over here.

>> No.6896367

Go back and try again on /co/

cgl is just a bunch of catty gossiping fatties who won't help you.

>> No.6896368

guys regardless of how much of a asshole the gentleman in my photo may or may not be and how much you would like to have his babies could anyone please answer my questions?

>> No.6896370

They were both me, stop pretending.

>> No.6896372
File: 125 KB, 500x455, 1370132374607.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/co/ here. he tried getting help and we redirected him to you guys.

your problem now

>> No.6896373

i tried /co/ and no one wanted to help they told me to come here i've got nowhere left to go...

>> No.6896375

have u tried giving up?

>> No.6896379
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>> No.6896386

cgl talks about cosplay as much as v does video games.

>> No.6896398

Makeup on on the evening, off on the morning.
I'm getting both.

>> No.6896414

ive never seen him with no makeup on

>> No.6896427

jesus christ /cgl/

op I have heard good things about Ben Nye makeup, here:


if you don't buy a sealant we have the right to post pictures of you here when you have creme streaks all over your face like a fatty homestuck. buy the sealer and seal your paint.
as for temp hair dye, don't. get a wig, look in the sticky for places

as for what you wanna look like, that's up to you. google pictures of the joker and have a solid idea what you want to look like before you start dropping money.

have a nice day op

>> No.6896429
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He looks good but his hair is straight out of a '90s sitcom.

>> No.6896445
File: 34 KB, 240x320, joker5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

could you tell me which is better cream or grease paint because google keeps giving me 50/50 answers both ways this is what i looked like last time i dressed as the joker 3 years ago i don't want a repeat.

>> No.6896455

also any idea how many ounces of make up i would need to cover my face and neck?

>> No.6896688


>> No.6896781


the homestuck thread can help with the facepaint

only scrubs use hair dye, get a fucking wig

>> No.6896993

I prefer grease make up. The cream make up is water based and 1. Gets dry and flaky, and 2. is itchy as all hell. It depends on how pale you want to be. I know that's a cop-out Answer, but if you are as interested in being super white, you'll use less

>> No.6897524

Jesus christ will someone just post the Gropey makeup tutorial?

>> No.6898353
File: 190 KB, 816x896, 1344646406014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go

>> No.6898553


>> No.6898572


oh wow, exactly a year ago today