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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6894858 No.6894858 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever wanted to cosplay something but were afraid of the implications attached to the costume?

I want to cosplay Nakamura from Aku no Hana, but I'm afraid of the implications that come with the costume considering the character. I know this seems like a silly question, but do the opinions of people in the series effect the way you view a certain character? I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.6894862

It won't matter unless you also have the face of a potato.

>> No.6894881

Do it anyway because I really like this series.

>> No.6894884

I want to because I have the exact same relationship with someone right now as she does.

>> No.6894887

>I want to because I have the exact same relationship with someone right now as she does.
Girl, get yourself into a psych ward.

>> No.6894906

Quiet you, no one has to stick it in me.

>> No.6895097
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>> No.6895153

Somewhat related. Should I just go kill myself if I cosplay from Touhou without playing any of the games?
I've been looking at all the fan stuff recently, and everything's so fun and cute, I know a lot of the characters and concepts.
But I don't really like video games. And Touhou looks especially tedious, personally.
I don't want to be some obnoxious bitch, but I really like the fandom and character designs, as retarded as that is.
Should I just let the thought die?

>> No.6895174

Who do you want to cosplay? It really just depends on that. I'm a touhou fan and cosplayer(i'm female), and we all make fun of the people(usually girls) who don't know anything about it. Just don't cosplay reimu, read up on your character, mostly what games they appear in(they usually base photoshoots around game) and you can basically just wing it from there. Say you're not too good at the games and it's fine. Know who ZUN is, and you should probably get into some of the music.

>> No.6895204

Definitely. Only tangentially related to OP, but I'd love to cosplay some of the character designs from the oglaf webcomic (I know some seagulls know it because panels from it pop up as reaction images pretty frequently. But it's also a NSFW porn comic, despite being predominantly humour and secondarily dicks, and if people were to ask me what I was cosplaying from I guess I'd feel embarrassed that people I am not close to know I read it.

tl;dr I have not cosplayed oglaf because I am worried people will know I am not a sexless kawaii loli girl and assume I am a slut because I read porn

>> No.6895212

Anyone who assumes you're a slut because you read porn doesn't understand what a slut is. A slut is far too busy getting fucked to read porn.

>> No.6895217

I'm always afraid of cosplaying extroverted characters because I'm a huge social retard and never anything like them

>> No.6895253

Just play the games. Give them a try. If you don't like them, fine, but at least give them a fair chance. Don't be that person who cosplayed without playing the game. Nobody likes that person.

>> No.6895261

Homestuck is off my cosplay list forever.

>> No.6895268

I'm afraid of cosplaying really popular series because I don't want to look like a bandwagon hopper. But then I guess I shouldn't let that stop me? I really like Sasha from SnK but jesus, so much cosplay of that series right now.

>> No.6895270

Oh really? Okay, I wasn't planning on going to meetups or photoshoots or anything. And I guess I can just lie.
But is Flandre to mainstream? I don't want to be like Reimu or Cirno level popular. But I see her a lot, too.

>> No.6895287

I'm going to advocate once more that you just /try/ the games. I suggest starting with 8 (Imperishable Night).

>> No.6895288

I haven't seen much Sasha cosplay and she's clearly the best character. Go for it, anon.

>> No.6895321

Okay, anon. I'll do it for you. For you.
I did try once, but I couldn't figure out where to download it from, but I can just ask a friend about that this time.
I feel stupid admitting to this at all. Playing one game isn't like reading only the first volume of a manga, right?

>> No.6895328

Well considering the games all have different cast members that are specific to that game, no. A lot of people only enjoy specific games because of that. The plots are all slightly different and the characters are too. I hate UFO for instance but I love SA, I also don't play the games staring Aya, where she uses a camera. The touhou games are sequential but it's all part of the same universe not the same story.

>> No.6895339

You may even find that you like them, they're kinda addictive. Here's where i get mine:


And I feel stupid admitting it but I'm not good at the games at all, I still enjoy them though. I'm not really a part of the fandom and I don't get all the in-jokes everyone else seems to. I just play the games and listen to the fan music.

>> No.6895353

I see. I guess it would be pretty obnoxious to be a fan of the fandom forever, like some edgy 13 year old girl who loves MLP.
Thank you, anon, for your advice. I'll play Imperishable Night or Perfect Cherry Blossom, those ones seem the most popular for newfags.

>> No.6895369

Thank you so much! That's so helpful. It's a skill thing, I figured, that I couldn't probably build, but I'll try.
Thank you again.
Sage for not seeing that before I posted last.

>> No.6895532


Cosplay the Fruitviking and most people will think its from Skyrim.

>> No.6895538

Ick, if only people knew what kind of porn i read. i'd be beheaded

>> No.6895542
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This week's comic is the most fucking relevant thing to /cgl/ I just can't

>> No.6895556

Thanks a ton for the response Anon. I'm in the same situation as the other girl and I'm really scared to come to a gathering. I've played some of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Mountain of Faith, but I'm not familar of much of the story. I so desperately want to cosplay Chen next Fanime because fuck it, honk honk.

At the same time I just don't want people to look down on me for dressing up as Chen. I don't even know which game she's from....

>> No.6895560

I think I'm even worse than you OP. I'm afraid to cosplay certain characters that I really want to because people are probably going to think "oh, how original" when they see me.


>> No.6895629

Yes, I always wanted to cosplay Hitler.

>> No.6895682

As long as it's not offensive to people I have never been put off.
I'll cosplay from vn with explicit sex scenes and t really doesn't bother me what people might think because hey, just because it's porn doesn't mean you fap to it.

>> No.6895709

Holy crap, that's so accurate.

>> No.6895716

Tell people you're cosplaying a secret boss character from Persona 2.

>> No.6895786
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>> No.6895792
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I've never done Cosplay... though for shits and giggles I've wanted to do some crazy stuff for it... I'm a perfectionist, so I wouldn't go half assed.

So keeping in mind, I'm a big buff and tall (6'4") kind of guy for the reference.

The one I really want to do is cross play doing a fist of the north star style / lolita cross... but I don't want to just do it at some silly random convention.
I want to go to Comiket and do it. (Probably winter, because Tokyo in summer is not much fun, especially dressing up).

Conditions need to be met for me to do this:

a. Find some other (at least two other) guys who are willing to do something of the same trend.
i)They'll need to be perfectionists too
ii)They needs balls of steel ie, won't back out at the last minute
b. Ensure the coordinates are perfect
c. Ensure my body is at peak conditions (ie, low body fat).

a. is the problem really.

Pic related.

>> No.6895796
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Do the Megucas.

>> No.6895814

Well... I'd never seen Meduka Meguca before... and I'm now scared.

>> No.6895892

First off, you should, because she's a awesome character to an awesome series.
And if you have some views that aren't the same, just don't support them in cosplay. It's not like you have to run up to anyone and fuck up there world. You just wanna cosplay.
You should probably just quick download at least the game you wanna cosplay from and play it so that you understand the story. There is an easy setting. Or hell, watch videos of the game on youtube.
This is coming from someone who cosplays from the series, but can't play the games for shit, I still have fun though. It's like an arcade game. Play with friends and see who gets the farthest.

>inb4 2hou's dunt have friends

>> No.6895915


Filtering out the casuals from the pervs like me would be hilarious. Thanks Anon!