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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6885839 No.6885839[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /cgl/
Sex at cons,
Does it happen?
And do you keep on the cosplay on when it does?

pic related: I'm going to Otakon as The Captain, sweet mother of god if I find a female Shrondinger my erection will be the erection that pierces the heavens.

>> No.6885866

>not going for a perfect male ones

>> No.6885889

>Does it happen?

It is the only reason women go to conventions.

>> No.6885887

I met a girl at a con who eventually became my girlfriend, but we didn't actually have sex there. We didn't even last until the same con next year, btw

Con sex happens, but it's rare. Most of the time, the girls you hit on will be too busy doing their own thing to bite.

>> No.6885900

But.. but.. I'm straight...

>> No.6885916

Yes, it happens. Orgies happen too.

>> No.6885918

Eh don't really do girl friends, but I'll take your response as a solid "could happen"

Naw man, naw. Same rule applies to a club, sometimes the ladies are just there to dance, not to be drooled over.

>> No.6885921

There's more fooling around than straight up sex I find.

>> No.6885924

But does BDSM happen?

See thats the real ticket.

>> No.6885930


Gotta be prepared to sleep with the crazies though, I hope you like grey facepaint

>> No.6885935

Last convention I went to, one of my friends threw a BDSM party in his big fancy hotel room. I didn't go because I used to go to BDSM parties regularly, so it wasn't that exciting for me. But yeah, they happen.

>> No.6885950
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No way!

How frequent are those at cons?

I feel like i should go to a munch before attending one of those. I've only been doing this for half a year and have had two subs, I fear I would be too inexperienced to play that kind of ball, though the idea just sounds fantastic.

>> No.6885969

As long as their entertaining, mentally capable and not a narwhal why not?

>> No.6885971

>tfw submissive personality and preference in bed but too virgin and shy to date, much less get into bdsm and find bi/les Dom cosplayer and be their little kinky housewife type

>> No.6885980

The internet makes it sound like it happens way more than it actually does. BUT the bigger the con, the more it probably happens.

Just be careful, because at the parties where people go to hook up, people get roofied. My SO and several of my friends have been roofied at decent sized cons (12,000ish people) and cons like Dragon Con. If you go looking for that stuff, take the 30 seconds to tell someone where you are, because I've had too many friends go looking for it and end up in the hospital instead.

>> No.6885984
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>> No.6885999

Thank you for the concern but does that happen often to males?

Also where would you find out about hese events?

>> No.6886001

I bet if you throw some money around

>> No.6886006

Hm how much do you know of the scene? Maybe with more information you'll be more comfortable?

I do have a book or two i'd recommend that inspired me to dive in.

>> No.6886010

It happens if you leave your husband alone with Ai-honey for too long.

>> No.6886011

No, what I said is the tru-tru.

>> No.6886018

I've hooked up with 4 girls at conventions.

mfw I wasn't able to cum any of the times

>> No.6886014

same feel anon
so many fantasies about being someones sub maid and not unattractive but too shy, awkward, virgin and kissless

>> No.6886023

To be honest, not much aside from things that are sort of general knowledge. I get flustered every time I go to sites to learn more. It's really embarrasing because I become a blushing mess around confident flirty girls so I've just given up hope. I'd be interested in learning more though if you could reccomend something. Sage for being somewhat off topic.

>> No.6886065

Not sure exactly how frequent, but there's a lot of nerds into BDSM. I'd honestly wholeheartedly suggest going to a munch or two, joining Fetlife to see nearby events, and the like. Often conventions will have fan-made groups/events on FL.

When you know the right people, you find out that people are beating ass for fun everywhere.

>> No.6886068

Blech, my grammatical errors. *there are a lot of nerds into BDSM

>> No.6886079 [DELETED] 

Isn't "there's a lot of nerds" grammatically correct as well?

>> No.6886086

Basically you ask around.

I feel like it generally happens more to guys than girls because guys grab other people's drinks by accident. BUT since it happens to a lot of guys, they're probably doing it a lot trying (and failing) to roofie girls. Just bring your own drink with a cap, and have someone know where you are and tell them when you change locations.

>> No.6886101

Met and first hooked up with my fuckbuddy at a con. I've learned that some will go for one-night stands and others in hope of romance. Personally I did not ever see any of this stuff that I've done coming, but I'm liking it. Thank you, anime conventions.

Like I always say, don't go for the sex. Go for the con and the nerdy funtimes. That way, if something sexual does happen, it'll only be so much better because it came unexpected.
With that said though, here is some advice from a girl, if you're a somewhat good-looking guy who is willing to fuck anything that moves, you can find a lot of crazy lonely chicks who will do anything you ask them to. Still, it is recommended that you're not gonna be one of those douchebags who obviously only go to fuck nerds. Enjoy the con a little.

>> No.6886103

scribd( put a dot here )com/doc/70049787/Screw-the-Roses-Send-Me-the-Thorns

It's an older book but it's still held as the best overview to date. It's really a fun read.

>> No.6886118

How is your experience with fetlife? I feel like not being on there is just being outside of the loop, but I fear it night be plentyoffish for bdsm.

>> No.6886124

No, no one does it. The ones that claim to do it just probably cuddle in their sleep and not actually doing it.

Myth busted.

>> No.6886130

Thank you. I like the title already.

>> No.6886144

Don't mention it, but be careful, most of the book has pictures and the pictures are nsfw ...

I've been caught reading it at the office a few times. The perks of having cool bosses.

>> No.6886154

Point noted, I cant imagine chasing skirts and skirts alone being held in high regard at most cons.

Anyway these con getaways are my only chance to nerd out, would hate to waste it getting turned down

>> No.6886329
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I find this happens when a dude believes it is his soul duty to go around fucking everything that moves from the age of when puberty hits until their late 20s to early 30s. There are some guys who thrive on this, obviously, and will go on to be playboys who cum buckets for the rest of their lives. When one is shooting blanks, however, maybe random con-tail just isn't what makes your cock go boing boing? If you actually gave an ounce of a shit about the chick then maybe, just maybe, you'll blast away?

Unless you were drunk and picked up 4 butterfaces, of course.

>> No.6886520

I got like, half of that.

>> No.6886537

Yes of course, why do you think the bf and I cosplay our favorite OTP's if not to fuck wildly in them while the other roomies are gone.
That's only if we are frustrated at con though, I mean we could just have cosplay sex at home too.
But yes it happens.

>> No.6886556


How do you spot crazy lonely chicks at a con alone? I'm not a ladies guy by any means, but I would like to know. Any symptoms or certain body language they show to know?

>> No.6886588
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If you're alpha, it will happen. But don't it expect it otherwise. I'm sure you're already aware of this but women don't change magically because they are going to a Con.

In fact I'd say it would probably be harder. Most of the attractive cosplayers I find are already doing their own thing. Rarely do they give off any open vibes and most often they will come bringing males with them to try and block off advances. Hitting on girls usually requires that they aren't in an excited discussion with their friends about what panel they're going to go see next.

Again, if you're alpha this isn't a problem but I'm telling you it's not a magic orgy land.

>> No.6886606

Another con sex thread

If you put thousands of sexually depressed type-b personalities in a room for a weekend impersonating characters that other sexually depressed type-b personalities drool over, it's bound to happen.
And it does happen, a lot, more-so than you would think--- especially in the older (17+ crowd)
Plus, many people bring their girlfriends or boyfriends a long with them for a weekend alone together.
>mfw, back in high school, I knew people who didn't like anime and would pretend to like anime so their parents would let them go to an anime convention-- they would let off a whole year's worth of steam that weekend in the hotel room.

>And do you keep on the cosplay on when it does?

Honestly, I have only had cosplay sex about 1/4th of the times I have had sex at a convention. What it eventually boils down to is, you having sex with a person. You're not going to have sex with a shitty/ugly person regardless of what they are wearing. So most of the time my partners and I have chose to forgo the costumes.... plus it get too hot.

>> No.6886612


Genderswapped luffy + protoman fusion?

>> No.6886616

Please be trolling.

>> No.6886619


There's some sick shit on the internet.

>> No.6886621

It's Makoto. From Street Fighter.

In her underwear.

You dumbass.

>> No.6886629

I was actually thinking the same thing

>> No.6886634

Why would you think that?

Why would you people EVER think that?

>> No.6886638

I hate to admit that I thought it was a genderbended luffy also...

Why would YOU ever think differently?

>> No.6886643

It's a fairly normal looking girl in underwear. The hair isn't even similar enough to Luffy. Red and white is a fairly common color scheme and isn't exclusive to Zero.



>> No.6886644


The scarf, the red, the luffy face and abs. To name a few. Also genderswap because breasts.

>> No.6886650

Hey /cgl/ femanons,

Assuming a guy does not have a douche personality, does being really /fit/ and having a decent costume that showcases it catapult you way ahead of the competition in terms of casual sex or dating opportunities?

I have always been into anime and pretty fluent in the culture, but never went as far as dressing up for cons. I was never especially /fit/ the few times I have been through cons, but I always noticed almost none of the other guys were either.

Now I am well on my way to sculpting the /fit/ body I've always wanted, so I'm wondering if it's worth it to plan ahead 6-12 months, which is when I'm projecting that I can be truly proud of my physique based on the rate I'm going now.

Thanks for your honest insights!

>> No.6886654

>does being really /fit/
For me? No, I'm not into the kind of body /fit/ loves. I'm more into bearmode.
>having a decent costume that showcases it catapult you way ahead of the competition
Yes, good costume + playing to your strengths while cosplaying is good.

>> No.6886674

I actually deactivated my account recently. FL can get really dramatic, and I lost interest in it. But joining is responsible for me being in the scene since I turned 18, and without it I'd have so little experience. I also met my current SO at a kink party.

So I'd suggest at least giving it a try.

>> No.6886679

It goes without saying that every girl is different and prefers different body types and blah blah blah but generally and honestly speaking, it would give you the upper hand.

>> No.6886681

If you're alpha enough, you can get away with being chubby. /fit/ is just a good way to get admiration from people to boost your confidence.

>> No.6886698

I don't know how you can honestly see that.
How much drugs are you on?

>> No.6886703

wow, that totally does look like a genderswapped Luffy

>> No.6886711

Okay, I have to be trolled now.

This is just a trolling attempt by multiple people. Sure, why not?

>> No.6886706


If there was a law that prohibited sex on cons under the threat of death, female attendance would drop by 95%, male attendance only by 67%.

>> No.6886708

The girls that are worth going after are usually with their friends or they're with their boyfriends. The others are either homestucks or landwhales. So honestly, don't even try to pick up chicks at cons because it's way harder than it's worth.

>> No.6886709

You are gross.

>> No.6886727

I will be going to my first con soon, what is the ratio of landwhales to regular looking women

>> No.6886732

>for ugly girls to get laid

>> No.6886738


About 1:5 ratio, but the ratio of girls that are single to girls with friends or boyfriends is 1:100

>> No.6886757

>girls that are single
>girls with friends or boyfriends

Does this mean that only single friendless girls are attainable

>> No.6886759

I have to disagree. Homestucks are incredibly easy to pick up. Some are even quite attractive under all that makeup. And most all are FREAKS in bed.
They are the equivalent of picking up that one fat and lonely girl who goes to the club alone.

It's crazy...
I even hate Homestuck

>> No.6886764

Yes, if you are like I think you are (beta, unnattractive, virgin).

>> No.6886771

but i'm only one of those

>> No.6886781
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Yes, it happens. There are many horror stories about it too, including some of my own.

Almost all my roommates at cons had sexual activity (not necessarily penetration) in the hotel room numerous times. I usually don't give a fuck unless they leave stains or lock people out of the room that need to change/rest...or if a poor soul walks in on them. I can't really scold them since I've had sex at cons numerous times, including in cosplay.

Honestly, it shouldn't be a big deal unless people are legitimately getting affected (walking in, getting locked out, Youmacon orgy, etc.), I say OP goes for getting some action. Just whatever you do, do it in a cosplay that you give almost no fucks about because accidents do happen.

>> No.6886827

so say I want to go to a con and try to get laid as much as possible what strategy would /cgl/ recommend for a chubby beta with a damn nice haircut

>> No.6886838


Go for the fat touhous with personalities.

>> No.6886836

If only ugly girls then the female attendance would drop by 41%.

>> No.6886849


Get fit fatty. It improves your personality and makes you feel more confident.

>> No.6886860

/fit/zen here

I started going to cons after seeing those that ranking /cgl/ made saying /fit/ had the sexiest guys on 4chan and I've had sex with several girls. All thing and attractive. My favorite targets are shy girls because they're usually very submissive and easy, specially if you're a ripped and tall man.

>> No.6886873
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>it improves your personality

>> No.6886881


Routine? Did stripped 5x5 and getting bored.

>> No.6886888

>gets a boner over Schrodinger

>> No.6886889

Actually, shy girls have Alpha Asian boyfriends, who don't need to "lift"b ecause they're cute as they are and they cook for them and speak Japanese with them and everything!

>> No.6886894

im not fat, just not exactly ripped so to speak

>> No.6886897

I never said I dated them. I just have casual sex with them.

>> No.6886899

dick or gtfo

>> No.6886909

mad ugly white guy who thinks he will be as pretty as cute Asian guys if he lifts some stupid drumbell detected :))

>> No.6886904

you live in a retarded fantasy world

>> No.6886906

I'm actually very proud of my penis. It's about 7.5 inches.

>> No.6886919


>> No.6886922

I'm not gonna post my cock here. But I'd say most of my cockyness comes from my cock.

>> No.6886927

proof you're not Alpha then, you're just a Beta loser from /r9k/ who came here to troll himself

>> No.6886931

I never said I was alpha, I just said I had casual sex at cons with shy girls.

>> No.6886940

are shy girls really that simple to seduce, it almost sounds to good to be true

>> No.6886941

now your just desperate

I won't even bother to quote where exactly you said that(anyone can look that up ITT) because I donnot want you to get a heart attack fatty:))

>> No.6886942

They very submissive, if they find you attractive you just need to take control of the situation and you'll get anything from them.

>> No.6887010
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>tfw no gf

>> No.6887016

I really need to find some cure for laziness.

Usually I blame my lack of wanting to work to become alpha and /fit/ on not wanting to change for other people but that's just an excuse.

>> No.6887063

female sick of your yellow fever bullshit, actually.

>> No.6887064



Is it just me, or does everybody who is not a /fit/zen male have no clue wtf alpha actually means?

>> No.6887195

What does alpha mean to YOU, then, Sweet Cheeks?

>> No.6887345

It's a PUA term, bro. Nobody here actually does PUA or they wouldn't have to ask for dating advice.

>> No.6887361


It's not what it means to me. It's what it means in the academic field of biological anthropology. What I'm talking about here is how genetics, fitness, and environmental circumstance combine to determine higher-ape species' sexual social hierarchy here.

"Alpha" traits are not simply a matter of what a single randomly selected heterosexual female happens to find attractive. It has distinct characteristics, including physical biological traits.

I agree that everyone's sexual preferences are different, and fully encourage that. But going by statistics, "Alpha" traits are basically identical among Chimps, Gorillas, and Orangutans, they are the ones females are most commonly attracted to, and the same is true in Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

>> No.6887367

That doesn't explain what those traits are.

>> No.6887371

How does someone who has crippling social anxiety make friends at cons?

I honestly don't even give a shit about hook ups or anything, just want to meet new cosplayers.


>> No.6887381



Performance-enhancing drugs, depressants, hallucogens, whatever you want.

You just need some drugs.

>> No.6887383

go see a therapist, they can recommend you someone who can you give you some medication for it, trust me I was in the same boat as you, but with the help of some beta blockers I was able to dress in my half assed revolver ocelot costume and actually talk to people

>> No.6887384

Man, I don't even cosplay anymore. I'm just here for con-culture.

>> No.6887396

What exactly do beta blockers do? I have a couple of cosplays lined up for my next con, hopefully that help somewhat break the ice

>> No.6887417

Well I pretty much go alpha male mode at a con, and this being my third one, I do have my eye set on someone I know.. so I guess I'll find out for myself

>> No.6887422

it blocks the chemicals in your brain from causing fear, basically stopping you from giving any fucks, I used to stutter and shake when I had to talk to the pizza man but now I can hit on girls that are way out of my league and laugh about it, if you dont have anxiety but want them, just tell a therapist you fear confrontations with people, and shake and stutter when you have to talk to them

>> No.6887436


If I have to spell it out for you, I'm talking about fucking Silverbacks.

Alpha means you are larger and stronger than all the other males, meaning solid muscle as opposed to a combination of fat, some muscle, and wide bone structure a la the previous commenter's "bears."

As a result of having these traits, it means you are inclined to behave way more aggressively towards both beta males and females due to all of the extra testosterone that is necessarily flowing through your veins in order for you to have gotten that much more massive in the first place.

Alphas in the ape world aren't nice to anyone for any reason because they never need to be. They don't say please or thank you or 'do you consent to having sexual intercourse with me?' because there is no such thing as rape outside of the uniquely human social construct. They take what they want when they want it, they fuck who they want when they want, and they may even bite the offspring's head off if they feel like it just because they can.

For humanity, this translates to bro-curls being almost universally recognized as assholes by women and other men alike, but most women being willing to fuck them anyway. Sometimes it translates to bros literally raping women, but them deciding illogically that they liked it after the fact and dating them full-time even though their new boo will continue to fuck other women at his pleasure.

It also often results in alpha bro-curls getting into constant trouble (with the law or their employers) that would not plague them in the wild, due to their over-sized confidence.

Fitness alone does not equate to being Alpha, but it is a requirement. However, the fitter one is, the closer they can come to the Alpha end of the social spectrum. Likewise, having solid-gold genetics alone is not enough to make one Alpha, as even someone like this can turn into a fat slob full of Cheetos and estrogen with enough lethargy over the years.

Is that thorough enough for you?

>> No.6887447

So you removed any human-slang context the word Alpha was used for and then decided to go full on scientific?

Are you autistic?

>> No.6887450

Anon... is your previous self... me?

>> No.6887461


Do I seriously have to explain Autism too!?

>> No.6887469

No, you really don't, you fucking autist.

>> No.6887477


Lel. I have dual degrees in both Psychology and Anthropology, but here you are telling me what Alpha and autistic mean.

To address your concern about the colloquial use of "alpha," this is why I mentioned earlier that the PUA community has it about as right as it can be when applied to modern humans. Of course its meaning has to be adjusted to account for the expectations of our civilizations.

However, in contrast the way you and others in the thread used it was more akin to 'the guy I like is alpha because I like him and I think he's cool so he's alpha.'

It's just nowhere near where the meaning came from.

It doesn't mean you shouldn't be attracted to the men you are attracted to, or that there's anything wrong with them, or that you won't be happiest with them and vice versa. It's just not what alpha fucking means, even after being reasonably translated to a modern human application.

>> No.6887484

>ranking /cgl/ made
What is this?

>> No.6887972
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>Dual degrees in Psychology and Anthropology

>> No.6887982

not same anon, but my bro and 2 of my cousins have Anthro majors, and they were mad sought after by employers.

Companies hire people who are experts at people, they all make WAY more than I do even with my MBA (waste of fucking $$).

>> No.6887983

i'm fucking sick of these threads

>> No.6887992

Theres only one of them in the catalog, and people clearly want to discuss it.

get mad tho

>> No.6887993

Your cousins are the lucky few.
In Florida you get a BS or you arnt offered shit for work.

Well unless you know a guy.

>> No.6888380


I am the same anon, and while I have not had this same experience AT ALL, the lessons I learned about the truth of humanity through those degrees are easily the most valuable assets I have ever gained in for all areas of my life.

Minored in business, been self-employed ever since graduating. Making more than anyone I know who didn't have a family business job waiting for the them, plus I am 100% in charge of my own schedule. I do what I want whenever I want.

Would never have been able to do this without understanding how humans work in the way I do now thanks to Antrho and Psych.

>> No.6888413

Hate to cut off your boner there champ, but there are some of us who:

a. Feel working for a large company provides more job satisfaction and security then going full free form and founding our own businesses.

b. Gain the knowledge you are referring to naturally through human interactions or even have a natural ability at it.

Majoring in anything defined as an art is also looked down upon due to the fact that it lacks complexity to understand. Where as sciences really call for the mentally capable.

tl;dr Your taste in majors is shit.

>> No.6888417

Damn I didnt sage, I should know better

>> No.6888421

Damn I can't debate this.

But I know I like girls....

>> No.6888443

Step 1: see your GP, get some Prozac, start taking it daily
Step 2: get some alcohol
Step 3: get drunk, slay some poon
Be careful though, SSRIs can decrease your tolerance to other drugs. I over did it and blacked out on what should have been a safe amount of alcohol for me.

>> No.6888448

I love the way STEM majors think having a decent-ish salary of about 80k makes them "rich".

These are the same faggots who are dumb enough to put their money into savings accounts though.

>> No.6888449
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>> No.6888454

Isee what your doing, and I like it.

>> No.6888458

I wish I could get hold of a cosplayer and smash her face repeatedly into a brick wall.

You're nothing but whores. I want to physically harm you.

>> No.6888459

SSRI's can decrease your giving a fuck, also.
When I was on them I didn't see the point of work, friends or even porn.

Drugs don't always make everything sunshine for everyone, anxiety-ridden anon.

>> No.6888462

Have you considered bdsm?

>> No.6888495

Used to do rough dominant sex with the ex.

>> No.6888497


I think you are making assumptions about the tone or point of my post, that just plain aren't there. I never implied what I do is the 'best' path. In fact, I directly implied I am self employed because I have 0 satisfactory job options.

a. I am simply happy that as it turned out, I was able to not only get by on my own but do better than I would've with a dream job. And it is ironically because of the same majors I chose in college which prevented me from getting the dream jobs in the first place. Never said everyone else is dumb for doing it their way.

b. Until you study the social sciences at an intermediate or beyond level, you will have no clue how wrong you are for the overwhelming majority of humans. There are some who seem to be born with it, but in fact you might be interested to know that neurological activity patterns are distinctly different from almost everyone else. This suggests that for most of us, you will likely go through life remaining an self-assured ignorant fuck without some sort of major intervention, such as a degree in the social sciences.

The fact is that unintelligent people will be mediocre whether on any STEM or any social science track, never fully grasping concepts and maybe doing barely well enough to make grades. But they will never have deep levels of insight that will lead to improvements in humanity. Intelligent people on either track CAN and HAVE made incredible contributions.

Little known secret, psychology and social science majors have some of the best statistics training among all college majors, second only to maybe statistics majors and computer science.

Also, I concentrated in perceptual and neuro-psychology. If that is not 'real science' then I don't know wtf is.