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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6880697 No.6880697[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Sorry if this sort of thread is frowned upon here, I usually don't stray far from /b/, but I have a question for you all.

For those of you who have heard of Jessica Nigri (American cosplayer) What do you think of her? Do you respect her or think she is just wearing provocative clothing for attention and potentially profit?

Again sorry if this is not the usual fare here, but I was having a debate with my friends and wanted some "expert" opinions

>> No.6880702

I blame the system

>> No.6880703

inb4 ban

>> No.6880704

wait I can get banned for this?

>> No.6880710


more like a ton of landwhale weeaboos with shit craftsmanship and the other half as the rectangle skinny bitches who complain there most even at a moderately good quality costume when really they dont know shit

>> No.6880711

Yes. Better delete your thread before the janitor see's it.

>> No.6880712

signalling out a person

Jnigger is a big ban hammer if you mention her in OPs first post

>> No.6880716
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oh well then, ban for me I suppose. Such is life. sorry yall, didnt see that in any rules

>> No.6880719

r u an autist?
just fucking delete the thread, how fucking new are you

>only ever on /b/

I see now

>> No.6880721

No I could delete it, but your board is such shit im just going to leave it as your problem.

>> No.6880733

Is it true jnig has some pussy bf in TN?

>> No.6880758

I used to be neutral but I fucking hate her ass thanks to that removing-a-water-mark-and-not-giving-the-photographer-credit-yet-making-money-off-the-print drama. She proved to be very cunty in that ordeal.

>> No.6880783

just realized for some reason every time she wears moxi now she wears a plain black bra ....... I guess no more fitting into the old bombshell ones .....

>> No.6880786

>just wearing provocative clothing for attention and potentially profit?

that right there.
I haven't seen her once do anything covered up. Everything she is a fan of must be sexy. Or it could be that she's only a fan of it cause it is something she can cosplay.

Hmmm I wonder which it is.

I know fanboys will never care. They just want zomg sexy girl to fap to...but she'll never ever get that final cred she would need to do anything bodacious with it cause actual fans won't give her the time of day.

>> No.6880788

The janitor hates Jessica Nigri so this thread will probably end up being deleted. Just a warning.

>> No.6880789

Cred from who, jealous women and snarky elitist cosplayers? Who gives a shit about them.

This is why Jessica is successful at cosplay and you're not. You're trying to impress the wrong people.

>> No.6880791

No, the janitor deletes a thread about Jnigs because anytime she's brought up anons like >>6880789 purposefully start shit and no one cares to deal with it.

>> No.6880794

no one cares about accurate cosplay

>> No.6880800

No, the janitor deletes any mention of Jessica Nigri, positive or negative.

>> No.6880802
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>> No.6880811
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i can't believe this was what got her famous.

it doesn't even look like pikachu

>> No.6880813 [DELETED] 

see this >>6880802
those girls are "cosplay guest" each with 50k fans..... no one cares about accuracy it's all about tits and ass get with the program gurl

>> No.6880814
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>> No.6880815
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>> No.6880820

the only jnig costume i've ever liked/even wanted to do a variation of my own of.

>> No.6880968

I adore JNig, shes good at what she does. That and the froathing rage she brings here is HILARIOUS.

>> No.6880976

Selling prints of her body to overweight lonely fat guys for them to fap on.

Give her 5 years and like Miyu, no one will remember who she was

>> No.6880978
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>> No.6881000

she seriously sales prints of her stuff? why cant people print them by themselves, its not hard, i mean how lonely and pathetic can you be?

>> No.6881002

>she seriously sales prints of her stuff? why cant people print them by themselves, its not hard

>every artist's alley ever

>> No.6881022

The person is talking about shirts with her face on it, not art.

>> No.6881024


>> No.6881029

It is actually a Dream Angels push-up, she talked about them being better than Bombshell in january on her Twitter when somebody asked about her cleaveage.

>> No.6881030

But I could just print them off myself.

>> No.6881094

She is nice, but she does seem absolutely fake.

You can smell the want to party and need to party coming off her.

>> No.6881115

>to OP

We mostly don't like her because she seems fake, doesn't make her own stuff (even though she's beginning to), wears too much make-up, too tanned, looks old for her age (21 I think?), and gives cosplayers a bad name by selling her body and exploiting the sexy cosmodel/booth babe market with no real skill. To us cosplaying is about craftmanship and actually enjoying the source material. To her it's just getting attention from nerds and being sexy and getting invited places. There are rumours she got a boobjob lately and photos seem to support that theory.

out b4 janitor deletes.

>> No.6881128

That and she tends to screw over the people who do make her shit. There was that stuff with that chick whose name I can't remember (starts with a K, I think? The one peacockfeathers was stalking) and Volpin, and recently that photog whose pics she was using with the watermark shooped off.

>> No.6881134
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Generally this is the reason why shes hated.

>> No.6881137

Do you have that response from her manager or agent or whoever that guy was? When he was throwing a tantrum and threatening to sue the photographer for daring to protect his copyright?

>> No.6881147

Possibly but not on this computer. I do remember having a good laugh though.

>> No.6881150
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It's okay, I found it with some googling.

>> No.6881154

I dont think she is very attractive (her body is her best asset) but to each their own i guess, her cosplays are from mediocre to good but if she wasnt famous I dont think id give her more then a look or two at a con.

>> No.6881172

She's 21?

Woah. I thought she was like 26 or something,

>> No.6881187

inorite. Another anon mentioned it in another thread and she's in her early twenties, that orange make-up and raccoon eyes makes her look much older.

And wtf that shit with the photographer, is it so hard just to shoot them a message first and maybe make an offer? Also agent wtf.

>> No.6881198

Obvious lul trollz is obvious

>> No.6881201

Lol no Shes almost 24

>> No.6881208

what did she do to volpin :(

>> No.6881243

I didn't really pay attention to that drama, but I think it was her usual shtick.
>Volpin makes her a prop or armor, expects (some kind of agreement in the purchase) some publicity for making a prop for someone cosplay-famous
>She claims she made it herself

>> No.6881248

Wow, this kinda just sealed the deal for me.

>> No.6881251
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Dat whiteknighting

>> No.6881252

No she did not claim to make his stuff, stop talking shit. Everyone knows he made he sword/shield, it's not some giant secret.

She's also plugged Bill (punished props) plenty for the things he made her also.

>> No.6881253

She 'accidentally' let it slip that he is porking Ai-honey aka Kelly

>> No.6881572
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>> No.6881588

[citation needed]

>> No.6881600

The incomplete scale maile on the left bothers me more than it should.

>> No.6881601

tfw i want to cosplay Catwoman but have small boobs

>> No.6881602


"Jessica Nigri is a liar & Cheater
For those who believe Jessica is a true geek, you're a fool, I am sick of people falling for her act, I am finally revealing the truth after she fucked me over for the last time.

Jessica rarely plays video games, hates comics, and thinks all her fans are "fucking idiots" (her words).
She is also a slut who cheats on her fiance Vann Childs. They were engaged when she did her first cosplay as Pikachu at Comic Con. The costume was Vann's idea. Jessica never even watched Pokemon. He helped Jessica create her fake geeky persona.
Also guess what...she "plays" video games with her fans...Or at least she tell them she is. It was really me playing and interacting with you guys. She was out shopping and couldn't care less.

She cheated on her fiance Vann numerous time to "become a star". The deal breaker was when she fucked Jason Soprovich to get sponsorship deal with "Cherry Sauce Clothing". Vann dumped her pathetic ass and she is now dating Jason who she is also cheating on but he doesn't care. She also go that sponsorship.

Also she got breast implants a few years ago you dumbasses. Stop denying it Jessica or I'll really reveal some shit."

>> No.6881604


Catwoman hasn't always had big tits.
I mean Batman Returns is arguably the most iconic version and she doesnt have big tits.

>> No.6881605

Sounds like something some jealous woman from /cgl/ would write. Have any evidence to back it up other than rumor gossip?

>> No.6881612


DA here.

I can't speak for the cheating rumors or the breast implants, but I think it's pretty obvious that she's just in it for the attention and that she doesn't give a fuck about her fans. Any con I've seen her at she's just shown up, had people tell her how pretty and ~*~inspiring~*~ she is, and then leaves out the backdoor. She's never there for a second longer than she has to be.

>> No.6881613

Anne Hathaway has small bewbs.

Big ass and thighs > big tits

Sage for off-topic.

>> No.6881614


So does JNigs. She's probably a B on a good day. Just get some push-up pads.

>> No.6881623

The implants is definitely true, you only have to look at pictures of her in a bikini now and a bikini 3-4 years ago and you can see her breasts have more than doubled. I don't think getting moderate breast implants is such a crime though.

The cheating is all rumour but the thing which makes it very real is that the rumours have come from many different sources and the details are always consistent between them, even from people who don't know each other. There's also a lot of details involved that no random member of the public knew until this info leaked. Chances of it being an jealous cgl fatty are super slim.

>> No.6881625

so who is she officially banging then?

>> No.6881628

Michael Cera.

>> No.6881634


No idea. TBH she's not really a high priority to me lol. But any time I've seen her "undercover" she's usually been with other female cosplayers like her.

And kinda OT but it's really funny how a lot of the "hot" cosplayers (JNigs included) rely on photoshop to look normal.

>> No.6881637

-Degeneracy intensifies-
It makes me shudder when chicks show too much. Like those teeny tiny jean shorts all the kids are wearing now. What happened to modesty?

>> No.6881640

Go back to bed, grandma.

>> No.6881642

The problem with JNig is she's a stupid fake cheating skank. A short skirt is irrelevant.

>> No.6881644

Angry church ladies detected.

>> No.6881645

See, I agree with the child part of it. Clothing is a big aspect of sexuality so children shouldn't be sexualizing themselves so early. Seeing a little 7 year old girl in a frilly miniskirt is one thing, seeing one in a tube top that says sexy bitch is a whole different issue.

>> No.6881649

I just get so tired of so many of her little white knight fanboys thinking they have something special going on. She has many of them convinced they're dating because she was friendly to them at a show or two while on the floor. It's fucking sad and someone needs to pull back the curtain to show them the truth.

>> No.6881650

I'm only 20, but I still object to seeing all that middle-schooler buttcheek. It's trouble.

>> No.6881652

>I don't have fanboys so it makes me angry another girl does. Maybe if I make up enough rumors and slander It'll convince people to hate her so I don't have to feel jealous.

>> No.6881707

Honestly, I don't see how any self-respecting woman would be comfortable knowing that neckbeards beat off to their photos.

>> No.6881716

Some people care more about money than respect.

Works Cited:

>> No.6881720

>needing to convince people to hate her
She does that enough on her own.

>> No.6881753

Because women love all forms of sexual attention as long as they aren't confronted by it.

>> No.6881849

Right... and all men think with their dicks and not their brain.

>> No.6881921


well these are the same kind of men who think their dick can change a woman's life. please.

>> No.6881942


>haters are just jealous!

Get back to Youtube please.

>> No.6881954

in case you haven't noticed, any female that's attractive gets bashed viciously

it has nothing to do with style, accuracy, or whatever other reason you want to use. other girls are jealous of the more attractive girl's looks. even if they themselves look nice they don't want others getting the attention.

>> No.6881970

>"expert" opinions

10/would laugh again

>> No.6881989

You mean Kara aka Electric Lady?