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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6872898 No.6872898 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to Japan next month and I'm super excited about it , any expierences you would like to share?

>> No.6872917

/jp/ would be a better board for this kind of general Japan topic.

>> No.6872921

How much do you know about the actual culture and social structure of the country? A lot of people suffer culture shock when they find out their glorious land of unicorns and gundams isn't as beautiful as they expected it to be.

>> No.6872942

You are right but since I'm lolita I thought posting it here would be helpful too , I really don't know a lot about the " actual " culture I know that they are very hard working people and a friend of mine who went there also told me they are a bit .. racist? =/

>> No.6872953

My only recommandation is to not go into the AP store with a Btssb bag.
My friend did this in March an just got weird stares by the shop girls.

>> No.6872960
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If you're going to be in a big city you'll be fine. You won't come across anyone outwardly racists anyway. If you're like mega-fat though... Gloves are off from what I've heard.
Also you may get treated different if you look white compared to looking Asian.

Where exactly did she go into because I've never had this problem. I've walked through Marui One and entered both stores with bought bags from the other place. But it is a shopping plaza. There would be no point in going back home, wasting ticket money and then going to another store.
Maybe they were staring at her weirdly for another reason?

>> No.6872962

I don't know why this made me laugh so hard

polite sage for lack of contribution because I've never been to glorious nippon

>> No.6872965

what does you being lolita have anything to do with it? Like >>6872960 says, they are racist , but not even directly to your face. I think you should research the culture/sociology more, though if it's for a few days vacation, i think you'll be okay

>> No.6872967

because someone could tell me their experience as a lolita , like if it's allowed to take pictures inside the shops or any recommendations anyone would find useful , and I'm a sexy ( not ) latina , does that make it worse?

>> No.6872976

You usually cannot take pictures in the shop. You might be able to take a picture with shop staff if you buy something.

Latina people get more strange stares because they are even more rare than black or whit foreigners from my experience. (Had a Mexican friend go to Japan with our Japanese friends).

Most places are cash only. It's not unusual to have ~30,000 yen or more on you at a time.

>> No.6872983
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You're not allowed to take pictures inside shops. Most stores protect their layout designs by not allowing pictures. If you go to a place like Marui One and there's like a between floor mannequin displaying seasonal coordinations then that's alright to take a picture of.
My suggestion would be to shop at Laforet and Marui One and go on their sites, they have a list for no tax and procedures on how to do it. If you can take a trip to Osaka you should aslo go shopping there as the stores are bigger and not as crowded as in Tokyo metro.

My experience as a lolita whenever I go there is alright. Nothing really out of the ordinary. But I only bring about one or two days worth of frill clothes. Since I buy a lot of clothes and ship them to my house.

>> No.6873007

As a super tall fat girl who has been to Japan, I didn't really encounter any people outwardly doing anything to me due to my weight. No one really seemed to care because I dressed myself kinda well and wasn't weeb about everything too much (all bets were off in Akiba though, hoshit). As long as you're not an idiot, I don't think it matters. I actually became good friends with my tour guide and stayed on touch with him for a bit after the trip.
When he drew Japan on a white board, it looked like a dolphin....

>> No.6873031

Go-men-na-sai ni-hon-go wa-ka-ree-ma-sen. Ei-go?

OP this will come in handy. Also learn2japanese subway before going, they have a very complicated subway system

>> No.6873082

Japs have no souls, they really don't.

>> No.6873084

Don't fucking wear lolita. Please don't, have some dignity and dress normal.

>> No.6873088

wouldn't it be nihongo ga wakarimasen?

>> No.6873108

Is there a lot of weebs in japan? I've always wondered this.

>> No.6873160

The 'ga' is sometimes dropped in conversation.

>> No.6873167

it would be , yes/
i would say
Gomennasai, nihongogawakarimasen, eigodakedesu.

>> No.6873203

If you're not Asian, they'll just look at your face and assume you don't know a word of Japanese. Simple.

>> No.6873223

The weather is going to be pretty warm and humid. Bring anti-preseperant and deodorant, and pick up some body deodorizing/cooling spray or wipes in a convenience store. Bring a small hand towel with you, easy to wipe sweat off or dry your hands (paper towels are virtually nonexistent, blow driers are pitiful)
If you wear (good) lolita while shopping, you will be treated better in lolita stores. You can wear lolita while not in lolita shopping areas, but be aware you might be subject to unwanted attention (especially by fellow tourists).
Stay away from the Nigerians, don't make eye contact, if they grab your arm jerk away and tell them to fuck off.
Photographs are not allowed in any lolita stores.

Any specific questions?

>> No.6873228

Not OP but I am going to Japan in August and will be attending comiket, I am reasonably fat. Should I definatley not cosplay there?

>> No.6873231



Japanese runts.

>> No.6873236

Cosplay in general is very different. Even if you were attractive, you wouldn't want to cosplay without a friend who could run you through how to do things/where to go.

>> No.6873242
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General point about cosplay in Japan that's very important to keep in mind: Although there are also many scantily clad cosplayers, the sorts of things that most Western female cosplayers do at Western cons, like going raves, and hooking up with random guys and stuff like that isn't done in Japan. There's still a very prominent shame culture, and even other girls will probably find it kind of disgusting if you end up hooking up with some guy you just met. Naturally, drugs are completely off the table.

Oh, and the things western cosplayers do in terms of behavior, loudly advertising their sexual exploits etc: That's a no-go, even if they can't understand you don't want to risk it.

Sounds kind of trollish, but what it boils down to is: Don't be a slut like you are back home. It's also bad for other western females because it perpetuates the idea you're all essentially porn whores, which is one of the reasons Japanese men are such creepy fuckers around white girls sometimes.

>> No.6873246

You will be miserably hot and sweaty. It is pretty much impossible not to be covered in sweat even after just getting out of the shower.
Cosplaying in Japan is kind of a PITA. You are not allowed to wear your costume coming or leaving the convention. You must bring it with you, change in a specified dressing area (usually with few mirrors) and can then only be in a specified area for photography (no wandering around the con).

>> No.6873261


Can't emphasize how right all this is enough.

>> No.6873264

There's a lot of people who really truely like white people, but there's also a handful who don't... they all hate blacks though, especially overweight sassy ones.. my friend Ty found that out when we went a few years ago.. they wouldn't serve us at a restaurant until she left.

Don't really expect much.. it's a city just like NYC.. Things are expensive and it smells bad in Tokyo. The best part of my trip was going to Closet Child and getting a shit on of dresses and stuff.. Also checking out AP and Btssb was fun too, but because everything was so expensive and I was just a college student, I stuck to second hand.

>> No.6873267

I'm pretty sure there is a strict "No Camera" policy in all stores there.
Also, just don't be that fucking person.
I used to be a manager at a Sanrio here in the states and we had a strict "No Camera" policy too but it wouldn't stop all the fucking weeaboos from standing in the plushie section. fucking up our displays to take selfies with a Hello Kitty doing that stupid peace sign...
People like that are the worst, don't be that girl! No one likes that girl!

>> No.6873269

When I went to Japan, drugs were literally on the table the whole time. This one kid has more joints than I have ever seen on him at once..

>> No.6873274

Either you were hanging out with some really low-class people, or you're lying.

Recreational drug use is very, very rare in Japan and punishments for it are very, very harsh. You get jailtime, even for use.

A lot of white girls who go to Japan are kinda trashy though, so it sort of makes sense.

>> No.6873278

Tokyo is surprisingly clean for a large city, and food is cheap if you know where to look. 500 yen gyudon om nom nom

>> No.6873286

Yeah, western cosplayers have a slutty reputation in Japan from what I've heard.

>> No.6873295

I've heard that weed is like a hundred dollars for a gram over there because the punishments for drugs are so severe. you must've been hanging out with some rich-ass-devil-may-care motherfuckas.

>> No.6873296


Please don't come to Japan and do stuff like that. You've already ruined the West with you YOLOSWAG420 shit. You need to get raped.

>> No.6873301
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by western standards its racist but to them, its just them protecting their thousand year old 'people'. after studying their culture, i honestly do not believe it is anything personal against outsiders, it's just their way of thinking after centuries of certain historical ideologies (they subconsciously believe it, just like a religion).

anyway, what else about japan... well... i loved it for years but it was a really big shock when i actually went. it was really disillusioning. i still loved it but it was NOT what i thought i was waiting 10 years for :/ do adequate research

>> No.6873313

Most people are tribal to some degree.

I wish my country had protected our borders like Japan protects theirs, instead of flooding it with mudslimes.

>> No.6873320

White women have a slutty reputation everywhere in Asia. If you ever give a man a toothy smile, that pretty much means they think you want their dick. When I went to Indonesia I had super short hair and dressed like a boy 90% of the time, and all the men treated me normally until they heard my voice. Then they started asking me to be their girlfriend and calling me an "American whore" in Indonesian when I declined. I'm not even American. Similar experience in China. Asian men in general are pigs.

>> No.6873322

Did you really get that experience in China?

My friend is blond and his girlfriend is also blonde, they travelled around China and found Chinese people were mostly ok to them. Northeast Asians tend to be creeper-tier in that they're just a bit weird and inappropriate.

Southeast Asians are pigs though, agreed.

For the record, I blame both the men themselves and western weeaboos themselves. I'm sick of hearing other white girls speak for all of us with this "WE LOVE ASIAN MEN!" stuff. It gives them the impression we all love asian guys, when in reality it's only a tiny minority who has any interest. It doesn't help that they go over there and behave like actual sluts too (Applemilk comes to mind).

>> No.6873324


But that's their media too. The Korean media presents the idea that Korean men have widespread popularity abroad when in fact most women just think Korean men are flat faced dog eaters who beat their wives after drinking too much soju.

>> No.6873329

Indonesia men are just like all Muslim men: Trash.

>> No.6873335

I've heard it's $50

>> No.6873337

Cocaine is popular

>> No.6873344

真的中国人华文没像你那么差 lol
5/10 i responded

>> No.6873346 [DELETED] 



>> No.6873349

What was so different about it?
Why was it so disillusioning?

>> No.6873351



>> No.6873353

Carry cash. Also, a lot of places won't let you try things on.

>> No.6873362
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>The Korean media presents the idea that Korean men have widespread popularity abroad


>> No.6873363

I was in the Christian part, actually.

>> No.6873364

Yes, for example. Korean international dating shows almost exclusively present Korean men with foreign women.

>> No.6873368

Maluku islands? Sulawesi? One of the other islands? There's not really a "Christian part" as far as I'm familiar with, and the really diverse areas are, like diverse places in general, plagued with sectarian conflict. Major cities are dominantly Muslim.

>> No.6873373

particles dont matter if you're just going to ask for simple things

>> No.6873377
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Where do they find these women?

>> No.6873380

Amongst the many hambeasted Koreaboos of /cgl/

>> No.6873390

When I was in Tokyo it was surprisingly easy to communicate and get around. The subway isn't that bad to navigate and a Japanese woman with great english even offered to help me. The streets are incredibly clean.

Everyone I interacted with seemed to have a decent understanding of english, which was surprising for me. Cashiers, waiters, everyone was able to speak basic english.

When I went to 109, the sales ladies screeched constantly around the store. That confused me. They repeated one phrase and I had no idea what they were saying. It seemed to be that way in every store.

Everyone seemed to keep to themselves. When I had to sit next to a man on the bullet train, he didn't make eye contact with me. Most of the men I saw kept their distance and avoided my gaze. Schoolgirls seemed to be a little more daring and some approached me at a restaurant (not classy. just some small nook on the third floor of a building.) and tried speaking english to me.

I found one underground Starbucks and it was alright. No idea where people put their trash in Japan as there aren't any trash cans on the street.

All in all, it was a good trip and I would like to go again sometime.

>> No.6873394

Could you go into a little more detail about the disillusionment? What were you expecting? And what did you get?

>> No.6873404

they hide it in their pockets / wherever they can hide them until they find a trash can

>> No.6873412

Fellow Swede?

>> No.6873413

They were probably screamin "Irrashaimaseee". It's basically "welcome to our store" and shop staff are always screaming it for some reason. At quieter stores they'll say it quietly individually to you as you walk in, but at bigger or busier places they just shout it over and over again.

>> No.6873414

Irasshaimase, it means "welcome"

>> No.6873419
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Harajuku and Shinjuku in Tokyo are the places to shop for lolita fashion. The big stores such as Laforet has the boutiques in the basement and Marui One in Shinjuku on the 5th floor. Many brands such as BTSSB and Innocent World have their own brand stores. BTSSB has a store in Harajuku south of Laforet. I recommend checking for the location of brand stores. Closet Child has stores in both Harajuku and Shinjuku. If you're wanting to buy fashion magazines such as Kera or Gothic Lolita Bible, Bunkyodo and Kinokuniya are places that will have sell them.

As a guy, it was rather awkward for me to shop especially when I bought something at Innocent World, but the places did greet me when I entered. Do say ohayou gozaimasu or konichiwa depending on the day. It's good manners and respectful. I was in Japan so I bought some clothes. Make sure you have lots of cash on hand and use an ATM if possible. I used Citi's ATMs and was not charged neither a cent in ATM fees nor charged a currency fee because my bank reimburses ATM fees and the currency fee was waived as my card I was using was waived. If you're from the United States, you can enter the country with $800 worth of goods without duty.

Once you're done shopping at a high-end store or boutique and the sale as been ranged up, the shopkeeper will escort you out of the store and bow. This is proper custom in Japan. They won't do it at stores such as Closet Child or Bodyline.

tl;dr know where the brand stores are, have lots of cash on hand, know the amount you're spending, and understand Japanese shop customs.

>> No.6873620

From a Japanfag, if you're white/not Japanese, I heavily advise you to not speak Japanese or dress unusually. Especially if you're not fluent.
You should probably only go to Tokyo, and a majority of people there speak English anyways. If you find yourself in a situation where you don't understand, give them an apologetic smile or something instead, they can obviously tell you're foreign and you don't understand.
If you're only going for a few weeks, you don't have to worry about racism and shit, but you're not going to fit right in at all. So just be a tasteful tourist to avoid embarassment.

>> No.6873759

I'm planning to go to Japan in a near future and maybe visit a few lolita brand shops. Will I get stares if I just enter in plain normalfag clothes and start looking around? I don't think I can take any of my lolita stuff to Japan.

>> No.6873807

as a six foot tall girl with medium skin tone, I'm allways curious as to how I will be looked at\treated when I visit.
in the U.S. , I get stares when I stand up purely because of my height, and actually feel more comfortable in lolita because hey, at least they are staring for a reason. when people stare at me when I'm in normal clothes it puts me on edge.

>> No.6873815

White people attract attention anyway, you're just going to get stared more and your height will probably be the focus of the inevitable Practice My English conversations that you'll encounter. So yeah, you'll be a freak but you were going to be a freak anyway.

>> No.6873824


Pretty redundant. What is normal in Japan and the west is completely different. Wear whatever the hell you want, people will stare at you anyway just for the fact that you're foreign.

And definitely speak Japanese if you can, even if it's only a little. I've been mostly met by appreciation and some places I wouldn't have gotten anywhere if I didn't try to mutter broken Japanese. Even in Tokyo when I've tried to speak English off the bat I've gotten funny looks. Some staff will speak to you in Japanese then leave you alone when they realise you don't know how to reply.

Maybe, yes. But in the main stores in Harajuku, etc. there'll be a handful of other tourists in there with you so it's no big deal, you won't be alone. Most stores in Japan are frustratingly narrow so it's probably easier if you don't have a humongous skirt blocking yours and everyone else's way.

>> No.6873828

I heard they stare at brown people like they're mythical creatures. my friend went to japan and she said some dude licked her hand to check it was a spray tan.

>> No.6873844

I went to Japan with my family for like 2 weeks once as a tourist and I'm black. All of this stuff about them licking you or hating your guts must be very rare or exaggerated, I've never experienced shit like that.

>> No.6873845

They do. A lot of Japanese turn into these *bizarre* racist fucks when they see somebody who isn't asian or white. White people are a novelty, brown people are a zoo exhibit. It's really, really gross. Your personhood goes right out the window. You get petted, get rap lyrics quoted at you in what they think is a hilarious thug voice, it goes on and on.

basically Japan = a nation of awkward-giggling douchebag motherfuckers who need to get overrun by Somali warlords.

>> No.6873890

I'm mulatto, darker than white but not really brown (I have freckles and fro-ish hair). I wonder how they would react to that?

>> No.6873899

Get a lot of change and always, always carry cash. The atm situation over there sucks also they don't have any amenities no matter where you stay so like if you need to do laundry or anything like that you're going to need to find a laundry mat and thus keep change.

>> No.6873901

I went over there with my black boyfriend and there were girls that would try to sneak pictures. It was incredibly funny (though I heard that that might have also been because he's tall).

>> No.6873917
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i'm not sure... i was in shibuya most of the time and it was just weird to me that if you get off the main road you are literally in sleepy little streets. sure its a bustling city but i didn't think you could so easily wander into suburban territory. please don't get me wrong, it was not a bad thing. maybe its because i was in hong kong right before this (crazy busy city), but the part of the tokyo in which i was seemed more quiet than i expected. it was still amazing though!!
(it's just my fault for psyching myself out beforehand)

>> No.6873922

As a tourist, I would recommend keeping the address of your hotel/motel/the place where you're staying written somewhere in your bag, as well as the phone number of a reputable taxi/directions from major tourists points with the subway. Also try knowing the general district where your country's embassy is in case of emergency(and also get their phone number). Be aware that most likely your phone will not work there, so you will have to rent a phone from a reliable source - something hotels can usually help you with.

Try avoiding wearing anything overly fancy - if you usually wear Lolita, try wearing Otome or ditching your petticoat(places are crowded and narrow and it is considered extremely rude to take up a lot of personal space in these kind of situations - one of the main reasons why fat people are badly thought of).

Try not shouting kawaii and desu~ every ten seconds, it usually annoys people. Actually, as a general rule of thumb, particularly if you're a female, it is recommended to not be loud/laughing hysterically or touchy-feely with people in public - even if they're fellow tourists.

In general, also try avoiding drinking alcohol and smoking in public - the traditional stereotype of a girl is still quite widespread and going against it would get you a lot of stares and glares.

When you say thank you, asking for a favour or apologizing try bowing your head at a slight angle(don't go overboard and bow at the waist, a slight head gesture is enough). Also try avoiding shaking other people's hands even in gratitude - again, no touchy feely.
If you plan to eat out at a sushi restaurant, I'd recommend you learn the table manners(google it) - especially don't offer to pay the chef! Staff will do that.

You can read more on general etiquette here, try to read particularly the first 7 pages(with the exception of maybe entering the house as you probably won't need that).

>> No.6873932

I don't know how it is if you have no guide or don't speak a word of japanese.
My Japanese is actually fluent and I've found out people are a lot more friendly if they're comfortable about the language they're using. I've heard a lot of things about them being really racist but I haven't experienced anything big. All I got was people staring at me when we visited more rural areas, a grandpa also told me I was the first "real" white girl he saw (besides the ones on tv) and seemed to be a bit fascinated but that's about the most racial related encounter I've had. That aside if you behave well and respect customs you should be alright, to me it was a blast.

>> No.6874051

OP here , thanks a lot to all of you I didn't expect to get so many replies! I wanted to clear some things, first of all I'm not a weeb I won't be screaming kawaii or dressing up fancy or in cosplay or ANYTHING like that , I mean come on , I only want to buy lolita clothes and some anime stuff I like , also I find it very disrespectful to assume that people will reply to me in english I don't know a lot of japanese but I am going with a japanese guide so I will try my best to talk to them in their language as they will obviously notice I'm foreign I think they would be more considerate if I talk to them first in japanese

>> No.6874075

I actually think american movies are alsoa reason. I always thought americans were kind of slutty because of all the movies I saw and couldn't believe they were actually prude (I'm living in europe)

>> No.6874145

Goddamn i hate muslim men. Ive got no beef with their women but shit i hate the creepy, staring, smelly male counterparts.

>> No.6874235

What? Tell more please.

>> No.6874240


Nigerians are notorious for stealing people's wallets/dealing drugs in Japan.

Seriously, don't talk to them and don't wave money/expensive stuff around them either.

>> No.6874316
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Went straight to the section on superstition in that guide.
>If you lie down immediately after eating, you will become a cow.

>> No.6874332

There are a ton of them along the main street in Harajuku now, chimping out and trying to drag you into an alley to buy hip-hop clothes

>> No.6874379

A lot of the guys who work for hostess clubs/strip joints/etc. as bouncers/recruiters are nigerian. Don't know if that's what OP was referring to, but that's the first thing I thought of.

>> No.6874389

So, they're almost like gypsies?

>> No.6874448

This thread is making me miss Tokyo. I think I experienced almost everything mentioned here - weird racial questions, super polite people with excellent english, stares from dressing in lolita in Harajuku from european tourists (but not the japanese themselves) - and though it's definitely an entirely different culture, it's a really enriching experience and a lot of fun to encounter yourself. Have fun OP, be safe and be smart and it'll be fine (though a lot of the research mentioned above can't hurt.)
(ps I brought a language guide as well and never used it, people would immediately use english when they saw me and didn't give me time to even open it up!!)

>> No.6874459

I will try that with one of my cousins. I always get told off when I call her a cow - at least now I'll have a good reason to!

>> No.6874476
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>Reads the "how to take a bath in Japan" section.
>After leaving the tub, the water is usually left for the next member of the house. It is to keep the bath water clean for all members of the house that washing and rinsing is done outside of the actual bathtub.
>You have to share the water someone's genitals got soaked into with.

>> No.6874480


>> No.6874493

Ever been to the beach? There's a whole lot more gross shit in that water.

>> No.6874502

What's worse is that once everyone comes in, they get into the bathtub, and all their sweat and some of the dirt gets left in the water. Then you shower, soap and you're all clean. That means you must return into the bathrub with the same water as before and soak some more into the water you dirtied earlier on.
...and they consider us dirty.

>> No.6874513

light skin asians dont sweat

>> No.6874514


You have it backwards. When you go into the bathroom, the first thing you do is wash yourself entirely. This means you actually take a full shower and clean yourself thoroughly, except this being Japan, you do it while sitting on a low stool rather than standing. And when I say you clean yourself, you wash your hair, your armpits, your body. And your genitals. With soap. And shampoo. Then, after you're fully clean, you get into the tub and soak.

(Can't really help >>6874476
with the genital soaking part though)

>> No.6874516

...wouldn't it be better to scrub off first, rinse it off with a bucket of water, and THEN get into the bathwater?

>> No.6874533
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But that website says you soak, wash, then soak some more. READ IT, BIATCH!
But no, seriously, I also thought it was just wash and soak, so that comes as a surprise to me too.

>> No.6874545

I looked at the toilet page... Apparently, they only have bidets(or the equivalent) and they don't provide toilet paper. Same for paper towels.

Don't you mean... ORIENTALS?!

>> No.6874553

Soak, wash.
I think what they meant by soak was soak yourself with the shower head. You can't get lather without water. Well, I guess kinda, but it's flat and sticky lather.

>> No.6874561

Every single bathroom (and I've been to some pretty country ones) has had toilet paper.
You need to bring a mini-towel to dry your hands after you was them though.

Have only ever seen wash yourself first, then get in the bath (at onsen)

>> No.6874563

Also, many websites have different information.

>> No.6874585

I don't get into public pools or into the water at the beach, because of the exact same reason.

I just can't see myself doing that.
I'm already one picky bitch with that kind of stuff.

>> No.6874655

Think about every public pool ever.

>> No.6874667
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One day, I wore a dress similar to this one in cut. It was more casual, and I wore a little cardigan, but there was still a bit of cleavage.

I didn't think much of it, it wasn't much cleavage at all compared to a lot of (not even slutty) v-necks you see in the States, but in the morning as I went to get breakfast I kept getting so many nasty stares from older women. I didn't even make the connection until one older woman looked at my face and then down. I changed so I had a cami on underneath that covered me up completely, and everything was fine from there.

It was interesting, since girls wearing very short skirts and shorts there seemed to be pretty much the norm, but chests were always covered up. So definitely keep that in mind anything v-necked you might own, you don't want to give a bad impression of yourself or your country, even if it seems conservative by your taste.

>> No.6874685

Oh yes, definitely.
Girls are meant to cover their upper arms and chest even in the hottest weather.
On the other hand, you can go out in barely more than panties and nobody will think that is odd.

>> No.6874686

Well from experience living with a Japanese family it was wash well then soak. Also guests get the tub first. Which was good in the beginning but man did i feel guilty always getting the tub first for so long.
Also at the public bath everyone washed before getting into the large hot tubs. Same at Osen.

>> No.6874707

I went to Harajuku in 2010 and I remember a big guy jumping out at me (probably hearing me speak english to my sister or just be white) and scaring the shit out of me. He refused to let me pass and kept heckling me and my sister to come over to his booth where he was selling sport merchandise or something. After trying to get away from him a few times we pretended we didn't speak English and he got pissed, yelling after us.

Try not to make eye contact, I guess. I've never even been heckled that bad to buy something in the States.

>> No.6874745
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one was eyeing me and said in a low voice "c'mon, it's japan..."
(i was thinking, exactly, this is japan, i didn't come here for you people...)

>> No.6874755

More details here please

>> No.6874776

No. They're like Nigerians in a lot of places.
Especially Paris.

>> No.6874827

spain, too. One tried to shove a purse in my hands and then make me pay for it. I pretended not to speak spanish and then he just rattled out a couple sentences in like 5 languages, jesus christ those motherfuckers are aggressive.

>> No.6874835

Oh my god, he put a curse on you. Haha.
I always find that funny.

>> No.6874857

Please grow up.

>> No.6875022

I see sometimes in mangas that there are these young guys hanging about the streets trying to pick up girls to 'have fun'. Does this happens for real? If it does, is it all day, or just at night?

>> No.6875053

Not if you're white

>> No.6875175

Yes. It depends on where you are and what you're wearing, mostly.

>> No.6875352
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White girl, just got back from vaycay in Japan, mostly Southern-ish, no Tokyo.

Things to bring:
x hand towel. Few bathrooms had dryers, only rest stops had paper towels
x sunscreen. dat sun.
x your better clothes.


I am a skinny white female, and I packed some casual dresses, some nice shorts and jeans with boots. Did my hair and face every morning. Nothing intense, doesn't have to be your sunday best. Just effort. The number one style in Japan is just being stylish. Keep up your appearances and your manners and any slip-ups or misunderstandings will be forgiven. I even wore leggings with a skirt and besides the normal boy-looks, no dirty stares or overt comments.

I spoke passing Japanese, and it was appreciated. The thing about girls drinking, it's really just not cool to be drunk outside. They run a polite and tidy ship, but that's why it's general a safer place for a woman to travel alone.

I had no problems whatsoever. If you mind your manners, dress nicely, and know some common expressions, simple questions, you should be fine. Bath-house etiquette is something you should learn in case.

My last day I wore a v-neck dress for the plane-trip. Got some more looks than usual. It's not so much that people will go out of their way to be an ass to you, it's moreso that you'll feel very singled-out if you keep dem bitties on display. Feels weird at first, especially since it's hot, but I got used to it quickly.

Which could also be why all of the softcore magazines at 7-11 are Japanese chicks with nothing but their tits out.

Oh god shopping. It's an overwhelming experience. I went to a department store on a Friday and it's attentive overload.

If you have any specific questions OP, I'd be happy to answer. I had a great time. Prepare to return to America and being disgusted by our public everything and our ugly citizens. I find a lot of the claims that people make on Japan being harsh to be exaggerations

>> No.6875658

Japan is heaving a big muslim issue right now, so they are actually taking actions to prevent islam from spreading in the country.

About 10,000 muslims currently live in japan as of 2012

>> No.6875667

Well, Japan's PM has been praising Islam for teaching Japan tolerance (ahahahaha) at the beginning of this month.

>> No.6875704

Not really.

>> No.6875742

There's a few areas where the host clubs are, the hosts will be on the street trying to get customers to come into their club. You can generally recognise the men from a distance, they have this seedy sort of look but with much nicer hair.

>> No.6875752

OP here , thank you for your recommendations!
I can't think of any specific question right now, but I'm all day long watching videos on youtube on what not to do while in Japan and stuff. If any question pops into my mind and this thread is dead it would suck lel

>> No.6875760

anyone have any experience with host clubs?

>> No.6875771

This is for most clubs, but find out beforehand just to be sure you aren't ripped off. The first time you go it's very cheap, maybe max 2000 or minimum 500 yen for a set time (usually 1 or 2 hours) and unlimited drinks (from a list). They rotate around a bunch of guys who introduce themselves and give you their cards. At the end, you pick one to escort you out. After you leave, they'll mail you and try to convince you to come back to the same club. DON'T. The next time you go will be very expensive, the guys are only interested in you for money, they will never date you or spend time with you without the prospect of money.
If you can't speak at least conversational Japanese, it will likely be awkward, as the experience depends a lot on being able to communicate.

>> No.6875777

Hosts will try to get you to go to their club.
Regular guys (well, seedy ones) will try to get you to go to karaoke, out to dinner, "come play" - all with the expectation of sex.

>> No.6875786

Look for a documentary called "The Great Happiness Space" (might be on Netflix?) that is just about host clubs.

The TL:DR is that hosts are alcoholics by trade, in it for the money, try to have as many girls fall in love as possible but no real girlfriends allowed, and are for the most part incredibly jaded. This is before they tell you that most of the patron women are in fact hostesses or prostitutes themselves.

Oh and they also look a lot creepier in real life...

>> No.6875790

So why is Dakota Rose always showing her cleavage? Maybe you just have "cow tits," and they think you're lewd.

>> No.6875794

I want to experience the hostess culture at some point on a future trip, but I am a white girl. Will hostess bars allow that kind of thing? I'm not really lesbian but I think it'd be a fun experience?

Also I know some establishments like this are "no foreigners allowed" but not sure how it works in these businesses.

>> No.6875800

Hostesses? Hmm not really, just fyi they're usually quite a bit more expensive, and it would probably be viewed as strange if you came in alone, you might be turned away.

>> No.6875813

what are in-store customs? no photographs is a given, but what about trying things on or things like that? I've heard bodyline wont let you try things on.

>> No.6875835

I've seen it in Osaka around Dotonbori, but Osaka gave me a really slutty vibe in general. Lots of kyabakura quality gyaru there. I watched as two disgusting looking guys with host hair flagged down women. It's called nanpa if you want to youtube it or something. The girls would stop too, but they'd leave after a minute or so and obviously weren't interested to begin with. I don't know if it's typical in Osaka but I haven't seen it elsewhere in Japan yet. At the very least like I said there were definitely a lot of girls with questionable occupations.

>> No.6875842

You can try on as long as the staff don't think you look too large. Some tops (like cutsews) and of course socks and things you can't try on.
You need to take your shoes off when you enter the changing room. The staff will keep coming by to ask how you're doing. It's generally expected that you'll go out and show them once you have whatever on so they can coo over you.
If you're trying on a dress, there are usually face covers, kind of like a sheer pillowcase that goes over your head, for you to wear while you put it on so no makeup gets on it.
Be sure that you are done looking around when you are ready to pay. The staff will usually escort you to the door with your purchase after you've paid, and say thank you and bow.

>> No.6875846

There is probably hardly any trash cans on the stret because it is seen as rude to eat or drink on the street so they generally would have any trash to throw out. I have only read this though never been.

>> No.6875849

And yeah Bodyline won't let you try stuff on, but would you really want to get undressed in a place owned by My Yan?

>> No.6875854

they never found poor Jimmina Cratmer, Bodyline enthusiast and tourist extraordinaire

>> No.6875858

I lol'd

there are trash cans by the vending machines. Like other anon said, it's rude to eat and drink while you are walking in the streets, so all the trash cans are in the actual cafes/stores or by the vending machines. People usually eat their snacks by the machines and toss it there or keep it in their pockets or bags til a trash can comes up. My mom taught me from a young to never liter, so i have a habit of storing trash in my pockets til i see a trash can and people think i'm weird , especially in NYC

>> No.6875862

oh hi tumblr

>> No.6875907

This I just personally hate litering. I grew up in a very rural area so seeing trash in the bush always botherd. At high school I hated when people would drop thier rubbish when a bin was literally a meter away and i would also keep my trash in my poket until i passed a rubbish bin.
>people used to trick me into taking thier rubbish because they knew i would put it in the bin rather than drop it.

>> No.6875944

if you hate south east asia so much, then why do you go there?

>> No.6876055
File: 129 KB, 480x272, 1366394244526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been in Japan for three days now and it is so far my land of being a magical lolita and gundam. The Japanese are pretty friendly and I've had a couple help me without asking just because I looked like a lost foreigner. I'm in Tokyo until the 7th so if any lolitas, cosplayers or /a/ fujoshi wanna hook up here, feel free to email me. I took this holiday by myself and have no set plans!

>> No.6876210

>drinking in public
Wait, what do people do when they are just thirsty? Do they wait until they get home/home/school?

>> No.6876225

It's rude to walk and drink, apparently, though this taboo seems to be reducing especially with explosion of places like Starbucks. It's still rude to eat and walk or eat on the street, usually.

>> No.6876230


This, I've been to a couple, and it won't be any fun if you can't speak Japanese. Because the hosts won't speak English - most of them are high school dropouts or never went at all.

Most hosts are boring and ugly tbh, but if you get a good one it's a lot of fun.

>> No.6876304

On the topic of rude, there are a number of things that are rude to do in public in Japan. Drinking or eating while walking around, doing any makeup while in front of people/in public, sneezing at the table or while eating, or near people eating, also you should try not to look at people or stare off into space towards people while on the train.

>> No.6876328

Are you going to go to the Animate cafe in Ikebukoro?

>> No.6876330


Because Kooter's a white trash attention whore niche model. She's not "famous" all around Japan, so nobody really cares but her niche fans (otaku and older men who can't get a girlfriend), even when she's on things like purikura machines people just assume she's some sort of "gaijin gimmick" model or something. Her fanbase is mostly just lonely guys who wish women were like those real dolls.

>> No.6876341

>So why is Dakota Rose always showing her cleavage?
She did modeling for an underwear company.

>> No.6876351


That reminds me, I have a question about this (but not about Kooter), It's NOT okay to show cleavage, but what about if you're wearing a bikini at the beach? I'm busty so cleavage is inevitable in anything that is cut lower than a v-neck tee.

>> No.6876348

Seconding this recommendation.
There's also one called "Tokyo Girls" about foreign hostesses in Japan that was interesting.

>> No.6876353


I thought foreigners couldn't be hostesses/maids in cafes because of that one girl that got killed or whatever?

>> No.6876362
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I think that in these sort of countries, unless you're literally in the water or stretching by the sea, you are recommended to have something of a light dress or something on top, unlike here where you can walk around the shops and hotel areas in a bikini.

>> No.6876373

It's illegal, but people still do it. You're in big trouble if you get caught though.

>> No.6876381

They are.

>> No.6876384

>My mom taught me from a young to never liter, so i have a habit of storing trash in my pockets til i see a trash can and people think i'm weird , especially in NYC
I don't see how that's weird at all...? People who think it's normal or okay to just throw their trash on the ground are the weird ones. I've never been any place where littering was considered acceptable (of course people still do it, but they know it's wrong and are just lazy pieces of shit).

>> No.6876393

i hope this works out for japan. things are not doing so hot in europe :/

>> No.6876396
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AP will start making hijabs

>> No.6876397

Tell that to Sweden.

>> No.6876401

Though this isn't funny at all, it's a bit ironic that this happened, considering how multicultural and accepting Sweden's been trying to be for the last couple of years. Sigh.

>> No.6876405

According to Swedes in /int/ they're kind of like refusing to adapt to the country. While they don't mind immigrants they just prefer the ones that can actually speak Swedish or even English.

>> No.6876408

It's honestly not a lot different from America, just most foreigners won't run into it because nobody wants to share their drugs with a foreigner - the punishment is worse, yes, so they're just a lot more cautious.

>> No.6876411

But that problem is found with Muslims everywhere in Europe. They are not the kind of people easily assimilated(unlike Eastern Europeans, which also started migrating to Western Europe but they are all successfully assimilated). The difference lies in religious teachings and dogma.

>> No.6876412

Not true, it's very very different.

>> No.6876414

Xenophobic is the word you're looking for.

>> No.6876415

Still, it's part of how the country itself has been evolving. I'm all for allowing immigration but I am a firm believer that immigrants need to learn the main language of the country they're immigrating to.

>> No.6876424
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Hahahahaha, Sweden burns! Let the world rejoice!

>> No.6876426

Washing yourself down first and soaking in the tub after has been a traditional way to bathe for centuries in multiple cultures.

>> No.6876431
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>> No.6876438

that one asshole that fucks it up for the rest of us..

>> No.6876443

>dem sources

While I agree that having a large muslim minority shits up a country, those sources are crap, and way too likely to cherrypick data for fearmongering purposes.

>> No.6876446

good goy

>> No.6876450


>because white people never kill anybody

>> No.6876456

Do you even know anything about Sweden?

>> No.6876462


sorry off topic but the book 'last days of europe' by Walter Laqueur is all about this. that there are many second and third gen immigrants that still don't speak English (in part because their parents experienced a forgiving post-war assimilation) but now they demand respect without having done anything productive in society except be have most prolific birth rate

>> No.6876463

This is not ironic at all, the whole multikulti mentality going on in Northern and Western Europe is the actual reason this is happening.

Some immigrants come there just to take advantage of the social benefits aka welfare and they don't have to fear hard punishments for committing crimes because of policitcal correctness. You are basically a racists if you say anything negative against an immigrant and if an immigrant is not integrated well it is all to be blamed on the natives who should oriantate themselves more after their customs - which is really ridiculous.

I personally don't mind if the Japanese come across as a bit xenophobic, it just shows they still have some pride in their culture and don't want to give it up so easily.

>> No.6876464
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Eww, does that girl have down syndrome?

>> No.6876475
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It makes me sad, Swedes are too beautiful to die out.

>> No.6876486

IMO it's funny that you're all crying for the poor Swedes when Sweden literally does the same fucking shit to Finland.

>> No.6876494

Like the Finnish care. They integrate and speak the language, and are also racially homogeneous. Why you love Islam so?

>> No.6876500

>Like the Finnish care.
lol you'd be surprised how many are against it
>Why you love Islam so?
I don't. I look down on all organized religion. Christianity and Islam are literally a bomb or two away from being the same shit, different colors but you fail to see that because you grew up around the former and there are more whites involved.

>> No.6876506

Did you actually read my post? I was referring to Northern and Western Europe in general because it's basically happening everywhere there.

> Sweden literally does the same fucking shit to Finland
Do you really complain about Swedish immigrants? This cannot be compared at all.

>> No.6876511
File: 37 KB, 615x409, bemoretolerant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christianity has a horrible past but in 2013, it's just the pope complaining about the gays and abortions
but anyway, about those japanese lolitas...

>> No.6876515

Nope, she just has droppy eyes.

>> No.6876519

Jesus: A celibate hippy who preached virtue, love and tolerance

Muhammad: A war mongering pedophile who led crusades, married a six year old (and fucked her when she was nine), and had thirteen wives

I'm not even a Christian, I'm an Atheist, but you need to get your shit together.

>> No.6876531
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The hero Sweden needs.

>> No.6876532

I don't think that's what that anon meant.
While the forefathers of both religions are very different, I think that as a fellow atheist you can appreciate that followers of both religions did some stupid shit as a part of their religion.

>> No.6876539

>Coca cola, Pepsi, Pizza, Burgers, Pringles flying all over.

What I don't get is the blonde kid in the middle. Why is he killed, he looks like a regular Swedish boy.

>> No.6876542

Yes, but how does that apply to today's world? Modern Christianity lives in peace with the modern world. Islam, on the other hand....

>> No.6876545

Perhaps he is a race traitor?

>> No.6876555

Aww, it's not the kid's fault. They shouldn't have been killed, even though he was trying to "make a point" It's their parent's. Preserve your borders, stay in and preserve your country and culture.

>> No.6876652

They even banned wearing crosses in public places like schools, social buildings, etc in some european countries because some muslims feel offended and yet they are allowed to wear their burkas.

>> No.6876670

Gidding me? Holy fuck.

>> No.6876725


Islam became shit when it turned hardcore.


Christianity became benign when it learned to move the fuck over.

Even the liberal hippy scientists agree on this. Muslims need to get their shit together and move on beyond their backwards ass ways.

>> No.6876731

back on topic, where are your favorite places to shop, and how was your experience?
did you buy anything interesting? tell us of your hauls. tell us what you wish you could do

>> No.6876759

That's ridiculous. Why can't Muslims tolerate other religions? Everyone else is expected to be tolerant of them.

>> No.6876788

I want to reply to this thread but I will rant out, full retard, for max character count until the thread autosages.
I only went for a little while but all the feels.

>> No.6876793

About Japan, not religion.
No fucks given about religion, just kawaii stuff.

>> No.6876810

I remember this, I also saw the video of her singing her Sweden's National Hymn while riding this black guy. I was kind of offended, not because the were doing something naughty, but they were doing it while she sang that type of song.

>> No.6876829

Do older women have the same issues with v-necks because my 50 year aunt is going soon and she always wears v-necks

>> No.6876844 [DELETED] 

Because of things like this.

>> No.6876857

You also forgot that they try to get switzerland's flag changed because of the cross which isn't even a crucifix.

>> No.6876858

That is totally ridiculous, but most of us aren't like that.

>> No.6876861

Are you speaking from experience? Because I've been living here for almost 6 years.

>> No.6876871

Oldest and dumbest fucking excuse on the entire planet, I can't stand it anymore
>but dey not real muslims!
>we not all like that!
A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Go do something about it. Fix your society, educate people, punish those who deserve it. As long as you refuse to change things, everyone will hate your guts and call you a possible murderer and terrorist.

>> No.6876872

No, what's ridiculous is that this white guilt thing is actually making people more racist towards other groups by trying to make them more important due to the tons of racism in the past, so they're way too oversensitive to the concerns and feelings of the minority/oppressed/discriminated group to the point where they end up violating the rights of other groups due to their guilt and breeding more racism.

>> No.6876879

Same. One spit on my friend. Disgusting. I hate them and I hate their culture. No problem with Blacks, Latinos, and most Asians, but sandniggers are just plain gross.

>> No.6876890

>A chain is only as strong as its weakest link.

So all white men are pig disgusting racist rapists, amirite?

>> No.6876894
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Have fun OP! I've been to Japan three times and had the time of my life. I don't speak a word of Japanese and I managed to get around just fine. The only remotely negative experience I had was an older man asking borderline creepy questions, but I've had much worse experiences with strange men in the US. I never felt unsafe, even getting lost at night. Everyone I encountered in Tokyo, Osaka, and Kyoto was nothing but friendly.

For two of my trips I wore lolita most of the time, and honestly I got more looks when I was dressed in normal clothes. I think because when I wore lolita they just looked at the outfit, and when I wore regular clothing (dress similar to the picture with shorts) it was more obvious that I wasn't Japanese.

>> No.6876897

I do what I can! I am always trying my best to promote tolerance and encourage other people of my religion to be the same - but honestly, every other muslim I know is completely tolerant. I'd like to make a bigger impact but I really don't know how to reach people so far away.
I don't know why you're assuming that I "refuse to change things" and I certainly can't punish people. I'd love to see some change, but I don't see why everyone should hate my guts because of what extremists do.

>> No.6876917


>> No.6877717

Where did I say I used it. It was offered to me, and I declined.
It's funny because I went as a business trip from work and it was the manager I was working with there who offered it to me.

>> No.6877781

>some European countries
which ones?

In France any kind of religious symbol is banned in School and work. Rings, bracelets, rosaries, hijabs etc.
The Niqab is banned in public there.

>> No.6877848 [DELETED] 

>Modern world
>Protestant and Catholic kids in Northern Ireland go to different schools
>There's are legit walls between the communities

>> No.6877851 [DELETED] 
File: 301 KB, 1600x788, belfastwall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Modern world
>Protestant and Catholic kids in Northern Ireland go to different schools
>There's are legit walls between the communities

>> No.6877859
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>Modern world
>Protestant and Catholic kids in Northern Ireland go to different schools
>There's are legit walls between the communities

>> No.6877867

Dude, fuck all religious symbols/symbolism. All of it should be banned out side of your own property/home or in a place of worship. Fuck crosses, fuck stars of davids and yamakas, and fuck sigils of baphomet, fuck turbins and burkas.

>> No.6877888
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it's happening

>> No.6877897
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>> No.6877901

>Camo turban
Why is this so funny to me...

>> No.6877918
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>>thinking that comes close to all the fucked up shit Islam is doing today
Do you even Sharia?

>> No.6877920

But they hardly ever commit rape at all, you're thinking of sandniggers.

>> No.6877925

Thanks! wtf happened to this thread lol , can I ask you if the weather is really humid or hot? I'm from Argentina it's winter now but our summer is HELL , it is very very hot , I wanted to know if Japan has a tolerable summer/spring season

>> No.6877927
File: 84 KB, 640x480, pantruck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

japanese summer is pretty hot as well

check it out now by googling 'weather in tokyo' or wherever :)

>> No.6877965

silly me I never thought of doing it! omg 27 degrees celsius ..

>> No.6878144

No. Either nihongo o wakarimasen or nihongo wakarimasen. With people of your own social rank you would normally say nihongo wakaranai. However, it seems "nihongo o hanasenai" is more common?

>> No.6878299

that will never happen. ever

>> No.6878308

Thanks. I agree the ones who think it's okay to liter in the streets always make my hair stand on ends. If you wont throw your trash on the floor of your home, why do it in the street?

>> No.6878336

>If you wont throw your trash on the floor of your home, why do it in the street?

But many people these days actually do that.

>> No.6878398

And humidity of at least 80%! It never cools off more than a few degrees, even at night or if it rains. The humidity is really what gets you IMO, I went from my home where it was about 95-100F (dry heat) and was fine, to Japan summer where I suffered endlessly

>> No.6878473

Try living in Georgia. 90% humidity, year round. It really sucks if you're like me and you only live half an hour away from the beach. You get a nice breeze but you'll start sweating in an instant.

Does Japan use a national standard size for all it's clothing or is it like America, where it varies between stores?

>> No.6878486

Most stores offer clothing in one size, "Japanese size 9", but it can vary between brands and such

>> No.6878509

And Japan is still on energy-saving, so everywhere has their AC only on lowest setting so it's still around 80F inside, and you'll have to walk around a lot outside too (no going from nice AC car to nice AC building)

>> No.6878674

Already been! I've also just come back from a DMMD event at Queen Dolce. The event ends today and I didn't even know there was an event so I was pretty happy about this.

>> No.6878769

not OP, but I'm going to Japan as well, so a lot of this conversation has been really helpful. **taking mental notes**

I'm heading out in August and won't be back until April (study abroad). Any tips for a long-term stay?

Much appreciated ~

>> No.6878793
File: 368 KB, 427x502, haters gonna hate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the go with tax on bought items? I was thinking about heading there with two outfits and an empty suitcase and coming back with a suitcase full of new clothes. How do they even know if you've bought it unless there's clearly tags n shit all over it?

>> No.6878812

So many hot guys, that seriously put out and aren't creepy about it like mexican or black guys back home. their dicks really are smaller but like fatter lol

but yeah, no hassle, no slut shaming hook ups are fun in the akiba and tokyo district, and most japanese guys have money so they take you to these A-MAZING hotels, i could have JUST DIED right there in some of them. A-M-AZING. Some of the guys i messed around with after the cons/ arcades i attended were into some weird stuff, but thats another story for another time. just have fun, do whatever nobody knows you in a strange country ;)

>> No.6878816

If you go to places that give tax back, they staple a little sheet in your passport, but you can just rip it out again. Never had customs look for it or ask about it.

Dear lord make sure there are condoms involved if you go fooling around with guys that pick you up off the street.

>> No.6878836

i have a latex allergy so i don't use them often. why so judgmental though? why can't you be more like the Japanese and accept me/everyone for whatever they want to do?

>> No.6878839
File: 43 KB, 437x400, 1369779322087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6878841

have fun with your clusterfuck of STD's.
An issue of warning for anyone looking to hook up with a japanese dude: if he's willing to pick you up from a bar or a club or whatever, you can bet that he does the same with tons of girls and he will not be clean. Normal dudes don't do that shit, especially not with foreigners. If he's a host, you shouldn't go within five feet of him, fucking a host is a 100% safe way of landing 15 different STD's. To top it off, he'll probably ask you for money afterwards.

>> No.6878845

....this is what i meant about westerners/western culture slut shaming...this is non-existent in japan. in fact i even told a guy about how i hooked up with on of his friends the night before in front of an ito yokado and he laughed it off and asked if we could do the same lol

>> No.6878849

You mean he laughed at you because you are a slut, and then wanted to take advantage of you freely admitting that your vagina was open to the world. Have fun with your syphilis

>> No.6878856

what are condoms

>> No.6878859
File: 140 KB, 500x375, tumblr_m7peg9ICba1r79csko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always wonder what a guys reaction would be if you whipped out one of these.

>> No.6878872

>this is non-existent in japan

Actual Japanese-American here.

You must be a troll. I mean, you must be. There's no way a girl can be this deluded. If you are being serious, girls like you are the reason my (white) boyfriend is so disgusted by white girls, you're not doing yourself any favors, and you're not doing any favors for the white girls in Japan who don't want to be seen as hypersexual and loose, and who end up getting characterized like that by creeps because of stereotypes people like you insist on perpetuating.

>> No.6878883

>Go to Japan with my bro
>Rent a nice Toyota in Hokkaido for a week, drive around, see a National Park, stay at a traditional inn/onsen, go to Tokyo for the next week, pack in as much as possible (Imperial Palace, Akiba, various museums, tons of bars with awesome/frienly Japanese bros, one of whom was pouring us out free drinks all night)
>Delicious seafood errywhere, delicious food even in the tiny inn we stayed

>/cgl/ goes to Japan
>Applemilk Mk. 2 weeaboo shit
>Sleeping with random sleezy men everywhere

Stay out of Japan you worthless cunts.

>> No.6878885

Being insulted. Those look tiny.

>> No.6878889
File: 234 KB, 500x283, tumblr_lyh9nyICCJ1qikhz3o1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, well they are asian.

>> No.6878890

Austria, germany, some parts of the UK, would the first ones to come to my mind.

>> No.6878895


In my country, it's you guys raping 11/12/13 year old girls from orphanages and shit and saying it's ok because they're white.


The problem is the sheer numbers of you over here. Most nations are fine with some immigration, for example, even Japan is ok with limited immigration, temp work visas etc.

But it's gone way too far in Europe.

>> No.6878896

I'm going to find you then rape you

>> No.6878901

Dakota is that you?

>> No.6878910
File: 175 KB, 700x933, 1304491375908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Typical seagull in Japan,

>> No.6878913

>sneezing at the table or while eating, or near people eating

I`ll be damned, then. I have really bad allergies/allergic rhinitis and I sneeze literally all the time because everything bother my nose. It just would not realistic to get up and go away to a bathroom to sneeze.

>> No.6878914

You kidding? /cgl/ isn't that thin.

>> No.6878918

That's actually a Taiwanese girl.

Girls should respect their fathers more and not do such things (I'm Chinese).

>> No.6878921

Is Sweden that easy to immigrate to, if all sorts of dirty muslim can go there?

I wanted to leave the fuck out of my hellhole of a country and study abroad where universities are actually good but it seems like its impossible to go anywhere unless you are either 1- rich, 2- have family in the other country 3- already have a degree and are going for after-graduation studies or a job or 4- are a genius who can enter a university and not have to pay because your score is so high.

I fit none of these, obviously. I do speak english, though, and I'm good with languages so I'd probably pick swedish up in three years or so. Hm...
(sage for unrelatedness)

>> No.6878923

Where are you from?

Are you white?

Sweden gives out passports like hotcakes. The immigrants laugh at how easy it is for them to obtain Swedish citizenship

>> No.6878933

Uhm, I'm from south america. As unlikely as it might sound, yes, I'm white.

I don't intend on actually moving there, I really just want to study so I can graduate on a decent place and not have the whole world mocking me for my inferior education.

>> No.6878963


>> No.6878964

You can tell by those legs she's Taiwanese.

>> No.6878967

just turn your head away and do it into a tissue you pleb

>> No.6878971

I live in the UK, crosses aren't banned at all. You can even wear them in school.

>> No.6878985

>still using that word

>> No.6878989

>at the table or while eating, or near people eating

I dont think a tissue will change any of that.
And of course thats what I already do.

>> No.6879129

Anyone has more info on this pic? Is this for real, or just some mayonnaise diluted with water?

>> No.6879347

>girl with a skirt made out of used condoms
>that's disrespectful to her father!
How about we focus on the fact that's disrespectful of her own body or gender and so on?
If you said her parents I'd be more understanding but why her father more so than her mother?

>> No.6879349

>If you said her parents I'd be more understanding but why her father more so than her mother?

Father is important in Chinese culture as a source of filial piety.

She disrespect herself then she disrespect her father too because she's part of her father from birth.

Don't bring disgrace to your family/people/women in general. I agree. Be humble. Monogamous. Love and respect your father, listen to what he says, no matter what race you are. Don't take advantage of his kindness.

>> No.6879353

Interesting, but have you considered fuck the patriarchy?

>> No.6879354

>she's part of her father from birth
But she's also a part of her mother BEFORE she is even born.

Oh and don't start with a patriarchal purity sermon, this is not a church.

>> No.6879358


Cultural differences. If you want to respect women wearing their headscaves (rather than both sexes) and holding onto a religion that is inherently more unfair to women, I suggest you do the same for Chinese holding their fathers in higher respect.

If you don't, by all means, criticize our culture. I myself have mixed feelings about filial piety and the problems it can cause.

>> No.6879367

Let's not get religion involved in this and stick to culture and family.
All I'm saying is that if a girl does something idiotic like the anon above, it is disrespectful to both parents in equal measure. Also, the way you preach that girls should love, respect, obey and not take advantage of their fathers while not even mentioning the mothers(which are usually the ones holding together the family, rather than the oftentimes emotionally alienated father) to a bunch of girls from a western culture on a western board, you are being a bit silly as you try to enforce your cultural family values on them, including that little slut in the picture..

>> No.6879374

>fuck the thing that protects women from predatory men, drugs, promiscuity etc

Go back to tumblr. Only thing in America these days protecting girls is their fathers. The media is universally telling them to be slutty, to do drugs, to make their parents unhappy and to disobey their dad even though he loves them more than anything.

Remember: If you have a dad, and he is in any way loving, it's likely he'd give up his life for you, without a moment's hesitation.

Let that sink in for a moment.

That's what patriarchy is.

She should respect her mother too.

>purity sermon

Wanting your little girl not to whore around isn't a sermon.

>> No.6879377


Yo dude, it stems from Confucianism and Taoism, which teaches that the father is the base of the family. And in China, tradition is held higher than religion. Hell, tradition is religion. You pay respects your ancestors, particularly your forefathers, in a temple and even pray to them and offer them incense. Hell, Chinese have shrines to their own ancestors along with gods. So it isn't a religion by your standards, but it may as well be considered one.

Yeah, I have problems with the whole system, but it sounds like she doesn't so let's not gang up on her when there are other threads where this discussion is more relevant.

>> No.6879378

The father is the base of all family, true. Such a shame that has been lost in the West.

So many girls without strong father figures, dating bad men, black men, having babies with men out of wedlock, getting involved with criminality... That's the fault of men too, for not being good fathers.

>> No.6879380


Interesting, but have you considered returning to your synagogue?

>> No.6879381

>girls fucks a bunch of guys and collects the used condoms to make a skirt out of them for some odd reason
>alternatively, all of them are from the same guy and she kept them because she's super obsessive
>alternatively, there isn't actually semen in them, and it's just a hoax
>alternatively, she didn't actually fuck anyone and collected them, hell maybe even asked guys to jack off for her into them cause that's her fetish
The list can go on.

Better blame her parents/religion/culture/etc! When will people learn that results of the actions they do of their own volition are their own fault. Learn to take responsibility.

For all we know this could be her fetish, and that's her choice. In this case why blame anyone if she's doing something she likes and not hurting anyone doing it?

>> No.6879382


Lmao I am not defending the system. My own dad hates my boyfriend because he's a paranoid fucker who doesn't trust his own hand and it's causing so many problems I don't even.

>> No.6879383

You don't know what patriarchy is then.
Patriarchy is the general dominance of men in a society, not just in a family. This includes those predatory men, the men selling your daughter her drugs, and the men convincing her to sleep with them. They are all part of a patriarchy. Patriarchy is not protecting anyone except men.
Oh, and
>Wanting your little girl not to whore around isn't a sermon.
By all means, teach your daughter the right values, but you are telling this kind of stuff to complete strangers.
>Be humble. Monogamous. Love and respect your father, listen to what he says. Don't take advantage of his kindness.

>> No.6879386


Because she posted it online.

I do a lot of weird kinky shit too, but I have the sense to not post it online.

Yeah, sure I could not comment on it at all, but come on, it's an image designed to shock. Of course it's going to instigate comment.

>> No.6879390

> This includes those predatory men, the men selling your daughter her drugs, and the men convincing her to sleep with them.

Wrong, patriarchal systems value stable human relationships. Remember that nearly every single civilization on Earth was "patriarchal" to varying degrees, so when we say patriarchal we just mean "functional" really. It is completely antithetical to a system designed around the primacy of the family, and the primacy of the patriarch, whether at a familial or state level, to promote the growth of de-civilizing forces like rampant drug-use, divorce, promiscuity etc, which ultimately weaken those very same institutions you claim they represent....

You contradict yourself in an instant.

Your dad hates your boyfriend probably for good reasons. I guess he is a nigger, or a person without good morals, maybe some drug-addled "artist" who you fell for.

>> No.6879392

Not everyone is Chinese, nor do we care about your stupid "culture". Jesus fuck, I hate chinks.

>> No.6879393

There is a common kink known as exhibitionism, and despite you not being comfortable with people seeing your sexual encounters, others get off on it.

I do agree about commenting, though people will comment on almost anything, just because they can (especially in anonymity). Commenting and arguing reasons for something with 0 knowledge of the person or event in question are two different things though.

>> No.6879396

>muh kinks

Degenerate detected. I bet you'll be running your 16 year old daughter to "fetish parties" one day.

Feminism is disgusting.

>> No.6879400

holy shit what the fuck happened to this thread
can we at least stay a little bit on topic

polite sage

>> No.6879399


I suddenly feel sorry for defending you. You're as stupid as all the stupid chink cunts who populate my university. Absolutely close minded with no idea of how the outside world.

Or you're a troll. 6/10 for getting me to respond and for mimicking actual stupid chink cunts.

>> No.6879401


*no idea of how the outside world is

>> No.6879405


Alright, not that guy/girl, but why do western liberals get so angry when non-western people don't adopt liberalism en masse?

How fucking dare you accuse conservatives of imperialism or warmongering, you're the most culturally imperialist people on the planet. The sooner we're rid of you fuckers and have you replaced with Nationalists in Europe, the better. You can even go and live with all the immigrant scum you brought in. White privilege eh? Cunt.

>> No.6879407

tfw feminism killed marriage

>> No.6879408

>If you don't accept mass promiscuity, mass teen drug use, normalization of pornography as a "career choice", normalization of prostitution as a "career choice" etc, you are close minded

Thank goodness my mind is closed to such garbage, I wouldn't want a situation where trash were allowed to fall into it, like it has with you. America even makes TV shows celebrating drug dealers and traffickers. Sorry. That's not what I would want my children watching. Maybe for you. I want any daughter that I'd have to grow up knowing that men can be predatory and to prioritize intelligence in her search for a husband.

There is more to life than sex anyway. You know.

They are dangerous. They will use bombs and weapons to spread feminism/egalitarianism. Scary people...

>> No.6879409

>>implying we are liberals
Can you go be a chink somewhere else? Your culture is shitty and backwards, don't be mad cuz were pointing it out to you.

>> No.6879410

>patriarchal systems value stable human relationships
No, patriarchal systems value male dominance, it's in its fucking definition.
Oh, and just because the majority of our civilizations are patriarchal it doesn't means 'functional', just like how hormone-injected chickens are not 'normal'. It becomes 'functional' only because that's the way we are used to, living in these types of societies.
And I'm not saying patriarchy promotes anomie or antisocial behavior, but that it supports it and allows the people who pertain to such beliefs to uphold it.

Also, you are confusing this board with an islamic board, you fucking idiot, we are not muslims. The majority of /cgl/ is either atheist or not very religious, unlike you, who has been spoon feed a religion China created for the reproduction of the social divisions among classes.

>> No.6879411

Please tell us more about the horrors of women's rights. I'm sorry you feel women are inferior subhumans, but us civilized societies don't take kindly to your retardation.

>> No.6879412

>I want any daughter that I'd have to grow up knowing that men can be predatory and to prioritize intelligence in her search for a husband.

Oh fuck. It's a troll and I only realized it jut now..

>> No.6879413


I feel like I actually have a right to say this considering I actually immigrated from one of those countries as a child and follow news there, but I'd never go back there. They don't understand the concept of democracy, put up with corrupt powers for 60 years plus, have farcical debates compared to western democracies, and fuck it all up over and over with stupid, almost hilarious techniques. "Indelible ink" my ass. I could laugh forever at their shit.

I follow this shit. They might as well go back to a dictatorship and not even bother, and it'd work better as a fucking dictatorship. Asians fuck up democracy all the time.

So no, not really, not for a democracy in any of those countries.

>> No.6879417

For fucks sake. The only way to make the world better is for people to start caring about eachother more than themselves. And I mean everyone else, not just the group they fall in to. Separating and labeling and finger pointing and trying to blame others isn't going to fix anything, it's just going to cause more disdain and hate.

>> No.6879419

Not the anon you're responding to, but it's not the lack of the understanding of a democratic system that rustle our jimmies, but rather the insistence on a extremely patriarchal family unit and the insistence that anything other than that will result in DRUGGED MUSLIM NIGGER RAPISTS PROSTITUTING YOUR AMERICAN DAUGHTERS.

>mfw I'm not even American.

>> No.6879421

Might I suggest you ladies skip the anime today and lurk /pol/. might be any eye opening experience

>> No.6879424

>No, patriarchal systems value male dominance, it's in its fucking definition.

The vast majority of women value male dominance too, it's an attractive trait for most well adjusted females.

>Oh, and just because the majority of our civilizations are patriarchal it doesn't means 'functional', just like how hormone-injected chickens are not 'normal'.

What evil bastards those whites and chinks are, conspiring with evolution to produce behavioral differences and mating preferences between men and women and slowly hatching their plot over tens of thousands of years. Damn them!

>And I'm not saying patriarchy promotes anomie or antisocial behavior, but that it supports it and allows the people who pertain to such beliefs to uphold it.

You're claiming patriarchal societies are somehow tolerant of drug traffickers and predatory males.

In fact it's the complete opposite, it is matriarchal societies that are tolerant of these things. The laws against aggravated rape were stronger 50 years ago than they are today for example. Matriarchal societies encourage recidivism through early prisoner release, lower sentences, end to corporal/capital punishment, "MUH FEELINGS" based approach to solving criminality etc.

Patriarchal societies like Singapore just put a rope around the neck of anyone who comes into the country with a significant amount of hard drugs.

Guess which country has the more serious drug problem amongst its youth?

>created for the reproduction of the social divisions among classes.

The emergence of classes is natural and normal.

The idea of a classless society is abnormal/artificial and has never existed in any agricultural society, or extended nomadic society (e.g. mongols).

Classes are not inherently bad. Inequality is not inherently bad. Men being in control of their families is not inherently bad.

I didn't know a culture that celebrates drug trafficking, worships the worst aspects of male behavior (black rap) is advanced?

>> No.6879427

>implying anyone would step out of /pol/ alive to return here.

>> No.6879432

No. Different groups of people are different. Your job as a human is to decide which group of people you want to rule your life, now go back to tumblr and take your blind acceptance with you.

>> No.6879439

Yes, everyone prior to 1960s west considered women as inferior subhumans... This is a perfectly reasonable position to take and totally isn't influenced by your own personal biases and ideological coloring....

Well, prostituting white girls is exactly what Muslim men are doing in the UK. As the other anon pointed out. This is a phenomenon acknowledged by a large portion of UK, even many Muslim community leaders have acknowledged it.

But you probably dislike your race/people, which I find odd...

Not that person, but I feel party politics is dysfunctional. Left/Right dichotomy is just stupid. Most Asians have an attitude of "whatever works". So sometimes some things will be owned by the state, but there won't be run by the unions for example. Chinese believe in death penalty mostly because they feel its the quickest way of dealing with recidivist criminals, most effective too.

>> No.6879442

>Different groups of people are different.
They wouldn't be if everyone truly tried to get along. And I'm not from tumblr btw. I'm not blindly tolerant, unlike people with white guilt or privilege obsessed idiots. Both groups of people have to give and take and get along. I'm just sick of everyone's self-serving attitudes and desire to victimize themselves over others.

>> No.6879447


Hey, if you're actually Asian. Keep in mind a lot of Americans agree with you.

Our society is regressing, the fallacy these people usually make is that they conflate technological progress with social changes, so they'll say things like "we put robots on mars, and we allow gay people to marry!" as if the latter somehow paves the way for the former. There are many conservative, advanced societies all over East Asia with high-tech, intensive r&d, dominating high tech manufacturing too and so on. But these places will never have homosexual marriage, or mass immigration.

What makes the people on this board angry is that you aren't following the linear model of historical development they expect you to, it sort of short circuits their brains.

>> No.6879450

Many liberals (Nancy Pelosi is a prime example) hate China. Because China is doing very well, but without having to order their society according to any sort of liberal dogma. Criminals are routinely publicly humiliated before being shot, promiscuous women are named and shamed, - but still China is performing miracles economically.

In a similar way liberals hate Singapore- because Singapore is doing things their own non-Western, non-liberal way - they hang drug traffickers, cane taggers, and have one of the most exam-based competitive education systems in the world. According to liberal dogma, they should be a complete failure of a society - yet they are are perhaps the world's most successful society. Because they take the logical, not ideological approach, in all matters. To them it is far better to hang 10 drug traffickers than have 100 new drug addicts.

There is a revolution happening - the non-Western world is looking now to China as a model for development - and rejecting the liberal Western approach. The China model sits better with the traditions and inclinations of most non-Western societies.

>> No.6879452

Ok, maybe you're not a troll. Maybe you're just retarded or brainwashed pr both, but I'll go for it anyway.
>it's an attractive trait for most well adjusted females
As was well adjusted Jews in Nazi concentration camps. Doesn't make it any more right or better, though.
>slowly hatching their plot over tens of thousands of years.
You completely missed my point here. I was referring to en-masse artificial reproduction of chickens by humans for consumption purposes but I guess you ignored that since you didn't had a counter argument for it.
>patriarchal societies are somehow tolerant of drug traffickers and predatory males.
but they are. Otherwise, why would drug trafficking and mafia have such huge power in your beloved China? Oh, and it was a 'muh feelings' sort of approach to rape that made it more acceptable for women to come forward as a victim and have her rapist go to jail.
>Classes are not inherently bad. Inequality is not inherently bad. Men being in control of their families is not inherently bad.
You know what. Just shut down your computer and buy the first ticket back to China. I'm sure you'll find some lovely father/daughter relationships there.

>> No.6879454

muh tagging is muh art fascist! i'm allowed to vandalize public property because you're a nazi!

>> No.6879455

>you aren't following the linear model of historical development they expect you to, it sort of short circuits their brains

Not that anon, but the problem with america right now is that there's a huge phase of rebellious teenagers that are actually getting their way, trying to blame the suffering economy and shitty country conditions on things like patriarchy, racism and trying to push political correctness and social justice reform as the foundation for healing the country rather than looking at basal problems which actually exist.

>> No.6879456

sure is /pol/ in here

>> No.6879459

>As was well adjusted Jews in Nazi concentration camps.

Godwin? What do Jews have to do with it?

>make it any more right or better

What makes it more right according to you? And yes, it makes it better. Women do not respect effeminate men. Look at women like Katherine Russell, the white liberal woman.

> I was referring to en-masse artificial reproduction of chickens by humans for consumption purposes but I guess you ignored that since you didn't had a counter argument for it.

You are claiming that there is no sociobiological reason for human behavior you don't like, and that it's all just artificial... This is idiotic.

>but they are.

No. China has less incidence of drug use than America, much less. In China it's mostly older people who are addicts too.

America loves drugs, drug dealers, drug traffickers, pimps, criminals of all stripes, people who beat women etc.

How else do you explain how much America loves the nigger?

>> No.6879461

btw, i don't actually hate america, just liberals and niggers and spics.

most nationalistic white people i find are much more tolerant of societies different to their own, it's the liberals who want to enforce their dogma on everyone across the globe.

>> No.6879462

Men and women have different brains. Whites and blacks are biologically different, both physically and mentally. Race is nothing more then a collection of genetic traits. Personality is genetic, culture is not. Same goes for IQ. Both tend to correlate with a persons race, though there are great overlaps at times.You can force people to live together in harmony, but you can't force them to be the same. Sooner or latter, they are going to realize that certain groups of people are differ from others.

>> No.6879466

Rebellious teenagers have been getting their way in America since the 1960s.

In case you hadn't realized, the movement that postures at being counter-culture is in fact the dominant culture now.

>> No.6879464

>prostituting white girls is exactly what Muslim men are doing in the UK.
But I'm from the UK, a student in Oxford to be precise, where this prostituting ring(and yes, it was just in this instance that it was found) was based. And I assure you, Britain is a very patriarchal society. So why is this happening, according to your opinion? Why is patriarchy not stopping this? WHERE ARE THE FATHERS?! Oh wait - these were orphan girls.
Wait, so your whole argument here is that liberals dislike dictatorships like China because they are jealous of your economic growth. MUH NIGGA! Then how do you explain that the Chinese mafia does whatever the fuck they want in that country and that they regularly bribe the so-called government to overlook it?

>> No.6879471

> want to enforce their dogma on everyone across the globe.
Says the man who repeatedly told the girls of the very western /cgl/ that they should blindly obey their fathers.

>> No.6879469

>Britain is a very patriarchal society

Based on?

Patriarchy is a set of values, not just "X percent of CEOs are men".

If I was a public figure, and I called a prominent promiscuous female figure a slut, I'd be forced to resign due to sexism. That is not patriarchal.

Please provide me with a counterpoint example of a society that is NOT patriarchal, and tell me where Britain ranks on the scale compared to that.

>> No.6879475

An overwhelming majority of criminals are male, men commit 90% of all murder in the USA.

Now I don't think individual men have to crawl and apologise for this, likewise nor do Muslims have to crawl and apologise for the terrorist acts of others. But if you really do think that individuals have to take that kind of responsibility for actions of people of the same kind, the logical thing to believe in is radical feminism.

>> No.6879476


How do you explain the fact that niggers can riot at will in the UK, burn down people's businesses and that the dominant narrative after the riots is how British people must help the poor disadvantaged niggers more so they don't riot?

Is that a patriarchal society? One where there is no concept of personal responsiblity? Where criminals are molly-coddled and told we need to understand "their feelings"? Sounds like matriarchy/feminine shit to me.

Women <3 Criminals.

>> No.6879483


Mudslimes should take responsibility because it's their ideology that drives it you retard.

There is no "male ideology" that drives male murder rates. If there were, you may have a point.

Go back to sucking more minority dick.

>But if you really do think that individuals have to take that kind of responsibility for actions of people of the same kind

Libs do believe in collective responsibility though, only when it's convenient however (e.g. "these people rioted because of muh social problems, we need more gibsmedats for social programs so it won't happen again! it's our responsibility as a nation!"

Liberalism is a giant mess of internal contradictions. It's a feminine, matriarchal ideology based on muh feelings and muh emotions.

>> No.6879484

your bf seems like a typical /r9k/ faggot, gross

>> No.6879485


I don't think he used that modifier of degree, you're being dishonest.

Get back to thinking that FUCK YOU DADDY is some kind of social activist statement.

>> No.6879486

>example of a society that is NOT patriarchal
This is pretty much impossible as very few societies are matriarchal, and they usually consist of tribal societies, usually in the Pacific Islands and Central Africa.
Oh, and a maternalistic society is not based on acceptance of promiscuity and looks at causes of criminality, where did you get this from? That is called a liberal society you fucking idiot.

Also, you need to learnt that maternalistic=/=matriarchy, which is the opposite of patriarchy. Fucking idiots.

>> No.6879488

>>people who beat women
Confirmed troll, no one can be this dense. patriarchy stands for control over women, if by force, so be it. Prostitution is illegal in America, because we are civilized, where in China it is socially acceptable for a man to go to prostitutes because women are considered less then men. Also, in China, people are often arrested for killing in self defense. How fucked up is that? You should google Falun Gong torture. China has been a horrible place for a lot of people, and for a very long time.

>> No.6879489

Not her, but better than being some beta Korean faggot who you're only in a relationship with because you like guys with slanty eyes. Asian girls with White males are way more well adjusted as relationships than the reverse.

>> No.6879493

Oh, no, but apparently, FUCK YOU MOMMY is this anon's idea of a reasonable human being who likes social order.

>> No.6879494

>This is pretty much impossible as very few societies are matriarchal, and they usually consist of tribal societies, usually in the Pacific Islands and Central Africa.

Why, by any standards, are these societies example to follow?

Their stellar technology?

Their agricultural brilliance?

Their fine literature, music and art?

Why do you invoke the names of primitive societies to butress your point when it ends up doing the exact opposite?

>looks at causes of criminality

You mean genes?

>> No.6879490

mind set of a typical yellowfever guy, have fun when he leaves for another girl because shes more "asian"

>> No.6879497
File: 51 KB, 598x591, 1356768692444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ getting mad about white guys dating asian girls given all the shit they say about how much better asian dudes are than white men


>> No.6879498

>Yes, everyone prior to 1960s west considered women as inferior subhumans...
Prior to the 1970s marital rape was legal in the USA, you're being sarcastic but you could actually make a case for this

>> No.6879499

>Implying most conservative men don't hold motherhood in the highest of esteem
>Implying this doesn't piss feminist cunts off as they're either barren or rode the cock carousel for too long to actually have a healthy baby


>> No.6879500

marital rape isn't a real thing

>> No.6879502

It's scary you actually buy into the idea that the sexes are antagonistic forces who have been battling it out for thousands of years, rather than complementary parts of a whole

Feminists have eviscerated mainstream masculinity, the only places it exists are the periphery, thugs, and other losers. Why do you think the white liberal girl Katherine Russell went for an abusive Muslim man? That's a common trend.

>> No.6879503

Oh, you're right.
>patriarchal societies in the fucking jungles are so much more technologically advanced and well cultured in the arts than matriarchal societies.
>You mean genes?
how do I sociology and psychology?

>> No.6879506
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What? Asian men are ugly. Feminine as fuck, eww. A six pack can not save a man from a round bitch face. Basically, mud people in generally are sexually obsessed with white people.

>> No.6879507

>There is no "male ideology" that drives male murder rates/male criminality.
Ever heard of this thing called the 'macho culture' or 'laddish behaviour'?

>> No.6879510


Why would anyone trust sociology? It's a field completely dominated by people with an open and ostensible political agenda....

Genes already explain violent tendencies, for example, why black crime rates are so high.

>> No.6879508
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Gay rights are improving in China, if anyone cared to research.

>> No.6879512

England is ruled by men. It is everywhere. Holy fuck, chink. Look at prime minister. Woman having more rights does not equal INSTANT MATRIARCHY.

>> No.6879515

Of course, there's wasn't the first gay marriage there quite recently? Only a few months ago, from what I remember. BUT DON'T SAY THAT TO THE OTHER ANON, HE'S GONNA FLIP!

>> No.6879519

That is males being generally more aggressive.

For the record, China has a much lower murder rate than the US, same with Japan.

Although I agree a large part of American murders are committed by niggers.

Gays will NEVER be allowed to marry in China. Don't kid yourself.

Patriarchy is a set of values, not just a statistic.

>> No.6879520

Research into genes also show that males have much less emotional attachment to their children, and they are far more likely to be violent towards them. BUT I GUESS THAT'S FATHER LOVE.

>> No.6879522

>>For the record, China has a much lower murder rate than the US, same with Japan.
>>implying China has records

>> No.6879523

>wasn't the first gay marriage there quite recently


>> No.6879524

I guess you're just slow then...

>> No.6879526

In February 2012 a report was published by the Ministry of Justice providing demographic statistics of the people charged over participation the riots up to 1 February 2012 which revealed that 41% of those brought before the courts identified themselves as being from the White group, 39% from the Black ethnic group, 12% from the Mixed ethnic group, 6% the Asian ethnic group, and 2% the Other ethnic group.[225] These figures were disproportionate to the average UK population;[226][227] however the figures revealed varying demographics in different areas when compared to local populations. For example in Haringey, the figures revealed that 55% of defendants in court over riot-related charges were black, compared to a 17% black population; in Salford, 94% of rioters in court were white, compared to an 88% white population, and 6% of rioters were black, compared to a 2% black population.[228] Additionally, looters from 44 foreign countries were jailed, with Jamaicans representing the largest group.[229]

>> No.6879527

You're right. Women are more loving of their children. I don't deny that.

China's been keeping exhaustively researched records and censuses for over 2000 years. Quit embarassing yourself nigger.

>> No.6879529

Oups, sorry, wrong link.

>> No.6879531

>implying china's statistics won't be altered to fit the Communist party's political agenda.

>> No.6879532

That "marriage" has no legal validity as same-sex unions are not recognized under Chinese law.

"Mixed" basically means half nigger born to some white whore anyway, so we can count those as essentially nigger. So what you're saying is you're proud of the fact niggers only accounted for over 50% of all charges during the London riots despite being just 10% of the population.

>> No.6879535

You can say what you want, but US still hasn't legalised any same-sex marriage/civil partnership.

>> No.6879536

Nope. China doesn't care about what you do. They let you invade Iraq, they let you torture people, they let you have niggers run around in your streets gangraping people, they let you destroy your own financial security, they let you have high crime rates, etc.

When has China impeded on your "freedoms"? Freedom to rape, rob, murder, steal and whore yourselves.

You are simply terrified that China might restrict your ability to sell your body. Cosplay Deviants right? Sugar Daddies? Escorting? Ring any bells? Ellie Idol?

>> No.6879537

I hope you didn't seriously believe the "I'm a white women in Japan who has sex with lots of strangers without a condom" troll. If so, google "satire".

>> No.6879539

HK is still much more conservative, generally speaking.

Asians go about this kinda stuff in a different way, they're less brazen and ostentatious about it.

>> No.6879542

>Cosplay Deviants right? Sugar Daddies? Escorting?
>implying this isn't happening on a massive scale in an increasingly materialistic China.

>> No.6879540

Hahahahaha, slow down there yellow man. What are you going on about?

>> No.6879546

Nope. Some Chinese girls are whores, sure, but if you think they're whorish to the same levels White American girls are you're kidding yourselves.

Speaks volumes about your own insecurity.

Maybe if you weren't such whores your own men wouldn't be leaving you in droves for Chinese, Japanese and Korean women.

>> No.6879549

The country has roughly 30 million homosexuals - 20 million gay men and the remaining, lesbians.

>> No.6879551

To the chink who is trying to claim that white women are race mixers:

>>White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else—and Asian and Hispanic women prefer them even more exclusively.
>>White men get more responses then any other race in their gender (and also are most likely to be chosen by Asian women)

>> No.6879552
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>mfw I'm Eastern European.

>> No.6879553

Who polled on such a massive scale? Or is it just "X percentage of the population is homosexual"?

>> No.6879556

>>implying all white men are weeaboos

>> No.6879559

>Implying they need to be weeaboos to be sick of your love of black men

>> No.6879563

Nope, it was the number of people registered by their own free will in some sort of agency against AIDS, which also asked if they were willing to share their sexual orientation.

>> No.6879564
File: 26 KB, 453x556, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We let the chinks take our betas, so as to keep our gene pool strong.

>> No.6879567


Speak for yourself. I dislike the fact asian women routinely pilfer the kinds of white dudes I like (shy, smart etc). Not to say I'm mad or anything, but it's kind of annoying.

>> No.6879569
File: 76 KB, 239x239, 1367724534249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confirmed for white man. Hi whitey.

>> No.6879570
File: 251 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mjwz9rg7xx1qg22hlo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel. Every time I see asian chicks with white guys, the guys are usually tall, handsome and intelligent.
But then again, with how short and physically weak their men are, I'm not surprised. But fuuuck I feel annoyed.

>> No.6879572


Uh, not the shitposter ITT (I'm the Japanese-American girl who posted earlier) but we're not pilfering anyone, they're choosing to date us of their own accord.

You can't "steal" men.

>> No.6879576

Can we just all agree that the Jews are the most physically repulsive race of people on Earth and stop hating each other?

>> No.6879579
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They are the scum of the white race, though. The only reason they go for chinks is because they think like the chinks in this thread.

>> No.6879583

We don't blame you. We're just jealous.

>> No.6879584

I read this theory that Jewesses came up with radical feminism because they were butthurt that gentile women were more attractive. When you look at the likes of Abzug, Friedan etc, seems to actually have some truth to it.

>> No.6879587

Is it nice to betray your people for the beauty of the White race? We are the most sought after, while you the most desperate. Enjoy dating a man who only likes you because of some weird fetish, or because of his deluded views on your race.

>> No.6879590


Same fag.

>> No.6879592

>no mention of sandniggers and kebabs
Nigga, do you even /pol/?

>> No.6879596

why do white women like spineless men

>> No.6879597

Where did you get that idea? The random koreaboo around here is not enough for a generalisation.

>> No.6879606
File: 35 KB, 550x367, U142P5029T2D591600F24DT20130518130538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

<-Changsha pride 2013

It is actually interesting how the priorities of LGBT people and movements in China are very similar to they and certainly include gay marriage. Gay marriage is further away, but certainly on the horizon. It's noteworthy that the transsexual Xin Jing was able to marry her bf in 2005 and the right of trans people to marry in their acquired gender was this month affirmed in Hong Kong.

Review of 2012 from the Chinese LGBT perspective.
Muslim Gay in China

China might be a homophobic country but really banging on the 'immortal patriarchal culture of the yellow man' drum is just hot air. Cultural influence travels so fast in the information age that noone can be insulated, and the example of successful gay rights movements are always there.

>> No.6879608

I image searched the picture and the girl is Japanese. The stuff inside it is just milk and the pictures were first posted on a Japanese blogging site.

>> No.6879620

Oh shit, I looked for it and its true. Well, you better delete that post before the Asian Lover aka the patriarchal anon comes back.

>> No.6879686

Oh God.
Fond of discussing philosophy and the meaning of life over a glass of wine in the evening.
>the girl MUST like sushi, anime and video games
>not mentioning anything about philosophy...

I also find amusing the fact that he's only willing to go for a girl one year older, but six years younger.

>> No.6879868

there's a whole set of images and she's blacked out her face in all of them.
Probably just a 2weird4u attention whore

>> No.6879876

>no more than 115lbs
>I like my women with some meat on them


>> No.6879948

Of course, if any of you had some experience with used condoms or semen at all you would know that jizz turns clear after a few minutes. There's no way it could stay white for as long it would take someone to collect all of those.

>> No.6880179

>jizz turns clear after a few minutes
...but where's the fun in that? Also, does diet affect it in any way?

>> No.6880784
File: 56 KB, 601x569, 1370050631286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, here have this helpful picture from the jizz magicians of /fit/

>> No.6880910

I remember when I went to Japan and met up with some Japanese friends there. We saw some girls all dolled up in Lolita, to which my friends laughed and muttered that it was strange. Other people also stared at them and pointed or laughed (the girls dressed up were Japanese themselves). People who stand out from the norm get some pretty weird stares, unless you're in Harajuku. I don't know how much worse it would be if you're Western. Well, that's just my experience with it, anyway.

>> No.6881008

>so when we say patriarchal we just mean "functional" really


>> No.6881043

Does this really work?

>> No.6881714

I wouldn't say that is completely true but as someone who was born and raised in korea; when i move to the states I found k-pop and the obsession with k-pop bands was more obsessive here.

K-pop really isn't that popular there, only to young people mostly. The best way I can describe it is like Justin Beiber here, while he does have a lot of fans there are also a lot of people that view it as shit music and k-pop is hardly played on radio and in clubs.

With that being said, for that reason the "k-pop" look is not all that desired there like i've seen girl swoon about here. So I would say that the obsession is is much more the issue in America.

>> No.6881722

And to answer your question OP. Just be yourself.
They have scenes there just like here. They have a pretty big hip-hop scene over there, punk, and cosplay etc... just like here. You'll naturally gravitate to people like you, with your interest just as you do here. So just be yourself and respect the culture.

>> No.6882243

Don't blow your nose in public, either. Get thee into a bathroom and blow into a tissue. Handkerchiefs are for drying your hands in washrooms (they won't supply paper towels or dryers). If your nose is running or you're coughing uncontrollably, get one of those face masks when going out in public.

>> No.6882621

>Remember: If you have a dad, and he is in any way loving, it's likely he'd give up his life for you, without a moment's hesitation. Let that sink in for a moment.

Woah, someone "loves" me and is willing to give up their lives for me! Better give away my freedom and will and just do whatever the hell they tell me, and behave whatever way they tell me too! Because, you know, "loving" me totally entitles them to own me.

>> No.6882750

>well adjusted
>value male dominance

You can only choose one.

>> No.6882758

>What do Jews have to do with it?
>lol i have no arguments so i will just just claim that what you said have nothing to do with the subject!

>> No.6882767


What else does a nation need besides moneys?!

>> No.6882783

Where the everliving fuck did anon say they were examples to be followed? I swear you are just trying to find reasons to hate and try to offend, at this point.

>anon says you could make a point because marital rape was allowed

Apparently having too much sex makes you unable to get pregnant, u guise! We were doing it all wrong all this time!

Oh, and by the way, riding the cock carousel is only valid when the woman is promiscuous. Because, you know, sex with a boyfriend or husband is magical and does not damage you. This is perfectly logical, you see, because it was stated by a man and we all know men are always perfectly logical.

>> No.6883593
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