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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 376 KB, 467x700, edit-Katsu2013-FLCL-019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6872576 No.6872576 [Reply] [Original]

Wow, MF really DID get in another fight.

"a guy with a camera, a video camera and a thick accent with badge around the neck comes up to us and asks for a picture. "Did you just take a picture of my ass???" I demanded, he says no, so my Jigen friend and I start demanding to see the pictures on his phone. He keeps saying 'why are you getting so mad?' and 'you're being so rude!' and trying to deny that he did anything wrong, until my friend and i make a grab at his phone. He then shows me his pictures, low and behold there is a really awkward picture of my ass. I start yelling "Are you serious??? DELETE IT RIGHT NOW" and getting really upset, he continues going on about me being 'rude' and not understanding why I'm 'so upset', but deletes it, and walks off.

The staffer I called over is still not really doing anything and seems a bit panicked, but I just see red and get completely furious, so I ran over to the guy and yell "were you seriously just taking video of us???" he starts saying no, no, no he didn't and commenting on how aggressive I am. I say I don't believe him, because a girl just saw him do it, and "what did i expect", and I took his badge off his neck, then storm back over to the staffer and hand it to him. Another staffer appears and wants to know what's going on, I explain it to him. The guy who started this whole stupid issue comes over and starts saying that my friend and i laid hands on him (when we were demanding to see his phone) and it wasn't right and made him uncomfortable. I was so pissed at this point I was just being a giant asshole and yelling "Wow, someone did something that invaded your privacy and made you uncomfortable, wow!" he continued to tell the staffers that i was "So aggressive" and "rude" multiple times. He then shows me the pictures on his camera to prove he didn't take any more (there weren't)

>> No.6872586
File: 183 KB, 1000x667, d8fb53fafbc31b6ad663016f1f53409b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


she has publicly posted her nude butt all over the internet for men to fap too, what does one more picture matter at this point

>> No.6872593

I love her costumes, but I don't love her face with most of the cosplays that she does. I thought her face suited catwoman, but that's pretty much the only one I have liked. Her body is great along with the costumes, though.

>> No.6872614
File: 59 KB, 540x365, dave-chappelle-on-the-way-some-women-dress[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6872625

Great body, but i actually thought it was a man just by the face...