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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 45 KB, 458x458, 941975_302789033188755_881383102_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6871133 No.6871133 [Reply] [Original]

does it disturb anyone else to see Cosplay Calendars full of titty pics being sold to underage kids?

are there rules against this?

>> No.6871140

Who else would buy them?

>> No.6871147

if there's no actual nudity i guess it's technically not "18+" so I don't think it's illegal but still disturbing? yes.

>> No.6871155

Can you give some specific examples? I'd like to know more for... research.

>> No.6871157
File: 82 KB, 701x701, 264557_10151695941997533_1632056480_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


growed up neckbeards?

>> No.6871161

i'm more disturbed by the "nigri please" poster. whoever let that get printed needs to be euthanized.

>> No.6871167
File: 176 KB, 1632x918, 980970_303018289832496_364474782_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone on /cgl/ sell prints or calendars?
who usually buys them?

>> No.6871173

...Not Harley...anyone but harley....:(
I guess the games still did a great job of slutting her up, but, still. It hurts.

>> No.6871186

She wears a leather bra and a belt for a skirt in game, but even that wasn't enough sluttiness for JNig.

>> No.6871231

her orange skin with the white face makeup looks so retarded

>> No.6871260

There's nothing inherently indecent about the female form. Children are not so fragile that looking at titties will corrupt them, so please, cut the whole "WON'T SOMEBODY PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!" act.

Personally, I'm more insulted that some cons waste their floorspace on "sexy cosplay calendars: the booth" Who the fuck even uses calendars any more? Who the fuck needs pictures of Jnigs so bad that they can't just go ANYWHERE on the internet and see her shit all over the place?

Also, "Nigri Please!"
Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.6871266

She looks like a creamsicle

>> No.6871273
File: 47 KB, 500x333, 1361067889831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The design looks like a promo poster for a cosplay porno
jesus that's awful

>> No.6871275

I wouldn't mock modern cosplay calenders on 4chan if I were you. 4chan records all threads and sells them to the FBI/CIA for datamining. They could easily use this against you.


>> No.6871278

I don't see why she hasn't cosplayed Starfire yet
she's got the perfect skintone and skimpy fashion taste

>> No.6871339

Can somebody post the Nigiri please poster? Never heard / seen it and now im curious

>> No.6871369

Look in OP's picture, you dense turd

>> No.6871385

The first time I went to a big con (I was 11 or 12, dunno) I remember walking somewhere with my brother and my father and being really freaked by some hentai posters. They were kinda concerned too.

>> No.6871397

Yeah I take my daughter to cons and It's getting quite disturbed as more mainstream people are getting on it and bring sexuality with them. Her on the other hand just laughs at the girls and asks me loudly why is said girls naked. I just tell her that they are poor girls with no money to buy clothes.


>> No.6873265

I find it hard to believe this question was bothered with asking. Where do Moms take their kids with them most often? Grocery stores. What is in grocery stores? Swimsuit and gossip magazines/tabloids. What is on the front page of a majority of these magazines? A large-breated female in a swimsuit.

Did I look at them when I was younger than five?

Yes, and I'm fucking proud of it. I was a young boy with an strong early attraction to the female body.

It's natural to do so. Anyone who claims otherwise has a lack of testosterone or logic. Sadly almost equivalent relatable variables, actually.

>> No.6873266

>There's nothing inherently indecent about the female form

Yes, but by presenting children with sexualised and objectual (not even a word but hey not my first language) images of women is corrupting.

>> No.6873268
File: 158 KB, 1002x856, Steve_Irwin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more concerned about the flat tittied whale selling the calendars. It'll bite ya.

>> No.6873271

What weeblords don't know is that at comic conventions, it's not the most harebrained thing to see a porn star selling her videos in the fucking artist alley.

>> No.6873272

I kinda feel like the sooner little boys see titties and get over the fact "omg boobs!" they'll be desensitized to them earlier on in life and will grow up less fucking creepy or with that rape-vibe.
Seriously, it's only boobs.

>> No.6873275

Same with little girls with abs and biceps.
Seriously, it's only muscle.

>> No.6873276

They think it's acceptable to squeeze muscles and run their hands over your abs. You can't do that to boobs. Even looking at boobs is considered rapey.

>women logic