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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 573 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_mn4ugiVVxW1qjbegso8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6862763 No.6862763 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread = >>6844260

How is AB, guys?

>> No.6862767
File: 61 KB, 500x375, tumblr_inline_mncj5fpZNp1qj3ooa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6862771

Seriously? Why the fuck do we need a Dangan Ronpa General? The old one took almost 10 days to max out. There is literally no need for a general for this fandom.

>> No.6862769
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>> No.6862779
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>> No.6862775
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>> No.6862782
File: 31 KB, 500x667, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6862784

um i don't know, it's nice to be able to have somewhere on 4chan to talk about what we like?

>> No.6862788
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>> No.6862790
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>> No.6862791


We were doing fine when we didn't have generals. Oh well, I guess we're headed towards becoming cgl's new most hated thread.

>> No.6862794
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>> No.6862797
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Honestly, who cares.

>> No.6862800
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>> No.6862803
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>> No.6862805
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>> No.6862806
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>> No.6862871
File: 163 KB, 960x540, 541643_431640633592565_659978230_n_by_sheepishcosplay-d61vkvv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6862898
File: 1.20 MB, 320x240, aoi_s_magic_hair__click_me_i_move__by_annakotsu-d660m6x.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6862948
File: 152 KB, 960x639, ibuki_by_xsintrick-d64aa8r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6862991

isn't that nipple chan?

>> No.6862989

Great wig!

>> No.6863017
File: 132 KB, 730x1094, junko_by_rensuchan-d64u81c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? Deets.

>> No.6863028


I am getting really fucking sick of this Junko. Also, terrible photoshop on >>6863017.

>> No.6863078
File: 56 KB, 615x960, dr__junko_the_shsl_fashion_girl_by_uzumakisabina-d5zailn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a different Junko, anon.

>> No.6863080
File: 928 KB, 400x225, im_a_man_by_june_niocosu-d60tg5p.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6863155
File: 82 KB, 597x800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Godoka cosplayer. Also, yes, it's her IIRC.
sage for OT.

>> No.6863238

I'm calling vendetta... Anon, those two are different races.

>> No.6863250

>what is lighting

>> No.6863259
File: 235 KB, 576x432, purple_by_yonashi-d64eibs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't even look alike. At all. Give me proof or you're a vendetta-chan faggot.

>> No.6863293 [DELETED] 
File: 269 KB, 640x480, 2013-05-25 16.54.50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found this... abomination in the dealers room.
Meanwhile.. I am taking cosplay pics with my real camera.

>> No.6863295

more pics here

>> No.6863307

And this has what exactly in common with DR?

>> No.6863332
File: 496 KB, 490x663, tumblr_mks8smVHnD1qhncbso1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not vendetta, though. Why are you being so insanely defensive?


>> No.6863336


good lord she is an extremely ugly person. the girl in your link. not the chihiro.

>> No.6863338

I don't understand though, that doesn't look like the Junko up there at all?

>> No.6863346


It's the Naegi, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6863384 [DELETED] 

so.. which of you pervs is going to the Nabashin Unbound panel?
um.. not that I know anything of it or the one last night or anything

>> No.6863386


>> No.6863390

I'm so sad because I feel that DR's going to become a cesspool of fat and ugly cosplayers.

>> No.6863418 [DELETED] 
File: 93 KB, 480x640, 2013-05-25 21.13.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

signed Nabashin doujin. Huzzah.

>> No.6863424

>DR general
>act exactly like HS general
>be filled with HS fans
>pretend not to like HS

why do you need a general?

>> No.6863427

See here's what I don't understand. I get that Dangan Ronpa surged in popularity primarily from Homestuck fans who want something easy, new, and accessible to cosplay while Homestuck's on hiatus, right?

But Homestuck only works because there's no canon bodytypes/skincolors/what have you. You can't be fat Aoi or Naegi or whatever and expect to be taken remotely seriously.

>> No.6863543

>fat asahina
god damn it.

>> No.6863666

Take a chill pill, and don't be a dildo.

>> No.6863667
File: 90 KB, 500x375, nipple chan's humble beginning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thanks for the link, I didn't even know she had a tumblr.

>> No.6863670

My friend got glomped by an ugly landwhale Aoi yesterday, so yep, I agree.

>> No.6863673

It's funny because I actually despise Homestuck.

>> No.6863686
File: 37 KB, 500x281, 136678968584.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't need to know that.

>> No.6863780
File: 269 KB, 740x494, c2ab17cdb4d2022a0b826dae6b1fe182fb89c4e1-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we please get the fuck back on topic?

>> No.6863802

Is that a dude?

>> No.6863873


>> No.6863876


could they even have tried to look like a dude?

>> No.6863884

tooo. fucking. faaaat.

>> No.6863883

too fat.

>> No.6863896
File: 86 KB, 500x667, tumblr_mne2sfDwJ01r5lalyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posting from tag
that leon looks terrified

>> No.6863899

i would be too
i think they're just making a silly face however anon

>> No.6864436

Isn't making a thread asking for cosplay from a specific fandom and making a general exactly the same thing, except for the wording?

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.6864479

Thank you.

Still no Mondos?

>> No.6864528
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ABs DR turnout was unfortunate.

>> No.6864536
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>> No.6864779

I disagree, it could've been a lot worse.

>> No.6864846
File: 88 KB, 731x975, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was Monobear at AB Saturday, couldn't find a meetup. Missed the one on Friday. I didn't see a whole lot of DR cosplayers, maybe 3 or 4 groups. At least there were some.

>> No.6864850


he looks like corey's dad from corey in the house

>> No.6864932

So many Chihiros and Junkos

>> No.6865015

I'll estimate that the most cosplayed by the end of the summer will be Junko, Aoi and Chihiro.

>> No.6865042


and not yaoi-bait komaeda?


>> No.6865092

The wig is too complicated/They can't afford to buy it.

>> No.6865666
File: 78 KB, 704x960, hifumi_yamada_by_cosmic_battle-d644plo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6865674
File: 133 KB, 500x667, dangan_ronpa_by_frizz_storyteller-d66goos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6865683
File: 226 KB, 1024x1365, hope_overcomes_despair__dangan_ronpa_cosplay__by_beastbay-d62o7sg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6865712

AHHH thats me! I was at fanime this weekend and the Dangan turnout was AMAZING. Went walking around with a Junko, 2 fukawas, a teruteru, a komaeda and a monobear and we got asked for so many pics. The gathering was a+ too. my wig got really messed up but its ok cos people thought it was my real hair

>> No.6865757

And Junko's isn't?

>> No.6865802



>> No.6865855

Is this not a board to talk about cosplay. Idgi

>> No.6866059
File: 295 KB, 1024x684, dr__super_high_school_level_literary_girl_by_missy_cupcake-d5svtnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A good DingleRope cosplay

>> No.6866062
File: 72 KB, 640x960, kyouko_kirigiri_by_rinchansflower88-d65is86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6866068
File: 69 KB, 640x960, junko_by_voxane-d65mxuy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6866186


the shoop on this is absolutely terrible.

>> No.6866373

No, because they usually just buy a butterscotch blonde wig and call it a day.

>> No.6866385

like 1 junko i met this weekend did that tho

>> No.6866502
File: 907 KB, 700x933, medicine_by_rochun-d601uj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6866518

who is that

>> No.6866597
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Mikan Genderbend, probably.

>> No.6866739
File: 195 KB, 450x675, 4a4e57d6800b39237d3368e5b77c1504b766155b-740.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best junko ive seen yet

>> No.6866783
File: 597 KB, 720x1080, super_high_school_level_closet_cosplay__by_annakotsu-d63eutc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6867344

Her outfit is a mess and her monobear hair clips look like they're made out of paper. Just because they put questionable effort into the wig and are skinny doesn't mean the rest of the costume can be shit.

>> No.6867476

Outfit looks fine to me. What I liked the most was the expression though.
and you could say the same about this one they didnt even try

>> No.6867824

That Asahina looks like a WIP shot, so I wouldn't be surprised if they replaced or fixed up some of their pieces later.

That Junko is obviously from a photoshoot, though, so that shitty costume is meant to be the finished product. Paper pins and hairclips, limp bow, wonky seams, and I think I see some loose threads..

>> No.6868118
File: 801 KB, 700x933, despair_by_rochun-d5vd97u.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868142
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>> No.6868147
File: 122 KB, 900x1440, monobear_kigurumi_bad_side_by_feytalinecosplay-d5m5azu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868158
File: 477 KB, 720x960, 923385_10151677547167238_72550675_n copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868160
File: 85 KB, 728x1096, monobear_kigurumi_good_side_by_feytalinecosplay-d5m5801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6868161
File: 37 KB, 640x480, naegi_makoto_by_frizz_storyteller-d64yywv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868166
File: 701 KB, 800x533, super_high_school_level_protection_by_rochun-d5valt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868170

I wish she'd bodypainted/tanned a little darker or something. It just takes so much away from the cosplay

>> No.6868178


Agreed. IMO her costume is pretty much flawless- it fits her well, is accurate, and dat wig is amazing. If only she'd tanned her skin. :(

>> No.6868182

Except then Tumblr's Social Justice Brigade would have shit all over her for brown-facing. The cosplayer is definitely tanner than she usually is, and honestly she would have looked bad if she had gone any tanner.

>> No.6868226

If she just got some natural sun and not done it with bodypaint/makeup they wouldn't have anything to bitch about.

Of course, it sucks if you want to do pale cosplays the same weekend.

>> No.6868237


Man, I'm a very pale Israeli girl and I kind of want to cosplay Asahina if only because with a little bit of tanning I'd be the perfect color. I'd wait for the tumblr SJWs to come and scream about how racist I was being only to smack my heritage in their faces.

>> No.6868249

Ignore those morons. Using makeup to make a accurate cosplay doesn't make you racist.

I laugh because my friend cosplays a drow from D&D, and she has to paint herself with black ben nye cream body paint and pax. That's right bitches.

>> No.6868257

I agree. Bodypainting to make a 100% accurate cosplay is not racist at all. We're all aware humans have different skin tones, and to ignore that when dressing up as a different skintone is retarded. As long as you do it respectfully and seal and what not, there shouldn't be a problem. Kratos is pale as a motherfuck, but if you don't paint yourself p much white, then it just doesn't look as accurate. Not racist at all. Same with tanned characters or actual black characters. So ridiculous.

>> No.6868270
File: 102 KB, 683x1024, super_high_school_level_photographer_by_anijess3-d60u9xi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868275
File: 350 KB, 684x1024, dangan_ronpa___aoi_asahina_by_makimochi-d668i5o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6868636

>means you're not racist

>> No.6868645

What she means is that she can't be accused for brown-facing if she's a race that can naturally tan to the right color.

>> No.6868668

who cares. There are tan and pale skinned people of every ethicity. Stop acting like a special snowflake.

I'm a very pale puetro rican woman and people think I'm german or irish a lot, but i'm 100% hispanic. On the other side, i've seen hispanic people darker than some black people i'm friends with. Let the skin color thing go. It's so irritating.

>> No.6868693
File: 267 KB, 1280x684, tumblr_mngpk7zWOr1qf3xfno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of these are remotely decent

>> No.6868865

I dunno dude, that Twogami looks pretty spot-on

>> No.6868909

the Chihiro to the very left was really really cute

>> No.6868928

Who even fucking cares? We all had loads of fun.

>> No.6868940

I see plenty of decent ones. People need to stop trying so hard to find shitty DR cosplay, there's plenty of actually awful ones to pick from.

>> No.6869012

There's only like 5 decent ones, the rest are pretty bad.

>> No.6869413
File: 190 KB, 900x600, tumblr_mnagdgL5XC1qa2m7uo2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869417
File: 149 KB, 498x750, tumblr_mnfo7tG8UX1qhqqseo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869429

gah. so much awful. :( come on, western fandom, surely you can do better than this.

adorable though i wish her costume fit her better.

my favorite chiaki so far!

i love this one- her face really fits mukuro-junko, i think.

>> No.6869502
File: 456 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mnhj38nk741ro0ueko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone provide a source on the Asahina second from the right? She's perfect.

>> No.6869511

Damn, there was a really cute Togami somewhere in the pictures but....Fuck.

Also, the Twogami, Sayaka with the knife and the Touko/Chihiro on the far edges of the picture look good.

>> No.6869517

thats teelato.tumblr.com

>> No.6869566
File: 250 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mngpk7zWOr1qf3xfno8_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This Celes and Yamada at fanime were really great

>> No.6869585

I'm in that photo and a lot of the people are my friends. People tried their best, most of the cosplayers were like 15-19, and inexperienced. Everyone has to start somewhere and you're not helping anything by being negative.

Although, I think a lot of people could have put more effort into theirs. My wig wasn't the best, but at least I had one and sewed on trim, got the right sneakers, and got the right colors for everything.

>> No.6869591

I don't know , that cosplayer's face doesn't really suit Celes' face. I mean her costume and wig look great, but she just doens't fit her character.

Still, props on creating that wig. Must have been a bitch.

>> No.6869595

Sayaka with the knife, Mahiru maybe, fatogami, Chihiro and Touko on the far left and the Nanami and Monomi look pretty good.

>> No.6869610
File: 609 KB, 1280x960, tumblr_mnhhnugcvG1qgs2s7o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to agree, I really like the Twogami. There was another one on one of the other days that wasn't that bad either I think.

>> No.6869614

Here's what I don't get. My face and body are ideal for Asahina, yet you guys had problems with my cosplay, and then this girl's costume and wig are AMAZING and you criticize her still. Can we not just say "GJ" and call it a day?

>> No.6869632

You must be new here.

>> No.6869644

Shut the fuck up. Are you the bad Aoi who keeps posting her shitty cosplay everywhere.

>> No.6869672

Thank you for the compliment, I'm the Celestia that was posted. But you're making a bigger deal of this than needs be. It wasn't a very rude comment just an honest opinion. This is /cgl/, you should lurk some more or you'll get torn apart.

>> No.6869694

I cosplayed Fukawa, Monomi, and Mukuro at Fanime. It was so bizarre going to the gathering and seeing so many cosplayers considering just at Sakuracon like a month ago there was my little group and just 2 or 3 other dangan cosplayers. At ALA literally 2 people recognized our group.
It was like being in the twilight zone, looking around and seeing dangan cosplayers besides my friends.

I was the Monomi in front here. It's a fun costume, super comfy haha. I want to wear it more.
(bonus, Monomi is a fat little rabbit so i can be a whale and still be accurate lol)

>> No.6869720

In love with that Yamada

>> No.6869740
File: 109 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mnagiaV8LH1qa2m7uo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6869741


>"15-19 and inexperienced"
>cosplaying dangan ronpa badly

sounds like hiatus-fandom-jumping-homestucks to me.

>> No.6869761

I actually don't know many DungRompers that are into Hamsteak.

>> No.6869776

#1 pet peeve about the dangan ronpa costumes on taobao is that the nanami hoodies have pleats instead of ribbing and it looks like shit
come on china

>> No.6869782


Most of the DR taobao costumes look like utter garbage and the fact that the majority of this fandom seems to want to default to buying them is resulting in waves of shitty cosplays, ala >>6868693.

>> No.6869786


I love Celes and would love to cosplay her as well, but her outfit is so goddamn ita. It makes me cringe. It's like straight from Milanoo and I don't want to have to deal with looking ita at cons where very lovely lolitas tend to show.

>> No.6869788

I'm a lolita who cosplays and that's exactly why I DO want to cosplay as Celes.

I want to look like a glorious Milanoo-chan with horrible shoes and tacky makeup and a Nana ring and a petticoat the size of Jupiter and prance around a convention knowing that I actually have a reason to live my ita fantasies.

>> No.6869790


Anon you replied to here and hahaha, that's actually kind of cool. You go, girl. I hope you pull it off.

>> No.6869801
File: 757 KB, 734x979, mg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the Mikan who missed the meetup because I took forever getting dressed. I got to meet Gundam though! I also forgot to put on my bandages until like 6pm fuck.

>> No.6869908
File: 105 KB, 422x275, 1368844056964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was the other anon who said that your face didn't go well with Celes' character. I really didn't mean it as an insult, just an opinion. If anything, I think you would make a good Nanami since you have such an innocent face. Anyways, I have to give you props on creating that amazing Celes' wig. Her hairstyle is such a hassle and you pulled it off flawlessly.

>> No.6870104

The twogami is pretty good. I wish we could see more of the togami on the left's cosplay because it doesn't look too bad either. The one on the right...Needs a wig? Needs a better wig? I can't even tell at that angle.

>> No.6870268

I can't tell because of the pose but I'm liking what I see from the left Togami as well as the Twogami

>> No.6870501

Please stop cosplaying that. You don't use a wig, don't put on any makeup, an you're horribly out of shape. You're just an eyesore.

>> No.6870509

You know what, I think this is an example of a heavier girl doing it right. She's not fat, but she seems to have a more mature body and holy shit does she look great in this.

>> No.6870554


Agreed. She's got some curves, but she's adorable and her costume looks great on her.

>> No.6870557

did anyone happen to catch the one monobear back at acen?

>> No.6870599


Agreed with >>6870501. You are far from 'ideal' for Asahina. In all honesty, you're actually one of the worst ones I've ever seen. You've been told repeatedly on this board exactly what's wrong with your cosplay and you haven't done anything to fix it up. It's rather stunning that you have such an ego when your costume is so poorly-fitted and unflattering and when you ignore all the constructive criticism given to you.

>> No.6870671


Fat, though I'm sensing self or friend post.

>> No.6870701

it's me and there's no way i'd selfpost this pic cuz it's honestly the worst pic of my fukawa costume that i have

>> No.6870755

Agreed, unfortunately. Oh well, though, I wasn't expecting much from this fandom.

>> No.6870761

God, I love her body. I'd rather have a qt3.14 gf with a body like hers than any model I've ever seen.

>> No.6870979

Why are all Aoi's either too light or ugly/fat?

>> No.6870996

Woah, shit, really? I'm not that girl but I have a body almost identical to hers and I was a bit scared about cosplaying Nanami since I didn't have thin thighs.

>> No.6871146

I like that Monobear a lot for some reason. The outfit's simple and still somehow flashy, something that fits the character very well.

>> No.6871150

anon i look like her too and just got back from being chiaki at fanime! something about cifera's cosplay seems off to me, maybe i'm just picky about faces, but finding pictures of her definitely helped me not be nervous about the cosplay. just find a skirt length that's flattering for you and be sure that your socks don't have super-tight elastic at the top. mine were made out of some old tights and i just attached them to some pantyhose to keep them up. good pantyhose also helps you feel less exposed and more shapely than chubby!!

>> No.6871211

That cosplayer is well known for tailoring things to suit her body type really well. The reason she looks so good as Nanami despite her curvy thighs is due to a well made and fitted costume proportioned properly to her body.

Her tumblr is cifera- she's actually really helpful and I'm sure she'd give you advice related to that body type if you asked.

>> No.6871218


what exactly is off about it?? it's probably the most accurate nanami cosplay i've ever seen.

>> No.6871220

yeah i love gabby. i liked her homestuck costumes better though, for some reason. i've only disliked one costume of hers though, and that was the "blood elf" from WOW, and she hasn't even played WOW.

>> No.6871253

How does cgl feel about the Dangan Ronpa ask panels that are popping up at cons now?

>> No.6871269

DR ask panels are fun, i think! i mean, their anime so they do belong.

>> No.6871284

Considering the anime isn't even out yet I hope you mean they're Japanese...

I know the original question didn't really refer to this, but I think some people seem to associate DR closely with Homestuck because of the fandom, and therefore seem to get a bit weird about its sudden popularity gain at cons. But at least DR is relevant to Japanese culture conventions, unlike Homestuck, and even though the people involved have as much potential to be rude as anyone does at a con, at least there is no danger of getting paint everywhere as troll cosplayers do.

>> No.6871297

That sort of faggotry is what made Homestuck universally hated at cons with its 6 ask panels per weekend shit, so I hope it doesn't reach that point.

>> No.6871323

no it's definitely very accurate! like i said it's probably just me being picky about headcanon faces. now that i look the skirt and ribbon colors are off but considering the endless problems i ran into with dyeing things for my own chiaki i dont really have room to talk...

>> No.6871330

For me it's that I don't think her makeup looks so great in that picture, but in the gifs she looks really cute.

>> No.6871361

>(second from right)

These are the only cosplays here which aren't completely terrible.

Why are there so many fat Aois too, goddamn. You'd think with a SWIMMER'S BODY that would put off fatties from trying to cosplay her.

>> No.6871437


because people think big boobs = fattyfatty-chan

>> No.6871505

Might be a long shot, but is anyone here planning on cosplaying from SDR2 at Anime Expo? I'm trying to see if it's possible to organize a full group.

>> No.6871539

Q&A panels have always sucked and will forever more. It's always the terribad 13 year olds of the fandom asking shipping questions about " kooway yawees".

>For further reading, see: every Kingdom hearts/Naruto/HS panel in the past.

>> No.6871556

I have olive skin and want to tan for Aoi SO BADLY but my other cosplays this summer are of pale characters. I'd just use my summer-tone concealer but I don't want tumblr to get on my ass like they did Korra cosplayers (even the ones whos skin turns a darker shade naturally)

>> No.6871667

i don't know for sure yet if i'm going to AX but it's looking likely! hoping to get mikan, sonia, and nanami done and i'd love to have a group

>> No.6871664

Fuck tumblr, man. Just do it accurately. If they give you shit for being "racist", remind them what racist actually is.
>hint: racism isn't respectfully darkening yourself to look more like a certain race for a costume

>> No.6871685

Yeah, fuck what they say. If you darken to cosplay a character, it's blackface and disrespectful, but if you don't, you get shit for cosplaying a darker character at all. They say you have tons of light characters to choose from.

>> No.6871717
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D'aw thanks anon. The wig was the most annoying and tedious thing I've ever made so I really appreciate it. And I totally understand haha I didn't take it as an insult! I'm cosplaying Hiyoko to AX so hopefully I'll fit her better than I did Celes.

>> No.6871760

darkening your skin to look like a dark skinned character can be interpreted as blackface/yellowface etc. and it's just better to most poc to just stay the skin color you're in. Black cosplayers don't cake on makeup to become white or asian, don't become cake on makeup to make yourself look more ~*~accurate~*~ to a dark skinned character. Avoiding drama is easy as fuck guys.

>> No.6871768


>> No.6871832

First of all, it was great meeting and talking with you at Fanime (I was dressed as Jacuzzi on day 3 when I talked to you, but as Komaeda during the DR meet-up on Friday). I'm hoping to bring my Mahiru cosplay to AX as well, so maybe we can take some photos together?

>> No.6871847

Ignore tumblr and darken for cosplay. No one honestly should give them any fucks because the lot are a bunch of uneducated people who want awards and hugs for doing nothing.

Darken and you'll look more accurate to the cosplay, since cosplay is about looking closest as possible to the character.

>> No.6871854

The reason black cosplayers dont put on pale makeup is because they'd look terrible. It's easier to darken pale skin than to lighten dark skin.. It's just common sense. My gods, when did cosplay become about 'accuracy = racism'

>> No.6871890

because blackface/yellowface/brownface is racist no matter what???You're making someone's skin color a costume prop. That's dehumanizing. And You don't have to be 100% accurate. And it looks really tacky when you put darker makeup instead of tanning. Bronzer's cool and all but buying foundation that I would wear would look shitty as hell on a pale white girl. sorry, but not sorry.

>> No.6871914

oh hi! You were really really adorable and sweet. I wish I talked to you longer ahh but yes getting some pics together would be really amazing, and maybe we could hang out more!!

>> No.6871950
File: 289 KB, 400x225, 1368746223257.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't it more "offensive" to just completely ignore the skin tone? I mean if a character has blue skin everyone expects the cosplayer to have a matching skin tone. Why would it be any different for regular skin colors?
Some people want to be 100% accurate, and if that means using make-up to look like the character then why the fuck not.

Also, blackface =/= darkening your skin for cosplay. Blackface was used to make fun of dark skinned people, whilst for cosplay it's to look more like the character. How on earth do you think that's racist?
Sage because off topic and obvious mad.

>> No.6871959

No, fuck oyu, darkening your skin is blackface no matter fucking what. You're probably a privileged white upper-middle class teen who's not old enough to post on 4chan but thinks she's the king of the world.

>> No.6871963

>Blackface was used to make fun of dark skinned people
>darkening your skin is blackface

>> No.6871965

>You're making someone's skin color a costume prop
I think that's the answer you're looking for
I mean a blue skinned character or like a pitch black (Like they're literally black as #000000 ) or any non-human skin tone is cool and great but yeah, you don't get to be dark for one day and go "well this was fun time to wash this shit off now" it just not. cool.

>> No.6871973


It's like you're saying

>>(someone else) The Holocaust happened.
>(you) No.

Die in a fire.

>> No.6871977
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>> No.6871979

so if i accidentally put on dark foundation im doing black face? interesting.

>> No.6871985
File: 372 KB, 300x200, tumblr_lyn34g5Hob1qb3l9f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should know what's your correct foundation color. Makeup tests exist for a reason.

>> No.6871989

Please leave your north american white guilt out of the rest of the world. America is basically the only country that makes a big deal about this, and basically the only one who has such a huge problem with it.

>> No.6871993

I'm pretty sure this isn't just an American centric thing.

>> No.6871997

>north american white guilt
oh my god are you an idiot

>> No.6872006

it really is.

>> No.6872003

lol omfg is this some kind of joke it was a hypothetical question and my point wasnt that i didnt know my skin color its that if i were to put on dark foundation and walk around for a day no one would put me in jail for doing black face and no one would think im racist they would just think im blind

>> No.6872010

darkening your skin isn't 'black facing' and even so, it wouldn't be illegal and it's not offensive. should i get offended for every snooki or valley girl or gyaru i see? where did all this PC SJW stupidity come from?

>> No.6872012
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yeah but still you can avoid getting foundation that doesn't suit you pretty easily? That was a shitty hypothetical question.

>> No.6872014


>> No.6872018


>> No.6872022

good job desperately avoiding the actual point im bringing up in every single post. You're really making yourself look smart.

>> No.6872024

Canada fag here, it's actually only in the USA. Hell, we don't even have minority scholarships here.

>> No.6872027

Lol @ you all talking about Asahina as though she's black and not Japanese.

>> No.6872034

srsly tho she's a tan Japanese girl. The only reason this got brought up is because someone was bitching about tumblr sj's.

>> No.6872042

because only black people have dark skin, duh.

>> No.6872058

> PC SJW stupidity
really tho? There's some legitimate shit SJ people say.
We're just going to ignore it because we don't agree with someone? Last time I checked this isn't politics.
tanning isn't racist but caking your face with foundation 5 shades darker than you is. Now can we get back to the damn original topic????

>> No.6872063

>because only black people have dark skin, duh.
no one was saying that though....

>> No.6872066

Seriously, using a dark makeup to make yourself appear dark skinned is NOT black face, and the fact that you're even using the word is insulting. Black face was used to exaggerate characteristics of african-americans. Taken straight from wikipedia, "performers create a stereotyped caricature of a black person." Black face wasnt just putting on a dark skin tone. Please educate yourselves before you go off spewing nonsense.

>> No.6872068

>talking about cosplaying tan japanese girl

>> No.6872079

seriously no one brought up the statement that only black people had dark skin. There were also the terms brownface and yellowface thrown around.

>> No.6872171

OP of this comment here. I know Aoi is a tanned japanese girl and not black or hispanic or what have you. What I'm saying is is that I go that shade too with enough sun exposure, but because I'm cosplaying very pale characters later in the summer I'm slapping on the sun screen. _I_ know that I'm naturally dark in the summer if I allow myself to be, I could even pull the race card if desperate since I'm a Sephardic Jew, but I've seen people be called on even tanning intentionally to be racist. I just don't want to deal with that shit.

>> No.6872404

>darken your skin
>"bawww racism/black face!
>don't adjust your skin tone and are fairer than said character
>whitewashing! Go cosplay someone else!

Really, do whatever the fuck you want, you lose either way with the SJW set.

>> No.6872405
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>> No.6872568
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I don't know what it is about this costume but it just looks so... lackluster? Is it even possible to do a good Ibuki?

>> No.6872724

I think you just really need to have the ridiculous attitude of Ibuki in order to pull her off. Props would also probably help.

>> No.6872752


>Saku making a mediocre costume

And this is news why?

>> No.6872757



This explains everything.

>> No.6872854

I've been kind of gathering a group myself! I'm doing the AX Dangan Ronpa meetup as well, but yeah for the group we've got an Ibuki, a Gundam or two, Tsumiki, Kuzuryuu, Peko, Hinata, Komaeda, Mahiru, Akane, and Hiyoko! It'd be so rad to have a full group oh man

>> No.6872871


When is the meetup? Is there more than one?

>> No.6873336

well aoi is pretty curvy but still definitely not overweight

>> No.6873852

If your definition of curvy is huge boobs, a tiny waist, and hips, then yes she is.
Landwhales tend to use "curvy" as a reason for cosplaying the characters with boobs. Lord knows how many fat Mamis there are in the world because she has the biggest boobs out of all the girls.

>> No.6873883


I was literally sitting here asking myself why all the larger girls cosplay Mami, but this makes perfect sense. I wish people would realize big boobs don't always equal fat (though I guess that is more realistic/even, anime measurements can be the dumbest shit).

>> No.6873926

Where does this hype come from? Isn't it just a subpar visual novel that wasn't even localized?
Has somethign happened to Homestuck so that tumblr needs a new thing to drool over?

>> No.6873961

I mean, there are a lot of people who enjoyed it. You can say I have shit-tier taste, but I thought the story and character development was really well done. It also helped that there are lot of different characters to cosplay as, and people started getting into it right around the Homestuck hiatus. Despite all of that, it's still an enjoyable read.

>> No.6873972

But that doesn't explain why it is so horribly hyped. Is there anything that makes it unique?
I am not really biased on this. I have a honest dislike of msot tumblr hypes, but I also enjoy Who, Sherlock and Supernatural.I might look into it (if I can, since I am certainly not a fan of handhelds)

>> No.6873974

Anime proportions are definitely ridiculous, but there are also some girls out there who have them who cosplay those characters really well.

/Also there is quite a bit padding can do for you, especially with characters like Mami or Asahina if you're going for accuracy. I'm personally not a larger girl, and I can understand where they're coming from, but a lot of times you'll hear stories about friends of friends who try to pull off certain characters "because they have the boobs" and no other similar features. There are a decent amount of characters out there who fit their body type completely.

However, the argument that "cosplay is just for fun" can be made here as well. People are going to cosplay who they want, and that's just a fact. I just wish there wasn't an overabundance of overweight Asahina's who think they have the figure to pull her off.

>> No.6873988

I just looked a bit into it and saw that it was released on Android. How did you guys play it or did you all just happen to speak Japanese?

>> No.6874006

>You're probably a privileged white upper-middle class teen who's not old enough to post on 4chan but thinks she's the king of the world

This HAS to be a troll. There are no many tumblr social justice buzz words for it not to be.

Chill the fuck out.

>> No.6874008

I don't think anyone could give you a straight answer as to why Homestuck is as hyped as it is either, aside from the group dynamic of "it's popular and everyone else is reading it, I should too".

Although I will say that Dangan Ronpa tends to mess with the reader's head and flip their expectations of characters/generally subverting tropes, which is something kind of unique. It also combines Battle Royale and Phoenix Wright into an enjoyable format, with interesting characters and suspense that keeps the reader going.

I personally read it right before the fandom exploded because my friend had been bugging me to read it for months, and I got through it in a day and a half. I totally get being wary of Tumblr-popular things (aka why I probably will never watch Supernatural or play Off!), but if the concept interests you, I don't think there's anything wrong with liking something other people do. There's a "Let's Play" thread on the SomethingAwful Forums (I dunno if the paywall's up though), which is how all the people who don't live in Japan know about the game, and an anime adaptation which is coming out in August (I think?).

>> No.6874015

So I should play it before the anime comes out to count as a hipster. Welp, now it's time to find an android torrent with english translation.

>> No.6874018

POC here. No, skin color is not a prop. It's part of the costume. That's like saying it's rude to gingers to dress up like one with orange hair and freckles. Go back to tumblr, and while you're at it, go rant to your SJW friends about how "racist 4chan is for making skin color an accessory", you dumb cunt.
Sorry for being off-topic and bringing this back, but it's annoying as hell, and I really do have to agree with >>6872066 . Sage for argument and no contribution.

>> No.6874026

It is an American thing. I've never seen anyone in all the european cons I've been to ever think of it as blackfacing. Besides blacks that grew up in europe don't have the same way of identifying themselves as blacks as afro americans do because you've got a much bigger historical baggage on the question of racism even today. So not only have I never seen anybody here associating it with blackfacing, I've also never seen anyone of darker skin color offended by it.

>> No.6874030

I mean, I personally like it because of VLR and 999. Maybe the Zero Escape series it shitty to everyone else, but it's if the sort of mindfuckery VN that I enjoy?

>> No.6874815
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>> No.6874821
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>> No.6874850

Meetup's Saturday! Not sure of the time/location yet, but as far as I know there's only one DR meetup.

>> No.6874854

Genderrodriguez (yukkomai now i think) is the fattest Aoi I've seen. I mean, most of 'em aren't as fit as she is, but most of the others have small waists, wide hips, big breasts etc like she does. Anyway, isn't the point of cosplay to have fun? Maybe they don't care what you think.

>> No.6874859

I'm black and I'd far rather people either use subtle bronzer or keep their own pale skintone. It's not that I think it's racist, it just looks awful to have your skin that dakr when it wouldn't be naturally.

>> No.6874863

God why. There wasn't one at Fanime but goddamn I am not interested in that. They could have a game panel (like, a Dangan Ronpa IRL kinda thing), but ask panels are POINTLESS there are blogs for that.

>> No.6874877

Awful Aoi here. Stopping cosplaying. I thought it made people happy but if it doesn't, I'll stop. I'm just gonna sell art or whatever. Thanks for stopping me from being an eyesore to anyone else.

>> No.6874897

Nah nevermind I do this shit for me anyway bye sorry

>> No.6874934

please get off the board. you're shitting it up with your passive aggressive cries for attention.

>> No.6874974
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>> No.6875002


Are you the person organizing it on the coscom forums? Because over there I could've sworn it was being organized for Thursday or Friday.

>> No.6875039

yeah even as a fattychan myself i don't understand why, and you'd think having a corset on would help a bit

>> No.6875126

Oh, that may be a different one? Mine was originally on the AX forums but I put it on coscom as well!

>> No.6875132


Could you give a link to wherever you're organizing this, please? I'd like to work it into my schedule and share it with my DR-cosplaying friends.

>> No.6875177
File: 106 KB, 488x446, 1365727892329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to tumblr. No one wants whiny bitches who can't handle negative feedback on this board.

>> No.6875181



Here you go! And as for anyone interested in joining the SDR2 cosplay group, we've got a group on Facebook I can add you to!

>> No.6875201


There's definitely two meetups, then. Thanks for th link!

>> No.6875431

Not to say that the whining is justified, but maybe if you guys were a little less harsh on newer people, (i.e. say something good AND something bad about their cosplay) you'd avoid the whining.

>> No.6875457
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these junkos were perf. saw em at fanime

>> No.6875465


I was prepared to hate but they don't look too bad. The wigs definitely need more layers though.

>> No.6875637

Well, first she made a thread asking for critique on her cosplay, and when people gave her advice on how to fix it, she made excuses on why she didnt need to. Her arrogance is completely unwarranted, and people got sick of her constantly posting here shitting up the place.

>> No.6875698
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She made a couple of posts about her cosplay before and people were decent with her and told her areas to improve on. However, she didn't seem to consider these constructive criticisms and just complains and whines about it.

Most people on this board are brutally honest and if they see something wrong with a cosplay they will say something, not just lie and say it's perfect just the way it is. The problem is that some people aren't very open minded and get offended and then proceed to start fights and/or bitch endlessly; that's when /cgl/ starts to get harsh.

I like them. Their costumes are great and they even managed to get the right wig color. I just wished they styled the wigs more accurately.

>> No.6876090
File: 33 KB, 450x450, museum-of-fine-arts-samurai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I forgot o mention this before the con. Did any cosplayers take a trip down Huntington Ave to the Museum of Fine Arts? They have a Samurai exhibit on display and that weekend was a free weekend open to the public. It would have been super crowded, but free.

>> No.6876120

Just wish I could see more DR Zero in the western side of this fandom

>> No.6876374
File: 308 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_mnc7r5xZwp1qhrmsao1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this Asahina's wig but this is the only picture the user had uploaded, what the fuck

>> No.6876568

Pale skin ruins it.

>> No.6876612

I'm planning on cosplaying Ryouko

>> No.6876609

I only saw that one thread and then this one. Looks like, from the group pics, she did actually do some of the stuff suggested. Though I'm not sure that shitty wig is an improvement from no wig.

>> No.6876847

Any tan Aois?

>> No.6877363
File: 71 KB, 480x280, 2(520).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why have minimal eyebrows as Ishimaru?

>> No.6877379

I'm curious, is the thread she made for advice still up or in the archives or did janitors get it? It sounds hilarious.

Also I'm planning a a saiyonji cosplay, i have a cheap hand-me-down kimono that is not exactly the same orange color but close enough. It isn't decorated though. The material is silk. What would be the best way to add the flowers? Fabric paint, sew them in?

>> No.6877390
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>> No.6877541

Am I the only one who thinks that Fem!Teruteru is really cute?

>> No.6877576

I think so!! I hung out with her Sunday and she's a real sweetie.

>> No.6877600

source on this?

>> No.6877879
File: 401 KB, 402x600, tumblr_mjdigdJm531qkkp9ko1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested in cosplaying Teruteru, but I don't think I exactly have the body for him. I'm not super skinny but I wouldn't say I'm over weight. Is there anything I can do to make it appear as if I have a thicker body build? Without it looking ridiculous of course. Also is there anything I can do to make my face look chubbier? Any types of contouring? I don't plan on doing this for a while, or if there is anyway I can really do this without looking too thin so if you have any ideas or recommendations that would be appreciated

>> No.6877928
File: 23 KB, 500x373, tumblr_mnn4tl9e3J1qe7c9qo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found it the best dangan ronpa cosplay enjoy

>> No.6878363
File: 592 KB, 940x627, tumblr_mnje7hp0xk1qcypzno1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

on the bright side, there's a few gems glimmering out of the shit.

>> No.6878405

I think it's a cute concept and her makeup is cute, but I just really hate that wig. It feels like such a cop-out when Teruteru has such a complex hairstyle normally, plus the cut of the bangs isn't super flattering.

>> No.6878461
File: 96 KB, 600x900, 970656_10200316268372216_748444633_n_by_artemismoon45-d671e0w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6878464

a lot of people have jumped from the homosuck bandaged to the ronpas and I do not like this but it doesn't mean i'll stop being interested in the ronpas.

keep on posting.

>> No.6878466
File: 62 KB, 683x1024, _0ntoq2wdbjrb2nngucuffujt7mfpcntydlaskstreo_by_happymanga-d66wcuw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6878469
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>> No.6878470
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>> No.6878477
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I believe it's based on this art, hence the hair.

>> No.6878478

I feel like there's something off with this picture, but I can't tell what

>> No.6878483


Well, for one, mastermind Junko casually schmoozing with the others is out-of-character, but other than that everyone seems fine.

>> No.6878487

That Aoi is really cute

>> No.6878498

Yeah, the cosplays themselves seem just fine but it seems bizarre that the Junko would be chilling with the others

>> No.6878506

I'm the Junko from the shot and yeah after taking the picture I really wish I had done something a lot more dynamic than just sitting in the back putting on lipgloss! It would have made more sense had I been cosplaying non-mastermind Junko.

>> No.6878729
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>> No.6879041


>> No.6879201
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ceres on tumblr.

what are everyone's opinions on junko wig colors?

>> No.6879282

Peachy blonde. I went with epiccosplays peach blonde and it's, in my opinion, the perfect junko color >>6879201

>> No.6879343


she just looks so... awkward as the character. it's not a paticularly great cosplay anyway but it's passable- it just doesn't seem to suit her. i think her features would work much better for celes or mukuro.

>> No.6879365

I think she makes a really great Kirigiri. I just think the picture isn't the most flattering because Kirigiri has zero emotion all the time.

>> No.6879391

does junko have a 'mastermind' and a non mstermind look? there's only one pic in the artbook as far as i can tell. maybe i should go look at the lp chapters again but i'm too lazy

>> No.6879443

yeah, mastermind has the monobear hair clips and the black and white colorblocked tie, while mukuro junko has a rabbit clip and a bow and a white tie with a tiny bear pattern.

>> No.6879514
File: 119 KB, 480x640, 792690_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Partially what >>6879282 said
I feel like a light gradient of a more warm-toned pink would look really nice. Honestly my biggest beef with majority of Junko wigs so far is that they hardly style them. Spritz up, separate some curls, etc etc. Don't just toss that shit on out of the bag.

Given her exact color is somewhat inconsistent in canon, I think it's kind of left up to your interpretation and preference in the end. If you're have a more olive skin tone, going a bit darker shade and straying from the 'platinum blonde/pink' to make it more flattering would be a good idea.

polite sage for me rambling on about and being derpy

>> No.6879852

One of the class pictures where her face is blocked, she has the black/white/red tie but has Mukuro-Junko's hair accessories.

>> No.6879928
File: 225 KB, 600x900, 1369978896971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is something really bizarre and unflattering about the proportions of this costume. The jacket and shirt are at a really awkward length with the cut of the skirt, making her torso look inhumanly elongated.

I put this picture into photoshop and played with liquify a little. If she'd tailored it more like this it'd look so much better- i.e. shorter skirt, longer jacket.

>> No.6880064

Her weird proportions may be the reason. Her chin looks small and she's just... stickbug shaped.

>> No.6880076
File: 285 KB, 600x900, Kirigiri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just a bad photo. I like this one better. I always picture Kirigiri as Asian.

>> No.6880082

why did you only circle the toukos with inaccurate uniforms tho
also that mondo's wig is fucking awful

>> No.6880083


> I always picture Kirigiri as Asian.
> posts white girl

Why would you need to 'picture' Kirigiri as Asian? She's fucking Japanese. The entire cast is. Go back to tumblr and take your retarded ~race headcanons~ with you.

>> No.6880084

different anon but i think in this case even if characters ARE Japanese, you can be not-Japanese and dress as them and not look entirely stupid. Celes, for one, I wouldn't find jarring to see portrayed by a white girl, same for a brown girl as Aoi. It's kind of like how even if Wonder Woman isn't Asian, an Asian Wonder Woman still works.

Some of these characters from Dangan Ronpa look less stupid portrayed by non-Asians than others.

>> No.6880086


I wasn't saying that you can't look good as a DR character if you're not Japanese. Just pointing out that it's dumb to 'picture' Kirigiri as asian when she IS fucking asian, while posting a picture of a white girl.

>> No.6880236

>Mondo's wig
>anything but perfect

>> No.6880240

Nope. wig is still too shiny and costume still looks shitty

>> No.6880251

I think the wig is fine, the only problem I have with this is the fabric choice for the jacket.

>> No.6880273

It just looks really, really shiny in this light, very party wig-ish.

>> No.6880303

Looks pretty natural to me. I think the wig and the costume look very good.

>> No.6880308

I think that mostly is the light, though. It looks pretty harsh, and I think most wigs would have similar problems with it.

>> No.6880360

Yeah, you're probably right, actually. The only wigs I can think of looking good in this light are dark, natural colors.

>> No.6881523

New thread?

>> No.6881852

new thread.