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6858870 No.6858870 [Reply] [Original]

can fat lolitas look good?

>> No.6858874

searched "fat lolita" on google and posted the first image I saw btw

>> No.6858878
File: 97 KB, 612x612, 868035850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

of course
/end thread

>> No.6858880

more examples?

>> No.6858883
File: 93 KB, 612x612, 863587685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this girl's coords are fucking amazing
look up some plus size lolitas yourself, anon. there's threads for them every week.

>> No.6858886

Eh, the outfit itself can look amazing and even look good on her body type, but she's still fat..

>> No.6858889

>but she's still fat
OP asked if fat lolitas can look good. they can. end thread.

>> No.6858888

why is there so much hate towards them, anyways?

>> No.6858891

because people hate chubby-chans stretching out their brand? I don't know, why do people hate fat people in general? I guess people think fat people can't look good in cute clothes because they're fat, but that's a stupid attitude.

>> No.6858899

I'd say fat people can, but not obese people.

>> No.6858901

Define fat.

>> No.6859109

if they're asian

>> No.6859118

Yeah dude. Fatty-chans can rock OTT sweet with big petticoats. They look like cupcakes. It's cute.

>> No.6859438

If they have a defined waist, yes. Otherwise you just can't get the proper silhouette. They just have to choose flattering pieces and put together a nice outfit like any other lolita.

>> No.6859575

what about the ugo on the left. Gag me

>> No.6859578




>> No.6859843

Their coords can be amazing but they will always look shit on a fat lolita and fat lolitas look gross in whatever they wear because they are disgusting.

>> No.6859854
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They can look as good as any other lolita if they are mindful of their size and find flattering pieces, a fat lolita trying to squeeze into too small dresses, wearing clearly unflattering cuts like babydoll dresses or wearing dresses with too small short sleeves that cuts into their arm flab really doesn't look good. I also don't think you should wear under knee socks if you're really fat, it cuts off your legs and makes them look even more stumpy. Pic related, I really like Porcelainsong's outfits, I wouldn't call her fat though, just bigger than average.

>> No.6859864

I usually like her coords too, but oh god those tights and her boobs bulging through the shirring and ribbon make me gag. Pick a better pic.

>> No.6859879

With the rise of eating disorders in lolita, it's no wonder these thin girls starving themselves for the sake of fashion feel so violent toward fat women.
~nothing tastes as good as burando feels~

>> No.6859876

It requires a lot of work to make yourself look good if you're bigger. Going through the gorgeouspluslolita blog on tumblr, a lot of the girls just throw on their coords and they look sloppy, sometimes just horrendous. You need good undergarments, spend some time working on your makeup. Learn to pick dresses, items, and colors that look good on you. Just because something will stretch to fit doesn't mean that it will look good. I just think that there are so many terrible ones that it just makes it look like it's impossible for anyone even remotely overweight to look good, but it's very possible.

>> No.6859889

this thread makes me feel that /cgl/ is infested with fatties. this coming from someone who thinks chubby lolis are cute so don't get your frills in a twist.

>> No.6859921

>her boobs bulging through the shirring

are we looking at the same picture?
Those look just fine.

>> No.6859949

> I wouldn't call her fat though, just bigger than average.
In what world is that not fat? Look at her legs. You don't have to be obese in order to be fat.

>> No.6859995

fat people cannot look good. period.

I can't respect someone who doesn't respect themselves.

>> No.6860006

Can the coordinate well? Yes, anyone who puts forth the effort can, but that's different from actually looking good. The only time fat girls actually look good in lolita are when they're only mildly overweight, have nice faces, and are wearing OTT sweet. That doesn't mean they shouldn't wear whatever style they want, though.

>> No.6860007

I assume the person who said that is either a pig themselves or American. Or both. Probably both.

>> No.6860020

neither. you just don't like to hear the truth.

>> No.6860045

It's not true, though. She is definitely in the fat range. It's kind of sad that we live in a world where we are so desensitized to obesity that acceptable-level fat people are "not fat, just bigger than average".

>> No.6860054

whoops. I thought you were arguing against the anon who tried to say she wasn't fat. but you have a point, most people are very desensitized

>> No.6860057

to be honest it's like lolita was made for fat people

the style hides fat well

>> No.6860067

Eh, that depends on the level of fatness. For chubby to mildly overweight, yeah, it can hide it well, but when you get past that it actually just makes it stand out more.

>> No.6860323

>~nothing tastes as good as burando feels~

>tfw you have to purchase dressing with corsets/partial shirring because full back shirring is too baggy (I'm looking @ you AP), and when you tighten it the straps continuously fall off your shoulders
>tfw you purchase skirts instead to fix shoulder straps issue but even with waist ties it falls down to your hips

I'd rather be slightly chubby to fit into brand properly because this shit sucks.

>> No.6860339

>Rise of eating disorders
This is by no stretch of the imagination anything new.

>> No.6860354

Really? I find it hard to believe that being fat could affect you that badly so why would you give them grief? Why do you have so much hate for fat people?

I am stick thin and could care less about what people weigh. Some of my best friends would be considered overweight and it sucks to see how much that affects them because of the expectations people have on women in general. Even with all the health risks and cons of being obese, there is no excuse to treat people badly.

>> No.6860361

Yes. If your answer is anything but "yes", you are brainwashed by today's society.

>> No.6860371

>even with waist ties it falls down to your hips
You a skeleton. Go fix that. No skirt that is fitted at the waist should fall down to your hips, ever.

>> No.6860399

I just have a smaller waist, but I'm not skeletal :/

>> No.6860747

this. I'm a chubby-chan and I'm on the higher end of most brand measurements, I can't fit unshirred items for the most part but it's nice to fill out the larger pieces AP have been making lately! As a girl with a 95cm bust it's nice to see big releases like Milky Planet and DDC in sizes big enough to fit properly.

>> No.6860752
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>> No.6860776


>> No.6860804

My gods she needs a better bra. Whatever she is wearing is not supporting her at all!

>> No.6860805

What's going to support her? A suspension bridge?

>> No.6860815

tbh she's not fat her BF% looks pretty low and looks pretty proportional as /fit/ would say she's chubby with dem assets

>> No.6860826

That looks so strange... like she's put a pillow down her top.

>> No.6860829

I have a agree. And they make her look so much older. Like if you just look at her face she looks younger but then when you look at the whole picture she gains like 10 years.

>> No.6860839


I was in Manhattan the other weekend and there are (obviously) a shitload of tourists, mainly European. Strangely enough a lot of them are women in their mid teens/early twenties and its astonishing to see how "thin" they are. Thin by American standards, which is why it's so interesting because you realize that they are just in fact average for their size. How much farther can America push what the "average" size is? There is a difference between a (true) average, healthy size and what the new-age tumblr feminist fatties say is. "CURVY BEAUTY WOMYN STAND UP" no sit down, please. Just because you think you look sexy and shove it down everyone elses throats means you are encouraging others to live an unhealthy lifestyle.

>> No.6860844
File: 1.03 MB, 2472x3296, 1369025884112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Reverse image brought up nothing. Who is that?

>> No.6860856

I think every country has different standards of average though. It's hard for America because we have so many different people from all over the world here. Unlike , let's say Japan, where girls are just naturally built more petite and smaller framed than even a thin German or French girl.

>> No.6860857

>mars crashing into earths orbit bring extinction to mankind for 9 big macs 200 nuggets and a diet coke
the only planets lost from orbit in NYC are tourists or jersey scum
fuck NYC isn't even America what other Americans work 60+ hour weeks to pay for a 900+ one bed room do you know of

>> No.6860875

..I don't understand what you're trying to say

>> No.6860898

>encouraging others to live an unhealthy lifestyle
Yes. They are totally holding a gun to your head and telling you, "Hey thin chick over there. BECOME FAT."

With all the stigma in society against fat people, few people willingly go through with it by their own choice or intent to "become fat" or "oh yeah, I really want to live an unhealthy lifestyle sounds fucking awesome!" It's also not because someone on tumblr is trying to find some happiness and confidence about themselves. Half the time when I see lolitas bitch about fat lolitas online, I think it comes from girls who are thin, trying to be thinner, feel like shit, and see a fat person happy enjoying the same thing they love, and they simply can't handle or comprehend that, and their only reaction is total meltdown. It's petty and rather silly. Other times, people just don't like seeing fat people, and that's fine. I don't like seeing roadkill, but you know, it can't be helped sometimes. Get over it.

If someone wants to change their lifestyle to a healthy or unhealthy one, that is their choice. You're not making that choice for another person, and trying to... well it ends up with shit like this, where people don't want to because fuck you society and your "standards".

This is coming from a person that has lost a lot of weight, but again, my fucking choice to do so, just as it was my choice to not be mindful about what I was eating and not being active over the course of several years.

This sort of opinion about fat people encouraging others to be fat is absurd and silly. It's like OMG LET'S HAVE A SUPER SPECIAL CLUB TOO GUYS.

>> No.6860913


That's funny, believe it or not I was going to use French and German as a specific example as I saw two groups of each during my visit, all naturally thin as can be. I do believe that every country has different standards, but in the United States we actually try to push the physical definition. Here in the US there will always be a fatter person than the last claiming that 195 lbs (which is the actual national average) is too low because they try to justify their weight.

>> No.6860946

haha, same anon. Nice. I guess i visited Europe a few years ago and saw a lot of pretty Germans and French women. I think everyone has a different shape/size, but asians do naturally tend to be smaller no matter what. I've seen fattie asians too, mind you. Even fat asians are smaller than my silly Irish self, haha. I'm about 5 foot 4 and 126lbs. Big on thighs sadly.

>> No.6861020
File: 1.33 MB, 1864x1940, 1355397996780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Encouraging =/= forcing. Sure, a guy breaking into my house and holding a gun to my head is merely "encouraging" me to give him my VCR, but this is beyond the point.

You could say that the stigma against pedophiles should stop them from molesting children... A stigma can only influence someone so much. No one willingly chooses to be fat, but you know what? Cake is a wonderful thing, I'll vouch for that. I'll agree with you about the fat shaming too, but it works both ways. A lot of people don't like overweight people other than the fact that they are physically repulsed, but look at this image. Sure, you may think that a girl with washboard abs and hard lines looks gross, but I'll bet she's really content and proud of herself. Her appearance may disgust many, but she's happy regardless of what others think and I'll be damned if that isn't the same exact mentality of a "proud to be curvy (overweight)" girl.

And I meant "encouraging" in the sense that people spew this nonsense about "being happy with your body at your own expense and it isn't it isn't about what others think." I firmly believe in being happy with your body above all, but that barely prioritizes itself over being healthy. I don't want some 300 lb hambeast saying that it's okay to be fat because she's happy.

You can be in denial and call the Fat Encouragement Club absurd and silly, but it's a real thing. YOU GO GIRL


Genetics. Something that Asians can use as a copout, but not Americans even though they try anyway. The obesity epidemic has only been around for a few decades, stop blaming "muh genetics" and blame your shitty diet and lifestyle. Also, be proud of your thighs. As long as they don't look like garbage bags filled with pudding, you'll be fine. Not too sure about this whole I NEED A THIGH GAP because it's stupid.

>> No.6861045
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Haha, i do squats, so i'm toned. I've accepted i wont have a thigh gap the way most Japanese women do. Thanks for the encouragement, anon.

>> No.6861050

yeah wow. at that pic. How is working hard to get toned abs 'gross' on a woman but fat over lapping your underwear with stretch marks not? That's sad. I do several types of ab crunches. My stomach is no where near that toned, but i don't have a gut, so i'm happy.

>> No.6861122
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I feel ya. I will never be ottermode/ slim n' toned on account that I eat chocolate every day, so I take that in stride. What I don't get is how when people reach that verdict they just figure "oh I'll never have the body I want so fuck it I'll just accept that I'm a lardass and quit." I started liftin' and at least I can try to have a healthy appearance. I can't have the body of an Abercrombie model but the thing is I accept it, I accept that it's MY choice, no ones's forcing me to be fat except me. I don't blame anyone else, and that's important. So I am literally having my cake and eating it too.

>> No.6861125
File: 378 KB, 1920x1080, Yui-angel-beats-26943224-1920-1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. Ironically, i'm eating a cookie right now. But i do lifts with 7lb weights and squats, jog sometimes and just long walks in general. Nothing major, but keeping slightly active every day means you can be healthy, look good and still eat delicious foods.

>> No.6861172
File: 1.82 MB, 480x270, 13780 - animated_gif cake eating tagme yuru_yuri.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>A single cookie

And the irony thickens, I ate a 15 pack of oreos watching Angel Beats yesterday. I want to start running but CARDIO RUINS YOUR GAINS, BRO.

It really irks me knowing that I eat relatively poorly and I'm not very active, because I wonder what the fuck people are doing to get fat. And none of that thyroid/depression/genetics/"my medication makes me gain weight" bullshit. I know the term "no excuses" gets thrown around a lot but it really is true. I used to be fat... So instead of crying and drowning my sorrows in a tub of ice cream, I cut back and became active. I feel better physically (your body WILL thank you) and my self-confidence rose greatly. Unless you are an exception, which chances are you're not, there are. No. Excuses.

>> No.6861191
File: 66 KB, 335x320, 1173381_1359216360871_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, that gif. I love it.

I ate 3, but i am also drinking black coffee because it calms my stomach.
I think some people are actually depressed and use food as an escape method, but in the end, it is up to them to get up and work and get better. I actually don't have an issue with fat people, only the ones who complain about their lives being horrible and people should ACCEPT THEM. WHY DONT THEY LIKE MY FAT WONDER WOMENZ COSPLAY?

(I don't get how poor Wonder Woman became this whole tumblr fat acceptance thing...)
I regret nothing with the cookies! And yes, Angel beats is one of my favorite series. I want to do Hinata at some point.

>> No.6861289

I agree with people mostly eating their feelings, as sad as that is. I can't stand the people I know who are overweight who complain about it but do nothing but I feel awful for the ones that just are genuinly nice and all but I can tell they go home and eat their feelings.

The only thing I hate though are people ripping into others about their weight (regardless of skinny or fat) if it was uncalled for or if their being hypocrites.

"SHE CAN'T BE CATWOMAN. FAT." Shouts the dude who's belly flops over the waistband of his pants and his chest looks nothing at all like the muscled character he's trying.

>> No.6861298
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Using food as a way to cope is understandable, but it's only making the problem worse. Getting in shape is a long term love affair unfortunately, but the results are so much more satisfying in the end. It may be hard, and you may be discouraged because the results aren't instantaneous but that's just how it is. If you don't have the capacity or devotion to want to make yourself happy, than that's too bad. You have to work for it, and yes, the alternative is a lot easier but in the end you're not helping yourself.

I remember seeing a comic on /co/ a while back (from Tumblr) and the gist of it was that some larger woman wanted to cosplay as Wonder Wimmin at ComicCon and was like "the dedication is the most vital part of my cosplay" but instead gets ridiculed. I think that's where it may come from, but idk.

Also, I don't know if you're familiar with "Man-Faye" but he's some guy who dresses up as Faye Valentine at Anime Expo every year and is practically a celebrity. I want to do a no-fucks-given crossplay at AnimeNext next month but... you know.

>> No.6861390

Yeah, I'd rather people be happy but then someone comes along and just makes fun of them and it doesn't help at all man.

>> No.6861467

You're near me? I'm in NYC, but able to get to AN usually. Man, that's cool
(And yeah, haha i'm 27, so i know about the infamous Man faye. I think he's hilarious.)
And yeah,it seems men can become celebs sorta for being gross on purpose but a woman can't. So dumb.

If you go to any other con aside from AN, i would love to try to get a small Angel beats group together.

>> No.6861514

>Look good

Choose one.

>> No.6861592


Oh wow, small world... Staten Island here.

I don't think becoming famous for being gross is anything to strive for, so call it dumb that there aren't any women notable for it. Besides, Man-Faye is a golden exception because he is literally the only person I can think of who has reached such a level of notoriety for being disgusting (in the cosplay world, at least).

AnimeNext is really the only con I traditionally attend every year. Sometimes I go to ComicCon but it's getting ridiculous now... Might try and hit SaikouCon, it's their first year. You know I'm not too keen of traveling/hotel rooms, anything of that nature only because of funds. I know it's a labor of love but once all the expenses add up I can't spend $700 doing this shit

>> No.6861611

freaky. I do wanna talk more off 4chan. Gonna leave my email in case you wanna send a message that way.

Yeah, i attend 2 cons a year now because of bills and cost of living

>> No.6861614 [DELETED] 

okaaay email didnt go through i guess?

>> No.6861632

I think fat girls look better in lolita than most styles. They aren't showing much skin and big, high waisted skirts hide a fat stomach and thighs.

Even if they don't look great, it's better than frumpy outfits that are tighter or shorter.

>> No.6861647


Please do, kind anon


The thing about Lolita is that it's much more modest and outfit oriented as oppose to an anime or vidya game character where you're expected to flaunt your stomach and ass cheeks... Or you can go steampunk, where you can just hide your neck flab with a leather collar and a brass helmet lol. Either way Victorian era girls are supposed to be a little thick.

>> No.6861649

It's in the anonymous link , hehe. I almost couldnt figure it out. Just hover over it.

>> No.6861679
File: 357 KB, 520x848, tumblr_mg51hmoUBx1rn6c38o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


good lord that zoom!

>> No.6861762

The dress is fully shirred. Don't see what you mean by "bulging" when she clearly fits the dress.

>> No.6862344

fat people can make nice outfits. just because you're fat doesn't mean you lack fashion sense.
however, I will never look at a fat girl in a gorgeous coordinate and think, 'what a beautiful girl'. I will look at her and think, 'what a beautiful outfit'. And then I'll think, 'it would look so much better if she lost some weight' and I'll wonder how it is that this person can invest such time and care in putting together a good coord but they won't invest the same time and care in looking after their body. And generally I'll make some kind of superficial character judgement about their inability to control their appetite or them being too lazy to exercise. if you're one of those people who think that lolita is 'just clothes', then yeah, sure, you can be fat and be a good lolita.
but me, personally, I think a lolita worthy of admiration has to be the whole package.

>> No.6862373

Have good-looking coords? Yes.

Look good themselves? No.

>> No.6862403

you're an idiot

>> No.6862752

why, because I don't find fat people appealing no matter what they're wearing? It says something about your habits when you let your body get into that kind of shape, and even though it may seem shallow and unkind to judge someone by appearances, that's how society works. you can't escape it just by crying 'that's not fair' and reblogging chubby naked women.

>> No.6862811

Down with you sis, (or bro), no one has the right to make you feel less for what you are.

>> No.6862830

Fatass detected.