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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 13 KB, 305x310, 1358442994533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6857461 No.6857461[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does anybody here CCW at a con, despite the fact that most cons forbid firearms? I'm in a gun-friendly state, and I plan on CCWing my Glock 23 to one. Probably just going to keep it in my backpack in case something goes down, though.
I'd rather not do IWB just because somebody might notice it.

Yes, this is /cgl/ related because cons n shit.

>> No.6857466
File: 28 KB, 409x435, riptheskin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although honestly, I could probably just "peace bind" it myself with an orange zip tie and open carry the damn thing. Not like they'd notice.

>> No.6857468

I don't because I'm in California and getting a permit on the coastal areas is pretty much impossible. I do carry a knife in the pocket, no clip showing. There's no metal detectors so if you are carrying as long as you don't print and don't show it off no one will know.

>> No.6857471

The only problem you might face is running into "that one staffer" who has to check gun shaped objects even if it's peacebonded. There's always one who does it anyway.

>> No.6857472
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I'm sorry.
Yeah, I know there's no metal detectors. I've been to this con several times before, but I may just wind up pocket carrying a pocket pistol because that shit doesn't print at all. The print looks like a wallet with my current holster.

Yeah... Which is why I'm probably not going to just OC. Too much risk involved with that to be prepared for something that is less likely to happen than being struck by lightning. That, and this con is in an area which is already heavily policed. Crime rate's lower in this part of the city than it is in the suburbs.

>> No.6857476

What the fuck could possibly "go down" at a nerd convention where having a firearm is going to help you?

Seriously, I want to know.

>> No.6857478

Yeah, not needing it is probably the biggest reason not to carry it to a con that already has a bunch of cops. It'll end up as another pound or two of weight with the rest of the stuff you're hauling around.

>> No.6857480
File: 450 KB, 521x652, 1358880834354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very, very, very minimal possibility of an active shooter situation arising combined with the even more miniscule chance of the shooter being near you.

That, or some redguard decides that it would be a good idea to try to rob some nerds.

One of my cosplays will be hurr durr generic HSLD ArmA III soldier. I'm going to be wearing actual SAPIs and an ACH. A lightweight pistol with one mag won't make that much of a difference, lol. But do you subscribe to Mr. Nutnfancy's emphasis on dem ounces?

>> No.6857483

Why can't you just leave it at home? Most cons have strict rules regarding gun-shaped props, ever airsoft ones. Being a speshul snowflake and trying to pass off a real one unnoticed when it's probably explicitedly stated in the con rules is going to fuck it up more for everyone else.

If you're really paranoid about needing a gun at a nlconvention, you're probably better off staying home.

>> No.6857482

Well, you run the risk of being that guy that ruins it for everyone. Some kid brought a live firearm to SakuraCon once, and ever since they've had to crack down a lot harder on weapons. Or you may just get yourself kicked out.

>> No.6857485

This. And if self defense is a serious concern, there are totally legal items you can bring and keep on hand.

>> No.6857486
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Like I said, it's going to be in my pack or in my pocket. I know for a fact that they don't do bag searches. They haven't at any of the other cons I've gone to.

>Going unarmed
It's like you don't even sheepdawg

>> No.6857487
File: 127 KB, 320x240, 1358880955818.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With how my state's laws are, the con's "no firearms allowed" policy does not hold force of law.
The most they could do is give me the boot.

>> No.6857488

I carry a good 20-30 pounds combined gear with me to cons so less weight, the better. The bane of photography.

But with that said keeping it concealed is most likely your best option. Less hassle from staff, any officers who get curious, and even just random congoers who might want to "check out your cool prop" or who are scared of firearms to begin with.

>> No.6857489

But again, there's things you could keep on you besides a gun that are just.......so much more practical and realistic. I don't know why you're obsessed with the idea of having a gun.

>> No.6857494
File: 70 KB, 788x461, nutnfancy-does-not-approve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I prefer to have the most effective tools at my disposal to defend myself with, while still being practical. I carry a pistol daily anyhow.

>> No.6857497

I can understand him from a gun person view where if you train with a weapon consistently, get a CCW for it, etc you really want to have it on you just in case "it" happens. I doubt there's a worse feeling than to have "it" happen and not being able to respond because you left your weapon in the car or at home.

>> No.6857499
File: 21 KB, 320x240, leavesheepdogsalone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This 110%. Nobody has ever defended themselves with a gun they left at home.

>> No.6857501

I'm not really in the mood to get into an argument about how statistically most gun deaths are NOT acts of self defense

but yeah

I just don't like the idea of people strutting around the cons I attend with something in their bag that could kill me. even if their intentions are good. I just don't like it. there's a reason the venues or cons themselves often impose restrictions.

>> No.6857503
File: 59 KB, 303x303, nutnfancy-tactically-constipated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also carry a multitool daily. It has two flavors of blades to choose from - serrated or non. I could cut your carotid artery just as easily with either, or simply stab the everloving fuck out of you with that, too.
Stay afraid of inanimate objects there, buddy. I'm statistically more likely to hit my target and stop a threat than a cop.

u r a faget

>> No.6857504

All the better that it remains concealed. Out of sight, out of mind. If you don't know it's there, good, and preferably it never needs to leave its holster and no one but the one carrying it knows it is there. But if for some reason it is needed, good to have it.

>> No.6857505

I just said I'm not in the mood to get into an argument about that.

You're running the risk of getting booted from the con, but you clearly don't care. So go for it.

Your reaction images are REALLY annoying, btw.

>> No.6857507

Just leave the thread. Hide it. If you don't hide it, ignore it every time you see it. Pass on by. Be like water.

>> No.6857508
File: 120 KB, 474x357, Nutnfancy-Googly-Eyes-Herp-Derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I said 'MURRICA.

Which is why I love CCW. I do find myself OCing occasionally, though. Just to remind people it's legal here through actions - not words.
Haven't been hassled once, thankfully.


>> No.6857509

I have to agree. If you really, really needed to have a gun at a convention, you'd just conceal carry it, right? Trying to fake the peace bonding so you can wave it around already makes me squirm, regardless of how responsible you are. I'm assuming you're already loaded because you're prepared for something happening. You bringing a gun sets up something to happen.

Just pay some respect respect and bring something that's legal and less fussy.

>> No.6857510
File: 43 KB, 336x445, nutnfancy-blackhawk-down-nutndown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>something that's legal
...except as I've explained, my carry of a firearm, even at the con, is entirely legal in my state. However, they are also well within their rights to tell me to GTFO because it is their venue, just like a business owner can. If I refuse, which I would not, that would be criminal trespassing.

>wave it around
>Implying secured in an active retention holster that many police officers use is "waving it around"

>> No.6857513
File: 16 KB, 280x390, Nutnfancy-Horse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, wait fucking wait.
Sorry about the double post, but
>You bringing a gun sets up something to happen.
Fucking excuse me? Are you serious right now? If you're in a free state, do you know how many people probably carry a concealed firearm around you daily? More than you can count. Do you realize it? Nope, because they're doing it right. Last time I checked, carrying something that is hidden until something happens where you have no choice but to use it isn't "setting something up to happen". Me wearing a seatbelt or having a car with airbags, crumple points, and other safety features isn't setting me up to have an accident. It's protection in case one happens.

>> No.6857517

Yet, you still sound like the jackass who arms himself to jerk off to how strong and powerful he is.

You know the convention rules, and you clearly don't care if you're kicked out or not. Just don't go, so you don't fuck it up so the con has to triple security over something that never happened.

No one cares how well protected you are. Bringing your gun to a convention when it's clearly prohibited by the event makes you a liability to everyone around you. There are plenty of things use can carry to defend yourself if something happens. That kawaii switchblade would be more than enough for the average con goer.

>> No.6857519

All you had to do was ignore the thread.

>> No.6857520
File: 58 KB, 634x198, nutnfancygoescamping.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>concealed carry
>show off
Pick one and only one.


>> No.6857523

How about this.
>You bringing a gun IN THE OPEN sets up something to happen.
If you chose to conceal carry, no one would care or be the wiser. It's the fact you're trying to slip it past as a prop that irks me. Cosplayers have had issues where props have been stolen, broken, manhandled by other people who don't have common sense.

>> No.6857522

If you're really afraid of being raped by fat hamplanets, a can of mace should be good enough. No need to hide your insecurities behind a big gun.

>> No.6857524
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>big gun

That implies I would lose situational awareness or for some fucktarded reason do two retarded things, both of which are insane to do in this sort of scenario
1. Unholster my firearm
2. Let somebody else handle it, especially loaded

I think you need to have some experience before you go making claims like that, kid.

>> No.6857526
File: 37 KB, 396x225, 1359875403698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the pistol on the top? That's a 2nd gen full-size Glock. My Glock 23 is smaller than that.
You see that gun on the bottom? That's a damn IMI Desert Eagle. If I wanted a big gun, I'd get something like that.

Just hide the thread, you damn autist.
sage for double post

>> No.6857527

>while ignoring decent advice

Just delete the thread. No one's gonna pat you on the back. Maybe if you smelted your own gun or something.

>> No.6857528
File: 11 KB, 447x386, 1368315542110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I feel comfortable going to cons with paranoid nerds carry guns

>> No.6857533
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Haha yeah, remember what happened last time?

>> No.6857536

>Implying the "no guns allowed" sign wasn't the reason he shot up that theater, you fucking idiot

>> No.6857539
File: 195 KB, 900x1350, La_realite_est_lente_by_BenoitPaille.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OP will never invite me back to his hotel when I have no place to stay and force me at gunpoint to perform sexual acts with him

>> No.6857540

ITT: future shooter asking for advice so he can gun down con goers.

>> No.6857541


Yup, the law never stopped the stupid or insane. Guess which OP is.

>> No.6857542

>Implying there is anything illegal about carrying a concealed firearm

>> No.6857543

Cons are actually really easy targets. They have very little security and involve lots of young persons oftentimes packed together. There's lots of places you could leave a "suspicious package" without anyone batting an eye. Besides the multitude of trash cans you oftentimes have discarded cardboard boxes in the dealers hall and even have the dark places in screening rooms. Concerts are also a very easy target because it's dark, everyone's too busy paying attention to the stage to notice you leaving something, and there's lots of people.

If anything shooting is what you *shouldn't* be doing. If you want a mass casualty event, you should be using improvised explosives. It'll be very hard to pin down someone's identity in a crowd no matter the number of cameras you have if they have their wits about them. The only reason the Boston bombers were caught is because they didn't bother to use the cheapest of Party City beards. Now imagine full face masks or expertly laden prosthetics or facial hair. Oh man, you have a nightmare.

>> No.6857544

Exactly. Very, very, vulnerable.

>> No.6857545

>Cons are actually really easy targets.
Hence why I'm thinking OP is asking these questions for reasons other than "MUH PROTECTION"
OP just seems off.

>> No.6857547

I'd peg him as a troll. It's notoriously easy for both sides of the gun argument to troll the other because both are passionate about their stance.

>> No.6857551

Probably, but it doesn't change the fact that there are autists out there who think that having a gun will make them a hero if the situation arises. They're more likely to shoot a random in the chaos.

>> No.6857557

From the course of the thread (it was just begging for a gun argument with the way it was posed) and the use of Nutnfancy photos I'm going to say he is posting to get a rise out of people.

>> No.6857558
File: 203 KB, 621x720, 135440587066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck some of you guys are ignorant as fuck.

Conceal carrying a handgun where its prohibited by the event isn't going to hurt fucking anyone, the more guns there the better if anything.

I work as a mall cop and the mall has a "no guns" policy but its pretty fucking meaningless, if we see someone open carrying we just tell them to take it out to their car and if they don't we ask them to leave, worst thing that can happen is we call the cops and they get arrested for trespassing, and that's never happened.
Frankly none of us even give a shit if they just go outside and conceal it instead of putting it away. People at the venue will be the same, in AZ there is no force of law to forbid guns on your property unless you're a bar (and even with that there are exceptions) or government agency.

I myself have carried every day for the last 3 years and have never harmed another human being in my life or had anyone find out I was armed in places I "shouldn't" have been, and I know several people the same as myself. I'm not "scared" or "paranoid" at all, I'm safety minded and its not any kind of inconvenience to me at all, so why not have it just in case? Much better them then me, or them over my friends an family.

See you at Phoenix Comic-con OP, I'll be carrying as well and no one is gonna know the fucking difference unless I happen to save their worthless life.

Don't bother asking next time OP, too many retarded brainwashed cali faggots on this board.

Just carry it concealed and don't worry about it. Nothing will happen at the con and everyone can carry on with their lives.

>> No.6857576

>everyone pointing out how you're more likely to shoot a random if something goes down
>point out that you've never shot a person or dealt with this kind of situation
>as a defense of why you SHOULD carry

mmmmk. I get that it's better for *you* but I hope you don't shoot *me.* Your whole post is a very I-get-mine philosophy and exactly why guns are banned- because if every asshole follows your line of thought, it will only take 1 person pulling a gun to cause a "bullets everywhere!" situation.

>> No.6857580

The point was that he didn't want to carry it concealed.

>> No.6857582

>Not knowing shit about the training and discipline, much less the mindset of carrying a concealed firearm
I'll be sure to never give a fuck if you're raped or murdered, idiot.

Except that's wrong, you fucking idiot.

>> No.6857583

...Wow... I honestly can't tell if this is a troll or a truly paranoid redneck trying to flaunt his macho bravado with this discussion.

> Probably just going to keep it in my backpack in case something goes down, though.
>The very, very, very minimal possibility of an active shooter situation arising combined with the even more miniscule chance of the shooter being near you.

I work security for a con that gets several thousand people. We have a couple armed security staff and walkie communication with hotel security. We're all trained to know how to quickly and effectively handle a sticky situation.

What you're saying, essentially, is that if there ever were to be an armed psycho at a con, the people whose purpose is to protect the con attendees are completely incompetent and you, a jackass with a concealed weapon, are going to save the day.

Much of con staff is just volunteers who want a free badge (except for department heads of course), but unless a con is new, small, and run by idiots, security staff are hand-picked to ensure that they're reliable and intelligent people.

There is zero, absolutely zero, reason to carry a weapon on you. You reeeeeally want to be the big hero? Leave your gun at home, make friends with the security people, and maybe in a year or two you can join security staff and be allowed to carry your gun.

>> No.6857584

>Except that's wrong, you fucking idiot.
Although honestly, I could probably just "peace bind" it myself with an orange zip tie and open carry the damn thing. Not like they'd notice.

Jesus Christ, that post is right the fuck there, at the top.

>> No.6857586

LOL, you're such a fucking retard, you wannabe mall cop fuckstick.

>> No.6857587

It's one of several options. No longer an option.

>> No.6857588

Holy shit, and you act like the OP has something to prove. I don't trust your competence as far as I can throw you, which is exactly why I carry.

>> No.6857592

Why are gun owners so retarded?

>> No.6857590
File: 218 KB, 600x400, 130207-blue-truck-lapd-hmed-5p.photoblog600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>security or LEO
Pick one and only one, you authoritarian piece of shit. You're not even a real cop.
I'm statistically more accurate and more likely to stop a threat than you are. I am my own first responder.
I hope you die painfully from some nigger who you try to oppress with your cis white male privilege shanking you.


>> No.6857591

I am literally positive that I have hundreds of hours more training than you do you facist cock sucker.

I may be a security guard but its not the reason I'm qualified to carry, I fucking despise pieces of shit like you in my line of work. Do some fucking research before you spout your mouth off you little shit.

>> No.6857593
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>wanting to have something in case shit happens

>> No.6857595
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> exercising rights
I want europe to leave.

>> No.6857598


And this hot-headed response to an ultimately civil suggestion is exactly why I don't trust gun nuts.

>> No.6857600 [DELETED] 
File: 287 KB, 1632x1224, ammocan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You insult us
>We insult back
Fuck off to NY, CA, or some other shithole, bitch.

>> No.6857601
File: 176 KB, 906x1500, 1326865435713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying you weren't trying to get just that
You authoritarian dipshit. I hope you rot in CA, NY, NJ, or whatever hellhole you're in.

>> No.6857602
File: 694 KB, 844x475, 1366095933821 (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flaunt his macho bravado
How is conceal carrying and asking about it flaunting bravado?

>Internet responses and discussion define a person and their personality
>Internet discussions are a justifiable way to make judgements of a persons ability to be responsible

I can't even count how many times I've had retarded irl discussions about gun rights with a gun on my hip unbeknownst to the person I'm debating, and guess what? NO ONE GOT SHOT OMFG

I just lose it that manchildren such as yourself and some of the others in this thread feel that my rights end where your feelings begin. It makes me fucking sick.

>> No.6857603
File: 812 KB, 844x562, Amy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You insult us, we insult back

Pic related

>> No.6857604

>Because I prefer to have the most effective tools at my disposal to defend myself with
If something happens, use your bare hands, pussy.

>> No.6857610

>Enver from Denver
>calling someone a pussy
0/10 m8

You're literally the most Beta pansy on /cgl/, my 9 year old sister could rek your shit.

>> No.6857611
File: 77 KB, 960x650, 1350581745650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use your bare hands

Yeah... I think I'll stick to my guns.
Fucking moron.

>> No.6857612
File: 62 KB, 640x372, 58524_110229189037193_100001503374589_81000_2554869_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't doubt it.

>> No.6857623

She could rek his Canadian ass bare handed too though; tho she might have some trouble catching up to him, since I'm pretty sure he's good at running away like a chicken.

>> No.6857630

wow yeah. You are the reason we have these laws & need more enforcement of them. Someone's a self-righteous psychopath.

>> No.6857634

>I'm proud of myself for not killing anyone during a mild debate over politics

holy shit. Can you please check into a mental ward?

>> No.6857636

I was pointing out that security at most cons isn't as pathetic as some people seem to think, and that you're really not doing anyone any favours by carrying a concealed weapon.

I'm not actually anti-gun. At all. It just irritates me when people have such little faith in the people that are supposed help protect them, that they try to be big-shots and often end up screwing something up. You think you're a better shot than the cops and military we have on the team? Then use that ability to help out the rest of security. If you want to call me an authoritarian or a fascist, go right ahead, it's not helping your case at all.

>How is conceal carrying and asking about it flaunting bravado?
It's not the CCW that's flaunting brovado, it's the fact that his only reasoning for doing it is implying he can be the hero in a situation if something were to go wrong.

>> No.6857639
File: 64 KB, 525x250, goodjob.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Deleted your post. Don't want to reveal you're actually a paranoid lunatic.

>> No.6857651



Thread over.

>> No.6857657




Because you're a sad, lonely faggot in need of the kind of attention only fat chicks with esteem issues and socially maladjusted knuckle-draggers can provide.

>> No.6857674

Stop dropping trip Denver from Enver.

>> No.6857680

>Femanons being libtards who hate guns and love third world immigrants

>> No.6857686


Would you like to mow my lawn for 10 bucks instead?

>> No.6857701

That's the point. You can't have cheap things if third worlder / Asians slaves didn't toil and toil for outragingly low wages so that you can lead your comfortable consumer life, afford your iPhones (or Blackberries if you're a highly intellectual speshul snowflake) while living off government money that you earned for you Woman's Studies degree.

>> No.6857706

It's only the patriarchy's fault.

>> No.6857723
File: 1.39 MB, 2560x1608, 1355604137481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw non US citizen
>tfw living in commifornia

>> No.6857733


So you're just angry you don't have a job and splurge money on guns instead? Taobao thread is down below if you want.

And ahaha i don't give a fuck about any women's/third worlder/your gun rights. I just like cheap shit.