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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6854436 No.6854436[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread to see what ever happened to /cgl/'s favorite lolcows? PT, Asherbee, Pinkzombies, GinsingteaCat, all those sorts of people? I'm kind of curious if PZ lost all that weight or if Kooter is still modeling.

>> No.6854448

They left because this community is complete shit and toxic

>> No.6854460

They were never here to begin with, summeranon. They happened to be batshit and part of the cosplay/egl community that we found hilarious and closely followed.

>> No.6854476
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please stay alive thread, I need to know these things.

>> No.6854488
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>calling /cgl/ a community

>> No.6854495
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I found some pictures of PT on tumblr, but they're a bit old. She looks cute in this one though.

>> No.6854509

Drama is banned and all the drama was moved to other drama sites while our lulcows just continued to be delusional and hilarious, that's what happened.

If you want some drama, try staminarose.org or 888chan. maxfag.org was ok for awhile but the owner has been acting like a cunt and made her own lulzy drama.

>> No.6854535

What the fuck ever happened to Krissy

>> No.6854541

Does she still have a tumblr?

I rarely go on /cgl/ anymore since all drama was banned. Granted, I don't miss the Dakota, Nigri and Asherbee bitchfests, but Pixyteri was such a joy to read about.

>> No.6854574

Holy fuck /cgl/ I leave for a year and you ban drama? What is this world coming to?

>> No.6854576

Sort of unrelated but why does everyone hate Harley's Joker? Not defending him I'm genuinely curious

>> No.6854582
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I think she does still? She shut down almost everything except her twitter and photobucket. Asking on the drama sites would probably give you better results, though.

As for what she's up to, she's still trying to do gravure photoshoots and dressing in lolita.

>> No.6854588

Generally douchey, tried to sell merch with his face lazily put on it, famewhores with only one good cosplay to speak of... I think that's it.

>> No.6854593


Specific examples?

>> No.6854594
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Remember when...

>> No.6854597
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>gravure photoshoots
This mostly. She's fading from lolita.

>> No.6854601

well, *we* didn't ban it. It was complained about enough by tumblrites and only made worse by people not knowing how to keep drama to one thread, and m00t didn't like it on principle I guess.

I still disagree on the whole. It was annoying to see three kooter or PT threads up at once, but there's going to be drama in any community, and now it's hard to even talk about scammers or your favorite/least favorite cosplayers or lolitas without people saying you're trying to single them out. They may not have been everyone's favorite threads, but they still served a purpose. All that was needed was to have the drama threads corralled into one general, and to have a janitor that knew what the hell they were doing.

>> No.6854607

I can understand why they banned the drama, but it makes me really upset that we can't talk about scammers and douchebags. I used to use /cgl/ as my go-to method of figuring out people and businesses to avoid, but now I can barely get that information.

>> No.6854605

do you know the PT one? I'm always curios about her

>> No.6854606
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Nah, she still is spending plenty on lolita, she just can't fit in it well anymore.

>> No.6854608


Scammer threads get taken down when personal information is posted, I think.

>> No.6854610

I want to know what happened to Pinkzombies so badly. I think she's still selling shitty clothes, but I'm curious to see how her lap band worked out for her.

>> No.6854611

Well, staminarose is mostly dedicated to PT, but can be for any lulcow. Try there. 888chan has quite a few lulcows, but they're not as /cgl/ related.

>> No.6854612
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why did she leave this stage? she looks pretty ;_;

>> No.6854617
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>> No.6854619
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>> No.6854626
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Post something recent.

>> No.6854625

The rain started to pour even harder as she walked down the street. Her clothes were becoming soaked, and she quickly realized that it was the wrong day to wear just her “sexy little devil outfit” in public. As the rain came down, her nipples began to poke through the flimsy outfit, and she was getting scared (excited) that somebody might try to rape her! The rain slid down her body, rippling down her stomach and into her grundle. A smell began emanating from her, a smell that can only be described by putting a Subway tuna sandwich in an oven for an hour and then taking a shit on the byproduct.

You see, Sarah was allergic to water. Or, that’s what she thought. She rarely took showers, as it tended to release the dirt and oil from her skin. If she left it alone though, a patina would form and keep the smell in- hence her thoughts.

Sarah continued down the street, where she saw a group of charming young cowboys. They glared at her at first (they were obviously thinking about dirty things to do with such a sweet lady!), until the first one began throwing up violently. His friends tried to help him up, but they all began the vomiting as well. Once they regained composure, one of them had actually burst into flames, in the rain! Indeed, Sarah was too sexy for those cowpokes. She knew that they could tell that she’s been working out.

>> No.6854630

He's basically trying to be the male JNig despite only having one good cosplay. Poking around showed that he's an aspiring (and failing) actor and probably jumped onto cosplay in hopes of getting famous this way.

>> No.6854634

Go to her ED page, you'll see all her rants about how her mom used to force her to do this style and take tanning pills.

>> No.6854639

She has a point.
Just because she doesn't like it when others call her names doesn't mean she can't have the same breed of opinion about others.
>many porn actresses look completely disgusting

>> No.6854644
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She CAN look pretty, she just chooses not to.

>> No.6854649

When she was at her thinnest like 3 years ago she was hardly able to fit in it.. She's gained at least 10lbs since then, there is no way she can fit into brand at all.
I saw her selling a salopette a few months back because it didn't fit her.. if she can't fit into a free-size salopette, she can't fit into anything,

>> No.6854651
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It's too bad she's not exactly a perfect ten in either looks or behavior. She doesn't have much room to talk. She's still ranting about how red hair and skinny people are the fucking devil, too.

>> No.6854654
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>> No.6854659
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She makes me mad.
She can be fashionable when she wants to too.
What a dummy.

>> No.6854660
File: 84 KB, 768x1024, kawaiidesudesu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6854669

She's white, blue-eyed, seems to have OK skin and apart from her chin, is not deformed.

Of course she can look pretty. She CHOOSES not to. It makes me hate her that much more.

>> No.6854674

Wow, PT looks great here. Honestly the dress looks a liiiiitle tight but I'll take it. I wish she'd wear stuff like this more.

>> No.6854671

She is so cute here

>> No.6854672


Still denying her heritage I see. Jesus Christ she needs to grow up.

>> No.6854678

I have the same legs as PT, when I wear dresses it looks like >>6854659
Am I too fat for shorts?

>> No.6854679
