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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6853667 No.6853667 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw Amerifats got butthurt about Japan Expo's one entry-one exit policy, that they were forced to change it for their USA show.

>> No.6853672


>> No.6857638

Please don't tell me you agreed with it.

>> No.6857781

I'm still not sure what the point of that policy was. Prevent badge shenanigans?

>> No.6857785

Forcing people to stay in the building during the whole con makes it easier to deal with entrances (no check,not ticket and badge tricks)
Also, it forces the con-goes to stay in the place for lunch. And that means money (If you've been to Japan Expo Paris, you know it.)

>> No.6857790

I'd agree with that idea until the food bit.
Con food is shit and/or expensive.
I mean, my last convention had an Einstein's Bagels in the convention-space, but that was a first, for me.

>> No.6857803

Yes,that was exactly the point. If you can't leave the building, you have to eat there, which means that you have to buy overpriced crap (unless you have your own sandwich or whatevs') and the money spent in said crap goes to the convention center, so not letting people get out of the building during the con is all benefits for them since it means they will need less staff to check the entrance and will get more from the food.
Business logic.

>> No.6857804

One thing I'd like for you all to understand.
/Cgl/ is cancer when it comes to cons for the most part.
You'll see all these "help, I'm poor what do?" Threads . It's a hobby, geared toward those with talent or with money.
While ticket sales help pay for the con, the people who show up are only a small percentage of the business in hosting.
You can compare large/small cons for proof and immediately see patterns in the differences.

>> No.6857809

Citation needed.

Also, why are you rump flustered about it?

>> No.6857828

Boo fucking hoo that japan expo had to follow american social standards for conventions?

>> No.6857875

>b-b-but muh freedoms

>> No.6857915

So you're saying its ok for a con to just charge people for renetry for little stuff like going out to eat, making a cell phone call, taking a break (its a 10hr event), changing costumes, leaving for photoshoots and any other reason under the sun?

>> No.6857936

I wouldn't attend any con with such a policy because it is fucking retarded as well as crazy inconvienient.

>> No.6857948

This isn't a matter of Americans uselessly bitching, the rule is stupid as is anyone who backs it.

This. It's just an excuse to overcharge people.

>> No.6857959
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>that they were forced to change it
Haha sucks for you.

>> No.6857967

What benefit do you get from the rule, OP? All it does it make things more convenient for attendees. Or are you just looking for an excuse to bitch about Americuns?

>> No.6858018

Yeah, because THAT'S totally what I said.
Seriously, I've seen some people jump the gun before but that takes the cake

>> No.6858020

...this is actually a thing in the USA? Expecting to leave a place and return without paying again?

First time I hear about it. If you came to my country and demanded that, you'd be laughed at.

>> No.6858025

When I first moved to america I thought everything was a little off. But now I completely understand how convenients things are. It's nice.

>> No.6858029

Why do you need to go out to do that stuff? You actually stay the ten hours? No sarcasm, honestly curious.

>> No.6858040

Here, for cons and trade shows and stuff, you generally pay admission for the day rather than a single entry.

>> No.6858043

>one entry-one exit policy

What does this mean?

>> No.6858046

When you enter the con you can't exit or you have to buy another ticket. Basically badges don't mean anything.

>> No.6858045

Not than anon, but my reasons would be:
>going out to eat
Either to a cheaper place or somewhere with more selection. When I go to cons, my friends and I usually have at least one meal at a proper restaurant.

>making a cell phone call
Either they have a shitty network or it's too loud inside to talk.

>taking a break (its a 10hr event)
Some people can't stand 10h of the same thing, even if it's something they love.

>changing costumes
Easier to change in hotel room, and you don't have to drag the extra costume around all day.

>leaving for photoshoots
Better locations, better lighting.

>> No.6858047

And people want this, why?

>> No.6858048

Yes, I understand that, I'm just surprised. Not only for comic-cons, but for any kind of expo, that's unthinkable here.

I'm going to be honest, I don't see the use, either. Then again, I never understood the whole 'traveling who knows how many kilometers and paying a fucking hotel to stay a whole weekend on a con", so I guess it make sense in your context? We go, do what we feel like doing, and leave. The idea of staying more than a couple of hours is mindblowing (and sounds kinda boring too tbh).

>> No.6858050

By supporting such a rule, that IS what you're saying

>> No.6858054

Then your country should take after America in this regard.

On a similar note, I'm moving to London in a year for school. Are cons there one entry/one exit?

>> No.6858056

>We go, do what we feel like doing, and leave. The idea of staying more than a couple of hours is mindblowing (and sounds kinda boring too tbh).
Are cons there different than they are here? My local ones at least have different events going on constantly through the weekend, so there's always something new happening.

>> No.6858058

4 No.6858045>>6858029
Not than anon, but my reasons would be:
>going out to eat
Either to a cheaper place or somewhere with more selection. When I go to cons, my friends and I usually have at least one meal at a proper restaurant.

>making a cell phone call
Either they have a shitty network or it's too loud inside to talk.

>Some people can't stand 10h of the same thing, even if it's something they love.

I guess that's the thing. Nobody here actually stay for the whole thing. All those things you mentioned are done before or after the event. (We do have overprice food and drinks, but they aren't an annoyance that can't wait.)

Also we have good signal for our phones, and that's saying a lot considering our shity places. In this age, I'm surprised that a expo center has bad signal, considering all the work it gets done there.

>> No.6858062

They're probably just jelly Americunts don't have to deal with this bullshit, so they're trying to justify its use. Which is none.

>> No.6858064

I NEVER said I supported the rule.
I said that /CGL/ doesn't understand the business end.

>> No.6858069

But they're doing the opposite, so?

>> No.6858065

Ooops, copypaste fail, sorry about that.

Why? Nobody here would ever think of staying 10 hours inside a place.

We have some stuff going on but it isn't a big deal. People usually attend near the time of the thing they want to participate in. The cosplay contest and the band is usually left for the end of the day so if you aren't interested in that, you can go earlier, before the con rush hour and shop in piece.

>> No.6858070

What do you mean "SUCK IT YUROS"? Is that some way to call someone Japanese, where you're from?

>> No.6858071

A lot of us definitely do, we just think it's utter bullshit and incredibly inconvenient, so we'll fight it, or in the cases of some of us, just not go to cons like that.

>> No.6858073

So you don't like cons enough to support them?

>> No.6858080


OP is the buttmad one here.

>> No.6858093

Not if they're going to make me pay extra to come back. I'm in and out of cons when I go (mostly to drop off shit I bought in my hotel room or do costume changes or maintenance), having to stay in one all day would be too inconvenient for me to fully enjoy myself and thus not worth it to attend.

>> No.6858100

Oh no, those complaining people have made it possible for me to leave the expo and... RE-ENTER IT. THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS.

Do you even know how retarded you sound.

>> No.6858114

Otakon is always hot as fuck so its nice to leave once or twice during the day and relax in my hotel room, and get away from the crowds, con funk and noise for a bit. Cons are a hobby and expensive, yes, but its nice having the option to leave and return. I dont think Id go to a con all weekend if that wasnt the case.

>> No.6858116

Why are you so stupid?

I'd never even heard 'yuros' before and it made sense.

>> No.6858118
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>Mfw japen expo thought they could just import their French con into an already oversaturated American market without adapting.

You really don't get how this works do you op?

>> No.6858125

I'm sorry, but $10 bottles of water are never justified, no matter how expensive it is to run a convention center.

If they can't manage the cost on rental fees alone, then they are just fucking up. The con already pays them to rent a certain amount of space and that's what they get to use. Then they charge individual booths for things like electricity and internet connection, and their prices are utterly insane to start with.

Huge expos like PAX have the4 BCEC charging $800+ just for a couple IP address on a 200mb internet connection. It's certainly not costing them 800 or more to connect these people for a few days, so that's pretty much just bending them over because they don't have a choice. And this is thousands od dollars on top of the hundreds of thousands they are already making in the weekend just hosting a colossal event like PAX. It's a business that makes it's operating and property costs for months at a time in a single weekend.

Don't give me this "Ticket sales don't cover the cost!" bullshit. They are making more money than they rightfully should off mediocre service and supplying a space. No one is going bankrupt because no one paid $20 for a hotdog that's been floating in rancid water for 3 days or stepping out to get some fresh air.

>> No.6858133

Then we're on the same page. I really don't understand what you're trying to argue.

>> No.6858139

... the post I was responding to said "So you don't like cons enough to support them?" I was giving a valid answer, how is that arguing?

>> No.6858146

Not to mention the California market. Summer has Fanime, AX, SDCC, and now Japan Expo (sorry AM2). This is one state. Add the rest of the country and people have even more options.

>> No.6858148

While I'm NOT condoning the re entry fees I would like to point out that you're missing a large part of business. Supply vs Demand.
You all can bitch and complain until you're blue in the face but at the end of the day the con makes money, the booths make money, everyone except the customers (read cosplayers and patrons) are making money. You are at the BOTTOM of the chain here. why do you think there's a cover charge to begin with? If we didn't have a cover charge hundreds of freeloaders would just meander through the con
"oh, that's pretty"- moves along
Nobody makes a profit and the percentage of Demand plummets.

Seriously, think for a second.

>> No.6858153

So you're

>> No.6858164


>> No.6858168

So you just jump into people's conversations like they're addressing you and looking for your input.

People in this world, I swear.

>> No.6858171

you seem to be missing a very important factor in your argument, well sort of.

You want to bring up supply and demand? Ok, lets discuss the supply of summer cons in Cali. If every other con this summer lets you enter and exit, you are going to just go to one of them instead. Japan Expo stood to loose massive amounts of revenue if they didn't drop this policy. They're a first year fighting in an oversaturated market. If they want a chance they have to be accommodating to attendees.

>> No.6858178

I WAS the person they were replying to, just not the other anon you thought I was. Jesus Christ.

>> No.6858179

What am I missing?
You just round about pointed out the obvious there, your point?

>> No.6858183

Who the fuck is talking about just letting people come and go without badges?

You're making an argument up from nothing and insisting that's what I must be saying.

Also, that's not how supply and demand works, you dense fuckwit.

>> No.6858185

Cool deal, we're on the same sheet of music then.

>> No.6858189

>we're on the same sheet of music then
I have never heard this saying until now. I think I'm going to use it.

>> No.6858190

I'm just amazed that upper level management responded so quickly. I thought it'd take a week, minimum, and a lot of headbutting between low/midlevel staff trying to explain things to their bosses.

>> No.6858195

Where in the hell are you even getting this badge nonsense from?

The only point I'm arguing is that /cgl/ doesn't understand the business side of cons. You're cementing that with your speculation of where you believe the profit is derived from.

>> No.6858210

>why do you think there's a cover charge to begin with?
That's generally what a badge is...

>> No.6858220

>"Don't give me this "Ticket sales don't cover the cost!" bullshit."
Right, we've gone over this.
Its purpose isn't to cover cost. This isn't some public service for shiggles.

>> No.6858234

Ticket and badge sales help them to gauge attendance, which lets them know how many artist alley tables, exhibitor spots, and dealer spaces they need to fill in order to meet their operating costs for renting out a convention center and hotel. Any left over money from that is put towards guests, entertainment, and services.

Their goal is to break even and, if things are budgeted correctly, possibly come out with a little extra money to funnel into next year's event.

No, it isn't a public service, but this shit doesn't magically run on it's own without tens of thousands of people paying $40-60 for a pass to enter. Without badge sales, they don't even get to the point where they can sell space to other groups and companies to appear at the con.

>> No.6858252

Their goal isn't to break even. You're seriously underestimating here.
I will draw you some charts and explain this in a more easy to understand manner.

>> No.6858285

the part where you were arguing the one in one out=~business~

I'm pointing out that just because one thing out of context makes good business sense, it doesn't mean it's good business sense in any situation.

you need help removing that stick?

>> No.6858330

The thing is, in France, Japan Expo is held in a very empty area, where there's really nowhere to go apart the convention center. So even if we could leave, I don't think we would.

I always bring my own food at JapEx anyway.

Just my two French cents, yup.

>> No.6858355

>I'm so mad because Americans are outspoken enough to call out bullshit and have a retarded policy changed

Stay beta.

I ain't even a Clap.

>> No.6858366

> I'm NOT condoning the re entry fees

I'm sorry, what stick? I get that you think I'm wrong and you don't want me to be right but do you honestly think you've got this whole thing single handedly figured out that no one else has already beat your 40 steps ahead in planning and actually put the theory into practice and failed at because your system is flawed?

>> No.6858580

what? No seriously, I have no idea what you are trying to say. What is flawed? The industry standard of allowing people with badges to enter and re-enter without paying for a pass every time?

>> No.6858635

At this point, I'm not sure anyone knows what's even being argued any more.

There was some shit about badges, business, supply and demand, and then it turns out that everyone was arguing something else the whole time because *BUSINESS* or something..

I think we're all more or less on the same page that the one entry, one exit policy is bullshit and doesn't work, given the quality and price of most convention center amenities, and especially not when in a crowded urban center with much better options nearby.

>> No.6858647

It also sounds like Euro cons follow a more industry-oriented structure than American fan-oriented ones. (See: "Why would you stay there 10h? There's nothing to do.") One entry, one exit works if you're just going to buy shit. If there are events all weekend, you need to come and go as you please.

>> No.6858675

You quoted two different people.

I cons I like I will support. If it seems like I would not enjoy the con (bad venue, staff, shitty badge policies) then i will not support them

>> No.6858677

>The only point I'm arguing is that /cgl/ doesn't understand the business side of cons.

Many sucessful cons in the United States that rack in numbers way smaller and larger than Japan Expo allow attendees to go in and out as they please. You saying that Japan Expo's business model is so special that it can't do what every anime con in the US does?

>> No.6858682

Lol you dumb shit. They said they weren't implying that like 3 tomes now.

>> No.6858789

what the fuck were they trying to say then?

>> No.6858855

Doesn't The Louvre have this policy?

It's pretty common with events or attractions that have a high visitor count.

>> No.6858867

Please don't tell me you just compared The Louvre to an anime convention.

>> No.6858925

So basically, OP and the one really pissed off French weeaboo are morons, Japan Expo has a shitty badge policy in Europe, and few people in this thread understand business models.

Got it.

>> No.6858945

I didn't. I said they have a similar policy.

>> No.6859006

and when it comes to American conventions, it's pretty common to allow in and out at will. Even San Diego Comic Con with its 130k attendees has that as a rule. CES, a trade show, also has unlimited outs for its 150k attendees.

>> No.6859357

How is a museum at all similar to an anual 3 day entertainment event? If you want to compare it to anything at least compare it to a music or cultural festival.

>> No.6859890

I'm guessing that comment in brackets it's because of my cultural questions up there, so just wanted to clarify: I'm not in Europe, but in Southamerica. And this applies to every kind of expo-like event around here.