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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6853519 No.6853519[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anime Expo is coming up and I've decided to cosplay a female character for the first time in years. I stopped cosplaying girls due to the incredibly negative attention that I received when in a female cosplay. I've been groped, had a guy lift my skirt up to my crotch, and have had men stalk me on stairs to look up my dress when I was away from the convention area. Most of this occurred when I was wearing fairly modest outfits (dresses hitting around/slightly higher than the knee and minimal cleavage). This has happened ever since I started cosplaying at 15. I decided to cosplay Paprika this year because she's one of my favourite characters of all time, but I'm still really scared of being harassed.

TL;DR: Have you guys got any tips for having confidence while in costume and/or deterring would-be serious creeps?

>> No.6853523

Is this a b8 or do conventions seriously attract as many sex offenders as /cgl/ would have me believe?

>> No.6853530

Swear on my life I'm not fucking around. When I was 15 and at my second con ever, I was dressed as an Animal Crossing girl and waiting in line for the LARP room to open. This older guy comes up behind me wearing a cloak and wraps it around me, fondling me while the cloak covered what he was doing. I couldn't get away, and when he finally stopped, I smacked him and he said he "likes it when girls do that"

>> No.6853535

Did you have him arrested?

>> No.6853539


Bring friends. Get two birds stoned.

>> No.6853543

Yes, cons are rape centrals if you count an ugly guy staring at you from across the room as rape (and it totally is, if you disagree check your male privilege).

>> No.6853565

Cons are a breeding ground for socially awkward people and geek social fallacies. A lot of people seem to think their inappropriate behavior is okay because "it's a con lol, I can do what I want!" see also: glompers, memescreamers and yaoifags.
Add onto this that many cons and 'nerdy' pastimes are still quite male-dominated and that many of these awkward nerdy guys think that means they're entitled to the attention of the women who share their interests, and you've got a cesspool of sexual harassment. I've never personally witnessed outright sexual assault, but harassment? Hell fucking yes.

>> No.6853605

Well considering Paprika wears jeans, I think you won't experience as many creeps as you would while wearing a skirt/dress.

Though it is rare that stuff like that happens, just we aware of your surroundings and of people around you. If someone is getting too close for comfort, stick to friends or head towards someone that looks like staff, that usually scares people off.

>> No.6853621 [DELETED] 
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White women:


This is why people don't respect white women. You would never see an Asian woman doing that.

Same applies to cosplayers. Asian cosplayers may dress slutty, but they're not actual sluts. White cosplayers are.

>> No.6853626

Call them out, and if that doesn't work, make a scene. Might seem a bit bitchy, but its' preferable to staying quiet and victimizing yourself.

>> No.6853633
File: 21 KB, 400x284, 143674267893.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you this retarded all the time or is this just a special occasion? Asian cosplayers are all over the dicks of attractive white male cosplayers don't kid yourself.

>> No.6853635

Only their boyfriends.

Also, most asian girls consider black men to be unattractive monkeys. But you dirty skanks actually sleep with them.

>> No.6853636

>Asian cosplayers are all over the dicks of attractive white male cosplayers don't kid yourself.

What's that got to do with the video you stupid slut?

>> No.6853643

You need to leave your basement once and a while. Asian girls love those big black dicks even more than you do, which is hard to believe.

>> No.6853644

>Asian girls love those big black dicks even more than you do

Every survey on dating trends says the complete opposite: That Asian girls are most likely to exclude black and hispanic men.

>> No.6853646

Typical white girl trying to drag asian qt3.14's down to her shitty level.

>> No.6853654


It's a kind of crab mentality. It's why this whole "Asians are sluts too!" mentality is so popular on /cgl/ as well. White girls on here can't stomach the fact that Asian girls are legitimately more feminine in every way that counts (less shrill, less argumentative, more open to conciliatory methods of conflict resolution, less antagonistic, better mothers, more maternal, lower number of lifetime sexual partners and on and on) so they invent a fantasy narrative where asian girls are "just as slutty" as they are, but they "hide it better" because of the evil "shame culture" (they alternate between being massive weeaboos fantasizing about the most repulsive korean plastic pop stars and bitching about traditional asian culture, bizarrely enough).

But the fact remains, if we're so awful, why are their own men abandoning them in such numbers for us instead?

>> No.6853656


wow, you guys sure did help the op...

OP, if you are alone, always be sure that you can get to someplace where there is a staff member. If not alone, always stick with friends. If neither of those are possible, make a fucking scene. If all else fails, carry a taser or pepper spray.

>> No.6853657


fucking quick reply, ignore the youtube link

>> No.6853659

Bring a camera. Snap their pictures. Take the pictures to security and say, "this person sexually harassed me."

Or just tell the person right then and there to stop being a piece of shit. Loudly, so everyone can hear exactly what this asshole was doing.

>> No.6853662

>Bring a camera. Snap their pictures. Take the pictures to security and say, "this person sexually harassed me."

Donglegate 2: Feminist Boogaloo

>> No.6853666

Eh 4/10 op, you got some people pretty riled up.

>> No.6853668

>You would never see an Asian woman doing that
Do you even watch JAV/Jap. porn? Nice try, good bait.

>> No.6853670

It's considered a dirty thing for a girl in Japan to do a porn.

But in the West, girls say it's just another career choice, and that it's empowering for women.

Mothers encourage their children to do so in some cases.

Such a thing would be unheard of in an Asian family.

Western women like SlutWalks, hehe,

>> No.6853686

>It's a kind of crab mentality.

This. I don't even need to read the rest of your post, but just seeing you mentioned this means you're probably right.

/cgl/ is nothing but crabs.

>> No.6853694

Lawl, you think being a pornstar isn't considered dirty in the Americas?

My sides, they hurt.

>> No.6853696

I wish someone would post that YouTube video of the actual old fag cosplayer speaking her mind to this "OMG SEXUAL HARASSMENT" thing. You know the one I mean, a bit brown skinned, pretty qt...

I think that there's almost no doubt that all these butthurt special snowflakes who keep saying that they're victims, sufferers of the horrible, horrible con-going population are:
-> shitty cosplayers / newfags;
-> around the age of 20, or less;
-> entitled special snowflakes with tumblrs who think that society should cater to their every need.

Every time I see someone complain, I can tell that this is some absolute nobody, who's noticed she did not get the attention she expected to get for buying her costume, and so now she's making up stories about her horrible experiences at cons to make up for it.

Utterly disgusting. Note how the more this becomes popular, this talk about "cosplay != consent", /cgl/ becomes increasingly a worse shit hole, where you can't even discuss cosplay unless it consists entirely of compliments and sucking up to others.

Fucking hate you, newfag cancer.

>> No.6853726

The problem is that they can't tell the spaghetti pocket guys who aren't trying to be creepy apart from the actual creeps

And as a spaghetti prone individual I DO KNOW that grabbing a strangers ass/crotch/breasts is completely out of fucking line.

Its really sad that some people don't respect others boundaries

>> No.6853736

If you let other people walk over you like that, it's your problem. Stop being a pansy who needs the patriarchy to save her every time some guy gropes her.

>> No.6853754

>I wish someone would post that YouTube video of the actual old fag cosplayer speaking her mind to this "OMG SEXUAL HARASSMENT" thing. You know the one I mean, a bit brown skinned, pretty qt...

I'd like to see this video.

>> No.6853772


10/10 advice, would follow

Captcha: thou asuna

>> No.6853773


Shit, meant to link >>6853539

>> No.6853801

1. Find some Alpha.
2. Laugh at his jokes, put out for him on first date.
3. Have him protect you from Betas.

>> No.6853809

>find a unicorn
>have him protect you from boogeymen

Lol broscience

>> No.6853812

Sounds more like girl science to me. Unicorns don't exist. Alphas there's plenty of (even on 4chan - Zyzz, the guy who got you wet just by saying his name aloud).

>> No.6853813

>(even on 4chan - Zyzz, the guy who died from steroid abuse).
fixed for you

>> No.6853814

Zyzz is no more though.

Gone from halls of /fit/.

They herald his return each day, and mourn for him when the silent times come.

>> No.6853815
File: 52 KB, 480x272, 355619ac0d143982daaec0c29b4fd5ab1224644722_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry you're too old to be cute harassment meat now. But just in case use the buddy system you dumbass.

>> No.6853824

Its bullshit because the fucking term itself lacks a real definition (short of "I SUFFER FROM INTERNET TOUGH GUY SYNDROME" or SOCIOPATH)AND its based on a discredited theory of wolf behavior.

>> No.6853833

10/10 post

>> No.6853842


Have you looked at the statistics for Japanese women and porn?

One in 180 have done porn and infidelity has been committed by 1 in 4 Japanese women.

>> No.6853849
File: 66 KB, 523x592, 1361663700223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mothers encourage their children to do so in some cases.

>> No.6853850

The buttfrustration is strong in this White girl.

Of course, you have no statistics to prove your claims, other than your bias and your anal blood, that's gushing out right now.

>> No.6853851

It's true though. My cousin bought her daughter that "stripper club dancer" pole thing and she teaches her how to position herself properly to get it from behind.

>in b4 racist comments
I don't actually care, go on if you want.

>> No.6853856

>implying that I'm white
>implying that I'm female

Stay beta

>> No.6853864

Well you are a White male then, aka a mangina. What a surprise.

>> No.6853865

I'm 23; I've been cosplaying (read: actually making costumes and wearing what I make. Surprising, I know!) for 9 years. And nice try, but being not wanting to be harassed & molested =/= asking society to cater to my every need. In fact, I'm pretty sure that not wanting to be fucking molested is a reasonable desire, seeing as doing so is kind of illegal, especially to a minor.

but since you did get me to respond, 2/10
thanks for playing

>> No.6853873

If you don't want to be molested, don't get molested.

You're either a shitty fucking troll (I hope this is the case) or a 23 year old who still can't live on her own, like a little girl.

And new to /cgl/, which is all that matters. Why not go back to cosplay.com?

>> No.6853882

are you a qt op? if yes I will protect you, I have a black belt in being a samurai

>> No.6853884

>anecdotal evidence
Your cousin is probably trailer park trash and you might be, too.
The stripper pole thing actually brought a lot of controversy from western mothers, too, so I don't know what bullshit you're trying to pull.

>> No.6853887

coscom is shit. kind of like your advice.

>> No.6853899

>If you don't want to be molested, don't get molested.

Congrats, I made the expression of a goldfish for about 10 seconds. I get what you mean, but this was stupid and I hope you know it's stupid.

Anyways OP, you's a big girl now. You're not 15 anymore. It sucks, I know but in the end, getting tweaked once is much more preferable than getting a penis shoved inside you.

I'm sure everyone's give you enough advice to protect yourself by now. Just don't be stupid.

>> No.6853902

>it is shit advice to become empowered instead of being a victim!

Tumblr it is then, honey! You'll make a good Social Justice Warrior.

>> No.6853908

Sorry, but blacks aren't allowed near trailer parks. But I guess I should be honored that you assumed I'm white.

>> No.6853910
File: 976 KB, 1952x3264, me cosplaying a gundam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

pic is me, I'm badass

>> No.6853913

Hottie. Would let protect me / 10.

>> No.6853915

"If you don't want to be molested, don't get molested." isn't the same as touting empowerment. I'm going to go ahead and assume that OP implied that statement as "if you don't want to be molested, don't LET YOURSELF get molested." Which is great, except for the part where they didn't offer up shit on how. That's why the 'advice' is shit.

>> No.6853922

> I'm going to go ahead and assume that OP implied that
Sick samefag, m8. Sickest.

>> No.6853924

>except for the part where they didn't offer up shit on how.

Tell him "would you kindly leave me alone".

Tell him to fuck off.

Avoid him.

Kick him in the balls.

In this order.

>> No.6853942

Oh goodness, where has this sage advice been for thousands of years?

>> No.6853949


Out of your ignorant mind, because you're too much of a special snowflake to leave your comfort zone where you have whiteknights / your parents / some patriarchal authority figure do shit for you.

You're a joke.

>> No.6853951

You probably forgot to say "would you kindly".

>> No.6853960

Then I stand corrected. Your cousin is probably yet another example of the scourge plaguing the black race with its retardation.

>> No.6853964

Thanks, that's more like the good ol' fashioned racism that I'm used to.

>> No.6854001

>asian girls are less shrill
do u even thai

White people aren't all part of the same culture either jfc

>> No.6854002

that's not even funny, fuck you.

>> No.6854003

>if you don't want to get molested, don't let yourself get molested
>tell the person to fuck off and hit them if need be
>nevermind that they are usually much stronger than you are

>> No.6854015

This post deserves a B/10

>> No.6854049

more curves than some women

>> No.6854087

a 42/10?

>> No.6854094

If you can't incapacitate a fucking neckbeard with a kick to the balls, then you really deserve to be raped, you useless, worthless sheep. I cannot stand women like you. You are so used to playing the victim that the thought of not being one, just for once, even when your life depends on it, makes you freeze, like a lamb to the slaughter.


>> No.6854162

neckbeard pls go

>> No.6854258

>projecting because he cannot argue with me if I'm a girl

>> No.6854263

No one deserves to be raped.

>> No.6854271
File: 13 KB, 223x200, Boner Direct Control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his older guy comes up behind me wearing a cloak and wraps it around me, fondling me while the cloak covered what he was doing. I couldn't get away,

>> No.6854278

>me: "if you don't want to swim, you deserve to drown"
>you: "no one deserves to drown!"

If you still can't see it... pointless to talk to you.

>> No.6854281

oh pls

>> No.6854282

OP is a known tripfag on /r9k/ & male. Y'all got rused, rused hard.

>> No.6854290

I'm sorry that you had to go through that.I can't see why you're so paranoid about it.

Seriously. Have a con buddy. You'll enjoy yourself more with a friend and you will be safer. Don't be afraid to cry wolf if necessary.

>> No.6854292

Or are you saying you're a girl and you're denying my female status because you think that being angry is 'unwomanly'? Misogynistic pig one way or the other, that's what you are.

My mother was a PE teacher and she made sure she didn't raise a girly passive pansy. Any neckbeard who'd try to grope me is in for a world of pain.

>> No.6854297

>still responding to trollop

>> No.6854306

You watch too much porn.
If you haven't been outside for a while, black men are pretty notorious for fucking any and all manners of low-class, dimpled-ass she-beasts that can holla' at.

>> No.6854308

This thread is going exactly as expected haha.

Anyway OP, your honest best bet is to really stick in a large group of friends and don't go anywhere alone. Preferably with a group of people that has a decent balance of women and men of average or taller height.
It might also help to always be moving around. It seems like half of the time, people get harassed when they're just hanging out or waiting in line somewhere. If it's possible, I'd try to avoid idle conversation with anyone unless someone in your group knows them, or you're not going to be stuck with them in a line for 4 hours if the conversation takes a weird turn.

Regardless, if I do happen to run into you at AX I may say hello. Paprika was such a great movie, and I'm glad to see someone cosplaying from it. Good luck OP.

>> No.6854323


>> No.6854346

True Alpha girl.

>> No.6854360

>my mom was a lesbian

>> No.6854363

What kinda con can you just go up and lift some's skirt up without being noticed?

>> No.6854366

>if you don't want to swim, you deserve to drown

Wut if sum1 else pushed u in2 the water tho?

>> No.6854394

It doesn't matter how you got into the bad situation. If you're not willing to fight it, you deserve to lose.

It's basic... thinking... you know? I guess they don't teach that kids like you in school anymore.

>> No.6854399
File: 51 KB, 600x750, 1337973804038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting two birds stoned at one. I like this guy.

>> No.6854402

I think that >>6854263 meant other people, not just herself. As in if you see someone drowning, you would throw them a float and wouldn't go

> Oh, it's their fault for not swimming

>> No.6854405

Man, you are so desperately trying to wiggle out of this... The point is that there *will not* always be someone to save you and if you don't even try to save yourself then you weren't worth saving in the first place. If you can't comprehend this then you simply are the cancer and you don't want to comprehend since it hits too close to home. Why should girls always be the damsels in distress? Why is it so unthinkable that a girl saves herself? I really, really, really hope you're just a fat neckbeard who's getting a heart attack from someone ruining his fantasies, and not an actual female who has degraded this much from thoroughly accepting her subservient position to the patriarchal hegemony.

>> No.6854412

The hell are you talking about?

> Why should girls always be the damsels in distress?

They shouldn't always, but I don't see the problem with girls being a damsel in distress. I don't see the problem with guys being don in distress either.

I don't see the problem with people asking for help. Period.

Sometimes people can't help themselves. And I don't think there's something wrong with needing aid when situations arise.

>> No.6854415

Jesus get the bug outta your ass. Normally I'm on your side of the argument, but not all girls can defend themselves. Yes you should be screaming and brawling if someone tried to assault you, but that is not always the best option. Some girls are smaller or weaker than their attacker. What if they had a gun? Which raises my main point, all girls(who have the option) should carry guns, and KNOW how to use them. I'm pretty sure tazers are allowed at cons, as well. And failing having the ability to protect your self, you should not be alone!

>> No.6854427

Haha, too bad guns aren't allowed in my country (not as freely as Murica anyway). Also, I doubt any weapons are allowed on con grounds...

> At least I know basic taekwondo

>> No.6854442

/k/ here. Domestic women don't know how to handle a gun for shit. Doesn't matter how long you teach them to use it, they will always cock it up when push come to shove.

>> No.6854471

But in order to know how to swim you have to be taught? That metaphor just doesn't work.

Most rapes are committed by someone the victim knew personally.
Rapists usually aren't some creepy neckbeard at a convention.
They're your boyfriends friend who you celebrated your birthday with. They're someone who you thought you could trust.

Unless you've been in that situation you can't tell anyone what the best way to combat it is.

>> No.6854478


>> No.6854479

>But in order to know how to swim you have to be taught?
But in order to know hot to fight back against rapists and gropists, you also need to be taught.

>> No.6854506

It's the threat of counter-acting that stops rampages, not the actual act. Shooting sprees are a power fantasy, where you decide who lives or dies. Someone opposing you with the similar amount of force ruins such fantasies, and the shooter quickly decides to end his spree by killing himself / running away, rather than facing the danger of being incapacitated and having to pay the price for his actions. This actually applies to the majority of all crimes stopped with handguns. They were stopped without shooting a bullet.

In that video, they face a trained officer who expected to be shot at.

>> No.6854817

Indonesian girls are the absolute worst. My roommate has a Muslim Indonesian e-girlfriend (kind of a LDR but he met here there physically during his vacation, so I hope she doesn't have a penis) and even though I can hear only one half of their Skype conversations (not that I'm listening on, he does it in the same room I'm in, so what the fuck) I can tell she's one of the most fucking obnoxious cunts on Earth. She keeps asking if he loves her, and if he says yes she say she doesn't believe, "omg drama u think im ugly :(" , "omg u hate me" no matter how much he says "bby no~! i love!!"... et cetera. She's incredibly jealous and every time he mentions "a friend" she thinks it's some chick he's fucking (even though he's not quite the type who gets to fuck alot...) and it takes another hour to convince her otherwise.

Yellow fever == worst fever.

I wish all men would finally see the light and became homosexuals. Men are naturally better looking, need no make up, and don't have horrible personalities.

>> No.6854835

Nobody needs to be taught how to swim except for little coward bitches who are so afraid of the deep water :(.

I don't even know what you are talking about (something about rape? I'm not sure which is on which side) but swimming is pretty basic and natural.

>> No.6854847

>if you don't even try to save yourself then you weren't worth saving in the first place.

I can't believe you actually believe this

>> No.6854848
File: 59 KB, 594x525, jamal the destroyer of worlds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now try saying that to this black man's face, see what happens.

(Also, am I the only one who misses Jamal threads?)

>> No.6854860

I can't believe you can't believe someone actually believes it.

>> No.6854885

I can't believe you can't believe that someone can't believe that someone actually believes that.

>> No.6854894

>Nobody needs to be taught how to swim
>swimming is pretty basic and natural

This is literally the only time I've ever seen anybody make this argument.

>> No.6854902

well but it is pretty basic

nobody taught me how to doggie swim, I did that naturally

do you think that Nirvanna babby had hours of training before they dropped it in the water to take a photo of his tiny wang?

>> No.6854915

Yeah, because cats, dogs and all other animals that don't live in water but can swim were taught how to. And the first human who ever swam was taught by God. It is not natural at all.

>> No.6854919

>sacred of water

>> No.6854920

I literally can't believe I derped that hard

>> No.6854924


A baby can actually swim surprisingly well, so I would say it was natural then. But somewhere in childhood, that ability got lost (which is why there are laws concerning gates around swimming pools?). So swimming that has to be 'retaught' I guess.

Sage because weren't we talking about creepers?

>> No.6854934

Dogs are kind of creepy too, to be honest. They keep trying to fornicate with your leg... how is that not rape? Or molesting at the very least...

I think that dogs support rape culture as much as men do.

>> No.6854937

Ugh, yea. And the female ones are such bitches!

>> No.6855002

Hmm, I was never taught how to swim and had a deep fear of water (as in pools and sea, not plain water) until I was about 7 or 8 but when I was forced out of my phobia I just... swam. Doggie swimming all the way.

>> No.6855559
File: 22 KB, 480x360, thatsthejoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855687

Dogs aren't sacred.

>> No.6856624


>> No.6857556


>> No.6858024

Women like OP should be raped by Jewish Africans.

That way the law would be maximum butthurt because they would have a hard dillema who to side with.

>> No.6858072

I've seen girls be sexually harassed and not know it. I had to talk to one dude at Sakuracon because he kept trying to get an upskirt/ass shot of my friend and she didn't notice.

I think people who seriously haven't noticed that kind of behavior must aspies because that kind of harassment is common at conventions.

People should speak up about it directly, but sometimes that can be awkward. Also, I've staffed for cons and not once were we given any training on what to do if that kind of situation came up.

>> No.6858077

>Friend gets sexually harrassed
>U-uhm e-excuse me, can y-you s-stop that?

>> No.6858085

But nobody likes Africans.

>> No.6858086

That is pretty much how it went. I mean, it's kind of mind boggling because it's a grown ass person acting like that and they should know better.

Well, I do know one of the guys involved with Sakuracon. Maybe I can ask him what their policy is and if they don't have one, suggest that they do some kind of training or have an orientation sheet or something.

>> No.6858096

Who do you know involved in Sakuracon?

Honestly, if you weren't working at security you should've shoved the guy away and got in his face. If you make a scene about it and enough people see it go down you'll be a hero. I've even had security side with me on similar ocassions.
If you catch someone doing that and merely slap their wrist they're going to go up to the next victim and do the same shit.
You didn't think that guy actually changed the way he viewed his actions after you told him to stop, did you?

>> No.6858106

I said African Jew. If it weren't for Jews, feminism would be treated as any other left-wing lunatic movement. Have some respect.

>> No.6858107

>I've seen girls be sexually harassed and not know it.
Stopped reading right there.

You fucking





>> No.6858119

You too?

>> No.6858123

>Implying it isn't already

>> No.6858152

Well, this thread escalated quickly....

>> No.6858165

I'm definitely no cosplayer, but let me tell you; if you dress like a whore, I will treat you like one.

If you go as the character in your picture, you will be completely fine, despite how attractive you may be.

>> No.6858174

So if I dress like an anime character you'll treat me like an anime character?


>> No.6858182

He's being stupid on purpose.

>> No.6858223

You could dress in normal clothes and claim to be some character.
I'll decide how I treat you after I judge your appearance.

>> No.6858231

And if I judge your appearance first?

>> No.6858237

Ask some female seagull if they cut the funding to her Woman's Studies course.

They did not, spoiler alert.

>> No.6858241

Logical fallacy. You can dress like a whore, but you can't dress like an anime character.

>> No.6858246

Girl, you don't know me.

>> No.6858258

I don't understand your point.
You could look at MMA and see how many people are doing Kopojutsu (whichis taught and paid for but simply not effective)

People teach womens studies because people will pay to learn womens studies.

>> No.6858263

I fucking hate Tumblr, I swear to god I hope Yahoo runs it into the fucking ground, all my friends have turned into rape culture social justice retards and it's unbearable, I can't hang out with any of them anymore because it's all they fucking talk and complain about now.

Don't even get me fucking started on all the bullshit they come up with.
>Be at a con with group of friends, day 0, 5 girls so it isn't a small group
>Some guy comes up to us and asks us for directions toward the reg line
>Tell him, he says thanks, we say no problem, no issues
>Later check my tumblr and my friend is completely exploding all over a text post saying how it was practically rape and making up a bunch of bullshit like how he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her close and smelled her and all this shit that didn't happen
>everyone eats it up

Seriously just fuck everything about that website and all your retarded snowflake rape culture bullshit, I want my friends back, not these mindless drones who think someone so much as looking in your general direction constitutes sexual assault.

>> No.6858279

How do you dress like an anime character then? Provide a picture for amusement too, please.

>> No.6858282

But Women's Studies are funded by the state?

>> No.6858342

Not ALL women's studies.

>> No.6858388

Then we probably won't talk to eachother

>> No.6858396

What, because it happens? Sorry you haven't been outdoors in a long time.

Do you even know where you are?

>> No.6858820

Yes I am on a place where people try to look like anime characters and always fail. You never actually manage to look like them; it's just an illusion. If you remembered the time before you started posting here, you were probably much more critical of cos-play, but after starting to do so yourself, you tend to lower your standards as to "who looks like a character" a lot. Truth is, 90% of cosplayers look nothing like their characters, whatever their cosplaying. We just fill the differences in with wishful thinking out of sympathy / wanting to fuck them. It's not just anime (that's just the hardest / near impossible to pull off) it's for all other kinds of characters, except, perhaps, movie characters, but even those tend to get cocked up a lot.

It's strange, really. Even I noticed that after 3 years of /cgl/ I fool myself into thinking that someone's cosplay is actually accurate, when in reality it's just an attractive person in a not-completely shitty looking costume, and halo effect does the rest. Outside of extremely simply looking characters and movie characters with clearly & physically defined costumes, it's quite impossible to "look like" a character. It is always just a (bad) approximation of the original appearance, whilst the rest is filled in with our minds -- wishful thinking.

>> No.6858948 [DELETED] 

>What, because it happens?
let me put this straight:

you say something happened to them, but they didn't realize it

but it happened to them because you said so

and now you say it happens, because you say so

you are the cancer

and probably a unfuckable landwhale to boot, which would explain the tumblring, edgyness and projecting

note how it's never actually the hot chicks who say "OMG.... I WAS RAPED AND I DIDN REALIZE NUFFIN"

it's always either ugly cunts or old cunts in need of attention --> undesirable cunts

>> No.6858963
File: 259 KB, 499x299, 1356236238621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also getting dragged to anime expo. how do i avoid looking like a serious creep? the way i dress might make me feel over dressed for someone not in cosplay around niggas in graphic tee sand shitty boot cut jeans.but mostly i don't want to look like a molester if i bump into someone in the crowded places.

>> No.6858978

fuck you're stupid, do you ever even go outside or talk to people or watch porn?

>> No.6858995

this post sounded so intense like lord of the flies type shit.

>> No.6859005


>> No.6859016 [DELETED] 

then learn, you fuckin' dumb bitch. do you want me to rape u?

>> No.6859433

>What, because it happens?
let me put this straight:

you say something happened to them, but they didn't realize it

but it happened to them because you said so

and now you say it happens, because you say so

you are the cancer

and probably a unfuckable landwhale to boot, which would explain the tumblring, edgyness and projecting

note how it's never actually the hot chicks who say "OMG.... I WAS RAPED AND I DIDN REALIZE NUFFIN"

it's always either ugly cunts or old cunts in need of attention --> undesirable cunts

>> No.6859610


Stuff your panties with socks.

>> No.6859649

Ah yes, I recall many times during my childhood, my mother would lecture me endlessly about how I need to grow up to be a porn star and do my family proud.

>captcha: wantonness, answmer

>> No.6859654
File: 329 KB, 624x480, vlcsnap-2011-05-13-00h07m40s50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you can't physically overpower someone bigger, heavier and stronger than you, you deserve to be assaulted

I just

>> No.6859659

>women are reminded almost daily, starting practically from birth, that they are the physically weaker sex and are not capable of defending themselves
>is shocked when women don't believe they can defend themselves

>> No.6859663


You do realize that no matter how big fat neckbeards are 99% fall with 1 swift kick in the gonads. Unless they are REALLY fat, then your leg just gets absorbed into their fat flabs, you get sucked in and become 1 with his amebous body.


But females are the weaker sex, its a fact, that does not mean that they cant defend themselves.

>> No.6859669

>that does not mean that they cant defend themselves.

You're right, I can. If I have a weapon. Which is why I carry one at all times.

I love how you think "kick him in the balls" is this amazing, revolutionary advice and that rape would all but cease to exist if women only knew this magic trick LOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.6859674


No but the irrationality of getting groped and not fucking screaming im getting groped by a fat fuck is somewhat concerning.

>> No.6859679

It's a potent combination of shock and having been conditioned to be quiet and passive all our lives.

Plus most sexual predators aren't fucking idiots who do these things in open public areas, they seek out isolated, vulnerable women.

>> No.6859680

Saying Weaker sex is so fucking vague, it annoys me.

Women do give birth. Do you even understand child labor?

>> No.6859683

Yes, and human females are the only ones in the entire fucking animal kingdom who are so fucking weak that they need assistance from others and pretend it's the most painful experience of their life. Probably because it was not always like that and is just a result of your pampered lives.

>> No.6859686

Weaker in the muscle sense.

I've met women who are scary fucking strong, but they're rare, and usually have been doing athletics since childhood. Men are almost always physically stronger, at least counted over large averages. I don't mind admitting that. I don't think that makes them better. If upper body strength was the most important thing in the world, we wouldn't vote for the president, we'd just hold a big arm wrestling competition.

>> No.6859687


Having a higher pain tolerance does not make you strong. It makes you have a higher pain tolerance.

Females have a higher body fat % and less muscle mass, unless they are on hormones or roids. That combination makes it a weaker sex, as the average female compared to the average male will be smaller, and wont be able to perform as well as a male counterpart in physicall tasks that require strenght.

>> No.6859690

How rampart are yaoi fangirls in the cosplay scene? Im a skinny boyish dude that maybe wants to go cosplay but i fear them.

>> No.6859692
File: 48 KB, 100x100, 1212202419231.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hasn't studied human evolution for five seconds out of his life

Ability to walk upright = narrower pelvis compared to body size

combined with

larger skull to accommodate growing brain size


there's a reason childbirth was a leading cause of death before the advent of modern medicine, you braying ass.

>> No.6859693

>Having a higher pain tolerance does not make you strong
And you don't even have that. Men have the higher pain tolerance. If you just bump your arm into a woman's body she's already like "OUCH THE PAIIIIN".

>> No.6859695

>what are monkeys
Face it, you're wimps and the biggest geeks of nature.

>> No.6859698


They still have higher pain tolerance. It doesen't account for when you start feeling pain, it accounts for how much pain you can take.

>> No.6859697


Men squirm and cry like babies if they even get a fraction of simulated contraction pain. That doesn't even count having your vagina stretched open by a baby's head.

God, you're such a catch, there's no way you're single, is there?

>> No.6859701

Child birth. Look up what it does to your pelvic bone. Trust me, you do not know pain. I really wish i could meet you irl anon. I would punch you straight in the face. Your ignorance is truly sad.

Also, not all women have the same pain tolerance. Some are higher than others. Not all women are 'delicate flowers' who crumble when a man bumps their shoulder.

>> No.6859702

I really despise people who say "monkeys" when they're talking about evolution, I swear to god

apes are not monkeys

>> No.6859704

What men? Pussified manginas who embraced their inner female?

It's your opinion against countless facts. Gee, who will I side with. If I punched you, I mean, just one average punch, without even trying, you'd be on the ground writhing in pain.

>> No.6859708

k, idc

>> No.6859709

Men have to posture and act tough and not show that they're in pain at all, so. We're just saying what you're thinking.

>> No.6859711
File: 2.25 MB, 300x281, 23vkqzd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's your opinion against countless facts.


>> No.6859714


I like how those mens bodies are not prepared like their females counterparts.

You know how the female body gets filled with shit like endorphines and adrenalin when giving birth? This is a bunch of relaxed dudes suddenly exposed to intense pain, do that to someone who just got from a sparring contest and the results would be a lot different especially if he was told he has to get trough it and not back down.

This is my opinion against those "facts"

>> No.6859712

People who think being compared to a woman is an insult. I wish people raised their children right, then maybe pieces of shit like you wouldn't be here hiding behind your computer monitor, 'acting tough.'

>> No.6859713

Let's shove a melon up your ass while electrocuting you for 12 straight hours. I bet you won't even flinch since men are OMG SO TUFF GRRR MANLY LUMBERJACK

>> No.6859715

I've seen men FLIP THE FUCK OUT from having one itsy bitsy hair ripped off. We put hot wax on our legs and tear them out all at once.

>> No.6859716


I have bear legs, and i didnt flinch when i got a strip pulled out. Maybe because i actually know how to do it, it still left a red strip on my thigh for a few days tough.

Nice anecdotal evidence that is thrown around here tough.

>> No.6859717

I don't understand your pic, Anon. There's literally nothing there.

>> No.6859718

No seriously. Go tell any living woman who has ever given birth that childbirth isn't that painful and women are just big wussies. Tell your mom. The woman who shoved your fat ass out her vagina. See where it gets you.

>> No.6859722

Well, what do you have, as a source, other than your opinion? Nothing.

As expected from a tumblr fatty who will never have sex in her life, so she compensates it by having a tumblr. Top lel.

>> No.6859721

>bear legs

Did you kill the bear yourself?

Oh and your arguments all have citations, unlike my anecdotes. You must've been on the high school debate team!

>> No.6859724

>tumblr lol tumblr lol tumblr lol virgin lol fatty

Amazing debate skills, just top notch buddy.

Aaaaaaaand not a virgin. At all. So I'm a "slut" to you. Basically no matter how much sex I have or don't have it's the source of an insult. Thus is being female.

>> No.6859726


The fuck? Im not saying its not painfull, i can imagine that something ripping you in half is painfull as fuck. But we have seen that shock states make many things more bearable, and giving birth most likely puts you in such a state, unlike those tests on men. And trust me im pretty happy that i wont be giving birth and respect to the wemen who went trough it. But you cant go around comparing these things with what ifs.


No, my arguments are as flimsy as everyone elses, because there were little real scientific tests to be quoted here. Outside of whats already 100% known that males are physically stronger and females having a higher pain tolerance.

I really hate it that some people still argue the what if you had to give childbirth thing. It is not possible, i have on the other hand seen people having their limbs blown off and whatnot and they screamed just as much as a woman does when giving birth.

Protip, everyone has a different way of dealing with pain.

>> No.6859727

Hi pot, this is the kettle, did you know you're black?

>> No.6859731

You're either not the anon I was originally talking to, or you changed your mind? Because anon I talked to was all kinds of butthurt about how women are big fat weak pussies and childbirth isn't such a big deal.

>> No.6859733


I joined in

These were my posts.

>> No.6859737

Once again, your pussy dad / brother != men.

>> No.6859744

>Outside of whats already 100% known that males are physically stronger and females having a higher pain tolerance.

The first part is known. The latter is not known.

Give me a source. Hard more: not your tumblr post.

>> No.6859746

Holy shit you're so hypocritical
If you say one man who cried isn't the entire group of men then don't say that all girls are fucking weak

>> No.6859749

Because it's one man who cried, and one woman who DON'T cried.

Do you think you could stand up against an average guy in a fight? No, even the idea alone makes you shiver, shitting your pants from all the pain that you know is coming your way.

>> No.6859754

>this person pointed out a fact that I'm a hypocrite with my argument
>I'm now going to continue being hypocritical and troll now since I've obviously lost
At this point, your petty resort to trolling to defend yourself is just hilarious to me.

>> No.6859756


Well colour me surprised, apparently i really was wrong there. Looks like men have a higher pain tolerance as well and can take pain better.


>> No.6859757

No shit.

>> No.6859766

u wot

>> No.6859784

>asians are best women

Nice try. If you're born and raised in the USA, you're the exact same as other American women no matter what your skin color or ethnicity would have you or anyone else believe otherwise.

And if someone feels so isolated from the people in their own nation that they need to travel to another country to find a partner, it's likely they have serious personal problems that a foreign spouse is not a bandaid for.

>> No.6859786

> If you're born and raised in the USA, you're the exact same as other American women no matter what your skin color or ethnicity would have you or anyone else believe otherwise.

Come on now, son. Read again what you wrote here. You don't actually believe that Jenny from the Mormon community is same as Ching Chong Dong from Chinatown, SF and Breadquanda from Shreveport, LA.

>> No.6859788

Unless a person is raised in total exclusion from mainstream American culture, then yes they are. I take it you've never been outside of your home country?

>> No.6859825

I take it you've never been outside your basement. No one on Earth, not even the earlier mentioned Breadquanda, will agree with what you said.

>> No.6859862


>everyone is the same murrican because they lived here!

Oh my god are you fucking stupid. I'm forced to agree with >>6859786 that's how bad it is.

>> No.6859863

then how America has multiple rampages per year and other countries that have much tighter gun laws do not?

>> No.6859928

Your next cosplay has been chosen by Capcha.
You're cosplaying Asuna. I'm going to guess it means SAO's Asuna, since 'thou' sounds pretty medieval.

>> No.6859929

Because in America, you have a horrible education system; millions of single mother families (the worst family unit you can get next to being an orphan; fathers do much more for raising children), and such families are both supported and celebrated as the best thing ever; decadent, hedonistic society that teaches you that life is worth nothing unless you're famous / rich / banging hot chicks / earning lots of moneys; you are rewarded for not thinking & not questioning your betters and rather accepting your oppression's hegemony; and, ultimately, if you "fail at life" (see above), you can always go on a spree shooting (for males) or commit suicide and blame someone else for it (for females) and the media will turn you into a God.

Switzerland has laws that make it pretty much COMPULSORY for its citizens to own and carry guns (multiple even).

There was NEVER a spree shooting in Switzerland.

I am the last person on Earth to be some pro-gun right wing lunatic, since I was shot myself when my uncle's liqueur store was robbed, but guns are *just a tool* and nothing more. Blaming them for the crimes done with them shows that you are incapable of accepting the fact that humans are responsible for their actions, which is a typical thought paradigm among the 'joke-leftist' youth of America.

>> No.6859935
File: 67 KB, 446x400, girls.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like a bitter butthurt neckbeard virgin. People like you is why we need to break patriarchy.

>> No.6859939
File: 212 KB, 890x592, 1355515382533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with trolls.

>> No.6859940


I lol'd

>> No.6859950

It's not a joke, you misogynistic pig. Guns only exist because you view them as an extension for your tiny dick. Just like that ad saying "consider your man-card reissued". Y'all pathetic.

>> No.6859959

Just going to leave this here...

tl;dr, gun control actually causes more death than a freer policy.

>> No.6859958
File: 507 KB, 213x118, you+re+an+idiot+_e5595b4e4a7687b7ef9c87a5a1b308d7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inbound in 3.. 2.. 1..

>> No.6859961

What is inbound? Your tears? Or are you angry enough to leave your mom's basement?

>> No.6859963
File: 83 KB, 829x960, guns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/K/ is here with a message. pic related.

cops kill more ppl than rampage shooters. Guns have been used for self defense and home defense 600,000 times this year. Your argument for "safety through gun control is refuted."

>> No.6859962
File: 808 KB, 207x207, 1vj1DPV.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit. People actually believe this. It blows my mind every time I remember.

>> No.6859966

>Mysogonistic pig
>Man card

This is like playing feminist bingo. Do go on, I still need Gender Pay Gap

>> No.6859968
File: 432 KB, 1640x2368, 1369232793873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you!

>> No.6859969

>brave policewomyn and policemen who risk their lives daily so that we can live in safety
>numerous times forced to kill a dangerous criminal to save themselves or innocents
>they kill the most with guns


>> No.6859970
File: 168 KB, 1024x778, 1368110647661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daughter, I am dissapoint in your lack of militant feminism. You must empower yourself. Penetrate your rapist with your sheenis and defend yourself from rape.

>> No.6859972

Oh, just you try to deny it exists, see what happens.

I'm gonna have the local Internet whiteknight post in this thread and he will call you Athens.

>> No.6859971
File: 161 KB, 631x407, 1336462067792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't know you were so pro-rape

>> No.6859974

It's not guns that should stop rape; it's fuckign MEN who are supposed to stop raping. Are you an animal or what? If you didn't rape and didn't support rape culture this wouldn't be a problem.

>> No.6859975
File: 25 KB, 605x515, 1316962448955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen, Athens, I just make fun of you because you're the most tedious person on 4chan.

>> No.6859977
File: 27 KB, 416x204, 1369228115045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see pic here >>6859968
Also, y is the male chromosone, PLUS see pic

>> No.6859980

Awww, shit, right on the money. Man, I'm really starting to love you Kanji, it's so much fun to make fun of you while you're trying to desperately pretend that me making fun of you is somehow actually you making fun of me. xD

Am I also the OP of this thread or what?

>> No.6859978

The police patrol the same streets we walk. They face the same criminals we face. In the words of N.W.A. "Fuck the po-lice"

>> No.6859983
File: 367 KB, 500x600, 1366431342461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should have predicted this reply. /pol/ was right, why didn't I listen?

>> No.6859985

Fun fact: Feminism is on the decline

>> No.6859984

I can't believe I share a planet with people who think like this.

>> No.6859990

Bawww, does it offend you that I said something that's not nice about you? Well deal with it, you privileged fedora wearers. >>>/r9k/ with you all.

>> No.6859986

>Are you an animal or what?
Yes, actually.

>> No.6859987
File: 41 KB, 150x150, 1324125989900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were closer when you said I was an Israeli girl.

>> No.6859992


Christ, you womyn are retarded

>> No.6859991
File: 215 KB, 960x706, 1368112846650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the police routinely kill and maim innocent ppl.


Check your obvious privilege cis-hetero-whitey.

:-( mfw people with marginalized sexual views and strange practices that privileged members of society view as deviant or purient fight AGAINST their own empowerment.

>> No.6859996

>Check your obvious privilege cis-hetero-whitey.
Yep, its still there. Whew! Thought I lost it for a second

>> No.6859993

Oh....oh no, fuck, man... don't tell me you're actually JIDF and you've been doing this all the time just because you were paid to do so.

I am really fucking disappointed in you m8, I thought you was a legitimate mangina who embraced his inner femininity.

>> No.6859997


Do you think you can make every human being change at the snap of a finger? Some people are just fucked up (Like blacks and mudslimes). But guns? As long as you care for them correctly and feed them often (As in practice) you can always count on one. It'll never leave or betray you.

So you have two options: Rely on every person on the planet to not rape you. Or rely on yourself to stop someone from raping you.

>> No.6860001

>trying too hard

>> No.6859999

Why should >>I<< be forced to change my life and buy a gun and undergo gun training and godknows what else just to conform myself to >>your<< culture of rape? Why cannot instead, you know, society change itself for the better (male society, that is) and stop treating women like objects of sex and stop raping? Is it really that hard for you?

>> No.6860005

le srs, ze shield of Izrael detekted

It's like I'm really on /pol/. Why was I even linked her I don't even

>> No.6860008

>Why should >>I<< be forced to change my life and buy a gun and undergo gun training and godknows what else just to conform myself to >>your<< culture of rape?

Fun fact: Guns stop rape. Period.

Also, why are you bitching about us trying to make you conform to "rape culture" when you want to take away our guns?

protip: they have nothing to do with penis size

>> No.6860009
File: 10 KB, 292x173, h&amp;h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sister, men are warlike pigs. We need to bring the amazon and fight back. Our obvious mental, social, and sexual dominance will help us defeat them. But social change will not be effective by cultural change. Militancy is a better strategy. The taliban did not stop their horrific anti-woman practices until the USA gave them "freedom" or whatever you want to call it. They can go to school. They are better off.

In fact it may be even better if we can manipulate men with our superior sexuality to fight each other and exterminate themselves.

But we should still be gun positive. Men wont stop raping like they won't be loyal sexual partners. They are animals. We need to control them and manage their population like animals. Buy a hunting rifle.

>> No.6860010

I'm not trying, I'm just being friendly. Why do you always get so fucking butthurt every time? If I'm supposed to be some of your friend for over 6 years or something, shouldn't you at least try to be nice to me from time to time? And I've know you for almost a year now, so we might as well be buddies.

Why not? I promise to stop posting your IRL pictures, you promise to expand your reaction pic folder, so you use something other than the same ~6 images you've used over and over and over again.


>> No.6860012

Athens, just go, you're being pathetic.

>> No.6860016

Only feminazism right? Regular equality is still ongoing, right?

>> No.6860017
File: 62 KB, 440x440, 1343225350623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Judging by the amount of text you vomit up every time I post, the anal annihilated one is you.

>> No.6860015

I have an idea. How about you take feminism to a country that needs it instead of whining about the US?

>> No.6860022

Yes, only feminazism.
>Regular equality is still ongoing, right?

>> No.6860025

Am I? You're the one who came up in this thread the minute I trickfully dropped a reference (not even your tripname) to you, within two minutes. It's like you're stalking every thread on /cgl/ just to start posting in it or something.

But thanks for posting that new image, I guess deep down you really want me to be your girlfriend. It's alright, I like cute virgin nerd guys. Too bad you're not cute tho.

>> No.6860031

yes. only feminazism.

In a position of uncertainty use the solution that requires the least steps. Societal change is convoluted and difficult.

Militancy is easy. It does not require male consent.

>> No.6860036

>cant deal with it
Feminazism is on the decline.
You want the exact same amount of "privilege?"
Then maybe you should do the same amount of work.
Heres a little tidbit for you
Guy owns coal company
Pays the women (desk jobs) less than the miners (male)
They get pissy and demand equal pay
He says "okay, show up at 6 am ready to go down into the mines."

Take feminism to the middle east where its needed.

>> No.6860034


>> No.6860038

um... can I be your bf instead? I psoted my pic earlier in this thread

im rly cute under the mask, I swear

>> No.6860044

I think the feminazi is mad bro.

>> No.6860040

You actually bringing me up for no reason would indicate that you are in fact mad.

>> No.6860042

Well, good luck going into a fistfight with a man you absolute twat.

>> No.6860043

Why should >>I<< be forced to change my life and lock my doors and windows and god knows what else just to conform myself to >>your<< culture of home invasions? Why cannot instead, you know, society change itself for the better (burglar society, that is) and stop treating homeowners like objects of wealth and stop burglarizing? Is it really that hard for you?

Your argument basically boils down to
>Why should I have to protect myself? Why can't mean people just stop being mean!

>> No.6860046

Societal change requires useful idiots. Men who consent to their own downfall. Feminism must be the only way of thought that is accecptable. The useful idiots will be the pedantic male university faculty. They will be easiest to convince of their own correctness. Their self importance will overshadow the consequences of their ideas, which they will not be able to foresee.

Only when generations have been inculcated will there be marginal change. Consider how much rape culture has permeated everything since the primitive man.

We should simply round men up and send them to reeducation through work camps, We should eliminate the violent and brutish stock, and leave men that are servile and prospectively sound.

>> No.6860051

Good luck.
Why do you hate men? Did daddy not touch you enough? Did you have sex with a guy and feel guilty about it, claim rape, and got pissed when he got off scot free?

>> No.6860047

Post length indicates level of mad

>> No.6860053
File: 128 KB, 565x900, celebrate diversity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuk you madfag. we are biologically superior. your neandraslob manmind cant even think 1 step ahead.

>> No.6860058

Im so glad I have a submissive qt3.14gf who loves it when I fuck her hard. She loves being dominated and humiliated and thinks feminism is a bad joke

>> No.6860062

>inb4 ban because MUH FEELINGZ

>> No.6860060

Which is why men can cum and go but womyn have to bitch for 9 months while the man does all the work?

>> No.6860063

>trying to troll a troll

>> No.6860068
File: 72 KB, 458x373, 1367928604399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imblying :D:D:D
And I thought I was doing okay

>> No.6860077

About Switzerland, that's fucking false.

Go check the news we had several shootings last year, a couple of months ago one guy even decided to shoot up his working place and killed 4 people or so.

>> No.6860082


>> No.6860091

Shut the fuck up JIDF

>look up article
First paragraph:
>Rare violence
A paragraph named like that, in an article by the spree shooting hungry media.

Spree shootings are much more often in Norway or UK.

>> No.6860094

The 'bro' you're talking to is the femnazi here.

>> No.6860097

Maybe you should go back to grade school.

>> No.6860103

It was a metaphoric never, for fuck's sake. There's nothing that actually *never* happens. Everything that can happen usually happens. Never just means "a very low probability" in praxis.

>> No.6860104

>I was being stupid on purpose
What mirth!

>> No.6860106

I didn't say that, you desperate projecting Jewish cunt.

>> No.6860107

I'm going to guess that he's a member of some South American police force, they seem to be very fond of using multiple handguns.

>> No.6860109

Yeah you just meant the opposite of what you were saying.

>> No.6860111

Your face when:

>police in Brazil is super effective in fighting against criminals;
>they don't pamper with them, no sir, they just rek their shit;
>there's also no racism in Brazil;
>and we have the 8th highest GPD per capita;
>our women are beautiful;
>we have a rich culture and most cities are great places to live.

>> No.6860112

so what was 'never' a metaphor for?

or did you mean hyperbolic?

>> No.6860113

"something that happens with an extremely low probability" is the exact opposite of "never".


>> No.6860115

Yes that's correct. I'm glad you learned something today during your daily shitposting.

>> No.6860117
File: 35 KB, 335x459, Photo on 10-11-12 at 1.26 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a metaphor -- for you -- never having sex, ever. You're welcome, landwhale-chan.

<-- Pic is me, you will never get this.

>> No.6860122

I wish Athens would stop posting.

>> No.6860124

still not a metaphor...

>> No.6860125

There must always be a Athens in Winterfell. I mean, in /cgl/.

>> No.6860129

nice hair

>> No.6860133

Can I come? These riots in Sweden fucking suck. I couldn't give less of a shit about politics or ideologies. You don't fucking burn cars and property. Our police can't do anything because of our corrupt and skewed media calling POLICE BRUTALITY as soon as a murderer complains restraints being too tight.

>> No.6860135

No, if you come without the girl allowing you to first, you're literally raping her. Men should only come when it is explicitly and formally allowed by the girl.

>> No.6860137

>Ah yes, I recall many times during my childhood, my mother would lecture me endlessly about how I need to grow up to be a porn star and do my family money.


>> No.6860139

But pride == money.

>> No.6860144

I never said it wasn't effective.

It's referred to as Macedonian shooting, and was how single agents carried massive firepower before the invention of SMGs.

It's a Russian method that's really quite difficult, as it requires you to be proficient with each gun in each hand independently.

>> No.6860146

Can't money buy pride? Pride in your money.

>> No.6860147

But in Switzerland you must keep your guns locked away in a gun safe by law.

Switzerland is tiny. They've built a huge system of explosives into the country in case they are ever invaded by a foreign power.

They don't have guns to protect themselves from burglars or criminals like in the US, it's to stop other countries invading.

>> No.6860160

Most women give birth in silence, yet this video opens with screaming.

Then you want to put two wimps in pain and act like they're representative of all men?

What about the monks that set themselves on fire in order to protest China's occupation of Tibet?

>> No.6860164

HAHA, I guess you don't know that tons of cops abuse the system for the purpose of rape, literally.

Here in Austin we had a cop raping drunk women after arresting them, and most recently we had a cop stalking women in order to kidnap, rape, cook, and eat them.

Also, the whole "womyn" thing is retarded and shows that you have no comprehension of history. The Wo- is what you should be mad about.

>> No.6860174

Those monks only resist pain because they embraced their inner females.

>> No.6860176


>comparing yourself to supermen in TIbet

top lel

>> No.6860199

I remember when my Wife's art history prof was going on about how bullets are round and pointy to be dick-shaped, and if that wasn't the case we'd have square bullets. No concept of aerodynamics or internal, external or terminal ballistics at all. And no correcting her with pesky things like "facts" and "physics"

>> No.6860208

Yes actually. I am an animal, specifically a chordate of the order mammallia, more specifically a primate of the hominid family and the genus Homo. Mostly Homo Sapiens, with some hybrid vigor from some interbreeding with Homo Neanderthalensis.

You're an animal, too. Unless you're a robot. Are you a Robot?

>> No.6860210

Last I checked, feminism was not about equality. That's just basic human rights shit. Feminism requires the denigration of men, which sure as fuck isn't equality.

>> No.6860212

>baww mom, these bad feminists are making fun of me :'(

>> No.6860217
File: 18 KB, 395x387, pigeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This entire thread

No wonder /cgl/ is directly between /b/ and /v/ on the fuck-awful scale.

>> No.6860219

I lol'd.
Premature Ejaculation=rape. Sounds like retroactive revocation of consent. There's a reason why there are lawyers selling wallet sized signable consent cards. I've actually heard of two cases where the male accused dropped one on the table during apre-trial plea negotiation, forcing a prosecutor to drop charges.

>> No.6860225

I remember getting rabies shots as a teenaged male, I was the first person in two years that teh nurse hadn't had crying or passing out from the pain. To be fair, the last one before me to withstand the pain was an eight year old girl. Though her mother, who was also getting the same shot apparently cried more than she did when she was giving birth...

>> No.6860227

Sorry, shittlord but no one cares if you can't handle your own penis. If you put your filthy parasitic cells ("sperm") into or onto a girl without her accepting that beforehand after you ask her, then this is, without any fucking doubt, rape.

Then again, losers like you, will fortunately, never have sex anyway.

And then you wonder why girls are disgusted / naturally unattracted to virgins.... FFS.

>> No.6860228

>baww everyone, it's not my fault I'm a loser, it's the fact I'm a girl and "Patriarchy"
Nevermind that losers come in male and female.

>> No.6860232

>Penis jokes

I think im seriously getting bamboozled right now

>> No.6860235
File: 174 KB, 850x1006, reaction 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then again, losers like you, will fortunately, never have sex anyway.

lel, then I guess rape doesn't happen, what with all the sex none of the ugly losers are having.

>being called ugly by a feminist ham-beast

Christmas has come early!

>> No.6860236

>I can feel the Tumblr emitting off of you

>> No.6860243

So, having consensual sex, on mutually agreed upon terms, using mutually acceptable protection suddenly becomes rape if the dude achieves an orgasm, and the pursuant biological effects? But it isn't before? Because I was under the impression that you needed consent well before that point.
And if you think that consenting to sex with a male doesn't include implied consent to ejaculation, you are so fucked in the head it isn't even funny. Not unless it's something along the lines of "We can have sex, but don't you dare finish" fetish scene, that has been worked out in advance.

>> No.6860247

just have your dad throw acid in ur face op, your probably harlot pig anyway

>> No.6860248

So your saying that it isn't rape until I cum?
Are you giving me consent to place my man-meat in your babymaker anytime, whatever, so long as I don't cum? I don't need your consent to fill your orifices with my penis?

Huh. And here I was foolishly thinking I needed express consent for that. Huh.

>> No.6860253

Your logic reminds me of a girl that my friend met at a party. Out of nowhere, and without HIS consent, she come into the room sans clothing below the waist, and starts rubbing her bare genitals against his leg, smearing him and staining his pants with vaginal excretions. Whe looked at her, she screamed "don't look at me!", hit him, and didn't stop whe he asked her to.

You're really reminding me of that story.

>> No.6860254

So much mansplaining in this thread

>> No.6860255

They also don't have nigger culture and a boarder with mexico.

>> No.6860257

inb4 italy

>> No.6860265

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, now i know why i'm never on this board.

>> No.6860267

more like 1st world white pig problems

here in Lebanon women is women and men is men

#freedom for Syria

>> No.6860268
File: 306 KB, 3500x2520, bullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shit, it's that 'experiment' again. People who post it without mocking it at the same time need to be punched in the face.

>> No.6860272

>you know the age old argument. will giving every person a gun save people from gun rampages?

I don't remember anyone ever making that argument.

>> No.6860274



I have now rendered all arguments for gun control worthless... enjoy your butthurt.
also this board is garbage

>> No.6860277
File: 27 KB, 304x750, Pew Research gun crime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


over the past 20 years gun restrictions have loosened and yet the gun homicide rate has fallen by 49%, nonfatal firearm crimes have fallen by 75%, this all in spite of the fact that gun ownership continues to rise in the USA


>> No.6860279

How was >>6859929 and argument for gun control? Did you just randomly quote posts that sounded like you wouldn't like them?

>> No.6860281
File: 31 KB, 400x303, 1362285075756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


note that his includes all rifles, not just the scary black ones

>> No.6860282
File: 44 KB, 764x600, 1362537970031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guns are the safest method of self defense