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6848103 No.6848103 [Reply] [Original]

So, a convention I attend keeps pushing Vic Mcnugget as a guest. I keep telling them its a bad idea because he's actually not that super fantastic.
Does anyone have any horror stories about Vic? I usually find them on tumblr but most of the blogs have been deleted and I tried doing some searching.
Other guest horror stories are welcome as well

>> No.6848116

They don't care what you have to say, they're too busy listening to all the 13-16 year old girls that are screaming "return of investment, return of investment"

>> No.6848122

Animazement had him one year and then never invited them back. This is the convention that has had both American and Japanese voice actors come back several years in a row. I don't have any horror stories personally about him but I heard he made a girl cry because he saw her selling yaoi themed artwork in artist alley of one of his characters. Also it was brought up a few times in the past on /cgl/ that he uses his fanclub as his own personal army if he has issues with someone.

>> No.6848123

That's probably true, but I like to hear me some stories anyway.

>> No.6848136

If you want them to reconsider Vic, just tell them he's a diva that will constantly make staff spend money on him and use his handler like an errand runner. That and other VA's have expressed issues with him and don't like to be around him. Even if Vic's fan girls would spend money to see him, it wouldn't be worth the headache for staff and it could affect their situation with the other guests.

>> No.6848144

Right now they're throwing a fit because some people want to invite someone who is more musical? Lindsey Stirling I think her name is. I don't give a shit, as long as it's not someone like Vic
But good lord I knew he was a diva but to THAT extent?

>> No.6848196

Lindsey Stirling is a demon on violin. No clue about her personality but I know I'd pay to see her perform.

>> No.6848246

>Be at a small local convention
>Hotel is pretty nice and it's they're first time hosting this con (and only like maybe the third year of the con in general)
>There is a piano in one areas outside of where panels are being held and staff has added a clear as day "Do Not Play" sign on the piano's bench and another on the actual piano, I assume for the convention
>Vic is at this con and his panel was in one of these rooms in a bit or he just came out (I can't remember, I was only there for another 2 voice actors so didn't go see his panel)
>He sees the piano and immediately struts over and begins to play, moving the "Do Not Play" sign out of the way, leaving it discarded on the floor like the victim of a conquering warlord
>Fan girls of course gather and serenades a few of them
>A few minutes in, invites another guy over to sit next to him and play the piano for him as he continues to serenade his fans, now able to get up and do so directly
>See the con-staff obviously flustered and unsure of what to do in this situation as Vic continues this for at least 30 minutes (probably longer but I left for a panel), oblivious as well to the fact that his piano playing was also disrupting a nearby panel

Not terrible but I was pretty put off by the behavior.

>> No.6848252

If they got Lindsey Stirling I would buy my ticket today. Sadly, I'm pretty sure she's in Europe on tour right now so I doubt it. She's amazing (and one of the nicest people I've ever had the pleasure of encountering)!

>> No.6848413

The con I go to always books Vic too. This year they booked Yaya has well.
Guess I'm skipping out on this one!

>> No.6848424

its not horrible but, back in '08 Vic sat down next to me at a large table of my group of friends, and I shared my twizzler bag with him

He walked off with the whole thing ;_;

>> No.6848427

I feel like that pretty accurately sums up vic

>> No.6848443

im laughing for real right now

>> No.6848454

Are you a New Zealander..?

At Hamilton Armageddon last year, he took someones drink and drank the whole thing. I would've been mad, since a small bottle of coke was like $5+ there.

>> No.6848469


>> No.6848471

Truly this man is the hambeast king

>> No.6848552

I know that ACen is going on and cgl has been a slower board since the remodeling, but I hope that this thread stays alive for a while. After having him crash the AP tea party last year, there's no fucking way I'm having Vic Mangina as a guest to a con I'm trying to put together.

I'm really hoping that my university program board would bring back Max Brooks because he's a funny dude. I'd also love to have LittleKuriboh/Martin since I heard good things about him.

What would cgl suggest as a staple special guest for conventions, even for a small that's starting?

>> No.6848558

I met Kyle Hebert, he was really fucking fun and hilarious, but I haven't met too many guests myself.
What did Vic do to the tea party? I'm not aware o:

>> No.6848561
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>> No.6848567

I used to be a huge Vic McEggnog fan when I was in middle school. So at a con I got the balls to ask him to sing with me. He put his arm around me and look deeeeeep into my eyes. He basically sang into my soul. Needless to say, I was spellbound... literally. I felt hypnotized.

Vic is a genie

>> No.6848581

oh my god i'm laughing so fucking hard im saving this

>> No.6848579
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I've heard all he really does is talk about himself during panels. And he always smooshes his face against his fan's when he takes pictures, man does not know personal space.

>> No.6848594

I also played that piano but no one minded.

>> No.6848596
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No seriously, Lindsey Stirling is ten times better than creepy Vic Mangina.
I hope you are saved and the staff does not choose him.

>> No.6848598

He crashed the lolita party? Do tell.

>> No.6848608
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All aboard the Vic Express!

>> No.6848609

LittleKuriboh is the funniest guest i have ever seen 10/10 also he was super friendly. It's rare that someone who is funny/popular on the internet is actually funny in real life.

>> No.6848625
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>> No.6848630

This isn't really a horror story, but once I was really drunk at a VIP party and Vic was there and, being drunk and him being alone, I went over and said hi and was given the single creepiest hug I have EVER gotten in my life. I will never forget it for as long as I live.

At the same party as above, Troy Baker was also in attendance. He's the funniest freaking person on earth, pretty down-to-earth still. I could see him becoming future-Vic (maybe less religious)-- but for now I'd recommend! He's also one of the most talented current voice actors, IMO.

>> No.6848677

...Max Brooks as in the zombie writer? I thought he passed away.

>> No.6848681

Nevermind apparently I am retarded.

>> No.6848699

This is the most perfect Vic story I have ever read.

>> No.6848731
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Ha, no. I just met him a few weeks ago.

I wonder how difficult it would be to get Vlogbrothers.


>> No.6848742

sweet jesus, troy baker becoming vic mangina. it's like a real life bioshock baptism.

>> No.6848815
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It's true
Pic is of me a few years back
His concert terrified me as he serenaded the hambeasts and let them sing with him.

>> No.6848911

Not a horror story, but at EXPcon I went to Troy Baker's panel like always and he called up Vic McHedgehog. So he asked the audience if they wanted to invite him to the panel, course the hambeasts do their mating calls and wailed like no other. So a few minutes later McHedgehog enters the room and basically stole the panel cause all he really does is talk about himself. Troy was just standing their awkwardly or sitting on the table like ''Yeah....dis fucking nigga''. Even with his panel with Aaron Dismuke, he would tell Aaron's stories instead of Aaron telling us himself. Aaron was late to the panel cause he overslept but even so he woke up for nothing if he can't talk cause McHedgehog wants to talk ALL THE DAMN TIME.

>> No.6848949

i wonder if he reads threads like this and gets sad or something :(

>> No.6848967

Micah Soulsod, Little Kuriboh, and Kyle Hebert are all good guests. You'll have no problems from any of them unless it's really serious.

Vic is a diva and a headache for a con staff, but he brings a SHIT ton of people. So it's a double edged sword. The thing with him apparently comes from any VA from Texas. All of them pretty much try to reach diva status and act like it.

>> No.6848986
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I tried to get him to do a Dio pose with a friend years ago and this is what I ended up with

>> No.6849002

>Sydnova 2012
>Vic there (he now seems to be at EVERY Aus con)
>Says he can only say, "I don't know" in Australian accent during opening night introduction
>runs into crowd, gets people to ask question so he can yell, "I don't know"
>Comes to me, dressed as Seras Victoria, fangs and all
>smile up at him with fangs because, fuck, he's going to talk to me, isn't he...
>asks me to ask him something, I do
>Yells "I DON'T KNOW"
>Just ponder life and why he decided to do this

I have nothing against him really, I've only heard people say stuff about him here. Generally, at the Aus cons he seems like a nice guy and stuff, and I appreciate he is willing to meet with fans like one of my friends at the same con last year who has serious health problems, loves Vic, and missed him last time he came to Aus due to poor health (he took a photo with a massive FMA group she was part of/organised).

I'm still more devo that I missed both Crispin Freeman who voices Alucard, my favourite character ever (though I have heard he is quite rude and stuff), and the Team Four Star boys as well. Seriously, Takahata101 is the coolest person ever...I couldn't go, and my friend got him to talk to me on the phone! TWO DAYS IN A ROW! And he talked to me in is Alucard voice and said awkward things and I was shy/shocked/embarrassed. When he talked to me normally it was okay. But seriously, he is really awesome for taking the time to speak to me. They need to be invited to more cons instead of Vic McMangina

>> No.6849033

Fellow ausfag, I feel your pain. It seems like the only anime voice actors we get are Vic and sometimes some dbz voices.

All I want is to meet Troy Baker ;__; is that too much to ask
Or if they're going to invite dbz voices, someone at least bring down Eric Vale please

>> No.6849061

he's an ass. he had a whole panel devoted to trying to guess if you knew more about Star Trek then him and if he won he sprayed you with water. If you had makeup on, or cosplay he pretty much hosed you down.

he knows who i am too from all the times ive had his friend tell him for me that he's an asshole and a pervert.

he was in full trek garb for ECCC one year and people kept saying "awesome kirk!" to him and his half naked wife and he would look so sad when they walked away. I yelled "no one knows who you are here vic! this is not an anime convention!" I haven't seen him there since.

>> No.6849064

what? crispin freeman is super nice and i've only heard others say the same.

>> No.6849074


>> No.6849095

He's an ass, so it's good if he feels bad for it.

>> No.6849099

He's pretty nice but I think he has a low level tolerance of bullshit which makes him come off as mean or cold? Idk, I love him a lot myself, too. From what I recall in one of his panels, he's a super History buff.

When I went to Japan in 2004 for Anime Expo Japan he was actually part of our tour group to the Ghibli Museum and he and his girlfriend were super nice. He was quiet but his gf and my bf talked a bit while I kind of just awkwardly stared and blushed cause oh my god, Crispen Freeman the voice of Zelgadis my first ever crush was sitting right in front of me.

But yeah, he's a pretty cool guy and even invited us to talk around Akiabara with them after the Ghibli place so, A+ in my books.

>> No.6849100

**walk not talk. Ugh, wake up self. Sorry about that.

>> No.6849163
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>> No.6849167
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>> No.6849169
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>> No.6849916
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>wanting Vic Magogonisa over Lindsey Stirling




>> No.6849942

op here
nebraskon in omaha, nebraska
go at it
i dont even care

>> No.6850108
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Ordinarily I'd consider living in Nebraska punishment enough.

But not this time.

>> No.6850285

They probably did, you just didn't notice. Most people that ignore obvious "Do Not" signs usually aren't the most observant.

>> No.6850333



>> No.6850378

I have to wonder who is so eagerly talking up Vic Mangina so much.. He hasn't doesn't anything notable in a few years. FMA hasn't aired in a while. There's pretty much no fandom to speak of that would be overly attached to his dub Ed Elric..

The amount of people who would give a fuck who he is, know his work, and care enough to meet him can't possibly be enough for any Con to seek him out. There HAS to be other guests that would be better to invite than the guy who did that one really popular anime that one time and has a terrible reputation for being an obnoxious, kiddy diddling diva..

Any little teen weebs who might show up at this point likely won't know who the fuck he is. Not that they really care about autographs or interviewing someone who once had something to do with anime.

This is making my tinfoil hat tingle.. Who the fuck is so eager to get this guy to their events?

>> No.6850524

Last year Colossalcon had a guest panel called "Ask Your Favourite Anime Character". Vic stole 99% of the attention. The other VAs were pissed.

This year, they had to drop one of their guests because Vic didn't want him there purely because said guest made a joke about him at a roast.

>> No.6850528

I'm just saying that is what I have heard. I didn't say it was true...But I have heard people say he can be quite rude to fans.

>> No.6850556

Holy shit, I'm dying.

>> No.6850575

i just attended a con with littlekuriboh and he was brilliant. Really funny, took pics with everyone who asked. Very polite, looooves his fans. He was just great, he's one of my faves now.

>> No.6850587
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>> No.6850668

that's a great question, quite a few people actually. one had actually outright said that anything bad said about vic were all lies

>> No.6852022
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I think it's just because the demographic of younger teenage girls recognize Vic's weenie whiny voice from every English dubbed nuisance of 'hooottt' characters.
I don't know why but Vic Mcweenie just seems to appeal to younger audiences..
>Tamaki anyone?

>> No.6852044
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You guys should totally invite him, then force him into awkward situations for teh lulz.

>> No.6852055

I had plans to fag on him at the last con, but I never got a chance to.

>> No.6852071

I actually had a good encounter with him.
>At a con in 2011
>Vic is signing, hugging people, etc
>Bring my Saiyuki dvd for him to sign. Favorite anime, never knew til that weekend he was a voice actor in it
>He asks "got fma stuff to sign?" actually looked bored
>Show him the dvd and say I never knew he did a voice on the show, wanted a signature on it
>He gets all excited and says thank you
>Thank him and walk away.

He's not terrible but I think he's become over-rated.

>> No.6852130

I wonder how many of his underage fangirls know how old he is.

>> No.6852250
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>be at really small, local con
>Vic is supposed to host a panel
>he doesn't show, fans are restless
>about an hour later, be sitting near the back of a Chris Sabat/Eric Vale panel
>friend whispers to look behind me
>there's McNugget, standing at the entrance with a Superman icecream cone, waiting for the cool VAs to leave so his second panel could start

Not a big deal, but pretty sure he ditched a panel to go get ice cream.

>> No.6852878

But even still.. When you encounter weeaboos, like, the ones who would care about the hot bishie voice of their favorite adult swim animu, the things they talk about are tumblr and homestuck and shipping and Doctor Who..

When we're talking raw numbers here, you're going to have a miniscule amount of total fans who might give a fuck about this guy, and an even smaller amount of them are actually going to attend the con, even fewer, if any, who might attend the con *because* of Vic McNugget.

Even if he isn't a puppy kicking communist who supports terrorists and puts ketchup on his steak, there's enough previous incidents where Vic acts like a total cunt who expects the entire convention to bend over backwards. He disrespects attendees, guests, and hosting establishments alike, and generally has little to nothing to offer to the quality of a con.

If not a horror story, at least offer that sentiment to the people running the con who want to pay his pretentious ass to show up at their con.

>> No.6852881

Fuck yeah they need Lindsey Stirling

>> No.6852936

LK is any cons dream guest. Him and his wife are the most lovely people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting and Martin seems genuinely interested whenever you talk to him about YGOTAS/YGO/anything. His panels are by far the best at any con I have ever been to and he enjoys making friends with his fans. The only thing is you can fly him out to a con on United because he's cursed.

>> No.6852938

I am going to con this weekend which will have Vic Manoodle for the third year in a row. He is going to be showing off his Star Trek reboot series where he plays as Captain Kirk.


>> No.6852952


question: are they pushing him as a guest or is he pushing himself and twisting the arm of the con? He's been known to do that and the con basically can't say no because it would make them look like the bad guy if they refused after a big name have invited themselves.

>> No.6852959

No, the guests keep asking for him. I'm not on staff, though I know a few people on staff. As far as I know, Vic isn't doing anything like this, but god knows if we do invite him, he'll be doing it for years to come.

>> No.6853090

Nuff said.

Animethon, few years ago, we had the Mangina... yeah. Made our handler want to cry before the end of the first day (3 day con). I wasn't high enough in the staff at the time to know the rest, and no one talks about it anymore; it's that forbidden topic of NEVER FUCKING AGAIN with the staff. But it was bad. He was a big baby and treated our staff like shit and was just way more drama than he's worth.

>> No.6853095

From what I've learned there's a reason why so many cons won't have him as a guest anymore. He's to much of a diva and isn't worth the headache for the staff to deal with.

>> No.6853134


>Dick Mangina

No. This can't happen, please let it be a bad dream.

>> No.6853699

So, has anyone ever stood up to Vic? As in gone up to his face, called him out on all his misdeeds and/or hit him?

>> No.6853704

It's not his but I just about threw up when I heard he was involved. I'm gonna suffer through it because Tuvok is my favorite.

>> No.6853716
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>a puppy kicking communist who supports terrorists and puts ketchup on his steak

Ok, so far, I've gotten:
>Troy Baker
>Martin Billany and possibly Team 4Star
>Micah Souldad
>Kyle Hebert
>Crispin Freeman
>Lindsay Sterling

Are there any suggestions for the vidya crowd or any rising female voice actors?

I'm also thinking about having an actual improv comedy group (my uni has one that have won nationals) because even if it's not completely related to anime (unless the guys can come up with games related to it), I'd want to entertain my guests with good humor. I tried to go to those Whose Line it is Anime panels, but a part of me dies; even as a long time con goer, I don't understand why people find those jokes funny.

I'm also considering on having one of the acapella groups have a short performance - maybe have them perform popular theme songs like the original pokemon theme song (it's fucking sweet when all guys perform this).

>> No.6853721

I remember reading in a Vic thread about a con staff secretly spitting in his coffee because he complained about not having enough cream in it.

>> No.6853767

Mmmmm Eric Vaaaale.

>> No.6853837

It's real. I'm also going to that con this weekend.

>> No.6853904

As someone who has worked with Vic at their con more tha. Once, he brings in numbers. He is perfect for bring in extra numbers in order to boost con-goers. No, not every con-goer that comes for Vic will return the next year when he is not there, but some do if they enjoy the,selves at their con.

He also takes care of his fans. He spends time with them and will even work to keep his fans for having to wait in line outside if its cold.

I'm not really a person who cares for voice actors, but from the view of a con owner/worker, he his a good guest choice due to popularity. And he isn't the most difficult guest to deal with staff wise. He can be a little bit of a diva, but so is everyone famous. I feel if you're going to working as a guest relation person of a con, be aware that you are taking care of a person who brings numbers and money to your con.

Just saying, I feel some people need to be more realistic on what they should expect whe taking care of their guests.

>> No.6853959

Right, cause it's "realistic" to have to wait hand and foot on a voice actor. Sure. Go away,Vic.

>> No.6853976

Yeah, numbers are probably the only good thing to come out of it. You're also disregarding the other things that has happened besides being a diva.

>> No.6853981

He makes weeab girl's panties wet. If he's there, they will sell tickets.

>> No.6853984

I know that he's relatively easy to get and is a general crowd gatherer, but to be honest, I'd want a guest who isn't likely to cause problems for the staff - they already have enough on their plate.

>> No.6853988

If you ever get Chris Sabat, go to his panel. Really smart guy and hates the whole weeab scene.

>> No.6853990

Hold that thought..

No one is paying for a badge and a hotel room JUST for this guy. No one has ever done that. No one has ever decided that they'd travel to a con just to gaze upon his glorious visage and hear his melodious voice.

He may be one factor out of many that helps make the decision, but no one is attending cons solely on his status as a guest or not. They might decide to show up at his panels because there's nothing else to do at that time, but don't equate people filling a panel room with badges being sold and attendance increasing.

>> No.6854004

It's more like a web series thing than anything else so I wouldn't worry too much.

>> No.6854009

So... what you're saying is that it's realistic to be treated like a slave. I'm not sure what your mind thinks is normal but fuck that shit. There are numerous guests that you can book for cons that will please the attendees and won't treat you like you're lower than the fucking belly of a snake.

>> No.6854011

>western voice actor otakus

>> No.6854016

From what I've heard, he's really nice to the teenage girls that worship him,even the landwhales, but if you aren't kissing his feet he's a total dick.

>> No.6854029

Well yeah, of course he's nice to all the jailbait that would kill to suck his dick.

>> No.6854397

So has he actually done anything with them? I can imagine the tweens plastered all over him after he does an Ed impersonation.

>> No.6855235

I hear rumours on the internets that say yes for what it's worth

>> No.6855744

gb2 /a/

>> No.6855748

It's true, he was as ass to us as staff and to the fans would always feel he could do whatever he wanted and made the life of my security team miserable, even went as far as having his fan sell cds of him reading the bible

>> No.6855753

I disagree, he treats his fans like shit and even the Japanese guests we had that year found him unnerving

>> No.6855755
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I have to echo this. I ran into him at Anime Vegas while looking for his panel. He was like, "Come with me! I'll just take you there! :)" and we chatted along the way. Super nice and funny guy.

>> No.6855778

I went to meet him at Sakuracon.
Really just as a joke,

I didn't buy anything, I didn't ask for an autograph or a photo.... I just went up there.

He started staring at me with those horrifying eyes and wouldn't let go of my hand when I shook his.
He just stood there... Stuttering and saying how beautiful I looked.
His grip was tight, he was unable to be cocky for some reason, and he was stuttering like a geek trying to talk to Nigri.

...did I mention I look like a fucking 12 year old girl?

>> No.6855782

LittleKuriboh was awesome! I've seen him at a few cons and he's always pretty cool. I was in my TCC-tan cosplay and he wa drunkenly demanding to know if I was a drug dealer. It was pretty neat. ^^ And when I suggested he make a new Super special choclately VAGINA episode he seemed onboard. If not a little incoherent. And he was raving about this girl's costume all con. "Slifer the sky dragon, Everybody!"

>> No.6855801

One of my lifetime goals is to kick Vic on the balls. Is this possible?

>> No.6855809
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Gonna second this.
I've been going to cons for a decade and a half and the amount of people I've known who went out of their way to attend a con for one guest totals 0.

>> No.6855827
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Good luck finding them.

>> No.6855969
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Thirding. I saw him years ago before he made public announcements that he was going to cons and my boyfriend at the time spotted him out.
I interviewed him for a school projects and he ended up having a lot of fun, he even used some of our suggestions in his shows. (I feel honored)
he joked with me and said "sorry if you fail your project"
I did fail my school project. but littlekuriboh is such a cool guy I aint even mad.

Also, I really love vic mignugget horror stories. I fucking love them to the max. bless this thread

>> No.6856760

I know /cgl has saved files of other stories pls share

>> No.6856815


>> No.6856876

Yeah, I keep hearing this but there's never any actual details/story attached. Skeptical

>> No.6856890

Is it SacAnime? 'cause SacAnime fucking loves him for some reason.

>> No.6856907

Nope, Anime NebrasKon. This is only my second year going, so I don't know if they've ever had him before. But I'm pretty sure this years guests have already been picked, just not all announced.
Hope to god McKnob isn't in the list.

>> No.6856981

There was in one of the previous ACen threads. Something about he knows all the wathways behind the sliding walls and basically snuck in that way and started mingling.

>> No.6856982

ugh, *pathways

>> No.6857304


I'm struck by images of a mr. filch using secret hogwarts passageways to break up parties

>> No.6857740


I'll admit, I'm a Risembool Ranger (his fanclub). I joined when I was 16 and have never bothered to leave the group. I'm not active at all really, but I did enter their calendar contest.

To give you an idea of his fanbase and how things operate around him, here is the first hand stuff from being a Ranger.

The is not run by teenagers. It is run by people who are definitely in their late 20s, upwards of their 40s (I don't know exactly how old "Mandy" is, and she's the head Ranger). Several times a year she organizes group gifts for Vic. There was a cookbook project last year, this year they are doing a Ranger yearbook. In years past it has been a book with pictures and notes. I believe there is also currently a postcard project? Point being, compared to other voice actors, this is a very involved group at the personal level. I don't know the friendships between head Rangers and Vic, but even being 23, I am left with a very weird feeling regarding the group. On the one hand, you have substantially older individuals running things and it almost feels immature for them to be that old and involved in a voice actor fanclub so fervently. And on the other hand, a large part of his fanbase are teenage girls.

>> No.6857743



Which honestly didn't concern me at all until I started to get older and I realized, this guy is pushing 50, and the girls keep getting younger. At each panel, there is at least a third of the audience who are new to the fanclub/VIc thing. The club is CONSTANTLY growing so there's this perpetual influx of 13 year olds while he gets older and older. In almost every picture you want to take, he will wrap both arms around you and smoosh his temple to yours in a very tight, and intimate/personal hug that most other voice actors don't do (if anyone, I usually just see standing together or one arm around the shoulders). There is no sense of personal space. Granted, Vic is probably one of the few voice actors willing to do very, very long autograph sessions, but it's because of his ego.

An ego that is nourished by his fanbase. I mean, we as a group send him large gifts every year and continue to show up en masse for his panels (which are the same script as always: character voices, how to get into acting, "say this for my friend who can't make it and is on the phone," God is what guides my life, and a viewing of Fullmetal Fantasy. All while the intro before he gets up on stage blasts whatever his new CD is). I think so many people (both really young girls and older women) are attracted to him is because he is such an outspoken Christian. Certainly not all of them (I myself am Christian, but not conservative/evangelical) but there is a significant (especially female) portion of anime fandom that identifies as a conservative Christian and Vic is THE role model for the combo of anime and Christianity. So they are drawn to him, but in ways that to someone outside the group or, within it but happen to have a healthy dose of reality, are very disturbing.

>> No.6857746



We have a proximity to his personal life that I don't see with other voice actors. The intimacy of sending gifts, the way he takes photographs and treats his fans, and the utter devotion his fans seem to have... it's definitely borderline creepy. It's not uncommon to see fans who may idolize a voice actor to the point of romantic interest, but the number of young girls who seem to have a legitimate (or at least halfway legitimate) crush or desire for this man is astounding. I see one too many "mentally dating a voice actor" signatures on DA and I know exactly who they are for. Nevermind that he's near 50, engaged, and probably a closeted homosexual (we all know how he--and other key Rangers--feel about yaoi), the girls fawn over him (for some reason even some fujoshi). But, given that his whole persona and beliefs are wrapped up in conservative Christianity, it's this weird mix of sexual tension and frustration (I always feel like at his panels the "yaoi" issue hangs over our heads like some unspoken rule to not mention it or the "Roy Mustang looks dead sexy in a miniskirt" incident). It's like you know every girl would willingly sleep with this guy, but they're all waiting for marriage? It's really hard to describe, but Vic is some sort of Christian idol to them, someone they can idolize and fantasize about but it's not wrong because he's such a "good Christian" and it seems harmless.

>> No.6857753



And I really did used to think it was harmless until I stepped back from being in that community (even not as someone super active) and realized what was happening. I never had any sexual attraction to him (I'm a lesbian), my main interest has always been that he voiced Ed and FMA is my favorite series forever and always. And I know there are other casual fans like me, but it's one of these fangroups that really sucks you in. They are so serious and it's so all-encompassing to be a Ranger. At one point he was doing dinners at cons with Rangers, and I know Rangers themselves will organize picnics. Seems relatively fine, but picnics that bring people together because they like a certain voice actor... I don't know, it just really seems to be a bit weird. I know the Todd Haberkorn fanclub is probably the closest thing to the Rangers right now, but Todd is so much younger (and I feel like while he can be egotistical at times, he realizes the boundary to NOT cross) it doesn't feel as weird.

>> No.6857755


Vic knows the power he has over his fans and manipulates it to his advantage. He is very presumptuous and acts very indignant and put out when con staff tell him to wrap up the panel. He's gone so far as to, in front of the very large audience, audaciously announce that his panel next year will be 2 hours. Essentially, he acts like he owns the place and DOES have a massive following to back him up. At this point, he has been to so many cons I'm sure people have seen him at least once, but despite his panels NOT being anything different (I mean, it's so similar each time I have completely stopped going even out of the hope there might be some substance) people STILL attend. They want to see it over and over. And I'll admit there is some weird tug he seems to have. I don't consider myself a super obsessed Ranger, but even I found it hard to NOT go to his panels. I always left unsatisfied, but something just kept tugging me there. And to autograph sessions. That doesn't make sense, but this guy has this very weird aura and power over people, and it's especially potent among young, impressionable girls. I feel like my interest in him/inability to fully pull away is a holdover from when I first got into anime and went to cons. It's a nostalgia that is hard to shake off. Vic has played some major anime characters in big series, so I can understand someone being attracted to the character and then the voice that went with it. That's what happened to me. It's just realizing the voice is one thing, but Vic is a whole different animal, one that I am done dealing with even if I've only had nice experiences.

Sorry for the rant, but there's kind of an inside look at Ranger mentality. This guy will sell tickets, but I'm not sure his ego and bullshit are always worth it. Definitely realizing his antics and what he does and the power he can have is enough for me to be able to stay away and not involve myself further with the group.

>> No.6858092

Sounds like a classic example of a cult of personality. A pretty dangerous one at that.

While it does sound like inviting Vic might attract a handful of fujoshi for his panels, it's also worth pointing out how little he actually offers to any convention. You said it all yourself: He always runs the same inane panels that eat up too much time and inconvenience the rest of the convention. He's overly attached to his fans, and them to him, to the point that sexual harassment or inappropriate behavior is practically guaranteed. On top of that, he sounds like he's one bad experience away from inciting a riot or encouraging some destructive behavior.

Some poor volunteer comes and tells him that he has to end his panel now. He tells them no, but they insist. He gets angry, grabs the mic, and tells his adoring fans to not to leave. Maybe he'll tell them the con is trying to bully him. Then his fans, thinking they are defending their precious idol, go out and decide to fuck with the hotel, damaging property, fucking with other panels, harassing other attendees, volunteers, and so on.

Completely conjectural, I'll admit, but seriously, no one who is sane and balanced and emotionally stable needs the sort of constant attention and ego stroking this guy does. He's pretty much just trouble waiting to happen.

>> No.6858120
File: 159 KB, 1600x1067, SpiceItUpJIZZORGY (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I encountered Vic at one of my local cons two years ago. I'm a big FMA fan. but just not a fan of him, so when he turned up for the signing event and it was my turn I walked towards him carrying my FMA boxset with a huge shit eating grin on my face with him grinning back at me, thinking I was a fan.
When I approached him I asked "I'd like you to sign this", and then opened the boxset to reveal this printout (picture related) tacked on the inside.

I'll never forget his face just then as he stared at it for the briefest of moments before I was pulled away by one of his goons.

Considering I paid though, he really should have fucking signed it.

>> No.6858124

>Sounds like a classic example of a cult of personality. A pretty dangerous one at that.

>On top of that, he sounds like he's one bad experience away from inciting a riot or encouraging some destructive behavior.

I wish I could draw so I could do a Junji Ito-style comic revolving around this idea.

>> No.6858134


can also confirm him being a narcissistic buttwad.

went to one of his christianity panels for maximum lel and all he did was talk about his lame-ass.

>> No.6858163

You understand you should've been arrested.

>> No.6858172

agreed. when I met littlekuriboh and was interviewing him as I said here >>6858134
he interuppted the interview to grab little kuriboh's hands and said; " I, VIC MIGNOGNA, am a BIG FAN"
that man seemed flamboyant in the way he acted and spoke. he acted just like one of the characters he voiced, Tamaki, in every obnoxious way. He IS Tamaki. (would insert a gif of Tamaki being obnoxious but I'm on the 3DS )

>> No.6858180


It's not illegal to ask a voice actor to sign gay porn, especially when I paid for him to.

>> No.6858186
File: 1.05 MB, 600x800, AWA2009 082bqwrew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Littlekurioboh is the best, I managed to run into him at AWA in the height of my obsession with Yugioh abridged- he was super nice and even complimented my costume (looking back I realized he was just being nice, the costume was shit but at the moment I was so excited) and did some voices for me, I was starstruck. He seems like he genuinely enjoys his fans

>> No.6858203

holy shit! that was where I met him! I was the Villetta Nu holding the camera. I remember you.

>> No.6858209

Sexually explicit content without consent.

Should've worn a trenchcoat, flashed him and asked him to sign your junk.

>> No.6858309


I definitely agree it is cult-like, I mean, he's nearly worshiped by younger fans (as well as the older ones alike). What gets me is it's all cloaked in this conservative Christianity. It's like, by him and the fans being Christians, all of this is okay and not creepy at all (in his mind and theirs). But Jesus can't save the situation from being boiled down to a 50 year old who doesn't keep a reasonably mature and appropriate distance between him and his fans. We know too much about his personal life, he's too involved in our own lives.

I also forgot to mention that the group more than once has sent out group emails asking for prayers for another Ranger. Which isn't anything bad, but this is a weird combo of fan club and community. I don't think this would be odd if it were for a particular fandom or something, but it's all because of one person. It's just very heavy handed on the Christianity and anything contrary to that isn't allowed a voice. Yaoi is the most blatant example of what gets targeted and banned. You can't talk about it, you can't share it, and there is no posting it to the DA (though fun fact, several of my art pieces the Ranger DA group has requested--I didn't submit them to the group, they sent me a request to include them--are elricest. I never hide this fact, I state it in my descriptions that anything with Ed and Al is elricest, even if they're not kissing). It's not even a fan club where we can have a variety of opinions, it's "these are the values Vic has, we support and follow them." It's not something separate from him like a normal fan club might be, it's directly in line with him and everything he is. So it is in fact like an army or a cult. You can't have a differing opinion because you will be shut up and probably banned if you do it enough times or it's egregious enough.

>> No.6858323


I don't believe Vic himself is a dangerous person, per se. He's an aging, closeted gay man who really needs to lay off the fake tan and tipped hair because he's not fooling anyone (and the studded jeans). His ego is bigger than his actual bite, but the problem with Vic is you never contend with just him. You contend with the extended persona of which the Rangers are his right arm. When the Rangers were founded (back when the first FMA was on Adult Swim) there were several other fanclubs that got started up for the other voice actors. There was a friendly "war" between The Miniskirt Army much like the war between the Todd Haberkorn group now. So these fanclubs were a dime a dozen, but really only Vic's became so big and such a force in fandom.

>> No.6858337


But I do definitely think his power over these young, impressionable girls (who are usually also weeaboos and can be equally fervent evangelical Christians) is what is most disturbing and worrisome. I mean, girls will have crushes, but this guy is near 50 and engaged! I don't know the extent some of these girls actually sexualize him, but it's all wrapped up in his characters and general teen fandom culture (and as we know, teens, tumblr, and porn all go hand in hand). And I don't think these girls visualize Vic himself, but when you have the culture/fad of "self insertion" and Mary Sue fanfics... I can't help but think the myriad of Mary Sue x Ed or Tamaki fanfics are written with the English voices/dub performance in mind. That's how these teens get into it, is through the dub.

And there's nothing wrong with thinking a voice is sexy, I am attracted to the VOICES of some characters, but with Vic, there isn't a separation. It's increasingly frustrating because I can't hardly express enjoyment of the English versions of some anime or his characters without dealing with backlash towards him. He doesn't separate himself because to do so would be to let go of those characters and his ego simply won't allow him to not capitalize on the success of those characters.

>> No.6858357


Vic doesn't offer anything new at his panels and the questions WORTH asking get boiled down to thinly veiled conservative Christianity and pompous self congratulations. Even Vic's praise of other actors just seems empty. I feel like he's the elephant in the room any time voice actors are brought up, and I know at his panels that yaoi/homosexuality is THE big elephant in the room (he has even started out some panels by asking that people NOT ask about the Roy Mustang incident. I mean, if someone brings it up, he completely ignores it and moves on. Sometimes he'll say something like, "Here's the thing, I've said it before, but I won't say it again." I can't remember if he tells people to look it up or says NOT to, but he's very very very weird about that incident).

>> No.6858371


I just find his in your face evangelical Christianity very offputting. As a Christian, he always leaves me with a real sour, unpleasant feeling. For someone who purports to be oh so righteous and just, he is very rude about what he doesn't like or considers immoral. He's immature about it. Instead of being a professional and politely explaining things or just ignoring it, he has to make a big deal over things. Honestly, he should just make an announcement when signing things that he will not sign any obscene/NC-17/racy materials (be them hetero- or homosexual). It wouldn't be unheard of for a VA to put restrictions on what they sign (Crispin Freeman will not sign pirated/bootleg material). He's just so in your face "God is who got me here today" (it's almost like a guilt trip or altar call at his panels with how much he talks about God or pushes his religious CDs, can't he just save it for his Sunday services... which have no place at an anime con. I mean, he talked about his book of John reading for a while, also pointing out that he was giving it away for free and incurred the cost himself. So it's all "look at me, I'm selflessly giving you this CD which I paid to have made so that I can spread the word of God). There are other conservative voice actors who are much more chill about it. I mean, a fair amount of the FUNimation voice acting crew are fairly conservative but they don't go rubbing it in your face. On the other side of things, you don't have J. Michael Tatem turning every audience member gay and breathing his values down everyone's backs.

Vic is just unprofessional and immature and when you don't think like he does, he doesn't have the balls to handle it in a rational, adult way.