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6845723 No.6845723 [Reply] [Original]


I'm probably late on this. But can we discuss that comments section? Good lord.

>> No.6845729

I embrace our frilled dictators
> The whole "fashion" is built round the unspoken suggestion that men can have sex with girls because they are so cute

>> No.6845734

Jesus those comments are depressing.

I knew the real world viewed us negatively, but fuck. I'd better buy some capris.

>> No.6845742
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Chalk it up to:

> Xenophobia
> Ignorance
> Trolling
> The American need to stick their asses in everyone else's business

It's nothing to get rustled about. It's really just sad.

>> No.6845747

>The fact is this lolita garbage is only a niche fetish enjoyed by the same tiny percentage of weirdos overseas as here. Nobody outside Japan cares.

someone who obviously knows a lot about lolita fashion

>> No.6845748
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>reading the comment section

>> No.6845750

I tried to not even care, because I don't associate with dip shits who can't accept a ten second "it's a japanese fashion, and not at all based on the book" explanation, but then this happened, and I am still lauging.

>The problem is calling it "Lolita" fashion. Since Japanese aren't exactly known of their "in your face" attitude, this name is propably just the result of poor marketing research. Call it Rokokoo fashion (which it actually is) and it would be instant hit at least in France.


>> No.6845752

> Hell yeah, Uggs and yoga pants! That's classy!
> Dresses with frills? What kind of pedo bullshit is this?


>> No.6845754

>all those lolimads at the bottom

The comments overall are pretty obnoxious and insulting, but it's the internet, so whatever. It sucks that people think this way, but that's just how it is - they form an opinion without bothering to do any digging, because it's faster to jump the bullet than to think.
Everyone does it at some point, regarding something.

What I'm curious about is, when I see these kinds of articles and comments, it's nearly exclusively about sweet lolitas, or "gothic" itas, or cray lifestylers.
I'd like to see what people would have to say about the more middle-ground lolitas. The non-ott sweet, casual, classic, gothic, etc. girls that are not trying to inject kawaii sparkle desu into every aspect of their lives. My impression is that this is what the quiet majority is like.

>> No.6845755

So... basically what happens when a humorous news piece from a site with a major satirical slant is reprinted in full to Japan Today.

>> No.6845801


>> No.6845914

yes... "satire"...

>> No.6846023

muh rokokoro

>> No.6846045

>Won't fly out here in the Rocky Mountain states...were all 'western' as in cowboy/cowgal types...how doe's 'kawaii' work w/a hunting rifle while riding a horse looking for shika?

>The women in rest of the world (well most of it, leaving out extreme backward and religious fundamentalist societies) are striving against their objectivization and breaking out of the century old image as show-pieces and breeding vessel to claim their just position in society. I am surprised to see that in Japan, most (not all) women do not want to be women...they want to remain girls, attired as showpieces, and the trend is even supported by the Govt!!!
how dare you we lolis are strong womyn!!!11!!

>Jesus Christ, is this the best Japan can offer? No wonder Korea has been doing much better internationally, even with a fat rapper doing a funny dance.
koreaboo detected

>> No.6846052


Ha, I grew up in the fucking Appalachians. I can be as frilly as I want.

And silly me, I thought being a liberated woman meant wearing whatever I wanted.

>> No.6846086

Lmao rokokoo

>> No.6846095

>women who dress how they want and in things they like are being oppressed and objectified
>even know no normalfag man would touch a girl dressed in lolita with a ten feet pole
>even though it's a fashion that is based and inspired on girly things girls like but men do not
>it's still objectification and sexualization and obviously only done to please men

>> No.6846194

>Won't fly out here in the Rocky Mountain states...were all 'western' as in cowboy/cowgal types...how doe's 'kawaii' work w/a hunting rifle while riding a horse looking for shika?
I live in Colorado and most people think those who dress "Western" (outside of like...a rodeo) look incredibly stupid.

Also, we have plenty of rufflebutts here in the good ol' Rockies.

>> No.6846827

I can't be surprised or offended by these comments. I realize most non-lolitas think we look like clowns, but I don't wear it for them anyway.

>> No.6846851

I honestly have a hard time dealing with the criticism.
I just stay in-doors in my dresses. Last time I went out in a dress I got laughed at really hard. People in my town have no manners.

>> No.6846858

Some people aren't comfortable going out in lolita, and that's ok. There's a kind of culture in the community that you must be brave and represent lolitarrr!! and wear it everywhere, including inappropriate locations like job interviews and weddings, but they're your clothes so wear them when and where you want.

>> No.6846861

What is it exactly about frills and lace that scare people?
I'd like to wear dresses, but all the ones I find in the stores here are so flat, boring and aren't made for small-busts at all.

>> No.6846883

The lolita outfit is completely out of the norm. Most people aren't used to seeing anything that isn't jeans, sweats, t-shirts. That's the norm now and anyone who steps out of it is weird, funny-looking and an object to be mocked.
I hate to say the whole 'different' thing, but that's what it really is like to be different from the crowds.

>> No.6846889

Do you think people in Japan get mocked for dressing in lolita, too?

>> No.6846894

that's not how the culture in Japan works.

Basically, they would not get mocked openly most likely.

>> No.6846925

Yes, but since it's considered incredibly rude to say it in public, they don't get mocked as openly.

>> No.6846948

As someone who was in Japan for a lot of time last year and hung around Harajuku a lot, the answer is no. Most Japanese honestly could not care less about what you wear in your spare time. And like the previous anon said, it's deeply ingrained in their culture and language to not be blunt around such things. Yes, there are those who dislike subcultures like lolita - But they're not as crass as Westerners to just yell shit in public.

>> No.6847103

This is partly true, Asians in General are taught to have shame and will not call you out or mock you in public, and anyone who does is considered the most uneducated and rude. However they will judge you harder and alienate you for your interests privately, and unlike a white bitch you'll never see an Asian bitch coming.

The comments make me sad, but so does the whole of humanity. People throw pedophile on everything without realizing the connotations. Man marries 16 year old? PEDOPHILE! Girl likes to wear frilly clothes? PEDOPHILE! The media at large is a big problem in this case, not identifying correctly that pedophillia is the attraction to PREPUBESCENT girls, and in most cases nowadays 12 year olds are fully or even post-pubescent. Hell, I had a friend who started her period in 4th grade and had B cups in 6th grade.

>mfw rokokoo
But rococo fashion is a better alternative though.

>> No.6847123

Ageplay is ruining everything

>> No.6847132

I wouldn't say asians in general. Chinese people openly gape at, point at, and comment on anyone or anything they see something "off" about.
They'll just stare at you, and not give any fucks, even if they know you see them staring.