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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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>> No.6842206


Oh those ~brando~ cats

>> No.6842342

Damn anon that sucks. Hope it works out for you.
Paypal in general is so shitty to talk with customer service wise.

>> No.6842347

The grey dress you thing, I'm too poor to buy my next order that includes it also the wig with the pink

>> No.6842350

Guy's whats the best taobao english site to use?
I just use taobao-buying-agent i find the shipping really high tho, are there any other sites that are cheaper and in terms of the fee you pay the site as well?

>> No.6842352

Google Chrome and then using any other SS ever.

Not joking. It's the cheapest way since ones that call themselves the "English Taobao" usually have shitty hidden fees.

>> No.6842399

I got them to fill the form out again with my mobile number, so hopefully it'll clear things up. Unfortunately, I can't delete the account and make a new one until this is all fixed. They clarified why they locked it down when I called: my balance was 'too high'. They're sitting almost $2000 in sales and funds transfers that cleared/came through all at once, so I think they must have assumed I was some kind of scammer.

>> No.6842595

Anyone have any favourite shop with false lashes?

>> No.6842748

Just curious, but what's the heaviest package you've ever had sent out?

>> No.6842765

Furniture anon probably takes the cake on that.

Our comm's most recent GO was something like 168 pounds and 8 packages or something?

If you're asking just ONE package that's harder because EMS has a threshold of like... maybe 20 pounds before they split them up. DHL is better for super heavy packages because it's done by volume and not weight, but most people i've seen don't use DHL here. Not sure on SAL threshold. Personally I've only had 2 EMS packages for one order with a total of... 26kg I think

>> No.6842782
File: 56 KB, 450x480, Cat bag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone get me a link to one of these? I had one, but they sold out, and now I can't find any anymore, even though I remember them being in a lot of stores a while ago.

>> No.6842830

Just came from the shapewear thread..

Could someone recommend any Taobao lingerie stores? And shapewear as well? Especially waist cinchers.

>> No.6842834



>> No.6842839


>> No.6842914

I would use google translate to search for those words.

>> No.6842934

Not technically Taobao, but does anyone have a link to the lolita sales thread on Baidu? Also, did we ever find an SS willing to shop there for us?

>> No.6842960
File: 140 KB, 650x487, T2q6iLXolXXXXXXXXX_!!294709646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

has anyone here bought a pair of those fake thigh high stockings and if so, did they like them? I think they are cute as fuck but I don't know if they'll look silly on my big white people legs.

>> No.6842970

They look fine. Some fat white gyaru wear them.

>> No.6842990

To be honest, they look a lot better than wearing socks because you don't tend to get that pinching around the top of the 'sock' part.

>> No.6843006

ohhhh shit. yep, that happened to somethingawful.com when they were raising funds for aid after katrina. i hope they don't try to take it all from you.

>> No.6843009
File: 58 KB, 500x500, faux stockings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's how they look on my big white people legs anon. I get quite a few compliments on them, not many people can tell they're not real stockings

>> No.6843015

Paypal is really garbage. I recently moved out of the country to go to grad school, and it's impossible to change the country that you have listed on paypal, even if you request it. So I called them up, explained the situation and then even opened a new accountfor the country I am in with the representative and when I tried transferring money over they froze my account due to "money laundering". I spent almost 2 hours on the phone with them and I told them I would never use their service again, so when I want to buy things with paypal I give my friend money and use her account when we hang out.

>> No.6843017

Are there any ss that do pre-orders?
I know from my experience with Taobaoring that they usually just stick with items that are in-stock.

>> No.6843020


reaaaally nice

>> No.6843026

i totally bought a pair of these and they STILL fucking pinched my thighs, so please >>6843009
link me the store you got them ;_;

>> No.6843027

How big are your thighs? I have 24 inch thighs.

>> No.6843028

TBS does for sure, I think yoybuy does as well.

Bihner is hit or miss. I think you usually have to tell them you know it's a preorder to keep them from refunding you, and sometimes that doesn't work.

This is just what I've gathered from threads though, I've only used TBS personally.

>> No.6843040

sure thing http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=14883421151

22 inches

I originally bought 2 pairs because I figured they'd rip quickly, but I've had them for months now and they're still in one piece. Go taobao

>> No.6843042

I bought them. I have fairly fat thighs but they still work.

They're more like otk because of my fat thighs though.

>> No.6843043

Celestial delinquent is good

>> No.6843047

this is a reminder that i really should just delete my paypal.

>> No.6843049

Sweet, I'm sure I can smash my thighs up in there.

>> No.6843057

At what point do thighs become large...?

>> No.6843079

Thank you sooo much for the photo and your measurements! I have 22 inch thighs too so hopefully they'll look as nice on me as they do on you.

>> No.6843083

When you don't have a thigh gap.

Although my thighs don't touch and they're still big.

>> No.6843089

When women hate their bodies enough.
I think in this case, most of us are talking about the difference between Chinese sizes and the average size of white women.

>> No.6843091

24in thighs here again. I have a gap as well...so...yeah.

>> No.6843110

Actually I think you can have a thigh gap if you're big or small, just depends how lucky you are really.

>> No.6843134


I'm 5'7" and I've weighed 90 lbs before and still not had a 'thigh gap' -- my thighs always touch. I don't think weight has anything to do with it, because that was like anorexic small for me and there is no way my thighs could've been considered big at that weight.

>> No.6843145


My thighs are about 19 inches at their widest point (Right at the very top) and don't touch when I stand up, but do when I'm sitting down. I don't know if I have a thigh gap or not.

>> No.6843174

My thighs are pretty flabby and mostly fat rather than muscle but I have the thigh gap and always have. It's very difficult to imagine how large my thighs would really need to be to not have one. I imagine it must have more to do with body frame than weight.

>> No.6843187

i have super wide hips so even though my thighs are fat i still have the slightest thigh gap

>> No.6843284

All this talk about thighs makes me wonder, would 20" thighs and 15" calves fit those printed tights all over Taobao? I love them, but I've been afraid to waste money on something that might not fit.

>> No.6843338

wtf are you doing yoybuy
just ship my fucking shit. I went with DHL for a reason. Where's my tracking number, ahh.
Also thigh gaps are anatomy not weight. I'm pretty fucking fat at the moment and I have a thigh gap.

>> No.6843344

Pretty sure furniture anon was like 60kg? I think

>> No.6843347


Can you go yell at Bhiner for me too?

I picked DHL for speed and it took them 3 days to ship my stuff out after payment. Goddamn, Bhiner.

>> No.6843363

Talking about your fat thigh gap in two threads.

>> No.6843368

Did furniture anon even ever get their stuff?? I don't recall them giving any reviews so I didn't know they ever did...

>> No.6843382

I stalk the taobao threads and furniture anon has not posted back yet.

Sea shipping for large packages can take months.

>> No.6843503


I've got 19" thighs and 12" calves, and I fit them fairly easily. I'm 5'3".

My girlfriend is like 5'6" maybe? and her measurements are a tiny bit bigger than mine, and she's got the gun tights. They fit her beautifully.

>> No.6843512

Mine are 18.5-19" at the widest part, I have a thigh gap(probably because of my wideset hips(they're quite wide and bony from the front, if I lose weight it comes from my ass, or the area above)
But I'd consider the tops of my thighs fairly large .

>> No.6843588

Ahhh this gives me hope. I'll put a couple in my next order and see how it goes. Thank you!

>> No.6843849
File: 125 KB, 457x909, P4210261_zps6b4e7d08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the anon worried about getting those fake thigh highs.

I have a 24" circumference for the fattest part of my thigh. My inseam is about 30". Measuring around my butt is about 41" though I'm not sure how straight my tape measure was when I measured that. They fit me fine but look like OTKs rather than thigh highs. I'm 5'4" for reference.

Ignore the black part peeking out of the skirt. Those are just biker shorts in the off chance the skirt flies up to show my underwear under the tights.

>> No.6843870
File: 2.15 MB, 1119x1300, taobaopostcnyorder sm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just paid for shipping for all my stuff! $130 for SAL w/TBR. Those shoes killed me... whenever I make a taobao order I always say "no shoes this time they will fuck up your shipping, don't do it" but then I *always* find ONE PAIR that I really really want, so I'm like, "why not? One pair won't kill me, in fact I could probably get two..."

And four days later... "you know what, I might as well get 3 or 4 pairs since I've already got some shoes in here anyway..."


Here's the archive where I linked some of the things people asked for


>> No.6843884

Hey has anyone found rabbit ears on taobao in the same style as those metal ones with the pearls on that seem to be around at the moment

>> No.6843885
File: 235 KB, 960x1280, photo (39).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm wearing my fake thigh highs from taobao in this photo. I'm pretty chubs and they fit fine, they're definitely the most comfortable tights I've ever gotten from taobao.
Ignore how wrinkled the uniform is, this was straight out of the package.

I didn't get very interesting things but if anyone wants pictures or a review of that amo ayumi wing bag (the pink and blue one), those small heels with the two bows, or the fleshtone BJD tights let me know. The Toradora uniforms were definitely the most exciting part of my package.

>> No.6843887

I've always wondered about 'VIP' pricing on some Taobao listings. Like, how the hell do you find out what that VIP price is? Would your SS even tell you what it is? I know my SS probably made some extra off me because I'd just put the regular price down because I didn't know.

>> No.6843893

Well, the guy on the line was really agitated when I called. Not exactly professional in his responses ("Ohmigawwwwsh. That suuuuucks."), but he did get the form situated, so hopefully my funds will be released to me by Monday.

Lesson learned, though. I can't ever allow money to sit in there for more than a day or two if I'm selling things. Jesus. I'd been planning to use some of the money for shipping on my TaoBao order, but now I have to just. Wait.

>> No.6843897

How does the fleshtone BJD tights fit on chubby folk (since you said you were). Measurements would be helpful if possible.

VIP pricing is based off tiers. I asked Celestial Delinquent about her VIP status with CP and she said that there are different tiers and she is in one of the lowest ones.
So the only way to know is contacting the seller but you won't be able to without the SS so...yep.
And not all SS are VIP for shops. Depends on them.

>> No.6843906

Interesting and good to know! Thank you.

>> No.6843918

review of the bow heels and bjd tights, please!

>> No.6843925

>no shoes this time
>3 or for pairs

Are you me? I go through the same logic.

>> No.6843929

Also I have no idea why I typed 3 like that while four as a word.

>> No.6843936

It's so hard to resist! The shoes are so cheap that I always feel like I am justified in buying so many, but then when I get the shipping bill I find that's not the case...

>> No.6843953

I'm super sad and just need to tell someone. Recently Krad Lanrete put up the short jsk version of Mozarbic Chant. I hopped on that train so quickly and messaged TBS. I stayed up all night (til like 5am, I want this dress that bad) waiting for an email back so I could promptly reply. Eventually get an email saying "send payment quick because there are only 2 inn stock and they go quick!" Send the payment maybe 10 minutes after and never get a reply back, now it's sold out. I feel like I'm being punished for something...

>> No.6843963

Aw, don't feel bad anon. Remember it's just a dress, I'm sure you'll find someone on cgl or somewhere else selling it.

Try to get some rest!

I wonder if KL will do a re-release, that'd be nice

>> No.6843965

Damn that sucks anon.

>> No.6844150
File: 1.06 MB, 1024x768, Sin-título-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order
A lot of things to my house

>> No.6844161

link to star wars ice cube tray?

>> No.6844163

Is for make cookies

>> No.6844201

my thighs are 19 inches and I'm 5'3" and they don't touch. But I think that's just my hipless little asian body.

>> No.6844204

Ok anons, I come to you with a conundrum. Would this petti be too much for Captain Mia?

And would this one work with MC? I suck at picking out petticoats.

Other suggestions are appreciated of course.

>> No.6844386

The first petti is fine for Captain Mia.

I dunno what MC is. That petti looks kinda small. If the skirt or dress is an a-line, get the other one from that same shop.

>> No.6844425
File: 167 KB, 567x850, IMG_2164ok_zps83e8c6be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MC is Mozarabic Chant. I'm trying to fit the skirt version, which looks like it would work as either an a-line or a smaller bell.

I was also debating this a-line though.

>> No.6844500

Thank youuuuu! We have very similar measurements and you look really cute.
I'm definitely adding that to my order now.

>> No.6844502

Will Taobaoring ship umbrellas? If not, which SS will?

>> No.6844551

I love Susan and Meko from TBS.
Got me the Captain Mia skirt on the last day of reservation.

>> No.6844571

Where did you get the uniform?

>> No.6844569

Link to the black shoes in the upper right?

>> No.6844578

how is loris's quality these days? i wanted to order a mm replica bag but i'm wary of easily-damaged bags with straps that snap right away.


>> No.6844581

Here you go!

I bought a bag from them like... 4 months ago or so and it's really great. Granted, whenever I use the bag I don't keep much in it, but I haven't had any issues with it falling apart

>> No.6844608

When you're searching for items, what are the different tabs above the search results? Like 'Lynx'? And then above that where it says 'you are Not looking for <insert whatever>' does that mean it's a completely different item search?

>> No.6844615

So, does TBS really wait until every. single. item. is in their warehouse before contacting you? It's been a little over my week since my final payment and I haven't heard a peep from them. I know that I ordered a pair of shoes that take 2 weeks to make (just some Antaina teaparties) and a CP Petti (apparently CP has been really weirdly backed up for their pettis). So am I just gonna be waiting a while to hear from them?

>> No.6844629

What size Galaxy Seifuku did you get? I keep hearing scary stories about stuff not fitting and the skirt being too short, but yours looks fine.

>> No.6844643

Yeah, in my experience they don't contact you until everything is in. But if you're worried, emailing your agent for updates every couple weeks should be fine.

>> No.6844656

Alright. I'll hold tight. Thanks anon.

I'm just hoping CP gets their shit together. In the last couple of threads people were talking about how CP was taking long but one girl got the petti in a few days.

>> No.6844665

Urgh I know. I've got an order in progress with TBS for sailor kitty and I'm going to add a couple CP pettis since I'll already be waiting 2 months.

>> No.6844667

does anyone have worn pics of infanta's snow white skirt? i'm debating buying it but i can't find worn pics anywhere.

>> No.6844702

XL for both the top and bottom.
My measurements and photos with the seifuku are on:
Thr skirt doesn't show off my bum surprisingly despite ordering the short version.

>> No.6844709

Depends on how large your package is for the rest of the order. Most likely not unless your box is huge enough to fit an umbrella.

>> No.6844717

Ah thank you! This is such a relief. I think I'll try for the short skirt then because you're taller than me. I didn't know there was elastic. I guess I skipped over that section of the listing. I am less worried about it not fitting now.

>> No.6844732

dumb question, but is that the short?

>> No.6844743
File: 9 KB, 403x220, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Random question, can someone help me understand this? I really want to buy a dakimakura but the options have always confused me.

Uniform is here: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=7597607047&spm=2014.12317209.0.0

As for the shoes and BJD tights I will get to those over the weekend!

>> No.6844761

>Lesson learned, though. I can't ever allow money to sit in there for more than a day or two if I'm selling things.

Yeah, this is why I always deposit my money to my bank account IMMEDIATELY when I get money in my taobao, since I have no fees to take it back out via fund transaction from account.

>> No.6844763

It isn't that elastic. Only a bit. I wouldn't count on it being like shirring or something.

It is the short skirt version. Unless you meant the black shorts underneath.

>> No.6844767

I don't know what the Chinese characters mean exactly but dakis typically come in different kinds of fabric so I assume the different options are different fabric choices

>> No.6844771

Even if it stretches an inch that'd be ok. And you said it was a little too loose. I was worried even XL wouldn't fit.

>> No.6844776

This is probably a stupid question, but is the short sleeve version of the top not available? There isn't an option for it on the long sleeve listing and I can't find a different listing for the short sleeves.

>> No.6844779

Ahh gotcha. If you want, I could measure my seifuku in any places you may have problem figs and see how it differs from what's listed (if it does). Though I'd have to do it tomorrow.

>> No.6844784

Oh thank you! I am actually interested in how wide the shoulders are. I have a good idea of what size skirt I want now (thanks to you), but people have been saying that the chart on the listing isn't that accurate and I am just scared of ordering something that doesn't fit.

>> No.6844785

It's not a dumb question. When I was ordering it a few months or so ago, there used to be a listing for the short sleeve top. It's gone for whatever reason. I ordered another set of long sleeve+short skirt for my friend in XL so when I checked, they didn't have the short sleeve version.

>> No.6844791

Sure thing anon~

>> No.6844819

Thank you! Sorry for asking all of these nit picky questions.

>> No.6844934

is that the long version of MC? how tall are you?

>> No.6844982

Really cute order!
Link to the pink flower headband please?

>> No.6845044

1st line: [double sided 50 x 150cm without pillow Satin] [double sided 50 x 150 with pillow Satin]
2nd line: [double sided, 50 x 150cm without pillow Original satin (from Japan)]
3rd line : [double sided, 50 x 150cm with pillow Original satin (from Japan)]

>> No.6845055


>> No.6845092

May i request the link for the hat with ears and the big curly wig?

>> No.6845101

>6843870 Im sorry i've read the archive link, just the bear hat link please!!>

>> No.6845110
File: 11 KB, 233x310, T1DJfsXn0jXXXMHYQ4_051858.jpg_310x310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am looking for some pastel fairy kei style beads.
I've been searching for 粉~珠 does anyone know any better search terms?

>> No.6845295

link to madoka magazine, please?t

>> No.6845316
File: 84 KB, 750x493, T2hNvhXflXXXXXXXXX_!!893509370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm buying these. I've never used taobao or shopping services before. Will someone please help me figure it out? I read the FAQ and the shopping services spreadsheet, but I don't know what service I should choose.


>> No.6845330

This shop has lots and lots of beads. Here's something similar to what you're looking for. But like I said they have lots so did through:

>> No.6845328

Buying just one thing isn't really economical because of how expensive shipping is. I recommend trying to find a few more things you want.

As far as services go, do you care if there's a cart? Do you want to be able to ship SAL (generally the cheapest method)? Do you need to be able to use paypal?

I personally use Taobaospree if that helps any.

>> No.6845337

Could someone help me out with what the color categories are? When I translate it, it still doesn't make sense to me!


>> No.6845364

This goddamn underskirt: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.5.w4002-189500549.28.CbbH62&id=15790758712

Bhiner gives me colour choices between "gray-brown", "build", "smoke powder" and "dusk". I just want the white one (which I guess is "build"?)...

>> No.6845386 [DELETED] 

>Pretty sure there is only one color, and the options are just different styling.

>> No.6845392

Pretty sure there is only one color, and the options are just different styling.

>> No.6845396



Headbands are long sold out and the seller isn't making anymore :< I linked them in the archive, though, so maybe you can find other similar ones with the listing title

>> No.6845411
File: 1.58 MB, 1379x731, anotherorder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small order for some summer clothes.

>> No.6845422

link to dungarees please? I tried searching for some on taobao but all I got was work overalls..

>> No.6845440


Yep, it's the long version, size medium. I'm 5'7" and 115lbs for scale.

>> No.6845451

Oh these? I've never heard them be called dungarees before...

>> No.6845455

Does anyone know any good shops that sell party dresses? Not like the cocktail party kind of dress, more like a night-out kind.
Thanks in advance

>> No.6845459


Sorry, your post just reminded me of this

>"makes you stands out at your ex-boyfriend's wedding"
Oh god how I laughed

>> No.6845473

I imagine it's build, considering it seems pretty unlikely white would be 'gray-brown (brown), smoke powder(grey) or dusk(black)--assumedly'

>> No.6845482
File: 8 KB, 633x510, T2sKiCXdtXXXXXXXXX_!!671649356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone tell me what the difference is between these measurements? Why are there two different sets?

>> No.6845485

Top ones for girls, bottom is for boys.

>> No.6845508

Thanks anon. I ordered it in build, so I hope so. I put in a note asking for the white one anyway.

Is it really so hard to call something white though

>> No.6845534
File: 1.61 MB, 1230x4310, taobaoorder-completewip2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, after replacing a few 'sold out' things and adding more crap on, I'm happy with my order. I've gotten quite a bit of stuff in Bhiner, just waiting on a few items now.

Things I think I'm going to be disappointed with based on the pictures so far:
>The scarf/shawl thing
>All three wigs... will see -- turquoise one mainly because I think the color will be much darker than what I thought I'd get
>The shorts with the stars on the pocket (not a big deal, though)

I heard some people say that they've ordered things like the horn clips before and only gotten '1' (opposed to a pair); so I ordered two of everything like that, just in case. So by the looks of it I have some extra cat ears/horn clips, haha.

I really hope all my rilakkuma stuff doesn't get fucked over my chinese customs or something, though... I live in Canada so I don't think there'll be any problems with customs here, but that's almost the entire of my order right there (I have a bunch more I'm waiting on).

>> No.6845541

Are you a furry?

>> No.6845542

I can also safely say I'm pretty satisfied with Bhiner so far. The re-quoting etc can be a pain and everything, but they've been very kind to me and quick to reply/update. I had a problem with items not adding to my cart (despite shown as paid for) and they fixed it for me ASAP. So far I'd use them again in the future, though I'll wait and see how the rest of my order goes.

>> No.6845546

We're on a cosplay board and you're asking me if I'm a furry... Really? Reeeeeeeallly? You think that's what my items are for?

Polite sage for my reply to a troll

>> No.6845607

Sauce to the shorts, mascara thing, and red wig please?
Lol exactly what I need though. Theyre not exactly for me. I sorta got my sister and mom hooked on taobao and the usual stores they go to for dresses dont have good ones right now...

>> No.6845610

I like the one you linked to in this post better than your previous post anon. Stick with that petti.

We have the FAQ and SS spreadsheets for a reason.
But as other anon said, buying one thing isn't really worth it.
The SS spreadsheet was made to see what you are looking for in a SS (the checklist).

>> No.6845641

Anyone here bought iphone cases from Taobao?
I was wondering how their quality is, I'm planning on buying a buttload of them for my phone.

>> No.6845647

I haven't but what I can tell you, they're probably similar to the cheap ones you see in those carts in the middle of the mall (at least in more Asian areas).

If you've ever bought from Amazon, eBay, or anywhere else that ships from China, it's going to be the same quality.

The plasticy kinds feel like they won't last that long since it's just rubber plastic. Potentially ripping over time.
The hard cases are fine. They probably would crack/break if they fell from a significant height.

>> No.6845675

Yeah, the ones I'm looking at on Taobao are probably more for accessorizing my phone rather than protecting it. There are some really nice looking (bootleg) ones for visual novels and comics I like.

>> No.6845703

Does anyone know of any bird-themed items? Clothing, accessories, home decor, anything. Searching 'bird' in taobao isn't very helpful.

In exchange, some cute bird hairclips: http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.1.w4004-877049332.6.xZakgf&id=13391668756

>> No.6845709

jsyk, be careful with the Rilakkuma cord winder thing! I bought a pair off eBay of the white bear and they work fantastically. However, I was a bit careless with one of mine and ended up tearing the bear part off the strip. I superglued it back together and it still fuctions, but just be careful how you open them!

>> No.6845721

Wow, people around here are finally starting to realize taobao exists.

>> No.6845740
File: 243 KB, 1200x900, IMG_0677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the anon that wanted the the shoulder measurement of the galaxy seifuku: about 16"

See pic on how I measured it. The tape measure curled up when I took the pic but it was laid on the seam of the sleeve from the beginning to the other seam.

>> No.6845812

what? are you new?

>> No.6845832
File: 29 KB, 307x640, IMG_0209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those of you wondering about this dress.

It's... very cheap. I'm not exactly a designer seamstress and I can tell its cheap. The cloth feels like very thin cotton that wrinkles easily when I ball it up, seams are quite irregular, and the finishing on the seams is not well done in places so you can see where it will unravel. Skirt isn't lined, which definitely is opposite of what they described. It fits a little funny on me - straight bodice, not totally flattering. Luckily I can cinch it back with the tie. If you guys want detail pictures, I can provide once I charge up my good camera.

As an aside, it also has a really odd plasticky smell.

I have to admit though, I think it looks good. I'd still wear it outside the house, just not for meets or very formal events.

(4?/10 Quality is definitely below average, even compared to the other taobao shit I bought. I don't think this will last very long.)

>> No.6845834

freaking out I switched to EMS because fuck no am I paying 90$ for DHL, and im worried my stuff won't come in time.
I didn't buy any replicas but I'm still really nervous, I need it by June, AHHhhHHh ;__;

>> No.6845835


Shit, dropped link


>> No.6845836

also wtf does ems mean by code other than the tracking number?

>> No.6845841

You're probably fine for EMS as long as it doesn't get held in your home country's customs.

Code probably means tracking number.

at least it still looks okay compared to a milanoo trainwreck.

>> No.6845846


This really does look like a $20 dress. When will people understand "you get what you pay for"?

>> No.6845863

Ah thank you so much! You've been so helpful!

>> No.6845877

You're welcome! If you need anymore measuring, just let me know.

>> No.6845902

Got an update on my order from Celestial Delinquent. I'm only posting about it for those wondering about the speed of Classical Puppets pettis recently since that was talked about the last few threads.

I placed my order with CD May 9th. I got an email saying all my items (including my petti, discluding the Captain Mia JSK) arrived at the warehouse by May 17th (when I got my email from CD) so I didn't have to wait as long as others posted in the past.

>> No.6845932

I've gotten a really nice lined wool skirt for roughly $8

>> No.6845992

Oh God guys please help me - I haven't been on here in a while, and I'm sorry for the girl (a nun) I've been Emailing that I haven't responded after I came across that scary illegal stuff on the Internet, I've been trying to just drop my shopping addiction. And it's almost worked!

Well, it's mid-May now, and last month I came on here to ask if I should make a new order because one item out of the 100 items I'm ordering won't be shipped out until mid-May.

I got an Email from Taobaoring and they said they won't be able to ship that dress until JUNE!

Now I am REALLY REGRETTING not making another order in April because there are so many things I've been wanting to buy and I just don't want to wait for this one fucking dress.

I really hate lolita indie brands... They take forever to fucking ship -_-

>> No.6846002

You know you shouldn't

go make some potter or something

>> No.6846014

That first sentence what.
Anyway, go outside or do something else instead of regretting it.


>> No.6846036

Uhh... A girl on here gave me her Email and I came across something illegal on the internet and freaked out, since then I haven't been online because I'm scared the fbi will come and arrest me.

I will -_- all I want.

What the hell is potter?

ALL I WANTED WAS THAT DRESS... And it's taking so long, now over 2 months!!

>> No.6846040


as in get a different hobby till it gets there. You can wait.

>> No.6846058

Jfc was it something from the deepnet? I'd hate to see our resident troll get taken away by the party van

>> No.6846103

just wanted to check if anyone knows this? I was mostly interested in what the 'Lynx' tab means?

>> No.6846108

Take a screenshot. Dunno what you mean. Doubt I can help but always worth a shot to provide that.

>> No.6846113
File: 14 KB, 282x390, lynx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. top is translated, bottom is original. When I click on the tab it just shows me more of the same items it looks like, so I was confused what the purpose was. I just picked something generic to search for : 钱包

>> No.6846116

that's tmall. It's just like Taobao.

>> No.6846118

Ah ok, so that tab is for Tmall stores, excellent, thanks for the info. I actually know the difference between tmall and taobao so that's good, thanks so much!

>> No.6846124
File: 23 KB, 348x312, cattights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Search term for tights like this? I tried to translate cat tights, but so far all it is bringing up in the search is fetish wear.

>> No.6846129

I bet you're such a cutie if you dress like that -u-

>> No.6846130

The title of this listing has some search term characters that can help you:

>> No.6846128

Situation is resolved finally. Apparently, calling will get things fixed faster, just like I'd been told. Otherwise, you have to wait about 48 hours before they bother to lift the limitation even after you fill out all their forms. :/

>> No.6846142


>> No.6846143

so much relax bear

>> No.6846146

lol <3

>> No.6846149

calm your tits, she was just joking.

>> No.6846162


>> No.6846170

link to the kigurumi and the ear cat extensions (white with black)?

>> No.6846209


>> No.6846395

Whoever warned me about Classical Puppets was completely right. I'm still waiting on that petti and it's holding up my whole order. Considering just having it shipped separate. Can't possibly cost me that much extra I imagine.

>> No.6846401

Alrighty anon, I'll trust you. A-line it is! Thank you!

Classical Puppets is so hit and miss. Hope they don't take over two months when I order, I'd like to ship them out with Mia.

>> No.6846431

When did you order it?
I'm this anon: >>6845902 and got it fast.

You'll probably be fine since two months since to be the longest CP takes.

>> No.6846433

That was absolutely terrible grammar. My bad.

>> No.6846440

I am a furry, and I have been going on /cgl/ consistently for years. What does it matter?

>> No.6846452

Thanks anon!

>> No.6846470

Two months!? Yep, totally having them shipped separate. I'll eat the extra fees.
3 weeks ago at this point.

>> No.6846475
File: 1.18 MB, 1024x768, taoabao3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Homu Anon here, received my package two days ago but it's been so busy.

Some of you asked for reviews for the Homura cosplay and the Sailormoon wig. Let me know if still interested, or for any other items.

>> No.6846478

Review of the Sailor Moon wig, Soul Gems, and makeup please?

>> No.6846481

two months is the longest I've seen in threads anyway.
Most people don't take up to that point...mine was under two weeks.

Why don't you ask the SS to ask the CP about it?

Still interested in homerun review yes. Pics would be awesome too.

>> No.6846482


It is expensive by taobao standard. I have had bought nicer looking stuff for $10

>> No.6846489

Are you able to review the curly wig as well?

>> No.6846523

Anyone know any good search terms or stores that sell dresses that are children victorian inspired but for adults (no not fetish, or lolita).. The only examples I can think of are what the character Ester wore in The Orphan and the older girl character (Kim Young-hee) in the korean Hansel and Gretel film but they're children.. Basically dresses that could work more casually rather than how elaborate lolita is but not like otome? Ok I don't think I made any sense, I've tried a combination of search terms with no luck.

Also trying to find nun inspired lolita dresses but 尼姑装扮 is giving me no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks!

>> No.6846549

has anyone used or heard of http://www.engtaobao.com/
Someone is asking me for advice on tumblr saying "paypal won't let ger send the payment" and all I want to tell them is that it looks like a scam to me and use a better ss.

>> No.6846568

It looks like a scam, smells like a scam...

Maybe it's a good thing that PP wouldnt let her send them any money. Refer them to someone reputable. And for fucks sake, doesn't anyone do their research anymore?

>> No.6846571
File: 1.44 MB, 1024x768, Fotor0517203852.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I attached some pictures of the Homu cosplay. I actually like that the fit is pretty spot on and for the most part, pretty nice quality. The only thing (and I added the picture there for you to see) is that the white trim in the black undershirt frays easily and looked initially a little sloppy. I'm thinking of putting fray check on it, but it's sewn well to the point where I'm not concerned about it falling apart.

Everything else is pretty nice. As you can tell, the details are made of a pleathery texture, and is isn't overtly shiny or stands out.

I hope this helps! I did like their service. It took about 30 days to have it sent, and they handled the measurements pretty well.

I'll do a separate review of the wig with a some photographs.

For the Soul Gems:
They're nice, really pretty, and made of a mildly pliable plastic material. It's also delicate. The color of the gold and the gem is really nice.

The makeup:
The eyeliners are my favorite. I purchased one for my mom before and she and I lvoe them because of the softer kohl and how easy and smooth they are to apply. The powder is also really nice! The white eyeshadow hasnt been used yet, but it looks nice. The concealer also works nicely for me, and has a nice blending ability to it. I actually have quite liked the makeup from Rain Cos so far, I haven't had any issues.

The curly wig actually isn't as identical in color to the image. Yoybuy actually photographed it for me when it first arrived because even they were convinced that they had sent a darker color wig. The real wig is a bit more maple brown, but in the light has a somewhat of a similar color. The overall wig aren't as full as the picture unless you probably tease them, which I have yet to do. It tangles like any other ordinary wig. Overall though the wig is better than your average fashion wig and doesn't look too overly shiny or anything like that. I actually like it a lot despite the color difference.

>> No.6846572

So my order right now is 12 pairs of shoes. How fucked am I on shipping?

>heels, t-straps, mary-janes, sandals, booties

>> No.6846582
File: 1.69 MB, 1024x768, Fotor0517203621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please forgive the horrible pictures, but the Sailormoon wig when I opened it looked nice. The buns were pretty messy as they are attached to the wig. You can fix them quite a bit to look like the picture however and the bands are also pretty easy to start fixing and fiddling with. The long tails are actually really nice and not too thick but not too thin, and have nicely done curls along the bottom that are pretty accurate.

I have a 22" head, and this wig is a really snug fit. This could be also due to my hair's thickness and quantity, but I actually fit a wide variety of wigs. The tricky part about this one is the weight of the buns with the hairline makes it much more snug, so I don't reccomend it for people with larger heads or want a wig that's not super tight on them. Other TSN wigs however are actually really full size, so it's likely that this snugness is mostly due to the custom style of the wig.

Since I have naturally thick dark hair, the one tricky thing about this wig is that it has a high hairline along the back, so there's a small tuff of my hair even with a wig cap, that tends to stick out. I've had another Sailormoon wig do this before, and from what I know, it's pretty common to have the higher hairline to look more accurate to her. It's a bit of a discomfort in some ways, but I'm looking to how to get it to cover the back somehow.

I absolutely love the color, because it's a little bit better in color than the picture. I was worried that it was going to be too bright, but it's actually near identical to the original Five Wits Sailormoon wig's color I had previously.

I reccommend the wig actually, since it can be styled and the fibers are pretty nice! I caution people with larger heads or would rather prefer more comfortable versions where the odango buns are detatchable.

>> No.6846585

I feel like I should know where that wig is from but mind linking to it?

I sent an e-mail today just to see what the reply is but probably will still end up shipping them separately.

>> No.6846593

Here you go!


>> No.6846599

Oh I've been meaning to try that wig shop! I knew I'd seen it before! Also if you are able, I hope you'll be able to take pictures of the wig that you bought.

>> No.6846610

Looks like a good cosplay. Mind the link?

Thanks for the review!

You're fucked.

>> No.6846609

I will! I currently took really shoddy pictures of it, so I'll do that within a day or so!

>> No.6846611


Meh, I have no idea what to do with it. It is a bit of a waste of money after all.


The rest of my order was fine, and I was paying 12 dollars or less for my shirts and and skirts. The dress was relatively expensive by comparison.

>> No.6846628

Here you go!


>> No.6846637

Thanks anon!

>> No.6846661

link to the mascara guard?

>> No.6846663

hahah we've been having threads for over a year now. is that 'finally'?

>> No.6846668

link? i'm after nice skirts.

>> No.6846669

you saw something illegal on the internet and got scared? are you 12?

>> No.6846670

review and link to the scarf?
and if the container on the left just a storage container? link?

>> No.6846675
File: 34 KB, 1230x309, taobao ss sheet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taobao SS spreadsheet anon here.

Here's what I have so far for good SS for preordering/reservations.

Am I missing any others that are known and good?

>> No.6846680

I've done three Pre-order with Bhiner now with (mostly) success. They were willing to hold my items until June while Krad Lanrete finishes the Phantom run, but I asked them to ship the current order while the dress is in production, and that I'll order more items later.

>> No.6846684

When was the preorder for that dress? I'll add a rough warehouse time hold.

>> No.6846688

Back in February, I believe. They said that they would hold my items until the end of June when it was finished. It was delayed due to issues with the fabric printing or something? Not real sure. They've had items of mine in their warehouse since February and just packed everything to ship the day before yesterday (Thursday).

>> No.6846690

Okay cool. Thanks for the info anon!

>> No.6846693

Ugh, my SS ordered from CP March 27th and I still don't have it yet. According to my SS, CP said it would arrive around the 21st? Good thing I didn't need my stuff right away.

>> No.6846698

My SS said it'd take roughly two weeks and it arrived at the warehouse by that time. I used celestial delinquent so maybe it's because she's VIP (though a low tier), she gets more priority compared to anyone else that isn't VIP?

>> No.6846702

Does Mia have to have a bell shaped petti?
Just wondering.
I personally like a-line skirts but I can't really tell if I need a bell-shape for it. And then, if I need a really poofy bell or a "daily" bell.

>> No.6846704

ikr, what the hell is going on.

>> No.6846712

Shitty Small Order Troll has major issues, man. Look through the archives.
And I mean real issues. I don't think she's 12, but just emotionally stunted and actually around 20 or so (the general demographic of cglers)
I would say more, but I'm going to bed now and too tired to link to the archives directly

>> No.6846713
File: 257 KB, 635x232, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Mia can be fine with an a-line too. It has a slight bell shape near the top (I believe it looks like it) which would make a bell shaped a bit better but otherwise it doesn't seem like it'd do that petti problem other loli clothes have if you were to use an a-line.

>> No.6846749

Wow, I was exhausted when I posted that, sorry. I've been hanging here since October last year so that looks really dumb. I meant the communities around where I live - a few people are starting to make orders now.

>> No.6846795
File: 69 KB, 248x264, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procrastinating on a project so I went through the archives for you, and apparently she's even majoring in computer engineering...


>> No.6847157

I find that pretty scary because I use taobao shopping to destress from exams, but if I keep going like this... Well at least I don't get triggered by ~illegal things~ on the Internet or sperge on people with turners syndrome.

>> No.6847244

Does anyone have the problem on occasion that your SS says something is out of stock, but when you check it yourself, it is in stock? It's happened several times with items that there could be no mis-understanding with. It's kinda frustrating having to go through the entire process over again.

>> No.6847245

Sometimes, when it says it's in stock on the page, it's not correct. Quite a few TaoBao shops put estimates of stock up OR they keep a higher number of stock than they have on purpose, to make sure that the listing stays listed in their shop for when they do a restock.

>> No.6847249

But when I re-order it the next day there is no issue with stock or purchasing.

>> No.6847259

Huh. No idea then.

>> No.6847280

I agree, Innocent World often has a dress shape sort of like this, where it can be either bell or A-line. I think a very poofy A-line is better than a small one though, in these cases.

>> No.6847294

Thankyou! And thats strange, is it just an english thing then? What would you normally call them?

>> No.6847301

Not that Anon, but in Canada they are called overalls.

>> No.6847302

bit late, but if you're still here anon, link to the rilakkuma shorts, (pancake?) pan, and the orange cat tshirt please?

>> No.6847403
File: 48 KB, 300x300, tumblr_m9yb4hLVp31rdutcio3_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did that anon who was looking for fairy-kei dildo earrings ever find them? I can't find any on the English speaking internet, and I wouldn't even know how to look for them on TaoBao ('dildo earrings' turned up nothing).

>> No.6847649
File: 128 KB, 564x841, T2VibfXcVbXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So R-Series has a new JSK up.

Not sure if want....I really like their other chinese style dress, especially with the matching blouse, but this one might be too busy and bright for my taste.


>> No.6847767

unfortunately its sold out. it was only 1500 yen, too. i was tempted to buy a pair but didnt, wish i did.

>> No.6847772

Dif Anon but what was the link anyway?

>> No.6847793


Those look like plain dildo toys.

>> No.6847830

Damn, I love the bodice but I generally dislike qi-lolita. I love qipaos, though...

>> No.6847833

I like the business personally. It still has a coherent theme rather than random shit that doesn't match.

>> No.6847978


I'd wear it.

But that's because I'm Chinese and I'm into this sort of thing. Red and yellow everywhere.

I agree it's definitely less subtle about the whole Chinese thing than the other one R-series had up. Definitely sort of toes the line between inspired and costumey.

>> No.6847979

I am already judging the 63 people who have pre-ordered this dress.

>> No.6847981


They're probably all chinks as I have a hard time believing that weebs will buy it (because it's China and not glorious Nippon). You'll never see them most likely.

>> No.6848073
File: 986 KB, 1504x1000, sofar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my order finally came in yesterday!

Went through DHL with Bhiner, it took them 2 days to give it to DHL, but it took DHL like 4 days to get it here to the US west coast. Very nice.

This is my first order and I actually like Bhiner pretty well. They're not super fast, but they're curious and they satisfy my need to check for status updates everyday without having to bother someone constantly.

I used TBS for MC though, and they were lightning fast and shipping out pretty quickly. I think I got my dress in 2 weeks from start to finish.

>> No.6848079
File: 1.14 MB, 1474x1200, allthestuff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And here's everything out of the box. Some of the stuff was disappointing, some was awesome, and some was just ok. I sort of regret getting two collared shirts to match with MC and Odette Mansion, but I'll probably have a use for them later. Also, R-Series sent me the little brooch in the lower left for some reason. I didn't order it, and it's navy so it doesn't match with the colorway I got, but yay free stuff.

Let me know if you guys want any links, reviews, pixs of anything.

>> No.6848082

Oh hey again! Could you review the R-series dress please? And the lacy dress under the MC headbands.

>> No.6848090

Seconding the R-Series dress.

>> No.6848105

My order is boxed and ready to ship. Finally.

... and of course, I've found another dress I want to order right after I told them to ship.

>> No.6848108

Review/links to the two bottom dresses please.

>> No.6848110


I hope you didn't pay much for those lace shorts. Taobao laces have such shit quality, they will die after a few washes.

>> No.6848112


Sure thing!

The R-Series dress (Odette Mansion) is one of the best things out of my order. The color is gorgeous (and handily perfectly matches MC's headbands) and the cloth is this really interesting soft suede, but not too heavy. I got an M since I heard OM runs a bit small which ended up being right on the money, plus there's well hidden shirring in the back. There's also two ties in the back which makes doing it up a little complicated, but not too bad.
The embroidery is also very nice, and the pearl details are sewn on well, plus it's fully lined so it won't rub off on lighter colored blouses. All in all it's wonderful, I just need to hurry up and get a petti for it.

Also, I'm 5'7" and it hits me right at the knees, so good length too.

As for the dress (I'm assuming you mean the pink one) it doesn't get quite as good of a review. Although it looks really nice on the model, it's very nightgown-y in person. The main cinch part hits me right under the bust, which isn't very flattering for me, but the second from the bottom tier (the one that's above the bow logo in the stock pic, right before it goes to the darker pink) is for some reason lined with elastic. So the whole dress has a really bizarre silhouette, out at the bust, in under the bust, out at the hips, and in again right below the knee. The colors also aren't as nice as the ones in the picture, and the pearls are sewn on pretty haphazardly.
It's pretty comfortable to just hang around in though, but I'm not sure what to do with it to make it wearable in public.

>> No.6848126


They're from the same seller and pink is here

and reviewed here >>6848112

and the white is here

Honestly the white isn't much better than the pink. The skirt is nowhere near as full as the sample pic and the bodice is just...kinda weird and bad looking. It also suffers from nightgown syndrome.


They were both pretty cheap ($5 each I think?) and I've got a bit of a love hate relationship with them. I measured myself multiple times and decided to go a size up with both of them and they still fit me like a glove. Though by glove I mean a denim glove that looks fantastic if you're standing/walking, but makes it really hard to sit down and bend over. That and the button on the fly of the upper pair has already broken.

They make my ass look fantastic though, and they don't muffin top my waist at all either.

>> No.6848129


Could I have review and pics of the magic tea party blouse please? Do you think it was worth the money, or did you find problems with it?

>> No.6848134


I haven't been including pics, but please let me know if you want any worn or for color comparison.

Also, my favorites from the order are the two tank top/camis on the right, the green tunic, and the pjs, panties, and tights (aside from MC and Odette Mansion of course).

>> No.6848139


Sure! Stand-by for pix and review

>> No.6848140

Good to hear Odette Mansion was a good buy!

As for the other dress, maybe remove the elastic to make it drape better? It does sound like a good lounge dress though.

Laughing at your review of the lace shorts.

Onward to some personal bitching... My MC skit still hasn't come yet. EMS hurry up!

>> No.6848156

Sorry to bother you about something that isn't your most recent order but did you get the long JSK or the short in MC? Where does it hit on you either way?

>> No.6848188
File: 708 KB, 895x1200, review1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So out of the two blouses I got, I actually like Tea Party's quite a bit more than White Moon's. I got a medium and it fits quite well, even without doing up the back ties. It's labeled as off-white and looks pretty off-white in their picture, but it's really white with faint off-white lace. It doesn't clash or anything though and looks quite nice.
All the buttons are little roses (I tried to get a close up) and the waist ties are removable, as is the bow which has a pin attached to the back. I'm very happy with it all and all.

Bonus info, the top pic has (left to right) Odette Mansion, the semi-terribad pink dress, terribad white dress, White Moon blouse, and Tea Party Blouse.


Good point, I didn't even think about ripping out the elastic. I'll give that a try as soon as I can find the damn seam ripper.

And glad I got a laugh out of the shorts.


No worries, MC was basically a part of the order so it's fine. I got the long red JSK in medium and it hits me about 4 inches below the knee. There's a picture of me wearing it in the upper left of this >>6848073 if that helps

>> No.6848195


Huh, 4chan squishes the pic when viewing it in the thread. Opening it in a separate tab shows the proper aspect ratio.

>> No.6848200
File: 100 KB, 450x598, T2hxawXmlbXXXXXXXX_!!11942814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only just discovered this. Why is it sold out in black except xl? Oh god my world is ending.

Why is it so fucking beautiful. Does Infanta ever restock?

>> No.6848202

Yes, they do. That dress has been restocked at least three times now.

>> No.6848209

i love black and gold >.>

>> No.6848212

Oh thank fuck, I don't usually like black dresses (sweet loli) but there's something about this one, it's just amazing, I need it on my body.

>> No.6848216
File: 106 KB, 450x623, T2B2uBXmdbXXXXXXXX_!!770417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So my order just came in, I'm broke as hell, and about to move across the country for 2 months to a place where I won't have a mailing address.

I'm still considering buying this.

>> No.6848217

>i need it on my body
you make that sound so dirty

>> No.6848220

Better than saying she wanted it in her body.
That sounds pretty uncomfortable, is that made of velveteen type stuff?

>> No.6848222


Yeah, probably should have phrased it like "I want to be inside it"

>> No.6848223
File: 145 KB, 700x689, Rseries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw I really want it too
>Also, this series
>Want those shorts in mint really bad

>> No.6848224

That sounds even worse.

>> No.6848227

Hrrrnnng I love that blouse on the bottom! Totally adding that to my order!

Also few! I saw the pictures and thought you got the short version and got a bit terrified because we're the same height and I got the long and thought that meant mine was going to be insanely long.

>> No.6848228

are you doing this on purpose >.<

>> No.6848231

Stop using retarded faces.

>> No.6848233

no. as an adult i reserve the right to type like a teenage girl.

>> No.6848234


Why does R-Series make such good things? If I had to pick any company to own all the stuff of, it would for sure be them.


Glad you like the blouse. My only problem with it is that it doesn't look great with JSKs from the huge collar, but it'll probably look great once I finally get a skirt.

Also oh man, if the short was that long on me I'd either be a midget or the long one would be wedding dress + train length.

>> No.6848236
File: 8 KB, 150x207, 1278357021114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6848241

How much is it from there? It's on qutieland for $102

>> No.6848247

Anyone know any shops that sell that plasticy looking accessories AP sell? Or some keywords that could help me find some on my own? So far I'm just finding very classic pieces.

Looking to coord stuff with my marshmallow bunny op.

>> No.6848250

From where, Infanta? ¥488.00, meaning 79.40 USD. There's only XL in stock, though (for black).

>> No.6848253


Oh wow, the shirt is really beautiful! All the detail on it is lovely and I really like the rose buttons. I'm glad I bought it now. Thanks for the pics and review - it looks great on you. Hope you find something to wear it with.

>> No.6848256


Thank you much, good luck with yours.

>> No.6848272

Try etsy. I just searched lolita bunny, and if you wade through the floppy home-made bunny ears you can find some cute stuff.

>> No.6848297
File: 474 KB, 306x230, tumblr_mg2nsrmEPN1qdvhxdo1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't find a picture of the headband by itself (I had one, but no clue where it went) but doesn't anyone know where to buy this fluffy goat/lamb ear headband with the tiny horns? I already have a pair of the kid's size headband with the horns, but I really like this fluffy one better. The only other person on tumblr I saw with one won't give a source.

>> No.6848323
File: 44 KB, 697x524, sexy-cat-ears-hairbands-party-queen-pearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My order came in unexpectedly today. Almost everything turned out great for the price. However, I gained at least 10 lbs since I measured last because of depression, so most of it doesn't look so good worn now. I'll get around to reviewing some things when I don't feel so awful.

I ordered 15 metal cat hairbands (10 pearl ones and 5 crystal ones.) Half of the pearl ones had at least one pearl that needed to be re-glued to the hairband. Only 1 of the 5 crystal ones had a crystal that needs to be reattached, so those apparently fare a little better. All in all they're great for the price though and I don't mind fixing them.

>> No.6848328

The taobao of the official AP shanghai store:

>> No.6848338

Do we have some way to tell it's official or legit?

>> No.6848352


Do the rhinestone ones come in black?

>> No.6848370
File: 555 KB, 440x2845, b7c0fbd3gw1e2lyoda4c7j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is linked at the shop's weibo where they often post photos of the Shanghai AP shop, what they are doing, etc.

>> No.6848374
File: 253 KB, 440x1425, a152319fgw1dzxsbei5p8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And their Weibo is listed at the shop's business cards.

>> No.6848385

Perfect, adding their weibo to mine then! Thanks anon!

That reminds me... does anyone have a list of Store weibos so we can have a list for people who want to follow them? Usually I just type in the store name, or pull it from their store front, but it would be nice to have a list.

>> No.6848406
File: 2.75 MB, 1575x1133, Taobao1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still waiting on CP, but everything else is at my SS. I'm probably going to go with SAL, but does anyone know how long it would take to get to Canada (Quebec)?

>> No.6848423

Has anyone else been having problems with Taobao Spree? They always used to be so diligent and helpful but lately they're service has been really slow and disappointing.

>> No.6848434

I think people have said that emails to Susan are being answered pretty slow since TBS has become the go-to SS. I haven't had any trouble personally though since I email my agent directly to place an order.

>> No.6848444

Well I had been using Nancy, who was always got back to me right away. But during my last order she said that she is taking a break and that I have to go through susan now who forwarded my order to Meko. I'm just disappointed because in our last email she told me to "hurry" and I replied within 30 minutes and it's now been two days since she replied, Not only that but I used to get a reply at around 6pm and now it's more often at 6am. I'm just annoyed because why would you tell me to hurry if you aren't gonna help for two days!? I probably wouldn't even care if she didn't say that.

>> No.6848448

I'd be annoyed too. Was the email about paying for something? Or was it just general questions?

Doris never contacts me after I pay except to say she got the payment or that the items have arrived at the office, that's why I ask.

>> No.6848451

I'm using Nancy too, and she emailed me that she would be off for two weeks? Then she replied to me the day after. Idek anymore.

>> No.6848495


Gosh could you kindly review the lacy cardigans?


This one, I mean.

>> No.6848514


Now the cardigans/boleros I'm pretty on the fence about.
On one hand, they're just as cute as the pics and the colors are spot on. However, they're really big/baggy. I haven't really figured out what I can wear them with since everything I've tried so far makes it looks like I'm a rectangle from the waist up.

Also, they're a little scratchy. They look pretty soft in the picture but the edges where the lace meets the colored chiffon kinda gets to you after a while.

I haven't really decided if I like or dislike them yet...

>> No.6848576

Sorry for the terrible photos, but here are the shoes! I haven't had a chance to try on the tights yet, It'll probably have to wait until after exams.

These shoes are super cute and very comfortable, I wore them all day and since they're just kitten heels my feet didn't hurt at al even though I don't ever wear heels. Quality wise they look nice on the outside, the inside is a little odd color wise but they hold up fine as far as I know. They do scuff pretty easily, though. This was one day of wear and although one was due to me being stupid, I still feel like I have to be very careful not to bump anything when wearing them. Also as you can see in the picture you can kind of see the glue on the bows but it's not noticeable unless someone is laying on the ground looking at your shoes or something.

Even with the flaws I still love them and got many compliments on them, so I say go for it if you were considering!

>> No.6848580
File: 2.25 MB, 1272x1448, Shoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would probably be better if I attached the photo..

>> No.6848715

Okay my CP petti finally arrived but now I've encountered a different problem that I did not anticipate. Where in the world do I click to pay for shipping? I feel like the stupidest person ever.

>> No.6848732
File: 113 KB, 1226x626, inthemail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nevermind. I guess they just aren't ready for the second payment yet so they haven't put the option up yet thus why I couldn't find it. Please ignore my idiocy.

Also here's my stuff that is in the mail/soon to be in the mail.

>> No.6848738
File: 35 KB, 247x256, rawr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>take out my scissors and seam ripper to take the elastic out
>turns out every single tier has elastic


>> No.6848740

Oh geez. Still going to try and get rid of it?

Are you getting another MC skirt? Or is the blue just a space holder for the long ivory one.

>> No.6848745

The blue is just the space holder for the long ivory...but I am considering getting another one. I might get myself the short blue from clobba just because I'm not sure how good the long skirt will work with lolita.

>> No.6848752


Sort of, it turns out the elastic is actually the thread sort of holding each tier together.

Basically, I'd have to rip out about an inch of elastic, sew that inch back together, then rip more out, ad infinum. Don't think it's worth it.

>> No.6848764

Ohh the short blue SK is the one that I should be getting next week if EMS would hurry. I'm considering getting the red SK as well though.

Don't worry about it not working with lolita, with the growth of classic, tea length dresses are getting pretty popular. Just make sure your petti has some oomph.

Oh geez, they used elastic thread? That really sucks.

>> No.6848783


First a horrible dress, then elastic thread. Some sort of sadist taobao store.

Though the white dress doesn't have elastic thread, it just looks terrible.

>> No.6848792

Might just leave it for otome if it fits and get the other for classic. Hopefully. Still not sure yet because I'm afraid I'll blow all my money and then KL will come out with something new and even better.

>> No.6848801

Hahaha I kinda want to be sadistic and ask for worn pictures. The dresses sound like depressing disasters.

Ahaha KL probably wont have anything new for a month or two since they're trying to get the Phantom dresses made.

The blue SK is only available in an L right now, so I hope the ivory one fits.

>> No.6848812

On taobao it's not available but clobba just put a few up.

Sage for not strictly taobao.

>> No.6848820
File: 324 KB, 965x559, whatiscake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Eh, fuck it. You guys really should see the terribad with your own eyes. Stand-by

Unrelated - Does anyone understand what "cake" is supposed to mean? I tried running it through a few translators and they all popped up with "cake" as in the baked dessert.
Maybe...I have to pay them in cake?

>> No.6848823

I don't see them on his page... Am I just off my rocker?

Yes. You must pay them in delicious cake. And if it isn't tasty enough, they hold your dress hostage.

>> No.6848824

Ask your SS

>> No.6848841

Is there a modifier for petite sizes?

Like how MM and XL will spit out plus size stuff, is there something for Petite?

>> No.6848848

有蛋糕尾现货 - with tiered back, in stock
无蛋糕尾现货- without tiered back, in stock

>> No.6848854
File: 509 KB, 868x1000, sadface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no sitting cutely on the stairs, or twirling around in a happy-go-lucky dress.
Only maternity-styled, life in the time of the black death, poorly made dresses. And sadness.

>> No.6848856


Thank you for the translation.

They only picture the back of the dress with the tiers though...wonder what it looks like without them.

>> No.6848861

Well, at least you have a new white nightgown? And uh... fuel for a bonfire?

Not to self: Avoid all babydoll/underbust dresses.

>> No.6848864

Dang anon. It looked so cute in the stock images too...

>> No.6848867


I already have a similar nice white dress so I have no qualms with tossing it to goodwill, but man, I really wish there was something I could do with the pink one.

Guess I'll hang on to it for now. Glad I've warned some anons though, and I know myself not to go for the chiffon maxi dresses anymore.

>> No.6848869


Thought of that, but I won't have the money to get the dress and blouse for a few weeks.

I'm not sure how receptive most SSs are to "Hey, I want to get this thing. Can you give me lots of info on this thing but lol I can't pay for a while?"

Do any SSs do any sort of payment plan? I supposed I could always be a terrible person and use my credit card.

>> No.6848974

I think they look pretty cute! Maybe you can use them for a mori or CPK kinda look, layer it a bit more and it doesn't matter how baggy they are!

>> No.6848985


Differences in proportion ruined the pink dress. Model has a shorter torso and about 5 inches less leg.

Maybe seperating it into a tunic and skirt would help. The skirt part could then hit at just above the knee which would be flattering. Wear the tunic with something else.

I must think really hard about the white nightgown looking thing. Not at all sure how to make that into anything but a nightgown...

>> No.6848987

so, how's dear celine's making time? i was thinking of ordering a blouse from them, but i was hoping i could get my entire order shipped in by june. or is that too optimistic?

>> No.6848997

Which one of the CP A-line pettis should one get? I'm considering getting the 109 yuan one in a few months.

>> No.6849011

depends on how much poof you want and what dress you're wearing it under (why do we have to explain this every time someone asks about petticoats?)
Yes, pushing it. You can always ask your SS to ask DC how much a custom job will run. It's usually 2-4weeks with them.

>> No.6849018

The poof doesn't matter much as long as it looks good and I'll be wearing it under several dresses? I'm just looking if anyone has any recommendations, if I needed a petti for a specific dress then I'd obviously provide more details?

>> No.6849021

? The poof matters 100%.... Their a-lines are priced because of fucking volume of fabric (aka to give more poof). Are you retarded?

Some people like medium, some people like more, the higher priced ones have more poof and you're saying you want to buy the higher priced one, but you're asking for recommendations, which makes it sound like you don't know what you're talking about or what you want

>> No.6849023

I mean, the recommendations would be objectively based on the amount of volume each person prefers, so what you need to tell us is how much you personally like, then we can give recommendations, and I'm not even sure why the hell I needed to explain that, lol

As for dresses... plenty of people buy the wrong shape petti for their dress (or don't know which shape to buy for a dress), and I assumed you were a newfag based on the lack of volume preference and information, which is why i asked about which dress.

>> No.6849027

Jesus you girls are aggressive. Forget I asked.

>> No.6849036

lol, and you still didn't answer the question. Guess you are a noob after all.

>> No.6849044

Reviews of the purple/green/cream boleros please?

>> No.6849045

Oh wow, thankyou so much!!!

>> No.6849048

Dammit. What search terms did you use? Perhaps there's more in anoher shop... We can live in hope.

>> No.6849052

why did you buy two of the same headband?

>> No.6849082

Whenever I ship SAL to NS it takes a month to a month and a half.

>> No.6849085

New Thread >>6849079

>> No.6849089

That pink dress is totally cute - i don't think there's anything wrong with it!

>> No.6851054

Sorry guys for the delay, I've been busy with work:


rilakkuma shorts:

star pocket/jean shorts:

If you look that one's name up in taobao there are literally pages of the same item so you can kind of take your pick if you want.

red wigs:


eyelash thing:


Thanks for the forewarning! I'll remember to be gentle with it.

I just ...really... love rilakkuma. I think he's the cutest fucking thing.



cat ears:


I'm pretty sure you meant the top link, but if you were looking for the bottom one there's plenty more if you search 'cat ears' as I think it says that listing is sold out now? the seller might have more in their shop


mascara guard:


rilakkuma shorts:

pancake pan:

I'm pretty sure I searched rilakkuma + the word 'pan' to find this. or 'easily bear' and pan. I say this because I'm not certain if this listing is out of stock or not...

cat shirt:

the one I bought is the pink version. It says on the listing it's left the shelf, but I imagine the seller will have more listings in the store, or you could find it again by looking up the name? sorry!

>> No.6853319


There you go! And yeah, they are just small little storage containers. The product preview showed for small earrings and false eyelashes, small things like that.