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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6841074 No.6841074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there a proper etiquette when flirting with girls at anime conventions? I've always wanted a cute girlfriend who loves anime. I'm decent looking, 7.5/10 and in good shape, but get shy when it comes to nerdy girls because I like them so much.

Help appreciated D:

>> No.6841112
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>> No.6841111

-Compliment her costume or wig
-Strike up a conversation about the series/character she's cosplaying, or if she has merch, about that series. Show that you have something in common, not that you're just talking to her because lolqt3.14nrdgrl. If you make her feel like you're only talking to her because of that, she'll feel replaceable and won't be into you.
-If you hit it off, suggest going to a panel for that series or a similar one ("Hey, since you like ___, you'd probably also be into ___. There's a panel for it tomorrow if you want to know what it's about. Wanna meet up there?")

>Do not:
-Compliment her secondary sexual characteristics
-Try to push the conversation if she's not into it. I said above that you need to make her feel like she's not replaceable. The truth is, she is. It's a con. There are literally hundreds to thousands of other girls you can hit on if she's not into you. Again though, don't tell her this (you never know who's listening, you might turn off some bystander who would otherwise be receptive to your advances) just leave politely.
-Don't drop your spaghetti.
>get shy when it comes to nerdy girls because I like them so much.
Pretend they're just a guy who likes the same shit as you. Depending on how you are when you're nervous, you might be adorable or creepy ("Why the hell is this guy so nervous just about saying 'hi'? Does he have some ulterior motives?"). We cannot judge how you come off, since we're online. The best thing to do is play it off. If you do drop the spaghetti, laugh and say "I'm sorry, I just get nervous talking to a pretty girl" and that should save you. Bashful guys are fucking adorable.

>> No.6841120
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I think you should go for the cosplay and not go as a sexy hunting ground. 90% of the 'easy ones' are crazy and if you dont leave with a disease you will leave with some clingy future suicide note.
Women have extra senses: the smart ones know when you are interested in more then the hobby. They will know you singled them out, and will know you are trying to come onto them. Want my advice? I am a 9/10 lean bodied /fit/ and /tg/ hybrid, and I ONLY cosplay with masks or helmets. The only ones you want to hang around with (and in your case, future date perhaps) is be interested in the hobby and be fun to talk to. No bravado, be nice, listen well, and ask about their interests, NOT talk about yours unless asked, and dont creep, know when to disengage and when its not working. Its easy to tell after doing that, just what their personality is like. Again, please refer to the picture. Crazy runs rampant at cons, but there are good times too.

>> No.6841128

I always hear of people getting STDs at cons.

>> No.6841138

That's their own fucking fault for not having safe sex. Wear protection, get tested, bring your papers, only fuck people who have recent clean test results, and still wear protection. As one of my friends says,
>"You don't enter the cuntry unless you have a passport."

Yeah it's a pain in the ass, but better blue balls than an STD.

>> No.6841139

Cosplay is a visual thing. It attracts, unfortunatly, the men and women who are trying to capitalize on that. Desperate, daddy hating, refusing-to-grow-up whore girls who are incredibly easy and full of diseases have a problem. They think cons are permission to be sluts and just give it out. And there are guys (hope OP isnt one of them) who treat cons like lame pick up joints. Its should be no surprize diseases stories come up. It was just my warning to OP who seems desperate: easy women are easy for a reason. Good women are harder to find and wont just spread 'em, but they are 100% better to hang out with.

>> No.6841143


Funny you should say that. I'm a guy who likes cosplay but I don't go to any cons myself. One of the things shying me away from the cons is my fear that most of the people there are probably crazy and/or have some mental disorder

>> No.6841149

The stories you hear online are exaggerated. Yes, there are crazies. But they tend to keep to their own groups. Right now, it's mostly Homestuck. Steer clear of them and you're golden. In the off case you do get chased by a nutjob, it's very easy to lose people at a con. Just go and experience one for yourself.

>> No.6841152

Go with friends. I honestly never go to a con unless other people I know are going. There are some crazies, but if you know how to spot them and avoid them like the plague, it's usually not a bad experience.

>> No.6841156


What about the ones that're good at keeping their crazy hidden?

>> No.6841161

Get the fuck out as soon as possible. Tell them explicitly to leave you alone. If they do not, call security. Be aggressive about getting rid of them.

>> No.6841172

>I uh like your obscure cosplay and definitely don't want to see you naked
arent humans funny? you're supposed to basically lie

>> No.6841176

Why exactly are girls so shy about sharing an intimate experience with me? Don't they want to feel loved?

>> No.6841250

That triangle is so much bullshit. I'm attractive but I'm neither sane nor single.

>> No.6842568

sounds like a speshul snowflake tbh

I think I fall under sane and attractive, but I got married to an excellent guy so triangle, you pegged me

>> No.6842571

best advice I've heard this year.

>> No.6842587

Me too anon. God bless boys who like kawaii crazies. Though technically we were single before they chose us, so it would have applied at the time.

>> No.6842610
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Call them sluts and grab either their tits or ass, depending on whether or not they're aroused or frightened.

>> No.6842962

Bumpan for excelent advice!
>There are literally hundreds to thousands of other girls you can hit on if she's not into you
The fuck kind of cons you go to lol

>> No.6843136

A large one. 20k attendees, most of whom are female.

>> No.6846765
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that's why you come up with a good pick up line

>i see you're cosplaying someone from my little pony...that's funny cause my cock is so big it would make a horse cry

>> No.6846784

>be asian male
>at least 8/10


>> No.6846814
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Let me just say that you don't need neither. your problem IS YOU FUCKING CARE TOO MUCH WHAT THEY THINK. I get these hoes left and right. bouts to start self postin' starting now to prove this

>> No.6846819
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>> No.6846820
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>> No.6846825
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>> No.6846830

nooo not the white wimmin

>> No.6846846
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>> No.6846850
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>> No.6846854

>wearing the same fit
Looks like you just asked to pick em up or something

Did you actually get with these girls?
Probably not

>> No.6846864

>probably not

that's an absolutely not

>> No.6846866
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>> No.6846868
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I'm going to ignore you because yes. I do get with them. I make them right down all there information on a notebook and i take them bitches out to eat.

>> No.6846874
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>> No.6846879
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>> No.6846882

Dude you're clearly just a creeper.
We should ignore you

>> No.6846885
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damn i could do this all day. Even yaya wants the D she told me so with a smiley face.

>> No.6846895
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getting tired. last post. me and my ex-gf traci hanes.

>> No.6846912

HAHAHAH oh man i almost fell for this. 3 out of 10 post my homie. relevant captcha emancipated edeals

>> No.6846921
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>> No.6846926

>tfw this guy has picked you up at a con.
>tfw you see him at every con
>tfw you hope a pic of you and him isn't posted to /cgl/

>> No.6846927

10 out of 10 post.
thank you anon you are best anon

>> No.6846934

why do you let strangers pick you up

>> No.6846938

Why thank you, anon. ;p

>> No.6846941

you da bess you da you da bess

>> No.6846947

He asked for a pic and I said sure. Then BAM! Out of nowhere he picked me up. My boyfriend and friend weren't that close to me, so they couldn't be like, bro back the fuck up. They found out and they got pissed at the guy.

>> No.6846953


>> No.6846956

friend reporting in. after the first time we had to watch niggatron. that fool loves picking up EVERYONE. never will trust at any socal con.

>> No.6846961

Hell yeah. It wasn't even like I was dressed skimpy. It's like any chick that's alone gets picked up. I'm glad I for some brows to watch out for me!

>> No.6846966

Bros. not brows. Thanks Obama for auto correct.

>> No.6846971
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if if your boyfriends were to be pissed. I'm too big, they're too scared. they won't do a damn thing.

>> No.6846968

He seems harmless then POW up 4 ft off the air. i know he just takes pics and wont do more than that i just fear for my friends.

>> No.6846974


>> No.6846976

you say that now on the internet fagget

>> No.6846980
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>> No.6846982
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this is a candid shot of me. see this. I'm not afraid to go up to girls and talk to them unlike you anti social fags. you're so caught up in your smartphones and staying home in front of your computers that you forget how to holler at bitches.

>> No.6846985

Many lols were had! THANKS OBAMA.

>> No.6846987

you talk big game on the internet

>> No.6846997

>implying you give them the d
we know better.

>> No.6846999
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point to me your girlfriend. i'll wrap my hands around her like tortilla on a taco and there's not a damn thing anyone can do about it.

-pic related. someone's gf i'm sure

>> No.6847010
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I usually never talk about my game. But you fags are probably too slow to realize so i'll let you in on a secret. The very reason why i even pick up these fine ass girls is so i can get a tity feel in the process and they have absolutely no idea it happens. it's like magic. but my fingers sure get a feel of underboobs.

>> No.6847015

you fap to underboob dont you you fucking gross ass motherfucker?

>> No.6847023
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oh and sometimes if i pick them up high enough and they're wearing a skirt i can get panty shots but this bitch got smart and pulled it down just as the guy took the picture for me.

>> No.6847025

Can still see her underwear.

>> No.6847033

must be sad to be lonely at home

>> No.6847035

>I am a 9/10 lean bodied /fit/ and /tg/ hybrid, and I ONLY cosplay with masks or helmets.

You must be a serious butterface.

>> No.6847042

But he's got them pictures.

>> No.6847045

All the pictures in the world the chicks arent his girlfriend the pictures are

>> No.6847050

Lol did you struggle on this one?

>> No.6847055

FFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUU harpoons were manned and they were ineffective.


>> No.6847063
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this is what happens to cockblockers who try and save their friends talking about creeper alert creeper alert or whatever the fuck they say. at the end of the day i feel good knowing i gotta feel of your friend / gf

>> No.6847069

HAHAHHAHAH wooow your power level is over -9000

>> No.6847071

no i do too many squats before these events and because i got to feel so much of her right tit. it was all worth it

>> No.6847073

you know nothing of lifting!! Begone!!!

>> No.6847074


>> No.6847075

Squatting like a Slav. All day everyday.

>> No.6847077


>> No.6847079
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2 girls. One cock. yes that cock is mines

>> No.6847080

Hang on comrade Vlad! Let me get my track suit and loafers and we'll meet in the alley to play dice in 10.

>> No.6847081

dice mah dawg you know my heart too well. let us drink the finest of 2 dollar vodka

>> No.6847085

nice pic of you three at cosplay con. i took a pic with them too. And they asked me not the other way around.

>> No.6847086

Niggatron! You and your black magic! Charming all dem wimmens.

>> No.6847095
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i got the magic stick like 50 cent says.

look at my sneaky left fingers. i'm just too fucking good and too fast. most guys have to endure a boring ass conversation with a girl before getting this far...ME though...NOPE

>> No.6847098


>> No.6847119
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they took turns fapping me. i had no problem with that.

>> No.6847121

Niggatron, did you get checked for STDs after this? Pls respond.

>> No.6847126

If you had longer hair, you'd remind me of the lead guitarist from Dance Gavin Dance. Kinda.

>> No.6847133


the clinic said it would take 3 weeks until they get results

>> No.6847136
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I remember after seeing twilight i had a thing for vampires. So i went to a vampire themed club and i got bitches there too. here's proof

>> No.6847138

Sounds like you might have crotch rot. Fap that dick goodbye, niggatron.

>> No.6847454

this nigger derailed the whole thread

>> No.6847473

the whole thread was pointless offtopic faggotry anyway.

anyone that has to ask how to pick up women will never be able to do it anyway, it's just another troll thread

>> No.6847576

fuck i lol'>>6846879
also captcha
genagr carrying

>> No.6847581

looks like someone has some weird obscure fetish of picking up women

>> No.6847584

my boyfriends bigger and blacker than you

>> No.6848901
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im 6'5 360 pounds. i'll slap your boyfriend in front of you and make him cry. all i gotta do is push him and lay on top of him. not a damn thing he can do.

>> No.6848918
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my right chest got a feel of her vag, my face is next to her tits, and my arms are wrapped so good i can feel every bit of her body. Yes u think i put one knee down cuz she was short and i wanted to make it easier on her. YA RIGHT!