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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 53 KB, 291x720, 1367820705126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6838846 No.6838846 [Reply] [Original]

Tall lolita coords?

>> No.6838849

Ugh this looks bad. Mainly because her skirt is too poofy, it looks more like an umbrella.

>> No.6838852

that looks way too short

>> No.6838855

This would look so much better if she wore black tights under her socks. The bit of skin looks really off.

>> No.6838858

That girl isn't even that tall....

>> No.6838856

This. I don't really care when taller lolitas have clothes that go up higher than normal, but that petticoat is making the skirt look ridiculous.

>> No.6838859

I feel bad because I like this coord, and the only thing I hate about it is the fact that her hair looks really flat.

>> No.6838863

I really like this. I'm not Misako, I don't care that I can see her thighs. She's got everything else spot on.

>> No.6838864
File: 51 KB, 480x480, 64223_483420975046798_380737342_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6838871

Pic unrelated? Because the girl in your picture is only about 5'4"

>> No.6838872

Omg, this is beautiful

>> No.6838875

I love it!

>> No.6838884

Oh what I meant by tall is around 5'4 and up, I'm on mobile so I don't have many pictures.

>> No.6838935

I really like op's coord. If she was wearing knee socks it would look off but as it is its fine.

And 5'4" is pretty average. It's only a little bit more than the average in Japan.

>> No.6838938


>> No.6838957
File: 406 KB, 450x800, 24[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'4 being when dresses start to show the dreaded KNEES

>> No.6838960

/fa/ggot here

why is this even, shit b

>> No.6838969

Okay, thank you for your amazing insight. I'm sure we will all carry that with us whenever we get dressed in the future.

>> No.6838987

/fa/ is seriously the dullest board on 4chan.

>> No.6838997

They get money from pedos. Just run while you can.

>> No.6839001

But that is a salopette, they are shorter...

>> No.6839014

Cute troll. 0/10

>> No.6839013
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>> No.6839016
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>> No.6839023
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>> No.6839025
File: 1.11 MB, 600x900, img-223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selfposting in hopes of finding some crit.
I'm 5'7" and this is my second time wearing lolita so I'm still pretty new.

>> No.6839028
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>> No.6839032
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>> No.6839035
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>> No.6839039



>> No.6839053
File: 121 KB, 334x500, 8086497901_ec91d82417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6839054

tfw 5'8

>> No.6839068
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>> No.6839081

I hope you like being seen as a woman instead of a "widdle girl"

>> No.6839083
File: 275 KB, 695x1023, IMG_22732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6839087


Do the world a favour and kill yourself.

>> No.6839097
File: 126 KB, 480x640, IMG_25922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6839098


So I'm going to assume you're the girl in the skirt

Is that a hoodie? It's too big for you, it doesn't fit the proper lolita shape, it looks sloppy, don't ever wear that with lolita again.

>mint mint dark green?

Your mints don't match and to be honest, while it was a good effort, a white would have gone better


Please learn to cut your wigs before you wear them ever again, you can take them to a stylist and get them cut for about $10

How would I fix this coordinate?

>white blouse
>white tights
>purple wig
>more accessories

Good Luck

>> No.6839116

It's too bad you're wearing than hoodie-like thing, it doesn't really match and we can't see much of anything... You've got a cute face, but you're not doing it any favor with those glasses and that wig. The trim makes it look like a solid object and nothing like hair, real or fake, and the color looks off with your skin tone. The color scheme is unusual and quite nice imo. Those boots are shapeless and hideous.

(Don't take this too seriously, I'm not even a lolita.)

>> No.6839117

Brown wig (you can get one with mint or lavender blended in if you must have pastels, but brown will be more flattering than a full pastel wig on you), swap all your mints for white items, make sure the blouse is a lolita blouse, and set that hoodie on fire. Best of luck!

>> No.6839132
File: 69 KB, 280x373, lv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to what other people have said, I think a cutsew like this would look cute with that skirt.

>> No.6839141

I wasn't too sure on the wig, it was a last minute thing but I know for future reference.

Thanks ladies (and possible gents)

>> No.6839163

If I can do lolita properly at 5'11 so can you. It's not that hard.

>> No.6839297

The sweater makes you look kind of dumpy, but other than that it looks fine.

>> No.6839329

What? I'm sure that the max of tallness for some lolitas are 5'7, 5'8 isn't even tall. It's average.

>> No.6839565

Pic pls. Do you do custom size indie or alter?.

>> No.6839758

Do you know where that dress is from?

>> No.6839765

I think that's one of the ones she made for herself. A lot of her wardrobe is handmade.

>> No.6839773

Average where?
Iceland, perhaps.

In America, average height is 5'5"

>> No.6839778
File: 48 KB, 357x216, ehehehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'9"

It's a no-fucks feel. I wear heels with lolita most of the time too. Sticking to tights usually does the trick.

>> No.6839810

I love being 5'8, it's the perfect height. Embrace dat gurl.

>> No.6839840

so you go for really tall guys or ?

>> No.6839851

motherFUCK look at those legs
i want to be her
time to go throw up

>> No.6839938

Man you look like shit.
Protip:don't post yourself on cgl if you can't even cut a wig properly. If this isn't your first attempt at styling a wig then drop Lolita, it's not for you if you can't even cut and style babbys first glw frizzfest.

Also as a fellow brolita,you're the perfect example of the stereotype that brolitas can't dress themselves and are in the fashion for their creepy weeaboo fetishes. Please learn how to apply makeup and shave properly (we can see that stubble) before you start wearing women's clothing.Oh and throw out those shoes, big feet make boots/chunky shoes look redicilous. If you're over a women's 8 don't bother , aitaina makes much cuter shoes that suit men's shoe sizes AND don't give off the illusion of monster feet.
Worst of all these are basic crossdressing tips, I assume you don't care about passing since you didn't bother with even wearing makeup.

>> No.6839973

I don't think mint is your colour, tbh. It makes you look really sickly orangey yellow. Maybe try a black and purple coord, I think it would compliment your skin tone more.
The outfit itself looks OK save for the tights. You either need more opaque pastel tights for that outfit, or some socks instead of tights.
I think the coord is cute, but the colour pallet just doesn't suit your skin tone and the tights throw it off.
Also more makeup could do you well. Foundation to even out your skin, some under eye concealer and some eye makeup to make your eyes pop from behind your glasses.

Also those small-framed glasses are really going out of style and IMO hide everyone's eyes. If you have the spare cash or have been thinking about it, find some new frames, maybe ones that are larger (not thicker, just larger).

>> No.6840015

remind me not to selfpost

>> No.6840024
File: 65 KB, 461x418, tumblr_mhrvo4BNHh1qfbtsto5_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus anon, what crawled up your ass and died?

>> No.6840084

Looks more like acne to me.

>> No.6840098

I know /cgl/ is harsh and all, but you must have some serious mental issues to feel this much anger over a picture.

>> No.6840141

No it doesn't. It's taken at an upwards angle. It it were a higher angle looking slightly downward you wouldn't see ANY of her leg.

>> No.6840146

Shit, cat. Did you pour orange juice in your cereals or something?

>> No.6840159

Your coordinate is CUTE AS HECK!!! I LOVE IT AND YOU LOOK SO ADORABLE!! I want to steal your idea!

>> No.6840160

>upwards angle

But she took the picture herself. Besides she's holding her camera straight/slightly downwards.

I think her outfit looks perfectly fine though.

>> No.6840178

tfw 5'8" and ageplayer ;_;

>> No.6840218

ditch the mint, caramel hair/wig, trade the hoodie for a btssb one w/ bunny ears whan you get a chance, make sure your purples have the same undertone (red or blue)

>> No.6840258

please take that hoodie off. i'm begging you. if you get cold get a cute jacket or bolero. other than that it's okay, but i can't tell because of that awful hoodie.

>> No.6840473


Please jump in a fire immediately.

>> No.6840565

Wat. That looks like a woman to me.

And who pissed in your Cherrios?

>> No.6840616

I don't have any recent pictures of me in lolita but I can take some if you'd like.

I wear brand dresses with offbrand/taobao blouses and cardigans. I've had some brand blouses and cardigans that has fit me pretty well. Indie brands usually do the same sizes as brand so I don't bother with them.
I've learned what to look for in dresses as I have the same issues with regular clothes.

If you need any tips I'd love to help out.

>> No.6840662

Yes please!

And may I ask, where do the skirts hit on your legs? Do they come to the knees or do balance the outfit out to still look good with so much leg showing (or are you just incredibly lucky to carry all the height in yours lower legs so your knees are hidden, haha)
I'm 5'7" and carry my height in the torso. (For reference, AP and Bodyline hit me at mid thigh and must be altered, even aatp hits above the knee). No one wants to see my disgusting thighs and knees, so I do what I can (wear dark patterned tights to match, alter or add underskirts to the dress, adjust shoulder straps) to hide them. Do you recommend any tips or brands/styles (even the really long stuff ap puts out like CC was laughably short, perhaps i should give up on them and try MMM or IW?) that will come down far enough on me, or tricks to stave off the "ugh, those thighs" reactions, like tights with patterns that distract and slim?

>> No.6840669

le trollin face


>> No.6840678 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 295x549, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>>6840616 pic related - this is what I'm working with.
>>6839068 ha, this is me! That's altered though, at least 5 inches longer than it was originally, plus that angle. I'm a tower.

>> No.6840777

Holdup OP. How the fuck is the angle on this skirt an upskirt when she is supposed to be taking a selfie from eye level?? Is it now cool to pose with a non-operational camera? I broke my brain.

>> No.6840809

Mirror, angled upward. I offer no opinion on the photo but that's like Upskirt 101.

>> No.6840823

Hnng, I love tall lolitas because the overall shape looks less dumpy.
Sick of this no-knees business. As long as a girl isn't showing anything higher than mid-thigh, a bit of leg balances out all the poof.

>> No.6841556


That's how my mirror is propped up (just so the damn thing'll stay up) and that's how my photos come out, though I'm quite short.

>> No.6842548

was probabaly a troll post,but I agree this girl/guy looks like shit.

>> No.6842572
File: 71 KB, 717x960, 299217_3983443844722_1021452846_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, I'll bite. 6'1 +RHS checking in.

>> No.6842787

This makes me so happy.
Sometimes I think I should wear kodona cause I'm so tall.

>> No.6842789

What's she wearing here?

>> No.6843064

You wear your height really well if that makes sense. I would never have put you at that height just looking at this picture, you look amazing, it's good to see someone rocking their height in loli and looking in proportion while doing it

>> No.6843175

i swear to god everyone in the washington community goes to that seattle downtown forever21 and take outfit pictures of themselves. its quite hilarious. maybe even at the same spot!

>> No.6843286

I see so many girls post selfies they took in shop mirrors, how do they have the confidence to do that in public?

>> No.6843297
File: 132 KB, 500x683, tumblr_mmvcweWGMW1qfi9c9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6ft checking in
gotta love salopettes
I lengthened it as far as it could go

>> No.6843314

Not everyone has a full length mirror at their home, myself included. Not that take selfies in shops, I just think that's the reasoning behind it.

>> No.6843334


>> No.6843420

wow you look adorable
I've always been afraid to wear anything remotely lolita or even "cutesy" because of my height (5'10" barefoot) because I felt I would look awkward like Lurch in a jumper skirt or something...but damn

>> No.6843439



I don't own a full length mirror, so to get outfit shots I do it in public

>> No.6843472

You look overall cute, but that salopette seems to sit oddly on you. I think it's sagging in the bodice a bit much?

>> No.6846189

the blouse that I was wearing at the time was a bit short and showed some skin, so I just pulled up the skirt part of the salopette-so thats why the bodice became saggy (better than skin showing, roght?) hopefully I won't have that problem when I wear my milky planet salopette tomorrow.

now, I want to see more tall lolitas, lets share tips and tricks

>> No.6847498
File: 170 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mn051w55Wu1r84j3ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This girl looks pretty tall. unfortunately also looks like she has a mustache. or maybe its just the lighting

>> No.6847501

>That's a man, baby

>> No.6847534

I saw their other photos on tumblr, in this one they look like a dude but in others more just an unfortunate girl.

>> No.6847539
File: 101 KB, 1229x738, 7j5h4635g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6847543

Don't be fooled. That is actually Ezio in his lolita disguise about to assassinate a noble at a tea party.

>> No.6847573
File: 390 KB, 500x659, 1366935488910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are pulled off so naturally. I wish girls would wear dresses more often. They look feminine and sophisticated.. sort of the perfect amount of old-world charm to them.

I find it odd these girls can look so cute and yet tower over me. Curse you, genetics.

>> No.6847589

How tall is Sapphira? She doesn't look particularly tall to me, maybe around 5'5" or so?

>> No.6847606

this is cute and all, but does this count as lolita?

>> No.6847610

It's probably Eri secretly selfposting again.

>> No.6847623
File: 118 KB, 426x640, 1366934330060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to hell if i know, it's the closest thing to lolita on my pc and i try to refrain from posting without a picture

pic related, only other 'girl in dress' i have

>> No.6847632

I would like to follow you on Tumblr, if you have one - I'm 6ft, and you'd be tall-loli-inspiration. Is that IW's long length?

>> No.6847651

She's pretty tall. I'm not sure exactly what her height is, but I've seen her in person before and she was towering over me. I would say she's about 5'7" or 5'8"

>> No.6847697

Real lolitas don't show zettai ryouiki. WHORE.

>> No.6847722

>tfw straight loli-loving male and tall lolitas repulse you for some reason
All Lolitas can look bad but tall girls like 5'7" and taller just look like giant old/creepy amazon women, not cute little dolls

>> No.6847735
File: 80 KB, 400x334, psst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good for you. Now stop trying to start petty arguments and go do something productive.

>> No.6847742

I know this isn't loli, but does anyone know where this skirt is from?

>> No.6847983

6'2" here- IW's long hits me below my knees.
You've inspired me to buy some salopettes! You looks so cute.

>> No.6848061

Where can I find more of you?

>> No.6848078

I think it's axes femme

>> No.6848265
File: 24 KB, 250x334, tumblr_mjjc7yQZjK1s891rco1_250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Ank Rouge, actually.