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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 98 KB, 375x500, 3795364644_10ae42b1d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6836476 No.6836476[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do you think there is more male crossplayers than before?

>> No.6836493

Because men are becoming more pathetic and feminine.

>> No.6836488

plastics giving off estrogen

>> No.6836487

Probably because it has become a more accepting community.10-20 years just coming out of the closet was hard in America ( not saying all crossplayers are gay and vice cersa). Companies that commission these days sometimes ask for gender when doing custom orders.

>> No.6836523


While it's nice every now and then (like once per year) to see a good lookin bishie male crossplaying as a female, you know, kind of like a zoo exhibition; on general, girls aren't really attracted to acting like that fucking psycho murderer from The Silence of Lambs. We want good looking boys, but real men to boot, abs+muscles+manly (but pretty) face. It's really sad how some boys cater to the wants of deluded / crazy "special snowflakes" on tumblr and think that they can win our hearts by being skinny / DYEL and 'nice guys' who always keep pestering the girl about what she wants to do instead of taking the lead. Crossplayers are the worst of the caterers, unless they're of course actually non-CIS male-to-females in waiting, then I can respect it, but otherwise it's a nononononono...

>> No.6836534
File: 36 KB, 400x533, tumblr_lsty7v9s1Z1r14lqqo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also men love using crossplay as a joke. Combine this with series that lack male characters and you can see why their numbers are increasing.

>> No.6836542

at what meeting of 'women' were you elected arbiter of sexually attractive male qualities?

>> No.6836537
File: 225 KB, 452x680, dsc_0286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6836552

And here come the crazy Tumblr girls...

>> No.6836558

actually i'm a man who doesn't use tumblr. it was just painfully obvious how stupid that statement was. it would be like me saying "all men only like blonde girls with huge tits".

>> No.6836575

C-check your pretty-dress privilege, female scum! Or I will dress up and sleep with your boyfriend. I will gobble his knob so hard his ears will pop. Then we will cuddle while laughing at you. ;_;

>> No.6836588

Who cares? Crossdressing is performance art, and there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6836592
File: 31 KB, 177x278, 1319210501941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you film it, though?

>> No.6836640

Depends. How tall is he?

>> No.6836655

>actually i'm a man
Ah, so you're just fedora frustrated then? :3

>> No.6836715

no, i am a nice guy in the non-euphemistic sense. as much fun as ad hominem attacks are you should just admit it's pointless to defend blanket statements about human sexuality.

also you're stupid and ugly.

>> No.6836837

>no, i am a nice guy in the non-euphemistic sense
Ahahaha, sure.
>also you're stupid and ugly.
And that's why you'll stay a virgin.

>> No.6838265


>> No.6838601


Girls have been crossplaying all the time as both bishi and manly characters. It shouldn't surprise people that men are getting in on the mix.

>> No.6838965
File: 57 KB, 218x218, 1351305013355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"all men only like blonde girls with huge tits".

>be natural blonde with naturally huge tits

I can confirm that this is the opposite of true.
