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File: 41 KB, 250x333, innocent world sailor dress 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6835807 No.6835807 [Reply] [Original]

Can't find a Lolita general right now, so here we are.

I had a question, how long does closet child take to send you the email confirming they received your order? I ordered on friday, and here it is monday(and I know that sunday nite for me was monday for them), so I'm wondering how long it will take to send me an email/invoice.

>> No.6835818

Normally only a couple of days, but they've short-staffed recently. I ordered two weeks ago and only got an invoice today after chasing it up.

>> No.6836061

Could anyone tell me how wide are Secret Shop's tea parties in LL?

>> No.6836183

So I need an A-line petticoat in about 2 weeks for two dresses I should be getting in the next day or two.

I don't need a quality petti, just something to hold me over for a wedding. No one there is going to know about lolita, but I'd like to have at least some of the correct silhouette.

tl;dr, what sort of brick and mortar stores sell petticoats in the US?

>> No.6836191

Lingerie/sex stores and dance stores.

>> No.6836214

I ordered recently and it was a week.

Thrift stores?

>> No.6836225
File: 103 KB, 480x640, tumblr_mmpqlrGh821qgjjjyo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my major is nippon
I'm going to be a kawaii ambassador when I grow up

>> No.6836244

So I ordered Milky Planet over a week ago on the AP international site, I've given them the money but I've received nothing about shipping?

Should I be worried?

>> No.6836261

They only got it in store yesterday so they should be send it out either today or tomorrow.

They never told me when they shipped my item, but I got it about 4 days after they got it in store.

>> No.6836303

Does anyone know if IW will have a summer sale this year?

>> No.6836319

gosh, I hope so!

>> No.6836984

They're 9cm at the widest part

>> No.6837013

Check your spam. Notification of shipping comes from Japan-shop and got caught in my spam. Also checking the mypage on the international page should give you a tracking when it's shipped. If you ordered and paid on release it should be on it's way soon. I just got mine yesterday and it is glorious

>> No.6837128
File: 40 KB, 250x333, want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they better have it soon i really want this sailor op

>> No.6837289

Oh man, same here. I want to do a cute 40's coord with it.

>> No.6837290

I just had to look this up. It's just a collection of classical pieces and some Studio Ghibli songs. Meh.

>> No.6838075
File: 43 KB, 450x600, 8432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ever since I got into lolita, everyone has said "Avoid Marble!" "Stay away from Marble!" "Marble is so ita!"

... how the fuck did they produce this skirt and no one noticed it? Not exactly lolita, I know, but it looks awesome, and it's being paired with Excentrique and Victorian Maiden, which both are considered to be really good quality.

I just. My mind has been blown.

>> No.6838078

90% of Marble is shit, but they can produce nice stuff every once in awhile. Same with Visible.

>> No.6838087

I've never actually bothered to look. Their ads in GLBs are such trainwrecks of raschel lace overlays and massive princess sleeves that I figured 100% of their stuff is shit.

>> No.6838196

So I'm going to be in Paris exactly a month from now, what are the chances of baby having Clockwork Aristo Kitty in store by then?

>> No.6838359

Actually, marble is good for gothic. They are not very good at lolita, because they're still in 2008.

>> No.6838707

Some questions regarding Closet Child actually. I have registered an account on Closet Child while putting a few items on my cart. Afterwards I received the confirmation e-mail for the items on my inbox, but my account was apparently not registered. Is that normal? Will it affect my order?

>> No.6839037

Thank you!

>> No.6839503

that skirt looks like shit is why

>> No.6840152

Can anyone clarify this for me? I want to purchase a pair of AP shoes.

Japanese sizes are NOT in cms, correct? I've looked at a bunch of shoe conversions and my size in cm =/= japanese size.

>23cm/9 inches
>japan 22
>AP size S 22.5

So would it be safe for me to get my shoes in a size small?

>> No.6840235

Japanese do sizing in cms, also measure your foot. Don't use a chart.

>> No.6840237

Sockdreams sell a leg avenue petti that's okay

Shouldn't affect your order at all, no idea about whether that's normal though.

Japanese sizes are in cm, that sizing guide is actually really wrong imo. If your foot is 23cm you need to be buying a size M/23.5 as 22.5 will be too small. My foot is 24cm long and I cannot fit into a size M shoe, I have to buy size L.

>> No.6840279

If your feet measure 23cm, you will want a size M.
My feet are also about 23cm - I can squeeze into a size S, but it's not totally comfortable.
...ironically, that size chart seems to be correct when it comes to US size compared to foot length, because I do wear a US 6.
But seriously, you'll want size M.

>> No.6840280

I did measure them, they're around 9inches/23cm

All the charts I saw said similar things blah I'll go with the M then!

Thanks :)

>> No.6840888

Thanks for the Closet Child reply! Shall wait for the invoice, I have registered my e-mail again just in case and it works fine so yeah.

>> No.6841812

What do people think of the new aatp print? I love diamond patterns but... Im thinking but not super convinced

>> No.6841819

it looks too much like the bodyline one imo

bag could be win though

>> No.6841823

Does anyone have some good examples of casual lolita, or just lolita pieces worked into everyday outfits? I'd start a thread but it'd probably be a bad idea to do that when I dont have anything.

>> No.6841825

I've been really anxious for a while because I got a dream item from Fururun two weeks ago, and then they emailed me saying they lost it, but then today they emailed me saying they'd found it again! Fuck yeerrrr.

>> No.6841835


Just received mine today, and the tracking updated to shipped today on the site too.

>> No.6842151

A little too busy. I'm tired of harlequin print, they've used it a lot lately...

>> No.6842487

Krad Lanrete delayed the Phantom of the Opera print skirt to June. Luckily I ordered custom size and they're making them first!

>> No.6843866

>Why do all the ones you like have such weird designs.
>It’s just designs that hold no meaning. So I don’t know why you’d want to wear them.
>I don’t know, I just feel you don’t see people walking around in that type of clothing for a reason, most people don’t think it looks good. Me being one of them.

Ive been dating him for over a year and I love him truly, but when we get on the topic of my clothes its unbearable. I got Lief Gardenberries in the mail today, one of my dream prints. I couldn't even enjoy it because all that was going through my mind was this conversation we had earlier today.
Sometimes I hate myself for being the odd one out, I don't care what strangers think but when its people I'm close to.. fuck. I wish he would be more accepting.
Sorry for the ranting. I'm just really upset.
How does your partner feel about lolita?

>> No.6844322


I'm digging the cat necklace and the bag looks cool from the sketch. The diamonds are too overwhelming on the print for my taste though.

>> No.6844353

My partner loves my lolita clothes and likes to cuddle me while I'm dressed in fluffy sweet lolita clothes? Sorry that things suck with your partner, that sounds terrible.

>> No.6844568
File: 125 KB, 480x679, tumblr_mmx7mfX9rP1qgjjjyo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What innocent world. Boob pie loaf?

>> No.6844644

ah, anon sorry
Last bf was like that, he straight up said it was a costume and didn't feel comfortable with me in it.

>> No.6844649

This is tacky as fuck, but I can't help but like it.

>> No.6844651
File: 228 KB, 348x800, Masquerade Theater OP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope someone can answer this, I'm tired of googling it.

Pic related (Masquerade Theater OP) was the dress that got me into lolita, so it's been at the top of my wishlist for quite a while. The problem is, does anybody know the sleeve LENGTH of it? I've heard multiple times that you need thin arms to fit the sleeve opening, but no one has ever questioned the length for what I've seen. I'm not especially tall but I have long arms and always run into trouble with long sleeves. and I don't want to save up the money, get the dress home and feel crushed because I look stupid in it. I'd rather forget about it.

>> No.6844721

Two of my dream dresses are on sale/auction right now :( I have the funds for it but I feel so guilty for purchasing more than one main piece a month.

>> No.6844737
File: 250 KB, 300x412, pies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew. I'd totally go for the other JSK though, pic related.

>> No.6844764

This anniversary print is amazing. It kinda reminds me of ETC but just as amazing.

>> No.6844765

Your partner is being a dick. You're right to be upset about it, as your hobbies and interests although not entirely defining who you are, still make up a significant portion of who you are.
Like, it's okay to not share someone's interests. It's not okay to put them down about it. It's like if your partner is into computer games and you said:
>why do all these games have the same story and suck?
>it's just crap for people who have no life to do, so why do you play games so much?
>most people think it's a childish hobby for antisocial teenagers and adults with no life. Me included.

My partners have always been supportive of me wearing lolita, they think it's cute and suits me. My current partner has been exposed to the point where I had a jacket (Atelier Boz Roland) arrive in the mail, he saw the clothing label and looked at me and said "How much did you pay for that?" because he knew what retail and the usual second hand value was.

How much will you kick yourself for not getting them when you had the chance though?

>> No.6844766

My husband's opinion of lolita fashion is mixed. I prefer classic and gothic, but he likes me in sweet, and in encouraging me to get a sailor lolita coat. That being said, he is a bit uncomfortable being seen in public with me in OTT, so I limit my wearing of lolita to just meetups, personal outings, and occasionally at work, and on our dates together I dress in mainstream normal or sexy.

About your boyfriend, is he just stating his distaste for just the fashion, or is he stating his distaste for YOU as a person for choosing to wear it? Because there's a difference.

When one is a lolita with non-lolita friends/lovers, there has to be mutual respect going in both directions. First, the non-lolita friend/lover should know that occasionally you will show yourself in public in poofy skirts and petticoats, because that's your hobby. They are not obliged to like and wear the fashion themselves.

Second and equally important, you the lolita should understand that while you may be used to weird stares from strangers in public, your normal-dressing friend/lover may not be used to the same type of attention.

Imagine this. If you were a teenage lolita, and you asked your super-shy friend who wears normal clothes, to go together with you to a mall -- a mall which has awesome stores, but is also known for having a bunch of d-bag teenagers hanging out to just pick on people. And she is scared or worried about those teenagers. You say "oh, they're just jerks", but she is obviously terrified, and says, "but, your clothes will make you stand out". You get angry at her for being a "wimp" and "not accepting you as you are", but what is really happening is you're not considering her perspective. She may or may not care about your fashion choices. But it IS likely she may care about the possible targeting she may receive from the d-bag teenagers, because she's being seen with you. If this happens, just don't wear lolita around her.

>> No.6844777

Yeah, that looks bad. The bag is cute though.

>> No.6844778


As for your boyfriend: you should probably tell you boyfriend how it makes you feel when he talks about his opinion on fashion. That it feels like it's berating YOU. He may not even realize it's hurting you. Then both of you should come to an agreement, of what can or cannot be said. Ask him how he would feel if you said his normal clothes looked "not put together", "trashy", or "cheap". Communication is super-important, and if your partner says something that hurts you, you have to be clear about it.

Now, even if after this talk, your non-lolita friend/lover is constantly berating you as a PERSON, talking down on not just your fashion choices, but also what you decide to do, criticizes you for choosing major X instead of major Y when you go to college, describes you as "crazy" or "imagining things" when you say your feelings are being hurt, that is something much more serious. Google "signs of emotional abuse", and count any that happen. If the number is high, you seriously have to evaluate the relationship.

Good luck.

>> No.6844782

>How much will you kick yourself for not getting them when you had the chance though?

SO much. You're right, this is what I've been saving up for!

>> No.6845028

The print is so ETC! Love, love, love it!

>> No.6845033

It makes me so sad when people stop wearing Lolita because their partner doesn't like it. A girl in our community stopped wearing it because her boyfriend said it made him uncomfortable, even though she mostly wore classic. She ended up selling most of her wardrobe because she was afraid of embarrassing him. That's no way for a relationship to work.

>> No.6845144
File: 44 KB, 385x578, phantom print close up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goddammit. I want my JSK. The more I look at the pictures of the print the less sure I am about the random flowers/hourglass thing at the bottom though

>> No.6845145

Well the hourglass is Krad Lanrete's logo. It looks quite nice though and is worked in pretty well. When it finally arrives to you, I bet it will be beautiful.

>> No.6845164


the writing riuns the print
why IW, why? this could hav been a nice print

>> No.6846093

I'm hoping so. I really like the scalloping along the bottom but I would've preferred them to not have flowers/have mimicked the draping along the edge of a theatre stage more and stuck the hourglass into their store name.

>> No.6846718

It's mimicking how cake shops like to have ribbons with their name written on it to tie around the cake/boxes. I think it's neat in that way.

Also Baroque has opened reservations for their sailor Lolita dress incl. custom sizing

>> No.6846797

A friend just showed me a dress I hadn't seen before, asking me if she should buy it. I told her that it would suit her really well and that she should totally get it. And meant it.

However, now I'm really considering buying it myself. Problem is, I feel like I would be stealing her thunder if I did so, because it's a really lovely piece that I haven't seen many people wear.

Would it be bad taste to get it anyway, but just not wear it out when we're together?

>> No.6846880

Why would it matter? You could do a twin coord. Anyone who gets pissy over their friend buying the same item is a bitch

>> No.6846906

I'm just paranoid. There's a girl in our comm who is notorious for buying whatever anyone else does in order to one-up them/brag about daddy's job. There was some recent drama over it. A girl was bidding on a dress and asked for coord advice on the Facebook group. She lost the auction. A couple of weeks later, one-upper chick showed up to a movie meet wearing it, bragging about outbidding the other girl (who wasn't present). Since then, no one posts what they're thinking of buying anywhere that she'll see it.

I don't want people to think I'm out to do the same. I guess I should just ask her if she minds.

>> No.6847258

Does Qutieland overcharge? I only want a single dress so I don't want to go through all the taobao trouble

>> No.6847267

In general, yes. But so do all other similar shop fronts. They overcharge because they're providing you with a convenient shopping platform.

>> No.6849005

Is anyone else fed up with all the "confession" blogs popping up on Tumblr lately? There's at least five now and they all have the same stupid "confessions" phrased in slightly different styles over and over and over.

>> No.6849010

Tell us which dress and we will tell you how much you're paying for the qutieland

>> No.6849016

It sounds like you guys are buying from stock, not an auction though right?

>> No.6849207

Not sure where else to post this, but what do you lolitas think of girls in the fashion who smoke? As in, would you think negatively of someone who smokes in their lolita clothes when outside? That's the only thing that concerns me about joining my local comm.

>> No.6849225

Cigarettes are stinky and you will smell bad. Don't fool yourself with how careful you are and how you chew gum, etc... You stink.
Try e-cigs. They don't stink and you can still smoke. Also, no lung cancer.
Also I feel the same if you are in loli or any other clothes.

>> No.6849226


I wouldn't think negatively of them, but I might think twice about buying from them.

>> No.6849246

I know they're bad for you and I know you end up smelling of smoke, but I'm not in a place to quit at the moment. I do want to start going to meets, and while I'm not going to be rude and smoke near other people etc, I don't want to be judged for it. I hadn't thought about getting an e-cigarette though, that's a good idea.

>> No.6849299

I used to smoke but I never smoked in my frills or at meets. We had a couple of other girls who smoked and I don't think anyone really cared but I would still wait until I got home because I've always felt really self-conscious about it. After a while I began to feel that way regardless of who I was with and what I was wearing so I figured that it I might as well just stop. I started eating an apple or orange instead of having a smoke- I've been off them for 2 months now and I feel much more comfortable in myself.
I know there's never a good time to quit but don't let it hold you back, Anon!I believe in you!

>> No.6849318

Thanks anon, I guess there's no harm in cutting down now. Hopefully wearing lolita more and around other people will make me feel more confident to quit such a nasty habit.

>> No.6850212

So I sat down with my boyfriend and we finally had a talk. According to him "I like the ones that don't have odd designs. Because they just look like pretty dresses."
And by odd designs he means anything that has a print on it. I showed him some of Fanny Rosies coords and he was fine with them all because they were just "pretty dresses".
Like >>6844766 was saying, he doesn't like the attention. "I've never been into over-doing something, or over zealousness. Peacocking is a pet peeve of mine and being a sore thumb is never something I like being. I dunno. A happy life for me is a life where I can go mostly un-noticed among people I don't know, and have as few approaches as possible."
So we kind of reached a compromise, I guess. Otome, dolly, lolita without prints. And nothing super fancy. At least when I'm out with him, when Im not with him he doesn't care what I wear.
I'm hoping this will work out!

>> No.6850231


Tbh, I think if you have to change how you want to dress to fit in with some guy's guidelines (who made a pretty sly remark about you "peacocking".), then he's probably not worth your time. Sounds like a cunt.

>> No.6850317

It doesn't hurt me to wear another piece from my closet that hes more comfortable with when we go out. That way Im happy because I like it and hes happy because it doesnt draw as much attention.
Honestly if it were another guy, fuck that shit Im out. But I really like this guy and Im willing to give this a chance. But if he carries on with his remarks, I know where the door is. Hope it doesn't come to that though.

>> No.6850326


Dude, he pretty much called you attention whore. IDK, no matter how much I liked someone, I'd be out the moment they started insulting me.

>> No.6850335

Yeah. The thing is, that auction deal was the last straw.

Generally what she does is buy the same exact dress, plus every accessory she can find that matches it. Especially if someone says that they're thinking of buying from a reservation. I don't know if she does it because she thinks it'll help her "bond" with people or if she just really has to have whatever everyone else owns. It just makes her look like a one-upping cunt, because she comes back to the original conversation to brag about how SHE was able to get the whole set, unlike so-and-so who only got the jsk. I dunno.

I talked to my friend, though. She said it's fine and teased me for thinking that she'd put me in the same basket.

>> No.6850360

You and your friends should start posting fug and unlikeable things saying that you really really want them so she can look like a complete mess.

>> No.6850407

It feels like he didn't really give any thought to your feelings anon. Yes he explained himself but in the end you still had to bend to his whim. What makes this dude so special?

>> No.6850408

he might not like it but it's part of your identity or your hobbies, so he needs to get over it. my boyfriend thinks it's dumb and creepy for the most part, but i sew a lot of my stuff and he's very encouraging on that end, and is a helpful critic for seams or the way something looks, so i'm pretty lucky.

>> No.6850437

He did apologize for his unability to sugar-coat words and felt bad for hurting my feelings. But I mean this relationship isn't just about me. And i understand that he doesn't want people staring when we go out together. Theres always a bit of compromise in a relationship. Im using my fair judgement for now.
Aw thats great! I have my mom for that, she used to sew her own clothes and sometimes helps me with my own things. Funnily enough, I wasn't on good terms with her until I started dressing lolita, it really brought us together.

>> No.6850441


>However, I totally agree with your argument about how Lolita is supposed to free women and give them strength. That's exactly what Lolita was about when the fashion first started, but... it's simply mere clothes to nowadays Lolitas... it's quite sad (u_u).

I am so, so tired of this attitude of "harumph! Some girls see it as just clothes nowadays, but it was started to make women free~ and now people see it was as just fashion!" and I'm so, so tired of this commenter.

>> No.6850537

Any Asian American lolitas have any problems with their parents against wearing white, since it means death??? Like my mom was like don't wear that white bow, do you want your grandma to die?! I can't imagine if her reaction if I tried out shiro lolita...

>> No.6850545

Why are people so stupid.e

>> No.6850607

... isn't this the Muslim lolita who claims that because of her faith, she can't wear crosses, but doesn't seem to actually follow any other tenants of Islam?

>> No.6850616

Nope, not me. My parents are pretty traditional too, but they realize that this is a different country with different cultural perspective and if they want children to financially succeed, you have to assimilate.

If you can trace it back to money, you'll win a lot of arguments with asian parents.

>> No.6850633

I have no idea. She used to have one of those dumb "I KEEL U" icons from that retarded comedien with the puppets. And most of her comments are ridiculously stupid.

>> No.6850644


I found the post I was talking about.

>> No.6850751

lol, obviously people don't even know the origins of lolita and what it was used for in the beginning. Women used it just as a form of escapism, it had nothing to do with getting away from being over sexualized or male oppression. They just wanted to get away maybe one day out of the month from their life and jobs and dress up and be anonymous (OS interviews with lolitas on the street showed they never gave away personal info, probably all used fake names too). Had nothing to do with freedom (I guess you could call escapism freedom though??) or oppression of women, haaaaaaaaa

>> No.6851069

Careful. The tumblr loli feminists might come out and show you their Learnings on how feminist Lolita is because they were rebelling against women dressing like sluts.

In kawaii uguu Japan.

>> No.6851101

Yeaaaah, I mean my little blurb above is a bit convoluted and could easily be argued against me

>you said it's not about escaping opression, but then you say they are using it to get away from their work and life!

Yeah, every day life isn't male oppression, it's just they wanted to do something fun instead of boring, simple as that. It's not deep, I promise, rofl

>> No.6851105

No it's not. It sounds like the relationship is just about him and what his feelings are about the matter and how he prefers it's to be.
No one should feel the need to have to change how they act or how they dress in order to please someone else, and vice versa. You should like the person how they are, or not even bother being with them.
He doesn't like you as you are now, and you really shouldn't put up with someone who wants you to change and can't deal with you and your likes/interests.

>> No.6851175

Yes! I thought I was the only one to notice that!!

>> No.6851193


Yeah, but quite frankly the whole colours thing is one big mess for me, I'm always accidentally wearing the wrong colour for everything. White lolita is the only lolita mistake I made, but I also tried to wear indigo to a wedding (too dark), blue to a funeral (too happy), blue for Chinese New Year (too sad), no red clothes during Chinese New Year (she went out and bought me some. Do you know what it's like for your mom to make you buy red clothes the week before New Year's when you're already a grown up...).

Anyways, I figured there's no harm if I put together shirololita/kurololita outfit in my own time, she knows I sometimes cosplay so I just explain it as a character's costume. I make sure not to wear all-white or all-black outfits around my family.

>> No.6851228

My boyfriend likes to fuck me in the ass in lolita. Says he likes the poofiness.

>> No.6851255

Nope, but my family doesn't care unless it's CNY or a funeral.

>> No.6851256

rather than accepting that maybe some people just thought it looked kinda cool and wanted to wear something a bit different?

>> No.6851280

Seconding this. You might think 'oh but it's just clothes if I wear something else it'll be fine', but if he doesn't like what you wear to that extent, he has a problem. First it's your clothes, will it be 'I don't like your friends, get different ones' next?
I hope you can work it out, but he sounds like a shitfridge.

>> No.6851288

The relationship isn't just about you, but it's also not just about him. I understand not wanting to attract attention in public, which is understandable, but it still seems like he is putting you down somewhat with his comments about 'peacocking' and drawing attention.

On the other hand, I am certainly guilty of influencing how my boyfriend dresses when he is with me in public, and would be very unimpressed if he wanted to go out shopping with me in a daggy old tracksuit or wore sandals with socks - and would probably instruct him to get changed. In some ways this is exactly the same as your boyfriend being uncomfortable with some of your lolita clothes. I think a bit of compromise in areas that you are both happy to compromise with is fine, as long as it isn't a sign of a toxic relationship and isn't associated with one party blatantly putting the other down.

>> No.6851420

That's a pretty great idea. Time to go check Visible, Marble and Milanoo for lace monsters.

>> No.6851517

I like that.

>> No.6851962

I'm really grateful for you ladies looking out for me, but I at least want to try this out and see how the compromise works. It's only for when we're out together on the street with people. I promise if things get toxic I will dump his sorry ass. Thanks for your words!
Also, shitfridge, haha I'm gonna remember that one anon.

>> No.6852367

Does anyone else have 'goals' with their lolita collection? I don't mean dream dresses or individual desires, but an overarching theme or ideal?

When I first got into lolita, I decided that I would one day like to own a piece from each major lolita brand out there. Still working on that, six years later.

>> No.6852387

Does anyone own/have an idea of the quality of Bodyline's rectangle headdresses? I know they can be ita, but dress me in granny couches and call me Meta, I still sort of want one.
I asked in another thread but I thought it'd be no harm to ask here since I've gotten no reply and I'm probably more likely to get a response here.

In sax x white.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

>> No.6852429

How do I reserve a dress?

I'm head over heels in love with the BTSSB Aristocratic kitty dresses right now, and I want to know how to reserve them.

Reserving them just means I pay for it beforehand and they make the dress for me and send it once it's done, right? Or am I paying them to save my spot in line so that I can be guaranteed a dress I can pay for?

>> No.6852440

You pay in advance and they ship the dress to you once it's done, yes. If you're going to order, you may want to hurry though. It looks like a few pieces have started selling out. JSK I, the headbow, wrist cuffs, and beret all have sold out in at least one colourway.

>> No.6852443

Oh okay, thank you!
Er... forgive me for being such a bother, but will I need a shopping service for this?

>> No.6852451

I don't get this "mobile email" thing. Ack, this is so confusing to me. I'm trying to get by on google translations but I don't know how this will work for me. I'm so scared.

God I hate being a noob.

>> No.6852458

Nope. Just go to the page of the item(s) you want, add the colourway you want to your cart, then go through the usual check out process.

Follow this guide:

>> No.6852462

Oh god, thank you. Thank you SO much.

>> No.6852481

No worries! I reserved the JSK I in green with matching socks. Really looking forward to it coming myself, so happy to help others get it, too!

>> No.6852491

we have the same goal! i'm missing mary magdalene, MmM, and JetJ for now. However, I'd like my overall look to be a lot of single-color pieces with sewn details like ruffles and pintucks

>> No.6852502

what dress are ya'll talking about? I only see the alice sailor one up for reserve on the btssb side

>> No.6852505

Likewise missing from those brands and Victorian Maiden. Oddly enough, I have lolita/loliable pieces from other, non-major Japanese brands (Antique Beast, Excentrique, H.Naoto, Milky Ange, and Atelier Pierrot, to name a few). I don't know if I just haven't had the opportunity to fall in love with pieces from the brands I haven't purchased, or if it's an unreasonable goal to have since they're all so wildly different.

>> No.6852508

This one:

>> No.6852512


It's a bit tacky, but I love it. I'm reserving the black and white strap JSK because I missed out on the first one.

>> No.6852517

Thank you! You are a kind soul.

So now that I've filled out the form, will they send me an email asking for payment or something when the dress is ready?

>> No.6852520

You'll get an automated email stating that they've accepted your order. Then, you should get an email requesting payment for your purchase. If you don't hear from them after 7 days, email them to let them know you ordered and did not receive an invoice (no less than 7, okay? They will bite your head off). Then, you pay the PayPal amount directly to them, and when the dresses are released, you'll get a tracking number.

>> No.6852526

I kinda have the goal of building a good sailor/pirate/nautical wardrobe, and maybe have some military inspired pieces as well. Sadly though, not a lot of good nautical stuff comes up for sale. I'm also somewhat print obsessed, which I'm trying to get over.

Of course, there's a ton of stuff that I want outside of that aesthetic, especially AatP prints.

>> No.6852527

Thank you thank you thank you!

I've never ordered from BTSSB before, so I had no idea what to do until you came along. This will be my first brand piece if I can get my hands on it, and good lord it will be LOVED.

Thank you, kind anon. You have done a good deed. Are there any other helpful tips you wish to share?

>> No.6852530

I have only worn this dress twice as the embroidery is coming loose in quite a few places. Has anyone had this problem with Surface Spell? Also, would a dab of fray check fix it (though I'm afraid of it bleeding and damaging the dress more) or are there other alternatives?

>> No.6852541

Just one about payment. People sometimes have trouble knowing which address to put in PayPal to send their funds to. The one you want is fumi@babyssb.co.jp.

They'll give you an invoice/spreadsheet with your total cost on it, including international shipping, in the second email you receive. You send them that amount as a payment for GOODS via your PayPal account "send money" tab. I also always include my name in the title of the payment and put my full address again in the comment section as a precaution.

>> No.6852554

i think it's all about finding what from those brands works with your aesthetic. I'm not too worried about getting a MmM piece to fit in with my collection though, simply because of the price to my desire ratio.

>> No.6852555

I collect sailor pieces, too. They can be hard to find on resale (especially blouses), but Y!JA tends to have a good number of pieces up at any given time. Just depends on whether you're looking for a particular piece or general sailor items.

>> No.6852562

I suppose. I really want something from JetJ, Millefleurs et noir, and Victorian Maiden. My main concern is that VM won't fit my shoulders and MF won't fit my ribs, though...

>> No.6852599

Nice to meet another sailor fan! Imight have to try the auctions. I tend to favor Meta's sailor lines, so I might have a bit of luck. Otherwise, there's a Yolanda set I've been eyeing.

I'm always kinda scared of pirate and sailor though, it looks so costume-y when done wrong.

>> No.6852625

There are a few meta pieces up right now. I think people are getting ready for the new summer pieces coming.

>> No.6852651


>> No.6852655

Stupid phone

>> No.6852677

Every time I see that JSK I like it more. Thanks for reminding me anon!

>> No.6853161
File: 487 KB, 500x254, ariel.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. You are a saint.

I apologize for the late ass response. I passed out from exhaustion. Now to send in the payment for the dress! Oh, I'm am so excited! When my dress arrives, I will think of you, oh wonderful anon. Bless your soul.

>> No.6853452

Anyone know of a good site for nice hats? Top hats and tricorn hats in particular. Right now, the ones I'm finding either don't ship to Australia or have really limited designs. I'm particularly looking for ivory/off white tricorns at the moment.

Price isn't particularly a problem, but I'd like to keep it under $250 with shipping. Anyone have ideas? And for the record, I've looked at Blackpin's shop and am considering a custom piece from them. I just was wondering if there are any other options, since I like to shop around.

>> No.6853460

There is a seller on Etsy called. Bella Bows that has a few.
shop name: SheenasBellaBows

>> No.6853465
File: 141 KB, 387x417, tumblr_m4usfa2Y9P1r8f82jo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6853495

You're welcome! I hope you really love it when it arrives!

>> No.6853511

I have multiple themes/ideas, I like having a cohesive closet. I think I've owned at least something from each major brand at one point except for JetJ.

My wardrobe is jewel tones/solid colours for the main part with music, cat, shopping/building and card suit themes for prints, velvets and flocked prints for texture, and stripes for patterns. I have scatterings of fuschia, pale pink, and lilac in it but it's mainly gothic/classic

>> No.6853714

I ordered Haenuli's Royal Kitten skirt and I got the email from Haenuli saying that it had been shipped, and given a tracking number. The tracking number doesn't seem to work outside of Korea, and it's not arrived yet even though the shipping estimate is 7-10 days. The last day on the tracking is 1st May, when it was leaving Korea. Has anyone else not received their package yet? Should I call customs or should I wait a bit longer?

>> No.6853718

I checked the tracking on the tracking system in the UK (parcelforce) and it just says "Status: Advised"

>> No.6853723

My Haenuli dress took 3 weeks to get to me (I got the stained glass piece) - not due to Haenuli but it just got trapped in customs forever. My tracking didn't work either but the dress did arrive safely, albeit 2 weeks after everyone else got theirs so I was very scared for a bit.

>> No.6853728

Thanks, that's very reassuring! Hopefully it won't take too much longer then, and it's just stuck in customs. I'm starting to get paranoid with all this waiting!

>> No.6853853

I have a question, but I didn't want to make a new thread for it.

I was wondering if there is any sort of market for a kind of luxury lolita brand, with brand prices or upwards? I was thinking very small runs (maybe just 3 - 5 pieces), custom sized with personal fittings (it would be London based to start off with), using high quality materials, more 'fashion-y' garment features and construction, beautifully designed and innovative but still lolita and still very wearable, almost like a high end fashion house but catering specifically to lolita. Custom prints on silks, hand printed designs, maybe even hand painted, embellished with Swarovski crystals, well tailored, well fitted, elegantly put together.

The idea of making high end lolita dresses is really exciting, and I know there's lots of girls willing to spend quite a bit of money on lolita dresses, but I think a lot of people might be concerned about the resale value, especially when they might be able to buy two brand pieces for the same price and make their money back. Realistically, these dresses would be the kind you wouldn't be able to sell on the second-hand market, and I wonder if that might put a lot of people off. I don't know, it's a few years in the future anyway (I need to get a lot better at sewing, and then learn how to sew with high-end fabrics), but if there's no market for it and never will be, I'll just stick to making them for myself.

>> No.6853860


There's a lolita brand that does something like this, I don't remember the name of it at this time but her dresses are $700 or so, and are the most breathtaking thing I've ever seen

>> No.6853863

Are you talking about 4 O'Clock? It was her that got me thinking about it actually, but I only ever see people saying they love her work, never that they want to buy it.

>> No.6853869

Or rather, they want to buy it, but can't afford to/aren't going to for whatever reason.

>> No.6853900

Not the most original wardrobe, but I want a pony and sweets themed collection. Not a big fan of DDC, but I have Bodyline's carousel dress and a handmade pony OP from an indie brand in the works. Also have an AP Macaron necklace and pony necklace. Just got my Milky Planet salo.

Still looking for Jewelry Jelly in any color but black, ditto for Miracle Candy JSK, Meta Sweets Parade in mint, Mary in the Sky with Candies OP.

Candy dresses and ponies are just two themes I can't resist. So so cute.

>> No.6854444

Thanks for the suggestion, but those are not quite what I had in mind.

>> No.6855187

I'm so sorry, honey...

That must be terrible... I see you solved it later on in the thread, but I'm still very sorry that you had to have that conversation with your boyfriend. If he ever bothers you about it again, just explain that it's not you wanting to stick out like a "sore thumb", it's you willing to stick out because you love the dresses so much.

My boyfriend is very supportive, and I know I'm very lucky to have him. He thought it was weird at first, but it slowly grew on him, and now he really likes it and even asks me for updates on my frillies and what not. I love him so much.

I wish I could find all of you lolis a boyfriend that's as supportive as mine is.

>> No.6855385

I'm trying to collect a lot of old school pieces, or ones that can be worked into old school coords. So far I'm doing well, would love to get a hold of some old Angelic Pretty though.

>> No.6855399
File: 397 KB, 574x560, aquaprincess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>had aqua princess for over a year
>unworn due to lack of coord creativity
>must resort to cgl for approval
Also, I'm torn between using mint socks or white sheer socks

>> No.6855504

Does anyone know how long MM takes to ship?
It's been one week since they confirmed my payment, and I haven't received anything.

>> No.6855529

You females are ridiculous, stop trying to sabotage another girl's relationship just because you like creating fucking drama.

>> No.6855534

white sheer socks.

>> No.6855537
File: 185 KB, 431x600, 015_1323_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would this dress be considered ita? In real life it's actually not that colour, more of a light pink. I really love it and I was going to wear it to a meetup with black tights, pink shoes and a black cardigan, but i'm very nervous about looking ita.

>> No.6855542

Yes or maybe, depending on the quality of the fabric. If the quality's nice, it's possible you could pull it off if you're skilled at putting co-ords together, though that's a pretty big if and it wouldn't be my cup of tea at all. Still, if you really love it you should buy it anyway.

>> No.6855545

Thank you. I actually already bought it in Hong Kong and never really got a chance to wear it. It's quite a nice fabric, kind of like a thick cotton, and it doesn't have that odd looking lace on the bottom frill. Do you have any tips on co-ording it?

>> No.6855550

To me personally, it's the top part of the dress that looks a bit weird so my advice would be to cover it up a bit. Just wearing a cardigan would help to make it look better.

>> No.6855568

yup, it looks nice for afar but the color combo is very ita-ish

>> No.6855574


Ahh I see, thank you again, i'll get a nice high neck cardigan and cover the top. The bottom is actually different from the picture since it has a nice matching pink lace for the frills, should I take the bottom bows off too to make it less ita?

>> No.6855647

On the parcelforce website, on that page where it says advised, you can click on the parcel number and it will give you a more detailed breakdown (i.e if you parcel is in the country yet/stuck in customs/etc).

Hope it arrives soon for you. I just got my JSK today!

>> No.6855666
File: 21 KB, 734x221, tracking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did try that, but it doesn't seem to leave Korea. I mean it must have left but urrgh, I'm getting really worried.

>> No.6855727

I had that recently with a parcel from Japan, the tracking never updated after it left Japan but it arrived with me safe and sound.

3 weeks is a long time though. I would call parcelforce, it might be that you have customs charges to pay or something. Or they might be able to locate your parcel from you address if the tracking numbers have gone wonky

>> No.6855792


The usual excuse I've seen is that the price puts them off. I gotta say though, 4 o'clock doesn't actually seem to do the swarovski, custom painted silk etc stuff, it looks like brand, just more expensive, so I even though I really like their photoshoots, I just can't justify the prices.

If you look through Baby's stuff, they occassionally come out with dresses that are double the price of their usual stuff. The latest is a Midori collab, La Robe Vert Clair:
I think there was an entire line of wedding-like clothes last year, and there was a one-off SD-sized dress, if you wanted to dress your BJD like you. So there are definitely lolitas who can and have paid for higher end stuff, I just don't know if they will pay that for an indie brand with no resale value. I'd say maybe you could start off making one for yourself, then maybe auction off a few simpler dresses so that word can get out about the quality of your items, and then see if it takes off from there.

>> No.6855814

> it looks like brand, just more expensive
I kinda see what you mean. I went and looked them up, and they seem to have quite a few customers, but in the 350euro range more than the 600euro range I've seen some of her stuff. I'd love to see one of her pieces in person so I could inspect the materials.

> http://lolibrary.org/node/17713
This is only £400, though, and it's still all polyester (albeit probably very nice polyester). I can easily see a custom printed silk dress with crystals and what have you retail for £600 or so. You're probably right about people not wanting to pay that if they couldn't sell it again. I'd probably have to exclusively target lolitas who buy normal designer clothes as well and don't sell often.

> I'd say maybe you could start off making one for yourself, then maybe auction off a few simpler dresses so that word can get out about the quality of your items, and then see if it takes off from there.
I agree, this is probably the only way to do it. I'll make ones that I don't mind keeping if I can't sell them.

That or I could just be a normal designer who ~just happens~ to make knee length skirt the perfect size for a lolita petticoat, haha.

>> No.6855846
File: 518 KB, 1386x564, aquaprincessI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a better picture of my dilemma, can't choose between the cherry pink heels or the mint ones

>> No.6855850

Pink shoes

>> No.6855865

with the mink socks or the white socks?

>> No.6855868

Pink shoes with the mint socks, you don't have much white in your coords anyway so mint is a more reasonable choice.

For a more mature air you can opt for sheer mint lace tights, I think it will look nice with this coord.

>> No.6855930

I needed to streamline my wardrobe, so I settled on "literary lolita" as my theme about a year ago. It's really helped me focus my collection and select items that work well together, and ties into my love of reading as well. Luckily my favorite brand has a literary name (Juliette et Justine, lol) so I can justify buying stuff from them even if it doesn't directly relate to books or libraries :)

>> No.6856015



Also going to point out, these were released when the yen was stronger. Although they do come with hats/headdresses and are actually wedding dresses, and I really have no idea if anyone outside of Japan bought them.

>> No.6856050


A few more:

There might be more, lolibrary doesn't let you search by price, and I don't remember the details of most of the releases.

>> No.6856182

Oh wow, these are beautiful! And more in the sort of price range I was thinking of. I think you're right about some of them being wedding dresses, though.

Maybe I'll have to do lolita bridalwear, haha. I'm sure I'll be able to work it out, and if I don't sell anything, I have some really fancy dresses to keep, which is never a bad thing.

>> No.6857414

Anyone have experience with maidenclothing.net? They have a cutsew that I really like, but I couldn't get beyond entering my address. It wouldn't let me continue until I selected a State(no option for overseas) and 7 digit zipcode(mine is 5). Do I need to email them the order instead of using the shopping cart?

>> No.6857427

Yeah you need to email, somewhere deep in their site there is an overseas order form.

>> No.6857429

I had a feeling that was the case. Time to sift through their site. How long does it usually take them to respond?

>> No.6857430

I heard this one was better "quality" and some lolitas have multiples of it.

>> No.6857436

I don't remember, it's been so long, but usually they reply the next day by 3pm their time in Japan.

>> No.6857437

That's pretty fast. Do you remember how long it took them to ship?

>> No.6857531

White. It balances out the colours and the texture is lovely.

>> No.6857532

How long do Fairy Angel take to ship items? Do they normally use EMS? I bought something about two weeks ago from them and it's not here yet so I'm getting a bit worried as I thought they were using EMS.

>> No.6857569 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 360x480, sailor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtb sailor lolita, esp this dress from 2013 line

>> No.6857571 [DELETED] 

ooops wrong thread

>> No.6857597

On the topic of Fairy Angel, why are they so bloody expensive?

>> No.6857609

I ordered from Closet Child and I got my confirmation email that they shipped it out with in two days.

>> No.6857613

Kinda related. I ordered from the San Fran shop and I still haven't received an email. It's been like 4 days

>> No.6857616

I hope all the brands have a summer sale.
I want me some lucky packs

>> No.6857660
File: 80 KB, 360x640, 406753193.1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know anything about this Meta OP? I think it's from 2001 but I can't find anythinge else. I really want some stock photos but that's probably not going to happen.

>> No.6857677

Also check the contact board, especially if your names might be different on your paypal and the name you signed up with. I had that happen and I suspect that little message on AP International's site whenever you look at an item is partially my fault.

>> No.6857676

I recently had to mail Baby about an issue with my order and was scared shitless I'd get my head torn off. The reply was actually very polite and proper English. Did Sana finally quit?

>> No.6857678

Sana quit years ago. They've had at least three English reps since then. Must have finally gotten one who wanted the job instead of just hooking whomever could speak English well enough.

>> No.6857681
File: 113 KB, 506x1080, IMG_1868e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, could I get some advice on this? I'm wearing red tights (that match the red of the top) and I'm not sure what shoes to wear. I've got black heels, navy heels, brown oxford heels, and brown t-strap heels. Also a bit stuck on what sort of hair accessories to wear. And last question, but should I change the ribbon on my fur collar? Or do you think it's fine as it is? There's black in the print, which is why at the moment I think it's okay, but I think I need another opinion.


>> No.6857682

Might not be much help but is it an OP version of this?

>> No.6857697


I think the brown oxfords will look best as it seems to match the colour in the dress.

>> No.6857734

Personally, I don't like the fur collar nor the ribbon. The collar looks a bit... straggly. I also think the blue matches white better than black because of the lace and windows.

>> No.6857776


I'd go with the brown shoes, either the dark brown or the light brown, they both seem to match the print.

Also; KITTY! Your cat is adorbs.

>> No.6857808

What agents do you use for auction sites?

>> No.6857811
File: 43 KB, 480x640, dress blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have pictures of this or similar styles being warn?

>> No.6857817
File: 30 KB, 450x600, dress pink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's this dress called? It's by Baby

>> No.6857919

Flying Love From Juliette. The fabric is lovely and flowey in person.

>> No.6857924

>Flying Love
thank you! after searching tags on tumblr i think im gonna pull the trigger on it.

>> No.6857931



>> No.6858233
File: 108 KB, 980x735, IMG_1870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! I'll probably go with the oxfords then.
Haha, thank you, my cat gets in all my photos, which is a pain sometimes.

The lace and print is really offwhite (pic is the lace against a white piece of paper) which is why I didn't want to put it with white, since matching the antiqued colouring is too dificult. There's black in the print though, which you can see here >>6835613
The only other fur collar I have is a couple of fawn fur ones, which I didn't think would suit it either. Do you think another fur collar would work? One with a shorter pile? I can make one. Also what colour ribbon should I put on it? Alternatively, instead of a collar, I could go and buy a scarf. If a scarf, what sort of colour/style of scarf should I get? I usually wear my collars instead of a scarf, and the weather is too cold for me right now.

Sorry for all the questions!

>> No.6858265
File: 18 KB, 300x300, roriMeido.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Color scheme is very IW, but the design reminds me of AP. It also reminds me of >this

Hm. I can't tell if co-owning a wild rabbit makes me more of a lolita or mori-girl (it was attacked my a crow at 2 weeks old, and my roommate had rescued and nursed it back to health).

Anyway, since Loliday is coming up, what sort of things are you planning on doing for that day?

>> No.6858277

derp, posted so soon.

Any coordinates you've got planned out?
Aw man, seconding this request. If MM's sizing had more leeway, they'd probably have a much bigger fan base.

>> No.6858294
File: 34 KB, 433x655, wiej1232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858320

Probably a stupid question, but how do you make a-line skirts work with huge hips? My hips are like 10" bigger than my waist, and start as lovehandles, if that helps any.

I got my MC skirt in the mail and it looks really awkward, so I'm heartbroken right now.

>> No.6858343

Hey /cgl/. I'm kinda fat (101/91/114cm) and short (160cm). Is there any hope for me, or do I need to lose the weight first? I know that some milanoo stores allow custom measurements, but I don't know which ones are neat and which ones are shit. I have been doing some preliminary research, but it would be nice if I got a little personal advice.

>> No.6858350

>some milanoo stores

What the heck are you talking about?

>> No.6858353

>which ones are neat and which ones are shit
> milanoo stores

protip: they're all shit.

>> No.6858356

fuck. I meant taobao.

>> No.6858360

The fur collar looks fine to me. Maybe just try brushing it out a bit more, or even giving it a slight trim to neaten up the fibres? My vote is with the oxford heels too.

Have you tried sitting it a bit higher on your waist and layering a couple of a-line petticoats?

Milanoo stores are just Taobao stores. You might be better off asking which Taobao stores do good custom sizing in the Taobao thread.

>> No.6858364

Oh. The Taobao thread has a spreadsheet of lolita stores, and usually notes if they do custom sizing. Try there.

>> No.6858367

Ooooooooooooh, I see. I think Anna House do custom sizing and have good reviews, but like >>6858360 said, you'd be better off looking at the spreadsheet in the Taobao thread,

>> No.6858368

Okee dokee, thanks. I'll go ask the Taobao thread.

>> No.6858375

the bow on the shirt then the bow on the top of the dress look pretty awkward here. i have no idea how to do spaghetti straps. i was hoping for just a bolero or cape or something like that because i'm not that much of a blouse person, well at least not high collared ones as they make my face look even more perfect circle.

also how small is the sizing? it's shirred on the back and i can fit into ap, iw and aatp shirred no problem as well as an m in bodyline but i normally need to wear a bra that crushes my tits and well im not fat but im not skinny. will i be okay?

>> No.6858379

The problem with sitting it higher on my waist is that it's too big. I got the L size, but my waist is 25-26" and the L size starts at 27". I was thinking about using a pair of safety pins to make loops for corset lacing.

But I need to buy a good A-line petti. Mine is a handmade piece of shit.

Getting back into lolita is rough.

>> No.6858384

If it's already so much bigger than your waist, you might want to get it altered to fit you better than.

>> No.6858385

MM isn't known for making shirred items.

Man, if I had my way, the dress would have thicker straps and have shirring in the back.

>> No.6858403

but this dress DOES have shirring. i feel you on the thicker straps though. small straps like this make me feel like i'm a bad lolita for wearing anything besides a blouse with it.

>> No.6858424

To be honest, the cut of the dress probably would look fine without a blouse. You could wear a bolero with it instead of a blouse.

>> No.6858441

I made a big derp thur. I just meant in general. I don't know why I was thinking about a different dress. Seeing how I stand corrected, does anyone know the maximum bust and waist size is?

>> No.6858453

To be specific, I was thinking about my friend's Margaret jsk which for some reason it has lacing, but no shirring and I hate that sort of thing.

>> No.6858543

keep the collar + the light brown shoes, switch the red blouse to an ivory or a white blouse + white or black tights + hair accessory matching your tights

the red cutsew looks a bit off tbh, if you really want to go with red I'd be looking for a blouse or bolero instead (and I'd coord that with the red tights + the dark brown shoes + a red or blue hair accessory)

>> No.6858593
File: 111 KB, 500x1208, IMG_1839e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been reluctant to wear it with a white blouse because the lace is off-white. I posted a picture of it compared to a white piece of paper here >>6858233
I don't really like how white makes the lace/trim look 'dirty'.

I should have clarified it was for a more casual coffee meet with a couple of friends, and I'm buying a red blouse for more 'formal' events next month. I tried it with black before, but I thought it looked pretty boring (pic related). Could I just ask what it is about the cutsew that seems off? Like, is it the shape of the sleeves or the colour? I'm just wondering so I know what to look for or avoid with other tops.

>> No.6858612

I was planning on coording my MC with white, which made seeing the off white lace depressing. I'm still going to try once my blouses come in though.

I really want the JSK though.

>> No.6858616

The Milky Planet rerelease was the single most disappointing thing AP has ever come out with.

>> No.6858620

If you want, I can take a pic of the dress paired up with a white and an off-white blouse?

>> No.6858656

If you like you can! I bought the same blouse in black just in case white didn't work.

>> No.6858684
File: 82 KB, 612x816, IMG_1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's with a white blouse. Which colourway of MC did you get?

>> No.6858686

You could always tea-dye a white blouse to that color. Just a suggestion.

>> No.6858694

Oh that's a good idea! I didn't think of doing that. Is tea dyeing easy to do?

>> No.6858696

I got the blue SK (I'm the anon further up having petti issues). The JSK was sold out, but the red JSK is breaking my heart with want.

Man, the white is pretty bad. Having the off white lace right next to the white blouse is just too much.

I'm with >>6858686 . Maybe experiment with tea dying a blouse.

>> No.6858712

Yeah, the white and gold-ish colour just look so jarring together. I think black looks better, but I wanted to play around with colours that aren't just black or white, I want some more interesting variations.

With the petticoats, have you tried it with a more cupcake shaped petti? A flatter cupcake petti might work. I don't have an a-line petticoat yet, so the one I wear with all my dresses is my old ita-tastic skirts. They're more cupcake shaped, and it looks fine with most things.

>> No.6858744

If you want to try something interesting, maybe a white blouse with gold pinstripes or something similar?

I've only tied it with the petti I threw together real quick, which it A-line. I'm adding a few things to a Taobao order, including this Classical Puppets' petti. http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.w4002-189502914.40.6b1nit&id=3486735318

I was figuring I'd pick another CP petti for MC, choosing petticoats is just ridiculously hard.

>> No.6858771
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Okay last attempt for now! Sorry for all these pictures. I tried it with my pink-ish blouse, since the collar is off-white. Not sure if it's better or worse than >>6857681 for a casual coffee meet. This dress is so difficult, why didn't I just buy the grey version. Or even the red version.

Ah tell me about it! It's taken me almost a year to finally decide on and buy an a-line petticoat. I can't wait for it to arrive. I'm really not a giant poofy petti kind of person though.

>> No.6858778


Don't feel discouraged! I think blue is the best colorway for this dress. When done right, it looks amazing. The blouse looks okay, but I also like your idea of fur collar with the dress. I think you should get a better fur collar, one that isn't scruffy with giant ribbon.

>> No.6858781

Because the blue is striking and unique. And the others would be just as much of a pain.

Petticoat are a horrible misery. The cupcake of doom is for one particular dress that demands a poofy petti, otherwise I'd avoid that much poof. I'm half tempted to say eff it and use MC for otome.

>> No.6858801
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Thanks guys, this dress is slowly driving me crazy. It's so gorgeous I just want to put together a coord that will do it justice.
With the fur collar, I have these fawn fur ones but no other plain ones. I couldn't find a picture of the Shirley Deer collar I have, but it matches the headdress pictured. The bottom left one has a brown bow, not a red one too. I've also got the fur pictured right at the bottom that I could use to make a collar if none of those fit. Just not sure how to close it, whether it should be a clasp or a ribbon.
This is very true. It really shouldn't be so difficult, I don't understand why I'm struggling so much with this! Maybe I'm overthinking it now.
Haha I need to get a super poofy petty to wear with one of my dresses too, but I feel so awkward wearing something that poofy!

>> No.6858819

Take a minute and breathe. If you need inspiration, there's a MC thread on autosage right now with tons of pictures.

Remember that the dress doesn't disappear at midnight, and if you don't feel you did it right this time, try again another time. This is supposed to be fun Anon.

Puffy skirts are awkward no matter what. I just shrug and go with what the skirt wants.

>> No.6858842

I did have a look at that thread. I'm not that stressed out, I just only really have today to ask questions/help so I figured I'd try get most of it sorted. The main problem I'm having is finding a collar or scarf that would match and keep me warm, since the weather has gotten really cold again here.

>> No.6858844

You too? It's been godawful hot and suddenly it turned rainy and cold. If you have a fuzzy scarf in an earth tone that would look cute. Of course, I love scarves.

>> No.6859011

question, can i still wash my blouse even though it says on the label i should not wash it? the blouse is from IW

>> No.6859018
File: 111 KB, 450x600, eng_pl_Grey-BOOK-bag-Alice-in-Wonderland-gothic-lolita-handbag-Lewis-Carroll-1056_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone bought a bag from http://www.restyle.pl/ ?

They have some cute book purses (pic related), but I can't find any reviews of their bags. Just wondering if the quality is okay, etc.

>> No.6859023

Hand wash it, don't use strong chemicals, or dilute the ones you plan on using

>> No.6859024

Whenever I brought them up the past people told me the gtfo, so apparently there's some kind of drama or something with them. No one would give me any details though

>> No.6859027

Biggest issue I personally have with them is that they steal designs. They've got pieces up that are rips from indie brands as well as larger goth and lolita brands.

>> No.6859031

yeah thanks. i already made a trip to a specialty dry cleaning place earlier this week. also i sweat alot so it kinda smells after wearing it once.

>> No.6859030

I should add, I'm not generally fussed about replicas, but I think it's pretty low to mass-produce designs stolen from small-time artisans.

>> No.6859856

I handwash all my blouses at once in the bathtub with Woolite. I rinse well about 3 times, then place them on towels to dry. I've never had any issues with this method. Just be aware that once they're dry, you'll need to press or steam them.

>> No.6859860

Forgot to mention that the majority of my blouses are IW.

I'm sure you can stick them in the laundry machine too if you have a delicates cycle and a lingerie bag, but I'm stuck with clunky coin operated machines that like to rip my regular shirts, so I never tried that.

>> No.6859869
File: 84 KB, 600x700, socks312-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have these socks in what Bodyline calls green, when in reality they're a very blue based mint colour. I was wondering if anyone knew of any prints that are blue based mint rather than a very green mint, because I've tried pairing them with other mint things I own but they clash awfully. If anyone owns them and could tell me what they wear them with that'd be amazing.

>> No.6860013

does japonica take sundays off?
also I'm never going to do the urgent order thing with them again, I sent them the money via paypal instead of them invoicing me and they never placed the bid + the person didn't relist...

>> No.6860027

A lot of Bodyline's "mint" or "green-blue" are blue based mint. IIRC the mint in fantasic dolly and Milky Berry photographs pretty blue as well.
Yes they take sundays off.

>> No.6860048

shit, this item ends today and i don't really wanna use a different shopping service just for 1 thing...

>> No.6860649

Huh. My mom isn't the most particularly attuned to colors (comes from being five generations out of china) but the other day she noticed my bag had this green knot thing my friend gave me, and she freaked the fuck out about it. She said green is also a post funeral color. The more you know.... The less colors you can wear I guess.

Then again as a catholic she freaks out over my crosses as well. I just hide all my crazy frillies from her actually.

>> No.6865004

Did anyone see how much closet child were selling this rare moitie dress for before it sold out? It's a dream dress of mine but I need to know how much it's valued at. Thanks!

Link: http://www.closetchildonlineshop.com/product/43751

>> No.6865170

I worked for a grocery chain that decided to open a 'flagship' store near the local Chinatown. The stores are always decorated with bright, primary colors--the logo is a massive red oblong shape and they put blue and yellow accents around it and on the entrances of each building. Garish as fuck, but there you go.

They decided, to give that particular store a more 'festive' look, that they would put giant peaked tents in front of the building over the outdoor produce displays. No one did their research and they chose white, heavy canvas for the tents. The store didn't do decent business for months until one of their fucking CASHIERS told them the significance of all that white fabric. The local immigrants and aunties had apparently been telling people the store was cursed/haunted. Corporate took the tents down almost immediately after they figured this out and replaced them with yellow canvas a few months later.

>> No.6865196

According to a tumblr post, Antique Beast is open for orders from the 25th May. Dunno when they close though!

>> No.6865205

Probably in a week or so. They generally are open only long enough to get a certain number of orders, then the shop closes down again while those orders are completed/filled/sent out.

>> No.6866983

Hey guys, after I pay the invoice that Closet Child send me through Paypal, do I need to reply them telling them I've paid or just leave it be? Thanks!

>> No.6867028

I think it was around 30000 yen

leave it be

>> No.6867308

Are there any billiard-themed lolita dresses in existence?

>> No.6867608
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What is this skirt?

>> No.6867664
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Does anyone happen to know the name of these/where I could get them?

>> No.6867973

Can you tell me how long did you wait for their invoice ? I'm starting to think I did something wrong there. They take forever and I don't want to be blacklisted as a flaker.

Also I'm wondering if I should buy shoes directly from taobao or from ebay from resellers. Sure they're marked up but I'm wondering if the double shipping + fee from a SS won't make it the same or even more expensive than buying from ebay ? They're around $70 on ebay but last time I bought shoes on taobao I had to pay more than 50€ for the extra costs alone.

>> No.6867993
File: 323 KB, 960x1124, dress2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I finally joined the frilly side and picked up my first JSK at Anime Boston. Sweet Mildred had a booth in the artist alley and I just really liked this piece. Saw it on the hanger, she let me try it on, and I was sold. Now the fun part is starting to look for pieces to pull off a cord. Since this is a more toned down pink, I think the bags from bodyline is to pink(which is too bad because they have a cute AinW bag that I was eyeing before I bought this.

>> No.6868001
File: 26 KB, 250x333, 5956578858_2d8127dc77_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only seen it called as Floral Scallop skirt. Not sure if that's the real name. I tried reverse image searching the stock picture but I can't seem to find much information on it. Sorry anon!

>> No.6868014

I know several people were saying antaina's quality has really gone downhill lately, but nonetheless...

I emailed them a week ago about buying a pair of shoes and still haven't heard back. How long should I wait? I kind of doubt my email went to their spam box, since both of us are using gmail.
Starting to feel like I should just order some Custom House shoes, even though I preferred the ones I was looking at on antaina's site.

>> No.6868018

I love your cat.

>> No.6868021
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>> No.6868031
File: 78 KB, 1280x720, jahs89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is super cute! Congrats! Hope you come up with adorable outfits asap!

>> No.6868052

Thanks. She's been missing me since I was gone for almost a week working AB.

I wore it for a day of the con since I had that blouse with me and a wig and the matching headbow. Sadly I didn't have matching shoes so I was stuck wearing my black and white polka dot shoes with it. Not exactly what I call matching. I'm looking forward to trying to pull of my first cords. I'll be looking for some cream colored blouses, tights, and some better matching shoes. The closest I have are the red ones in the photo.

>> No.6868065

I don't think the blue ones look bad, they make Alice's dress pop. But you'd have to work blue accessories into the rest of the coord to balance it out.

I think brown shoes and a brown bag would also work for a more classic look.

>> No.6868090
File: 210 KB, 700x1200, shoes274-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I figured the red shoes fit better with the flowers in the dress, while the blue fit better with Alice. Thankfully I live near not only a Goodwill, but a forever 21, so I've got option for hunting accessories nearby.

Probably if I was to do brown shoes, I think maybe something like these, or a nice older style boot.

Funny enough, I really don't care for busy prints at all, but this one just really caught my eye and has the right shade of pink to appeal to me.

>> No.6868993

A while ago a kind and conscientious anon posted two to three image tutorials on care of lolita garments for many different components of an outfit. Does anyone have them? Lost the ones I'd saved.

>> No.6869919


I have these shoes in brown, they're comfy as fuck.

>> No.6870033

They're from Chocomint



>> No.6870044


I need this skirt in my life

>> No.6870050

Does anyone here use Buychina as their SS?
This store heres got Classical Puppets stuff? I want to get this petti here, which is significantly cheaper than going through Clobbaonline...


has someone tried buying from that store in particular?

>> No.6870086

I've heard nothing but horror stories so I would avoid.. it seems cheaper because they're a fucking scam.

>> No.6870091

Yeah, I hear it both ways.
I hear horror stories from aliexpress too, which is the other china goods service I use, but after about 40 things I havent had anything terrible yet? So I wonder if BC is on par. Thanks for your word on it though! May just be TGTBT...

>> No.6870133

Are rocking horse shoes out?

>> No.6870139

Someone on here used buychina recently and was happy with their service. I think they are very hit or miss though. Sometimes they are great, but in some ways like milanoo, they end up just chucking together orders as cheaply as possible and don't get it from the Taobao store listed. Also they spammed their store on here before, which has made people very wary of them.

>> No.6870378

Can someone help me with matching?
I just got the re-release of Milky Planet in lavender, but I noticed it's a kinda dull lavender and I'm not sure what color blouse I should wear.. I want to wear a lavender blouse with it but I want to make sure the shades match before I waste the money. I'm looking for off brand and mainly at bodyline. Do you think the L364 or something in pul will match? Does anyone have a picture of it? Any suggestions are appreciated

>> No.6871130

>Studio Ghibli
>Joe Hisaishi

>> No.6873135

Have any UK people had to contact customs before about missing parcels? If so, is there a number or anything you could give me? I've searched their website but the damn thing is so hard to navigate that I couldn't find any 'contact us' numbers. My Haenuli skirt still hasn't arrived, after being supposedly sent to the UK on the 1st May.

>> No.6873165

This might sound really dumb, but I want to buy my first ~Burando soon.
So far i only own a few replica's (Inb4 OMG REPLICA HOW CAN YOU), bodyline and indie brand. But I think I am finally ready to purchase more expensive stuff, because I'm pretty certain at the moment that I will stick with this style.

TL:DR - Want to buy my first brand piece, where to buy and what is a smart item choice (So OP, Skirt, jsk, ect..)

>> No.6873169

What style/colours are you interested in? Any brands you particularly like already? What sort of budget do you have?

>> No.6873170

Well... what kind of style do you like? Are you looking for second hand or do you want to buy direct?

>> No.6873176

I don't really have a style yet. I like more toned down sweet. But I think Gothic, Sailor and Classic are also really nice. I wouldn't mind buying second hand. And at the moment my budget isn't that great being a student and all, so at the moment I think $300 for a dress is a bit ridiculous. But I wouldn't mind paying $150 for something of good quality.

>> No.6873178

As for brands and dresses. I really like most of JetJ and Aatp stuff. But i am not really picky seeing how Baby and AP also put out wonderful stuff.

>> No.6873192

So you're looking at second hand then, for that price. Best bet is to keep an eye on second hand sites like Closet Child and watch Japanese auctions (Yahoo Japan, mbok) because you'll find the clothes for cheaper on there. You need a shopping service for the auction sites, but you can buy direct from Closet Child. You could look around on the facebook sales groups, but things are generally a bit more marked up in the western sales groups.

>> No.6873211

Thank you. Is there a shopping service you would recommend for Mbok and Yahoo Japan?

>> No.6873253

If you're fine with second hand, you can use the comms or even the sales thread in /cgl/.

>> No.6873284

I've waited for like, 2 weeks. So no worries, they will eventually send you an e-mail as they are very short-staffed for this moment.

>> No.6873287
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Was it these?

>> No.6873290
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>> No.6873292

I'm not sure if this is the right thread to ask in, but does anyone know about lolita comms around Pisa or Florence? I'm going there in about a month for the whole summer and I thought it'd be cool to meet some Italian lolis.

>> No.6874260

Curious, but will i rip most brand blouses if I have larger shoulders then the listed size?

>> No.6874291

If anyone can find the originals I can redo this since the blocky white crap looks awful.

>> No.6874312

You may not rip them, but they will be uncomfortable and you will be pulled into a hunched posture. Also, your range of motion will be compromised.

>> No.6874867

Late reply but I have these shoes- they're really cute, but imo order half a size to a size smaller, I ordered a half size up and mine are huuuge on me.

They also scuff super easily so be ready to fix them with some rubbing alcohol.

>> No.6875301
File: 22 KB, 350x467, 5704135041_090f89c9f8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know what brand/name this dress is? No luck with google image reversal.

>> No.6876108

Is it true of about the Bodyline Modeling scam? I read about it this morning. I don't know if I can bring myself to buy more from bodyline if this is true... It makes me very uncomfortable

>> No.6876248

Quick question! Are there any motifs in jewelry that you'd like to see more or less of right now?

I'm laser cutting some white alpacas for necklaces and some black and dark pink crowns next week and I'm worried that I spent too long on the alpaca stuff and that everyone's sick of them.

>> No.6876252

I think you're a few years too late, unless you mean a new one.
No cupcakes.

>> No.6876885

You know, I feel like I haven't seen lasercut florals before. Floral jewelry yes, but not lasercut ones. It'd be neat to see.

I'd say less creepycute stuff like bats and melty everything since that's pretty overdone now but since Milky Planet just got rereleased I guess melting stuff is here to stay..