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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6828979 No.6828979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts, seagulls?

Any truth to it?

>> No.6828983
File: 70 KB, 960x638, 1367549670597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My thoughts are that you should take this shit back to /r9k/ because this is the cosplay and lolita board, not 'girls general'. These threads are not allowed on this board.

>> No.6828992

>this is the cosplay and lolita board, not 'girls general'

Yet you are so eager to say this is a "GURL BOARD" at every other opportunity, you hypocritical cunt (e.g. every time I say this is a cosplay board and 60% male to boot when you're discussing your "girly" OT -- threads that *you* like).

You deserve to be shitted up by /fit9k/.

>> No.6829000

Nigga s/he just said what this board is. Don't be claiming s/he's one of the cunts.

>> No.6829001


I don't think so.

Anyway, saged, reported, hid under my bed.

>> No.6829006
File: 19 KB, 480x360, yournattygodscooby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>lumping /fit/ with /r9k/

Why would you do this to us? We're completely different!

Pic related, no one from /r9k/ even approaches the looks of our natty god.

>> No.6829005

I'm a girl but that's bullshit.

Not disagreeing because I dislike the idea either.

I'd prefer for this board to be majority male since they'd probably be less shitposting if it was. They'd bring some much needed rationality into this place.

>> No.6829007

It's a board in which the majority of posters are female.


>> No.6829008

Also, notice how I said POSTERS and not general population. Females do most of the posting, males watch, creep, stalk and fap.

>> No.6829009


I'm not that guy, I think you're sweet, cute and fairly adorable.

You're like pets to me.

I can't take you seriously, but I can't take hatred of women seriously either.

>> No.6829010

>Implying "internet stalking" is a real thing

Top fucking lel.

"Internet stalking" = Someone who can use google properly.

>> No.6829011

>Dress up as Yoko, Powergirl, LoLsluts etc
>Call us creeps and moan about us watching you

You can't be serious.

Also, creep is a demeaning word.

>> No.6829013

You honestly think I said "stalk" seriously? Look at the other fucking words and the concept of my sentence.

You dumb fucks couldn't socialize to save your own lives, not even on 4chan.

>> No.6829014

>It's a board in which the majority of posters are female.
>60% male
>40% female
>implying that means female is the majority

Well I guess if you're arguing that both male and females are majorities, and otherkin / transsexuals are the minorities...

>> No.6829015

>You dumb fucks couldn't socialize to save your own lives, not even on 4chan.

How comes some of us hook up with girls on here?

>> No.6829016

>creep is a demeaning word.
>complain about being called a demeaning word
>male privileged scum who blames the victims

Top lel. You fucking creep.

Yes, the posting is mostly done by females. What an amazing concept, right?

>> No.6829017

No, it's not demeaning at all, you're just insulted because you're a CIS white privileged male, who has never ever experienced prejudice, so when someone's making fun of you you think you're being oppressed.

>> No.6829018

>Yes, the posting is mostly done by females. What an amazing concept, right?
That is just your opinion. There's no cold hard data to support it.

>> No.6829019

It's not a very nice thing to call someone.

You tempt us with what you wear, so don't call us creeps.

>> No.6829020

There is no data to support your claims either. But since I actually post and watch /cgl/ daily and you are a robot who does not, I have more base to make claims than you do.

Also the fact that I've found that it's always safe to assume an anonymous poster is a female here, and when someone claims to be male we usually don't believe them.

>> No.6829021

>you tempt me with your money, don't call me thief
>you tempt me with your behaviour that makes me angry, don't call me murderer

>> No.6829024

Just giving you fair warning.

>> No.6829025

>There is no data to support your claims either.
YES, there is. There was a survey done by Google ~two months ago.

>> No.6829026

>it's always safe to assume an anonymous poster is a female here, and when someone claims to be male we usually don't believe them

get out. everyone just fucking get out.

>> No.6829027

>the fact that most people that come to /cgl/ are males mean that most posters are males

There are laws against stalking, raping, harassing etc and they're getting stricter and stricter. Just giving you fair warning.

>> No.6829029

>>the fact that most people that come to /cgl/ are males mean that most posters are males
No, but you have no evidence to the contrary, ergo you lose.

>> No.6829030

You're asking for it when you dress up as Yoko. Realtalk.

>> No.6829032

Yeah, the police is going to accept that as an excuse for a crime. People get away with murder all the time because the killed one asked for it.

>> No.6829033

By your logic you should go rape that one fat chick you always see and is unappealing in everyway when she puts on a Yoko costume as well. It's only fair.

>> No.6829034
File: 61 KB, 449x750, ema watson being alpha'd up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are laws against stalking, raping, harassing etc and they're getting stricter and stricter.
But that's retarded. Women love dominant men who take what is theirs.

Just recently there was a story about a Brazilian couple who were having relationship issues / it was falling apart.

Then the guy showed a harpoon into his girlfriend's face, which penetrated her neck and barely missed her skull, but she survived and after she recovered she loved him more than ever.

>> No.6829035

Anyone who dresses up in a bikini in a convention full of sweaty, fat, socially awkward people is no doubt an attention whore. These girls would be "average" anywhere else, but there they are revered as gods

>> No.6829038

>in b4 OP sagging his own thread with a catgirl pic and saying it's Athens

>> No.6829039

So much this most of these cosplay girls are painfully average in the real world but get attention from sweaty neckbeards and love it.

>> No.6829042

Yes, but in Brazil harpooning women in the face is a sign of eternal love. It's called El Harpoono del Muerte te Quiero.

>> No.6829045


>> No.6829046

Is that her boyfriend?

If you read online, there are a lot of women who basically say "Yeah, I'll admit it anonymously, I enjoyed being raped. I had amazing orgasms from it".

Women <3 Rape.

>> No.6829049

>implying there's any difference in what I said if it was in Portuguese

>> No.6829051

>Is that her boyfriend?
No, it's just some random guy who walked up to her to hit on her. He started by groping to get her attention. It worked. They ended up having a ONS.

>> No.6829052


Women are massive, massive sluts, lol.

>> No.6829053

>implying there isn't

>> No.6829054

The other day I saw a "Women love rape" thread and someone said "EVERY DAY, DO WE NEED ONE EVERY DAY?"

and i thought they were just being dramatic

oh how i was wrong

>> No.6829056

No, she's not a slut, she's a wizard. She helped Harry defeat the bad plant in the first movie and got frozen to stone in the second movie.

>> No.6829058

That moment of realization when you understand just how badly women crave it.

>> No.6829074

#2 actually does describe every /cgl female I've met in person

>> No.6829075


I was thinking the same thing.

Hence partly why all my friends are guys.


I'm a girl, but he kind of has a point. Cosplayers should be more proactive about covering up.

>> No.6829077

If someone wants to be rape, it is no longer rape.


>> No.6829076

It is misogynistic for men to talk about women if it's not all compliments (=constructive criticism).

>> No.6829078

>Hence partly why all my friends are guys.
ohh aren't you a special snowflake~~

how many at once did you let have their way with you? cheap ho