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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6828374 No.6828374 [Reply] [Original]

Hey hey kids.

Its 11 at night, I'm drunk and I'm bored. You know what that means?

Makeup, armor, prosthetics, performing and whatever the hell else you wanna talk about.

>> No.6828426

What a coincidence, I was hoping you'd show up before the next con. I'm planning on doing a full face and neck of white using Ben Nye products for a cosplay. I just wanted to make sure I have all the steps down so I don't fuck this up.

1) Clean face
2) Barrier spray
3) Ben Nye Creme foundation
4) Blend, blend, blend
5) Seal with translucent powder
6) Final Seal spray

Got everything? I plan on doing a test run and sit outside in this for a while before the con to see how it holds up because I am a sweaty lady.

>> No.6828447
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Don't mix the powder with the barrier/sealer spray. One or the other.

The Ben Nye complete guide to makeup says this themselves. The powder will absorb the spray, which will clot, and effectively neutralize both barriers.

Too much of a good thing I suppose. I prefer just the barrier/sealant combo spray myself.

>> No.6828465
File: 179 KB, 600x675, CI_67427_1345744129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you go about keeping green bodypaint on for most of the day?

pic very much related

>> No.6828471
File: 8 KB, 123x346, MMbarrier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless you're using alcohol based airbrushing body paint, you WILL get rub off eventually. All I can suggest is either going with a body suit, or carrying some extra paint and sealant with you, and ignoring people bitching you're leaving green in places.

Sad, hard truth hun.

>> No.6828506

Thanks for the heads up!

>> No.6828510
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Thats what I am here for. Among other things.

>> No.6828514

This is a good tip. I have only the white face powder at the moment, so i'm already without no seal and just the setting powder?

>> No.6828524
File: 274 KB, 405x450, chim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the best way to get a nice clean line of body paint or whatnot all the way down? I assume an assistant would be required.

>> No.6828540

I would suggest getting some sealant/barrier spray. Its not hard to get, and is cheap. ALWAYS seal. Keeps you from sweating off the makeup, and keeps the makeup out of your pores.

My Na'wha!
Going to sound stupid, but plain old masking tape. Like you'd use to edge when painting the house. Trust me.

>> No.6828546

Oh, that does actually make a lot of sense, heh. Would blue painter's tape work just as well/better than masking tape?

>> No.6828553
File: 487 KB, 426x640, tumblr_mgltybEmsk1r73u51o1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making tape is any treated paper tape for masking a surface. Blue painters tape is just masking tape with weaker glue to keep from tearing off the surface.

TL:DR yes.

Pic unrelated.

>> No.6828568

I am messing around currently with Ben Nye's nose and scar wax. I even have Clear latex to use on top of it, but the problem is, the nose/scar putty is crazy sticky! It sticks to everything BUT my face where i want to do horror type make up. Any tips?

>> No.6828583
File: 65 KB, 300x300, 604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1: degrease your face by washing your face per my guide. Scrub, cold water, astringent etc.

2: LIGHTLY dust your fingertips in corn starch. Like, barely have a micron of the stuff on your fingertips.

>> No.6828594

How can I emulate Marty Feldman's weird eyes?

>> No.6828596
File: 47 KB, 351x497, wolf-blitzer-bloggess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how would i go about doing something like this?
where would i find it?
how would i get its head to stay on my head?

>> No.6828608
File: 994 B, 29x66, Masada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since a long time I've wanted to cosplay as Masada. And I was wondering if there's a way to look "mouthless"

>> No.6828614
File: 198 KB, 350x351, 350px-Asura_female_faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any suggestions on how to make my face look more like an asura? (pic related)

>> No.6828617

Thank you! I will definitely do the cornstratch

>> No.6828623

Be born with a deformed skull and have a botched sugury to fix it. Or ping-pong balls cut in half.

I have a bear skin for when I do viking reenactments. But a cyote or wolf skin offline, and make sure the maxilliary cut is behinf the lower jaw, and it fits like a hat perfectly! Or, get a large stuffed wolf toy and do the same. Again, behind the still attached lower jaw.

sheet latex stretched over your mouth secured over your lips with spirit gum and blended with makeup.

>> No.6828635

I'm doing something similar to this, but a bear head. I'm taking a hat, and using expanding foam all over it. And then carving it to the shape it needs to be. Then furring it like a fursuit head and attaching the "pelt"

>> No.6828637

Wait, wait, how does sealant spray keep makeup out of your pores? Are you supposed to put it under the makeup?

>> No.6828641

>sheet latex stretched over your mouth secured over your lips with spirit gum and blended with makeup.

Different anon, but would you be able to talk with that?

>> No.6828643

Nothing without major foam rubber prosthetic appliances.

Or you could just use the natural concave nature of the pelt do its job.

read my guide dammit! >>6828447 it forms a plasticine base layer to seal pores and has antiperspirant in it.

>> No.6828647

Carefully and slightly muffled. Hope you dont get a stuffy nose!

>> No.6828650

So I have been using wet make up (make up forever) with mineral finishing powder on top for my Muscle Man cosplay. Anything else I should be doing to make it look good?

>> No.6828657

Shit, I thought it went over the makeup. Does it depend on the brand or am I just a dumbass? It seemed to work with my old stuff, but I can only find Ben Nye in my new town so my last con was spent wondering why I was so damn sticky, thanks.

>> No.6828673

did you get real bear or faux?
i'm looking at prices for real wolf and they're a lot higher than i expected.
my city has a carnival during the summer and there's an old timey settler village setup near there that sells pelts and i don't remember them being priced as high as what i'm seeing online.

>> No.6828677
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Not my usual choice, but I try to avoid powder sets. The only thing I can ask is are you washing/deoiling/sealing your face before application? What kind of dry time to you allow?

Ben Nye is the top on the market. Its the bar setting brand, as it were.

>> No.6828684

Yes, granted, I hunted it myself.

Wolf is pricey. Coyote and Bear is cheaper. The reason your local fenter sells them cheaper is that he probably gets them from nuisance animals that are put down rather than commercial hunting, in which wolves are very limited to hunt.

>> No.6828687

I hadn't tried sealing before hand, I shower before I get painted up, but I don't do anything to specifically de-oil. I usually allow the paint to dry fully before I powder. On that note, I have found sweating is a big problem when I have this kinda makeup on.

>> No.6828690

Googled it, my old stuff was Kryolan fixer which does go on top. Teach me to replace shit last minute.

>> No.6828696
File: 59 KB, 400x300, Unknown-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mehron Barrier spray fixer/sealer. If I need to say it a million times I will. Its an antiperspirant, pore sealant and fixer spray, all in one.

forgot my pic

>> No.6828701

So that can go under wet makeup too? I wasnt sure if that was only for grease paint.

>> No.6828706

Where would I go about finding polar bear?

>> No.6828705

Yes. Any makeup that is not alcohol based.

>> No.6828711

ahh i see, thank for your help.

and what a damn fine picture

>> No.6828713

The zoo. Failing that, far northern Canada. Either way, the bear might disagree with your intentions of taking its pelt.

You will not find polar bear pelts for sale outside of the $1000+ range considering its a threatened species.

>> No.6828714
File: 87 KB, 960x720, ala 2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, I will try it out for the next con. Btw, please come to a California con. I will take care of you. Pic related.

>> No.6828720

>come to a California
No. I will not go into detail, but I would rather have boiling oil funneled down my urethra than EVER step foot in that misbegotten chunk of dirt.

No offense.

>> No.6828730

Lol. Thats some strong feelings you got there. Thanks for the helps anyways. You are my favorite drunken clown.

>> No.6828734
File: 213 KB, 484x727, pierrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you saying there are other drunken clowns in your life? I... I don't know how to feel about that....

>> No.6828737

The clowns at Circus Vargas smell like tequila.

>> No.6828738

Happy late birthday Gropalope!

>> No.6828747
File: 80 KB, 500x333, tumblr_m2brnijRYp1qatjj9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dats racist.

Thanks, but I feel old.

>> No.6828758

Didn't you get banned for off topic shit? Good to see you back man.

>> No.6828765

Meh. I did. Im back now. Rarely here though. mostly /tg/

>> No.6828778

Wow you're a big dude

>> No.6828786

Are you able to see your pee pee?

>> No.6828806

Anyone still around?

>> No.6828811

sup bro bro

>> No.6828812

Not much. Trying to find a new batman cowl that is worth the price.