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6827419 No.6827419 [Reply] [Original]

Hey Seagulls,
Do you prefer a day off before a con to relax and get everything ready, or do you prefer a day off after a con to unpack and relax before going back to work?

>> No.6827421

After- I am waaaay more tired after a con than after pre-con prep.

>> No.6827445


>> No.6827463

After. I'm way too tired after a con to transition back to real life.

Same goes for any social event ever.

>> No.6827476
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I've always worked with "day off before" but never after, at least not yet. Usually local cons I just sleep in at home the day after. Otherwise for non-local cons, I want to get there the day before the con to check-in, prepare, relax a bit, and do some sight-seeing. And because I try to save a bit of money, I skip out on staying at the hotel the day after.

>> No.6827480
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I prefer to hug that kitty cat.

>> No.6827508

After. That's when it all hits you.

>> No.6827536

I got spoiled, so I take both off. It's the lines and body fatigue that I'm trying to avoid. Checking in/out on Thur and Mon means no con attendee lines, no hot smelly lobby, no 15 min elevator wait, better parking options or valet service, no traffic, and you can walk to pre reg at the crack of dawn on Fri (thur evening also has very long lines) and get through in < 30 minutes. Plus, after walking what feels like 1,000,000 miles in heavy outfits and crazy shoes, being back at work Monday morning is pretty harsh.

>> No.6828045
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Day after, con hangover be crazy nigs.

>> No.6828067
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>Implying I get a day off before or after a con
>Implying all the cons I go to aren't for work.

>> No.6828078

Ideally both.

If I have to choose one, day off before the con. I like to be able to pack, get everything ready and get in a good night of sleep before the con. I'm less stressed at the convention and it makes for a happier weekend.

>> No.6828086
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Bish, i hate you. I'm super jelly.

>> No.6828090
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>Jelly that I'm stuck behind a booth for the entire con and can't go to any panels, gatherings, or sometimes can't even shop around because we're too busy.

It ain't nothing to be jealous about.

>> No.6828105
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Ouch. Well nvm then.
Here have a cat snuggle.

>> No.6828110

i get a friday saturday sunday off

to go to the con

that's it
if i'm lucky


>> No.6828118

i don't have a job, be jelly. aah the joys of debilitating irreparable compression nerve damage

>> No.6828172
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I would like to have a day before or after but being in retail, sometimes that doesn't work out. When I went to Otakon last year (drove from Orlando, FL), I worked the day before we left but my manager made sure to schedule me at 6 am and to be off by 4 pm so I could rest before leaving at 4 am to begin the drive.

>> No.6828187
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Something about seal-point cats, man.

>> No.6828206


>> No.6828215

I usually do before, and just request a late shift on the Monday after.

I've only taken one Monday off, and that's because I was so stressed out from everything going wrong that I literally stayed home and cried....

>> No.6828252
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I always take off Thursday and Monday for traveling and checking in/checking out. Gave up on that "leave Sunday night, work on Monday" crap years ago, it's a sucker's game.

Fortunately, have a job that allows a decent number of vacation days, so it works out.

>> No.6828477

Depends. If I worked say, 40-50 hours before the convention, I won't mind taking a Thursday or a Monday off. If my hours were less than 40, I would work Thursday or Monday.