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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6824231 No.6824231 [Reply] [Original]

How to avoid sweating at cons?

>> No.6824233

Good deodorant/antiperspirant.
Wear materials fit for the weather.
Mint oil in places like behind your ears, keeps you feeling fresh.
Don't exert too much energy.
Drink lots of water.
Stay out of the sun and stay in areas that are cooled/shaded.

>> No.6824252

Bring deodorant with you an apply it whenever you feel gross, if you can.
It'll help with the smell, anyway.

>> No.6824255

baby powder

>> No.6824266
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>Good deodorant/antiperspirant
Are there any specific brands that are considered high quality or do I just have to find what fits me best?

>Mint oil
Nice, never thought of that.

Should I wash my armpits with cold water in the bathroom (and dry them with paper) before applying? I've seen some people do that but I'm not sure if it actually helps any.

In my armpits, over the deodorant/antiperspirant?

>> No.6824272

I use it on my crotch and butt when it's really humid.

>> No.6824275

This. I put antiperspirant on my back, the insides of my knees, and maybe a few other places depending on the costume during summer cons. Never used it near my genitals though. I just powder my crotch.

>> No.6824277

This is relevant to my interests.
I'm hypersensitive to heat and will easily get really sick if it's too hot.

What I do is (if it's a summer con and its just ballsfucking hot) is check into my room every 2 or 3 hours and take a quick cold shower.
It keeps me cool for a while, minus is just that I can't stay in any cosplays for too long because of it, but it works. An easier solution would be way cooler though, and to begin with I think I'm gonna look into the mint oil thing.

>> No.6824280
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>mfw I'm going to go to Otakon in a suit
I'm gonna dieeeeeee

>> No.6824305


Would these actually work?

>> No.6824382
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>mfw thick shirt, blazer and thigh-highs in July
At least it's a skirt and not pants, but still.

>> No.6824424

Lose weight.

>> No.6824428

Anti-Sweat pills

>> No.6824471

Weight has nothing to do with it. I'm skinny as fuck and I sweat an embarrassing amount.

>> No.6824509

I've noticed that I sweat like a pig whenever I wear synthetic fabrics even if it's freezing. Natural fabrics make you sweat less in general.

>> No.6824518
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I know it's kinda gross but I wet my hair before putting on my wig so the water slowly evaporates off my head during the day. Plus when you take the wig off, dem feels. Obviously you have to shower if you do this.

>> No.6824533

Fucking this. IDK why

>> No.6824613

Those apply overnight anti-perspirant products seem to work really well from what I've read online.

Same problem. For the summer I usually just wind up sticking to tank tops on really hot days to avoid overly sweating up any nice shirts.

>> No.6824695

Thank god the thick wool tunic underneath the heavy plate and leather armor will not show much. This is going to be awful. Thanks for some of the suggestions.

>> No.6824771

I hyperventilated while reading your sentence, anon. Get all the baby powder you can get your hands on.

>> No.6824844

Wouldn't this make you feel hotter because of the humidity?

>> No.6824898

I know there's this special cooking vest that people in mascot outfits wear to not melt, might want to look into that

>> No.6824943

Anti-sweat pills

They make you not sweat as much

>> No.6824954

I had no idea those existed. Any side effects? and where do i get them?

>> No.6825212

Well it depends on the humidity outside. I only do it if there's a relatively low humidity outside but a lot of sunshine. I wouldn't do the hair wetting thing if I lived in the south somewhere.

>> No.6825268

for the same reason a coat made of synthetics is warmer than a natural one- the organic fabric lets air penetrate

>> No.6825308

My boyfriend did a Techpriest; the overcoat is all cotton and the only thing that kept him from dying was grabbing a Camelbak (or a knockoff) and freezing the reservoir. Cold ice on his back and icemelt to drink. I wish I did it too.

If I do a cosplay with a backpack or a heavy sweater/jacket you can bet your sweet bippies I'll be copying the camel thing.

>> No.6826476

No side effects.
I just order them online from, like, pharmacy places and stuff.

Just look up anti-sweat pills~

>> No.6826506

These CAN'T be good for you....

>> No.6826557

That actually seems like something a techpriest would have.

>> No.6826578

Only suitable suit jacket I found for a cosplay at Otakon last year was a heavy winter wool jacket. Thank god it's not one of those multihotel cons. Wearing a short-sleeved shirt inside it helped.

>> No.6826593

>$40 for a month supply of herbal medicine

lol nope

>> No.6826599

why not get your sweat glands removed

>> No.6826604

So... I don't know exactly what those pills do, but I have a friend who has a genetic condition where he literally cannot sweat. His glands do not produce sweat (he also has absolutely no body hair that grows either) and it is extremely dangerous for him to get over a certain temperature because of it. It obviously limits the time he can spend outside of a climate controlled situation in certain seasons and he has to eat a specific diet because... well, he can't exercise at all.

Anyway, yeah those sound really sketch to me. But I guess they don't just completely stop you from sweating so maybe I am just being paranoid.

>> No.6826605

start blasting yourself with 800mg of DNP every day and hit the sauna beforehand to deplete your sweat reserves prior to the con

>> No.6826609

Oh god, I feel you!
>Tfw thick hoodie, blouse, thigh highs and a skirt in june
>implying being a sweatball in heat has anything to do with weight

>> No.6826626
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If I'm in a hotel and check in the night before, I'll fill a condom with water and hang it upside down in the freezer. Usually with a bull clip or string.

Once it's frozen tie the end off (so no melt water leaks out), and slip it into some pantyhose. This will prevent an ice burn. You can use a sock but this will greatly increase the already substantial girth.

Typically I just insert it vaginally, a maxi pad will take care of any condensation drips. It keeps your core cool and permeates throughout your body. I haven't been brave enough to try yet but I think an anal insertion might work even better.

Pic related but not mine (just to give you an idea of size)

>> No.6826641
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>> No.6826644
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You're not serious, are you? Could cause tissue damage even through pantyhose. And you'll get all sorts of nasty bacteria in even by just touching the ice with your hands before insertion.

Sounds uncomfortable as fuck too and once it melts you'll look like you peed yourself.

>> No.6826648

>infection by touch
But I touch my vagina all the time

>looks like you peed yourself
It's sealed so it doesn't leak, it just turns into a water balloon (another bonus - you throw it at the end of the day)

>> No.6826654
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>> No.6826657

>freezing a condom

>> No.6826659
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>> No.6826660
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10/10 troll
That would be so unbearably uncomfortable though. I'm imagining a cosplay girl waddling down the hall in tears with a vag full of ice and regret.

>> No.6826801

I once saw a thing on Sex Talk (yes this was like a decade ago almost) about how thing woman would put an ice cube up there and have sex. Sounded like fun so I decided to try it for masturbation. Touched the opening with the ice and nope'd the fuck out of there.

>> No.6826832

lollll, filling a condom with water would be like filling a balloon with water

ie how did you get a massive sphere of ice into your vag

>> No.6826970

It doesn't make you not sweat at all
It just takes you from sweating profusely to sweating a normal to minimal amount.

>> No.6826987
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B-but then they'll never be natty again!

>> No.6826999

LOL. So basically you'd be walking around with an icy dildo up your cooch all day? Nice.

Anyway I think a solution that people overlook is to just keep hydrated. Drinking water is going to lower your body temperature and keep it cool. Carry a bottle of water with you and take a few chugs every 30 or so minutes. More sips if you need it.

>> No.6827000


It kills the nerves and destroys the sensitivity as well as what other anon said it can destroy tissue creating vaginal scarring(that you mostly don't notice)

It's a bad idea. DON'T DO IT!

>> No.6827039

I do it and I'm fine. In fact, during super hot Arizona or Texas cons, I also stick one up my ass for when the other melts.

>> No.6827042
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>> No.6827053

my advice
don't be fat (hur)
drink lots of water, it's better to sweat effectively than overheat and sweat desperately.
wear a deodorant where costume is thin but i'd advise against covering yourself in antiperspirant.
use corn starch where your costume is thick and you'll sweat more e.g. down your pants
relax, increased anxiety makes everything worse
i don't wear makeup so i can wipe my face with a makeup wipe to remove the grimy feeling, plus the garnier wipes i use smell great. you can also wipe any exposed skin to get a nice cool feeling that evaporates quickly.

if you mix a teaspoon of baking soda into a tablespoon of corn starch, you get a pretty powerful powder that absorbs sweat, masks odor and is an antiperspirant. definitely test it before the day of the con though. some people say not to use baking soda everyday, it can make your skin irritated and sensitive over prolonged use so ymmv.

a few drops of tea tree oil in cup of equal parts isopropyl alcohol and water can make a great antibacterial for clothes that are starting to get funky. i've sprayed it into shoes, on cuffs or anywhere my skin is pressed against the clothes. when at home, i mix in another portion of white vinegar (and reduce the water). to remove the vinegar smell i powder the area with baking soda and shaking it off after. i use this same mixture to sterilize my face cloth every day, then rinse with hot water. i'm fairly certain that alcohol/vinegar is also a safe wash for most dyed clothes but an expert lolita would have to confirm that.

>> No.6827089

It's okay, she's probably a decadent whore, so her vageen doesn't sense anything anymore.

>> No.6827098

>I do it and I'm fine.
You're really probably not. You are constantly causing unnoticeable damage to the nerves. The vagina tissues aren't meant to be subjected to that sort of temperature and so the sensitive nerves will degrade over time. Also, your ass? That's even worse. Enjoy your tons of problems 10 years ahead.

>> No.6828082



>> No.6828087

Not sure if you guys who are posting replies that look serious are serious or just trolling too.

>> No.6828089

What do you mean by that exactly. This person may not be trolling.

>> No.6828351


I am pretty sure anon is joking...

>> No.6829750

Deodorant seems to be the best choice, but what if the problem isn't so much the underarm, but the face? I always sweat worse there and baby powder doesn't work too well.

>> No.6829760

-Carry a small fold-able fan (the round ones, not the other kind)
-Keep water on you to stay hydrated
-take frequent breaks
-Carry a small electric fan if a paper one does nothing for you
-stay out of the sun if possible

I'm already touching on what's been covered, but attempt to dress for the weather. Summer Cons are terrible for stupidly inappropriate for the season costumes. (ie: anything ever that isn't a seifuku, dress, skirt or short-sleeved.)

>> No.6829787

Just take a shower 3 times a day in your hotel room.

>> No.6829861

Is your deodorant aerosol/spray/whatever they call it? You can try to spray it on your hairline. Just cover your eyes well and test it before the con so you know it won't irritate your skin or anything.

My friends often to that with antiperspirant before putting their wigs on.

>> No.6829871
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Don't drink water
At all
No water = no sweat

>> No.6829880
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Also, 19/10
I can't stop laughing

>> No.6829888
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And remember to eat onion rings and spicy food. That'll dry up your sweat glands.

>> No.6829898

Our track coach has us do this all the time before summer races, totally legit.

Also, greasy foods are known to increase circulation (and thus make your body more efficient and less likely to sweat) through lubrication of the veins and heart, so eating a stick of butter or two before the con couldn't hurt.

>> No.6835094

I agree with this. The less you eat and drink during a con, the less profusely you should sweat. Kind of.

As for you face, you can get stuff called 3B Face Saver, though I have noticed it causes me to break out and still lets some sweat through. You can also get stuff you spirtz on your face before make up (I got mine from a theatre make up store), as well as a sealer to help. Again, I have noticed I still get a bit of sweat, but not as much. Also, I have found because of all the make up I have on the parts of the face I have most trouble with oil tend to kick into overdrive. Getting some of those make up blotting paper for oil will help with that and sweat, just remember to throw them in a bag and check your face every-so-often. I only really have a probably after quite a few hours.

>> No.6835125

lol i can imagine someone pulling one of those out of like a cooler or something and then rubbing it on their neck

>> No.6835505

I'm probably going to cosplay this version of Flame Princess for a summer con. I have no idea how to prevent my bodypaint from uhh leaking. Also, anyone got an idea what bodypaint I could use the best? I really don't want my cosplay to become messy because of the bodypaint.

>> No.6835508
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Forgot my picture

>> No.6835514

same kinda thing?

>> No.6835527
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this is it
the new post of 'a taste to /cgl/'

>> No.6835576

Yeah sort of, except, this stuff will be under my armpits as well.. As a rookie cosplayer, making a body suit would probably be out of my league. So I thought that bodypaint would be my best choice (also less hot) but I am really worried that it'll start smudging.

Thanks for that link though! I'll probably find somethig that works, do a few test runs at home first and all. Link had some nice suggestions, as it seems.

>> No.6837001

ask your local apothecary to mix an antipersistant with "aluminium chloride" available as roller for the armpits or cream for your feet or back for examble.
it will burn like hell so dont apply on your genitalia and get a regular "sensitive" deo or probably aftershave in addition.
i'm using it every evening because it needs some time to affect my sweat glands and it keeps me dry for the whole next day at least.

>> No.6837036

Lose weight?