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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 28 KB, 511x768, 419192_456929904378478_195135421_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6823607 No.6823607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Confession time.
I'm a female cosplayer with a fair bit of notoriety. But sometimes, I feel like nobody gives a shit about you unless you have huge tits and you shove them in everyone's face.

Take, for instance, this disgusting fat bitch. she has over 45k likes on facebook. It sure as hell isn't for her costume construction skills (which are average at best) or her looks in any other department (She looks like someone inflated Snooki). It's purely because she has gigantic tits.

Call me a jealous flatty, and maybe that's true. But I feel like all the effort I put into constructing beautiful costumes is completely brushed under the rug because somewhere, some fat blob is shoving her tits into a photographer's lens. And that just....doesn't seem fair, to me.

>> No.6823613

it is true OP, tits do get you pretty far in the cosplay world, but having higher skill and complexity in your work helps bring you above them. You will have more genuine fans who will come to you for advice and inspiration. As long as your work is exceptional you shouldn't worry about the fat and bloated females that fan boys jerk off too, because in reality that's all they are is jerk off material but you can be more than that. :)

>> No.6823614

she's stretching the hell out of that Black Milk dress.

>> No.6823617

welcome to real life, people like tits. Sex sells and if you ain't selling not many people care.
that being said, plz post some cosplay you've done.

>> No.6823618

You're right, it probably isn't fair. Unfortunately however that's just how the shallow world goes. It's not really going to change, in fact, probably jsut get worse in some ways as the industry changes and casuals and attentionwhores bounce into it.

Thing is, that's where you have to find your own inner motivation and challenge how much you love cosplay as a hobby to do it with the effort that you like to put into it. The whole deal with big tits is that it's not just limited to cosplay. You see this stuff everywhere, so you just have to work past it if you love cosplay that much and enjoy the benefits of it in your most genuine way, not sitting behind and pointing out all that's wrong.

>> No.6823623

Op here. That is very sweet of you to say, and true I guess. It just gets really discouraging sometimes. I'm really not looking for fame, but I work really hard on my cosplays and just kind of...want people to notice. Everybody wants recognition for what they do, you know? I have a great body and a pretty face, and awesome sewing and construction skills, but the powers that be just didn't see fit to give me tits.

>> No.6823624

You're right.

Not going to post my cosplays because then you would know who I am. Let me enjoy my moment of bitchy anonymity.

>> No.6823630

As a straight man who loves curves I think she's sexy as hell.

But that's still awful 'cosplay'

>> No.6823635

can you link to her facebook? or maybe post an actual constume she's done?

>> No.6823638
File: 59 KB, 681x1024, 472348_485355021535966_701475718_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one of her actual cosplays.
please also note that she wears a corset under everything because without it, she wouldn't have any shape at all (Except for round)

>> No.6823642

I second that.Sexy woman but That can't even be called cosplay.

This. Be a bitch all you want. It's 4chan.

>> No.6823646

>Take, for instance, this disgusting fat bitch.
People don't like you because they sense that you're as much of a toxic cunt as your inner rantings reveal.
>call me a jealous fattie
Has nothing to do with you being fat or jealous as much as it does being insecure and truly being unable to enjoy a fucking hobby unless you're the center of attention, and you feel slighted about it because you also feel like you don't need to put on a show to get it.

>> No.6823648

>And that just....doesn't seem fair, to me.
And? Life's not fair. She's worked out what angles she can use to get attention, good for her. Her costumes aren't elaborate, or even accurate, but they're recognisable to the average person, which seems to be her main audience. She has a distinctive body which she uses to her advantage, and that's what makes her stand out from the average cosplayer.

>> No.6823654

This. OP sounds like a bitter cunt who can't stand the idea that someone else gets more attention than they do.

>> No.6823658

As a straight male, I actually find flat chested women attractive.
Not to say I don't like boobs, but there's more than one way to make an attractive woman, ya know?

Anyways, cosplayers like that never really felt like "cosplayers" to me, and more like the typical attention whoring stereotype that cosplay gets from misogynists on the internet. If you like the character, that's fine, but please show some respect for your work, and don't just throw something together, and then reap benefits from it.

>> No.6823660
File: 49 KB, 500x735, 923371_10151400205366608_1024703433_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again.
I guess this is all just part of the current environment-"curvy" girls have become the new standard of sexy and so those of us who have more slender body types are somehow considered less attractive and not "real women." It sucks. I can't change what I was given genetically, but what I can do is work super hard to make my costumes amazing. I think that the right people will respect that, right?

For example, I look up to both Bellechere and Yaya Han as cosplayers. Say what you want about them (and about Yaya's implants), but both of them have AMAZING construction skills. I don't think anyone can deny that. Bellechere is also a personal friend and is one of the most kind-hearted and down-to-earth people I know. But I have trouble naming one other "famous" cosplay girl who has small tits. And I know TONS of amazingly talented cosplayers. It just seems like boob size directly correlates with notoriety.

>> No.6823665

>"curvy" girls have become the new standard of sexy
Uh no, curvy has always been more attractive.

>> No.6823675

>I guess this is all just part of the current environment-"curvy" girls have become the new standard of sexy and so those of us who have more slender body types are somehow considered less attractive and not "real women."
I already don't like you and I've barely seen three of your posts. Why are you being such a victim? There are plenty of flat chested girls regarded for their beauty and sexuality. Just because you're not one of them doesn't mean flat chested women are suddenly being oppressed and everyone thinks they're hideous.

>> No.6823674

Contrarily, I love my hobby. I would never think of rage-quitting because someone else gets more attention than I do. Fuck, there's ALWAYS going to be someone who is hotter or better or more popular than I am. That's just life, in any realm. There's always going to be someone who makes more money, or has a hotter boyfriend, or better clothes, or whatever. Cosplay is no different.

That doesn't mean I don't have the right to feel a bit downtrodden sometimes when I see people who seemingly have no skills other than having won the genetic lottery being exhalted without having to work for it. That's all.

I would never say something mean to this girl to her face. I don't know her at all, and in fact we might be friends if I were to meet her. I'm not MAD at her. But I don't think any of you could deny that you would feel the same way if you were in a similar situation.

>> No.6823680

I can name maybe two flat-chested girls who are considered hot in the mainstream-Kiera Knightley and Natalie Portman.

On the flip side, I can name about a billion who are famous for their boobs.

Plus all the posts you see around facebook and tumblr and wherever claiming that "curvy is betteR" and "real men like curves"-it makes skinny chicks feel undesirable.

>> No.6823681

Sounds to me like OP just wants to be a victim for the sake of being a victim. Maybe it'll get her more attention than her lack of boobies will.

>> No.6823678

>That doesn't mean I don't have the right to feel a bit downtrodden sometimes when I see people who seemingly have no skills other than having won the genetic lottery being exhalted without having to work for it.

Welcome to life. It's shit, isn't it? The other person is always getting shit we don't feel they deserve and we get tossed the scraps.
>in fact we might be friends
You think she's a disgusting bitch. Shut up.

>> No.6823686

If I wanted attention, I'd be posting this with a name.

Anonymity isn't going to get me much attention.

>> No.6823684

Is that a fucking ombre fade fake tan? What the fuck is even going on.

>> No.6823695

>You think she's a disgusting bitch. Shut up
I don't think she's attractive. I don't choose my friends based on their hotness.

>> No.6823689

Ugh. I'm a flat chested cosplayer who likes being flat chested and really hates this post. I hope I'm not lumped in with this shit.

>> No.6823693

OP, who are you, anyway?

>> No.6823698

Okay, that's two mainstream actresses. What about models? The ones that are actually moving the fashion industry and not just showing up as blips on our movie radars?
Do you think those girls have big titties and huge curves? Hell fucking no.

>bawww skinny chicks are the only ones that ever feel undesirable

>> No.6823699
File: 75 KB, 640x960, 14683_444536572276651_1492956675_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe it's just me but I would notice this over any pair of tits.
Also, take a look at this.
Insta-boner there.(SFW)

>> No.6823702

Why are you assuming there are two extremes: flat and giant tits? There are girls who are famous despite being flat chested, and there are girls who are famous for their boobs, and there are girls who are famous who fall somewhere in the middle. Get over yourself.

>> No.6823705

If it is that big of an issue, just fake your tits and cleavage with multiple double-thickness adhesive bras and a bombshell bra.

>> No.6823706
File: 155 KB, 960x620, 1331230752940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't choose my friends based on their hotness.
Friends don't call friends disgusting bitches.
What are you even doing?

>> No.6823707

Does anybody actually think models are hot?

>> No.6823709

> poorly made and poorly painted cosplay

Girl is cute though.
But no.

>> No.6823716

In your OP post, you called her a disgusting fat bitch. You also called her a fat blob. If that's what you call your friends, she's lucky she's not friends with you.

>> No.6823717
File: 52 KB, 626x460, 1352913496034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does anybody actually think models are hot?

So...uh yeah.
We're in a troll thread? We're in a troll thread.

>> No.6823715

this implies i know who anybody is in the cosplay world other than JNIG, yaya, and a few people i know personally.

>> No.6823718

The Victoria's Secret ones are.

>> No.6823728


>> No.6823724

If you are part of Twinzik, then I am majorly disappointed in you.

>> No.6823733

>hasn't discovered the world of Brazilian modeling

>> No.6823734

Are you that Adella chick?

>> No.6823735
File: 32 KB, 333x500, 208148_166098446777007_523661_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fellow flattie cosplayer here.
Boobs can be faked. Great costumes can't be faked, nor can being an awesome person. Personally, I'd rather have the latter.

Pic related, it's me being a flatty-flat.

>> No.6823745

Heather? Beth? Heidi? Jia?
OP, who are you?

>> No.6823754

My guess is Jia, but little does she know it's not because of her flat chest that people don't like her.

>> No.6823766
File: 14 KB, 550x309, 1231533813002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6823771

Who is it and why don't people like her

>> No.6823775

OP here.

You guys are right. I'm being a bitch for no reason, and I apologize. I shouldn't blame other people for my own insecurities. I'm going to go to bed now, but I'll leave this thread up as a reminder to myself not to be a shitty human being.

thanks for the reality check, /cgl/

>> No.6823780

Go away, we aren't talking about your tits anymore.
Now we are talking about who you might be. Which you are NOT HELPING WITH.

C'mon; just tell us.

>> No.6823783

lol no you're actually 100% right and just being honest but oooooookay.

god it's lame how /cgl/ has suddenly developed ~feelings~ now that no dramas allowed. lame.

>> No.6823784

Autistic people trying to cause drama.

>> No.6823789

OP- if you feel like that, then you have to ask yourself- what is it that you want out of your cosplay?

Do you want to have a lot of likes on facebook? Followers on tumblr or twitter? Do you want to be well known in your local community?

Who do you want to appreciate your cosplay? Do you want fans to appreciate your body and/or sexy pictures? Or do you want to be known for craftsmanship? Both? Do you need your cosplays to be accessible/appreciated by non-cosplayers? What's your appeal- sexy, cute, hardcore?

But most of all- are you willing to work hard to achieve these goals? However you decide to promote yourself, it's going to take effort. Finding (and maybe hiring) good photographers, keeping your body in good shape (and/or plastic surgery), going the extra mile to make your costumes or makeup good quality. There are plenty of cosplayers without large breasts that have many fans (Kamui, Precious, Yukigodbless, Rufflebutt, PikminLink, idk go lurk facebook harder or check out worldcosplay, cure and tumblr) - if you have at least one out of: big boobs/hourglass figure/small waist/pretty face then there's a place to start. Fame isn't always instant.

sage because you seem to have left

>> No.6823792

Your just cosplaying from the wrong series and reaching for the wrong demographic. Switch to moe anime characters and start spamming weeaboos on tumblr with your pictures if you want attention and are a member of the itty bitty titty club.

>> No.6823797

You ask a lot of stuff, dontcha?

>> No.6823798

Black Milk didn't ask Adam Hughes' permission to use his art for this dress, so seeing that alone annoys me.

>> No.6823810

>"All work done for Lucasfilm, Lucasfilm retains the rights to. That same image is also available on a dart board."

From his page. BM used artwork from Lucasfilm, that was part of their licensing. It's legal. Some of their other artwork is not, however. Go bitch about those instead.

Sage, because I'm not even a fucking BM fan and I keep hearing all this shit.

>> No.6823813 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 1046x696, 1367992420152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/izen here, i came to this thread because the Australian asspies are shitposting /fit/ RN with feel threads and anti SS threads. but as i was lurking this thread, i noticed that everybody was calling "curvy" sexy.

let me remind you that curvy does not exist. it's all fucking fat. there might be some women with fat in all the right places, but it's still fucking fat.
>hurr kervee gurlz r hottr den us slim gurlz. dey git all da atenshun frum anime dorks and cosplaying whores

maybe so, In your sad, pathetic hobby. but in the real world, you non anorexic, actually fit girls will always be better than them. like OP said, if the chick in OPs picture wasn't wearing a corset, she would have her fucking rolls messing up the picture. and if it wasn't for Photoshop, you could probably see her disguising cellulite filled hams she calls thighs. in the end, you petite, tight girls with real breasts are the people those "curvy" girls want to be. that whole "meat are for men, bones are for dogs"pictures are just self denial/bullshit made for the fat cunts to feel better about themselves. cosplaying is the only thing she has in this world. that is the only thing that makes her better than you. stop giving a fuck about it.


bring on the fat acceptance mysandrists/feminazis. bring on their insults. i'm off to sleep and get my hard earned gainz. you mad?

>> No.6823816

So they were shitposting on your board and you came here to shitpost on ours. Real classy fitfag, real classy.

>> No.6823828
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>> No.6823831
File: 20 KB, 651x508, curvy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fa/ggot here, I came to this thread because /fa/ is absolute shit almost all the time.

Please stop using the word curvy to make yourself feel better.

I agree with /fit/ here and to further enforce his standpoint I drew a picture to show you what curvy really is

>> No.6823832
File: 222 KB, 875x880, 1232733061207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went to /fit/ for the first time to see what was up...wow, they are all like this. self absorbed ass holes who only care way too much about their physical appearance and bitch about stupid shit...oh wait... still on /cgl/. fuck this, I'm going back to /tg/

>> No.6823833
File: 144 KB, 354x369, tumblr_med1wcVSmw1rrine5o1_400_large.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you

and I hate fat acceptance

>> No.6823834

I just hate everything about who you are as a human being.

>> No.6823837
File: 319 KB, 820x1233, leannecrow-diaryentry11-11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


busty doesnt have to mean fat, faggit

>> No.6823840

finally someone says it like it is. thank you so much, fitanon. thank you. Fat fucks are disgusting, end of.

>> No.6823841

why does it suddenly feel like everyone is in high school again? oh wait, 4chan. forgot.

>> No.6823845

breast tissue is technically nothing but fat, sooo ...

plus her thighs/hips look as if they've quite a bit of fat on them, as well.

>> No.6823853
File: 7 KB, 201x240, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That doesn't mean I don't have the right to feel a bit downtrodden sometimes when I see people who seemingly have no skills other than having won the genetic lottery being exhalted without having to work for it. That's all.

I get it. I've been a cosplayer for almost 15 yrs and I cannot tell you how many times I have felt meh about what cosplay has become since the late 90s.
I loved how small the community was, how we all talked cause this anime thing was rare, and that while a great costume was nice to see it wasn't the main focus so even if you had a subpar senshi costume people were genuinely pleased you even dressed up.

With it going mainstream it became more about looks than "OMG this show gais, I have to make something from it cause I love it." Just like everything else in life.

So yeah, some random big tits/clear skin/face that happens to be IN genetics line up and bam, don't have to work half as hard for all the nice things.

It's a big fuck you to actual fans who do it regardless of looking not all that much like a character & people who have been in the hobby since these people were in kindergarten.

But it's just grown ass people dressing like fictional people, so I try and keep that in mind.

>> No.6823856

Flat is virtue.
Flat girls are more pure.
It's not about how much attention you get. It's about how much fun you have. Or maybe you only have fun when you get attention?

>> No.6823857

Nice samefagging bro

>> No.6823860
File: 400 KB, 1024x1024, 1367382486943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bawwww attractive female cosplayers get more attention than acne-ridden landwhales

Face it; cosplay should be a hobby for cute girls to show off their bodies. No one gives a fuck that you're, like, totally a fan of the show. if I want to talk to people with actual knowledge of a comic/animu/book/mango, I'll talk to a dude. If I want to see someone cosplay they should either look nice or look funny. Hamplanets are neither.

>> No.6823864

Great costumes can't be faked

Let met tell you about Alodia and Nigiri plus the new trend of thinking it's ok to buy the impressive parts of your costume and talk about how much work you put into it while also only noting on your personal page who actually made what.

It's best to have your fans think you are some beautiful super woman cosplayer with looks, nerd interest, and amazing skills.

>> No.6823865

then go to a strip club for that

>> No.6823866
File: 107 KB, 901x522, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>flat girls are more pure

What a load of bullshit. I'm pretty sure flat girls have just about the same amount of sex as curvy chicks.

>> No.6823868
File: 1.02 MB, 1280x853, acidwash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so you actually WANT to have the same fans those fat pieces of shit have?

The ones that are in for the tits, not for the... you know faggy costumes you make?

Shouldn't you be happy to have fans that like you for what you want to show them?

Damn you people are needy

>> No.6823869

>breast tissue is technically nothing but fat

No. Learn about breasts please.

>> No.6823870

I can't see nubile young girls dressed as attractive fictional characters at a strip club and I'm less likely to get diseases from them.

>> No.6823874


>> No.6823875
File: 38 KB, 453x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you be trolling

>> No.6823876

All women would rather be admired for their bodies over their costumes.

>> No.6823877

statistically The majority of males prefer larger breasts. So logically girls with flat chest will have less sex because they have less appeal to the majority of males.

>> No.6823884
File: 12 KB, 260x143, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The amount of trolling and crazy in this thread is mind boggling.

>> No.6823883
File: 35 KB, 464x640, 427353_10150659353197533_349054752532_11006772_1930886200_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


J-Nig and Yaya are /fit/ and busty and they are two of the most popular cosplayers

>> No.6823891

Yaya Han is really really ugly though
Coming from someone who loves asian flesh

>> No.6823887

And they're also the most hated by butthurt women who cry about how "dey dont even no wat dey cosplay as" at the same time they post on /cgl/ asking for people they could cosplay based on looks.

>> No.6823890

>I get it. I've been a cosplayer for almost 15 yrs and I cannot tell you how many times I have felt meh about what cosplay has become since the late 90s

Cosplay was always about sex appeal.

Miyu, Alisa, Lindze, Ginny, etc. all showing their bodies off as much as possible

Remember Vairitease/teaserama?

>> No.6823893

Curvy, not busty.

>> No.6823898
File: 445 KB, 714x882, mikoreimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess this is all just part of the current environment-"curvy" girls have become the new standard of sexy and so those of us who have more slender body types are somehow considered less attractive and not "real women."

Male here.

You are taking this way too hard. You are all real women. Just because we show interest in another woman more than you doesn't mean we don't recognize and respect you.

There are more ( and better ) ways to earn our interest than just having a nice rack. Just cosplay characters that hsare your body type more. Also, cosplay characters that you actually like. It shows in your eyes when you do. It's very easy for us to tell the difference between a legitimate fan and an attention whore.

>> No.6823902


Yeah I remember those!
It was a small number of chicks doing that though.
Now by default you have to be as hot/cute/pretty as the character you are costuming as or it's a fail.

The sex appeal wasn't the main thing then. It is now.

>> No.6823903

>p-p-p-please have sex with me seagull

>> No.6823905

I think it really needs to be stressed that fatfucks have no one to blame but themselves.

So many fat girls here constantly complaining. If you don't like it then hit the treadmill and read the /fit/ guide for tips.

>> No.6823906

>Flat girls are more pure.
real life is not your loli moe animuz
purity is a complete bullshit concept, by the way

>> No.6823908

>purity is a complete bullshit concept, by the way

Slut who works as an escort on the side to pay for her con tickets spotted.

>> No.6823912

is it willful ignorance or denial or do you just actually not understand how human bodies work?

SOME fat people are just lazy. i don't know what percentage. i haven't exactly conducted a widespread survey. but SOME fat people work out and diet and all that shit and they're sitll fat. That's a FACT.

It's really not fair to see someone and immediately assume they fall into the lazy category. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight. They could be working hard to be healthy for all you know, maybe they've even lost a lot already. But we all know you don't actually give two shits about anyone's health, you just don't like looking at omgz gross fatty-chans because you're so shallow I could stand in a puddle of you and not get my feet wet.

>> No.6823916

>mad fattie

>> No.6823919

actually adult female with a regular job in a very long-term committed relationship who can count my past sexual partners on one hand with room to spare.

"Purity" is a bunch of religious puritan garbage pushed mainly by people who want to stop everyone from having sex. Having sex does not, contrary to popular belief, suddenly drastically change who you are as a human being and completely destroy any semblance of a moral compass. If your moral center is based on how other people stimulate their sexual organs you have fucked up priorities.

I really really hate theistic religion, can you tell?

>> No.6823920

>But we all know you don't actually give two shits about anyone's health, you just don't like looking at omgz gross fatty-chans because you're so shallow I could stand in a puddle of you and not get my feet wet.

I died at the puddle of you part.
I hope I get to use that one day.

>> No.6823921

It does if you're a woman, given that once you realize how easy it is to get every though through sex that's all you care about doing/

>> No.6823923

Dude, no use getting into a shitting argument. Anon isn't going to suddenly see the light and apologize. Already tested the waters and it sucks.

>> No.6823925

I'm really sorry your ex girlfriend manipulated you, man. Don't let it ruin your life. Try not being such a spineless pushover pansy ass, maybe.

>> No.6823930


they're not hitting the gym or dieting hard enough then

if you burn more calories than you consume (that is, that you physically purchase at a store or restaurant and then place in your mouth and swallow) you will lose weight. there's no room for negotiation regarding this - it is hard fact

also, I'm not even following this argument and I don't have an opinion about anything going on, just saying that losing weight is a matter of taking in less calories than your body is using

>> No.6823933

>Man isn't a complete dick to you

lol Femvictism

>> No.6823937

It sounds more like you are using the word "pure" in a completely different context than most people would.

The overwhelming majority of people see purity as simply meaning "not a backstabbing whore", not the religious concept you make it.

>> No.6823941

/sci/ here.

The overwhelming majority of fat people are just lazy. Some people have a much easier time staying fit than others, but less than 1% of the population actually has a disease that causes them to be fat no matter what they do. It's calories in-calories out. If you eat less than your body consumes, you WILL lose weight. It is physically impossible for you not to.

TL;DR you are delusional.

>> No.6823942

being curvy is honestly all about bone structure. you can look curvy and be underweight, it's definitely possible. it depends on how wide your hips are and how wide your ribs/shoulders are. i'm 128 pounds yet i still have curves.

>> No.6823943

Some people have diabetes and have to take shots every day.

Some people are born with poor eyesight and need to wear glasses/contacts at all times.

Some people are born into shit poor families.

You were born with a bad metabolism. It will be harder for you to stay thin than other girls. Life isn't fair. Deal with it.

>> No.6823948

While I agree with the whole taking in less calories than burned, you have to realize there is an exception to the rule when it comes fatness. I meet with a dysautonomia support group every month and one of the other group members was born with a mitochondrial disease that makes them have extreme exercise intolerance to the point that running on a treadmill makes them have heart palpitations and even pass out. Obviously they 're not fit or skinny but they are chubby. They also eat a normal amount of calories per day but their metabolism has gone to shit. Obviously you can't blame this person for their fatness (plus they're not even that overweight but considered fat by /fit/ standards)

>> No.6823950
File: 41 KB, 500x598, whitebody.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fit/ standards
You've never been to /fa/, have you

pic related, aesthetic perfection

>> No.6823954


Most of /fit/ doesn't do much if any cardio while cutting because it makes estimating the amount of calories you need on a daily basis harder. dieting is the most effective way to lose weight by eating a bit beneath your tdee, which is both safe and effective enough to cut to relatively low bodyfat.

>> No.6823958

I'm sorry for contradicting you, and how harsh I'm probably going to sound, but you're simply wrong. The only condition that significant portion of the populaiton in America has that affects weight loss is an under-active thyroid. The percent of people that have this is on the rise, but still low. In 2010 the number was roughly 5% confirmed as having an under-active thyroid. However, even such a condition does not affect weight loss to the point of it being much harder for them. It's a little harder, but not by much.

If you are fat, it is because you have a poor diet, you lead a sedentary life, and you've not made or stuck to the decisions necessary to change. No one is above calories in < calories out, no one. Any other assertion is just a lack of education or intentional ignorance on the subject of how the human body functions.

Being fat isn't healthy, being above 32+% bodyfat isn't attractive to most males (presuming you're under 40), and being fat isn't something that you can just throw your hands up about and say it's not your fault if you're older than 18.

>> No.6823959

There's a LARGE amount of prescription drugs that have side effects that fuck with ones ability to lose weight as well.

Sage for yet another "a bloo bloo bloo i saw a fat person and my day was ruined" thread

>> No.6823961

Of course there are exceptions. It is incredibly irresponsible of you to use them an an excuse for the vast majority of overweight people who are simply lazy, ignorant, or misinformed. When you see someone who is very overweight the overwhelming reality is that they probably just don't know how to diet and exercise.

The problem is education, and we need to start this education by explaining to unhealthy/overweight people that there *is* something they can do, and it *it* entirely in their hand to make the change.

>> No.6823963

They have a mitochondrial disease. That means every single cell in their body has faulty mitochondria. Even if they tried to diet they still have issues due to the fact that the energy centers of EVERY cell in their body is shit. Plus their whole endocrine system is out of whack. There's no way I would tell them to try and lose weight because I sure they want to but can't because they were born into a fucked up body that doesn't work like it's suppose to.

>> No.6823972

>irresponsible of me to use them as an excuse

I'm not saying that they're using it as an excuse. They physiologically cannot exercise with out passing out. It's way different than a morbidly obese person getting on a treadmill for 5 seconds and complaining that their knees or chest hurt. That's an excuse. That person can eventually work through it. The person that's in the same group with me goes down like a ton of bricks if the jog for more than 5 minutes on a treadmill. This is coming from somebody who passed out on a treadmill in the middle of a stress test.

>> No.6823973

morbidly obese people are actually correct to not run, it can permanently damage their joints. they need to lose weight before they can safely exercise. just saying.

>> No.6823976

That't not what I'm saying, you responded to the logical way to lose weight (diet/exercise), by saying "but there are exceptions". By doing that, you're encouraging people who are just fat to use the same argument and say they're an exception when they aren't. The mentality is the problem and even if there are exceptions, they are few and should not be used as counter arguments to diet and exercise.

>> No.6823979

Okay, I get the morbidly obese thing but that wasn't the main point of my post. A fat person with no other health issues other than being fat can remedy their situation. But those of us with dysautonomia, especially the types that cause exercise intolerance and metabolic issues are defiantly not using our disease as a crutch. I have to bring somebody to the gym with me when I attempt to work out so they can spot me if I pass out, which is always.

>> No.6823981

And as stated, you and people like you are a tiny minority and are not subject to the assertions above. It's just unfortunate that your condition will cause you to be perceived as lazy and stupid because the other 95% of fat people are just that.

>> No.6823988

That women's body makes my want to throw up. How can anything that much body fat be considered attractive?

>> No.6823996

>How can anything that much body fat be considered attractive?

Tits. Men will go for someone they normally wouldn't because they want to touch/squezze/fuck some glorious funbags.

>> No.6824003

You sound a lot like an insecure, venomous skinny girl attacking other girls for not being like her.
You're just as bad as the "Real women have curves" retards.

>> No.6824006

Pics, please, so that I can pass judgement.

>> No.6824014
File: 83 KB, 720x540, me cosplaying as madoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6824017

Dunno about you, but I have a friend who used to go to /fit/ a lot and he said that 99% of them don't even lift and are just bickering man babbies like /r9k/. Just good people like Gooby lift.

>> No.6824032


the daily progress threads that are on /fit/ daily with lots of civil compliments and discussion say otherwise

>> No.6824036
File: 358 KB, 1000x662, so this is fit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a picture from a recent /fit/ meetup.

>> No.6824035

>click on /fit/
>oly thread
>tfw flaccid dick thread
>what do you think of my back
>">qt girl is mutual friends with a few people on my Facebook" ">tfw too afraid to add her"
>hungry skeleton
>This is the fucking result after 4 months, no muscle, no abs nothing
>Does anyone else hate this fat cunt?
>things that annoy you
>poetry thread
>ask broseph anything. :-)


>> No.6824037

>implying breast size has anything to do with being a backstabbing whore.

>> No.6824039


he wasn't just talking about threads or content on /fit/, he was talking about people's bodies who post on /fit/ and claimed that they don't lift. they post their bodies in progress threads and do in fact lift


yeah I've seen all the /fit/ meetup pics. you could easily make a collage of all of the jacked roided tripfags and imply that that's indicative of what people on the board look like. better to browse the board and look at threads with pics of average /fit/izens doing their thing and making decent progress

>> No.6824043

OP I get you. It's annoying when you put a tonne of effort into your cosplays, but you go unnoticed because of idiots like this, or Lunayuki who has done bugger all, less than this chick, and has about 8000 likes on FB.

But here's the thing: They are only noticing her tits, and that's what she wants. The majority of comments Ivy Doomkitty or her ilk get is "zomg boobies". Whereas people who follow what you do do so because they are more concerned with construction and accurate costumes.

It's easy to feel bad, but it's also not really worth it in the end because they get all the wrong kinds of attention. I certainly don't want 80 comments on my photo about my tits.

>> No.6824054

You realise medical conditions exist that impact on people's health and therefore fitness/weight, right?

>Polycystic ovarian syndrome (like I have)
>Cushing's syndrome
>People with severe heart problems that mean if they exercise they will literally give themselves a heart attack (someone I know)

Not everyone is a fatty because they are lazy and eat too much. Some of us actually work really hard to lose weight/keep it under control.

>> No.6824070

I thought she was Snooki

>> No.6824108

I might be the male version of this (not trying to brag).
I went to a con for the first time in a relatively cheap Doctor Who outfit (I also look like him and have the hair, so it worked out pretty well), while many of my friends had extremely expensive ones. Guess who the girls were all over? I was on about 50 pictures on my first day while one guy in a very good handmade Kirito cosplay wasn't photographed at all, just ebcause he didn't look like him and was a bit chubby (shaving off his neckbeard would sure have helped, too)

>> No.6824113

These kinds of things are very very rare though, they make up only about 4% of American obesity causes. The rest of the causes are directly correlated to diet and exercise. Plus, there are a number of different diseases and conditions which are infact caused by poor diet/lack of exercise which do not only affect obese people alone, but they are much much harder on them.

>> No.6824117

>These kinds of things are very very rare though,
Not as rare as you think. And where are you getting 4% from?
I knew at least ten different girls at my college who has PCOS, and that number was possibly even higher.
I also had a friend with cushing's and he had to go through years of really tough surgeries, but when he was an early teen he was like a round balloon. He now is mentally unstable and last time I heard he was anorexic (5'5 104) and trying to get help for himself out of state before he vanished off all his social media.

>> No.6824124


>I have logic and stats that I pulled out of my ass
>your stats suck I HAVE FEEEEEELS

Both of you are wrong. PCOS occurs in 5-10% of a population of women and it's fuckall hard to track if obesity is due to controllable or uncontrollable causes, not to mention how would you define controllable causes? Environmental? Many drugs cause obesity - SSRIs for instance, as well as steroids for immune suppression. Would you consider psychiatric disorders such as binge eating as a controllable or uncontrollable cause? The statistic could be larger or smaller depending what you define an uncontrollable cause as - 4% is probably not a set number.

At the same time, man, anecdotes rustle my jimmies."I know 10 people" is not exactly very precise.

>> No.6824127

Considering the population of america is about 300 mill and 35% of americas are considered obese 4% of that is a fair amount of people. Even though in the scheme of things it seems like a tiny number it still accounts for quite a bit of people( about 3800000 or so) So yeah, while it does seem like a small percentage it's a large number of people.

>> No.6824133

>>your stats suck I HAVE FEEEEEELS
I wasn't exactly denying that those are my anecdotes of physical evidence that I've personally experienced though...
And either way only saying 4% of fat people are affected by ALL those conditions is dreadfully low.

>35% of americas are considered obese 4% of that is a fair amount of people.
I don't really understand how you get to that conclusion. Why don't you wiki causes for obesity and see just how much shit can mess with a person.

>> No.6824136

First off I never stated how many people suffer from PCOS. I was simply saying that as far as diseases in direct correlation with causing obesity only account for 4% of obesity cases in the US.

>> No.6824141

>I don't really understand how you get to that conclusion. Why don't you wiki causes for obesity and see just how much shit can mess with a person.

What the fuck are you even talking about? Let me rephrase it. Diseases that are proven to directly cause obesity only affect 4% of obese Americans which is still 3800000 people. one person knowing 10 people who ALL suffer from those kinds of things is still a tiny drop in the bucket, don't you know how numbers work?

>> No.6824153

>Diseases that are proven to directly cause obesity only affect 4% of obese Americans which is still 3800000 people.
And I say it's higher.
We disagree on something. What's not to understand?

>> No.6824164

>And I say it's higher.
Just because you have personal experiences with people doesn't mean "Omg you CAN'T be right!" Why don't you actually give me some facts that aren't your personal experiences with 10 people. 3800000 people is the entire population of LA.

>> No.6824166

Excuse me? And where's your fancy "source" for saying it's only 4%?

>> No.6824173

>3800000 people is the entire population of LA.
Just because you keep repeating this doesn't mean you've conducted research to actually see how many obese people suffer from pcos, thyroid and endocrine issues, heart problems, and cushings to actually know that your figure is correct. You're talking out of your ass just as much as the other person is.

>> No.6824184

Heart problems aren't what I'm talking about, I'm talking about obese people who are only obese because of diseases that directly cause obesity. Only in those cases, which are only 4% Things that make it easier for people to become obese or harder to lose weight aren't what I am talking about.

>> No.6824187


>> No.6824190

Here's a better perspective entirely. Regardless of health conditions and disorders, diet and exercise are a good idea for everyone, the vast majority of people are in control of their own weight, and there's a high chance that most people that say "I can't control it" actually can.

On top of this a lot of those conditions don't actually prevent weight loss, they just make it "harder", the difficulty of which varies from person to person.

>> No.6824189

Stupid sage.

>> No.6824192
File: 9 KB, 179x318, beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6824194

>As a straight male, I actually find flat chested women attractive.

No, really, you are literally considered a pedophile where I live (Australia).

>> No.6824199

They best have free boob jobs then.

>> No.6824197

I said that a bunch. Look it up.

>> No.6824200 [DELETED] 

>>6823674 But I don't think any of you could deny that you would feel the same way if you were in a similar situation.

Stop. Step back. Not just a little, either. Step completely out of yourself and really examine your feelings.

Everything you're feeling is not a direct result of curvy women, shallow fans or lack of appreciation for craftsmanship. Your feelings of inadequacy and unfairness are a result of YOURSELF. You feel your own cosplay efforts are invalidated by something that doesn't even involve you: someone else getting attention.

Your line of thinking is narcissistic, destructive and however you try to dress it up with backtracking "No bro, she might totes be cool, I didn't mean to call her a disgusting slob," it's clear you have some deeper issues to deal with.

Get off 4chan and work on yourself.

>> No.6824201

So in AUS.... they don't consider females with a cups to be women...? That's messed up.

>> No.6824205

>On the flip side, I can name about a billion who are famous for their boobs.

No you can't. Most actresses just have average or below average size boobs. Actually titty monsters like Christina Hendricks are still niche.

>> No.6824205,1 [INTERNAL] 

I don't mind the nice round boobs, thin waist, nice butt. But I also like people who put effort into their cosplay, real detail, and actually be the character. If you could pull that off you could be noticed just as much as the other curvy girls. You just have to work harder at it.