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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6820126 No.6820126 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a thread where we whine about annoying things in lolita?

>live in UK
>see awesome sales post, tons of stuff you want
>'I only ship to the US'

>> No.6820129

>live in US
>see awesome sales post, tons of stuff you want
>'I only ship in Europe'

>> No.6820140

Ballet flats.
They automatically ruin any coordinate for me.

>> No.6820144


>'Leaving Lolita sale'
>only three items, all handmade



>Been a lolita since before lolita was actually invented
>oh I just started buying clothes this month

And, one of my favorites that always seems to pop up in ita threads

>Am I the only lolita who didn't look like a complete failure with my first outfit?!

Yep, you're the only one. And you totes knew what good and bad looked like for your first time.

>> No.6820147

Seeing someone who looks mediocre or shitty getting asspats because they are [insert minority race/weight/religion here]

>> No.6820150


being a bigger cupsize than default and most brand fitting empire or high waisted because of it... whatever I just wear a bolero, but I'd love to one day look like one of the stock photos and not a babydoll dress heh

>> No.6820153
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Finding out your dream dress is 20cm too short

>> No.6820163
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Go to the sales comm, they said. You'll probably find whatever you need at a great price, they said.

>> No.6820172

>Been a lolita since before lolita was actually invented
Omg does anyone remember that one bitch who said she had been a lolita since birth? And she posted a picture of her in her early 20s or something in the 80s wearing a headbow as proof that she had been a lolita since the stone age?

>> No.6820179

>live in US
>willing to ship internationally but only by EMS because scams/chargebacks/shipping problems
>international buyers never want to pay for EMS or even priority
>would you consider selling your blouse for $10 less than the shipping alone costs?!

>> No.6820185

I'm a short girl, and I honestly don't give a fuck if you can see a taller lolis knees. It annoys me how bent out of shape about it people get.

Also, Misako. I think she's adorable rori-chan, but can everyone stop losing their shit over everything she says? She has a strict sense of the fashion and she's a typical Japanese racist, what the fuck do you expect? I think the people who complain about her have no idea what Japan is really like.

>> No.6820194

Honestly, I don't even care about seeing a loli's knees. As long as it isn't actually slutty-short, I don't really care about the length. Taller lolitas don't suit the style much in general though, imo. I'm 5"5, so I'm pretty close to too tall, but I manage. If I was an inch taller, I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.6820213

I'm >>6820153 I think showing knees is cute (if I thought otherwise I wouldn't even be here, I'm 5'8) but thighs are a big no.

>> No.6820242

That feel when there's that one girl in the community everyone loves, but she's a total bitch to you for no fuckin' reason.

And you can't say shit or you're a vendetta-chan. Yep.

>> No.6820257

get proof, then you won't be a vendetta chan... it's that simple

>> No.6820268
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That excellent feel when your comm is comprised entirely of really well-dressed girls who are absolute fucking sweethearts and tolerate your bullshit as you try to learn how to become ~kawaii rorita~.

Also, mfw no AP chiffon blouses for sale ever.

>> No.6820269
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My first coord (I didn't wear a wig - my natural hair was a cute bob at the time). It's not amazing or anything, but not terrible, either. I'd been lurking lolita communities for about two years, though

I don't want to seem like a vendetta chan, but Princess Peachie. She's cute, but her makeup makes me cringe (she honestly doesn't need it), and the lack of brand in her closet depresses me, given that a lot of secondhand brand is cheaper than replicas bodyline these days.

>> No.6820270

It's really not...

>> No.6820276


Peachie is lovely. Why is your business how she decides to spend her money?

>> No.6820281
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I think slowly people are starting to catch on, though. Or, I hope.

>> No.6820282

Ugh. This. Always this. I fucking hate ballet flats. I don't care what bows or sparkles you add, their just not the right shape to balance out with a massive, petticoat-filled skirt and make your legs look stumpy.

Personal pet peeves:
>that one, skeezy know-it-all boyfriend that comes with his girlfriend to meets
>doesn't dress up at all
>claims to be a "photographer"
>criticises girls' outfits openly
>whines that no one likes him

>girl posts coordinate, asking for C&C
>girl gets gentle criticism, generally interspersed with compliments
>girl loses her shit in comments, flinging "brandwhore" left and right
>"you just don't understand my unique vision!"

>girl is so tall/wide/or a combination thereof that the dress doesn't cover past her crotch with a petticoat
>bloomers worn to disguise this
>girl looks like she's wearing a mumu and nappy as a result

>> No.6820284

I love peachie, but it makes me a little bit sad how she loves AP and their prints but doesn't actually try to own any of it.

>> No.6820286

Where is this cheap, secondhand brand that you speak of?

I would like some. I think I would really like some.

>> No.6820289

>then the legion of her friends can come to her aid
>tell you that she actually didn't mean it
>tell you that you're actually responsible for her being a bitch towards you
>or just flat out resort to the fact that she's more popular because she's more likable and who cares what she did to one nobody?

I've seen it happen.
Lolita comms are like high schools.

>> No.6820293

Lately I've been seeing second hand AP going for like £60-100, (even for print items) it's not that hard to find if you are just patient and don't expect to get high-demand items or stuff in flawless condition

>> No.6820300


Thank fuck my comm is level-headed and full of sensible girls.


You do realize that £60 is a huge amount of money for somebody who is too ill to work and most likely living on the minuscule benefits afforded to them?

>> No.6820301

It makes you sad? It makes you sad how she spends her money? Are you serious?

>> No.6820310

People who blab to you about random, irrelevant shit at meetups. Like yeah I'd love to see a picture of your dog because he's really cute but I'm really not interested in your cousin's wedding photos or the cake you baked for your mom's birthday like I barely know you why can't we talk about something we can both contribute to and be interested in so we can actually get to know each other

>> No.6820311

I never claimed it was. Last time I checked I was allowed to have an opinion about someone's wardrobe.

Stalk mbok or yahoo japan long enough and you'll find some. Obviously not everything goes for super cheap, but I've seen the vampire requiem skirt go for about 5,000 yen before.

>> No.6820318

Peachie obviously has money to spend. She buys Bodyline and replica dresses (which cost around £40-60), and she buys a lot of 80's and 90's toys which can cost quite a bit depending on rarity.

>> No.6820326

u see that word there

>> No.6820324

Doesn't she do some freelance art work?

>> No.6820325

Nevermind people tagging shit with 'lolita' on tumblr that isn't.
Why tag totally unrelated stuff as 'lolitaproblems'?!
Grinds my gears

>> No.6820336

She stuff she draws isn't going to pull in that much money, it's just for other girls without jobs.
I don't really give a fuck what anyone else is doing with their money unless it's genecide, and if she was saving up and buying brand with her benefits there'd probably be a big hooha about it. Leave her be.

>> No.6820334

I honestly think people are just mad that Peachie makes Bodyline and replicas look so cute and she doesn't give a fuck. She buys her wardrobe for her use, not for you. Buy brand and fucking mail it to her if you want her to have some so badly.

>> No.6820335

She does uh... dress up games and sprites and stuff? I am pretty sure it's very lucrative for her. She lives alone and obviously has plenty of money for decorations/clothing/whatever

>> No.6820337

I can't type.

>> No.6820342


She has been building her wardrobe for *years* and doesn't buy that often. As for the eighties toys, I've seen her say more than once that she only tries for auctions under like £5.

>> No.6820344

It's not like she spends her money going out or anything. Why shouldn't she spend it on decorations?

>> No.6820343


Oh my God, yes, this.

>> No.6820348
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>when people in my comm that are in high school dress up in lolita for their classes and then come home to bitch about how everyone gave them funny looks or asked them what they were wearing

Seriously, I knew people who got made fun of for wearing normalfag clothes in high school. What makes teens think that wearing lolita to high school is foolproof? Like do they want drama for themselves?
I don't even think I would've been allowed to wear things like sweet lolita to my high school, they probably would've attempted to send me home for wearing a costume. Not that I wouldn't suffer the heckling from every ghetto latino and nigglette first. <--and that's not racist, you know the kind of people I'm referring to.

>> No.6820345


She really doesn't have plenty of money. The stuff she owns is stuff she's collected over time. She doesn't buy a big amount at once. And I'm fairly certain she doesn't get paid for most of the art she does.

>> No.6820352

How do you know she doesn't have plenty of money?
I never said anything about her going out or not going out or how she should spend it... I just commented that she obviously has decorations in her apartment heh

>> No.6820357

You know what annoys me? Whenever someone mentions Princess Peachie and the thread explodes like this. Come on guys, it's been discussed over and over again. Let's just get back to discussing other annoying things.

>> No.6820366


Because she lives on benefits. UK sickness benefit is not a lot. I'm not even from the UK and I know that. She cannot work. And her parents don't pay her way.

>> No.6820371

fuckin' limp-ass petticoats with otherwise adorable coords

remember ladies, a limp petti means limp dicks.

>> No.6820368



>> No.6820370


What kind of sickness?

>> No.6820376

It does make me kind of bitter that people can be on things like benefits and aid and still spend the extra money they have on brand.
Like I'd be more comfortable with someone getting an occasional check from their parents or having their bf pay for their brand than that.

To me it just shows mismanagement of money. If you can afford a $200 dress every month but you still need benefits, you're doing shit wrong.
>nothing to do with PP btw

>> No.6820377

And you know she lives on benefits...? Yes I already know she has a disease. But I've never heard her say she lives on benefits...

>> No.6820378

She has something similar to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or the shit Cadney has. She is always in terrible pain. It's one of those invisible diseases.

>> No.6820379


>> No.6820382
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>'First time wearing classic!'
> Is wearing non-OTT sweet

>> No.6820385

I don't know. I mean on the one hand, if someone is spending all their benefits money on clothes and they can't afford other essentials then it's bad money management. But what if someone budgets their benefits in order to save and afford brand every now and again? Obviously they wouldn't be able to buy it every month since it would be a case of saving up.

>> No.6820386


How do I differentiate OTT sweet from regular sweet or old school sweet?
I can tell them apart from Classic, but what makes something OTT?

>> No.6820388
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>con thread on cgl
>lolita says what she's going to wear on a specific day
>talks about how she wants to meet people
>makes a few underhanded comments about itas and how much she hates them

>day of con
>see girl with the outfit
>a really badly cut wig
>brand dress with a petti so horrible it actually sagged the dress and made it look lumpy
>truly an ita coord
>girl gives dirty stares at other lolitas
>mfw we never even hear from her because she never approached anyone
>just walked around and glared at us

>> No.6820393

>But what if someone budgets their benefits in order to save and afford brand every now and again?
But benefits should go towards people who need it, not people who want to be cozy because they have misplaced priorities.
You know, when I don't make enough money at my job, I have to tell myself no to buying new stuff.

>> No.6820395

OTT has lots of accessories, colours, typically with a print(or very over the top non-print). 'Toned down' or regular sweet might use less accessories, less colours, more subtle prints or non-print items.
That's how I distinguish it anyway.

>> No.6820400

I'm on benefits because my job doesn't give me enough hours to live on, but the top up amount that is given to me (I'm on the lowest level) still gives me some extra money after paying for my basics. I can't give that money back because I'm on the lowest level and if I tell them I don't need the extra then I'll lose it completely and won't be able to afford to live.

>> No.6820402

You are what's called an exception.
And just from the sounds that you actually have a stable job, aren't the kind of lolita I'm referring to.

>> No.6820406


I'm in the same situation.

>> No.6820414

When my shoes stain my light socks :(

>> No.6820418

You mean when someone expresses a personal opinion about Peachie and a thousand whiteknights flood the thread, right?

Only thing that bothers me about her is the gifs, honestly. I don't give a fuck about her wardrobe, but making a bunch of gifs of yourself seems so vain.

(Yes, I'm aware of the irony of complaining about vanity in lolita, but imo the new gif trend is a whole new level from the obvious of outfit shots in a fashion hobby.)

>> No.6820417

It's kind of sad to see how badly people think of those on benefits for invisible illness are. I'm pretty close to dropping out of college and going on disability because I can't function, does that make some sort of awful monster because I already had a closet of brand.

>> No.6820422

>Trying to sit on a bus with two pettis
>In public places with lots of people and they brush up against your dress

>> No.6820424

It's not lolita related but
>be four years ago
>freshman in college
>girl I know gets financial aid from the state for being poor and a mental case
>about $2000 more, she brags, than she actually needs and can spend it however
>buys herself a new laptop, ipad, and other expensive goodies
>drops out a year later to go to community college
>flunks out of there too
>gets $6000 worth of merch by the time she's done
I thought she was a little weasel.

>> No.6820426


You just reminded me of an event that occurred last week when some fucking faggot kept sneaking up behind me and untying my waist ties as I walked around college.

>> No.6820428

Actually, that's a pretty common situation. All the people who I know are on benefits have either a full time job with awful pay, or a disability that only allows them to work part time.

The main gripe I have with the benefit system is that once you're in it, you can't get out. If you're on benefits and you manage to earn some money, you don't get to keep it because it's knocked off your benefit. That would be fine, except that they don't always take it off straight away, so it might come off two months later and leave you short, and you have to fill out a twenty page declaration for every single penny, so it eventually becomes not worth it. It's also very hard to budget when you get six different payments a month that are never the same amount or on the same day as they were the month before. I'm sure there would be far fewer people claiming benefits (because a lot of them want to work) if they just made the system simpler. This is why I'm kind glad they're bringing in Universal Credit, even though it's going to be chaos for a while.

Man, I can't wait to go to uni and actually not have to worry about money any more. I'm also going to stop talking about this now.

>> No.6820427

Oh gee.
I am 5'6" and I manage just fine, honestly. The only thing I have a problem with is Putumayo stuff.

>> No.6820429
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>I love your wig!
>Thank you, but this is my real hair, actually.
>I can tell it's not by how it's parted.
>But it really is my hair...
>*YANKS* oh I guess it is

Thanks for fucking up my ringlets, bitch.

>> No.6820430

I didn't know Cadney was sick. :(

>> No.6820432

Depends, how did you afford your brand in the first place?

>> No.6820436

Disability really sucks. :( I hope you can manage, anon.

>> No.6820438

I basically got kicked out of college because of some similar bullshit. I already own many outfits that I like to post online. I'd hate to see how people would react to me.

I had my life together. I'm just trying to get it back.

>> No.6820439

>People touching your hair and clothes at any time without expressly given permission

>> No.6820440

Define 'can't function.'

>> No.6820449

I hope you can get back on track, anon-chan

>> No.6820447

I had a job in high school and spent al my hs job money on lolita. For about the past two years I've felt like absolute shit 24/7 and it's gotten to the point in the past 8 months where I literally can't be out and about for more than couple hours without passing out from the constant fatigue. I can barely go to class, yet keep a job. I'm constantly worried over passing out while driving. I'm trying to get a diagnosis, but nothings come up so far.

>> No.6820448

Ahh young Padawan, one day you will be able to tie your waist ties perfectly by yourself. It's just a crushingly difficult learning curve.

A nice thing is that a lot of brands have detachable waist ties. So, tie the bow around your front, make it as pretty as you like, unbutton and button them in the back. Done.

>> No.6820452

>I'm 5"5, so I'm pretty close to too tall
Do you live on a planet where only Ewoks wear lolita?

>> No.6820453


And fitting corset lacing the first time you get and put on a dress.

>> No.6820455

That doesn't always work. Whenever I do it on my Melty Chocolate dress, it's tight when I tie it on the front and then it's really loose when I swap it to the back. Although detachable waist ties are great because once they're tied, you can keep them tied.

>> No.6820461


>> No.6820462

Thank you. I'm working on it every day. It's just, when you get set back so much, all you can see is the mountain and not the steps. I want so badly to be happy and healthy and functioning like a normal person again. I feel completely fucking useless.

Am I going to stop dressing up though? Fuck no. If it gives me the slightest bit of comfort, I'm going to hold onto that with all my goddamn might. I wonder if that's how Peachie feels.

Sage for whiny bullshit.

>> No.6820464
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I know people with thigh gap probably don't have this issue, but does anyone else get seriously annoyed that the crotch area of their tights eventually rub away because your thighs touch together? I really resent it.

>> No.6820465

yeah, she has some bladder thing. She talked about it a bunch a while back, and if you follow her tumblr every now and then there'll be a frustrated 'read more' where she discusses it. Seems like sick lolitas have a big web presence.

>> No.6820466

tfw depression
tfw lolita genuinely is the only thing that actually makes you feel like you don't want to kill yourself
tfw when everybody in your comm is absolutely beautiful and you can't stomach looking in the mirror because every time you see your own face you burst into tears

>> No.6820471

I remember my first con I ever went to, I wore lolita and somehow my waist ties came untied. I probably fucked them up anyways. I went to the bathroom to try to fix them, but I was newbie and it was so hard. Then this beautiful super-loli walks in and sees me struggling and is all "Here, let me help you."

I remember thinking she was a fucking angel or something.

>> No.6820474

Awww hunny. You're beautiful. I can relate to the first too, and I get anxiety going to my comm, but I am SURE they think you are pretty too.

You need to smile and eat more bananas. No I am serious. Bananas are funny looking and makes you feel better.

>> No.6820475

> a planet where only Ewoks wear lolita
you mean Japan

>> No.6820479


Please tell me you smacked a bitch.

>> No.6820480

I try to get my boyfriend to do it but he gets frustrated because he wants them ~PERFECT~ and ends up not doing them in the end.

>> No.6820487


I'm really not, but thank you for trying to comfort me. My comm is just full of the most stunning girls you've ever seen. They're always perfectly turned out and look immaculate in every aspect.

That's actually a really cute suggestion, I may try that. Thank you.

>> No.6820483

> a planet where only Ewoks wear lolita
>you mean Japan

>> No.6820485

>have clip in extensions in my hair
>fat gay frenemy from hs in my ex social circle thinks it's a wig
>yanks out my fucking extension
>pulls out a patch of my real hair so I'm bald on the side
>he just stares at me with pouty lips
I don't know why I fucking tolerated that kid.

>> No.6820489

When you're sick, being online is one of the only things you can really do.

>> No.6820490

I get my dad to tie my waist ties sometimes. He has a lot of practice with bow ties, and they are always neater than when I do them.

>> No.6820509

tfw i was like that for 8 months straight

are you on medication anon? the SSRI i was on made it so much harder for me especially because i gained weight on it and didn't fit my wardrobe as well. but I switched to wellbutrin a while ago and I feel a lot better.

i hope you can get through this, anon. :( if you need to talk, my email is in the email field

>> No.6820512

This is such a cute story.

>> No.6820517

My greatest pet peeve.

Not my proudest moment, but I did smack her hand away. But it was too late by that point, the ringlet had fallen. Luckily another girl had a curling iron and fixed it for me, so I didn't look like an idiot.


>> No.6820514

This so much
one of the reasons I haven't topped myself yet is just thinking of all the dresses I can own one day

>> No.6820523


I was on medication, but I came off it because I really hated the way it made me feel. I know people call them happy pills but they don't make you happy. Just neither up nor down and apathetic and empty. It's horrible. That is, if they even work. They also made me gain weight, which I'm trying to shift at the moment. I'd rather be constantly on the verge of suicide than living in synthesized shades of grey, if you get what I mean. I probably need to switch to a better medication, but I'm just so exhausted by the endless crap thrown at me by the doctors and therapists that I just don't want anything to do with anything any more.

I'm glad your switch worked for you and you found meds that fitted, and I'm glad you got out of your rut. Thank you for reaching out to me, it really means a lot.

>> No.6820533

Yep, a full blown patch of hair because the clip attaches at the base of the roots.
I don't even think he apologized, he just sort of went 'oops.'

But I try to bear in mind that this is also the same snarky cunt that: grabbed a fistful of cake on my sweet sixteen and smashed it in my face, would act cool with me if he needed a ride someplace but then would go behind my back and talk the worst shit to my social enemies, would always try to say how much more 'beautiful' he was than me, and dressed up as "gay AIDs" on halloween.

The only reason I tolerated this asshole was because my ex friends were friends with him. And he never treated them the same way, just me. Sometimes I feel like posting him here just because he thinks he's such hot shit, but I don't want to be a vendettachan.

>> No.6820535

Going to meets at restaurants where girls don't bring money, or potlucks where girls don't bring food. If you're not contributing, you shouldn't eat.

I went to a meet at a nice cafe once that had fantastic desserts, it was a pretty small meet, and these two girls didn't bring any money. Then they looked around expecting someone to buy them dessert. They had been so obnoxious in the past that everyone was fed up with their shit and pretty much ignored them. They ate sugar cubes from a bowl from the table and then left.

>> No.6820547

Girls who wear a wig but no makeup

>> No.6820559

tfw i feel u
Wanted to kill myself in January, took a fuckton of painkillers, and whatever else was lying around, I don't even remember, thankfully it was nowhere near enough to actually do anything except upset my stomach for a few days. Went to counsellor for help afterwards because I was still in one piece and wanted help,
"everyone feels like that from time to time! You just need to get on with it."

And that's the reason I've never gotten help or meds of any kind, and there's only so much self-help I can do. Being able to wear Lolita cheers me up a bit, it feels nice to dress up. Unfortunately, it's even starting to backfire on me because I feel horribly inadequate and ugly next to everyone else at meetups, so I feel that feel too.


>> No.6820549

She said the tan thing to differentiate between gal and lolita, not that black people can't wear it. It's more like that Tumblr SJW just jump at the opportunity to act offended at anything

>> No.6820555


Girls who wear a wig but don't bother to do eyebrows.

>> No.6820569

>Going to meets at restaurants where girls don't bring money
What the fuck? What sort of idiot thinks that's okay? I'd be mortified if I even realised I didn't have enough money for a respectable tip.

>> No.6820570

As well as that, when meetups are always planned for really expensive places, and then nobody takes a minute to wonder why half the community never shows up.

>> No.6820575

Oh god this feel if it is even a feeling. I mean I understand what it's like to be in that medicine induced "meh" and it fucking blows. It's like either you feel like you're not alive or feel like you want to die. Both are shitty.

>> No.6820578

I have been through 8 different antidepressants before I found a medication that finally worked for me (at least it's working for now). I understand how frustrating it is, but medicine is a practice. It's like blood pressure medication, it's hard to tell what's going to work for the right person and people get fed up and quit. And then the side effects...

It took me being hospitalized for a suicide attempt to finally pull some sort of the strings of my life back together. And it's still hard some days and it's so frustrating to have all this bullshit running through your head that you pretty much have no control over.

Don't give up on trying to get better even if it's not through medication. Don't give up on yourself to the point where you can't come back. I know therapists and doctors can be frustrating, but they really are trying to help, and if they aren't, keep going until you find a new one.

I've been through this shit. I'm still living this shit. I understand, I really do. Depression is not who you are. Depression does not define you. I'm quoting Iron Giant here, but you are who you choose to be. Living out that choice can/will be the hardest thing you have to do, but it's better than the alternative.

Take care, anon. Stay strong. You aren't alone.

>> No.6820585

Yeah, I know, but Misako is just a cute model, I really don't care what she thinks, and I'm not so sure why anyone else does.

>> No.6820587

...I haven't figured out how to do my eyebrows without looking like Frida Kahlo, and I've watched so many make up tutorials.

>> No.6820592

Girls who shave their eyebrows.
I seriously can't handle it.

>> No.6820589

Girls who wear an eyebrow but no wig

>> No.6820590


Dude, eyeshadow brows.

>> No.6820594


Girls who wear a wig and eyebrows and make-up but no clothes

>> No.6820596

I've tried! I just can't seem to find the right color for my brows. I have even used those kits specifically for filling in brows. I think I'm just an idiot.

>> No.6820600
File: 67 KB, 356x288, Addams-Family-Cousin-Itt-addams-family-5684028-356-288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls who wear wigs as clothes

>> No.6820602

Wait what?

>> No.6820603

Animal ears with lolita. Of any sort. I know a lot of people like the kind brands put out or those MintyMix bear hat things, but I just can't stand them. Same with stuffed animal bags.

>> No.6820604
File: 955 KB, 300x162, 1357593555996.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost all meetups revolve around eating out
>can't eat most things due to problems with food
>want to make friends but don't want to look cheap/make people uncomfortable by not eating

>> No.6820607

Just mention that you have food allergies/whatever and bring your own food. No one is going to give a shit.

>> No.6820608


That councillor was fucking shitty. Ignore them. Despite my lamentations, it really is worth going to see a doctor, anon. I hope you get out of your rut soon. *hug*

I know I just need to keep trying, it just feels like there's not even any point in trying any more.

I get that. I've attempted suicide so many times but after each attempt failing, I sort of took it as a sign (corny as this sounds.) that I'm supposed to try and fix my life as opposed to ending it, though the temptation is always there.

I think I might take your advice and see a new doctor. Mine is just really exasperated all the time.

I like that quote. Thank you anon, you've given me a lot to think about.

Thanks again, and I extend the same to you.

It's just fucking crap. It's the main reason I despise the term "happy pills".

>> No.6820611


Wigs who wear girls as clothes.

>> No.6820618


Thiiiiis. I have an eating disorder and I always force myself to eat and not look "suspicious" at meets to try and avoid making other people feel bad. I just wind up punishing myself for it later.

There's another girl in my comm I'm pretty worried about and I want to reach out to her, but IDK how. I saw her say that she wants to lose 30lbs but she is genuinely perfectly built and slender and lovely. I'm worried about her.

>> No.6820619

>tfw you have problems like depression
>tfw you don't openly talk about your problems and have trouble reaching out to people because you constantly feel rejected
>tfw everyone thinks you're either stuck up or a shitty person that's isolating themselves
>tfw they just don't understand because they don't know

>> No.6820629

Clothes who wear wigs as girls

>> No.6820630

Yeah, I think I just have bad luck with counsellors. Before that, I had a nun who was initially lovely, but who spent about 15 mins of one session telling me about how she tore strips off a bus driver in Liverpool in the 70's and who ended up terrifying me. Before that, I had someone who was okay, she gave me a test/questionnaire thing to fill out, but I never got a result from it, and I couldn't keep going to her after I went to college because it just didn't work out. Before I got to see her, I had to wait nine months after asking for help. It was hell.
I guess I'll figure something out eventually. Fingers crossed.

>> No.6820634

Girls who resell from taobao but say they made it.
I'm looking at you, baobei

>> No.6820638

Wigs who wear eyebrows and makeup

>> No.6820639

baobei dot storenvy dot com
Not as inflated prices as usual, but still

>> No.6820640


Girls who wear clothes as wigs.

>> No.6820649

I hated that term too, they're numbing pills. SSRIs just numb people to the point of not caring, so it gets rid of the depression, but everything. It over-does what it's supposed to do.

Wellbutrin worked a lot better for me and it's pretty common to give it to people who did horribly on SSRIs. Regardless of the way you choose to recover, I hope it works for you. Hang in there.

>> No.6820646


Some coordinates I can deal with it, but for the majority, no.

>> No.6820650

I noticed the whole 'sick lolitas' thing.
There are so many of them!
I don't have a problem or anything with it though, no SJW stuff here please.

>> No.6820651

Wigs who wear clothes as girls.

>> No.6820652
File: 33 KB, 300x300, hair-hijab-300x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.6820657

hey, even if you feel rejected, if you have a friend that will listen to you they'll probably sympathize with your problems. It feels better to talk about how you feel even if they don't understand.

>> No.6820655

I know this too man. Tried to self-help for my issues that people told me was just "college stress" or "life". But I've seen some shit.
Ended up in the hospital for suicide and later mental unit. Diagnosed with PTSD, General Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, and major depression. Stayed there for a week. It wasn't fun but it was eye opening. Now I'm on meds. Only downside is that I lost 65lbs before hand and the meds aren't really helping me with my weight loss. I either gain or stay the same.
Now it's like an uphill battle making sure my dresses still fit. Might ask if I can switch meds cause gaining weight is just going to stress me out more.

>> No.6820658

Not gonna lie, that actually looks pretty cool.

>> No.6820662

another anon brought up wellbutrin
i was on that and i lost 30 pounds, i went from overweight to how much i weighed in high school

>> No.6820666

I know that's what's logical to do, but it's hard to unload like that for me to someone. It's a combination of being afraid of them judging me, and my parents raising me to believe that the world doesn't care about my problems and that I should keep them to myself.

I think I should just go to a therapist, the only problem is there really aren't any around where I live and idk if that's something I can afford.

>> No.6820671

This is a good idea anon thanks! I'm intolerant to enough things that I can't eat a proper meal but if the meet up was just going for tea and cakes I could definitely bring something small to eat

My intolerance is actually a result of my eating disorder from years past haha. I feel u anon though, it's really difficult and closing yourself off socially definitely makes it worse so it's best to get out there and mix with people

>> No.6820672

Dude, I'm allergic to that shit. I was sent to the hospital having a seizure. I'm also allergic to lamictal, which blows because it was actually working for me then I got the rash all over my legs.

>> No.6820674

Alright suicidal lolis, can you make a new thread? No offense, but this shit has been massively derailed.

I get annoyed when every meet in my comm has to be all ages friendly. I want to go to a bar/club/Rocky Horror Picture Show dammit. But then girls cry for being left out.

>> No.6820682

I'm on an SSRI and it makes me feel great, honestly. Body chemistry is just fucking weird and what works for some people doesn't work for others. I'm glad you found something that worked!

>> No.6820694
File: 1020 KB, 250x212, sad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6820695

You can do that stuff with your Lolita friends without it being a meetup? Then you're not leaving people out. When I was underage my comm used to have a few 18+ meetups and it was really frustrating because they were usually the only meets I was free for. I can see where you're coming from, I guess, but you really don't need a meetup to go to a damn bar.

>> No.6820700

Are you from the UK? If you are then you can request to see another therapist for whatever reason you like and you can keep on requesting until you find one that's right for you. The waiting time for most services is absolutely appalling but the good news is that once you're in you're in - I got a 3 month waiting list shortened to a few hours because I was already on their books. The trick is to pursue, pursue and pursue which is really difficult when you're unwell but keep ringing for test results and keep ringing about appointments etc. You have a lot of rights as a patient and most (especially in mental health) don't realise it which means that the professionals get to run around doing what they think is best which might not necessarily work for you

Polite sage as this is slightly off topic and you might not even be from the UK which would deem this information irrelevant haha

>> No.6820708

does he even cosplay/lolita? if so, please do~

>> No.6820717

jesus christ that really sucks
sorry anon

anyway back on track for the thread, i don't like when we make meets during big holidays. i'm in a big city so the biggest idiots are in from out of town and it just makes it a shit show. my comm had a movie meet on st. patrick's day and i just could not go because there were so many drunks out and i know how bad it is because i've lived here all my life

oh and the kicker was when i warned the group to wear something they don't mind getting stained because of the massive throngs of shit dicks, this one girl said "i'll make them pay for it." i lost my shit haha like they fucking care they're drunk and will say "fuck off little bo peep" or some bullshit

just ugh don't even get me started i hate meets when it's super crowded because of events and shit

>> No.6820730

You're only a vendetta-chan if you don't have a good reason for talking about someone.

It's not talking shit if what you're saying isn't shit.

>> No.6820731
File: 213 KB, 322x318, 20385032.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dressed up as "gay AIDs"

how the fuck?? is that a halloween costume??????? what

captcha: sororis toMeyou

>> No.6820747
File: 1.54 MB, 320x215, QkL2F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf is "gay AIDS"

>> No.6820751

Nah, and that's why I haven't.
He's more like the worst of /fa/ mashed with being a poorly dressed fat guy, and a dash of a really bad crossdresser.
Think really ~edgy~ tattoos, plus septum piercing, plus pants two sizes too small with buttcrack showing, and trying to imitate Tyra Bank's fierce face.
If I really wanted to punish you I'd find his youtube videos of him singing through his nose.
I shit you not.
We went trick or treating back in 2009, and he showed up with his face painted pink with red dots, a purple shirt with stains and condoms taped all over it, and maroon skinny jeans.
When someone finally asked what the hell he was supposed to be he answered "Oh some sort of std...gay AIDs?"

>> No.6820754

Are you from Savannah? I have never seen a city full of such drunken dipshits on St Patrick's Day.

>> No.6820753

I'm a "sick lolita" too. I manage to keep well away from tumblr and all that shit. Most of my comm knows something is wrong, not the whole deal, but they're cool with it.

>> No.6820757
File: 20 KB, 464x266, 7f9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw you deal with an awful seller on the comms for a month
> repetitively says they will ship, always has an excuse as to why they didn't
> Threaten a claim, finally get a tracking number
> Tracking number doesn't work, haven't responded to me even though the mailed me a half hour ago

>> No.6820767

Tracking numbers don't always work immediately, but if you are getting down to the wire, file a claim and just resolve it if it works out.

>> No.6820773

tfw suddenly you have a huge crush on one of the other girls in your comm
tfw she's cute as hell and perfectly dressed and super nice and funny
tfw you are too afraid to talk to her in case you weird her out

>> No.6820775


why is he representing gays so badly if he's gay himself??? fucking teen idiots make me want to punch shit
not trying to be sjw here but that's really fucking offensive

>> No.6820780

She was suppose to ship it last monday and in her PM she basically said "oh I didn't have time to contact you" so idk. I wouldn't doubt it if she just sent it out today though. Both in the states so it shouldn't take over a week to get to me.

>> No.6820782

This is my entire life.

>> No.6820784

Yeah, tracking numbers usually take a phew days to work. I know you're probably tired of this seller, but give it a bit more time.

>> No.6820790


anon how do you do it
she's so perfect
i just can't
how does somebody so perfect exist

>> No.6820806

It's just where we live tbh.
We don't really live in an area with gay culture so really ANYONE that claims to be gay will be worshipped no matter how shitty they act. That's why so many people around here think gay kids are annoying and bisexual chicks are sluts, because there are no good reps for LGBT culture out here to see how most decent people behave.

He's an offensive person. Trust me. Everything he did he used being gay as an excuse:
Groped his girlfriend's boobs in public in front of a bunch of people?
>But I'm gay!
Shouted catty expletives like a fifteen year old when we went out to clubs and bars?
>But I'm gay!
Hit on straight gays that didn't like him and told him to stop?
>But I'm gay!

>> No.6820813

Oh forgot one:
Went into the woman's bathrooms out in public when he's clearly dressed like a man?
>But I'm gay!
Ugh, just no.

>> No.6820814
File: 28 KB, 400x356, 1302661296911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant that I am crushing on a girl in my comm as well, but how do you go about that without seeming awkward. HEY GIRL, DO YOU LIKE OTHER GIRLS?!

Shit, anon, I don't know.

>> No.6820820

then you are in the wrong fashion

>> No.6820821

yeah I mean seriously
I could understand if they were seriously feminine or presented as androgynous, but just dressed as himself

just no. no no no no. use a family restroom or the dudes. some people are really not comfortable with that.

>> No.6820826


i think the girl in my comm is bi. it's just a guess, but i'm pretty sure of it.
but i have no hope because i am ugly and she is beautiful kawaii goddess.

idk man, try to find out via her fb/tumblr of her sexuality or how accepting she is of the gay, and then maybe ask her out sometime or mention that you're into girls or something idk

>> No.6820833

Oh damn you just posted some Matthew Gray Gubler in this thread and now I have to go masturbate.

>> No.6820854

Like other anon said, try to find out through her fb or other blog sites about her sexual preference or whatever.

Also, DAT IMAGE. I love Criminal minds so much. Only watch it for him (And the cutie from Dharma and Greg)

>> No.6820857


Oh man, I kind of have this going with a cute as fuck girl in my comm but it's more of a "I want to be you" crush than a "I want to be in you" crush.
But that might change because help she's so fucking cute.

>> No.6820859


Not that anon, but Kirsten Vangsness tho. Ugh that woman does things to me.

>> No.6820861

>(And the cutie from Dharma and Greg)
He's so serious, though. I'd like to see him smile.
Yeah, Criminal Minds is pretty silly, but those couple episodes where Reid dealt with fucking heroin addiction or something. I just love him so much.
Also CM used to have MANDY PATINKIN and if you don't know who that legend is you should feel really, really, badly for yourself.

>> No.6820869

I can't do it properly either. I know how you feel, Anon Chan.

>> No.6820870

tfw I was like this constantly for three years but I was too shy and pathetic to tell my parents. Skipped school instead and had to re-do an entire school year.

And I still haven't told them how bad I feel and felt in the past.

The fact that's called 'loita' can sometimes get a little annoying

>> No.6820907


oh shit anon i know that feel


>> No.6820918

And suddenly this thread is making me feel like we should all kiss.

>> No.6820924

sometimes i wonder if there are any straight people
in this hobby

>> No.6820930


Is that a bad thing?
Loli girlfriends are the best. Wardrobe sharing and auction stalking together.

>> No.6820932

brown eyeshadow and a make up brush
could not be simpler

>> No.6820938

I'm a straight male, but I don't know WHAT the fuck is going on in this thread.

Take your lesbian fantasies to:


>> No.6820940

What is especially funny is that they're always talking about "understanding other cultures" and not "seeing things from a western view"

>> No.6820942


Get the fuck out of the lolita thread.
Making out secretly is a part of this fashion and you should respect that, the way we respect you cosplayers and your tradition of tacky hook-ups.

>> No.6820960

but then what are you even doing in this thread?

>> No.6820964

I shave mine not completely, but i use eyeshadow to fill them in. i mean, it actually looks better for my cosplays since my eyebrows are very full and i can shape them at will

>> No.6820966

I like lolita discussions.

>> No.6820967

You say that but it just isn't that simple. I know where all the angles are supposed to line up with your eyes. I have one of those angled brushes. I'm super careful. You have no idea how many times I've attempted this.

Then I'm like, who the fuck is this chola in the mirror? I can do the rest of my make up well, but eyebrows are just beyond me. I think before the next meet I go to I should just go to an ulta and ask them for help.

>> No.6820968

Oh no, not you. I mean girls who literally shave their eyebrows off.

>> No.6820974

Agreed. i think striped socks look okay with kodona style, but less cute in lolita

>> No.6820971

So lesbian lolitas aren't allowed to post in /cgl/? Fuck you, troll.

>> No.6820977

uh...wow. these poor women

>> No.6820991

>I'm a straight male
and we give a fuck why

>> No.6821012

then you should be indifferent about the lolitas posting and what they're posting about. if you have preferences on what we talk about, go pay some hookers to talk about frilly dresses instead. we're not here for your entertainment or to judge what's acceptable to talk about or not.

>> No.6821014

I believe she's on disability for a chronic, debilitating disease. She probably just barely gets by on what she has. And then the people would bitch she brought brand with her state money anyway.

>> No.6821016

Oh god, LOL/10.
Some people don't put stuff on their blogs, it's so hard to tell.
>tfw your whole comm seems straight

>> No.6821022


idk anon i spend ninety percent of my time sobbing because i just want to throw her over my shoulder, take her back to my castle and make her my rock wife

>> No.6821030


I agree on the gifs seeming slightly vain, but whatevs I guess.

>> No.6821037

Oh sorry anon, I meant the picture! Argh, I feel you 110%. No, even more. I'm just too self-conscious/awkward to say "HEY BABY HOW 'BOUT IT?"

>> No.6821050


i'm not the anon who posted the picture, i was the one suggesting they check their blog. that was disclaimer.
but HEY BABY HOW BOUT IT sounds really good right about now
i think i would die if she said yes
legitimately die

>> No.6821055

Sorry. I'll make sure to not interrupt on your precious gay ERPs ever again.

>> No.6821066

You won't be missed!

>> No.6821078

This will be my new pick up line next con.

>> No.6821084

Give us a picture. If your brows look too thick with nothing in them, trim the hairs with a brow trimmer. If they look too dark, thin them more. If they look too drawn-on with the eyeshadow, take a tissue and rub the eyebrow to remove all the loose pigment and lighten the brow. Draw in hair-like, directional strokes.

Also, my secret is using a light brown liquid liner to add in brow hairs instead of an eyeshadow/brush. Of course, my brows are blonde/brown. For black brows, use a dark brown liquid liner, or mascara for your brows if you're lazy.

>> No.6821093

woops, forgot the sage name was still there. Ironically saging for sage.

>> No.6821100

Why are all shopping services scams?

I got a quote from a particular girl living in Japan offering her services, of almost $400 for three items. Did my own math and it ended up being over $100 less than her quote, taking her fees and other junk into consideration.

If there nobody out there that isn't a greedy bitch in this fashion? :/

>> No.6821098



>> No.6821101

Look what tumblr has done to our poor gay culture. I'm a lesbian and i would beat the little shit if i ever saw him pull this

>> No.6821105

Criminal Mind fans unite! That show is my guilty pleasure

>> No.6821137

Oh god, I should just go lie down.
Heh, I would probably die too in your situation. Good luck, anonymous.


>> No.6821165

Didn't say I was leaving, knuckle dragger.

>> No.6821180

Dude. What's your problem?

>> No.6821199

Shhhh troll-kun, it will be okay.

>> No.6821208


>> No.6821228

This is a thing in the bjd community too. It really baffles me, like you obviously have enough spare money to buy the doll and dress it, all in all a minimum $300 expense (unless they're cheapshits) but you can't at least buy a goddamn drink and slice of pie or something?

Granted I don't get why restaurant meets are even a thing in that hobby because expensive toys on table + large plates of food on table is just a bad idea.

>> No.6821252

5'7" here. Same here, Putamoyo skirts feel like miniskirts on me. The key is to know what works with your body.

I have a Meta dress that exposes my knees, and the waist is a touch high for my tastes (I hide it with a frilly bolero). Atelier-Pierrot has worked well for me in terms of length and curves (their shirring works wonders for a variety of body types).

I'll also consider Juliette & Justine on secondhand sites in future purchases, as they make longer editions (and probably will continue to do so, to accommodate to one of their taller designers). I'm not too hot on their recent print-happy trend, but if one of their older pieces appears on Maiden Clothing...

There's also custom-sizing on more normal-looking items on taobao, even fanplusfriend. One has to give them ALL of the measurements, though, and mention a special request if you want a different design, like having the skirt to full cover your knees while you're in a petticoat, or make it without the awful lace.

Sewing is awesome, too, if you have the time and dedication to slave over the material. dresses and bloomers made of 100%, ready for the summer, yay.

Also, no ankle socks or knee-high socks. Tights or extremely long thigh highs are the way to go.

The key is work with what your body has.

>> No.6821257

Isn't Putumayo geared towards high school age/younger girls? I've always heard that that's why their price point tends to be quite a bit lower than most other Japanese brands and their sizing is on the smaller/shorter side.

>> No.6821262

Zealous feminist lolis


>> No.6821273
File: 313 KB, 245x245, JadeWhy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people who come to several meet ups without even attempting to wear lolita

>> No.6821298

I'm allergic to lots of shit and I always bring money for something to drink + tip at the very least. Skipping out or not paying is inexcusable.

>> No.6821302

I know exactly how you feel anon.

>> No.6821315

Another lonely lesbian lolita here. My comm actually has one adorable lesbian couple, but it seems like everyone else has a boyfriend. I'm nice, thin, pretty, well educated, with a pretty extensive closet. I... I just want an adorable waifu to play dress up with and cuddle.

To actually make this on topic.
>See a great dress
>Ask for measurements
>It's free size
>No, I mean, what are the actual measurements at rest
>It has shirring. It's free size.
>Actually, this brand is sometimes too big for me: I've only got a 31in bust. I need to know the un-stretched measurements to know if it's going to look like a sack or not.
>It's free size.
>You know what? Nevermind.

>> No.6821317

I hate the term "free size." like ok, it stretches a lot. Now give me the fucking measurements.

People like that make me want to throw tables.

>> No.6821338

So odd, I'm 5'7" and don't have a problem with the fit or length. It doesn't reach my knees but is not as short enough to show my butt.

>> No.6821351

Have you looked into Chronic Fatigue? It's hard to diagnose but it's a legit invisible illness if you are tired all the time even when you get good sleep and rest it might be something to ask a doctor about.

>> No.6821357

That sounds like the side effects of my meds right now. Which is why I'm awake. Goddammit.

>> No.6821367

Hey anon - have you seen a sleep specialist at all? Assuming you've gotten all the "usual" things ruled out (like thyroid issues, anemia, CFS like >>6821351 suggested), but haven't seen one yet, I would try that.
I spent a good 5 or 6 years of my fatigue progressively getting worse to the point where I was (and still am, because my body hasn't been responsive to the limited treatment available) sleeping up to 18 hours a day and never, ever feeling rested. I was diagnosed with a sleep disorder called idiopathic hypersomnia last fall. While that might not be your issue (and I hope it's not, for your sake), there are so many sleep disorders that are more common than people think and very treatable, like sleep apnea, restless leg syndrome, and narcolepsy.
What I was eventually diagnosed with is considerably more rare and doesn't have much in the way of treatment (I pretty much just take stimulants so I can stay awake more than 4 hours at a time), but at least having that diagnosis makes things a tiny bit better for me.

Sage for off-topic.
Hopefully you see this comment, since yours was a few hours ago - know that you're not alone.

>> No.6821374
File: 20 KB, 380x275, iagree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's like my ultimate pet peeve.

>> No.6821427 [DELETED] 

Actual conversation I had at a meet-up recently. I don't give a shit about replicas, generally, but there's a girl in my local comm who contradicts herself constantly whenever it comes up. Summary of an actual conversation she had at a meet-up last summer:

>A: "TaoBao and replicas are great, they're so cheap!"
>B: "Price isn't the problem. I only buy replicas because Japanese brands don't fit me. They should make larger sizes, they'd get more business."
>C: "We're not their key market, so I doubt it would help much. And anyway, a few have. Baby did some pretty big pieces for a while, but no one bought the stuff they made and it all ended up in the sale section for like, 50% off or something."
>B: "Well that's because they're too expensive! Of course people will buy replicas, they're cheaper. They shouldn't be so greedy."
>A: "I thought you said price wasn't a problem, though?"

>> No.6821434

I don't give a shit about replicas, generally, but there's a girl in my local comm who contradicts herself constantly whenever it comes up. Summary of an actual conversation she had at a meet-up last summer:

>A: "TaoBao and replicas are great, they're so cheap!"
>B: "Price isn't the problem. I only buy replicas because Japanese brands don't fit me. They should make larger sizes, they'd get more business."
>C: "We're not their key market, so I doubt it would help much. And anyway, a few have. Baby did some pretty big pieces for a while, but no one bought the stuff they made and it all ended up in the sale section for like, 50% off or something."
>B: "Well that's because they're too expensive! Of course people will buy replicas, they're cheaper. They shouldn't be so greedy."
>A: "I thought you said price wasn't a problem, though?"

Reposted because I put the wrong time-frame in there. This wasn't actually recent at all, it just feels like it because it comes up at least once a meet-up, feels like.

>> No.6821470

I could burn all people like this. The same people also pop up in the bjd community every now and then, "BBaaaw I hauled my two foot tall dollzone to the mall and people gave me funny looks wwwaaah." Bitch, what did you expect to happen? If you can't take the heat, stop whining and get out of the fucking kitchen.

>> No.6821476

I would extend this to people who come to meet-ups in restaurants and don't buy anything at all (for an illegitimate reason, not a "I'm allergic to the things on this menu" reason).

We're taking up space in a restaurant. You shouldn't just come to hang out and freeload, you should buy something even if it's a soft drink. It makes our community look bad when you show up at a restaurant, expect to stay there for hours, and don't contribute to their business at all.

>> No.6821547

My "Danielle is on /cgl/" sense are tingling.
(Hi, I love you and you are such a sweetheart and I hope your life isn't dreadful lately)

>> No.6821569

I am in your situation. I want a lolita girlfriend, too. There are actually a lot of lesbians and bi girls in my comm, but I don't know about their relationships.

>> No.6821582

>tfw you're 5'
>tfw you wish your knees showed a little when you wore lolita
>tfw you like the look of sweet on taller lolis because their legs look so much better in otks
>tfw cute knee socks make your legs look stumpy
>tfw old school dresses are almost tea-length which makes you look even shorter
>tfw you're obnoxiously short in group pictures even in heels

fuck it, I got a Milky Planet salopette, maybe that will look cute on me since it's short.
also considering getting rocking horse shoes so I don't look as freakishly short as I usually do in photos ;_;

>> No.6821588

She actually has a few brand dresses now. It takes some people a long time to save up enough money for brand. Especially when one has a disability.

Would you rather her be one of those people who claim to hate Angelic Pretty and only wear bodyline as some sort of defiant gesture?

>> No.6821615

That's me, and to be perfectly honest I have no idea how I got there. But now more people are starting to dislike me, but they've all got sticks up their asses anyway and I'm only friends with the girls worth being friends with.

>> No.6821620

I hate to break it to you anon, but that shit doesn't just happen. Maybe one or two people will vendetta, but if you are a genuinely kind person, people will stand behind you. And I don't mean 4chan people, I mean the people in your community. If they are starting to dislike you, you need to reflect on your own actions.

>> No.6821641

lol thanks for the unasked for advice, you seem to have misunderstood my comment. I meant I have no idea how I got to be one of the most beloved members with one or two people (who really don't even matter in the grand scheme of things) disliking me because I'm honest and I'm not fake.

>> No.6821668

Do you even Dublin?

>> No.6821671

Or Boston, or Chicago, or... any major city in the US whether it has a significant Irish-descent population or not...

I can only imagine Dublin, though.

>> No.6821675

Dublin in Patrick's Day is a nightmare, but then Arthur's Day (a made-up alcohol holiday on the 27th of Sep) is the most embarrassing thing ever. It's literally just streets chock full of people drinking and getting sick and falling around

ANYWAY, gonna contribute.
It drives me mad when newbies make a big deal about how scared they are to go to a meetup in case everyone is a "brand whore" and will look down on them for wearing bodyline/offbrand. Here, nobody cares, and if they do look down on you or make catty remarks, they're a shite community and you're better off without them.

>> No.6821677

Dublin ON Patrick's Day, it's too early for this.

>> No.6821682

our comm is a major US city, but yeah it's a shit show no matter what city you go to. drunken assholes throwing their trash everywhere, spilling beer and vomiting in the streets, clogging up sidewalks in huge lines around overpriced bars, ugh. shit dicks everywhere.

>> No.6821691

If she is getting the minimum amount, she gets £650 every four weeks and if she is getting the full amount £800 every four weeks. She could save some money easily for ap, she just doesn't value ap as being worth it.
Also she wouldn't have to pay rent because the government would pay that since she doesn't work

>> No.6821708

I hate full shirring, it's ugly as fuck

Also, sellers than give max measurements but not min measurements...not everyone is fat you know

>> No.6821712


I literally spit my drink out at all this

>> No.6821721

Aww, I kinda wish I was rich now so I could just anonymously send cute girls brand dresses that I think would look good on them. THE WHOLE INTERNET IS MY DRESSUP DOLL

>> No.6821753

Greedy bi lolita checking in. I get so jelly of all the lesbian lolita couples too, but I have a boyfriend who I would never actually leave for anyone else.
The the idea of a cute lolita girlfriend, sitting drinking hot chocolate in frilly things during a storm and watching period dramas though? Heaven! Maybe I just need a lolita best friend, rather than having creepy daydreams.

OT: I'm not big on how much of a big deal lolitas make about skirts being over the knee. As long as it's no shorter than mid-thigh and the legs are in decent shape, I think it's cute.
But I'm a slapper so w/e

>> No.6821761

Are you a UK loli?

>> No.6821763

One of many.

>> No.6821822

People who take the longest time to ship are my biggest pet peeve. Just how fucking busy do you have to be to not able to take 30 minutes out of your day, for THREE WEEKS. Do you honestly expect me to believe you work/stay at school 12 hrs a day every day, saturdays included, entire month, never ever get close to a post office and don't know a single person who can handle this shit for you.

If the seller gets sick or unexpectedly overworked and notifies me quickly, preferably with expected shipping date, that's perfectly reasonable. Otherwise, get your shit together BEFORE you try to sell anything, you immature brat.

>> No.6821827

manage to buy the dress, but no fucking headbow!!!

>> No.6821838

Yeeeah. I can definitely see why they don't like you.

>> No.6821845

parents thinking the whole fashion is creepy and perverted

being too tall
tho I may not be as tall as I thought, I re-measured from my shoulders and I think I can shop for dresses in the 95-100cm range

my own endlessly umming and ahhing over buying anything

no money

no frilly gf or gbff

>> No.6821871

Don't be jelly that you can't make BL look good, but by some sorcery Peachie can.
I actually like that there is someone out there who can manage to make shit look like gold.

>> No.6821884

Dude this is such bullshit.
I have diagnosed CFS and I still manage to work. It's a part-time data entry/office job and I can do it fine (though some days really wear me out). If you can sit in front of tumblr all day and type answers to all your stupid asks, then you're able to do a simple fucking data entry job. It's the same fucking thing.

>> No.6821897

>They ate sugar cubes from a bowl from the table and then left

did they actually...? That's fucking sad

>> No.6821901

>TFW pear shaped and 5'8" and all noncustom skirts barely cover your vagina, and your dream dress is always sold out in longer length.

>> No.6821907


She doesn't have CFS though. And what she has affects people differently. Some people have it so severely, they're bedridden and need help eating.

>> No.6821908

OoOh girl, don't even get me started. I have Bipolar Disorder with a side of Social Anxiety and Summer Seasonal Affective disorder.

There's this girl in my local comms I want to fucking punch in the cunt. She also has Bipolar, and her parents have power of attorney, buy her shit constantly, and she doesn't work because they got her disability and give her half of it to buy whatever she wants. She also blames her shitty behavior like cheating on her SO or promising to give people rides to meetups and forgetting, or borrowing people's shit for 3 years and not giving it back on her disorder.

>> No.6821916

>Always see the accessory you want up for auction
>Never in the right colorway

>> No.6821929

You guys, she has myalgic encephalomyelitis.

My sister had it really badly, she died last year. She was confined to her bed most of the time. On a good day, she could maybe move around the house with help. On a bad day, she couldn't move at all and needed to be fed with a feeding tube.

If you don't know anything about ME, don't start kicking off about Peachie. It's an illness with varying degrees of severity and it takes over your whole life.

>> No.6821948
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>She was confined to her bed most of the time. On a good day, she could maybe move around the house with help. On a bad day, she couldn't move at all and needed to be fed with a feeding tube.
>It's an illness with varying degrees of severity and it takes over your whole life.

Obviously Peachie's case isn't super sever if she has to ability to dance, and skip in her gifs.

>> No.6821954

Yes, she totally has myalgic encephalomyelitis.. /eyeroll

>> No.6821959


What part of varying degrees of severity don't you understand? There are people with ME who are capable of close to the same level of activity as people without the illness.


Just because she can film some dancing doesn't mean she doesn't struggle day to day. She's mostly house bound. I know that after she exerts herself, she really really pays for it with a lot of pain and inflammation etc.

ME can also be progressive. She might actually be gradually getting worse and more ill over time. She's probably at the kind of stage where she can walk a bit, but probably needs support after a short while and is only capable of maybe one big period of exertion a day, which she will then spend a day or two resting to recover from.

This website is really helpful for understanding ME.

>> No.6821963

>see a "wtb" for an item you have
>message seller about said item
>"oh...I don't have any money for that right now"


why do people do this?

>> No.6821969


What item was it?

>> No.6821978


I feel this way for really really high ridiculous looking 90s chunky platform style shoes in lolita.

There are always so many girls who have perfect coords and for some reason they decide to wear shoes like this and it just ruins the whole outfit for me.

>> No.6821984

Ikr I work full time as a teacher and I have a part time job and I go to college classes and I STILL can find time to mail shit out when I say I will.

>> No.6821992

I've never been to Dublin on St Patrick's Day. My bad.

>> No.6821995

Yes, and they did it like the were Oliver Loli Twist or something, like they wouldn't have anything else to eat so they had to throw puppy dog eyes and eat from the sugar bowl.

>> No.6821999



>Live in US
>Willing to Ship internationally
>"Hi, I live in <insert country>, I REALLY WANT this item, how much is shipping?"
>at least $10

Seriously, if you are in a different country shipping is expensive. Its not that hard people.

>> No.6822010

If she's that ill and so pressed for money maybe she should go back to living with her parents.

>> No.6822016

AP's sugar pansy skirt. She had a WTB up that she was bumping, but then she said she didn't have the money...

>> No.6822017

When sellers don't list the damage on dresses. I would have really liked to have known about that stain before I bought it.

>> No.6822018

Why don't you try binding?

>> No.6822022


Because maybe she wants to be independent?

>> No.6822025

>live in a shithole of a country
>the cheapest international shipping is airmail and it is at least 20 USD for the smallest package
>hoarding loads of dresses because nobody is willing to buy them with shipping this high

I can't even complain too much. Who wants to pay almost 30% of the product's price on shipping?

>> No.6822040

If it's a main item or a big bag or something I don't mind paying expensive shipping but if it's a piece of jewellery or some socks then paying £30+ for shipping is not going to happen

>> No.6822042

>See someone selling jsk for $260
>"I'm taking offers~"
>How much extra would shipping be?
>"Only $10"
>Can you do $260 shipped then :)?
>so by "an offer' you meant -$5???

>> No.6822043

Unless you're popular and have a lot of brand. If that's the case they might just be jelly of you.

>> No.6822044

tbh...i mostly only slightly believe her, simply because even with disability you're not going to have any money to live, let alone buy cute shit. plus, even if it's not that severe the fact that it's so random makes it basically impossible for any job to hire her/for her to even be allowed to work.

>> No.6822045
File: 120 KB, 649x1023, lolita 128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, ringlets can be difficult to do and you don't see girls wearing real ringlets that aren't wigs. By ringlets you probably mean those loose shaken kind, instead of actual ringlets.

>> No.6822049

does anyone ever get worried over trades?

>> No.6822051

Just going to use this thread to ask a quick question. I was looking at the lolita sales group (uk) and I'm going to make my first foray into lolita by getting a bodyline jsk someones selling because its cheap - just to try the fashion out y'know? well, my question is how do I pay. Is it with paypal? talk me through it ;_: I've only ever used paypal with ebay before.

>> No.6822058

Do you have a paypal account? You use it the same way. They send an invoice to your paypal email and then you pay from there.

>> No.6822068

>find item you want
>contact seller through PM
>give them your PayPal address so they can invoice you
>pay invoice
Don't do gift payment, always go through an invoice or you aren't protected by PayPal.

>> No.6822072


Different anon, but loose ringlets using natural hair do exist. They're not all thick, dense sausage curls, and they're not that hard to accomplish, especially if you already have curly/wavy hair to begin with.

Sincerely, girl who regularly styles her natural hair in loose ringlets.

>> No.6822076

I HATE when 'plus size' (read: fat) girls complain about brands not catering to their size and demanding that they rectify this.

If it's so devastating to you that you can't fit into it why don't you just LOSE SOME WEIGHT damn.

On the other hand, I admire girls that are working hard to lose weight instead of just complaining about being big.

>> No.6822086

Oh god there was a wan on the Angelic Pretty USA facebook page once, she commented on a post something like "Your sizes are always so small, when will you start making clothes for REAL women like me who want to wear AP?"

Gurl how real even are you, AP print jsks are almost too loose on me and I'm on the heavy side of healthy.

>> No.6822103

>girls that don't wash their dresses before sending them out

Seriously, it's disgusting! Having to carefully handwash dresses up to three times because thei reek of sweat or perfume is not something I want to do almost every time I buy something. I'm not even talking about printed dresses but dresses that can easily be washed...

>> No.6822109
File: 39 KB, 323x500, 1272747410058.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I meant old school ringlets, not some wavy loose kind. And no, you don't see girls with old school ringlets that isn't a wig, especially in lolita. If I saw a lolita with old school style ringlets, I would assume it was a wig and I would be correct.

>> No.6822119
File: 21 KB, 280x144, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It IS possible with real hair, it's just time consuming to do and not everyone's hair stays in that style well.

>> No.6822145

Not in lolita. Show me a lolita with natural hair old school style ringlets. And not some old school street snaps, something recent. If I saw any lolita with ringlets, I would be right in assuming it to be a wig, because lolitas don't wear their natural hair in old school ringlets. They just don't.

And that one girl who wears those over the top historical outfits doesn't count. Those aren't old school style ringlets, those are historical hair styles.

>> No.6822146

I'm currently having the inverse of this.
I told a girl I can't ship the item for a good week or so because I'm just too busy, and that it's okay if she nolonger wants to buy the item, but she said it's okay if I ship it on the exact day I said I could.
And now I just feel really pressured, what if I mess up? Is she annoyed at having to wait this long even though I prewarned her?

Selling in general makes me so nervous. What if someone issues a chargeback and I can't do a thing?

>> No.6822156


>> No.6822171

My bad, I hadn't thought to take into account people of color. That looks like just how her natural hair is though, and not really styled that way?

Either way, it's very cute and looks good on her. I concede on that point.

>> No.6822187

Girls who post 'coord videos' where they try and act all cutesy and the result is just cringeworthy


>> No.6822193

also http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sSZX7HlDksI

sage for double post

>> No.6822207

have you never seen an older picture of faunkegin?

>> No.6822300

I've only encountered one seller who made me want to quit my life, fortunately.
>Says that she's selling a dress on tumblr
>I say that I'm interested and she responds with a price
>all is well and I'm ready to buy
>tfw I haggle her for a week for her paypal, and her replies are about a day apart
>However she miraculously replies five minutes after she gives me her paypal to say that her aunt "all of a sudden asked me for the dress for my cousin's princess costume and I can't say no 'cuz she's my aunt and all so sorry :("
>mfw I'm too nice to call her out on this obvious bullshit

If she changed her mind on selling it, she could have just said so ffs.

>> No.6822349

Are you really that stupid? How do you think the original ringlet hairstyles were created?

>> No.6822361

so much ita in one photo

>> No.6822464


Except that I sometimes do. Especially for special events.

>White chick
>Into Classic and Gothic
>Naturally wavy hair that holds curls really well

>> No.6822510
File: 169 KB, 500x300, mah curls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Admittedly I don't usually do mine with a curling iron, so they're a little softer/messier than some old school wigs. But this is my natural hair with just some mousse and foam rollers. (The middle image is straight out of the curlers).

>> No.6822568

I spent so long trying to decide if I really needed a dress from closet child...by the time I decided I NEEDED it I went back to buy it and it was gone.

The annoying part is that I've now convinced myself I need it. Luckily it's available on Tokyo rebel, but I will always remember I could have gotten it for $100 less.

>> No.6823083

100% COTTON. I dropped a word.

Putamoyo fits and covers me, but it just looks too short for my tastes.

>> No.6823931

Last I heard the generic bi/gay girl come on lines were 'you have really pretty eyes' and 'you smell nice'

If they go all bashful, you're in

>> No.6824018


but anon
now we can't use those lines
because they probably read /cgl/

maybe i'll just bake them some macaron and cry a lot.

>> No.6824387
File: 41 KB, 383x480, tyrgew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Video reviews on EGL.

Fuck videos. I don't want to watch you be all kawaii for 5 minutes, I just want to know how good the dress/shoes/shoppingservice/whatever is.

You can only claim to be a lolita since birth if your name is actually "Lolita".

Pic unrelated, I like her hairdo.

>> No.6826164

Fuck video reviews. Especially when they're grainy webcam videos where you can't see anything.

On that note, not enough or crappy pictures in reviews.