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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6813663 No.6813663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girl is slutbag whore
>literally she fucks for money
>at least honest about it, better than whores who fuck for material goods/status via dating
>become 'friends' with her. AKA fuck and do drugs together and watch TV
>suddenly, miss hooker who doesn't do relationships, gets crush on me
>gets completely cunt hurt when I refuse to show her affection/love or any of that while she fucks other men

Why? This has happened, with seriously, 6 girls. They turn out to be hookers after I meet them. As in. They showed me online ads, we talked for 4+ hours about prostitution afterwards, told story of how friend in community college gave me a tazer and a .45 and $150 per customer she saw to wait in the car incase she got robbed, and they told stories of how rich married men who hired them give them random free $$ and gifts. They're real hookers.
>meet on omegle video/OkCupid
>joke around and call her a hooker
>she admits it, asks how do I know
>is down to meet and get high and fuck
>weeks to months later after hanging out and fucking gets mad when i dont show them affection
>same situation but in class at university
>she admits it after class in private and asks how do i know
>is down to meet after class to get high and fuck
>weeks to months later after hanging out and fucking gets mad when i dont show them affection

I have no idea why they get feelings for me. I treat them the same as I treat any other girl, and other girls hate me. But hookers, get crushes or 'fall for me' when I meet them outside of their business.

Why do girls act like whores/sluts/skanks/cum dumps and then get all "WAAAAAAAH" and stop talking after I won't treat them like a girlfriend? I'll fuck them, but I won't cuddle/kiss/hold them. I'll talk to them and hang out and do drugs, but no dates.

What's with all the lonely whores? im poor as fuck, former drug dealer but i dont make $$ any more, broke and they know this

I figured since /cgl/ has actual prostitutes to ask. Why you hookers dumb?

>> No.6813664

just be gay, bro

>> No.6813668

I'd love to stick my dick down your throat and it would get you to shut the fuck up

>> No.6813671

Why be gay bro? I'll stick it in them still.

>> No.6813680

What do you want us to do about it, Mr. male? We don't know about such things, just cosplay and lolita.

>> No.6813686

Lazy troll is lazy. You forgot to bring in the whole "nice guy beta male" thing. You're also not supposed to directly call us whores, just imply it.

>> No.6813687

Maybe you're the dumb one for socializing with whores. Just do the deed and leave.

>> No.6813707

I don't understand, how you prostitutes think. I posted here, to know why. And explain why it happens. I figured I could get a bunch of female opinions here, actual females not pretend ones like on /r9k/.

I also, used to have a female best friend. Knew her for 5 years, she stopped really talking to me recently. She told me stories of how she cheated on all her boyfriends, fucked 15-20 guys a month at times, has had the clap many times, and general slut stories. Since, I never had romantic feelings for her I didn't really care. She helped me get drugs cheaper via getting the 8-9/10 blonde girl prices instead of the prices I'd get, and had casual sex with me on said drugs instead of the dealer who lowered the price.

Well, she got all mad after she confessed her love for me 1 year ago and I wouldn't say I loved her or date her. Cause, she admitted to cheating on like 90% of her boyfriends. And I'm not a retard. Infact, she fucked me while she had a boyfriend many times. She'd do the same shit to me. I never took her seriously in that way due to the slut s he was. She made a good friend to get high with, fuck, and watch netflix or shit. She tried to, not tell me her slut stories after that, and pretended to be a good girl. But, I could still tell when she did shit like that. She told me when she went to Spain and Malia or some shit, it was just to relax at the beach and get a tan. So, I ask another UK girl, what happens at Spain and Malia, and she said it's where English girls go to fuck random men every night with out being looked down on. So I told my friend this, and laughed and she got MAD at me.

And why would she stop talking after that? She cried and got mad and etc.... then slowly stopped talking. Used to talk 6+ hours on skype most days. Now, barely talk at all.

>> No.6813713

No, I'm not trolling. Or a 'nice guy' beta male. I'm a fucking meth addict, and former meth/opiate dealer. May start again if i can find buyers once again, but all mine are gone so no one to sell to.

I'm serious. I came here, cause I know girls who actually also hook post here for real. Stereotyping, but it's true. I wanted elaboration since these girls, won't explain them selves. Maybe I could get insight from another hooker.

>> No.6813717

I don't pay them though. So there's no reason to just cum in them and then leave. I got along with them, thought they'd make a good fuck friend. And, if i start selling dope again, attractive blonde white girls are good to have around. They hold my dope, and put it inside them if cops flash the lights, and keep a joint in their pocket.

So if dogs come and bark at her, they cant get a cavety search if she turns up empty.

$100 ticket, we're free to go.

With an ounce of shard in her. $100 beats 10 years for distribution .

>> No.6813716

Nigga why is this on /cgl/? We were having a perfectly good discussion on /r9k/ about it and /cgl/ actually has a topic so this doesn't belong here. Baleet your thread please.

>> No.6813720

Oh please. Im not deleting shit. One off topic post doesn't destroy the entire board. Hide it, ignore it, quit whining.

>> No.6813731

Have you noticed you're pretty much talking to yourself here? Go home little meth baby, go home to your land of shared needles and prostitutes.

>> No.6813735

But you niggers make posts like this all the time. There was a time when no one knew we were women. Oh god, what a time.

>> No.6813737

Nope. I haven't, and it doesn't bother me either. I don't get shamed, embarassed, or feel any sort of those emotions. Also, I don't slam shit. Shared pipe, yes. Needle, naw.

>> No.6813741

First time I've ever posted on /cgl/ i think. Maybe once before looking for a slut to fuck on meth when I was spun. Not sure.

Besides, I doubt my thread has been posted before. It sohuld be unique unless someone else has a problem with meeting too many girls who turn outto be hookers.

>> No.6813742

You are only as good as the company you keep. all the females you know are cheating whores is because you're a total piece of shit as well. Shit attracts more shit, it's not rocket science.

>> No.6813743

janitor wtf are you doing
delete this off topic bullshit
and the jnig thread while you're at it

>> No.6813744

so dark and edgy xD