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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6809682 No.6809682 [Reply] [Original]

I don't see one so let's make this the gyaru general thread.

>> No.6809696
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>> No.6809727
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>> No.6809753
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>> No.6809843
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>> No.6809867

Anyone got any good tutorials for gaijin gals?

>> No.6810073
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>> No.6810741
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>> No.6810746

I really want to try gyaru some day.. but I don't really have any fashionable friends or Jfashion friends, and I'm super scared of messing up..

>> No.6810779

Me too anon. Luckily for me I live in Vegas so I can pass it off as stripper chic. Order some cosmetics online and practice practice practice until it looks flawless. You'll draw attention regardless for the style, so keep it polished.

>> No.6811547

Do it for yourself not for other people.

>> No.6812003
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>> No.6812149
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>> No.6815751
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>> No.6815755

Is gyaru still a trend in Japan?

>> No.6815757
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>> No.6815759

From what I'm heard it's been dying for a few years now.

>> No.6815784
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>> No.6815813
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Alaska for best gaijin Gyaru.

>> No.6815838

it's softened a lot more but its still very much a thing for young people

>> No.6817366
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do you gals have any advice for natural looking lower lashes? I bought some but i dont like the style as much as i thought i would

>> No.6817920
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>> No.6818937

Fav gaijin gals?
Best ones to follow?

>> No.6818946


I am in love with that skirt. Anyone have sauce for it?

>> No.6818947

Outside of the makeup, is gyaru even a real fashion for non-Asians? It just looks like blond, tan girls wearing really thick makeup and preppy/slutty clothes.

>> No.6818954

The 'slutty preppy' clothes have a distinct style so yes.

>> No.6819063
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>> No.6819415

why does she line the are under her circle lense?

>> No.6819510

to make her eyes look bigger most likely

>> No.6819538

It isn't dead or dying, just evolving. It's not as OTT as it used to be and is more wearable. At this point most girls who wear it are now just wearing western style coordinated in a more creative and put together way. White girls can wear it, but they may not look ashun, they'll just look like stylish girls.

>> No.6819540

TBH I see white girls in LA dress like this all the time.

>> No.6819566

that's the joke

>> No.6819734
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non slutty old school gyaru thread?

>> No.6819735
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>> No.6819739
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>> No.6819743
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>> No.6819747
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Old school gal was so much fun because it made a statement. Nowardays gyaru has fallen to normalcy.

>> No.6819750

/d/ called.
They want this in their ganguro threads.
Jut add dongs, boob-jobs and tentacles.

>> No.6819751
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it didn't matter how good your make was as long as you were having fun now it's more of "ur make sucks so it's no fun"

>> No.6819758
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this isn't a palce to share your edgy fetish anon

>> No.6819760

I miss ganguro so much. It would be great to be in that kind of a community but aside that I'm extremely pale and could never pull off that look.

>> No.6819766

I think the point is to have a fake tan.
you would pull it off better than someone who is tan.

>> No.6819782

That wouldn't work for me. I'm too afraid of destroying my skin because I easily get sunburned.

Anyway I like looking at these old pictures because those girls just had a lot of fun. It wasn't as superficial as gyaru nowadays

>> No.6819785
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mfw black gyarus

>> No.6819801
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spray tanning is the way to go. i'm planning on getting one once my skin clears up.

>> No.6819806

I'm going to a con soon and I need a fake tan I can apply in the morning that wont transfer onto my clothing, it needs to wash off in the shower too. Any recommendations?

>> No.6819807

That is a good idea. Maybe I'll try that.

>> No.6819832

>too pale for ganguro

...Anon, do you know what it means to be a ganguro? all of them spray tan of use lotion. Very few japanese girls are actually that dark unless they're from southern areas, like Okinawa.

>> No.6819834

why is it that so few black gyaru girls look good? i mean, a lot of them think 'oh my skin is dark enough' and just look like crap, dont know how to do make up, dress properly, arent thin enough, etc

>> No.6821032
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