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6806349 No.6806349 [Reply] [Original]

Seagulls! Help!

I am growing out my hair and it's at an awkward length right now. The fringe (bangs) is super long and the back is starting to look a little like a mullet/tail thing. Does anyone have some super cute hair ideas for short hair?

Also Hair General

>> No.6806356

oh snap I'm in the same boat
the best thing to do is to just comb it into a deep side part and tuck the side that has most of your bangs behind your ear ( or the other side, or even both! experiment with it ), slap a cute headband on it, and hope for the best.
Also, don't be like me and forget to even up the back once it starts going into the mullet zone.

Best of luck anon, it'll be so worth it once you're finally at your goal length!

>> No.6806365

Thank you, it feels like forever even though people are commenting on how quick it has grown. Mine is a bit mullet like right now, not terribly so and I can sometimes get away with squeezing it into two mini pigtails to hide that

>> No.6806468

ffffffffffff I'm going through the same thing. You started out with a pixie cut, right? Usually I do the mini pigtails (with my bangs french braided into the rest of my hair) or just put on a hat and call it a day.

>> No.6806692
File: 414 KB, 707x871, T2QHtGXd4MXXXXXXXX_!!67361364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls like this i automatically fall in love with anyone who has this hairstyle

>> No.6806701

that's a wig

>> No.6806721

When my hair was at an awkward length I made myself some cute hats out of t-shirt sleeves
just a plain basic color, then I would make a little detail like a thunderbolt, or a star, also you could buy cute hats, and knit some too

also I would take like a really long thigh high checkered/ striped sock, tie a knot in it, and use it like a relly thick headband

>> No.6806740

so? it's a hairstyle faggot

>> No.6808331

I'm also in the same boat. I really want to cut off all my hair into a boy-ish style again just because I really hate the in-between phase.

The best I can do is throw it into pony tails or twin tails, but sometimes giving it a loose wave or curl helps even it out. It's gotten to the point that I just wear natural colored wigs on the days that I start raging too hard at my hair.

>> No.6808353

That medium stage drove me crazy a couple months ago. I just put it up in buns, messy styles and pinned my bands back. I just dealt with it until it grew longer.

Soon as I get a job that allows me to have my hair dyed, I'm going to split it down the middle with one side pastel pink, the other pastel mint green.

>> No.6808360
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>> No.6808381

Any care tips for long hair? Mine is at my ass right now and I'm so paranoid about fucking it up, especially while brushing.

>> No.6808394

i understand your pain, anon. i let someone talk me into getting an 'edgy pixie cut ' a few months ago. worst mistake EVER. Every layer is uneven, and even though it is growing out finally, it seems like without a hair or wig, i feel very uncomfortable

>> No.6808402

i ordered a similar wig off ebay last week. I've been getting into the habit of ordering natural colored wigs til my idiotic hair grows to a decent length once more. it's not even to my shoulders yet, ugh

>> No.6808421

I got a short asymetrical under cut for my friend's hair show. Imagine a hair 'beret' sort of thing.

I hate asymetry...
The longer side is just under chin length, been growing since the end of october, the undercut portion is about 4", the part over it is about 6". If I got it cut, I'd have to go with really short boy cut or a pixie cut

>> No.6808437
File: 173 KB, 500x750, tumblr_mk2epnxpar1qfvrzvo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone interested if I dump my short hair folder?

>> No.6808444
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>> No.6808447
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>> No.6808448
File: 80 KB, 484x617, Short-Curly-Wavy-Bob-Hairstyles-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested! Short hair is cute.

>> No.6808453

Yes pls.

>> No.6808464
File: 625 KB, 393x590, tumblr_m0waziHVq21qzxxslo1_400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll keep going then!

>> No.6808469
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>> No.6808472
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>> No.6808474
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>> No.6808477
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>> No.6808486
File: 76 KB, 480x640, iwantttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so seagulls I'll keep dumping but while I'm at it I was wondering if any of you knew how I can get my hair to look like this? My hair is just stupidly straight and boring, It's the same lenght but I cant quite get that look with hair curlers, not with thin nor thick ones... any sugestions?

>> No.6808489
File: 145 KB, 480x640, tumblr_m9sms44QJJ1r4kfsoo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808492

Maybe a dumb question, but did you try a straightener?

>> No.6808497
File: 84 KB, 500x334, tumblr_mk6jrkBJEv1rs33tuo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... I've heard you can curl it with one, but the only straightener I have is really wide so I can't try that

>> No.6808503

Seconding this. You use a hair straightener on slightly damp hair by twirling chunks of it and then running the straightener down the hair a few times.

>> No.6808506

Hmm, maybe try braiding (french braiding?) your hair after a shower so it poofs when it dries/you take it out?

>> No.6808510
File: 1.01 MB, 640x360, hmm.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How wide is it? Unless it's ridiculously wide, you should be able to use it.
If you think your straightener is too wide still, you can go out and get a smaller one though! I don't think they're very expensive.

>> No.6808513


>> No.6808518
File: 112 KB, 500x648, tumblr_mk6j3cqGXN1qhqvc4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, that sounds good, I'll try borrowing one and if it works I'll buy my own:3
That sounds good too! thanks

>> No.6808533
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>> No.6808528
File: 29 KB, 400x269, 2010-04-28_22_5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sully's hair in nu abo is so damn gorgeous I saved like a million pictures of it

>> No.6808539
File: 156 KB, 630x420, 05-08-12-08-04_04-thumb-630xauto-106085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6808543
File: 70 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ls3ntoIwTS1qf5yzho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a wig but I like the lenght of the bangs

>> No.6808545

I was debating whether or not to cut my hair short, and this thread is only pushing me to go for short hair. Half the people I asked said yes and the other half said no. Ahh, I don't know what to do.

>> No.6808549
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>> No.6808552

I want to cut my hair short, but no one will let me.
One of these days I'm going to use the excuse that I want to donate to cancer patients and lop it all off.

>> No.6808555

Do they think you look better with long hair or is your hair just generally too beautiful?

>> No.6808558
File: 81 KB, 466x700, tumblr_lxwj1awjkV1qzyqpso1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should give it a shot! I've had short hair for like 4 years and I love it, I was really scared when I first cut it but then I got to experiment with diferent lenghts and styles and it's been real fun!

>> No.6808559

Short hair's really cute and there's a lot more to do with it than long hair. You should try it! Or at least get a short wig and decide if you like how short hair looks on you.
Definitely do that! You'll get your short hair and seem like a really good person for doing it.

>> No.6808562
File: 351 KB, 500x531, tumblr_ls8zo3WTgD1qa0mrmo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aand that's all I've got

>> No.6808563

Honestly, it's a mix of both. My family prefers that women have long hair, and my hair is thick and curly/wavy, like doll's hair.

I've had short hair before, but it was because of a freak accident. I want to have short hair again!

>> No.6808567

I used to have long hair, like down to my waist, and right now it's a little past my shoulders (had to cut a few months ago because I killed my hair trying to bleach it). I was trying to grow it back out, because I miss braiding it and all that, but now I want to cut it even shorter...

What kinds of things can you do with short hair, though? I was thinking of hair like Ga-In's or something...

>> No.6808569

If you have curly hair, short might not work well for it, especially in the growing out stages

>> No.6808576

I used to do similar little waves with a curling iron. Instead of wrapping the hair around it, I'd kind of take a chunk and curve it over or under the barrel and hold it for a few seconds and then move lower on the hair. I don't know if that makes sense, but I can't really think of a good way to describe it.

>> No.6808582

her hair is crazy cute

>> No.6808586

That's a good thing to keep in mind. The only reason my short bob works for me is because my curls are usually pretty tame and don't require much styling. Really tight curls might not be so agreeable with a short style.

>> No.6808593

Oh I usually do whatever I can think of with mine! I think I like short hair so much though because I like to make my hair pretty anti-gravity. I usually have all my hair flipped to one side.
When it's not like that, I curl little sections, I can put my hair into cute pigtails, I can make it completely wavy, I can basically do whatever I want.
If you do decide to cut your hair shorter, I suggest getting a short hair magazine. It shows you a lot of cute styles to try, tells you what products will make your hair look a certain way, and more and is actuually pretty handy to have around.

>> No.6808596

dont mind at all!

>> No.6808598

Yes! it makes sense, I haven't thought of that before, thanks!

>> No.6808600

super effing cute

>> No.6808623

I've had short hair before, though. It looked like the OP pic, but a chestnut brown.

The only problem I had with it was that I had bangs with it back then that were too short.

>> No.6808626

i love this girl's hair color

>> No.6808629

yeah, you can get a smaller straightener at cvs, target, rite aid, whatever for about $20 or less

>> No.6808631

love everything about these two girls

>> No.6808632

how about do what you want?
are you both not 18+? Hair grows back

>> No.6808636

>your family prefers women have long hair

Um, are you amish? Because this is 2013. cut your damn hair if you want to.

>> No.6808661

What tips are you looking for specifically?

Don't brush it, comb it, preferably not with a plastic comb but instead something like bone (still need to get one myself).
Do you put you hair up daily in a protective style like a bun so you can keep your ends tucked or out of the way?

>> No.6808670 [DELETED] 
File: 587 KB, 816x370, hairlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm, I'll look into that. But you can put your hair into pigtails? It can't be that short then, no?

So, I made a really bad collage. I apologize for the bad pictures, because I don't have my computer (and the majority of my pictures). I had short hair a few years ago, but I don't know if I should go for it again. Do you guys think I should cut it or grow it back out?

Hair does grow back, but it takes a long time if you're going from a boyish cut to waist length. Wigs are a pain, too. I just don't know which looks better on me.

>> No.6808692

My hair's barely long enough for pigtails, usually there are short hairs in the back that I can't tie up and need to pin. And I think your dark long hair suits you really well!

>> No.6812360
File: 24 KB, 368x417, 1343B3014020-10F38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an asian haircut will fit in a western face? case we dont have the same shape

>> No.6812400

There is nothing like 'asian' and 'western' hair cuts, what you posted is just a motherfucking bob.

>> No.6812401

i asked because i think hair is different in asian and western people

>> No.6812437
File: 29 KB, 320x234, 3q774l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>motherfucking bob

>> No.6812440

The texture is different. Asian hair tends to be a little more thick or coarse, but plenty of western people can have similar hair types.

It depends on how skilled your hairdresser is and your hair texture. I assume that hairdressers can figure how something that will work with your hair that still looks like the picture you use for reference.

>> No.6812459

Thank you for the help. My hair is thin and curly to the ends but I think my hairdresser will be able to cut it to the right way

>> No.6812508


>> No.6812525

oh god I now that feel OP, I had my hair cut shortly after the new year, seen as my hair grows really slowly I stopped using my straighteners (as I used them every day), my hair looks better even if it's still a bit damaged but the mullet thing is such a pain in the ass, I have to put my hair in 2 ponytails, one higher and one lower to prevent the mullet, why doesn't the hair on the sides grow faster!? I've left that longer and had the back shortened but now it's the opposite ;_;

>> No.6815273

Okay, it's time for me to re-dye my red hair since it's faded the fuck out. I want a more vibrant color but still somewhat natural looking. I've got it narrowed down to L'Oreal Mega Reds Light Intense Copper or the HiColor Sizzling Copper but I can't figure out which one would be better. My regrowth is pretty light, btw so I don't need to do any pre-lightening.

Which one do you think I should go with? The color I want is something a little lighter than OP's pic.

>> No.6815301

No matter what red you choose, red will always fade out.

>> No.6815331

I know that, I just want a brighter red than the dull auburn I ended up with the last time I dyed it.