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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6805990 No.6805990 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a Con horror stories thread?

>> No.6805998
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I'll post a few of other people, then I'll type up my own

>> No.6806004
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>> No.6806009
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>> No.6806016
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>> No.6806021
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Sailorcunt and the bathroom horror.

>> No.6806073
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>be transgender
>Go to con in usual day to day clothes, black, lacy,goth attire.
>I still have a mildly masculine voice but pass pretty well
>get separated from friends
>cute skinny guy and his fat friend come up and ask me for a picture(not cosplaying but say ok cuz why not)
>cute boy pulls me up against him VERY closely in a vice grip for the picture.
>tells me he thinks I'm "cute enough to eat" and wants to know what I'm doing after the con.
>start to tell him that I'm taken
>he interrupts me with "WHAT THE FUCK! are you guy or some shit?!"
>his fat friend looks just as appalled and calls me a faggot.
>get offended and calmly try to explain that I'm transgender.
>he interrupts again and accuses me of "trying to trick him" then spits in my face,shoves me on my ass and they run away.
>eyes sting like hell from spit
>friend sees this happen from a distance and runs over
>nearby dealer helps me up and say he's an asshole etc
>friend and I go to the bathroom and wash my face and re-do my makeup
>talk about trying to find him again so we can report him to security.
>no sign of him rest of day
>Next day
>no sign of him all day
>go to rave and see him there without fat friend
>leave immediately
>he follows me out, grabs me by the arm and pulls me aside.
>tells me he's sorry about what he did and says "its because my friend is really homophobic and doesn't get it"
>goes on about "keeping up appearances" and shit for a few minutes.
>tells me he would still like to take me out
>tell him to fuck off
>rip my arm away and go back to rave with friends
>he runs back in after me
>my friends get around me and tell him to fuck off as well
>he gives me a card with his number on it and takes off
>it says "call me please, you're the cutest thing I've seen"
>never been so confused before
>haven't seen him since, threw out the number, and have a small amount of anxiety every time I'm hit on at a con.
>pic related, me that day

>> No.6806091

you are soooo cute I wanna be your BFF

>> No.6806094

aww thank you :3

>> No.6806102

You are hyper adorable, would take home and cuddle/10
>tfw no qt3.14 trans gf
>tfw female

>> No.6806107


More cutie than Bailey.

>> No.6806117 [DELETED] 

aww thank you :)
I've been dating the same girl for 3 years now :3
I used to get that one a lot :P
my hair is green now so not so much anymore

>> No.6806147

aww thank you :)
nothing wrong with being female :P
I've been dating the same girl for 3 years now :3
I used to get that one a lot :P
my hair is green now so not so much anymore

>> No.6806209

obv fake

you, my friend, are fucking adorable

>> No.6806217

No, there are 20 of them a month

>> No.6806296

I may be just some Cis-scum who needs to check his privilege but..

Guy was a cunt to you, then apologized about his actions and asked you out?

What is exactly so "con-horror ill never be the same again, I still get flashbacks of anxiety every time."

>> No.6806308


Who said con horror stories have to me traumatizing?

>> No.6806322

I remember at my first con I accidently got seperated from my friend and had a random guy come up behind me breathing all heavy like saying " I"breath"Like" Breath" EVERYTHING" Breath" About your cosplay!" I was so frightened I just nodded and ran to catch up to my friend. OTL (I was cosplaying as Celty from DRRR)
Not nearly as bad as your story anon but enough to scare me and have me connected to my friend by the hip the rest of the day. Not in any way traumatizing or physically harmful but entertaining for others to read/hear.

>> No.6806345

Thanks :3
no one said a con horror story had to leave me with crippling anxiety.
I was disrespected,chased down, spit on, and knocked on my ass. thought that was enough.

>> No.6806352


>She had one more tampon to pick with my sorry ass

My sides.


It's interesting that you referred to him as a cute skinny guy, even though he acted crazy.

>> No.6806361

I thought he was cute physically.
However his personality was clearly very fucked up.
I won't say someone is unattractive just because I have an issue with them. I'll just say that they're fucked up :P

>> No.6806372

>have to share a room with 8 people because we're cheap, and I'm stuck with sharing a bed with my ex, or sharing an air mattress with 3 other guys.
>Pick bed with ex because I didn't know the other guys
>ex tried to get frisky with me on saturday night, despite him knowing I had a thing for someone else
>royally slap his shit and proceed to sleep on floor for rest of con.

Not exactly a horror story but I feel bad if I don't contribute something.

That sucks.

Honestly I think it's good he apologized, but he shouldn't have kept an appearance. I don't think you should feel anxious either; that's pretty fucked up and I'm pretty sure most people that have hit on you had no intention to act as douchey. Don't be so anxious, yeah?

>> No.6806386 [DELETED] 

Most of the times I've been hit on since then the guys are either embarrassed and don't say anything or hit on me even more anyway.
Still a just bit anxious, but its getting much better :)

>> No.6806586

Most of the times I've been hit on since then the guys are either embarrassed and don't say anything or hit on me even more anyway.
Still just bit anxious, but its getting much better :)

>> No.6806600

Oh man. I'm kinda sad I never have con horror stories. I think it's mostly because I don't take shit from crazy people, or usually scare them off.

It makes me sad, sometimes.

>> No.6806668

I don't have any really terrible stories (yet, I guess) since I've only been going to conventions for about a year now. But might as well contribute what little I have.

>at a one-day convention
>cosplaying a character who sometimes wear a long hooded dragon cape
>taking a photo with a girl cosplaying the same character but w/o cape
>while posing suddenly grabbed from behind and pulled off
>goku cosplayer calling my shenron or something saying we need to make wishes
>shake him off, laugh uneasily and go back to get the picture taken

And at the most recent convention I was at
>be in an 18+ panel
>cosplaying a character known for being flirtacious
>ic flirting with a boy
>after panel. boy wants to take a shippy picture
>cool with it, don't really care
>friend who was also on the panel is creeped out by boy
>freaks out when i lead him away to take the picture, since the panel crowd had yet to dissipate
>not even in a different room just like a few meters away from her
>after the picture she tells me to be more careful around people and not to let them lead me away
>girl i am an adult around a bunch of other adults i am not an idiot

That's not really a con horror story for me though... I guess for her since she thought I was kidnapped or something. Whatever.

>> No.6806686

Didn't happen at a con but I had this one weaboo who was just a bit too friendly towards me back in high-school. He was really talkative to me about your typical weaboo shit, but he was relatively harmless. Then I decided to wear lolita to school one day because I'm a freaking genius. He came up to me and started rambling away about the usual stuff, and everything was going fine, until he grabbed my knee in the middle of the conversation.
I noped the fuck out of there as quickly as I could and haven't spoken to him since then. I still see him walking around the college campus now and then. He's grown up to be a greasy neckbeard and all the girls just sort of avoid him. I can't blame them. I heard a complaint from one girl saying that he tried taking some upskirt photos of her while she was on the stairs. He's turned into a real creep.

I should mention that he had a girlfriend at the time he grabbed my knee. Geez how scummy can someone be?

>> No.6806750


>> No.6806775

could have been much worse

>> No.6806782

Yeah you both have a point. Coulda been much worse.

>> No.6806923

This isn't nearly as bad as some of these, but I'll contribute.
>friends and I order pizza during the later hours of the con, relaxing from dancing in rave
>we end up with a couple extra pieces
>no one wants them
>I get nominated to offer extra pizza to fellow congoers
>whatever, I guess
>I walk up to a guy who's walking kinda slow
>hey, would you like an extra piece of piz-
>Guy fucking projectile vomits right in front of me
>some of it is on my hand
>shriek "OH MY GOD" in horror and shock
>smell is horrendous
>immediately he runs off into the bathroom
>i run off into the ladies, to scrub the vomit off
Turned out he tried to breakdance after a drinking a bunch of ramune.

>> No.6806930

He... grabbed your knee and you freak out like this? Jesus, what kind of prude amish community are you from? It's a fucking KNEE, not your cunt.
Sure it's a bit unusual for a 'stranger' to grab your knee, I'll agree with this. But it's no reason to flip your shit and talk shit behind their back, scummy bitch.

>> No.6806967

Now, now.

>> No.6806991

I'm sorry, I burst out laughing.

I don't think this is so much of a horror story for me as it was for this particular girl. My roomies and I took in a random girl unrelated to the con who was left by her boyfriend stranded in LA during the ALA weekend.

>> No.6807086
File: 491 KB, 500x213, grossedout.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Dressed as Kunimitsu (Tekken Tag 2)
>Be at con in location known for partying and drunk people
>Con is right next to large Casio
>Was outside with friends, about an hour or so before con closes, and wanted to take another look at con hall to see if I wanted to buy anything or not/see my cousins and uncle who run a stall
>Start walking back up and see what looks like the end of three people harassing someone. This area is outside the hall, so just anyone from the public could walk up there
>See me
>He is drunk, and he smells like alcohol
>Two others also come over, a guy and girl
>Tell him
>Kunimitsu has a kitsune mask, which, has no eye holes...So neither did mine since I wanted to make it accurately.
>Tell him yes...
>"WELL PUT THAT SHIT ON THEN" Nearly forces it on my face
>As I am putting it on, the other guy with the iphone to take a picture says something about kissing me.
>Pause before putting my mask on, say, "That would be EXTREMELY inappropriate."
>"YEAH DOUCHE2, THAT WOULD BE INAPPROPRIATE" fuck you you drunk parrot arsehole
>Had a bad feeling when I saw, them even worse, but was worried I tried to excuse myself or something this guy would go apeshit since he was so drunk.
>Put the mask on, pose so my hand near him is holding the mask near my mouth and have other hand holding kunai near other side of face
>Fucking feel him trying to get to my mouth to kiss me
>Eventually gives up
>Basically ignore and make b-line for security guard who the whole thing and did fuck all
>Get to him as say, "Those guys are drunk, if they come back get rid of them."
>He thanks me, and also asks if I was "harassed" with this fuckoff-smirk on his face. Cocksucker.
>Tell him one tried to kiss me, but I handled it
>Fuck. Everything. I was my uncle was there, he would have destroyed that kid while in his Old Snake costume. It would have been amazing.

>> No.6807091

I should clarify I was with friends, but they were waiting for someone to do photoshoot so I said goodbye since I wanted to look at stuff and already got photos earlier. So no one was with me when this happened.

>> No.6807119


I just literally laughed out loud at that. I know it must have been god-awful to experience, but holy shit is that mental image hilarious.

>> No.6807179

This isn't a horror story by any means, but it sure was fucking weird.

>at a Miami con three months ago
>cosplaying Homestuck for the first time
>with a couple friends
>we decide to go back to the room
>random Homestucks we've never talked to are in the elevator with us
>they say that they're going to follow us
>we shrug it off as a joke
>they actually started following us
>give the signal to run
>they follow suit
>run as fucking fast as we can
>barely get the door open in time
>we run inside the room
>slammed the door in a Gamzee's face

They kept trying to get in for like, five minutes afterwards. Guess that's what I get for cosplaying Homestuck.

>> No.6807199

>No horror story
Really? Damn, that pretty much sounds like a slasher scenario.

>> No.6807249

that's fucking hilarious
and a really dick move from her boyfriend

>> No.6807359
File: 12 KB, 160x120, ruh roh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>metrocon last year
>homestuck horde everywhere

>> No.6807501

>people respond fastest if you scream "FIRE!" or "RAPE!" so I screamed both
That image mad me crack up.


>> No.6807578

>be at con
>walking with group
>guy yells to us,
>excuse me, you're very pretty
>your girlfriend is very pretty
>It's my fucking sister
>Don't hang out with her rest of the con

>> No.6807583
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who likes furries?

>> No.6807617

I still rage at this story. Beastiality is fucked up.

>> No.6807622

I never talked behind their back.

I just talked about them on here.

What the fuck, why so implying? Read the rest of the thread, too. You'll see that I agreed with other anons about how it could've been much worse.

>> No.6807967

is there a hunting season for furries?

>> No.6808010

Well, it happened years ago, so I'm over it now. My friends laughed when it happened, and I'd just fling my hand that got hit towards their face. Worked pretty well.

>> No.6808019

Maybe it doesn't compare to the copypasta, but holy shit that sounds freaky.

>> No.6808034

holy shit, even the weirdos on 7chan would rage at this.

>> No.6808037
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The ultimate stalker & psycho mum

>> No.6808049
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Fuck it, I've lost the bodysnatcher. I was sure I had it saved.
Anyway, Ruby Moon

>> No.6808052
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"It's just sticking your dick in a hot, squishy pipe"

>> No.6808057
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Wheelchair stab. This one and the throat slit one (already posted) actually make me feel sick and faint.

>> No.6808071
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>> No.6808148


>> No.6808166

Exactly what I said after I read it.
"Holy. Shit. My life is good ;_;"

>> No.6808325

So as someone who rarely goes to conventions, I'm curious; how often exactly does this shit go on? Are there people on /cgl/ who have never had a weeb experience or are they a sort of right of passage?

>> No.6808333

Not related to your story, but I remembered a bit of minor con drama relating to wheelchairs.

This was AX ... 2009? Years ago, at the very least. I was having a great time, then I went into the (crowded) women's bathroom, for the usual reason.

Now, the bathrooms don't smell great anyway - but layered over the gentle fragrance of urine-badly-masked-by-cleanser, I smell shit. It's bad. And it's coming from the handicapped stall, where I can hear an older woman, viciously cursing at the "stupid fuck" who is helping her, apparently. This includes "fucking hell, you're getting it everywhere!," which presumably refers to said shit.

Said 'stupid fuck' sounds like a young/teenage girl, who seems to be crying while cleaning the hag, who continues to verbally abuse her. Everyone in the bathroom looks uncomfortable, and we all get the fuck out of there as soon as we can. I felt so damn bad for whatever poor weeb was in there, cleaning up a shitty old lady who was a fucking douche to her, to boot.

>> No.6808343

Weebs are definitely right of passage.
Not necessarily horror, though.

>> No.6808366

You fucking serious?
I had a relative grab my knee before in "comfort" and then rape me you pretentiousness asshole. I don't like ANYONE touching any part of me especially if I don't know them. Fuck you.

>> No.6808390

The throat slit one has been looked at by more intelligent boards than /cgl (i.e. ones with people who work in forensics), and the conclusion was that it couldn't possibly have been inflicted by another person without massive effort and an extremely awkward position.

>> No.6808401

But the chick was in an awkward position, it says how the girl who stabbed her moved really close to her, pushing her off a step and she got stabbed while turning.

>> No.6808407

don't tempt fate.

>> No.6808412

>first ever convention
>cosplaying for the first time, wandering around with friends
>friends ditch me and I get lost
>wander downstairs to find them
>a guy in his mid-twenties appears, wearing T-shirt from the anime I'm cosplaying
>starts following me
>runs into the women's bathroom to get away
>come out a little while later, thinking he may have left
>grabbed from behind in massive hug
>guy shakes me as hard as he can, sets me down and runs for it
>still have no fucking idea why

>> No.6808415

what the actual fuck

>> No.6808416

No, I mean their conclusion was that the person would have had to be holding the blade at an awkward angle in the wrong hand to inflict that injury.

>> No.6808425

>wrong hand
ever heard of left-handed people?

>> No.6808432

The wrong hand for the blade to be facing the correct angle (i.e. the other person and not yourself).

>> No.6808436

like holding the blade backwards?
not difficult

>> No.6808440

But completely retarded for cutting someone's throat.

>> No.6808441

makes for a good horizontal slash

>> No.6808446


She was probably trying to mimic a 'fighting' pose from some anime. Just my two cents.

>> No.6808450

>believing /cgl/'s spooky ghost stories

These things are like stories by the campfire.
The campfire being composed of raging vendettas, burning replicas and the occasional peacockfeather thread that ends up here.

>> No.6808459

Hey, someone's throat got slit and they lived, clearly there was some inefficiency in the process somewhere.

>> No.6808465
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Oh, I found the image.

>> No.6808478

those are some amazing make up skills. You should do zombie cosplay

>> No.6808484

glad you're okay. shit, thats scary, even if i am not surprised at all because they're homestuck cosplayers.

>> No.6808490

ok I can't scale down the picture enough to post it from my phone, but holding a blade backhand is most effective at long, shallow, horizontal slashes
so there you go
bad way to slit someone's throat

>> No.6808498

not like the girl was exactly all there mentally

>> No.6808499

I wore my great granddad's lucky hat for a One Step Ahead Tengo outfit (Ghost Trick:Phantom Detective).

The colors and the styles matched perfectly, and it was pretty sentimental. He saved up to buy it as a teenager in the 30s to impress girls.

Anyways, I was posing with a Sissel and a Lynne (both same game) when a little guy in a cheap banana costume--like for real, the onesies you can buy at any Halloween shop--runs behind us and grabs my grandpa's hat.

We were right by the entrance. I ran out after him and this guy was super fast. The bastard outran me after several blocks. I called the police, but they never busted him.

This happened last summer, and my parents still think that the hat is in my attic ;_;

>> No.6808508

No, really, I just posted the image of a guy from /tg/ analysing it. Did you read it? Did you read the bit about the wrist? Specifically, the bit about the bruising.

He specifically said that you're really not helping this girl's problems by even believing it's real in the first place.

>> No.6808512
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>> No.6808521
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>> No.6808525

trolls in florida heat is horrifying to begin with

>> No.6808536

I had the opposite happen once
>with gf at con
>are you sisters? you're both so pretty

This is my girlfriend (who is chinese. i am mixed white-spanish)

>guy looked confused
seriously. what the fuck. we are two totally different races

>> No.6808548

geezous fuck!! I'm glad you were able to save the dog, but damn it, this makes me rage. I wish someone would beat the pulp out of your friend keith. sick piece of garbage. ugh

Props to you for doing the right thing, contacting a vet and police and saving the dog.

>> No.6808554

i remember this piece of shit. wow

>> No.6808564

sweet jesus roses, who actually stabs someone in the leg and says 'wow, you really are hanicapped there?" i cant even. I'm so sorry you went through this. i hope everything is working out for you now. what a dumb cunt

>> No.6808570

No, not this time, man; I'm not falling for that ruse again. Fuck this story.

>> No.6808578



>> No.6808572
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>> No.6808573
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>> No.6808574

why the fuck do people think it's okay to hug someone and grab them without consent at cons?
i'm carrying mace where ever i fucking go now.

>> No.6808579


>> No.6808594

regardless, it's a terrible way to offensively wield a knife unless you're going for "shock" attacks i.e. medium-large and superficial
but no need to get all /k/ in here so I'll stop arguing

>> No.6808599

That's pretty obviously not the person who wrote that.

>> No.6808621
File: 93 KB, 500x274, 1364881384355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah okay Mortem3r

>> No.6808680

Protip: Generally, the people posting these screencaps of stories posted years ago aren't the people who posted them in the first place.

>> No.6808685

>They kept trying to get in for like, five minutes afterwards.
Like knocking on the door and yelling?

>> No.6808700

There's always weebs, but usually weeb encounters just mean mild awkwardness. Horror is rare.

>> No.6808726

if horror comes up, you better hope you came with friends

>> No.6808729

that sucks man.

>> No.6808736

This is from acouple years ago

>go to Fanimecon in SJ
>decide to be a dick and toss a glass stinkbomb in the bathroom
>walk in
>see piss, and piss, and even more piss
>water in toilets are so diluted by unflushed piss its beer colored
>piss all over seats, toilet paper, floor
>stink of piss is strong, need to get out
>throw stinkbomb and walk out
>tell friend what i did and we go to bathroom 5 mins later
>no stink of stinkbomb
>smell of piss has overpowered the stinkbomb

It was fucking gross.
Im suprised we didnt find shit all over the walls.
Neckbeards are fucking gross.

Also more weird than horror
>again at Fanimecon next year
>buzzed as fuck, need to sit down
>sat next to older asian guy, we start bullshittin
>manga eventually comes up
>he says hes bought a decent amount already
>pulls out a binder full of hand drawn pics
>decent amount are good
>towards end he starts showing me weirder stuff and acting weird about the pics
>pics are hentai
>lois from family guy fucking brian, dickgirl pics, just odd stuff
>eventually throw up in potted plant next to him and left
dude was weird, godamn.

>> No.6808739

You're a shithead.

>> No.6808746
File: 744 KB, 997x493, awkward knife.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well here it is

just to show what it looks like

>> No.6808749

Good for you, you know how to hold a knife. Got any stories, or are you gonna keep on with this sageworthy shit?

>> No.6808751

i hate you
i wish you would of gotten thrown out for that stinkbomb bullshit

>> No.6808755

nothing con or weeb related

>> No.6808756

You know, personally I don't have anything against zoophiles as long as the animals want and enjoy the sex. You know, like with humans. But there's a staggering amount of self-absorbed fucks who believe that they can impose their feelings and desires onto the animals while disguising it as "love" and it makes me fucking mad.

>> No.6808762

Like anyone wouldve known it was me in the Land of Urine.
There was about 25 people in there and urine everywhere

>> No.6808773

No. an animal cannot consent to sex or communicate with you in words. It's just wrong no matter how you look at it.

>> No.6808810

>implying that your experience sets the standard for what is considered acceptable touching in society
Work out your issues somewhere other than the internet. When someone touches your knee, it doesn't mean he's going to rape you. It can be a sign of affection or flirting - and whoever finds it uncomfortable and isn't an annoying teen looking for something they can complain about they'll calmly tell the offending person they're feeling violated and remove the hand from their knee.

>> No.6808821

You should feel a little retarded right now. Spanish people = from Spain. "Hispanic" or "latino" is murrkan for "mestizo" which means mixed native and white heritage. So next time you try and classify your race, you say you're a quarter native and three quarter white.

>> No.6808825

>an animal cannot consent to sex
>derp what is animal behaviour
I work with my uncle (a vet) and we've talked a lot about this after getting some cases of animal rape - it's possible and some people do it.

>> No.6808843

>Senior year starts in private all girls high school
>Kick ass group of friends, awesome events planned all year round, difficult classes and test ended junior year
>Life's sweet
>First week of school we see a freshman sitting by herself at breakfast everyday, let's call her M
>Me and my friends are too nice and tell her to sit with us one day
>She seems nice, nervous but nice
>Turns out she likes anime and lolita
>I ask what her favorite brands/prints are
>"I get my dresses from Hot Topic"
>M pulls out a Death Note and tells us about how she just got it to use it on girls at school
>"I just wrote my sister's name in red ink, curse that baka"
>M becomes super clingy from then on, following me and my friends between classes
>Walk into the cafeteria one morning
>See her sitting with my friends in a bright purple eBay party wig
>Contemplating just going back home
>As I sit down she says, "Before you ask, yeah, I'm wearing a wig. It's from that lolita fashion I was teaching you about"
>Follows me home on the bus
>Gets up the same time I do to go to school
>Glomps in hallways and "ANON-CHAN"s for two months
>One of my friends, J, gets fed up and tells her not to touch her
>M gets upset and runs away
>Same day I go to the bathroom and see her staring in the mirror, not blinking
>She turns to me, smiles, walks towards me
>"You know, Anon-chan, I always thought we were best friends. We have so much in common"
>She hugs me and sticks her face in my boobs
>I try to push her way but she's twice my weight
>She starts to cry and scream, "IT DOESN'T WORK! IT NEVER WORKS!"
>She pulls her Death Note off the sink and shows our names in all the pages
>"I just thought we'd be happy together, with no one else..."
>I tell her I'll be right back with my bag so we can go home
>Run to principal's office
>Tell her errythang
>M transfers before the week is out

>> No.6808852

>Two years later
>In Hot Topic (bff is into rock bands and such)
>Chilling by the Harry Potter section and see a ratty blue wig
>Peek behind a shelf to see M in Tripp pants, black lipstick, and arm warmers with a similarly dressed girl
>Duck around to shop to bff
>"Dude, M's here"
>She looks at me like a deer in headlights
>We out

I never saw her after that. She apparently lives by my sister's bf's house which is like six blocks away from mine.

>> No.6808867

>Meet a guy in my physics lecture who has anime pin on his backpack
>Talk and quickly make a new friend
>I learn that he has never been to a convention before, nor has ever heard about them.
>Show him upcoming convention website
>He instantly buys a ticket
Fast forward 2 months
>We drive 3 hours to the convention, post up in hotel room.
>Take elevator down to convention floor...
>The instant the door opens he collapses, throws his hands on his ears and starts screaming
>He has hyperacosis or whatever the fuck he called it
>He can't tolerate any noise above normal speaking volume.
>Spends rest of convention in room by himself.
>Back on campus he tells everyone how I drug him to this "stupid place where everyone was running around screaming and there was no peace or order" and how he blew $200 for the weekend on it.

>> No.6808871
File: 56 KB, 574x528, well shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dick, he couldn't have told you about his condition before the con?

>> No.6808872 [DELETED] 
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Eeugh, god I fucking hate people like that

>> No.6808881

How the fuck does he go ANYWHERE?

>> No.6808888
File: 28 KB, 640x480, 1117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What... with a condition like that you think he'd be more mindful of what environments he's going into. Even if he doesn't know what the fuck a convention is, at the very least he should have either asked about it or looked it up online himself.

>> No.6808894

I fucking hate people like you.

>> No.6808899

chill out there anon

>> No.6808900

no he's in the right, that's a huge cock move. first anon sounds like an elementary schooler, i hope he gets fucked.

>> No.6808906
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Suddenly I'm reminded of this.

>> No.6808905

Same anon, this takes place in college
>Goes to sign up for classes with bff
>She takes a bit longer and I text her to meet me in the library
>I walk to the second floor and find a table
>As I'm walking I can just feel someone staring
>Wearing himekaji, nothing crazy
>Sit down and start reading
>A few minutes later a guy comes to my table
>Tall, sweaty, black guy with Haruhi and anime patches all over his bag, let's call him A
>He asks to sit with me
>I see he has a laptop and think he needs the outlet near my table so I say sure
>After a few minutes, "I like your outfit"
>"Oh, thank you!"
>"It reminds me of this anime character"
>Here we fucking go
>He proceeds to show me what mangas he has, his binders are covered with fan service shit
>He looks down at my skirt
>"Can I touch your tights?"
>I politely (shit Mom and Dad, you did too good of a job) decline, tell him I'm uncomfortable
>He gets flustered and excuses himself to the bathroom
>I text my friend rapid fire about him, telling her to pleasepleasepleaseplease hurry up
>As A comes back, my bff just makes it
>We leave and I pray I never see him again.
>All throughout the semester he follows me and my two bffs around campus
>My friends say how he always asks for me when I'm not around
>Makes really nasty sexual hentai references to clothes I'm wearing
>He snatches my schedule out of my hand one day and fucking memorizes it
>Walks me to and from classes
>I tell him I'm not okay with that
>He backs off a bit
>I'm in the student union with two of my friends when he shows up
>We decide to pack up and leave
>I drop my pen and he dives one the floor, army style to get it just to look under my dress
>All this lead up to one day

>> No.6808907

oh god i thought he was replying to the hyperacosis anon for some reason, my bad

>> No.6808918 [DELETED] 
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Not too much horror but I was a little freaked out
>Be me
>Tiny 14 year old girl
>First con just last summer, Afest
>Fist ever cosplay as Crona, not the greatest, but pretty alright
>Slightly wary of strangers, not used to having picture taken a bunch
>Lots of photos, get used to it after awhile
>People pose with me, regular stuff
>Large male, wearing the scent of 2 days unwashed B.O. materializes at my side
>I think was wearing some sort of L cosplay
>we shall call him XL
>I stare back
> "Can...I..take a picture with......you."
>....."Oh, yeah sure..."
>Please help...
>Stand next to guy and I suppose his mom or equally as fat and smelly female friend holds camera
>"Uh..can I hold you?"
>"Hold me?....Like..what?"
>"Like you're my wife..."
>No hesitation hand around waist
>Up in his arms in a second flat
>Holding me like I was the only female in existence anywhere
>Couldn't get away if I tried
>Camera snaps
>thank god
>XL still holding
>hesitantly sets me on ground
>"Thanks...Crona...is my favorite...you look perfect....
>Oh well thanks a lot
>Never saw XL again
Like I said, nothing too awful, but first con, it was a little scary
Pic related, my Crona cosplay that I wore at the con.

>> No.6808930
File: 131 KB, 500x291, .......gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't help but imagine him as the earl of lemongrab

>> No.6808936

Wow. I wish I were that nice.

Well, not really, but I admire your ability to tolerate things and handle situations so well.

>> No.6808940

So, you'd be completely comfortable with a friend whom you have no attraction whatsoever to -- the same sex if you're straight, the opposite sex if you're gay -- put their hand on your knee?

Personally, I would not like it, because I'm not one for even casual touching.

>> No.6808941

>I'm alone in the cafe
>He shows up (surprise) and sits with me
>We talk a bit
>All he ever talks about is being a virgin at 22
>How girls are teases and always friendzone him
>He basically wants a little submissive waifu type
>"Why do girls dress in skirts and dresses and get mad when guys hit on them?"
>Yes because everything all girls do is for male attention
>I stay quite because I know it's best.
>Suddenly, a flash goes of under the table
>His eyes get wide and he looks down at his lap
>"...Did you just take a picture of my legs?"
>He starts shuddering and visibly sweating
>I take a deep breath and tell him to give me his phone
>"Nonono it wasn't like that my phone went of my accident"
>Take phone and see blurry pic of my legs.
>Delete it and check for my pics, there aren't any
>Hand back phone, tell him to leave
>"If I ever see you near me or any of my friends, I'm reporting you to security"
>He tries to validate what he did
>He leaves

Luckily that was his last semester. He transferred to another college because "the women there are beautiful"

>> No.6808945
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>nothing crazy


>> No.6808946

>last summer
Rules say you have to be 18+ to be here.

>> No.6808961

play nice this is a sfw board

>> No.6808998


4chan is universally 18+

And if you browse this place at work there is something wrong with you.

>> No.6809016



>> No.6809019

That's hime gyaru, bro. Himekaji is brands like Ank Rouge and Liz Lisa

>> No.6809049 [DELETED] 

Merrh, I won't be the one to cause arguments and shit in a good going thread, so...apologies that I'm not 18 or something?

>> No.6809072

You're kidding if you don't think half the people on 4chan are 15 and 16 year old kids.

>> No.6809071

you're very cute, but uhh 14 years old and going to cons alone? I didnt do that shit til i was 16, going on 17. Where are your parents?

>> No.6809078

what exactly did he think a gathering of anime fans would be like? A Victorian tea party?

>> No.6809082

If i could get a bunch of traditionalist Lolitas together, we would have the best Victorian tea party ever

>> No.6809085

that's not himekaji, you moron.

>> No.6809083

ugh, fucking awkward idiot. why do guys like these exist? where are their parents teaching them how to act like human beings?

>> No.6809088

I would love to attend that, lol.

>> No.6809100

Just don't say your age, cause you could get banned due to universal rules. I don't see a problem with you posting and contributing on topic but if you wanna stay, keep the age on the down low.

>> No.6809107

You're lucky the mods are asleep and the people here are nice lol.

>> No.6809126

Exactly like that, but with hands on ears and a look of complete pathetic agony.
To make it worse the professor picked him for undergraduate research over me... even though I have work experience, a higher GPA and I'm not a complete asshat who CAN ACTUALLY WORK AROUND LOUD MACHINERY without going into Vietnam flashback mode.
Fak I'm mad

He also has to lick the back of his hand and snap his finger every time he opens a door.
Who the fuck even does that?!

>> No.6809131

man that's ocd, don't make fun of people for their disabilities. yeah he's a nib of a cockmuch for not warning you about his other thing, but don't make fun of his shit, asshole.

>> No.6809137

what a fucking weirdo. I feel like he should basking in the glow of his computer light in a basement somewhere.

I would of called the prof on his bullshit, especially if you were more qualified.

>> No.6809140

Eh, I'll cut anon some slack. He's not a weirdo because he has OCD, he OCDs because he's a weirdo, to alter the old chestnut. They're just ranting off steam now.

>> No.6809170

Yeah, it was. He told her to go pick up a car charger at some store in that plaza nearby, and when she went inside, he drove off. We met her when she was asking for directions to a hotel that they were going to book and he never did, so we told her to stay with us until she got money wired to her to go back home up north.

>> No.6809184 [DELETED] 

wat? I don't look anything like her....

>> No.6809203

That's pretty fucking horrifying.

>> No.6809204
File: 29 KB, 480x591, hhhh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wat...I look nothing like her...

>> No.6809205

Jesus fucking Christ...I hope she got fired, that is so inappropriate.

>> No.6809221

You're so much prettier than Motem3r. She cakes on the make up. Dont listen to fail troll. You do look nothing like her. I'm a fellow Egoraptor fan and saw her in person at MAGfest.

And i love your eyes

>> No.6809223
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Like this guy said. As I recall, there's a board on 7chan specifically about this sort of stuff. Of course, it's not for the faint of heart. Your innocent, pure soul will die a little.

>> No.6809226

Aww thank you :3

>> No.6809230

Ah, jeez, I was at MAGfest, too. Overslept and missed most panels. x_x

>> No.6809235

It would need to be seen to be believed. If it ever happens, pretty please record it for posterity.

>> No.6809244
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>> No.6809246

Ah man, i was at Ego's 1am panel. crazy times.

>> No.6809247

Ah man, i was at Ego's 1am panel. crazy times.

>> No.6809248
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yes, i'm the weirdo for not wanting to fuck animals. riiiight

>> No.6809268

Let me tell you about what is possibly the worst day in my entire life.

>hear that a certain "singing talent" show is coming to my town
>read their site and find out that there's a $500 prize for best costume
>was essentially a poorfag student at that point and $500 would not only be cool, but likely there wouldn't be many people in costume in the first place
>scared of going by myself though so get a bunch of friends together to also come dress up and meet me there on the day
>day arrives, get my pretty pink maid outfit on and parents drop me off at the venue
>register and go inside the hall to wait for my friends or see if they're already there
>friends aren't there
>nobody in the hall is in costume
>bunch of people turn around to stare at me as I walk in
>suddenly get really embarrassed and shy away to a seat in the back
>wait for two hours by myself, no friends turn up
>send text messages asking if anyone is coming
>nobody replies
>get called to audition, get stared at the entire time
>can't sing because I'm so embarrassed and scared

>> No.6809269

>get out as quick as possible with tears in my eyes to sit in the foyer
>try to call my parents, they don't pick up
>security guard suddenly comes over and asks what's wrong
>try to tell him it's okay, I'm fine
>he walks over to the other side of the room to lean against the wall and continues to stare at me
>get a bit freaked since he's just standing there next to a curtain looking at me
>try calling my parents several more times until they finally pick up and say they'd just gone into the cinema and I'd have to wait until the movie was over
>get really scared at this point since I'd have to wait two more hours and at this point most of the other contestants had already gone
>security guard continues to watch me then comes up and asks if I want to get a lift home with him
>tell him it's okay
>he continues to come up to me during the two hours asking the same thing
>end up calling my grandma in a different state to talk to during it just so I can give him a reason not to keep coming up
>parents finally turn up two hours later and I bolt into the car

I never ever want to relive a day like that ever again. I've always had a bit of anxiety about being abandoned by myself, so this was the worst. I don't know if the security guard was just being overly-nice or what, but in the state I was in I couldn't help but see the worst scenario happening in anything I did that day.

>> No.6809277

I like posting this one of mine, but I haven't remembered to get an image of it. Sorry for the length.

I fucking hate telling this story because it's actually a pinnacle of embarrassment for my life, let alone con-going. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

>be me at 13
>sooooo fucking excited to go to my first con
>my older sister (who was 19 at the time) is taking me and my sidekick (I'll name him J) with her since my parents don't want to go to this thing at all, and force her to take us instead
>being 13, I love all the anime that comes on YTV and Teletoon, and some of the stuff my sister got me to watch
>day of con
>J and I in the backseat, feverishly discussing gundam wing and trigun, hoping to see cosplayers there
>get to con
>like las vegas for pre-teen weebies. we're going fucking nuts.
>sister says we can walk around by ourselves as long as we check in every half an hour to the table she was working at
>set alarm on my watch (I still had a Baby G, yee son)
>"Okay, no problem! We'll be back!"
>J and I walking around, oogling every cosplay, every table, every piece of merch
>go out into the promenade and see a Vash cosplayer
>"omgomgomgit'saVash. His costume looks so good!" eyes sparkling and big awestruck mouths. His cosplay could have been shit tier and I probably wouldn't have cared.
>argue with J for about 5 minutes to go up and talk to him and compliment his costume.
>J being a little aspie and shy didn't want to, but me being as graceful as a bull in a china shop gave no fucks.
>Vash chilling with his group of friends, talking and eating something from a big red box
>giant pocky omg so sugoi!! ^_^
>I go up and start talking to him, smiling and complimenting his costume. Guy is actually really nice and receptive, and in turns starts talking to us about anime. J starts getting into it too.
>my alarm goes off, I pout but being a good girl, I say goodbye and go to back to report in.
>"Hey guys, wait. Want a pocky?"
>"Sure, thanks so much!"

>> No.6809278

I'm still waiting for the perfect horror story to end with "Forget it, Jake. It's Chinatown."

>> No.6809279


>he gives us one each, and we leave.
>devour pocky, before getting to the table to check in. Sister makes sure we're both in working order and says we can go back again, for 45 mins until lunch
> we go back out to look for more cosplayers
>about 20 mins later, I start getting a horrible stomach ache and have to sit down
>I'm sweating and shaking, and getting stabbing pains in my abdomen
>J starts to get worried and says we should go find my sister and tell her we ate random food from a stranger
>"I'll be fine!"
>J is freaking out. "I knew we should have never talked to that guy! He could have put something in that! He was too nice! Lets go find your sister!"
>"nononono then we'll never get to do anything by ourselves again! I'll be find, let's just walk a bit."
>pain subsides for 10 minutes
>comes back even worse
>feel like I'm going to puke
>J says he's feels just fine so maybe it's not the pocky
>run down the longest escalator to the nearest trash can and bend over it. Feeling queazy from the pain
>tons of people heading in and out for lunch at this point, so everyone can see this mad dash, and I have my back to them with my head in the can.
>I don't puke but I feel a warm wet sensation in my pants.
>I look down because it feels like I pissed or shit myself or something
>i just stand there, bent over and confused
>stand up straight
>not feeling sick anymore all of the sudden
>J, who was standing behind me and holding my shoulder for moral support, gasps
>"Anon... you... you have something..."
>can hear muttering and laughing behind me
>turn slight to the mirrored sides of the hallway
>have a HUGE brownish red stain in my white jean capris, from my crotch to my ass
>start freaking out, couldn't figure out what was wrong with me
>J keeps telling me to go to the bathroom, and he's getting embarrassed-looking from just standing next to me
>I run to the bathroom, bawling.
And that's the story of how I got my first period.

>> No.6809281

great friends you had there. i feel sorry for you.

>> No.6809282

>I fucking hate telling this story because it's actually a pinnacle of embarrassment for my life, let alone con-going. Here it is for your viewing pleasure.

accidentally pasted that from my document. I actually like this story now. It makes me laugh and brings me down a peg when I feel I'm getting too self-important
sage for double postin

>> No.6809284
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...that was unexpected.

>> No.6809285

i see

>> No.6809286

I thought you had diarrhea anon.

>> No.6809290

You have some shitty friends.

>> No.6809291

I... I did too.

But oh god, getting your period, let alone your FIRST period in a strange place is traumatising. Mine started when I went to visit a friend's house for the first time and swim in her pool. I thank my lucky stars it didn't start immediately whilst I was in the pool.

>> No.6809293

I can't even remember what their reasons were, but I swear it felt like the universe was out to bully me that day by bringing together the worst set of circumstances I could ever imagine.

Oh, and I didn't win the $500. Mostly because I was scared and hiding up the back. I really regret that I couldn't have been emotionally stronger that day so I could have at least gotten the money to soften the sting of what happened.

>> No.6809303

please tell me you have better friends now

>> No.6809307

oh wow, that would have been horrible if it were in the pool :(
yeah it was pretty awful, my sister eventually found me and all was fixed (thankfully she had brought sweatpants to change into after she was done cosplaying)
god damn female reproductive organs

>> No.6809309
File: 38 KB, 350x247, 283478-3476-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>god damn female reproductive organs

>> No.6809315

my sides
you can have them

>> No.6809326

Mine is always silent but deadly (huge gushing Niagara falls right when it starts). No warning when it's coming, I have irregular periods but nothing physically wrong with me. It's really fucking annoying so I just carry a tampon and clean underwear everywhere in my bag.
Sage for going off-topic more.

>> No.6809330

sage for more off topic, but why don't you just invest in some birth control then? I did that as soon as I was diagnosed with severe anxiety because it was making my hormones backflip into the crazy pool. It really helps.

>> No.6809335

This happened like three years ago back when I was a Hetalia weeb.
I went to a big con with two of my best friends and for the first day it was great. We were cosplaying and taking photos and buying shit, just fun.
Then, on the second day, my sister introduces me to a HUGE group of hetalia cosplayers. I join in with them and by our powers combined we form the most annoying group of weebs on the planet. It was three years ago, shut up.
Anyways, amongst these 11-19 year olds there was one man who was cosplaying America. He was older than everyone and as it turns out, he's 26.
I don't know WHY I thought it normal for a 26 year old man to hang out with 11 year old girls, but apparantly I had fucking brain damage back them.
I split from the group near the end of the day, and head up to my hotel room.
I start taking a shower, and in the middle of it I hear this pounding followed by loud scream-crying which can only be described as hellish. wtf.
I dress and run out off the shower to see three of the hetalia cosplayers and my sister in the hotel room. The Canada is in tears. She's 12 years old and this is her first con, so I get really concerned for her.
I ask what the fuck is wrong and they explain to me what the dick is going down.
It's the America, obviously.
They tell me that he followed them around for the entire con, even when they tried to lose him. They told him they wanted to split up. He stayed with them. One of the girls told him that her mother did not want her hanging out with a man so much older. He didn't care and just said that her mom was being overprotective.
At this point, they really wanted him to leave them alone, so apparently they had come back to my hotel room with my sister before I had. He tried to follow them into their hotel room, but my sister was having none of that shit. When the age excuse didn't work on him, she said that she would not allow an older man to be in the same hotel room as young girls.
So he left. (cont)

>> No.6809338

Mine's evil in a slightly different way - regular with an initially light, manageable flow, but shifts into Niagara Falls mode to completely overwhelm whatever I have in place. Been able to contain that since I switched to a menstrual cup, at least.
>sage because goddamn menstrual cup pushers

>> No.6809339

>forgets to actually sage
right time for bed

>> No.6809340

My husband and I are planning to start a family soon. I would definitely be on birth control if not for that.

>> No.6809352

After sitting in the hotel room for a few hours, the hetalias felt safe and decided to head down to the rave. The three from earlier were standing in line when they see him. They want to have a good time though, so they ignore him. Once inside the rave, everyone is dancing and it's dark and they assume he won't be able to find them. But obviously he does.
He starts trying to dance with them, and they awkwardly dismiss themselves and leave the rave.
They're walking around con again when one of their phones ring. They answer.
It's him. He somehow got their phone number.
"why did you leave the rave anon? where are you? I'll come find you"
They hang up and run to the hotel room, which I am now in, taking my shower.
They tell me what I just told you.
I am freaked out now. How did this man get the phone number of a 13 year old girl is what I want to know.
I express that we should tell their parents about this man, but the canada starts freaking out about how it's her first con and how her parents will never let her go to another one again if they find out.
I don't care, I am telling somebody. So I tell my father, who was volunteering at con. I don't know why I didn't just immediately go to security, but whatever.
My father tells con security about what happened, while one of the hetalias distract the america.
He gets escorted off the premises by security and is not there on the third day.
OH YES! AND I JUST REMEMBERED! He invited the girls back to his hotel room! Which, as it turns out, he didn't actually have!

One of the hetalias suggest that maybe he was just a lonely weirdo who wanted friends, but No. He was a 26 year old man trying to get young girls into his non-existant hotel room. And it wasn't that he thought the girls were older either. Oh no, they were all very young and they looked it. The oldest one looked like she could be 13 AT MOST.

SO yeah, that's the worst con-story I got

>> No.6809379

Not original anon, but they meant that their GF was asian and they were white with spanish background - different races. They didn't necessarily mean hispanic, you know.

>> No.6809382

I'm pretty sure you can't actually have a period start bleeding in the pool. My mum always used to tell me that the water caused the blood to stop trying to come out or something like that - which is why you never turn a bath red when you're on.

Feel free to correct me, though.

>> No.6809405
File: 58 KB, 500x333, cop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Large male, wearing the scent of 2 days unwashed B.O. materializes at my side
>I think was wearing some sort of L cosplay
>we shall call him XL

>> No.6809412

Are you serious, you had no idea what was wrong with you? got mine when i was 11
>went to toilet
>on no I'm bleeding from my vagina.
>"mum i think i just got my period."
>"oh really well here's a pad now get dressed for school quickly"
>"okay mum."

>> No.6809420

I got mine at 11 and had no idea what was going on.

>> No.6809426

how didn't you didn't you at least have sex ed? my mum told me what a period was when i was 6.

>> No.6809429

>don't have anything against zoophiles as long as the animals want and enjoy the sex

Get out.

>> No.6809459

kneegrabber spotted

>> No.6809461

Same. Shit, my mom freaked out about it more than I did.

>> No.6809478

This one time, I went to a con and I done a poo in the sink in the little girls room.

>> No.6809480

how could i not?

>> No.6809494

Most American parents try to pretend their kids' sex organs don't exist and will not materialize until they are 40 and married (especially girls)

So many of them don't mention a single thing about periods or related events, and good luck getting a decent sex ed class in US public schools.

>> No.6809498

> because I'm not one for even casual touching.

That's because you're emotionally scarred from being raped. It's not normal to be so averse to a simple touch. Nor is it healthy. Get your head fixed by a qualified therapist.

>> No.6809504

I'm sorry but you're wrong. if someone is shaking my hand or grabbing my shoulder to get my attention, that's fine, but it's not cool to just touch someone's body unless you know them and know they're ok with it

>> No.6809507

So your hand and shoulder are not part of your body? What about your elbow? Is that okay.

Don't know if you're who I responded to, but that person has problems. In fact many people here have serious undiagnosed emotional issues, as evidenced by reading any thread that talks about social interaction.

Of course that's the be expected, this being a board for social misfits

>> No.6809513

I'm not that person, but in general, getting someone's attention by touching their shoulder or arm is ok. touching someone's head, chest, abdomen, legs, or lower back is not.
this is not about social interaction, this is about unwarranted physical contact

>> No.6809521

Eh, I can see the circumstances throwing anon off. If you've been warned about cramps and bothered to remember it at all, they're not really described so you'd recognize them the first time you have them. Plus most people think red when they think of blood, not brown or black.

>> No.6809531

>friend makes prop scythe for cosplay
>taking big group photos on some stairs
>friend is at the bottom, poses with scythe close to the floor
>as soon has the photo is taken a landwhale with a cheap maid outfit jumps from the steps to the floor, landing on top of the blade of the scythe
>part of the blade completely breaks off
>"Oh sorry :D"
>girl runs off
>prop is, of course, ruined

All my rage

>> No.6809539

Oh you can. Say if you sneeze or cough it can come out. And trust me, bath water can turn red.

>> No.6809631

Yeah, pretty much. They gave up after a bit and my friends and I just waited about a half an hour to leave the room since we just had to drop stuff off.

>> No.6809671

I got my period when I was 9/10 and knew what it was right away and still had a serious emotional breakdown. I basically cried for a few hours then finally my mom convinced me to go to school. 3 days later we had our first health class that taught us about periods. Lol.

>> No.6809673

dude, there's nothing serious about not liking people to touch your knees. some people just don't like physical contact from strangers, i'm not one of them but i can understand that. if it's an undiagnosed emotional issue, it's really a small one on its own.

>> No.6809689

>not knowing different parts of the body have different connotations
Yeah, it's not an assgrab or something, but kneetouching is on the lower end of the hitting-on-you continuum. Somewhere between one shoulder and two shoulders, a little less than the neck.

>> No.6809690

just leave this girl be. if she was raped, a stranger touching your knee suddenly can trigger flashbacks. It's not as big of a deal for some people, but everyone is different. geez. let her be

>> No.6809698

Oddly enough, I took it pretty calmly, didn't occur to me to mention it to any adults. I was 11 or so and hadn't really grasped how you were supposed to sop it up, but I knew you did somehow so I just folded up some toilet paper. My dad found out after a few days, so I was given proper supplies before any clothing was ruined.

>> No.6809702

That's what >>6809673 is saying, that's definitely someone making a move and people don't just go around touching knees willy nilly

>> No.6809706

thats pretty much my story at 12. thanks mom. i love you for not keeping me ignorant,

>> No.6809710

america is a sad country

>> No.6809711


Oh shut the fuck up.

If some weird, unqualified faggot stole my chance at getting research experience, I would be PISSED.

>> No.6809712

dude, do you read? we're actually near-whiteknighting her

>> No.6809713

yeah, if someone bumps my arm or shoulder in public, okay, but someone putting their dirty hand on your knee, close to my damn crotch is a reason to get fired up. I agree anon. People need to chill out and realize a lot of people DONT want dirty stranger hands on their body without consent

>> No.6809715

I would be too, and i would report them or take some kind of discussion to the teacher or main school board.

>> No.6809716

Ah, i apologize then

>> No.6809731

I got mine in the ghetto beauty parlor.

I was all serene about it, I just was like "okay, I don't have time for this I need to get my hair did", stuffed a wad of toilet paper on my panties and went back to the chair.

Got home, got my pad.

>> No.6809733



>> No.6809752

Not horror but a little unpleasant
>Worked in an art booth for a small local con, everything was going nice and neat with decent sale flow
>Suddenly this dude came and asked for some sketches ( I was opening cheap sketch commissions)
>OK I'll have it drawn come back later since I already have 5 more in queue but he just stood in front of my table staring at me
>Awkwardly finished the other and his commission
>He left only to come back a few mins later to commission me back, ok it's good cause' money flows
>Finish another one came back for another one again, O-OK money flows
>Commented on how nice my drawings were just as how nice, smooth and petite my hand is, awkwardly thanked him, he continued ranting on about how the cosplayers aren't up to standard (imo 80% are begineer tiers but nothing to bad just the typical unstyled wigs and saturated fabric choices) at some point he mentioned he would like to see me cosplay
>Sorry I'm not a cosplayer kinda person
>Suddenly he grab my hand and gave me his FB name (I don't even use FB) before walking away again
>Mom called asking to run some errands, asked my friend to take over the booth
>After errands, I came back to the table, said friend said apparently a guy threw a fit rage because I was nowhere to be seen
>Stopped associating with local cons because he's apparently a local con goer
>Saving up for overseas cons yeahhhhhh

>> No.6809757

that is pretty ghetto

>> No.6810482 [DELETED] 

>You fucking serious?
>I had a relative grab my knee before in "comfort" and then rape me you pretentiousness asshole. I don't like ANYONE touching any part of me especially if I don't know them. Fuck you.
I had someone order the same burger at McDonald's as me once, and then they RAPED ME you pretentious asshole. I don't like ANYONE ordering anything I've ordered especially if I don't know them. Fuck you.

>> No.6810500

yeah you're right its totes the same thing

>> No.6810510

Most people use the knee as a way to test how comfortable someone is before they move upwards to their thigh then crotch.

That's why knee touching by strangers is creepy, because if you don't freak out they take it as an invitation to go further.

You might want to look at yourself if you think that's acceptable or look back and count the girls you've raped.

>> No.6810530

>Australian, not American
>Don't do "sex ed" where I went to school, which was in Europe actually, until grade 6 (so when I was 12)
>Mum didn't think I would have to be told so soon, since I think I had only been 11 a few months
>When I told her, she said she thought she'd have to tell me soon...But obviously it is an embarrassing/hard topic
>Spent years of my life embarrassed I had my period because no else my age did

>> No.6810575

a large number of girls get their period age 10-12, so i feel bad for you that you felt embarrassed to have something completely natural. I got mine literally a few days afer my 12th birthday. Luckily my mom already told me about my period when i was about 10 years old.

>> No.6810655

that makes sense.

>> No.6810995

brrr. fucking pedos, man.

>> No.6811009

I didn't get mine til I was almost 17 and lemme tell you it freaked me the fuck out, cuz suddenly just a random clot came out with no warning. I thought my vag was falling out.

>> No.6811016

I find it self-sufficient and admirable.

>> No.6811021

I literally had no idea what a period or vagina was until I was in 5th grade and they sent all the girls into the next room to watch a very basic puberty video. Like, all glitter and magic and not actually ever saying you will bleed from your goddamn uterus, just that you will have a 'monthly flow', and then they gave us all a tiny satin bag with a pad, a stick of deodorant, a tiny bottle of girly shampoo and a basic "this is how you use pads" booklet. This is an American school circa 2000 btw. We never had sex ed again until high school.

>> No.6811050

I was just shy of 14 when I got my first period. It was at my friends birthday party and due to some weird circumstances I hadn't taken a piss in a really long time and had been holding it in until it was starting to hurt really bad. When I finally went to the bathroom I stood up and saw blood in the toilet and freaked out thinking my damn kidney's must have ruptured or something..it was not a good day.

>> No.6811101

If you have a heavy enough period it will - and clots won't wait for any damn reason.

And trust me, I know. I somehow ALWAYS got mine whenever I have to go anywhere important - school camps, conventions, Chrismas trips to my grandma's... At one school camp not too long after I started my periods one of my teachers insisted we all go for a swim in a nearby river that had a little bay. Everyone kept insisting I go in, since I was refusing without telling them what the problem was. Eventually I told the teacher but she said that exact same thing about water stopping it and pushed me to go into the water.

Well... I think you can imagine what happened from there. Only a few minutes in, noticed LIES, ALL LIES, and ran like hell before anyone else saw.

>> No.6811116

Hmm, I suppose I've got one, to share from a few years back.

>friday night at local con
>leave the rave to get some fresh air, friend spots a bottle of vodka left open right outside the rave, about 1/4 full
> ???
>friend casually picks it up and starts drinking from it while people are just walking around and staff are nearby
>be stupid and instead of telling her to throw it out I help her transfer it into booze cups that we had used for water earlier
>now drinking some random vodka from god knows where
>decide to have a party in an elevator at 2 am
>suddenly 20 people in an elevator sharing alcohol, and generally having a great time
>best idea ever
>was zoning out when a guy suddenly asked me if I was on E and if i was okay
>realize i was stroking the wall of the elevator
>everything felt strange and i had no idea why
>never actually took any E that night
>look over to see some creep trying to fondle my friend while she's oblivious to it all
>take a mtn dew bottle i found on the ground and throw it at him
>he doesn't even flinch
>elevator is loud as fuck so there's no point in trying to talk to him so i grab my friend to stand by me
>luckily he leaves soon enough
>only to come back in the elevator with 2 flasks of whiskey
>spend rest of night watching him like a hawk
>decide that anonymously used vodka was a terrible idea
>not entirely sure if that was 100% vodka in the first place

it should have been a red flag that someone had just left a bottle like that out there in the first place, but we were stupid. luckily nothing too bad happened that night.

>> No.6811121


>> No.6811127

>plans on wearing shiro-lolita
>on period
Months later...
>plans on wearing a swimsuit for a cosplay
>on period

It was kind of a year of bad luck.

>> No.6811146

glad you're okay. but geezous, please dont ever drink random alcohol at cons. People do scary shit

>> No.6811148

i know that feeling, anon

>Saturday morning at Katsucon,
> feeling like shit, drowsy and unhappy.
>See blood spot on bed
>Damn it all

>> No.6811152

yfw 7chan had a furry board for ages deleted it and remade it

yfw 7chan has furry mods

>> No.6811160

Speaking of Katsucon 2013

>Goes to katsucon. yay. it's been about 3 years since my last time
>gf and i head back to hotel early on friday to relax.
>decent hotel room: one of our friends staying at said hotel room mixes some alcohol and offers us drinks
>Looks safe enough. I drink it. fine. it's pretty good.
>my gf doesnt really drink, but she has half a cup.
>hours later, we want to see a panel at midnight.
>gf looks a bit red. I'm like 'are you okay?"
>she nods and says she isnt feeling well, but i should go without her
>I undress her to get her into her pjs and notice her entire chest is broken out in hives, really bad hives
>i freak the fuck out
>call friend , tell him to come back and what the fuck did he give her!
>isnt answering his phone
>what the fuck
>check her symtoms online and see she is literally having an allergic reaction to alcohol (one of the drinks had almonds, but she isnt alergic to them. it's so weird)

>spend the rest of the night keeping on eye on her like a hawk in case i need to call the hospital

>last time i went to katsucon, a friend stole my wig and then broke off our friendship afterwards. ugh
>i hate this con

>> No.6811165

Oh stop, Anon.

>> No.6811232

I feel your pain, Anon. I got mine about a month before I turned 10, and 2 months before my mom planned on talking to me about it, since she, and my sister, got theirs at 12.
But I was friends with a lot of older kids in elementary, so I knew about it through them, but I still thought my life was over, because they explained it as 'Feeling like someone is stabbing you repeatedly /in the vagina/.'
Which I later learned wasn't true for everyone, and I hope not for them, because cramps aren't really supposed to happen right there..

>> No.6811269

Weirdly enough, I will sometimes get pain right in the vagina during my period. No clue why, and I haven't mentioned it to anyone because - hello, vagina-pain.

I got my period pretty 'late,' 13 or 14? My mom was actually really invested in knowing when I got it (bugging me, constantly if it had happened yet), since she thought it would be some 'great bonding moment' when I became a woman and all that crap ... poor mom, I was too embarrassed to do anything but snap at her.

>> No.6811271

Less period talk, more horror stories you ass wipes.

I mean, please.

>> No.6811286
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You know, it's kind of cool - when you have periods long enough, you can kind of anticipate when you need to change your pad? Like, I'll have a really painful cramp, and like clockwork, five minutes or so later I have to go get rid of a nice big clot. It's like magic!

>> No.6811483


>> No.6811497
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>> No.6811524

btw you're a qt

>> No.6811525

not a horror story but period related
>be a guy
>sleepover at some grill's place
>one of the grills has her period but didnt bring her stuff. its heavy apparently and she has cramps.
>If she was just unprepared or off cycle I dont remember
>Host grill says she has tampons
>affected grill says she isn't comfortable with them
>There are no pads
>My house is 5 minutes away, I have an idea and go home
>Aquire mom's period paraphernalia
>Return triumphant, the packet of blood absorbants raised high to the sky.
>"Eerm, this isnt the right one"
>"This is light flow stuff for everyday use"
>I am informed between the difference of pantiliners and sanitary pads, and I have brought the former. It makes sense, my mom is probably in menopause.
>"Wait those arent the same?!"
>They re-assert their previous statement and what each is for.
>As I gaze into the abyssal miasma of the knowledge pertaining to menstruation, I start to feel faint and shadows start creeping around the edges of my peripheral vision. My male brain simply cannot fathom this insanilty and I feel my meal coming back up but I contain myself. I brace myself onto the wall.
>The one with cramps puts her hand on my shoulder and thanks me anyway, saying its nice that I tried.
>The room is spinning around me, getting slower, getting darker. The last words I manage to utter are: "It was my privile---
>Fade to black.
The end was obviously dramatized, but the beginning was true. I literally was unaware panitliners and pads were different things.
I am unaware of how the situation came to a solution.

>> No.6811530
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>tfw you come back the next day and a third of the thread is about periods

>> No.6811539

Welcome to /cgl/!

>> No.6811581

thanks :)

>> No.6811584


High five for late bloomers, same here.
I didn't freak out though, I just developed a bone-deep weariness because I thought I'd escaped this fate.

>> No.6811598

Are you new?

>> No.6811745

That sounds beautiful.

>> No.6811781

This was the best thing i've read in sometime.

>> No.6811794

>go on convention alone
>don't talk to anyone
>no one's talking to me
>too afraid to ask awesome cosplayers for a picture
>go home

>> No.6811805

a-are you me? ;~;

>> No.6811814

Periods are not valid con horror stories. Go fucking talking about your nasty ass bleeding on tumblr.

yeah, to the dumb cunts getting clots and pain in your vagina, go get tested for hpv.

Swear to christ, just when I think my sex has the upper hand on men again, you prove me otherwise.

>> No.6811823

Pretty sure people already dropped the subject but you had to bring it up again. Good job.

>> No.6811851

>getting clots and pain in your vagina, go get tested for hpv

Have you not hear of Endometriosis or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome you fucking piece of shit? That, and, everyone's is different. Some people get a lot of pain, others don't.
I have suffered extreme pain since getting mine at 11, and it's not because of a STD. Guess what? I have one of the conditions I listed above. I am likely to be diagnosed with the other because genetics. So fuck you. Go check you privilege for not having painful periods.

>> No.6812041

>> privilege
Go back to tumblr, no gives a shit about privilege here.

>> No.6812046

Hours qualify for dropped it does not

>> No.6812108

>Go check you privilege for not having painful periods.
I hope you're not serious...as someone else with endrometriosis that is bad enough to the point of me passing out one some days this whole 'privileged' bullshit over periods is pretty disgusting.

The whole concept of privilege has become nothing more than a bitch fest over who has an easier time simply being alive.

>> No.6812320
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>> No.6812343

were the stairs a high use area if so its your fault for placing props there.

>> No.6812374

Kinda true... Unless you use your pelvic floor muslces.

>> No.6812713

I... I think I remember getting the exact same treatment at my own elementary school, anon! :o

>> No.6812743
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>waiting for cosplay horror to come back

>> No.6812766

Periods aren't horrific enough?

>> No.6812787

Natural processes of the human body are "horrific"? They're unpleasant and painful, but not really "con horror".

>> No.6812996

Thats kinda what I was hoping too. Mine's still not regular seven years later, it randomly stopped when I was 20 and didn't get another one til almost my 22nd birthday. According to doc my body just like, "forgets" its hit puberty already.

>> No.6813028

omg xD

>> No.6813035

dat end

The end is obviously a joke guys. They had me for a second though...8/10

>> No.6813062
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agreed. its also offtopic, aside from the period in the con.

>> No.6813066


Almost looks like the damn seat has legs. lol

>> No.6813068
File: 42 KB, 500x538, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't told this one in awhile, but sorry if you've heard it before.
>Be at con
>Be on phone with mom, checking in on her after surgery
>Speaking German because I am German
>See group of Hetalia cosplayers whispering/giggling
>Get off phone
>"Doitsu-chan! Kawaii!"
>Obvious weebs, but whatever. They're nice enough.
>Obese Germany cosplayer attempts to speak German with me.
>Try to answer, it's not really working.
>"You're a baka doitsu-chan! Hitler is so silly, des!"
>Mfw they call me a nazi
>Mfw I walked away

>> No.6813077

I like how half this thread was bitches giving each other period advice

>> No.6813097
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>go to con 5 years ago
>meet this girl at a room party
>we only talk briefly and didnt exchange names or anything
>last year the girl comes up to me and knows my name
>i dont remember her so i just pretend to remember
>she invites me to a party that night and I wanting to party agree to go
>show up to the room
>its just her
>"dont worry people are coming they are all down at the rave right now but I wanted to stay here and wait for people"
>think thats alright and go in the room
>we talk for a bit
>drink a little bit
>an hour has gone by and noone else has come yet
>getting very awkward
>she lets it slip that she found a picture of me at the con 5 years ago just recently and stalked my facebook
>she said she has been waiting to see me again since we first met
>she says she wants me to be her first
>she says she thinks about me everyday, thinking about what im doing or how my day at work was
>my eyes widen and im starting to think im going to get stabbed or something
>start thinking of ways to get out of the room without a knife in my back
>she starts taking off her clothes
>her shirt is going over her head
>get up and run out of the room while she cant see

We didnt even have a memorable conversation, she didnt try to add me on facebook or anything. I changed all my privacy settings so nothing is visible. I got a new job in a city 20 minutes away two months after the con so if she had any info on me its outdated. Couldnt imagine anything worse then showing up at a shit job and having a psycho there waiting for me.

>> No.6813136

was she hot?

pump and dump bro

>> No.6813165

She was... 6/10 maybe 7. Not much above average but not ugly. Just crazy, also im sure if i tried to dump after the pump i would have woken up one day with her in my room covered in my dogs blood or something

>> No.6813236

WTF were 13 year olds doing at the rave, anyway?

>> No.6813261

Not a con but Halloween, whatevs.

>>4th Doctor costume. Mostly stuff from goodwill EXCEPT
>>Goddamn 20ft. scarf I spent two months knitting until my fingers bled. Looks amazing if I do say so myself.
>>Go to pub, having a few drinks in the garden.
>>Dude dressed like a pirate has a real parrot on his shoulder.
>>I am like a goddamn Disney princess when it comes to animals. They just love me. Wild birds have landed on my head. Squirrels and rabbits and shit just come up to me and make friends.
>>Dude's parrot kinda flies/hops over to me(he didn't have it on a tether but it's wings were clipped.)
>>Tell pirate I don't mind, make friends with parrot. Pirate decides we are now best friends.
>>Goes on and on about how much he loves my costume, Doctor Who, omg your scarf is amazing will you make one for me? etc.
>>Tell him I can knit him one but it'll cost him.
>>"I don't have any money ): aren't we best friends now? Make me one pretty please?"
>>Douche, what am I supposed to do, just pull a 20ft scarf out of my ass?
>>Pirate dude eventually leaves, or so we think.
>>Just as we are deciding to leave, I feel a slight tug, and then oh fuck i am being strangled help someone can't breath passing out god fuck help
>>Pirate douche grabbed one end of my scarf and fucking RAN. Guess he expected it to just unwind from round my neck but it just tightened up and started choking me. When he couldn't run any farther, instead of dropping it and fleeing, he just stood there and YANKED on the scarf, trying to get it to come loose from my fucking neck.
>>At this point only my friends really get what's happening, since pirate dude is several feet away from us just yanking on the scarf and it takes people a minute to connect the pirate with the choking dude.
>>Finally someone grabs him, he drops the scarf and starts to run.
>>Comes back and grabs his parrot. Says "sorry". Runs.

>> No.6813267

exactly, that shit is way too close to my crotch. no thanks...

>> No.6813270
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What the fuck is wrong with people.

>> No.6813272

Thank you.

>> No.6813274
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>> No.6813275

haha wow what the hell. fucking hetalia weebs

>> No.6813277

Not that anon, but
>close to crotch
>over a foot away from the crotch

>> No.6813278

are you human?

>> No.6813281
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>> No.6813282

what the fuck dude
that's really scary. Was no one able to call security on this pyschopath?

>> No.6813286

dont be a dick. if someone was sexually assaulted or rape, they would consider that WAY TOO CLOSE
Not to mention, it is easily a few seconds you can slide your fingers over someone's crotch from their knee, so shut the fuck up

>> No.6813291

For people who weren't sexually assaulted or raped, that should just be like "Ha! I'm going to touch your knee just for no reason!"
It's not "I want to finger you because I'm touching your knee!"
If you were never sexually assaulted, knee touching really shouldn't be a big deal. At all.

>> No.6813302

>Ha! I'm going to touch your knee just for no reason
that's ok to you?
just some person touching you?

>> No.6813308

Yes! As long as we're acquainted.
It's really not a big deal for me.

>> No.6813310

Well like I said, it kind of took people a minute to realize that the crazy pirate dude was doing something to me. Since the scarf was so long he was on the opposite side of the yard from me and my friends, so all the other patrons didn't really get what was happening.

Just picture this scene for a minute. A drunken pirate yanking on the Doctor's scarf while the Doctor flails and chokes and dies and spills beer everywhere. With the pirate's parrot sitting on his hat. Hilarious, yes, but definitely confusing enough to give Captain Asshat time to get away.

>> No.6813314
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>> No.6813339

exactly, but if it's a stranger
>suddenly conversing with you
>in middle of conversation, he puts his hand on your knee firmly

I'd fucking flip shit too
Do people not teach their children that suddenly touching someone out of nowhere is not cool?

>> No.6813340

I have a creepy uncle who grabbed the back of my legs and my stomach at random, it sounds like nothing but it was pretty traumatizing to me. When he grabbed the back of my legs I was on vacation, and I felt dirty and violated the whole rest of the vacation and the plane ride home. He grabbed my stomach at my sister's wedding. I didn't tell my parents ever since I was young and didn't want to cause a fuss. I avoid him now and luckily he lives in a different state but I fucking hate having to be civil with him, luckily he's just married to my dad's sister so we aren't blood related or antyhing.

>> No.6813342
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Never been sexually assaulted, and I DESPISE knee touching. In fact, if I don't know you, if I have never referred to you as my friend, don't fucking touch me. Hand, shoulder, elbow, knee, armpit, whatever, just fuck off.

But knee touching especially, because knee touching is almost always a flirtatious move. There is a reason strippers will place a hand on your knee when talking to you because it is communicating "Hi! At some point in the near future I am highly interested in moving this hand even further up your leg! You know, to touch your junk!" And even when it is not meant as flirting, it is a highly familiar touch, it communicates familiarity and comfort with the other person as a friend.

The long and short of it is, bitch, I don't know you! Don't fucking touch me! We ain't friends!

>> No.6813350

If a playful friendly knee touch is "dirty and flirtatious" to someone I'm certain you are probably up tight and no fun to talk to anyways. And I'm not talking about a longing knee touch either, that's only cool if they're kidding around.

>> No.6813371

You're ignoring the context of the situation to perpetuate your dumb argument. A conversation need not be spent in constant physical contact with the other participants

>> No.6813389

Damn, would have been awesome if you just held the parrot, and quietly said "no"


You think the thieving asshole was treating him well anyway? Poor thing.

>> No.6813489


>implying people at con raves aren't mainly little kids