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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 128 KB, 640x960, candyday3_zps3614fa10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6805270 No.6805270 [Reply] [Original]

Daily lolita thread?

>> No.6805313 [DELETED] 

>Oh look it's those spats again
>and again
>and again
>and again

>> No.6805318
File: 210 KB, 333x500, 8691598975_4a5dd69da1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh look it's those spats again
>and again
>and again
>and again

>> No.6805342

>shoulder pads
>fingerless gloves
>hanging utility belt
>pastel skirt
>yellow and black polka dot tights
Is she a troll? Is this one of those funny closet-ita threads that we have around here sometimes?

>> No.6805346

As a lolita and a larper, I find this to be extremely insulting.
Why would you mix the two? What the fuck is wrong with this girl?!

Sorry, I mad.

>> No.6805355

I don't understand why this girl hasn't shown any improvement... is she being mollycoddled by people encouraging her special snowflake syndrome? Or is she just oblivious to how bad she looks?

>> No.6805359


>> No.6805362

Nope, she's for real. This is the girl who had all the butthurt drama a while back because she showed up to an AP tea party looking like that and got offended when the designers allegedly snubbed her.

>> No.6805364

I think this is the girl that was similarly dressed at an AP tea party, and then bitched that she didn't feel ~accepted~desu~

>> No.6805367


>> No.6805406

She also runs this magazine about steampunk and other fringe fashion and the articles aren't terrible but she always uses herself as examples of the featured styles and always looks awful. I wish I could find the picture of her "dark mori" for the mori feature but I'm not on my own PC right now.

>> No.6805434
File: 234 KB, 333x500, tumblr_m9qkutKsuE1qc0h42o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean this?

>> No.6805479

I don't know, I honestly don't know. Hasn't she been into lolita for something like.. 4-5 years now? Maybe more?

She's just that much of a stubborn ita.

>> No.6805489
File: 305 KB, 700x1200, l496-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So uh...what do you think of bodyline's new dress? I personally find it really cute, but 80 bucks...I'd rather just save the rest of the way to buy something used

>> No.6805530

The dress itself looks like cat vomit and mold.

The bolero is gorgeous though, as soon as it pricedrops I'm gonna buy it for the bolero then sell off the dress for cheap.

>> No.6805561
File: 80 KB, 433x650, classic20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back to the thread. Not that bad, still better than the last time she claimed something "classic"

>> No.6805586

I dunno who she is, but that looks more like old-style sweet(rather than the current OTT decora shit) to me than classic.
But what's up with that kid's face? Like, how is that even remotely Lolita?! It looks like something taken straight out of a bad ad for cakes in 1940's women's magazine.

>> No.6805600

it's because it's her style dood! LET HER BE HERSELF! I have no doubt that is what it is. She doesn't improve because she believes she is doing everything correct for HER style.

I'd be 100% fine with it... if she didn't call it lolita.

>> No.6805607
File: 63 KB, 403x538, 5391_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It makes me happy when I see new lolitas doing it right. This girl looks adorable.

>> No.6805618

Looks like a CPK item, people've been trying to shoehorn a lot of cultparty/dolly items into lolita coords lately. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't; this coord isn't overall quirky enough for it to work I think,

>> No.6805622

eh... I mean it's good for a beginner, but I wouldn't call it 'doing it right' because there's a couple things off. Decent for a newbie

>> No.6805625

Cult party kei stuff

>> No.6805648

What would you say is off about it? I know its not a god-tier coord but compared to most I think its great

>> No.6805656


There seems to be this emerging sentiment (well, I guess being that this is cgl it's always been around, but I see it a lot more lately) that anything less than absolute perfection is shit tier, and it's really stupid.

Sure, that coord isn't 'omg mind blowingly amazing', that doesn't make it not doing it right though.

(in b4 whiteknight- I don't even look at daily lolita, but this sentiment just grinds my gears.)

>> No.6805672

Well the pink on the shoes doesn't match the other pinks, which is a huge pet peeve of mine. I don't think the bolero really goes with this because it appears to be the wrong ivory to match (look at it being off next to the lace on the skirt) and the petti isn't filling the skirt out correctly. I can't see her face so no clue if her makeup is done well and I can't really see the rest of her hair or head accessory either, which I don't like.

>> No.6805682

Exactly, especially when you consider the amount of lolitas who have been in the fashion for years and can't even match two colours together

>> No.6805684

I never said it was shit tier, lol. I said it was good for a newbie.

>> No.6805688

well this girl can't do that either obviously

>> No.6805691


Move outta the way! We have a lolita expert in da house!!!!111

>> No.6805694


>> No.6805704

lol you're so upset! I guess it's easy to try and be insulting instead of bring up some kind of valid point. I was asked for my opinion, I gave it. Doesn't mean anyone has to or should agree with me, rofl. Unrustle your jimmies anon, rofl

>> No.6805709
File: 80 KB, 402x562, 6200_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her makeup looks okay in this one?

>> No.6805710

Well the pink shoes match the pink of the bows on the dress, I suppose a fuller petticoat and a bolero that matched another colour in the print would make the outfit better, but that doesn't mean it looks bad as it is. Personally I love natural hair in lolita and I think its good that she has focused on putting together a couple of proper coords before buying a wig, which isn't necessary.

>> No.6805718

Oh yes I like this picture a lot better. It's tough mixing up the whites and ivories, but it looks good. I wish she had stuck with the white ankle socks to pull together the whites. And the lighting is so much better so the shoes do appear to match here. I would agree this looks great and much better than that other picture.

>> No.6805724


I think this is really cute. Her hair needs some work done though.

>> No.6805728

Seeing the other picture, it looks much better and the shoes match the dress a lot better. I revise my previous opinion! Haha

>> No.6805729


Oh jeez, someone is trying too hard.

>> No.6805737
File: 13 KB, 306x204, 888000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as if you aren't lol

stay mad anon

>> No.6805740
File: 34 KB, 744x339, whatamIevenlookingat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it so annoying when people post such tiny pictures. This looks like a decent coord, if only I could actually see it!

>> No.6805743

It looks like it should be a link though? If it has the deviantART embed text with it...

>> No.6805744

It's because it's a thumbnail to Deviant Art. That user always posts that way to drive up the view count on the DA page. I can't stand that bullshit. It's as bad as the people who post to EGL with the whole "fake cut to my blog, teehee!" bullshit.

>> No.6805745


I'm TOTALLY not upset. Look my how many smilies I have . LOLOLXDXD

>> No.6805755

This is why I'm glad I have the Hover Zoom preview add-on for Chrome, mousing over that gives me the fullview without having to click (also works with image direct links, 4chan thumbs, etc). If you hate that shit it's a really good extension.

>> No.6805756

Anyone knows where this picture was taken? I think I recognize it, but I'm not really sure.
If thats the place I'm thinking about, then there is a tea-house near that church, and they have some damn tasty ice-creams there.
sage for being completly irrevelent.

>> No.6805757

That makes more sense.. still annoying though, why not just post the full size photos to daily lolita, or is she that desperate for dA pageviews?

>> No.6805764

It's outside St Martin's Church in Birmingham isn't it?

>> No.6805771

Possible. I belived it was from Brugge (Belgium), but again, I'm not sure.
The garden arround the church is similar, but you don't usually see the place from this angle...

>> No.6805801

Thanks for that. I just installed it.

>> No.6805804

You sound exactly like that tryhard girl with the Pearls Before Swine icon.

>> No.6805806

Her hair is perfect, I think.

>> No.6807819

Lolita Belgiumfags? In my /cgl/? Sage for offtopic.

>> No.6811033

Really cute!
I don't think the shoes or the bolero mismatch since the bows on the print have so many shades of pink. I think it looks more interesting than if she had chosen one color only.

>> No.6811159
File: 342 KB, 1280x960, thefuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, I wish I looked that great when I started - granted, that was 6 years ago.

>> No.6811195
File: 56 KB, 600x517, 32992_600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I rike

>> No.6811587

This is the best I've ever seen her look tho.
Probably because she didn't pile on the Doctor Who and "Steampunk" accessories

>> No.6811590


12/10, would love long time.

>> No.6811595

Can you leave your autism out of lolita please?

>> No.6811714


>> No.6811720

The shoes do match some of the pink on the dress though.

>> No.6811796

No? Lol

>> No.6811799

>wanting colors to match


>> No.6811815


I kno rite lmfao

>> No.6811856

I hate that they felt the need to add in that extra print randomly when it's already busy with the floral print

>> No.6811867

I wish she'd do an actual classic coord. It gets tiring to keep seeing OTT sweet and casual from her.

>> No.6811894
File: 108 KB, 450x600, cultlolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cult Party Kei Lolita girl?
I like it. It's not very Lolita, but honestly I still liked it.

>> No.6811988

I like it but I think a natural color of wig would be a better choice.

>> No.6811996

Better than when she uses her husband. I feel sorry for her comm.

>> No.6812102

Oh gurl yes all over. Where else do you think all the hate for hildekitten is coming from?

>> No.6812291

It's kinda good to know that there are more of us on here I guess! Feels good to not be alone. Are you active on the forum? Totally derailing the thread right now.

>> No.6812355

Every other lolita in the world?

>> No.6817369

It's funny that hildekitten posts so much all over the place that people think it equates to her popularity.

>> No.6819117

her shoulders look very wide. is that just her body or is it the way she's dressed?

>> No.6819227

Does she have hate in the steampunk community? I remember her posting a steampunk outfit that included brown flipflops.

>> No.6819232
File: 87 KB, 612x612, 11556_10151426302228883_539483587_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is pretty good for a bigger girl.

>> No.6819235

Oh how cute! I like her too.

>> No.6819249

Oh shut up.

>> No.6819251

I'm actually really impressed with her legs. Those otks don't look too bad, and she's got nice legs for a fatty.

>> No.6819252
File: 10 KB, 300x319, man 'em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everybody chill the fuck out, I got this.

>> No.6819258

Oh great, a retarded fatass. Time to pile on the overcompensating compliments because other women feel bad for her.

>> No.6819257


I don't like her glasses, or the socks (I think tights look better on thicker legs), but that's one Hell'a cute-ass outfit.

>> No.6819263

Touch a nerve, did I?

>> No.6819268

This is cute for a fatty. Better than the usual unwashed itaplanets.

>> No.6819270
File: 11 KB, 272x185, bitchesandpigs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh God they're evolving

Oh God they're retaliating

>> No.6819271
File: 901 KB, 245x137, disbitch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think this is pretty good
>oh how cute
>she's got nice legs for a fatty
>I don't like her glasses or socks
>claiming mild compliments are overcompensating

Jelly that a fatty got some praise?

>> No.6819274

No-one here feels sorry for her, no-one ever feels sorry for fatties. It's their own fault. However, that outfit is decent and 800% better than the usual fattychan. Fatty hatin' doesn't change that.

>> No.6819275


Guys. She's a total hamplanet. She's also dressed nicely instead of cramming into something way too small, so she most likely knows she's a hamplanet too.

Eat your almond and breathe, it's going to be okay.

>> No.6819278

Bitch alert.

>> No.6819280 [DELETED] 

Clothing doesn't mean shit if you look like a fucking ugly dumbass while wearing it.

Human beings are not coat racks. The whole of wearing cute clothes is to make YOU look cute. If they aren't doing that, then it isn't cute.

>> No.6819282

Clothing doesn't mean shit if you look like a fucking ugly dumbass while wearing it.

Human beings are not coat racks. The whole point of wearing cute clothes is to make YOU look cute. If they aren't doing that, then it isn't cute.

>> No.6819285

>Clothing doesn't mean shit if you look like a fucking ugly dumbass while wearing it.

And with this logic, all ugly people should be naked. You just made shit so much worse.

>> No.6819288

I literally said to my boyfriend when this came out
>Hey, look at Bodyline's new dress! It looks like floral vomit.

>> No.6819287

>Clothing doesn't mean shit if you look like a fucking ugly dumbass while wearing it.

Confirmed for nudist, then?

>> No.6819300

And he said to you
>Shut up and suck my dick.

>> No.6819306

Do you realise how silly and insanely rectum ravaged you sound right now? A few people like some fat girl's outfit, why are you literally shitting yourself in anger about it?

>> No.6819312

If that were true you would say "yuck, that whale is ugly. But the coords are good I guess."

You wouldn't go "OMG SHE LOOKS SO CUTE I LOVE IT!" That is not a natural reaction to seeing someone who looks like that.

You're trying to protect her because she's a fatso putting herself out there for potential verbal abuse. It happens every time a fat lolita gets posted. Take it to tumblr.

>> No.6819317

Ignore the troll, it's some faggot who's had a vendetta against that chick for ages and is buttmad that nobody else gives a fuck.

>> No.6819320

But no one said that.

>it's pretty good
>oh how cute
>hate this, like that
>good for a fatty

So why are you bleeding out of your anus about it? Are you pissed because no one ever compliments your coords, which managed to be so shitty that you don't even even a "ehh well it's pretty good"?

>> No.6819337

OH MY FUCKING GOD THIS IS WORSE THAN HITLER SHITTING ON A PUPPY THEN EATING IT AND EVERYONE WHO LIKES IT IS LITERALLY SATAN is not a natural reaction to a clean and relatively well dressed fat person either, even if you don't like it. You're probably a bitter bitch enraged a fatty got more "compliments" than you've ever gotten. :)

>> No.6819346

You're right. Us skinny people are all just bitter and jealous of those fatasses. Maybe I should go gain a couple hundred pounds so I can get artificial compliments out of pity as well.

>> No.6819352

>Us skinny people are all just bitter and jealous
>us skinny people
>us skinny

Backup girls, we've got the ambassador for all skinny chicks among us.

>> No.6819354

obvious male is obvious

show cock or gtfo

>> No.6819359

But you've just revealed your secret. You're skinny with no fashion sense and the mere fact that a fatty got a comment such as "It's pretty good for a bigger girl" has sent you into a rage. How DARE this fatass get a mild compliment when you, in all your raggedy glory, have gotten only scorn?

>> No.6819370

Maybe your secret is that you're fat too and it hurts your feelings when you see other fat people being laughed at so you deem it your crusade to coddle every fat lolita whenever they get posted.

I mean jesus, you're actually sitting here trying to defend her and claiming people are actually jealous of her "fashion sense". Are you even listening to yourself? Stop being stupid.

>> No.6819373
File: 134 KB, 480x360, 29303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're actually sitting here trying to defend her and claiming people
>claiming people
>implying it's not just you having a little temper tantrum
Troll or not you're being fucking retarded.

>> No.6819376


Trolling fails when you get too involved, and man, are you too involved in this. Go have a snack, cool down, work on your coords, and come back in a little while.

>> No.6819381 [DELETED] 

>Pure girls who spend a lot of time on their cosplay and know the character > attention-whore sluts who only depend on their cleavage

According to who, your little cosplay forum circle jerk?

>> No.6819388

N'aww, what a qt

>> No.6819392

You're jealous of the fact that she got some mild compliments. It's making you rage. It's making your fingers shake as you type, FURIOUS that this fatty, this FATTY, had someone say "eh pretty nice for a fat girl." A blush of anger is on your cheeks. You're furiously refreshing your Tumblr, again and again reliving the hurt: your outfits only have 7 notes! 7 notes! And not one compliment even though you spent like 5 minutes making sure the light in the bathroom was perfect for photos.

But this fatty. This fatty with her outfit that got lukewarm compliments.

It's her fault, isn't it? It's her fault that you aren't getting notes on Tumblr, that your self-posts on /cgl/ don't garner any reaction at all. And for that you must keep posting. Keep commenting. Keep samefagging and hope that god, oh god, one person will finally say: "Eh, I like this outfit" about you.

>> No.6819401

>You're jealous of the fact that she got some mild compliments.
Why would somebody be jealous of a couple of pitty compliments on /cgl/?

And I am a guy, btw.

>> No.6819411

Now they're pitty compliments? Before you said they were GUSHING declarations of love. Your facade is cracking.

>> No.6819422

> they were GUSHING declarations of love.

It's all pity.

Your defense campaign now is pity too.

>> No.6819440

>And I am a guy, btw.

So you're a typical guy trolling on /cgl/ with anti-fat people posts. We get that enough already here. Sorry but sometimes /cgl/ has different opinions and no matter what you say. You won't be able to change it. Not like we can stop you from spewing hate from your mouth either.

>> No.6819443


>> No.6819456

10/10 would read again

>> No.6819458

>And I am a guy, btw.
I never believe women on the internet who say this because, quite frankly, there are very few guys that would be this involved in the lolita comms to know the butthurt against fatties or who would be assed to argue with a bunch of girls over it for hours.

You're either a sissy brolita, an annoying faggot that doesn't even wear lolita, or a woman.
Pick your poison.

>> No.6819465

fuck you all, this is cute

>> No.6819470

omg, love U

>> No.6819493


Marry me? Have my burando?

>> No.6819804

Dude, I didn't even pick a side.
I pointed out everyone's a stupid cunt.

>> No.6819815


>> No.6824066

You must be 18+ to use this website.

>> No.6824177


Fellow loli larper, the only pieces I mix with my loli are my pirate stuff for pirate style obviously.

And a bit of my scifi weaponry for a scifi themed meet for a laugh. Not all the time.

I think you can mix in some larp pieces well, especially in Steampunk, but her stuff doesnt even look steampunk, its very lackluster. She could easily work in the things she likes with a bit of effort.

>> No.6826472

she is really pushing that dress to its limits
look at all of that stretching going around the waist of it

>> No.6826504

Well as big as she is it's a wonder any brand fits her at all.

>> No.6826505

It looks like the sleeves are just really poofy on the sheer nightgown thing.