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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6804483 No.6804483 [Reply] [Original]

Any seagull's headed to Anime Boston this year?

>> No.6804594

i heard it's going to be blast
da' bomb bro

>> No.6804606

This joke is 3 weeks too late.

>> No.6805141
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Yep. Really antsy on the schedule. Anything particular to do/see?


>> No.6805172

i'm going! anxious to see how the rave/formal dance off-site thing is going to go.

other than that this yeah looks like it's going to be pretty chill. i hope the weather is nice.

shut the fuck up

>> No.6805231

/p/hotographer here.

This will be my first real Anime Convention (I don't count PAX East as anime)

I need you guys to dress up in bomb ass cosplays.

I need to build up my portfolio!

>> No.6805365

>bomb ass cosplays
Not with that attitude.

>> No.6805772

this will be my first year at anime boston. I'm really excited to go. its' also the first con hat a lot of my friend will also be going so I'm not sure if I'll make any new peeps at this convention, but I'm hopeful.

Also n the AB front page, it says that people are allowed to leave flyers at the convention? what is that for and would it be in bad taste to advertise my etsy with some flyers at the con? I mostly make fairy/gothic stuff but I figure hey, they offer the chance to do so so it could kind of be worth it.

>> No.6806176

I'll be there. 6th year at AB.

>> No.6806184

I'll be there! Gonna be cosplaying Dangan Ronpa and Persona. I fuckin' love this con.

I wouldn't, I feel like most people would just get annoyed seeing flyers around a convention hall. I don't really know why they'd put that out there.

>> No.6806286

I think you might be mistaking that for the 1000 paper cranes project they have going for the Boston tragedy.

>> No.6806295

I've got a question for you guys.

I have only attended PAX East up to this point, so I don't have much con experience.

That being said, where the fuck do I get Saturday-Only Passes?

No offense, but the website looks shitty as fuck compared to the PAX site. And I'm not seeing an option to buy a single day pass online.

Do I have to show up early to buy a pass at the door?

Will they sell out?

And if they do, how can I guarantee me and my party of 6 others, a ticket?

>> No.6806325

You can only get one-day passes in person, sadly. It's best to go early to get it. I'm not sure if they had problems with shortage, haven't heard of an issue in previous years. (Although I've only been there 5 years.)

>> No.6807518

This is my first year not going since I started in 2008. Oh well, I'll just have to make next year the best one since I'm leaving the country a few months later.

To be honest, given the bombing, I'm okay with this being the year I miss. I imagine its going to be kind of awkward.

>> No.6807528

I wonder how many idiots will make bomb jokes at the con and get their asses handed to them.

>> No.6807547

This is going to be my 9th animu boston.
I am preparing for advance all of the frantic phone calls I am going to get from my overly anxious mother about GOD FORBID YOUR IN BOSTON, IS ANYTHING HAPPENING?!?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!?!. Gah. Oh well, at least she will be driving down to stay in my appt and watch my cats for me for the weekend because besides coworkers who I don't want in my appt everyone else I know is going too be there and FUCK IF I AM PAYING FOR A KENNEL.

Ranting aside, despite everything I am excited for this year! I'm kinda pissed at myself because I'm fatter then I was last year at this point, but eh I have been so stressed out with work stuff, fuck it.
And I have a month, maybe I will loose 5lbs and be the same weight and not hate all the pictures.

Ps, was the lolita with the broken foot last year.
Pss, sorry about last year vicodin is a bitch man.

>> No.6808610


Boston-fag here.

Most of the city isn't shaken up at all by the bombings.

In fact, I want to say that the morale of the city has increased overall. The community is much more tight knit than it was a few weeks ago.

We are Boston strong.

>> No.6810274

So it's cool to make Boston jokes?

Because there's probably going to be a lot of that.

>> No.6813125

I'm going! 6th year strong~

You stop that right now.

>> No.6813151

I'll be there! This is going to be my third year going, and it's one of my favorite cons, and also my first.
Are there any good panels this year?

>> No.6813156

Someone can and will kick your ass if you do.

>> No.6813271


Please, I'm sure AB will be the bomb.

>> No.6815288
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Yup, I'll be there. Having money issues, so I'm reusing some stuff.

>> No.6815379

Going too! 3rd year in a row, now.

I'm kind of finding it hilarious that some people aren't going because of the bomb incident that was completely unrelated to the convention-- what makes people think there's any sort of danger as compared to anywhere else, now? Especially since the two who did it were caught/killed.

People have the strangest fucking logic, I swear. If anything there will be more security.

>> No.6815400

do riding crops fall under their 'no weapons' policy? One of the characters I'm dressing as has a tendency to carry one around, not sure if I should bother bringing mine or not.

>> No.6815408

Just found out I might be able to go after all when I thought I wasn't going to be able to, super excited. Not sure if I'll be able to cosplay though since I might only be able to do Saturday and have to commute from Framingham line, so might just wear loli.

Does anyone know if AB has any decent lolita events?

>> No.6815413


I remember the first year I went they had a really cool lolita fashion show, but no idea if that's happening again.

>> No.6815416

Eh, the fashion show and panel are pretty meh...I'm not too fond of the boston comm as a whole. A lot of people in it are great but some of them make it a real shit show.

>> No.6815419

That seems to be along the lines of what I've heard.. ah well. So don't bother with the con meets?

I do remember the fashion show, but that was a brand show right? h.naoto iirc.

>> No.6815933
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I'll be there as John Freeman; Probably not my STALKER costume due to the noguns thing they threw in, but hey, John will do. Making a wooden crowbar for him.

Its gonna be a rad 3 days, cant wait.

>> No.6815953

does anyone know if parking really is a nightmare at the pru? i normally just commute in on rail so i have no idea about parking.

>> No.6815996

Will be heading to anime boston for the first time, but not my first con. I'm still wondering just what security and enforcement will be like. Bags being overly checked/banned, being shot by police for a foam spear head sticking out of my bag (going as Ornstein by the way).

Quick question to Bostonian's and anime boston goers: Our hotel requires us to take the T to the con. We are familiar with boston but will be harassed horribly of we wear stuff to the con? I'm assuming finding a place to suit up once there will be hell so we were thinking of getting ready before hand.
Also, my friends cosplay has antlers. Some cons I see people with horns purposely cut (saw a few Loki's with cut horns in San Diego), well she be thrown out because of it? they are pretty brittle but not going to break with a puff of air. Not sharp by rounded tips.

>> No.6815998

Change at the con center, Boston is full of assholes especially on the T so you will be ridiculed horribly if you wear your costume on there

>> No.6816000

Hmm, alright, good to know. Thanks.

>> No.6816010

Parking at the Pru is fine, it's just $40 a day.

Parking AROUND the Pru is a nightmare, because you'll have to move your car every 2 hours.

>> No.6816023

Which hotel did you get/how much per nite.

My room got a hotel for about $275/nite that's right around the corner.

>> No.6816035

courtyard boston. My best friend works for the chain and when she books we got the rooms for 100 a night for 4 days (going early thursday to get our early reg stuff and go out on the town.). Its a bit away but her employee discount only works there and we are all pretty strapped for cash as is. To be honest shes taking care of all of that and how we will travel. I just paid my half and am the driver.

>> No.6817407

I may or may not be going. I'm really hoping I am because I met up with a group of seagulls and had a blast, especially at the trivia panel. If I do end up being able to go, I want to have another meetup!

I didn't cosplay but for anyone who went to the /cgl/ meetup I was the girl in the red dress with blonde hair.

>> No.6817410

Last year's meetup I mean. Woops!

>> No.6817454
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It's the most wonderful tiiiiime of the yeeeear. Any other Touhous out there?

And I thought I was old. I've been going since '07.

Pretty much this. I'm a local who will be aiming to run in the marathon next year as a donor and the whole thing hasn't fazed me much.

>> No.6817461

5th AB! Going as Mami and Fionna

>> No.6817555


If you go in with the STALKER costume, just bring bolts.

>> No.6817755

Yuuka here. I'll be at the photoshoots~

>> No.6817867

Been going since 05, but moved away a few years ago so this'll be my first since I think 09-'10 or so.

Does anyone cosplay fighting games at AB anymore? (...Does anyone play fighting games at AB anymore...?)

>> No.6817894

/p/haggot here.

I'll be taking shots on Saturday and posting them here.

How many seagulls can I expect to see?

>> No.6817902

I'll be there! Been going since 03' and I am excited for this year for some weird reason.

>> No.6817937

Thinking there will be many 2hoo's there as the theme is youkai

>> No.6822920


>> No.6823278

I'll be working the Fakku booth

>> No.6823293

as someone who lives in boston can you all stop being outraged on our behalf when someone makes a lame joke? memento mori, gallows humor, etc. we're not exactly fragile.

will there be a meetup? i wasn't planning on going but i might pop in for a day.

>> No.6823298

that depends on which line you have to ride. if it's the red or green line people will probably be pretty neutral, orange and blue are a bit sketchier.

>> No.6823345

i'll be attending, as THE GREAT SAIYAMAN!!!!

>> No.6823350

i'm also looking fowad to the new off site informal dance, mostly to listen to Greg's bitchin tunes.

>> No.6823526

and then after checking my email i find out I was accepted to join up in the AB Death Match this year, bitchin news is bitchin.

>> No.6824407

Apparently they're going to be conducting bag checks at the door this year. Thinking back on how badly congested the doors/con are to begin with this is going to be a nightmare.

>> No.6824549

Might say fuckit to going at all if it's going to take hours to get in the door everytime you come and go.

>> No.6824564

Damn, the last time I went to CTcon they did bag checks before people could go into the merchant hall, the line practically filled half the room.

It's going to be the return of Linecon

>> No.6824705

I was at CTcon as well, and the line for bag checks was terrible. They ended up just having a place to put bags before going into the merchant section and after a bit the security would just shake your bag half-assedly and and wave you through.

Luckily my group has one designated bag holder (her cosplay has a larg backpack anyway), so we only have one bag to check.

>> No.6824799

Why bag checks? What's stopping me from hiding a gun in my frilly lolita dress?

>> No.6824810

People who go through tragedy want extra security. Unless they cavity search every boy and girl, there is no 100%, but the fact is, theres some mom who is too over protected, too 'involved', and was probably 300 miles away from the tragedy, that wants to be a community figure is is saying "Search every bag! That will make me feel better!". So to appease the people, they are running bag checks.

>> No.6825383

>people who go through tragedy want extra security.
no, idiots who go through tragedy want extra security. the rest of us know it doesn't do shit and just erodes our freedom. also, all the added security they put up for 'special events' like the marathon and the olympics just happens to stay up afterwards.

as you said this is either the result of a panicked parent letter writing campaign or their insurance making them jump through hoops to reduce liability. either way it's gay and we all lose.

>> No.6825416

Judging by the wording of the tweet it's the requirement of the state convention association, and AB has no choice in the matter. So yeah, probably insurance/legal on the Hynes' part.

>> No.6825993


i'm honestly not a raving libertarian, i just hate how this nonsense always goes. after 9/11 i had to stop carrying a pocket knife around boston. because that's how the terrorists were gonna get us - leathermans with locking blades over 2 inches.

>> No.6825996

Yeeeah, I feel you anon. I said the same thing to my mother as it was happening- look at all the security they had there and it did nothing to stop it. Quicken response times, sure, but...

offtopic sage, would rather the thread not derail into that argument...

>> No.6826242

I'll probably be a Thuggish Splicer one day and the Doctor from Cave Story another. See you there, /cgl/.

>> No.6826925

I remember seeing you last year! I was wearing my first lolita outfit and admired you from afar. I felt really bad for your foot injury.

>> No.6827772

I actually emailed the head of security asking if they had any plans about how to minimize the lines. His response was as follows:
>The MCCA will be handling the actual searches, since they were the ones who insisted it was necessary. They have promised me that they understand our traffic flow concerns, and that they will assign multiple highly efficient bag-checkers to each entrance.
Something tells me that since the searches are being handled by a group outside of the con's staff, that they'll seriously underestimate the amount of traffic.

>> No.6827805

oh man, as if AB lines couldn't get any worse
I feel for you guys

Also with all the costumes, some voluminous, some not, you could easily smuggle anything you were going to anyway. Including things that go boom. Hell, you could just smuggle any bags underneath the costume.

>> No.6827806

Yeah, this is going to be a nightmare. And I'm sure the con knows they'll be the ones slammed for it.. it's too bad. I hope this doesn't affect their growth/rep in the future, because it really is out of their hands.

>> No.6827809

Three cheers for feel good, do nothing policies.

>> No.6827831

i wonder how they would feel about me taping all my possessions to my body instead of carrying a bag?

too bad bags aren't really optional for most people

>> No.6827840

**might not, rather

>> No.6827838

>too bad bags aren't really optional for most people
Yeah, so they're going to be checking pretty much a majority of the people coming in and out. And that includes every time you go up to your room, go to eat, go outside for a photoshoot.. It's going to be madness.

Even if you DON'T have a bag, they might restrict the doorways so that even if you don't have a bag you have to go through that line- not having a bag much not even help you.

>> No.6827851

yeah, that's the thing. what about swag you pick up inside, surely that must count a pre-checked? otherwise it's just like a mitch hedberg joke.

>> No.6827994

Why don't they just have a metal detector to quickly walk through? Bag checks are a horrid idea

>> No.6828009

This was my thought.. It's probably because

>a) they're cheap/those things are fucking expensive
>b) on such short notice

>> No.6828119

Wouldn't work without the gear the airports have to allow for quick x-ray checking and chemical/explosive detection. You're still going to have people checking bags and they're still going to be half-assing it. If you have other items that are metal you can use them as detector fodder and they'll let you through and any actually dangerous items go undetected.

>> No.6828157
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The only way I see this working in any way is if they use explosives trace detectors to screen the bags.

Too bad those things cost as much as a car and I doubt TSA is going to loan those things out to an anime convention.

>> No.6828179

Again though, it's not TO Anime Boston, it's to the MCCA (the convention association). Perhaps they might, but you're right, I doubt it. It's all an exercise in security theatre.

>> No.6829504

I am 75% certain there is gonna be one dick at this con who will cause a massive shitstorm that will ruin everything.
And by shitstorm I mean something bad is probably gonna happen at this con involving peoples lives :(

>> No.6829584
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That kind of thinking is what leads to terrible futures. The second you go into paranoia mode, the second you have given up your right to have a good time. People need to stop thinking that their event is so special it warrants explosions. The marathon bombing was a couple of guys with 3 parts religion and 1 part crazy. Exactly how many anime cons do you know have ended in mass killings? You are more likely to be shot, mugged, mutilated, and exploded in your own house if you want to go into statistics. If it makes you feel better, security measure way up top on the totem pole are in place because its embarrassing for a 1st world country to have this happen.

To be on topic, anyone else doing any demons/dark souls cosplay? I stated earlier in the thread that I'll be Ornstein, and everyone I know is bitching "but its an ANIME con!". Plus, after being on this site for many years, would like to meet maybe some other anon's (wouldn't be caught dead at a /v/ meet up and /tg/ dosnt do much offline meet ups and I like to keep my /fit/ to myself.)

>> No.6829697

I'm not doing any Demons'/Dark Souls cosplay myself (my only planned cosplay right now is Anthony from Madoka, although I'll also be bringing the replica Yip-Yip Martian puppet I made for last year's AB), but that sounds cool as fuck. And anyone bitching about "NOT ANIME" about a cosplay from a Japanese video game has misplaced priorities, given all the Homestuck and BBC and MLP clogging up the cosplay scene. But if you're coming to any /cgl/ meetups, I'd totally come along - I'd love to meet more /tg/-folk.

>> No.6829763

I think I'm going to monitor this thread (assuming it's still up, otherwise whatever new thread pops up) and twitter on Thursday/Friday of con to see how the congestion from doorchecks goes by word of mouth and then decide whether I come in for the con Saturday... I really want to support the con, first time I've gotten to go in a while, but if I do that then I want to be able to actually.. yanno, go to the con and not stand in lines for hours.

(I was really lucky to have missed the brunt of Linecon 08 since I prereg and got my badge Thursday, but had lots of friends who were stuck there all day.)

Which reminds me, how is AB's at-con reg these days in terms of quickness?

>> No.6830729

As a 5 year staff vet let me assure you they are aware and do make great steps to ensure that this goes over well. you will be inconvenienced yes but it won't kill your weekend
We've learned from line con and while registration isn't my department our clock out times tend to be less than an hour often closer to 30 min at rush hour

>> No.6832404
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I'm excited for the con. I'm gonna pic related for the days. Kotori for the day, Arino at night.

Maybe Kaworu from Eva if I find a wig and contacts there. That was something I forgot that I wanted to do.

>> No.6833237

omg, if i see you as Arino i wil ave to give you te highest of fives. i need to watch some more Game Center CX now. but the youtube channel i was watching got taken down.

>> No.6833855
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I apologize in advance to anyone that sees me in this.

>> No.6835132

You'll probably find a wig but to my knowledge contacts aren't sold at AB.

>> No.6835221

I've actually started to see contacts sold at booths at a few different cons, but I forget if AB is one of them. It might depend on state laws (like cons in other states allowing replica weapon booths).

>> No.6835232
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Off-topic, but there's a reupload of most of the videos on these websites:

There should be more on the GCCX thread on /vr/ as well. Do a quick search in catalog mode and you'll find it.

>> No.6836968

I might just get my friend to photoshop the eyes in. Though, I think the eyes are needed for a cosplay...gah

>> No.6842126

This must be coming up pretty soon, isn't it?
I saw someone in really bad Homestuck closet cosplay at work today, along with an unrelated group of girls buying supplies for an upcoming stay at the Marriott.

>> No.6842191
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Any Megukas going? I don't have time make costumes anymore, so I'm breaking out old ones. Hope to see more of you there

>> No.6842202

I may be doing moe-homuhomu one day if the 12 hour shifts stop and I have time to line my costume.
Otherwise lolita.

>> No.6842257

9 days left. every time I think I'm done with my armor, theres one thing I forgot about. Thankfully its small stuff. Will be a blitz this weekend to make sure everything's done and have a dress rehearsal.

>> No.6842267

I'll be going. First time at such a thing since 2007.

I also have to rig up Dead Hand in less than 9 days and hope it comes together well.

>> No.6842280
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Finalizing my line up a bit
My travel days are dress up days so I count them.
Can't decide what I am wearing on Thursday, maybe glass bottled tears because it is comfy as fuck and also adorable, homuhomu is kind of up in the air because it is not done and I am out of days off, some part of me wants to do Twinkle Carnival, Day Dream Carnival, then Sugary Carnival for an all carnival all the time line up but I did twinkle and Sugary last year...
Want to decide on a back up for Homu but I feel like instead I should get off my over-worked bum and just work on it.

You are hear forever.
Daww, I bet you were adorable!
It is probably for the better. I broke the fucker about 2 weeks before and was still on some crazy pain medication, I could not hold a conversation for shit. I also don't remember a lot of the convention but oh well.
But if you see me this year say hi! I have a bad sinus infection now but hopefully it will clear up in time and it will be fun. I always love new friends!

>> No.6842284

Doing a My Little Pony cosplay.

Rarity, to be exact.

I'm not a neck beard faggot, and I don't constantly spew spaghetti out of my pockets. I promise.

Any other nor/mlp/ersons going to be there?

>> No.6842290

i own an mlp t-shirt, does that count?

>> No.6842294

you seem cursed >.<

>> No.6842296


Will you be wearing it?

If not, it doesn't count.

>> No.6842304

not sure if i'm going...

i'm not really in the mood for long lines and back checks. plus there doesn't seem to be a cgl meetup so i can't drink ridiculous cocktails and yell at strangers.

>> No.6842307

>back checks
dur...bag checks.

>> No.6842311

> >.<
Stop that
But ya, I am.

>> No.6842317

when a man can't use emoticons i don't want to live in this country anymore.

>> No.6842976
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Dunno if it counts as a meguca, but I'm gonna be Anthony on Friday and Saturday. Speaking of which, I should probably get my lazy ass off 4chan and finish those wings.

Come to think of it, any word on a /cgl/ meetup this year?

>> No.6842988


>> No.6843168

Not sure about a meet up, but if anyone sees me in my Ornstein cosplay feel free to say hi.

>> No.6843643
File: 338 KB, 487x471, 184517_576911088997785_2141932862_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing Saya Takagi on Saturday from HOTD
(be nice pleases)

>> No.6843647

can you post an upskirt shot?

>> No.6843648

It WOULD be a canon shot...

>> No.6843652


The lipstick looks horrible and the ribbons (in hair) should be smaller.

>> No.6843654

Yea the wig isn't styled at all yet, this was just a progress shot :)

>> No.6843665

how can you tell its from facebook

>> No.6843666

Boston resident here, I've never had a problem wearing my costumes on the T. Actually, last year on the Green Line people were asking for my photo, and I was in a pretty ridiculous costume (full face makeup, huge bloody prop, etc. etc.). Plus, lots of congoers will probably be making the trip with you, so it's unlikely you'll be singled out.

But, if you're worried, the bathrooms at the Hynes usually aren't so bad for changing.

>> No.6843667

why are you making that fug face? I'm going to throw condoms full of chocolate milk at you when i see you.

>> No.6843678

The file name.

>> No.6844181


>> No.6845323


>> No.6845490

>18+ weekend badge only dance
>prop crackdown
>bag checks where there's already a bottleneck

Sounds worse than linecon at this point

>> No.6845494

First time going to Anime Boston.... Are they always this late with putting up the schedule?

>> No.6845532

Yes. Yes they are.

not to mention that for whatever awkward and ridiculous reason you have to get bracelets for the dance on saturday separately. Why the fuck couldn't they just hand them out at prereg with the badges or at registration, they're gonna have your fucking IDs out then anyways.

>> No.6845958

lol dance cancelled

>> No.6845969


Why? what happened last year that made them rethink the way the dance was organized?

>> No.6845971


>> No.6845978

Sounds like the city shut them down.

>> No.6846155

Sheraton kicked them out because some underaged druggies something about a fist fight too idfk. All I know is the whole hotel entrance from the pru was closed until 6am

>> No.6846240


I was there last year. Basically someone got sent to the hospital while there was a glass bottle shattered on the floor basically someone got hit by it at the dance or something. Also I heard someone at the rave died while some other chick got sent to the emergency room.

>> No.6846273
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Well, I'm not sure whether to be laughing or concerned or what at this point. It almost feels like AB is trying to pull a Springtime for Hitler with everything they've been doing wrong. The dealers' list is also quite abysmal - shit like Deviantart fanartists, a booth selling Yaya Han photos, and "Pony Plushies" are a step down from the last few years.

>> No.6846346

Even though we have Otakon and Animazement it feels like the East Coast is still shafted when it comes to anime conventions...

>> No.6849228

Does anyone know if AB has a bag-check area like ComicCon does for people to leave their luggage after checking out of their hotels? Or if they'll even bother considering all the security issues?

>> No.6849231

I'm really angry I didn't get a booth. I had a bunch of prints and stuff like notebooks and accessories made up of some of my OC, along with other kawaii bullshit.t

>> No.6850373

This will be my second AB since 2011 (I chose PAX East over AB last year), going by myself since my friends aren't into any of this stuff... I'm barely into it myself. I'm mostly going to shop around the dealer's room and play Injustice or Tekken if they have it set up.

>Paying $55 to shop for Japanese merch at jacked up prices
Yup, I've lost control of my life.

>> No.6850387

>Does anyone play fighting games at AB anymore
When I went in 2011 there were setups on good monitors for Tekken 6, SSFIV, MK9, Arcana Heart 3 and Mahvel 3. The consoles weren't locked away in boxes like the ones at Otakon so you could actually plug in a stick.

There were also a good number of MK cosplayers, but MK9 had come out earlier that month.

>> No.6850920

any arc fighters or have they given up on that around here? last few cons I've been to only had P4, maybe a brief BB setup/sidetourney but no GG... sad.

>> No.6850937

I don't know, remember that I'm talking about two years ago here. They had BlazBlue and they probably will again since it's weeb as fuck. The most recent GG came out on XBLA/PSN recently so it's not totally out of the question, but I don't know who's deciding all of this. The official forum is a ghost town.

>> No.6850945

Oh, it's also worth mentioning that SRK had a story about the Boston FGC doing something to raise money after the marathon bombing, so apparently there's a Boston FGC.

>> No.6850953

back from New York and ready to go to AB this year before I am thrown out into California next month.

Last east coast con, I hope its a good one.

>> No.6851737

anyone down for a meetup? if so, post what times you could handle. i'd be down for something friday or saturday afternoon, maybe meet for an early dinner?

last year we met at p.f. changs.

>> No.6852316

First time heading out to Anime Boston. Company's shipping me off to work the booth there while my coworker does Fanime in San Jose. I fly out Wednesday. Feel free to stop by the epic cosplay booth and say hello, feel free to throw down and requests or suggestions for new products at the booth if you want too.

Thankfully I have a friend who moved the area recently and I'll be staying with her and some of her friends, though they check in Thursday so I'm staying a little less then a mile away Wednesday night.

Question for people in the area, how difficult is it to get a taxi to the con center? I have to lug almost 200 of stuff with me Thursday morning to the con center to do setup at 2pm. If I can't get a ride with somebody, it means I either need to get a taxi, or do multiple trips to lug everything to the con center by hand since my bosses didn't get me a rental car.

>> No.6852374

There's plenty of taxis in Boston, but your ability to get one will depend on where your starting point is.

If you're worried, lots of Boston cab services allow you to call for a cab by phone.

>> No.6852403

Yeah. I just got back with the people I was staying with, turns out they can't give me ride. I figured I'd call a taxi place Wednesday evening and arrange a pickup on Thursday to save the trouble.

>> No.6852413


Oh and I was mostly asking since I know some cities, it's super easy to get a taxi when you're in a tourist spot(like Las Vegas) but when you go off the area, getting a taxi is difficult. Learned that the hard way at one of the Vegas cons I worked, I ended up having to get a ride to the airport from some con staff because that area taxis didn't like to go.

>> No.6852809

So excited for this! I can't believe it is this weekend already it cheeped up on me and I still have to pack and I have no time and ARG.

>> No.6852819

Yes, and beyond pissed the rave is not only gone from Friday, but Saturday as well?

The year I finally can afford the time off and have money to go, this shit happens. Fuck.

>> No.6853016


If you're flying in you'll be fine, there's an official taxi line right outside all the terminals. The whole span between the airport and the con center is tourist-central.

>> No.6853114
File: 172 KB, 960x828, 600215_368244686623692_285500462_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going as Puella Magi!Madoka on Friday and Bunny Suit!Madoka Saturday with a group.

>> No.6853152

The problem is I'm flying in Wednesday but not checking into my con hotel until Thursday. My bosses booked me at a hostel almost a mile away from the con center for Wednesday night. Lord knows why they choose a hostel, at least they booked me my own room. It's not the getting from the airport part that's the issue, it's getting from the hostel to the con hotel that's the hiccup. If they'd booked me something a little closer, I'd just do a couple trips by hand.

>> No.6853209
File: 13 KB, 130x200, sachi_nanjou_32056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be there. I'll be the one in the (maybe)obscure cosplay. would anyone recognize a badly done cosplay of Sachi From Oyasumi Pun Pun (with a hand knitted punpun). I always wanted to get into cosplay but my family is disgusted with my interest in 'children's cartoons' and have never let me go to a con before this. There was no way for me to order any costume items without my parents knowing because I am currently still living with them (just got back from 1st year college) and my credit card is under theirs, even though it's all my own money. Basically I was limited to what I could buy locally/make myself. I really wanted to do a good job because I always wanted to cosplay and never could.

>> No.6853241

Arino! ahaha It's already been said but that's so cool. I'll for sure look out for you and ask for a pic if I see you

>> No.6853250
File: 16 KB, 273x257, 1361005871511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even going to this con but I'm just popping in to say that you're awesome for doing this!

>> No.6853266

anyone going to bother going to the rave?

>> No.6853299

I thought there wasn't one anymore?

>> No.6853300

Oh man, I really hope you do this! I'll be look out for you and ask for a picture, it's great to see more Oyasumi Punpun fans.

>> No.6853576
File: 995 KB, 500x281, MYSTIC EYES OF SUFFERING PERCEPTION.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will be going as the mad scientist HOUOUIN KYOUMA this year, pretty excited. Hope to see at least one Kurisu so I can shout KURISUTIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINA while posing in a dramatic fashion.

>> No.6853607

Anyone trying to have sex at the con? Dude here.

>> No.6853615


ahahaaha nope

>> No.6853629
File: 83 KB, 800x800, are you serious miya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a funny joke son.

>> No.6853732

Good luck to you. I know it sucks being under the parents rule at these times. When I was in high school (24 now), I just told my family its an artistic hobby and I like to create armor for reenactments (cons). Just leaving the word "anime" out made them think of me as some honored historian.

If your going alone feel free to stop by and say hi to ol' Ornstein (myself) and a couple friends who never heard of 4chan. theres no meet up as far as I know, so I'm just going to say Hi to as many of you as I can.

>> No.6853779

Blame that on the Hotel
Word on the street is the dance could be held in the same room but the hotel just doesn't want it there

>> No.6853980


I wouldnt mind meeting up with you
you seem really nice.

>> No.6854032

My sister wants to go, but the only day she can is on Friday. So she doesn't have anyone to go with and she said she'd feel awkward going alone. I checked out the con schedule and there isn't much I care for. Is there anything you'd recommend for someone who isn't really into anime (and the other kinds of programs at the con) to do there?

>> No.6854093

aside from glorious people watching?

>> No.6854531

People-watching is fun, and they usually have a pretty good assortment of vidya.

>> No.6854602

You really need to have a Kyubey wearing a Hugh Hefner style bathrobe for the bunny group.

I'll be at Anime North, which sadly never has any good bunny groups, with the notable exception of Underboob-chan's Haruhi bunny group from 2009. It's still the top result when you Google "Anime North"!

>> No.6855363

I'm not into anime and when I'm by myself at these things I shop around the dealers' room and watch people play fighting games. I'm sure they'll also have some rhythm games that you can try or Rock Band with random people.

>> No.6855593
File: 415 KB, 549x603, 21192_248553805269639_376243209_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my small lineup for this year. i'll be in Utena Friday and Sunday, Chibiusa on Friday morning and evening, and on Saturday i'll be wearing lolita all day -- Queen's Coach for the fashion show in the morning and then Masquerade Theater at night!

>> No.6855603

Anyone bar hoping Friday and Saturday? Is /cgl/ old enough for me to ask that?

>> No.6855632

no, we all exist between the ages of 18 and 20.

>> No.6855658

Hope to see you there, that sounds like fun!
HOUOUIN KYOUMA here, I'm going to be filling every pocket of my lab coat and backpack with Dr. Pepper.
Also, I've been trying for the life of me to figure out what kind of shoes he wears, there aren't enough low shots. Anyone willing to help a brother out?

>> No.6855667

She could check to see what panels will be on that day, there's usually some that aren't entirely anime-related.

>> No.6855689
File: 169 KB, 720x865, Rintarou_Okabe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855691
File: 120 KB, 1320x1616, 928561_fpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here! and those sorta look like boots underneath his pants to me, or perhaps loafers like these?

>> No.6855703
File: 18 KB, 300x533, okabe rintarou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My boyfriend did Okabe a few months back, and he used shoes like your picture. This was because we couldn't find green house slippers (I'm guessing that's what pic related was).

I'm sure you'll be fine with black loafers!

>> No.6855705
File: 66 KB, 600x800, 436a802d4904f470fe1f370cec79d773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, green slippers they are...

>> No.6855713

Thanks! I was planning on wearing basically those shoes anyways.
I'll probably be in a group with a bunch of people who won't be cosplaying, but if you see me, gimme a shout. Like, "seagull" or some shit, I don't know.

>> No.6855715

Poster of the reference pictures here, I'm not going to Anime Boston but if you happen to find pictures of you after the con is over, I'd love to see your Okabe!

>> No.6855717

Judging from this picture it looks like a pair of green TOMS would work pretty well

>> No.6855722
File: 43 KB, 300x331, 482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

P-people want to see me?

>> No.6855728
File: 376 KB, 995x1500, without_wig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, how do I cut/style wigs without fucking it up?

Can I use regular fiber/pomade?

Can I was it out afterwards?

Anyhow, I'll be there Saturday. Expect photos here.

>> No.6855730

Or Crocs would work too, I think.

But I don't think ANYONE could bear the embarrassment of wearing Crocs in public.

>> No.6855855

And w-who are you going as?
Oh god I'm so embarrassed I can't tell please don't judge me.

>> No.6855876

He's Rarity, but I think he's wearing too much black.

>> No.6855883

Oh god please no.

>> No.6855885
File: 1.67 MB, 486x437, 1349150433292.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855889
File: 1.15 MB, 500x416, akane is horrified by your faggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6855900

good choice

>> No.6855935

i'm 26 and enjoy drinking, but don't have the money to bar hop. will likely just get pissed in hotel rooms

>> No.6855948


Why so upset?

>> No.6856459

So whats everyone going to when you're there? I've been trying to look for interesting things to go to.

>> No.6857090

you can hang out with us.

>> No.6857144


I might be up for that, but in plainclothes.

Getting too old for this costume shit

>> No.6857195

you're never too old to be awesome.

>> No.6857561

Should I go dressed as /a/-tan?

I'm MtF

>> No.6857675

I wouldn't recommend it.

>> No.6857741

Think I'm just gonna do a casual costume
Anyone know good bars?

>> No.6857752

>bag checks
So happy this is the year I miss. I hope like Hell this doesn't become a regular thing after they see how much chaos it's going to cause.

>> No.6857754
File: 43 KB, 851x480, kero kero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See you there, /cgl/s.

Not doing a crossplay, just sort of a "half-hearted fat Suwako genderswap with a beard".

It's gonna be pretty simple, purple t-shirt over a light colored shirt rather than, yknow, frog patterns sewn in. I'm gonna go find a stuffed frog, though..

My way of showing solidarity with the Touhou crossplayers without horrifying people by wearing a skirt.

>> No.6857757


I could bar hop. I'm gonna be with a group of friends who's rocking the artist alley but I'm going to try and find a room party or something. Everyone knows fat guys can party.

>> No.6857758


Can't remember the name, but there's this pub near the Hynes that has normal beer prices but sold $1 pizzas.

>> No.6857767


There's a handful of pubs near North Eastern University.

Some of them are pretty good.

Can't be damned to remember the names.


I'll be sure to give a subtle "Sup, seagull" shouldI come across you all.

>> No.6857770


Suwakohat here.

I don't tend to /cgl/ unless it's con time, I'm usually a /k/omrade - but I'll definitely say hey. I was at AB last year as Coop and met a bunch of you guys, youse good people.

>> No.6857777



Was this you?

>> No.6857778


Oh jesus I'm on the internet

Yeah, that's me.

>> No.6857794

oh i remember you, you were at p.f. changs but didn't want to drink with me on account of drinking later or something. if i see you in your 2hu getup i'll say hello.

>> No.6857797


You had that bomb-ass mojito, right? Man, I regret that, but yeah, I went and got trashed that night. If you're the guy who paid our way, thanks again, that food was tops.

>> No.6857801
File: 142 KB, 1024x768, 1111d611-e243-4ec9-aebe-4bdb10eb8f8bwallpaper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figured I'd post the rest of my lineup, say hi if you see me >.< or ya know, make a seagull noise at me or something

>> No.6857807

that was awesome...

part of me is thinking about going back even though there isn't a meetup, just to see if they still have that ginger mojito.

>> No.6857812


Their ginger ANYTHING was good, IIRC

I don't usually eat a PF Chang's but it was just great.

>> No.6857824

Is there going to be some unofficial meetup at all this weekend? Just curious.

>> No.6857831

sounds like a good idea! Friday maybe?

>> No.6857852


If there is, it should be on Saturday.

I need the first day scope out the con.

>> No.6857874

ugh, if /cgl/ made seagull noises we'd be as annoying at the homestucks...

>> No.6857878

Ugh true, I take it back

>> No.6857887


Nothing is as annoying as the Homestucks.

The fucking honks. The gray acrylic paint that they pretend is makeup, resulting in splotchy and horrible skin color.

>> No.6857899

i was being hyperbolic. there aren't even enough seagulls to outshriek the homestucks. that and we're (mostly) over the age of 18.

i really hope the homestucks don't ruin my con experience. last year i tried to cross the courtyard while they were swarming and it was hellish.

>> No.6857905


Homestuck is like the blight on Anime Boston, or it was last year. Some unattended 14 year old was rambling at me about his hammer or whatever from the comic and I was trying really hard not to continue the conversation, before being surrounded by people covered in acrylic paint. I bailed into the dealer's room and took shelter in the Gundams.

>> No.6857912

fug back checking and terrorists, we should be paintchecking.

they should hang billowy white curtains and if you can't pass through them without leaving a gray stain you're washed with a firehose.

>> No.6857917


Don't forget that Homestuck is, what, 50% of tumblr? So there'd be an SJW uproar right there over profiling or some shit.

>> No.6857922


>> No.6857950

It shouldn't just be fagstucks, but anyone who wears full body paint. That way they can't bitch.

>> No.6857954


No way. Think of what you'd do to some of the amazing Scanty and Kneesocks cosplays.

>> No.6857956

If their paint is rubbing off, I don't want anyone getting into the con, no matter how amazing their costume is otherwise or what they're cosplaying.

If they can pass a paintcheck, what does it matter?

>> No.6857957

hopefully if they're amazing, they can seal their own bodypaint and breeze right through those curtains

>> No.6857958

If they're amazing, then they should know how to seal their body paint and won't have any problems going through the curtains. That would be the point of said curtains the other anon was mentioning, to ensure the body paint was sealed and didn't get on other people accidentally in crowds or whatever.

>> No.6857962


Oh! Good point.

>> No.6857963

this looks like psy crossed with rarity

>> No.6857969

Cannot unsee

>> No.6858019


How do I make it less Psy and more Rarity?

Mind you, I'm not trying to go full autism here. I still have some smidgen of dignity left.

>> No.6858035

Pretend you're cosplaying full autism.

>> No.6858042


Nonny, please.

>> No.6858060
File: 67 KB, 637x960, zyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if anyone caught/noticed me.
At PAX East I was cosplayed as Zyra from League of Legends, and my boyfriend was Taric.

>> No.6858061
File: 45 KB, 640x480, wildfire zyracosplay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This year I'll be there as Wildfire Zyra, so expect to see me there.

>> No.6858063

Whoops, forgot to mention boyfriend will be going as maokai, put ALOT of work into his costume again, just like I did for his taric that he wore to PAX East.

>> No.6858075

Sluttastic attention-whore cosplay done right

>> No.6858082

or ya know, just a cannon costume done right
I saw you at PAX hun, you were incredible, you guys are great at what you do, can't wait to see you at AB!

>> No.6858083


at least say you got non-ripped stockings that actually fit. Those look bad.

>> No.6858087
File: 420 KB, 1600x900, zyra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 'cause I'm good looking and do my characters right!~ Don't hate!~
Going to be painted this year, here's hoping it doesn't seep into my pores and make me look jaundiced for a week after..
The stockings were pretty bad, I picked them up pretty much last minute -- but come on, you're going to pick out JUST THAT out of my whole cosplay D;

>> No.6858091

they picked 'just that' because otherwise you look great, hater's gotta hate ya know?

>> No.6858094

Even if it's cannon, any costume that slutty is partially done for the sake of attention whoring, especially with the gratuitous ass shot. Not saying there's anything wrong with it, just stating a fact.

>> No.6858095

I could gladly post other pictures if you want! That one was just from a shoot, and looks sooooo good, even with my "gratuitous ass"

>> No.6858099

No, I'm good with the ass. Believe me, I am not complaining about it.

>> No.6858101
File: 490 KB, 449x401, Girls[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/cgl/ is afraid of butts

>> No.6858102
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 1369331710907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858104
File: 395 KB, 1024x576, 1369332782284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6858109

Anyway I've got a facebook page if you want to check it out, I've actually got to get to work.
I don't know if we're allowed to post these sortsa things, I don't browse 4chan much, /cgl/ even less but anyway
facebook /Daniellecosplay

>> No.6858110

I can't into spoilers I guess.

>> No.6858115

>said in first post nothing wrong with it
>said in next post not complaining

All I was saying is that one cannot wear something like that and say that attention isn't a small part of it. Even if it's only 1% for attention-whoring purposes.

>> No.6858137
File: 198 KB, 307x532, magic - jace (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll be as Jace during the weekend.
Probably going to be drunk most of the time though.
AB's quality has gone downhill for a while. And they still expect me to pay $60 so I can point and laugh at people.

>> No.6858141

So sad theyre doing bag checks, I had my camel back all cleaned and ready to be filled with booze

>> No.6858142
File: 222 KB, 500x379, 136781369352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You're the worst kind of person.

Just kidding, I play mono blue. Fuck everyone else at the table.

>> No.6858147

going to be heading in tonight and have the room until sunday. never spent more than a day at AB before, pretty worried i'm gonna get bored.

it may garnish attention but that does not mean it sought it.

>> No.6858150

I'm a nick picker for costumes. Comes with my job. Plus, if you're going to show off the assets, at least make anything near enough to the area in question decent.

>> No.6858155

Like I said, even if it's just a small, small part of the reason for picking such a costume, one does not wear something like that without seeking it. You cannot seriously try to say one is not at least mildly seeking attention when you're wearing a costume where your ass is hanging out. There's nothing wrong with it, but don't try to deny it.

>> No.6858196


That's cool, I didn't think people cosplayed MtG. I'll have my scrubby G/W Standard Humans deck if people are playing there.

>> No.6858206

>point and laugh at people
yeah, i'm doing that too. that and chaperoning fangirl-ing fangirls.

>> No.6858326
File: 44 KB, 400x225, BoBrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on them, I'm already drunk.
But really bag checks? I heard about the prop policy change.
Where are they checking bags at? The conventions' doors or the like at panels?

>> No.6858389

entering the hynes.

>> No.6858624

Hahaha, I know!
We have a Kyuubey, but I haven't seen their cosplay yet. I hope they do something really funny!!

Is there a CGL meet up going to happen? When/where?

>> No.6858674

nothing concrete. i'm gonna be in the vicinity of p.f. chang's on saturday around noon if anyone wants to drop by.

>> No.6859122
File: 613 KB, 406x1024, Ameto1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dropping by on saturday only. I'm mostly just gonna chill with friends....a lot of my friends are going and I didn't even realize, I kinda wish I went all weekend instead of prioritizing Animefuckingnext. But anywho. I'm wearing Ameto, anyone feel free to say hi!

>> No.6859226

What's up Josh.

>> No.6859311


is it really that lame?

>> No.6859655
File: 90 KB, 640x512, ALL HAIL THE MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm guessing this is not the year to go around carrying around with a facsimile of one of these again...
I got one costume I was thinking of integrating it into... but I guess it's a good thing I didn't even start it for this year.

>> No.6860002
File: 43 KB, 273x273, evangelion gendo 1341163201051a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at some point last night I threw up my hands and said , "FUCK EVERYTHING!" and realized there was no way on Earth I was even getting my simple idea for a costume done.

>> No.6860443

just encountered a ton of borderlands 2 cosplayers in the lobby, all the psychos were yelling out lines from the game and it pretty much made the con worth it.

>> No.6860687

So how are the lines/bagchecks?

>> No.6860771

Not bad at all

>> No.6860797

bagcheck was instant and polite even though my bag was sketchy

>> No.6860846

I'm at this thing and I'm not really having fun. How do you have fun at this thing?

>> No.6860859

you don't everyone there is a faggot. What are you doing with your life that on a friday night you are at a anime convention chilling with a bunch of other ugly awkward autistic kids. You should be out enjoying the nightlife of boston with friends that are not a embarassment to be seen with, hitting the movies, maybe some bars and local clubs. Meet new people and have a real adventure and life. Run out of that convention right the fuck now and change your life. This is a new beginning for you!

>> No.6860885

so what are you doing here anon?

>> No.6860900

I periodically come to /cgl/ to get a good laugh. I believe that to be true for the rest of the board users as well.

>> No.6860955

why aren't you doing all those things?

>> No.6860965

Nigs, I am. I'm out and typing this from my psvitaaaaaaa. Yo if any of you anime luvers are ready to change your life hit me up and I'll swing by with my buddies and show you a good tiem. Only qt girls only though. So probably none of you.

>> No.6861116

Thoughts on today?

>> No.6861127

Injustice had a crappy Chinese knockoff controller with the shoulder buttons mixed up. Saw maybe four Lightnings and only one of them was really cute. Nothing exciting in the dealers' room - spent a whopping $8 when I was prepared to spend a lot more, although I still need to buy a Rei figuring per personal tradition. Didn't see any Rei cosplayers other than the one peddling in the Artists' Alley but did see a Misato which was a nice surprise. Tomorrow is the big cosplay day so there might be more Reis and Lightnings - that's all I care about. I'm a grown man with well-defined tastes, what else can I say.

Sat in on both tokusatsu panels and they were just awful.

>> No.6861316

My feet are deeeeaaad. Went as ornstein and had plenty of photos. Saw so good, some bad cosplay. Sat in on alot of panels amd hopped around alot getting a feel for the place on the first day. Bought a berserk poster.
also, sorry to the guy i met on the stairs about your cam dying.ill be ornstein all weekend (though might ditch the cavalry boots for somthing more comfortable. Any heels a bad heel with this much walking)

>> No.6861331

I saw you a few times today, the costume looks good. I might ask you for a picture tomorrow if I'm in a better mood.

>> No.6861607

I had a good time! There was a really nice variety of cosplay, which was really cool to see. I actually had a lot of panels and signings I wanted to go to as well- and I blew a ton of cash in the AA, which I don't usually do. All in all, I'd say this is one of the better ABs I've been to so far!

>> No.6861830

good morning seagulls

>> No.6861885

didn't really take photos yesterday. still in a haze from a cold / allergy / not enough sleep trifecta. Maybe today I'll have my camera out and ready.

>> No.6861900

Haha, I was there last year. I'm totally down for the /cgl/ meet up this year as well.

>> No.6861903

(Same person)
Uhhm, so long as I'm awake, I could meet Saturday afternoon/evening at some point. Around when exactly were you thinking?

>> No.6862547

I got so fucking distressed from a dozen people screaming MARCO in my ear I had to go sit in my room for an hour. I can't believe that shitty meme came back, there should be rules against shrieking in the hallways.

>> No.6862562

How's the actual Japanese anime and games cosplay to western cartoon/comic/game/web comic cosplay ratio?

>> No.6862748

1:1 or worse. tons of homestuck, adventure time, mlp, etc. some decent mlp and vidya, not much else.

>> No.6863728

Anyone see that"can you keep it up" panel?

That was amusing.

>> No.6863761
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That Lupin made it.

>> No.6863803

when are you fags going to start posting your cosplays?

>> No.6863810
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Here is some Reborn...

>> No.6863812

can't get enough gray paint in your life or just hoping that somehow everyone isn't suddenly a hambeast?

>> No.6863818
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Lambo !

>> No.6863826


>> No.6863856
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>> No.6863858

I like the great attention to details that was put into these outfits.

>> No.6863878

I guess I'll be the first to say that the ORIGA concert was awesome.

>> No.6863963
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this was my second time, last time I went was 2008 and it left a bad taste in my mouth but ny friends convinced me to go again this year and I'm glad I did. being 21 helped but I had an amazing time and met some wonderful people... it made up for the shitshow I endured five years ago. ill be a con regular from here on in.

I need to work on my cosplay though. I commissioned my jupiter fuku and my ass was hanging out the whole time. this was me.

>> No.6863969

oh gods, that shiny ass fabric

>> No.6863972


haha yeah, met the girl on etsy. she based it off of the musical version, sera myu.

I had some lady give me the third degree about the accuracy of the costume in the middle of artist alley and she pulled on my ribbons so they became disheveled after. I tried to fix them and gave up.

>> No.6863975

Oh okay! I know the musical.
oh my gosh, who pulls on someone's costume?? i would of kicked her shin as hard as possible

>> No.6863976


sorry meant to say thay the lady who I commissioned to do it was on etsy. I forget her username at the moment otherwise I'd advert her now

>> No.6863979


yeah I went to her panel and she gave me the stinkeye and said the ribbons were the wrong color and the train was wrong and sone other shit. I asked her to stop touching me and she said "no you look like shit this is wrong this is wrong" she kept grabbing at me and my friends pulled me away from her (they thought she was threatening) and she had my chest ribbon in her hand. it was scary.

>> No.6864120

Was it? I half-wanted to check it out last night but it was too late for me as it was.

>> No.6864184

I... Might have cut a nasty one in front of Monica Rial in the dealers room yesterday.

>> No.6864219

Sword art online premiere was pretty spiffy.

Then again, i might be saying it because Cherami Leigh is kawaii as fuck

>> No.6864221

Wish I could have gone but my group was in the masq. ;-;

>> No.6864222

Dub was pretty good.
One of my friends is pretty anal about that kinda stuff and he loved it

>> No.6864339

Having just been to the autograph panel in the dealers room, "kawaii as fuck" is an understatement. A terrible terrible understatement

>> No.6864386
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Does anyone know who won the masq/ hall cosplay contest? Does anyone even care or am I all alone in this?

>> No.6864390

Were any of you guys at the AMV contest?

Can we talk about how Drama, Action, and Romance were great and then Comedy was a steaming pile of shit?

>> No.6864686

bit of a self posting question here,
anybody got pics of the Great Saiyaman? i know plenty were taken, but i've got no idea when or where i'll find em.

>> No.6864722
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alright let's get this train rolling with some pics!

>> No.6864728

Was the artist's alley any good this year?

>> No.6864743

Anyone else see Peacockfeather/Rachel there? I caught her in the dealers room today walking around with her dad.

>> No.6864748

i didn't get the BEST look around sadly, but from what i saw there was most of the usual stuff you expect, prints, hand made goodies, plushies, MOUNTAINS OF BUTTONS, a few places with etched glass mugs and glasses. from what i'm told by my friends who went in more than I did, alot of the prices seem to have risen.

>> No.6864751

>saw her
>noted in my brain ppl don't like her
>went about having fun at the con

>> No.6864775

I got a decent amount of good stuff from the AA- plenty of series I like being represented, prices not too bad except at a few outlying booths. No good Attack on Titan merch, though.

>> No.6864800

Yes, it was fantastic. Mostly original stuff, but she did sing INNER UNIVERSE and RISE to kill time when they had technical problems.

I sat in on the masquerade just because there was a long line for it, I figured that I would check it out. Now that I know what it is, I'll never make that mistake again.

Anyway, one of the cosplay contestants was a cute Lightning in an excellent set of XIII-2 armor. She was on a stage at the time so I couldn't propose to her, but I hope that she won. Everyone else a shit.

The only video I liked was Action, but then again Evangelion is the only anime I like, so there you go (inb4 whatever you fags say to people like me, get recked weebs). I listed to that song on YouTube a few times when I got home.

>> No.6864805

I didn't know a lot of the animes that were used in this year's videos, but a lot of them were so good that I didn't care. The Black Jack and Black Lagoon ones were really well edited.

>> No.6864812

I guess I should have said that the only one I was excited to see was Action. Drama gave me feelings and I like BNL so I didn't mind sitting through Romance one bit.

I would have been so pissed if I entered that contest, since a fucking joke video won Best of Show.

>> No.6864844

Seriously? I didn't get to go see the winners, who got it?

>> No.6864848

The winner was a Bleach music video set to the English Pokemon theme.

>> No.6864852

Oh, I remember that one. That's kinda balls. I could see it winning its category, but Best In Show? One of the Drama or Action videos really should've gotten it.

>> No.6864857

Well, I don't know shit about this shit. The kids seemed to like it.

>> No.6864858

Artist's alley was pretty damn good this year. Lots of general cute stuff, two or three vendors selling good quality Lolita accessories, good fan art prints an such. Waaaayy better than last year's, for sure.

>> No.6864892 [DELETED] 
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well i've got one of it now, along with a group of some Sailor Scouts the my buddy sent me. Still waiting on a few other poses, I had no idea what they were posing behind me as we took the photos, which only makes it all the better.

>> No.6864944

oh man i saw you in the elevator and commented on your costume (i said 'bye, amazing Jupiter!!' when you were leaving. that is so fucked up about the AA person and i'm so sorry that happened to you!

>> No.6865044
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Dumping what I have.

>> No.6865048
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>> No.6865116
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reposting from a different thread that apparently died:
Was a good time. Pics still coming in.Was the group with myself as Ornstein, the coyote spirit (she had the antlers), Sebastian, an original (heh, original, but yea his own colors and details) ass creed assassin, and a pandaren..
anyone else see the iron man with the mask that opend by remote? It was pretty bad ass when I saw it.

Felt kind of bad. We shared a table with some random guy at the in-con food court thing. tried to make small talk but he ended up stalking us through out the entire con to the point where we had to lie about not having cell phone numbers and everything. Usually I can break out of awkward con goer tractor beams but the guy was actually nice and REALLY liked to talk about mega man. Wanted to let him down easy. Luckily I saw he found a couple other outcasts and they ran off together.
Also pissed at the lack of berserk, dark souls, and attack on titan items. Was really hoping to get all three copies of the Egg of the King Berserk OVA's.
P.S: alot of my armor got fucked in transportation and finalizing right before con. Also, people stepping on my greaves made it so I had to wear sneakers the last half of the con. Sorry for the eye sore.

>> No.6865124
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There was always a crowd around this guy.


>> No.6865559

Welp would you look at that. I'm the Olivier in the front. Glad someone got a picture of me.

>> No.6865629

There is. It says right in the guidebooks they give you at registration that screaming is not allowed. People do it anyway.

>> No.6866800

I saw that guy outside on Saturday getting his costume on. Never really saw him inside though.

he had all the pieces in the back of his car, took a couple people to get him suited up. pretty involved.

>> No.6866808

wow, how the heck did i not see him

>> No.6866826

idk, like I said I didn't see him at all inside the building - surprised I didn't. Wouldn't have known about it if I didn't see him setting up outside

>> No.6867611

I want to punch every single candle-sniffing fuckfence who thought that yelling "BUTT-SCRATCHAH" was remotely funny.

Also, has anyone got any pictures from the Saturday-evening Madoka shoot, perchance?

>> No.6868214
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>> No.6869539

All I wanna know is; where the Madoka bunnies legal?