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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 407 KB, 1920x1200, The-Melancholy-of-Haruhi-Suzumiya-the-melancholy-of-haruhi-suzumiya-15896020-1920-1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6804142 No.6804142[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: we talk about petty things that make us feel better about ourselves in cosplay or lolita.

I fucking love being thin. What I love even more is being pretty. Every con, I get shit tons of compliments and people fawning over me because I'm always in the top 1% of prettiest girls there. I almost never post pictures of myself in lolita to the internet, but there's tons of me out there simply because so many people take pics at cons.

>> No.6804155

>I fucking love being thin. What I love even more is being pretty

I'm gonna be completely conceited for a second, and second this. Even when I'm not in cosplay, just sort of dressed up for the occasion, I'll still have people ask for my photo and compliment me. I know I'm not THE prettiest, but, damn, does it help my shitty self-esteem to have a bunch of nerds fawn over me and call me cute.

>> No.6804180

I fucking love being curvy. Not the fat curvy but the nice curvy with a nice ass. Haven't got big boobs but there easy to fake. Makes me feel good when I look in that mirror.

I bet you ten bucks this thread will turn into a fat acceptance thread.
Shit is gonna be entertaining.

>> No.6804183


>> No.6804201

Actually curvy girls are fucking sexy, not obese bitches who call themselves curvy to feel better about themselves.

>> No.6804213

On occasion I go to the Tumblrs of people I had drama with and bask at how much more attractive I am than them, and how I'm going places in my life while all they have going on for them is cosplay shit.

>> No.6804214
File: 11 KB, 253x199, break your backs and crack your oars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>not being a perfectly-shaped 300kg qt 3.14 with REAL curves like pic related

Fucking whores, fat is healthy and beautiful, check your fucking privilege.

>> No.6804228

No fat people are actually happy being fat. Even if they try to say they are, they're in denial. They may not be actively sad about it, but if they could flick a switch, they'd want to be smaller.

>> No.6804229

dat filename tho

>> No.6804249

I'm as pretty as my best friend, and yet she's a fuckton more famous than I am and has loads of fans.

I feel better about myself when I think I'm a lot skinnier than her, my bone structure is a lot smaller and that her shoulders are crazy wide. And that outside the little niche that her fans are part of, I'm a lot prettier.

>> No.6804265
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I'm fat and I get a lot of compliments and get told how elegant and beautiful I look when I wear lolita.
I pick cosplays that don't show much skin, but ones that I can pull off and look nice with effort. I feel classy standing next to a shitty Yoko that barely even knows her own series and expects her cleavage to speak for her.

I'm not one of those girls that say "hurr I don't have girl friends because they're bitches~" but it's definitely easier for me to carry conversations with guys at cons. I like to people watch with them. Sometimes when I talk with them they'll gossip (yeah guys definitely talk shit) with me about other costumes and girls at the convention. Usually it's about some douchebag that's showing off.
The best part is they'll tell me about girls that they find really nasty and unapproachable like OP because they get the vibe that they think they're better than everyone else.

>> No.6804268

I love being short and petite, I'm the perfect shape for lolita and can fit in my beloved burando. I love my green eyes, freckles, and pale skin!

I hate that we are taught to never compliment ourselves

>> No.6804273

>I fucking love being curvy

Getting photos makes me feel better about myself, though the last time this happened I was in crossplay (not showing off my berderh)
I love my legs, they are shapely.
I love how tall I am and when I wear my boots I am a GIANT! Which seems to make people flock to me when I wear pastel colors. I feel like a cotton candy beacon. (Which is the only time people ever come flocking to me for a conversation)

But mostly people talking to me makes me feel the absolute best. I would wear a no-face cosplay if people were excited to talk to me.

>> No.6804274
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Does it count if it's not really appearance-related?
I'm quite an average lolita. Nothing special. I think I could be really gorgeous if I spent more time and money on it, but I can't really be bothered. At meets I get a little envious of the really amazing girls there, though.
Until they start talking about their life, their relationships, their future. All of the most popular girls in my comm pretty much have no life outside fashion, are relatively uneducated (If they continued schooling past high school, they're studying to be a fashion designer. No exceptions.) and don't tend to be too intelligent. They have no plans for the future beyond figuring out what to wear at the next meetup. Most of them are being supported by their parents or their boyfriend. When I try to imagine where these girls will be in ten or twenty years, I just can't see it. There's nothing there.
So then I suddenly feel a lot better about my meager wardrobe and wig styling skills. In ten years I might still be unimpressive at lolita, but at least I'll have a well-paid, fulfilling job so I don't have to be financially dependent on anyone else.

>> No.6804276

I like that just because I care about my appearance and put on some makeup and style my hair, and that i am not fat so my cute clothing always fit me well, I get lots of awwing from those greasy weebs.

And in cosplay, I always cosplay cute caracters (I'm very short) and I just love getting those "Oh You're so adorable!! Can I take your picture" comments. Confidence boost YEAH

>> No.6804280

Feels bad being ugly. My best friend is very pretty but her costumes are half-assed as fuck. People always notice her first and absolutely love her shitty cosplays, and we're both aware of this. "At least you got some boobs", she says, but I've preferred DFC since I was thirteen years old. Fucking hell, I can't even use them in cosplay because my favourite characters are either young, flat or male.

>> No.6804281

I know your feel

I'm in university for electrical engineering and the others are just getting liberal arts degrees for things like fashion and women's studies, if they are in school at all

>> No.6804282

Many lolitas I knew that got a bit older honestly just wound up going to beauty school. And now they work at hair dressing salons where they complain about shitty wages, customers, and the fact that their nails continuously look like shit because of the dye jobs they do.

>> No.6804284

That's really stupid of you to say. Do you honestly think that if you don't like someone's body they don't like it either?
Fuck, look at Pear-chan.

>> No.6804285

I love being thin, and I fucking love being tall and having long thin legs. I love that I don't have cellulite. I love it when I'm in a group of girls who complain about their looks and I have nothing to complain about. I love it when I meet a group of nerds and stand out so much because I'm fashionable and don't look awkward. I also love being nice, modest and not being a bitch. I'd never put anyone down for their looks.

>> No.6804286

>No flat people are actually happy being flat. Even if they try to say they are, they're in denial. They may not be actively sad about it, but if they could flick a switch, they'd want to have big boobs.

>> No.6804287

>I hate that we are taught to never compliment ourselves
I hate this too. How even acknowledging we have something positive in ourselves is considered arrogant.

>> No.6804291


Except nobody is jealous of fat people for their disgusting, jelly-like tits.

>> No.6804293

>because you have to be fat to have awesome boobies
Keep trying flattie <3

>> No.6804296


I agree. I hate that it's okay for people who are ugly to feel good about their looks but god forbid you do the same if you actually have something to show off.

>> No.6804299
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But tits are just blobs of fat anyway. Fatter = bigger titties.

Because it's annoying to other people. Imagine listening to someone compliment herself, listing things she loves about herself. It might not be bad to read but still, good fucking lord.

>> No.6804304

I also really love being thin. I feel great being able to fit into all my brand, and I'm not trying to put down bigger girls when I say that I'm happy with how thin I am. I also like how I'm good at co-ordinating outfits. Honestly, I don't think I'm very pretty, but I still get tons of compliments on how I dress from people, because my outfits, while still considered weird, are put together well enough that I think most people can appreciate them. I wish I was better at posing for photos, though.

>> No.6804305

I don't like having boobies
They hurt when I'm running or jumping or if someone punches me or I run into something

It's just sacks of fat on your chest
Can't wear burando with too much boobage

>> No.6804307

Well why not do this around friends or people who would perpetuate your sentiments about your image?
There's no need to validate yourselves to strangers who could give a rat's ass since they don't know you, and whom wouldn't feel bad given the chance to try to take you down a peg.

>> No.6804309

>Can't wear burando with too much boobage
Ever hear of binding those tatas?

>> No.6804343

>comparing having small boobs to having a legitimate disease

We have a winner.

>> No.6804362

So, how many of these guys have ever shown any interest in you?

>> No.6804366

I love understanding how things go together easily. My friends can take forever building props from a guide and still not understand exactly what they did, but I just sort of "get" stuff like that.

Also, I love being able to pull off wild hair. I see so many girls with my color and shit skin for it, but I look cute as fuck with bright hair.

>> No.6804373

Quite a few. Most of them I'm not into but it's cool, I just explain I'm not looking. That's how I met my bf from the last con I attended, and he turned out to be a real sweetheart. Glad I do it.

>> No.6804374

That amazing feel when you have a tiny waist, but dem hips, a luscious ass, and 34Ds. Plus an above average face.

It's awesome to have all the things both sides try to use as reason why they're better than the other.

That being said, I'd take being a flat stick over fat with huge tits any day.

>> No.6804391

I always have a nagging feeling in the back of my mind that someone will accuse me of being a gamer girl just because I'm wearing something game related and relatively attractive.

But it turns out that lots of guys approach me and genuinely talk vidyas and other nerd fandoms with me. It makes me feel good that there aren't many of those fabled gamer girl accusers and lots of really nice guys who want to seriously talk to me.

>> No.6804395

I love being the smallest girl. I'm not a tiny azn waifu, but I'm very thin, and short compared to 95% of my friends. I'm 18, and most of my friends are 20+ so I'm almost always the "baby" in the group, and I love it. People spoil and take care of me and it's so nice.

I love being able to fit into cute clothes and fact that they fall on me the same way the fall on the models. And I love having tiny feet and hands, people always comment on that. Sometimes, I meet guys whos palms are bigger than my whole hand.

>> No.6804397

Well good for you.

>> No.6804400

That depends entirely on how big they are and what brand. Binding doesn't always help.

>> No.6804402

I refuse to ask other people for money, so in order for me to start my closet I had to get a good paying job. Now I feel bad that I'm making twice what the older girls are making while having years of college left.

>> No.6804414
File: 25 KB, 374x374, 1318846570363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get linked from /r9k/
>expect rage
>I refuse to ask other people for money, so I [got] a good paying job.

>> No.6804432

Why is everyone here female.

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6804439

Because sewing is (usually) a female hobby, so a board about sewing costumes and crafting them from scratch is going to have a very high female population. Not to mention the Lolita stuff, which is pretty much exclusively female oriented.

>> No.6804441

I think I'm plain, fat, tall, angular, a real 5/10 at best. But other girls seem to be in awe of me, like they stare, compliment me on my clothes and my hair and stuff, and always seem to be surprised at how nice I am.

>> No.6804444

It's a female board you babby
Go back to /r9k/

>> No.6804445

Lol is this a real thread? Someone just linked it to /r9k/, gotta be a troll thread. Top lel

>> No.6804454

This is the raging feminazi board, your kind are not welcome here.

>> No.6804455 [DELETED] 

>Not learning to actually love yourself.
>Not learning to come to peace with things you can't change
>Not trying to change the things you can, but instead making excuses for them.

I like who I am. The most unhealthy thing I've done in my life is place my self-worth in the hands of other people. Fuck that.

If only you knew how *little* time these random people actually spent thinking about you, you'd spend less of your own time worrying about it.

Yeah, yeah, it's cliche and shit... but fuck ,hearing people call themselves ugly is such a purposeless and cruel thing to hear. It breaks my heart because I've been there.

>> No.6804456

Sorry, forgot to remove trip. disregard.

>> No.6804457

If you weren't obviously attention-whoring, you would have just deleted the post.

>> No.6804458

Forgot I could do that.
Polite sage for re-posting.

>Not learning to actually love yourself.
>Not learning to come to peace with things you can't change
>Not trying to change the things you can, but instead making excuses for them.

I like who I am. The most unhealthy thing I've done in my life is place my self-worth in the hands of other people. Fuck that.

If only you knew how *little* time these random people actually spent thinking about you, you'd spend less of your own time worrying about it.

Yeah, yeah, it's cliche and shit... but fuck ,hearing people call themselves ugly is such a purposeless and cruel thing to hear. It breaks my heart because I've been there.

>> No.6804463

That is the response literally every seagull has when they step onto your board for the first time. Until they realize that you're all serious and understandably lose faith in the male gender.

>> No.6804465

I'll admit that was indeed my reaction upon going to /r9k/ for the first time.

>> No.6804466

Link to said thread? I'm curious what misogynistic bullshit they're spouting over there. I need my daily cup of wrath.

>> No.6804468

>Implying all robots are whiny TFW no gf.
There's some decent rowboats that hang around woman damn. I've never even been on this board, I have no idea what's going on

>> No.6804472

Why don't u go in the thread and show them some love? /r9k/ would be such a happier place if they got a little female love from time to time


>> No.6804477


>> No.6804478

Male here. The female seagulls (ie 90% of those on this board) are basically just like you guys on /r9k/ only more vicious, less retarded, significantly more crazy, and they get more pussy. Well, the lolitas do anyway, the lesbians who cosplay are almost never actually into vag.

>> No.6804479

This. I've spent ample time on /r9k/ and many robots actually stand up against the ridiculous amounts of misogyny.

>> No.6804489

I just realized how /r9k/ and /cgl/ are polar opposites and totally tsundere for each other.

>> No.6804498

What I like about me is that I'm a generally nice and outgoing person and am always sharing knowledge. Too bad nobody shares theirs with me.

As for the rest, I hate how I look in every way possible.

>> No.6804500

maybe a few, but each time i've tried it there i could only laugh for so much time until it got depressing and i had to go back to a nicer (or at least smarter) board. and i'm including /b/ in those.

on an unrelated note, this thread makes me happy for some reason

>> No.6804504


most of the whining is deliberate

also, reading r9k has left me losing faith in the female gender more-

but what do I say, I have a cock

>> No.6804505

>more vicious, less retarded, significantly more crazy, and they get more pussy.

basically simply much better than us aight killer?

seriously, it's unreal how easily you're confirming the stereotype of dude in womenshpere.

>> No.6804510


those are the faggot white knoghts.

I am not that misogynist IRL, but i completely cut lose when going there, while also laughing at rowboats. It's fun.

>> No.6804511

/r9k/ has the worst groupthink mentality of all the boards. Its like poison hanging in there, but goddamn I can't help myself sometimes. I feel for my fella robots too, some of them have literally never held hands with a woman.

>> No.6804513
File: 69 KB, 1157x772, 1356926910086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they get more pussy.

You know if this spites r9k just as much, then I'm okay with this generalization.

>> No.6804514

>I'm better than rowboats

I have bad news for you, son...

>> No.6804522

>significantly more crazy
that's not exactly better, it it?
i think that guy nailed it honestly

>> No.6804532

I think the main problem is that you think
>worst groupthink mentality
is a valid argument. You're generalizing them as a board because some individuals say things you don't like (=they're generalizing women based on acts done by individuals).

/cgl/ is no better than /r9k/ intellectually, nor is it morally superior.

Nor can you hold the fact that they never had a girlfriend against them, since you most likely never had to earn one either.

>> No.6804536

Oh no I'm a robot and I had to work my ass off to get laid anytime, I just don't sit around and TFW no gf all day. And their most definitely is a toxic groupthink on that board

>> No.6804538

doesn't matter if your fat/ugly/hot/whatever. The guys at cons are desperate.

If you want to see if your actually good looking, try going somewhere else where the guys are not sex hungry virgins who would check out their own mother if she bent down in front of them.

>> No.6804539
File: 32 KB, 505x359, hk-47[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correction: Only about 40% of the meatbag population of this board is female. The rest has dangling bits between their legs.

Clarification: It is a common misconception because of how much more female dominant this board used to be. Its population changed massively between the year 2012 and 2013.

>> No.6804540

5'11" giantess with a fat ass and no tits here. But damn, I did an amazing job at losing weight and getting in shape. I love my facial structure, I love how cheerful and cute I look when I'm enjoying myself, I love being able to wear all the pretty dresses I buy.

I'm really, really proud of what I've accomplished so far. I'm far from a generic pretty girl and I'm still an oddball, but nowadays I love myself enough that I'm not afraid to be myself in front of others anymore.

>> No.6804543

What stereotype am I confirming exactly? I'm just stating facts.

>> No.6804544

Wait a minute, so dressing up in a costume and then being stared at by people... MEANS YOUR GOOD LOOKING??!?! OMG I REALISE NOW! THERES NO OTHER POSSIBLE REASON WHY I CAUGHT THEIR EYES!!

>> No.6804545

Way to completely miss the point, you world class intellectual. Anyone who's generalizing people, saying that they hate them because they're generalizing him is... well... a moron.

>> No.6804546

i can sort of understand that, but that's just as depressing as the straight forward prevailing stupidity. just in a less annoying but saddest way.

>> No.6804549

Why are you saying OP is nasty when you're saying the same thing as she is?
You both think you're better in different ways. She even admitted it was conceited.

>> No.6804550

Lol calm down brah I'm not arguing with ya. Don't gotta keep trying to prove urself

>> No.6804552

I'd take crazy over illogical any day. I know those two tend to go hand in hand, but not in this case.

This board is definitely still mostly female, bro. Maybe there's more male cosplayers than female, but there's just as many lolitas as cosplayers and those are almost all female.

>> No.6804555

Master rusewoman detected.

>> No.6804558


>WAAAH why can't i get a 9/10 qt3.14, that's a virgin, submissive, and will take care of me???

Meanwhile their pedigree usually includes one of the following:
-Would have sex with as many women as possible if they could get away with it (this is implicit and kept hidden due to the hypocrisy)
-Unwilling to seek help for actual psych issues
-Ugly/fat themselves
-Content to whine rather than alter their appearance
-Angry when people judge them for their appearance ("Women say they don't care about appearance but LOOK AT THESE CHARTS YOU GOTTA BE AN 8/10 GUY"). No woman has ever said appearance doesn't matter. It just doesn't matter as much to girls, usually.
-homophobic, racist, and misogynist usually.
-intellectually dishonest (stubborn in their views despite prevailing evidence to the contrary)

And yet they whine...and whine... and whine.

>> No.6804561

Looks like you're literally trying to turn this board into /girl9k/.

>> No.6804562

Almost forgot:
>demand women conform to gender stereotypes
>"Why do I always have to talk to girls and ask them on dates? Why can't a girl ask ME out for once"

hearty lol.

>> No.6804563

I'm a male robot brahhhh

>> No.6804566


>the pudgy, burger-fluid dripping citizens of /r9k/

>saying brah like Zyzz, God of Aesthetics

shiggy shigghy shiggigy, shiddigy di doooo~

>> No.6804565

No, because I don't hate men.

I hate boys who whine about women being attracted to men and not boys. Day in, day out.

>> No.6804568

smells like asperger in here.

board culture is a thing that exist, and yours is the worst around here imo, sorry. gb2/r9k/ if you can't cope.

>> No.6804571


>implying zyzz ever said "brah"

>> No.6804576

As I said, it's a chick pretending to be a guy.

Nothing worse than a bad troll. The second hand embarrassment that comes with it..

>> No.6804582

>mfw studying for a degree in fashion
>mfw it's a huge industry with opportunity if you claw your way up
>mfw I take my studies and work seriously
>mfw 40 hours of out of class work daily
>mfw lolita

:( I dunno, I don't think I'm screwing around...

>> No.6804583
File: 114 KB, 480x529, 24_zamri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petty things that make ourselves feel better...
Okay, well it's not necessarily cosplay-related but this bitch used to cosplay horribly so here it goes:
>have manipulative, 'fake-nice' ex friend
>used to use me for car rides, take her to my college so she could pretend she goes there to hit on guys, etc.
>high school dropout
>teen mom, baby daddy left her
>always underhandedly putting me down for my looks
>parents hated her, said she was jealous
>used to buy her really expensive holiday and birthday presents
>"Oh anon I left your present at my house..." she'd never get me anything and would hope I'd forget
>never ever did anything back for me as a friend

Cosplay related:
>got really butthurt once when I did a better cosplay for her and got more pictures taken
>always tried to jip me out of gas money to cart her ass everywhere

One day I cut things off completely out of pure sadness and depression that all these years she wasn't a real friend to me.
>doesn't realize I defriended her on FB until days later
>get harrassing FB messages when she finally realizes
>her fucking mom even tries to message me to be friends with the bitch again (probably mad because now she doesn't have anyone to get her Burger King anymore)
>posts a bunch of FB statuses implying I'm being 'immature' because I didn't care to be used
>how guys like her more and how she's more 'likeable' in general
>mfw hate this bitch forever now

Fast forward until recently:
>hooks a guy into dating her
>after five months they decide they're going to get "married"
>she gets herself knocked up again
>the guy freaks out and leaves her
>she mysteriously "miscarries" a week after he's gone
>mfw I'm laughing my ass off when I know I should feel bad for her, but I'm being petty

>> No.6804586

Why don't you just date robots? They're at your level.

>> No.6804585

Though it's true, some people are totally fucked by genetics.

Forever babyfaced, or even fucking balding. Some are >5'7", some have small dicks (lower average, 5x4 to even lower than that. The ihatebeingasian threads mostly have these.)

And some women, respectable, women will totally dismiss these people as human beings sometimes. And lets face it, there is a very low chance that these unlucky bastards will ever get QTGF.

They're screwed by genetics and they absolutely CAN'T change themselves, so what else is there to do besides vent their frustrations on /r9k/?

>> No.6804587

What lol. I'm a male rowboat goddamnit.
>Implying that saying "brag" is now a zyzz reference from now on ishiggydiggy

>> No.6804588

>board culture is a thing that exist,
Yes, it exists in your tiny mind that cannot accept that people are individuals and not stereotypes.
>and yours is the worst around here imo,
I don't have a board. These days I post mostly on /lgbt/. Why do you hate it so much? Are you a homophobe?
>gb2/r9k/ if you can't cope.
I can't exactly go back somewhere where I've never been before, can I.

But other than that, funny troll/10, I really like how you use all small caps to differentiate between this and your other posts, really cute and 90% effective.

>> No.6804590


you are a lickspittle that gets off of bashing (admittedly pathetic) dudes and proclaiming superirity of the vaginabearers here.

>> No.6804592


>woman accusing anyone of being illogical


>> No.6804593

Because (yes I'm talking out my ass here, this is just something I've assumed from what I've seen) it's male nature (shut up, just listen) to want to be "the best", as in the "alpha" as much as I hate that word.

And, they just can't, they're left without a chance at all. They fucked, like Suika just donated her liver to them.

>> No.6804603

Can't we have a /cgl/, /r9k/ hookup thread? Everyone can take time to learn about each other, hang out, sip some drinks...let some robots get it . Didn't even know there was so much hate/discontent between the two boards

>> No.6804604
File: 447 KB, 527x430, (oppression intensifies).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is definitely still
>my opinion is worth more than statistic
picture of you

>> No.6804600

>>mfw 40 hours of out of class work daily
>40 hours of out of class work daily
>40 hours daily
>forty hours daily

>> No.6804601


>> No.6804609


>beautiful strawman

Listen you gay homosexual: it is the exact reverse. they are calling out women for their hypocrisy which prompts you to call out their "hypocrisy" etc....

the fact that you consider the fact that we consider whorishness and ballcutting attitude unattractive speaks volume.

You're a bully and whiteknighting faggot who has the courage to denigrate the dating options of people with asperger's syndrome yet whine when they in turn engage in "slutshaming"

>> No.6804614


second one is a straight up lie.

>> No.6804615

As in, I normally clock about 40 hours a week out of class working on assignments and projects? I want to have a bitching portfolio by the time I'm done and gone.

>> No.6804616

I love being thin and attractive, and I actually really like being tall even if it makes Lolita a little more difficult.

I like that people in my community look up to me because I have a good job, a happy long-term DINK relationship, and a university degree.

I love being a good seamstress and being able to make money on the side with commissions as well as padding my brand wardrobe with beautiful custom pieces and basics. Sewing just makes sense to me. I can see how patterns come together in my head. I'm also better than a lot of the girls I know that are actually going to fashion school and I don't even have formal training.

>> No.6804617

Do you even go to /r9k/? Robots complain about that all the time.

>> No.6804619

link to statistics?

if they're real, those 60% seem like mostly lurkers happy to quietly save pics in the sexy threads

>> No.6804622




>> No.6804623

>DINK relationship

Haha what the fuck what a stupid name.

>> No.6804624

>As in, I normally clock about 40 hours a week out of class working on assignments and projects?

It's really not unique.
Most arts majors have to do this as well. It especially sucks of you're a theater or music major.

>> No.6804626


> a vast majority of /r9k/ aren't normalfags who enjoy laughing at rowboats

>> No.6804629

why would anyone click that link for anything else that morbid curiosity?

>> No.6804630

The vast majority of /r9k/ are just people that wanna chill the fuck out and talk about dumb shit on /r9k/.

All the anti women shit I see on /r9k/ I think of as "shit that may or may not be true but entertaining to read", just like /pol/.

>> No.6804631


they say that women live easy mode in the dating game. they don't expect women to come on to them. there's a difference

>> No.6804633


because it exposes the utter shallowness of your debating tactics

>> No.6804635

Yes, that's why we have "fappable cosplay" 24/7 while the 'male' version is forced (no one actually fapping even) and dead most the time since there's not enough chicks to care.

>> No.6804636

Yes they do. I'll make a thread about it right now if you don't believe me.

>> No.6804638


girls please don't click on that link, it's evil, don't even try reading it, all the words in it are bigotry and wrong

OP please, I beg of you, delete this thread so that no girl will accidentally click on it!

>> No.6804640
File: 1.73 MB, 3560x2012, 623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the history of mankind as a species, an average of 40% of men successfully passed their genes to future generations, compared to an average of 80% for women. Today's human population is descended from twice as many women as men. This is (widely acknowledged) proof that women function as sexual selectors, and that men evolved risk-taking and ambition behaviours to compete for mating rights. Studies:

A lecture on the implications, by an eminent, tenured professor of Psychology:

A documentary which touches on the subject:

More studies on how this psychological difference manifests culturally:
>Is there a gender difference in strength of sex drive?
>Sexual Economics: Sex as a Female Resource for Social Exchange in Heterosexual Interactions
>Cultural Suppression of Female Sexuality
http://www.femininebeauty info/suppression.pdf
>Female polygyny/hypergamy

Esther Vilar's seminal work on the concept that women enjoy a parasitic relationship with men, composed decades before this research (albeit intuited by thinkers as early as Schopenhauer, and supposed by most scientists for generations):
http://www.naturalthinker.net/trl/texts/Vilar,Esther/ManipulatedMan.html The text itself.
http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Esther_Vilar&oldid=442296393<wbr> Synopsis.
http://www.theabsolute.net/misogyny/vilar.html A preview.

>> No.6804641

Hmm, a petty thing that makes me feel better? A lot of the girls in this thread probably aren't actually as good looking as they think they are. Or rather I wouldn't think they're attractive so I consider them to be average (think Jnig tier "good" looks). It's all so subjective anyway.

>> No.6804643

OP, PLEASE, qucikly delete this thread!! We're in dire danger here!

>> No.6804644

Oh, I never meant it was special. I just hate the idea that have an artsy degree means we don't bust our asses off or that we can't get jobs. The industry is huge, there will be something I can do and enjoy.

Either way, I haven't met another lolita in my community that studies fashion design either...

>> No.6804647
File: 826 KB, 1728x2412, 622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6804650

I'm not a woman.

>> No.6804651

i just hope you're not that guy that was complaining about individuals and stereotypes, that would be kind of hypocritical of you.

>> No.6804654

I will say yes, to create more conflict.

>> No.6804659

just take a look on the front page, i agree that the fap threads must be mostly males, but most of the other threads aren't.
just because females are less inclined to fap to cosplay (and there are probably less fappable male cosplays anyway) doesn't mean they're not on every other thread.

and i'm still waiting for those statistics.

>> No.6804660

It's an acronym for "dual income no kids", idiot.

>> No.6804661

One of my oldest convention friends is a cute Asian. She half-asses all of her costumes and still get more attention than every other person in our room combined, which usually consists of 5-7 women and a male or two.

The only thing that keeps me sane around her at cons is the fact that I'm thinner than she is, and that she's notoriously whorish and an insufferable drunk. All of our mutual cosplay friends prefer to hang out with me because she's too busy sucking dick and being the most obnoxious drunk possible. She also starts drinking at 5 pm so she's drunk most of the con. It satisfies me to know that even though every stranger we meet is all over her, the people who actually know us greatly prefer my company to hers.

>> No.6804663

>but most of the other threads aren't.
And they get about 1 post per hour because the male majority can't contribute to a thread about nails and makeup.

>> No.6804665

Why the fuck are people so obsessed with shitting out babbys? There are too many people on the planet, we need to stop fucking it up with more. We're all related in one way or another, if you don't have kids, better. Your fucking genetics aren't special, there will always be interesting and uninteresting people around. 99% of us don't have anything important to pass on.

>> No.6804670

>There are too many people on the planet, we need to stop fucking it up with more.
first world problems

>> No.6804672

>1 post per hour
>front page anyway

still waiting

>> No.6804679

How the fuck did you get "first world problem" out of "planet"?

>> No.6804682

No, it's because there's less to dump. Also, many of those threads are posted by fake lesbians.

>> No.6804685

Or maybe it shows how fucked up is the birth rate in 3rd world shitholes

>> No.6804687

Can someone just delete this fucking thread already

>> No.6804689

No, I will not. This is starting to get fun.

>first world problem
Alright, now the trolling's getting too obvious.

>> No.6804690

No. I still want to know why you won't date robots.

>> No.6804696

Wtf is wrong with you people
are you all in sync with your monthly bloodbath or something?

>> No.6804699


this thread is a fucking disgrace to humanity

>> No.6804709

So, are we shipping ourselves now?
>/r9k/x/cgl/ forevah.

>> No.6804711

The only abusive relationship I was ever in was with a robot.

I can't stand going to that board, honestly. I know some people get a kick out of it, but it makes me want to die. Reading that board makes me realize that no matter what I do or achieve for the rest of my life, men will only see me as a second class citizen who owes them something. There is nothing I can ever do in my lifetime to change that men see women as lower than dogs. I fucking hate it. It makes me feel so hopeless to see that all I really mean to my boyfriend is something to do until he can manage to find a female better looking than me.

>> No.6804723

Because this isn't a problem in good countries, like every single one in South America or most in Africa.

Damn, I wish I was a black person or a Hispanic.

>> No.6804727

Personally, I have nothing against you, because I don't judge people by what group they claim to belong to. But that doesn't mean I like you either.

>> No.6804730

Become a lesbian, we'll accept you and have non-stop orgasms for hours.

>> No.6804731

Fucking whores ITT

>> No.6804737

>tfw never had a boyfriend
>tfw I was one of the few people who wasn't saying shit about you ITT
>tfw I am still a whore now

>> No.6804747

My point exactly. Nothing you do matters. Men will only see you as a broken piece of equipment, and when you don't do exactly what they want they throw a fit and start calling you names and maybe even hit you.

Fuck this gay Earth.

>> No.6804750

No one cares about your feels, anon.

>> No.6804751

Reading this tread makes me jelly as fuck. I'm not fat, but I'm not thin either. I sometimes wish I was fat, because then at least people would notice me and compliment me for dressing well despite of my size or whatever. I'm not very attractive facially either. I'm basically plain and average in every way and nobody ever notices me. It sucks, I'm attractive enough for guys to want to bang me once, but nobody ever wants to pursue a relationship with me. Well, at least I'm not ugly enough to have people comment on it I guess.

>> No.6804757

What the fuck are you on? Overpopulation is a 3rd world problem, most decent countries have a decrease in birth because people are not poor uneducated faggots who'll mate like rabbits because they don't know what the fuck is contraception or family planning.

Or what, do you think every third world country is a jungle or an African tribe where one has to hunt their food therefore overpopulation can't happen because everyone dies at a young age?

>> No.6804759

Are you fat?

>> No.6804762

No, I'm just introverted. I can't expect to meet the guy of my dreams when I'm not outgoing, can I.

>> No.6804767

Have you ever heard of the term 'whiteknight'?
Well it's true. There are tons and tons and TONS of people who look for nothing more than one girl to cling over until the end of times and basically make happy.
I'd say around a 55% of them are ugly, which leaves a 45% to skim through.
The reason, though, of the hatred of said kind of people in the robot, is because they don't see them all that often. They stand out like needles in a haystack, and as such, are often shot down fast.
Real life isn't like that! People still believe in faithfulness and true love and all that. Granted, it's more females than males who believe in it, but i'm sure you'll find your white knight soon enough, seagull.

>> No.6804770

/cgl/ just happens to fulfill /r9k/'s niche
/r9k/ will never rise to the expectations of /cgl/, as such, if there's any 'shipping', it's being pushed only by /r9k/ and not by /cgl/.
Think of it as rape.

>> No.6804771

this: >>6804767

>> No.6804782

The biggest fucking lie I've ever heard is that men don't like a girl who wears makeup. Unless you are a 9 or a 10, they're fucking lying. I know this because every guy I've ever dated told me I should go natural, and so, I would.
Within 2 months every single one of those guys started asking me why I didn't care about my appearance anymore and that I should put some makeup on even though nothing else but the makeup had changed.

You assholes are so full of shit. The only reason you say you don't like makeup is because you want a 9 or 10 who looks fucking amazing no matter what. Well guess what dickhead, there's a fucking 90% chance that your girlfriend isn't hot enough for you to want her to be makeupless all the time. I'm only like a 5 at best so I have to wear makeup everyday. Even at work. First time I went to work without makeup my coworkers asked if I was okay and my boss tried to send me home because I looked sick. Fucking hell.

>> No.6804783

>one girl to cling over until the end of times and basically make happy.
Eww, but that's Beta. I don't see how I could ever be in a relationship with such a creepy guy... it's really creeping me out.

>> No.6804787

unless he's cute.
Which would happen in like 30% of situations.
And, on the other hand, there are guys who feel better protecting their loved one, as in, taking the lead whenever things get rough, but staying beta while there's no need to be alpha

>> No.6804792
File: 82 KB, 704x528, 1362571909924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only abusive relationship I was ever in was with a robot.
You too?
I just got out of mine.
I thought he was a cool dude until I started to realize that he seriously believed all of that misogyny shit on r9k and was into consipracy theories like the US gubment trying to take away guns.

He got even more mentally unstable the further I got into a relationship with him. He would literally send me threads on r9k that were literally "bitches and whores" types and then he'd get annoyed that I would take offense to them.

And another time:
I was just finishing my undergrad and waiting to receive my degree. I wasn't employed at the time and was living at home but I've held jobs for over four years and I was 21.
That punk seriously gave me shit for "not having a job" even though he did nothing but sit in his room and smoke weed everyday, didn't go to work, dropped out of high school, and all because he was an inheritance baby that got everything handed to him. And he thought he was entitled to criticize ME because of some shit that was posted in r9k. He always claimed I was "trying to take his money" even though it all went to weed and I paid for myself 90% of the time.
He'd also get "jealous" when other guys would hit on me. But not because of the threat to our relationship, but because he was jealous that no girls ever hit on him.

The majority of robots are AWFUL.

>> No.6804789

So, /r9k/x/cgl/=otp4lyfe for anyone else?

>> No.6804791

Ewww, no, I want /fa/.

>> No.6804800

Oh and the best was when he went into full autism rage mode over something, delete our relationship from FB, block me, shitpost me to 4chan, post his nudes, and then threaten suicide if I didn't take him back three hours later.

But r9k coddles him for this.

>> No.6804801

Sorry, but I'd rather be with multiple Alpha guys than one 'cute' Beta boy. Please don't get mad at my sexual independence, robot.

>> No.6804803

/fa/ > /r9k/

Too bad /fa/ doesn't want anything to do with /cgl/.

>> No.6804804

I want a cute beta. Fuck them alphas, they always end up treating you like shit and cheating on you.

>> No.6804806

/r9k/ and /fit/ are the only boards that are desperate enough to want /cgl/.

>> No.6804808

Just like we want nothing to do with /r9k/.

Sigh, and here I was thinking the internet was a magical place where none of real life's problems could penetrate.
But no, even here we must be in love with someone who wants nothing to do with us and have someone we want nothing to do with being in love with us.

>> No.6804809

This is such an obvious troll/attempt to make robots mad. I hope they don't take it seriously.

>> No.6804816

Shut up you stupid whores. If someone wanted to cling to me and make me happy forever I would gladly love them forever. You are the reason men hate women. Shit.

>> No.6804817

Agreed. I decided as a teenager to never want children. In a long term relationship. getting married in a few years when my school funds are paid off. I never want children. it's insane to think anyone's genetics are SO special, they must be passed on.

Uh, no.

>> No.6804823

Sorry, but I'm really not trolling, just speaking from experience.

I did use to know this guy, another one whom one day did disappear to go dance with the faeries and the infernal lords. He was a total loser. He was good looking, yes, but he was a total loser otherwise. He had no money. At all. The only reason he was part of my circle of friends was because his family had once been nobility. Extremely broken down nobility by now: The only thing they did keep was the title, and maybe the scutcheon. To this day I am still not sure his scutcheon was the real one instead of one they did just took because it did look impressive. He had gone to the worst schools. He was a total gangster. Bad teen delinquent. If you were to go by his reputation he was the king of banchos. He had, I don't know, maybe two pants, two pair of boots, a jacket, a coat, and a few t-shirts? Something like that, and most of it had HUGE holes and tears. His coat was full of patches and shit. He did never bloody did, uhm, that thingie you do with your hair, when you do use the toothy stuffie to make it look pretty. I just forgot the english word for it. Comb? Maybe that one. All of his friends were gangsters, prostitutes, delinquents, homeless punks, and bleep. And his house did pretty much fall appart: The walls were cracking down, the floors were rotten, it did rain more inside than outside of it.

>> No.6804825

He had lots of scars: In the head, in the neck, in the back, in the hands. He had a pretty awful one in his, uhm, chin is it? The pointy part of the face. He went WEEKS without shaving, and when he did he did feel lazy as fuck and just did cut a bunch here and there with a pair of scissors. His favorite piece of clothing was a fingerless wool glove he did wear even in summer. He did find it once in a park and took it was fate so he did adopt it. He had both ears full of piercings he had done just by getting really drunk and driving the piercing through skin and, uhm, that thingie that's like really softie bone. Etc, etc, etc. He was also a total asshole who did not care about anything because he was high nobility and everyone else was just a commoner deserving of nothing but to serve him, even when he did enjoy to just start walking one night and keep at it until he was tired, a day or two later. Then he would sleep in a park bench somewhere or in a subway station and go back home. Awful piece of work, that guy.

He had a friend. He was not nearly as good looking but he had money. A lot of money, maybe. He had gone to the best schools, he did speak several languages, he had all the cool clothes, he had all the good friends. He was not nobility, no matter how corrupted and decadent, but he had several houses. All of those houses were big and awesome. He was always well groomed. He was kind. He was innocent. He had a great imagination. He did like videogames. He was a really nice and sweet guy. Etc, etc, etc.

>> No.6804829

you must be really unattractive, because neither me nor my girlfriend wear make up to work. fuck that shit, sitting in an office for 9 hours. Im not getting up 30 mins earlier to paint my face. That's sad to be you.

>> No.6804830

For all the arguing and blah blah blah going on in this thread, I fail to see photos of OP and/or other girls who feel the same as OP. get to the photos or refund me my money woman.

>> No.6804833

Which one do you believe I did sleep with as much as possible? Which one do you believe most of my friends did sooner or later sleep with? Which one do you believe never did date less than four girls at a time, and did usually joke his favorite passtime was to steal his best friends' girlfriends and then drop them because he did not even like them, he just wanted to show how much better he was than the rest?

The one who do I still remember enough and care about enough to give an actual non half-assed description of. :P

Why? Because he was a MAN. He was a jerk. He was a loser. He was full of himself. He was violent and was borderline gone into the realms of sociopathy, to the point he had blackouts when he did get into a fight. And if I were to meet back with him today I would totally fall for his stupid speech skill again. He did know how to speak. He did know how to act. Every single one of his gestures was drunk with SECURITY and AWESOME. When he did tell you about how he got his ass kicked that other time you could not help but sigh and be amazed of how someone can be so AWESOME and COOL while getting his butt beaten out of him. All he ever did was to wander around, get drunk, meet the crap of society, and be himself. And he was awesome at it. Even when he was modest he was so FAKE at it you couldn't help but smile and go 'you totally adorable FUCKTARD!' He was, I do not know... Smooth? Sleek? Somethingie like that. It was fun to just go with the flow even when you know he was probably bullshitting you, and then you were all 'Ooops. Why am I both in bed and in love?'

>> No.6804836

>because neither me nor my girlfriend wear make up to work. fuck that shit, sitting in an office for 9 hours.

What does not wearing makeup to a job in an office cubicle have to do with how your bf thinks of you not wearing makeup after a couple of months? Do random guys go up to your office desk and tell you how pretty you are without makeup or something? idgi.

>> No.6804838


I thought you were going to write something like a parody, historical parody, or something similar.

Where the fuck are there still "nobles"?

>> No.6804839

His friend was totally fangirling him. He did study him. He did study his way of talking. He did study his way of moving. He did study his way of gesturing. He did study the way to look around with total 'whatever' and 'meh' no matter what was happening. He did study his way to stand. He did study his way to slouch. He did study EVERYTHING. He did try, his very best, to be THAT GUY. He did even study his way of being a MORON: He did try to act towards his friends as this guy did act towards him, he did try to act towards girls as this guy did act towards girls, etc.

Neither me nor my friends would touch him with a rusty pole.

He did try. Oh, God, he did try so much. Every time he did walk and gesture like this guy did everyone would fall to the ground laughing at him. Every time he did try to copy his speech patterns and mannerism everyone would just LOL. Every time he did try to look around with that devil-may-care badass attitude everyone would just tell him to stop being a clown. Worse yet: Every time he did try to talk to a girl like this other guy did the girl would pretty much spit on him and leave, and every time he did try to talk down a delinquent or punk by talking as the other guy would act he, well... he got the crap beaten out of him without ceremony. And then everyone would tell him 'Gee, see? If THAT GUY had been with you you would not need hospital time, MORON! Let men do the job of men!' And it had no end. Once and again, and again, and again, and again. It was kind of sad, but not sad enough for people to stop laughing at him.

>> No.6804844

Yeah, you're a troll.

>> No.6804841

This is the worst thing I've ever read. You're such a piss poor attempt at a troll I would almost believe that you are serious.

I wish trolls would proofread their shit first.

>> No.6804842

not that girl but jake gyllenhaal is also nobility, fyi
>the more you know

>> No.6804846

I'm sorry you don't like me guys, it's just my opinion on how guys should be.

>> No.6804849

Cool story and all that.

>> No.6804852

Tsundere, tsundere everywhere

>> No.6804853

Thanks! It was really fun times, one of the best I ever had.

>> No.6804855

Seriously? i didnt know this

>> No.6804856


>> No.6804865

lol my girlfriend and me.
We're a couple. And trust me, we're both attractive without make up. it's sad you need make up or else you get called sick looking.

>> No.6804870

That wasn't the same person you're responding to.

And thanks, thank you. I really needed you to tell me that it's sad and reaffirm that I'm ugly. I had no idea, you stupid cunt.

>> No.6804867

yes, random guys still hit on us.
i dont really like that shit though.
Been together for 5 years. Only wear make up for cosplay and special occassions.

>> No.6804877

too bad about his POS acting

>> No.6804880
File: 30 KB, 762x574, 1324822164669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But tits are just blobs of fat anyway

Did you NOT pay attention in sex ed or something? Jesus fucking Christ how ignorant can someone be.

>> No.6804881
File: 50 KB, 311x311, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're a lesbian couple that isn't typically judged by outside male figures on a day-to-day basis, and you think you're credible to deem others ugly without makeup just because you never encounter criticism?

Welp, we are in the petty thread.

>> No.6804883

that doesn't matter, at least he's a cutie:3
Donnie Darko is the best movie ever

>> No.6804884

lol sorry

>> No.6804886

>lol my girlfriend and me.
Unphotoshopped, timestamped pics or gtfo right now.

>> No.6804888

>posts no nudes
>expect us to believe her/his story

>> No.6804891

Not quoted anon, but I kind of fell in love with the crazy guy while you were describing him. He sounds so much like my perfect idealized husbando I'm saving your posts to read a few more times.

>> No.6804892

I said we do encounter criticism. Learn to read.

>> No.6804893

Great movie.
The 'sequel' - not so much.

>> No.6804895

>Preferring a bunch the /fa/ggots over our tsunderes waifus.

>> No.6804896


he didn't say "every single one of them" lel

>> No.6804898

The point is not to compliment yourself for no reason and annoying other people about it. Of course if you do it for no reason or just to flaunt your shit, it's arrogant. But very often even acknowledging you are good looking or skilled at something is considered ~SO RUDE AND ARROGANT~ even when it's relevant.

People are so traumatized by people who want to flaunt their shit and validate themselves that they see any kind of self-compliment as arrogance.

>> No.6804900


daaaaaaaaw *hugs*

seriously though you're kinda whores :P no offense

>> No.6804906


light makeup bitch

>> No.6804908
File: 40 KB, 640x352, no face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I let my 10 year old daughter watch some Game of Thrones because she's really into fantasy stuff like that.

She told me she wants to become a whore when she grows up, because they're the coolest girl characters in the show.


>> No.6804909

Are you a troll? Not every guy thinks this., Only the sad fucks massively brain washed by the media and actually think girls wake up flawless with huge lashes and pink blush on their cheeks. I put on a bit of gloss and brush my hair, but damn, who the fuck cares if i wear make up? i look fine without it and dont need to worry about wasting time and money on it.

If guys dont want to wear make up, neither do i.

>> No.6804912

Are you Frank Snyder?

>> No.6804915

Oh really? Where? What post if you please? Because it doesn't say that in either of the posts I quoted.

>> No.6804922

>Reading that board makes me realize that no matter what I do or achieve for the rest of my life, men will only see me as a second class citizen who owes them something. There is nothing I can ever do in my lifetime to change that men see women as lower than dogs.

Oh god lel

they got that way because of you.

>> No.6804924

How did you know?

>> No.6804930

I have my ways.
I demand a refund for SuckerPunch

>> No.6804936

I wear cover up on my eyes, foundation, blush, and mascara. That's it. It isn't even on heavy, I just have horrifyingly dark circles and gross patchy ginger skin

>> No.6804939

Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.6804941

Welp, time to bail out of this thread.

>> No.6804943

ITT: Decent looking girls who literally can't fathom what it's like to be ugly but are trying to tell you shit and give you advice anyways.

>> No.6804944

>not letting your kids watch fantasy shows
Christian or something?

>> No.6804949

>big boobs
I laugh the laugh of the jackal

>> No.6804954
File: 138 KB, 479x675, 136424952389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I asked my hgih school teachers if they were sick when they didn't wear makeup

I didn't know why, they looked so clammy and sweaty it was gross. Does makeup make your natural skin look terrible or something? I know girls who never wear makeup because they were unpopular all their live, and besides the occasional bump and red pimple their skin is healthy looking.

The solution to this dellema is to only wear makeup on special occasions, or else you look like a cancer patient without it.

>> No.6804955

Men like women who look 'natural', most of them just think they're not wearing makeup, because they equate makeup to really dramatic looks.

Every boyfriend I have ever been with has told me how "great I look without makeup" when I'm wearing natural makeup and they think I'm not wearing any.

>> No.6804960

>not letting my children watch shows with gratuitous sex, incest, and violence

Nah I'd just like to let my kid be a fucking kid. Atheist.

>> No.6804962

no, being around little shithead high school kids all day 5 days a week makes your skin look terrible

>> No.6804965

This. My boyfriend thinks I haven't worn makeup in months. Truth is that he's never seen me without it.

>> No.6804970
File: 48 KB, 180x173, 1343483326908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh Jesus you must be right. Everyone in high school was suck an asshole to figures of authority. Than again i knew this popular girl who had raccoon eyes and without her makeup she looked green and fucked up like she was a zombie or something. I dunno, it must be a trick of the mind or something.

>> No.6804971

wearing heavy foundation every single day. Not washing properly or using daycream/night cream makes your skin shit. Also, it's just not good to wear makeup every single day since youre pretty much suffocating your pores.

>> No.6804975

>Does makeup make your natural skin look terrible or something?

Yes. By comparison. Obviously a naturally not even skin that had it's color evened out by creams and mate'd out by powder, eye bags that had their purple neutralized by yellow concealer and eyes that were made to pop out more from eyeliner are going to look better than their counterpart. So when there is no make-up, you see what real humans (I would say women but that would warrant me way too many jokes) look like: uneven skin that is not perfect, eyebags, etc.

>> No.6804979

She's 10 already, she can handle that. I watched Arnold Schwarzenegger movies when I was 12.

>> No.6804982

i think you need to reevaluate your relationship.

Whats going on with women who constantly wear make up around their bfs ? You;re all going to end up miserable and like that woman from China
happy to be in a long term, communicative relationship

>> No.6804992

We've been dating for years and things are going well. He's just really into the whole feminine thing. It's not like I'm doing it on purpose; I just don't every stay the night with him because of our living situations. If we were sleeping together (in the literal sense) I wouldn't try to get up before him to put on makeup or anything, I've never done that, it just happens that we see each other during the day or evening for a few hours at a time.

>> No.6804999

>Dating for years
>never been seen without makeup

Still wow.

>> No.6805003

red pilling these cunts
good job robot

>> No.6805006

Men only dote on women's appearances, not personality.

>> No.6805011

No, you fucking idiot. He hasn't seen me without it in the last 3 or 4 months. Context.

I didn't wear makeup for a solid year once because I just didn't have the money for it. He's fully aware of what I look like.

>> No.6805015

I want to cosplay, dress lolita, play vidya, watch anime, be /co/, do taxidermy, and collect guns with. Plus lots of adventures, and travelling.
I don't care what sex they are as long as they'll wear a dress.

>> No.6805017

I know this feel too. I too feel like an average lolita and it doesn't help that I'm starting my wardrobe all over again, but I'm thankful that unlike many of the popular lolitas I've met (yes, I've met some of these folks in person), I'd say that I'm a well adjusted person and I'm not diagnosed for any medical problems (physically and/or mentally). I may not have a lot of brand, let alone a versatile lolita wardrobe (yet - besides, my major is a bitch to wear lolita for class), however, I know where my priorities lie. I'm doing what I can to be financially independent and hopefully I can try to make a difference with what I plan to do. I'm glad that the anon I'm replying to is wanting to make a future for herself because sometimes I feel like most lolitas I run into, online or in person, only care about the next meet.

I don't understand why a lot of lolitas I know tend to say that they're studying fashion. Nothing wrong with doing that; I just realized this too.

Appearance wise, I'm very grateful to have long and healthy hair. Wigs are fun, but it's just too expensive and cumbersome for me to deal with. And even though I have a big rib cage, I'm glad that my small boobs allow me to wear brand most of the time.

>> No.6805021

Seriously thinking of going full lesbo. Guys are cool as friends, but then they post stuff like this online.

>> No.6805031

>I've never heard of body dysmorphia
That's okay anon.

>> No.6805038
File: 39 KB, 325x400, bwl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad some lolitas are stupid fuckwits who seriously brag about having a small leisurely job and flaunt relying on their boyfriends, husbands, or families for brand.

No really, enjoy walking on eggshells your entire life because you'd be nothing without your co-dependence on another human being.
It's kawaii.
And anyone that looks down upon your lifestyle is just a jelly uggo that's mad that they actually have to have things like work ethic, "budgeting," and other such nonsense.

>> No.6805056

I may not be thin, busty, or petite, but I know when I work on a costume I'm the biggest nitpicker at details (minus the things I can't change like my race). When I go to cons, I know I'll be better looking than x and y who have the same costumes because I paid attention and got the right details.

>> No.6805062

Of course some people who go into fashion do really well. But if you look at the number of people who study it and the number of people who actually manage to get a good, stable job out of it...
Plus, most lolitas I know who are doing fashion are only making really derivative lolita and other Jfashion designs. They have no range, no new input. I don't think they'll get very far with just re-using the same old design elements that lolita brands were using way back in the 90's.

A lolita doing fashion design is a bit like someone who likes reading getting an English degree. It's nice that they're doing something they like, but unless they're very talented or driven the chance that it will actually get them anywhere in life is pretty slim.

>> No.6805069

Can we be friends? I'm always afraid that the guys I meet are just like the boys in this thread.

And I don't know how to go about asking a another girl out. I always try to act like a gentleman (open doors first, be polite, be protective if there is trouble) to everyone, and my friends have noticed and tell me how awesome it would be if I were a guy. They don't know how happy it would really make me to actually treat someone to a dinner and just be an awesome doting partner. ;__; The 2 guys I've been with in the past didn't really care too much for it.

It's not like the behavior is forced, it really does me me happy to do stupid shit like offering my elbow for my girl friends when we cross the street. I'm still a girl, I still fully enjoy lolita, and I hate being chastised by people for "acting too masculine." What the hell does that even mean? I just want a people to that understand that I love and care, so me doing the above means you're a good friend and if I were to makeout with you it probably means I love you.


I have no idea where this came from.

>> No.6805074

>40 hours daily

I wish I had a device that could stop time so I could get more work done per day.

But, getting real - if I had one of those, I'd probably just use it to steal whatever I wanted, and never work a day in my life again.

>> No.6805079

>I just hate the idea that have an artsy degree means we don't bust our asses off or that we can't get jobs.

This. My costume degree will be minimum 35 hours a week class time plus out of class work, compared to my friend's electrical engineering degree for which he does maximum 12 hours a week and spends the rest of his days getting high.

That being said, if he's successful, he's likely to make way more money than me, but I'm guessing his industry is more competitive (no idea on this) than mine (I'm training to be a maker, not a designer), and it'll be much easier for me to make money by starting my own business. Swings and roundabouts.

> I may be wrong about all this on every count, so do correct me. I know nothing about electrical engineering.

>> No.6805081

>"acting too masculine." What the hell does that even mean?

it means you're in a manner most people perceive unbecoming for a female

>> No.6805082


oh wow

like so many self diagnosed sperglords

>> No.6805083

Holy shit are you me
I don't gave many freckles but I'm 5', tiny except for datass and rack.
I mainly cosplay, I have yet to get into lolita. No idea where to start even tho I've lurked threads and went to all the sites from the sticky.

I have self esteem issues but when I'm feeling good, I feel fucking fine. I like being short and curvy. I get looks everywhere I go. People give me special attention.
Then sometimes I feel like an attention whore.

>> No.6805089


those are broken, socially awkward guys who experience twice as much pain as you do.

>> No.6805097

>electrical engineering degree for which he does maximum 12 hours a week
Uh, wtf? I'm in engineering, and we have 35 contact hours per week (where we are either in lectures, tutorials, and labs. Then we are expected to do 1-2 hours study per hour of lectures on top of that. Then on top of that we have assignments. It's a pretty heavy workload. Engineering has so many practical hours, I don't see how any engineering degree could have 12 hours a week of contact time.

>> No.6805099

Oh no. I have no intention of starting a lolita burando uguu. That would not survive in the western fashion industry unless you knew what you were doing. Even then, going bankrupt and closing down is likely.

I don't think j-fashion is completely out of the western market though. It's just untapped. I think an otome-styled brand or store would be able to flourish because I can't think of a western brand that offers anything close to that aesthetic.

I'm sorry if I was snappy or passive aggressive. I just get a ton of shit from people when they learn I chose to study fashion design instead of something like accounting when I can't put my heart in it.

I think we all wish that. But I think I would just sleep forever.

Sup sis/bro. I don't know much about the costuming department, but I'm specializing in pattern making. You guys are probably ten times more creative than I am though.

>> No.6805109

>Manual walking is the worst. It feels so damn bad.

>I don't know what to do with my arms. Am I swinging my arms enough? My knees feel like they are going to buckle. I have to be careful not to trip over my own feet. Are my strides to long? Too short? Am I going to slow? Maybe I should just run for it. Maybe my shoes are too big or something.

this is what the big bad woman hater boeard really is acout seagulls. how could you hate them

>> No.6805112

Newsflash, though: Guys, definitely nerd guys, aren't that different from girls. Fuckers are gossippy as shit and I'd put good money on half of them talking trash about other girls as a means to flirt with you, doesn't even matter if they're really bitchy and unapproachable or not

>> No.6805117


>> No.6805125

>red piling

I can guarantee, not a single girl would read your misogynistic bullcrap, you loser virgin

>> No.6805133


>it completely rapes away the bullshit platitudes of women getting oppressedzor
>misogynistic, virgin blublublub

You are fucking vermin. go cut yourself some more, you whore.

>> No.6805135

I have the same thing, where if I look at an image of a costume, nine times out of ten I understand how it works and how to replicate it fairly quickly. The other times it just takes me a bit longer and a bit of trial and error sketching.
I just need to up my sewing skills to match this haha!

Something that always makes me happy is that I seem to be able to carry off most colours of wig. I've yet to find a wig that really doesn't suit me colour-wise. This almost applies to clothes as well, but I personally don;t think I suit yellow or orange (other people disagree but they might just be being nice)

Thank you OP for starting this thread. On a board where we spend most of the time slating ourselves and eachother, it's nice to have a moment to look at our stengths!

>> No.6805136

Yet civilizations with matriarchy instead of patriarchy are happier and function as a group better.

It's great you have time to compile all that, I'll just be over her having fun and not living in a basement.

>> No.6805142

I know what you mean. I usually get along really well with nerdy guys but I'm afraid that if I ever get intimate with one of them, they'll turn out to be a bitter asshole online. My paranoia about this has gotten to the point where, if I find out a guy is really into anime or spends large amounts of time online, I'm far more hesitant to share anything personal with him. It's really hypocritical of me because I'm otherwise fine with anime and spend way too much time online myself. But what if he sits around on /a/ all day, telling them what a slut I am? What if he visits really hateful places that poison his mind against me?
This is a big part of the reason that I'm an unkissed virgin. Nerds are the only kind of guys I'm interested in but I can't help but think that they all secretly hate me.

>> No.6805163

>Im not even a virgin

>> No.6805164

You mean like South Korea?

>> No.6805178

you are an eternal virgin, misogyny-chan

>> No.6805183

Well, like I said, I don't know anything about it, but everyone I know who's doing STEM subjects seems to be doing between 10-12 hours a week. Another friend who's doing Aerospace Engineering has a lot of assignments and such, though. Electrical Engineering friend probably should be working instead of getting high, tbh, but the first year doesn't count and you only need 65% to get into the second year, so he's fine.

The least contact hours seems to be in Law, though, starting at six and dropping to zero by the third year.

>> No.6805197

Oh, I don't know about that. I'm a pattern cutter/machinist. Being creative is really not my thing. That's why I didn't follow a fashion pathway. My course doesn't have a design element to it - the theatre design course takes care of that, haha.

>> No.6805203

Hi, it's
I left my email so feel free to drop me a message!

>> No.6805211

I wish I could reassure you and say that there wasn't like a 70% chance of that, but honestly, there really is. I guess I'm getting fucking old, but I've had (great) nerd guy friends and (great) nerd boyfriends and they were complete garbage to women that WEREN'T me. Just catty fucks that were constantly like "but not you!!" Thankfully, no guy I ever dated tried to tear me apart after we broke up, but you can bet the minute I had a minor disagreement with one of those 'friends' it's like they forgot who the fuck I was entirely. Every aspect of me was under fedora tier scrutiny, and they were willing to say ANYTHING either to gnaw at self-esteem or turn mutual friends against me.

This happened over and over again to a ton of chicks I knew, in a ton of different crowds. Knowing some guys long enough, even if they were great to me, I always ended up finding out some seedy, reddity, shit about them.

I wish I could even say maybe it was because I hung out with a lot of different nerd crowds and just always met "that one guy" that embarrasses everyone. This is just years and years of...existing and going to cons.

>> No.6805344


>> No.6805348

Reading this actually got me wet.

>> No.6805387

This is exactly how I feel.
I'm the only one in my local community that went to college (just graduated yay!) and I'm the only one with a well paying job it seems.. Every other girl works at like starbucks part time and spend the rest of their day on tumblr or comm_sales trying to sell their old outfits so they can afford their next one.. It's kinda sad because they can do so much, even if it were to go to a stupid community college or something, they'd still be much better off, but they refuse to put their "hobby" a side for a little bit.

>> No.6805389

Big blue eyes, hourglass body type, nice complexion (no acne scars even though I have sensitive skin and am prone to acne).

Also the fact that I'm already somewhat confident about myself and know better than to tie my self-esteem to my cosplay. I haven't got the greatest confidence, but goddamn, most of the girls I know who try to be "cosplay famous" with groups, fan pages and the like are pandering, miserable or otherwise just really crazy or naive and just act like they're living out Mean Girls. I'm fucking GLAD that I don't feel the need to do that stuff. I've been told multiple times that I could get an easy ride because of my body type if I just did sexy costumes all the time, but I'd rather make my own stuff and only do sexualized stuff when I actually know the character. Guys like me and girls fear me and it works pretty damn well for me, actually.

>> No.6805444

Great! I haven't gotten it yet though.

>> No.6805521
File: 67 KB, 428x371, 1364887007698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are girls even allowed on 4chan?

>> No.6805538

Attention whores with daddy issues who would post their nudes on /b/, /soc/ and similar horrible boards are one of the fundamental pillars of 4chan's success.

>> No.6805560
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Sure you are OP

>> No.6805572
File: 105 KB, 740x740, MadotsukiVomit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men's Rights Activists

>> No.6805598

I can't say anything that would make me feel better about myself. I was abused by my father when I was young. I don't want to get into a relationship with anyone, ever.

>> No.6805610

>thinking all robots are the same
I'm a guy and I certainly don't agree with the misogyny that's posted there, but I assume a lot of it's trolling.

>> No.6805626

I normally dislike my wide hips, but when I do /co/ cosplay, I feel sexy as fuck. I'm working on getting into better shape and can't wait to have the muscle to go with it, mmmmm. Also, I love that I can look good in just about anything. Any wig style, any fashion, any colour, I can pull it off. Feels good.

>> No.6805643

I see them as a lot of guys who also suffer from social anxiety like myself but made one of the dumbest decisions possible on how to deal with it.

instead of trying to work through their problems with therapy they blame women for everything and then sit around in a circlejerk whining about it with other idiots.

the saddest part is that /r9k/ comes off as less deranged than some similar groups

>> No.6805658

Don't associate yourself with a group that is, on the whole, something terrible. It's like when my mother-in-law posted a picture of Obama's face being shot off and then asked me, "not to think of her as a crazy fringe republican" when all the comments said things like, "yah, fuck that nigger up!" Not to quote ben franklin and smallville at the same time but, a man is judged by the quality of his friends.

>> No.6805703

I know the STD thing is skewed bullshit. The female biological system is naturally more absorbant so women are more prone to contracting STDs even WITH condoms. Condoms, more often than not, protect the male and not the female (just they way biology is designed not by any kind of redic prejudice). If a man has sex with a diseased woman or by penetrating another male it is very unlikely that he will contract a disease from that one time, however, a female having sex that one time will be far more likely to contract the disease. Any medical professional can tell you this. That's why these statistics are so radically different.

>> No.6805731

To touch on your data here in the oppression of men. I want you to think objectively and without bias for a moment. The problems you are discussing here are problems born from an old patriarchal system that oppresses both females and males in different ways. Sexism is not the oppression of one gender but a poisonous cycle that oppresses both genders at the same time and different times in history. Women have faced a slew of horrible oppressions at the hands of this flawed system and so have males. It is because of the misogynists and missandrists that this is happening. It has become, in western culture, some kind of sick game of domination between the two extremes. I've always identified as an egalitarian. Males and females are different, but should be valued the same. If both were valued equally for their differences we would not be raising parasitic females and violent males. If we raised these people as humans first and gender later I think it would be much different. However, having seen my own father suffer at the hands of missandrist oppression I can't deny that oppression of males is entirely non-existant, because it really isn't.

>> No.6805742

Have cute BETA BF...luckiest girl in the world. I need to step it up because some other nerd girl is encroching on my turf after she broke up with her BF. Fuck her man, he's mind and I won't go down without a fight.

>> No.6805747

I ship /cgl/ and /x/ so hard. also /cgl/ /fit/

>> No.6805753

>Don't associate yourself with a group that is, on the whole, something terrible.
I have a tendency to do this. I'm somewhat liberal but I go on /pol/ sometimes, even though I don't really buy into any of their conspiracies. Just like I go on /r9k/ a lot without having the same bitterness towards women. I guess the thing is I can't find a group that I fit in with completely, so I've settled for /r9k/ and /pol/ among other boards because even though I disagree with what the hivemind seems to think, at least a lot of them like anime and are socially awkward to an extent, like me. But you're right, I should stop associating myself so closely to those boards. I really do get tired of them and I've been trying to get a job recently so I can stop wasting time on 4chan. I'm hoping I'll meet like-minded individuals at college next year. Oh, and I recently got my driver's license after turning 18, so I might go to a few anime cons and see what they're like.

>> No.6805761
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>he's mind

>> No.6805769

Don't invest in makeup anymore, if your skin is blotchy that means it's sick. Dark circles can always be a genetic pre-disposition towards poor circulation. Get products that improve the circulation in your face and invest in some real quality skin care. My skin blotchyness faded when I bought YSL skin line, it's very expensive but it did win a nobel prize. Also, if that's too much, get Tony Moly's white pack, it doesn't bleach but tones well. Buy a BB cream with a toner in it and keep out of the sun, mousturize every morning and evening until these things become habit. If your skin is still blotchy try wearing a tinted primer (green if you have red skin, yellow for blotchy etc...) and put that on to cancel out the blotchyness and nothing else if you don't like makeup. It takes about two seconds.

>> No.6805775

Fucking, this.

>> No.6805780

my boyfriend and I talk shit on all the girls and have one designated friend we talk to about eachother.... I like it and so does he. But yah, if you're not ready for it that kind of behavior from a guy can be strange, but the two of us are gossipy bitches.

>> No.6805791

Good for you man! There is a healthy dose of four-chan you can get, but try not to mention it too much around new people and what not at college. You can talk about how 4chan is an interesting "study" (college pretentiousness) but don't mention it for a bit. Enjoy going to college, I just graduated and after the first year of adjustment it has been the best experience of my life!

>> No.6805793

shit, meant he is mine...

>> No.6805972


I'm a guy, but I know this sort of paranoia where you constantly think people are talking shit about you behind your back, especially when they use 4chan.

Hell I'm paranoid as fuck right now because the one girl I've been talking to almost nonstop before, has been avoiding the fuck out of me recently, and when we do talk she gives me responses that kill the conversation dead in its tracks or just one word responses.

>> No.6806105

My dark circles are genetic because the veins are literally too close to the skin. I've had dark circles since I was born. I have been told by 3 doctors that risky plastic surgery is the only way to fix them.

>> No.6806239
File: 63 KB, 499x545, IMG71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're all disgusting human beings.

>> No.6806307

>Yet civilizations with matriarchy instead of patriarchy are happier and function as a group better.

Citation needed.

>> No.6806310


>no argument given durr hurr

they have the nerve to not mindlessly suck up to vagina, BARF.

Please go get raped and be dismemberer in some ditch.

>> No.6806331

You will still be ugly though.

>> No.6806354



>> No.6806355


