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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 209 KB, 628x900, 343_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6796689 No.6796689[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would anyone ever cosplay her?

>> No.6796692

The answer is always yes.

>> No.6796694

I saw this image and I thought it was a new pixar movie
Imagine that, a movie based on someone who puts on a costume to escape from reality and becomes what he/she is wearing , uh.
Doesn't have to be a superhero tho, otherwise there would be the whole "we have to save the world!1!" bullcrap.

>> No.6796704

Where's the picture from?

>> No.6796711



> A homage to comic conventions, and a tribute to those brave attendees who cosplay in skimpy outfits!

>> No.6796898

Ugh, look at that natural hair sticking out. Bitch needs to learn how to wig. Cardboard for a prop? With visible tape? *scoff* I bet she bought that costume from Milanoo.


>> No.6796903

>that feel when i thought the same things

>> No.6797847
File: 1.23 MB, 285x212, 1362515915383.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fucking slut
she just wants the attention
look at that shit

>> No.6797869

Other than the fact that it's obviously sarcasm, the comments make me laugh. Also, I hate 3D rendered people.

>> No.6798664

wait a sec, they made an animated movie about JNig?

>> No.6798678

Can't be Jnig. Not butterfaced enough, and I doubt that helm and scythe was made by someone else.

>> No.6798686

Someone will, eventually.

>> No.6798697
File: 15 KB, 350x350, Woman_Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the visible rising erection of the proto-Batman's trousers

>> No.6798700 [DELETED] 

There is no possible way you can claim that you're not inviting harassment and rape by wearing something that sexual.

Men have impulses, most of us can control them, but it's like you actively enjoy teasing us and tempting us to do things to you.

The older I get, the more I want to rape women.

>> No.6798705

Congratulations, you're a psychopath.

>> No.6798721

You seriously need to get that shit sorted out.

>> No.6798733


That is not normal. You are abnormal. You are not like most men.

Please see a doctor.

>> No.6798735

You need to have your balls cut off before someone does it for you sans anesthesia.

>> No.6798738


you see worse on the beach

>> No.6798739

Sweetheart...darling...I have impulses, too, but I don't blame men for my desire to put a fist in their ass, no matter how low they pants be hangin'.

>> No.6798744

How about we all stop feeding the troll now?

>> No.6798747

Trolls need to eat, too. Don't be heartless.

>> No.6798760

You don't know what it's like being a man and seeing stuff like in the OP's pic.

You do it on purpose.

>> No.6798766

You're not a man if you can't control yourself. You're just another mindless animal.

>> No.6798772

Excuse me if I don't feel the slightest bit sorry for you.

>> No.6798773

The beach is expected, it's in context, and it's not fetish-based. Women do not wear leather shorts and purposefully tiny bikinis that slip off to the beach, usually anyway.

Cosplay is more like pornography, or at least, a kind of softcore pornography where the outfits are explicitly sexualized in a way swimsuits aren't.

>> No.6798781

>has a cape
>has moved it to the side so her ass is out
Slut wants the attention.

>> No.6798809

Some men can't control themselves, and this is a fact. Are you not aware that prisons exist?

Different men have different levels of self control. Their taxonomy as homo sapiens doesn't change because they lack self-control.

Or are you saying that all men "should" know themselves and control themselves? Well, so should all woman. So should all people.
All people should know their emotions, impulses and instincts and control and plan for them.
But we don't live in utopia and we never will.

>> No.6798813
File: 252 KB, 698x1000, 343_max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really? THAT gesture is what typed you off that she wants attention?
Why do some people seek attention, anyway?

>> No.6798820


Asspie detected.

>> No.6798826

Something other detected.
How much lower do you want to bring the conversation?

>> No.6798831

It goes lower? Please no.

>> No.6798836

It really doesn't go lower than someone saying that one person is responsible for an entirely different person being unable to control his/herself. I could call you a cuntshit, and it would not go lower.

>> No.6798837

The more you refuse to take responsibility, the more it makes me want to hurt you.

>> No.6798840

Oh, hypocrisy, how I love you.

>> No.6798861 [DELETED] 

And yet, at the same time, white men are responsible for negro/mudslime/whatever brown shit there is crime and aggressiveness.

>> No.6798864

keeeeeel all de white maaaaaaaan
keeeeeeeeeeeeel all de white maaaaaaaaaan
keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel all de white maaaaaaaan

>> No.6798866

Oh, you poor creature. Do you need anything? Blankets, canned goods? It must be so hard living under that bridge.

>> No.6798874

>implying niggers & shitskins are all hobos
Nice racism you got there you SJW cunt.

>> No.6798882

Do you hear that?

That's the sound of my joke being too clever for you to understand.

>> No.6799171


>> No.6799187


>> No.6799279

So based on /cgl/'s reaction to this picture I think we can all agree that this is a too-painfully-accurate depiction of a typical convention.

>> No.6799341

Good afternoon, /cgl/. Let's begin today's lesson.


So, this is your Axiom that you center all of your reasoning from:

>Some men can't control themselves, and this is a fact.

You use this as evidence:

>Are you not aware that prisons exist?

That presumes that the current prison system is without faults and the current incarceration rates are a result of this perfect system.

The United States has the highest incarceration rate in the world. THAT is a fact. Is it because the U.S. happens to churn out more crazy, immoral people? Many that are locked up are non violent offenders, so perhaps it's an issue of tweaking the definitions of who gets locked up, while using rehabilitation to correct lesser offenses.

In any case, you are basing loose reasons to justify bad behavior. It's the same "The universe is chaotic, therefore shit happens" lazy excuse that isn't grounded in anything other than having to compare things to the animal kingdom, which isn't civilized or developed so you cannot compare humankind to other species like apples to oranges.

Just because there are different levels of self control, does not mean that it excuses that behavior in a civilized society. You live in a civilized society. That civilized society provided you with the means to communicate your primal grunt of a thought out into the internet. Despite whatever pretenses you make about primal urges, understand that those urges are aberrations in behavior within a society, and it's the reason why such self-indulgent people are punished. Society is a powerful priming tool, and over the last few hundreds of years, many sociological changes happened and will continue to happen into the future. Utopia might not exist as a finite end point but seeking it will provide results that leaves us better off than before.

>> No.6799349
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 1314658583729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so angry at how poorly constructed her cosplay is.

>> No.6799378

Sometimes it is the case of another person causing something. If someone has well known anger problems, and someone else feels the need to provoke them, well aware this person is quick to anger. Is the blame entirely on the person who got angry?

>> No.6799442

Yelling or punching someone can happen in a split second, when someone momentarily loses control. Rape doesn't happen accidentally. There is no "whoops, I'm so sorry" when it comes to sexual assault.

Even so, if someone is so easily provoked to anger and violence that they're a danger to the people around them, that's a serious issue that should not be ignored.

I don't understand why some men push the poor-mens-we-can't-help-it thing, and why other men don't take issue with this. I've only ever seen women call out this shit argument. It's crazy.

>> No.6799472

Oh, I take issue with it, and believe that stance is utter bullshit. But my point is that if you're around people with no self control, then you really shouldn't be provoking them or put yourself in a situation you could be in danger around them. I'm not defending rapists, and I think they're a poor example of humanity, but people can't pretend that being overly sexual in front of sexually frustrated people is a good idea.

>> No.6799484

People should be careful, but rapists can't get off scot free by saying that the other provoked them and it was just an accident, bawww.

>> No.6799745

>That presumes that the current prison system is without faults and the current incarceration rates are a result of this perfect system.
No, it doesn't. It simply presumes that the circumstances by which you end up in jail are linked to having low self control (committing a crime), which tends to be truth considering over 80% of the prison population in the US suffers from some sort of attachment disorder or some variation of antisocial personality disorder (something that's only present on around 1% of the general population).

That being said, I'm not trying to apologize for shit. If you think that anything we say is going to nullify the reality that there are rapists, regardless of culture, and live your life willfully ignorant of this fact, have at it.

>> No.6799750

>they literally said rapists are a poor example of humanity
>they never said they should get off scot free
Do you understand this?

>> No.6799757

Jnig is beautiful, you jelly-chan. I don't like her, but she has a pretty face, don't even lie.

>> No.6799760

what did he say?

>> No.6799767


>> No.6799773

Sorry, here:
>There is no possible way you can claim that you're not inviting harassment and rape by wearing something that sexual.

>Men have impulses, most of us can control them, but it's like you actively enjoy teasing us and tempting us to do things to you.

>The older I get, the more I want to rape women.

>> No.6799777

Of course they don't. Because these liberal feminists put rape on such a high pedestal that anything other than screaming about how horrible society is is victim blaming. I'm not that anon obviously, but I agree with you. Our culture is not conducive with allowing people to walk around half naked without consequence, and while that would be nice, I just wish people would take precautions and atleast be aware of their surroundings and what could possibly go wrong instead of acting like since it shouldn't happen it won't. But of course, I'm victim blaming obviously. But really the hard truth is that people do put themselves into dangerous situations and expect nothing bad to happen to them. I've said this about tons of other things in tons of other threads. Society is falling hard into a pattern of scandally-clad sex objects because of some of these extremist feminist liberal views and people think they're safe but they're not.

>> No.6799796

Like hell am I reading this whole thread.

Is there a source for this picture? It's very well rendered.

>> No.6799804

Yes there is.
It's somewhere in the thread.

>> No.6799824
File: 39 KB, 419x228, thistook5seconds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not same anon but while Jnig has an adorable face, she's average among her Italian peers.
I wish I had her nose.

>> No.6799830

She really needs to stop that raccoon makeup

>> No.6799854

Right? And the excessive tanning.

Jnig is super fucking gorgeous, and I'm so crazy jealous of her.. But dayum girl. y u so crayola.

>> No.6799859 [DELETED] 

Italian women are ugly and don't shave their underarms.

>> No.6799863

I wouldn't call her gorgeous, partly because of how bad her skin is now, but she can definitely be pretty. But dat tan and make up and dry bleach hair is just awful.

There's that one photo of her with very little make up and she looked good

>> No.6799876 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 306x306, tumblr_mj1pu7qAh21s4g4a0o1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Attempting to judge other women on how attractive they are
>Thinking they even fucking know

Get out.

>> No.6799890


Check your privilege, motherfucker.

>> No.6799910

Fucking this. Italian chicks are the fugliest among Caucasians. It's like they literally cannot exist without a plastic surgery for that disgusting nose.

>> No.6799913

Haha, pretty funny joke anon...

>> No.6799932

A lot of people have different opinions on what scantily clad is. I can go out wearing a tank top and to most people, that's a perfectly reasonable item of clothing. But there are those who have think that's a sexual item of clothing, teasing or inviting. Though admittedly, I only ever ran into this issue when I went to America. On a hot day, wearing a tank top should not have people telling me to "cover up" or "you're being too provocative, the boys will think you're inviting them".
I realise you're probably think of scantily clad as the extreme, an outfit like the OP image, but there are guys who think really mundane, everyday clothing is sexual.

>> No.6799951

There are people who think crossbody purses are too sexual because they fall between the boobs and "draw too much attention to them" so anyone who wears one is slutty. Nevermind that they're the best for thwarting purse snatchers.

>> No.6799962


More importantly is what the rapist thinks is going to be sexual.

Rapists do not look at women as either sexy or not.
From a logical standpoint, they look for targets of opportunity. If that woman is scantily clad or not isn't necessarily going to be the point.
Don't be a target. Certain activities and behaviors will make you more likely to be a target. Traveling alone at night, walking down a sparsely populated street, time of night. Location. Being an area where people are less likely to call the police.

Also consider arming yourself.

>> No.6799974

Bro have you seen the spanish women?

>> No.6799982

Stranger rape is relatively rare. If you really want to cut out risk factors, consider having no male friends, relatives or acquaintances.

>> No.6799989

A lot of things are rare.
However there's such a thing as an unnecessary risk.

>> No.6800001


I agree with you to an extent BUT a con is not a "dangerous situation".

Cons are one of the safest places to go even if you are scantily clad.

>> No.6800003

That ain't gonna help you. Around 45% of rapists are women.
Conclusion: No friends. Spend all your time indoors, on 4chan.

>> No.6800009

I'm already there.

>> No.6800014 [DELETED] 

>Around 45% of rapists are women.
And 100% of guys who get raped by women are sissies.

>> No.6800018

That's not enough risk cutting out! God, with that attitude you're just asking for it! All you have to do to prevent rape is to have no contact whatsoever with any human being (or animal) of either sex, but I guess that's too hard for you lazy sluts

>> No.6800020

100% of women who get raped by guys were asking for it.

>> No.6800027

Clearly they needed to just stay in the uterus, but they'll get raped there too!

>> No.6800047 [DELETED] 

>100% of women who get raped by guys were asking for it.

You mean of the 10% that actually were raped and not the 90% that just made it up?

>> No.6800059

I personally have lived in an underground cave since birth. It's totes easy once you get used to it, so idk why entitled Abovegrounds complain when they get raped

>> No.6800063


>> No.6800080

Enjoy being raped by mole people.

>> No.6800095

I cut out that risk by covering my entire body in a foot thick concrete shell.

>> No.6800111
File: 701 KB, 2480x3507, 1344301497122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you.
That's my fetish.

>> No.6800121


riiiiiight, because half-naked white girls at cons are totally lacking in people patting them on the back and giving them medals just for showing up and having a vag? They're totally not already the most likely to get attention and coddled by everyone else?

>> No.6800132

What's wrong with half naked chocolate?

>> No.6800137
File: 62 KB, 300x524, Toph_Armor_1_3075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6800424

I would. Looks like an interesting design. :)
Nice fabric too!

>> No.6800499

God I hate women!!

>> No.6800540

she is asking for something in the face alright

either cum or acid :DD

>> No.6803029

It really looks like it's been made by Pixar though. Is the creator an ex-animator perhaps?

>> No.6803034
File: 189 KB, 821x1024, LuYTe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the Dreamworks face.

>> No.6803036

Ah, I can never remember which is which.

>> No.6803060
File: 670 KB, 821x810, pixar face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's more accurately called the "CalArts face," because PIXAR USES IT JUST AS OFTEN.

>> No.6803071


Half of them aren;t even making the face?


>> No.6803096

Read the thread.

>> No.6803125

face requires stupid smile and one eyebrow higher than the other, so, yeah, most of them ARE making that face