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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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6796285 No.6796285 [Reply] [Original]

Five weeks until Wellington Armageddon. Who's excited?

>> No.6796295

>mfw the all blacks win the rugby world cup

>> No.6796298

Oh fuck. Haven't even started cutting the mockup for my cosplay, let alone making the actual thing. Thank god it's mostly sewing and no props

>> No.6797734
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>> No.6797735
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>> No.6797738
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>> No.6797741
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>> No.6798599


>> No.6798607
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>> No.6798608
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>> No.6798609

5 weeks? Jesas. Thank god I swapped contest entries and started work on something easier.
Debating whether or not to go all days or just two.
Also is it just me or are so many cosplayers really, really improving recently? Loving it.

>> No.6798612

What's Armageddon like in the North Island? Are the venues generally packed and congested? I've only been to 'geddon down here in Christchurch and there were a decent amount of people, but I'm just curious seeing as i'm planning to go to Auckland in October.

>> No.6798613

Welly is always very cramped but the change of venue should help with that. Auckgeddon is great and very roomy with a lot to do. You'll enjoy it.

>> No.6798614


Is it at the Cake Tin this year?

>> No.6798646

...westpac stadium. Is that the cake tin? I don't know wellington well even though I've lived here for almost a year and a half :I

>> No.6799293

Yup, westpac stadium. Wondering what it'll be like, I've only been there once.

>> No.6799920


Are they going to have the con on the pitch itself, or just inside the clubrooms and what not?

>> No.6801064

I'm assuming they'll have it in all the corporate boxes and such? I'm not too sure though.

>> No.6802622
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> Kitten's comment on Brooke's latest photo on Facebook
> 'it has the shape of delicious'

Fucking gross. He does know he's a thirty something year old man, right?

>> No.6803629

Jesus christ. And that latest comment as well.

I didn't really have much of a problem with Kitten before but he really needs to have some boundaries.

>> No.6803986

I'm looking forward to Icarus and Slinky's Hero suits. Hoping they turn out well.

>> No.6806887


>> No.6806914

Hi Icarus

>> No.6806934

I have to admit, I used to be jealous of Brooke and some of the other young'uns for being so cute. Now they're all getting better at cosplay, but also attracting creepier attention.

>> No.6806941

What do people think of Hide's cosplay comp?

>> No.6806955

Has he even decided what he's doing yet?

I feel bad for him with all the people shitting over his ideas. He's trying to do some good for the cosplay community in NZ/Aus, and it can't be easy to run an internet based cosplay competition that doesn't end up based on popularity.

>> No.6806959


He has noooo idea what he's doing, which is a damn shame.

Who's shitting on them? I know Static called him out on some problems with how he's running it, but she wasn't being super bitchy about it.

>> No.6806968


My biggest problem was his response to criticism. I pointed out that there were no obvious anti-cheating methods in place (which is actually pretty important when you have a cash prize) and rather than acknowledging the fact, or responding like an adult, he got all defensive and basically said that since he didn't have a fool-proof perfect 100% guaranteed anti-cheat mechanism in place, he wasn't going to have any. Yep.

>> No.6806977

It's not their fault for attracting creepers? When I first started cosplaying I got a lot of creepers and I was far from quality and cute.

>> No.6806983

Oh no, I wasn't blaming them, I'm just saying I guess it comes with the territory of growing older or becoming more recognised in the cosplay community.

>> No.6806988

Its a well known thing that Hide promises/says a lot of shit but most of it ends up not happening. I wouldn't be surprised if this was one of them.
Honestly IF it does happen I don't hold a lot of hope for it being a good contest.
Any contest like this held online is bound to end up as a popularity contest.

>> No.6806996

True that makes sense.
Maybe instead of having a cash prize it could be a 'be the profile/cover photo for x amount of time' or something, something that gives exposure to that person?

What else has he promised that doesn't happen?

>> No.6807000

It just seems like it will be another popularity contest that will lead to lots of boring "vote for me" status updates.

Hide doesn't seem to be the most honest person out there either.

>> No.6807021

I haven't ever gotten a dishonest vibe from him...just a really dumb one. He's really enthusiastic, but just doesn't have a clue.

Yeah, that would be a really good way to drum up interest and wouldn't be inappropriate. I still wouldn't enter, but props to anyone who did. It really bugs me that he's taken it upon himself to represent the community when he's actually not a cosplayer, nor does he know anything about it. Also not willing to listen to advice, and that's kind of the dealbreaker, at least for me.

>> No.6807025

Yep. He does not have any concept of boundaries, and his first response to people getting shitty is always to push them further until they get genuinely furious.

>> No.6807036

Hide is a really nice guy. Though agreeing, he probably doesn't know much about running competitions on this scale, and should probably either look into ideas or listen to criticism when give it.

>> No.6807125

I don't think he has quite grasped the notion that development and trial comes BEFORE you release the finished product. You can always improve over time but the whole point of development is to iron out as many kinks as possible.

>> No.6809095


>> No.6809308

Saf learn to take a joke and stop taking everything so personally.

>> No.6809316


Fuck off, and take that bitching back to twitter.

>> No.6809346

SO COSPLAY STUFF in the hopes we won't get deleted, who's everyone looking forward to seeing at Wellygeddon? There's a few people giving the comp a miss and just doing awesome hall stuff - Mischa's commissar looks rad as hell.

>> No.6809347


Anon though it's true, it's like everything is a problem and so bad. That shits all over tumblr.

>> No.6809350

I don't really know what anyone's doing this year for a change! Looking forward to the one's I do know about - Anita & Tash's Hero Suits, and Rachel and Gyusle's Peach & Daisy.

What are other people even going as/entering? I haven't seen many people talking about it this year.

>> No.6809384

Most of it will be in the concourse, it's this massive walkway that runs in a ring inside the stadium (behind / under the stands). I've been to different shows there.

I don't know where they're gonna have panels or a large stage, I'm assuming they have conference areas, because the corporate boxes aren't big.

>> No.6809388

I've always wondered what kiwis lurk and post here. WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE.

>> No.6809389

behind you

>> No.6809401


beside you

>> No.6809403


oh hello friends fancy some onion dip

>> No.6809407

Fuck yes. I love onion dip.

>> No.6809408


Get the Spuds out mate

>> No.6809409

I don't want your ghost chips

>> No.6809410



>> No.6809411

more pictures!
what are people working on currently that aren't for the comp?

>> No.6809416

but telling will de-anon me! nooooooooooooo

I can't wait to touch all your butts at Wellygeddon

>> No.6809425
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Anyone here gonna be making the trip to Auckland in October? I was initially going to come to Wellington but since this will be my first ever cosplay convention, I wanted to spend a fair amount of time getting the costumes right. I posted something the other day here >>6798612 and am really looking forward to it.

Pic related is the two costumes I want to do.

>> No.6810209

Auckgeddon is a pretty big convention, easily bigger than a lot in Oz - averages around 60k attendees I think? LOTS of people make the trip up! :) I'll be going, still thinking about which costumes I want to do. Definitely something Skyrim-y, I've done Aela the Huntress already and I'm considering Vex or one of my dragonborns. Orcish armour man, unffff.

>> No.6810661


Shiiit, sounds intense. I can't bloody wait!

>> No.6811690

I'm excited! Just not entirely sure if I can make all the costumes I want to make due to two exhausting part-time jobs :( I'm intending to enter the comp but I haven't even started it yet! Oh god.

>> No.6811706



>> No.6813159

One month till Wellington...

>> No.6813635
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>> No.6813645
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>> No.6813643
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Oh damn...
My comp costume is almost done. Construction-wise, I want to remake the whole thing but no time. Excuse the Ill fit, my mannequin is too small and only a half one. I should probably go back to coloring in the black checkers on my tie fabric.
Good luck everyone and I'm looking to see you all at the con!

>> No.6813653

Sorry to single you out like this (especially on 4chan, I swear to god I don't want to start a shitstorm) but why do people always just enter a costume that they aren't happy with? I have done it myself, so many times and it's just stupid when you think about it. The point of a competition is to display your best work, right? So how come we're all so dead-set against postponing stuff until it's as good as it could be? It seems to be a real thing in NZ - if someone has to pull out last second it's always such a huge deal, and people are really hugely disappointed, and it sucks :(

>> No.6813662

Oh no! It's okay! This is actually a back up kinda thing because I can't finish what I wanted to enter. There's not too much wrong with it, it's just me being picky. I'm entering for fun but I am planning on fixing a few parts when I have the time.

Sorry I don't have a solid answer for you. I just am really looking forward to wearing it.

>> No.6813667


Do many people do skits at Armageddon these days? (I haven't been to Chchgeddon since 2010). I know a lot of people usually participate in the masquerade because it's a bit less effort.

>> No.6813672


Yay for entering for fun! :) I'm really looking forward to Wellygeddon this year; I'm not entering so hopefully I'll be able to hang out with people and not stress out this time.

What are other people's thoughts on this, btw? Like 90% of us are still finishing our comp pieces the night before/morning of the con, does anyone else ever regret not taking more time to do stuff properly?

>> No.6813674

Some people do, usually groups. I'm doing a humorous one with my bf but there have been many serious ones that have been real good.

>> No.6813676


By "masquerade" do you mean the cosplay parade? People don't seem to be doing as many skits in the comp as in previous years, which is a shame. There are still a few every year though, especially in Auckland.

>> No.6813677

I think quite a few? The judges have really been encouraging it for the past years.

Speaking of which, how's the competition going this year? Is it just Michaela judging now?

I think everyone does.

>> No.6813679


I'm a huge procrastinator, especially last year with school assignments and what not, but I'm hoping I can use my time wisely and not resort to last minute construction. Would be a useful skill to pick up.

>> No.6813681

I try to finish with a week to spare. I could never imagine working on something the night before. It depends on what is going on in people's lives too. I am currently living off a part time job so I have plenty of time, hence why I'm nearly already done

>> No.6813685


I'm considering doing a skit with a few mates up in Auckland, but I get chronic stage fright, so it'll take a bit of encouragement... I still reckon it could be a lot of fun.

>> No.6813734

It's just Michaela now.

Why hasn't Sylvie entered the last few times? Is it because she's now working for a costume store.

>> No.6813748

It bums me out sometimes that people work to the last minute, since it's the only opportunity to see some people all year and they work up until the last minute, are really stressed then exhausted. I don't like seeing the people I care about so stressed in the precious few hours I get to see them in real life but that's the way it is.

>> No.6813752

I thought she had? I know she didn't have any more trim so she couldn't finish the costume she was working on a few months ago, so that was probably it? Pretty sure she's entering comp this year though. At least at Welly.

>> No.6813760

always put it off, always regret it

the nice thing about traveling to cons is you usually have the flight deadline to finish everything or just leave it.

>> No.6813767


I entered that contest for ten years lol, I am kind of over it. I'm also helping M with comp stuff now, so there's an obvious conflict of interest.

Also - The "no professionals" rule is to ensure that people with access to equipment or training that isn't available to everyone else don't have an unfair advantage. I have no formal costuming training, and everything I learned about costuming is from personal experience and reading stuff on the internet. My job has nothing to do with it :)

>> No.6813886

hey everyone tahlee is a babe like if you agree

>> No.6813897

Are those weird marks on her legs just from the lighting?

>> No.6813915

Yes, they're shadows. Kind of obviously.

>> No.6814013
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>> No.6814014

that costume is amazing. I miss Jen

>> No.6814369

I really want to pet one of those little fuckers

>> No.6814382

Kiwibirds are the shit

>> No.6814401

Can they be pets? or no? they look like fun

>> No.6814440

unfortunately no
they're endangered species

>> No.6814458

>endangered species
well you guys needs to fix that i think. save the kiwi.

>> No.6814488

trying to.
but seems like nobody actually gives a fuck on kiwi birds
> nocturnal birds aren't cute is the excuse

>> No.6814507

I don't think the fuckers are horny enough to reproduce at a rate that would bring them out of extinction.

>> No.6815345

lol i don't think anything can reproduce enough to bring it out of extinction

>> No.6815351

I love you guys so much.

>> No.6815417

The costume is amazing but her personality sure isn't.

>> No.6815444

Coming from someone who clearly has no problem bitching about others anonymously I can't say your personality looks so great. Personally Jen has been nothing but kind and friendly to me. Not to mention she's really talented and motivated. Up yours.

>> No.6815553

Lol. Bitter much? Not everyone's obligated to be your friend, especially when you come and bitch other people out on 4chan. Whatever, she's awesome.

>> No.6815608

I don't know her, but why care? Not everyone is going to be friends with each other and people can act however they like. Don't sit around complaining. Go make friends with people with attitudes you like.

>> No.6815646

Getting away from drama - cosplays you think other people would suit? I think Static would make a bitching Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary.

>> No.6815668

Static here! Funny you say that - Lucifer was one of my first cosplays, and my first "dream cosplay" was to do Rosiel with my sister as Alexiel. I was biiiiig into Kaori Yuki back in the day.

ANYWAY I think Mischa would be incredible as Silhouette from Watchmen, and I really really hope she does a Granado Espada dress at some point! I think she's planning one, but not sure.

>> No.6815698

I had a feeling you'd already cosplayed from it, but couldn't quite remember who haha.

I would loooove to do a GE cosplay someday, so many awesome designs.

>> No.6815721

I think Slinky/Tash should cosplay BBC Sherlock. Those cheekbones. Also can't wait to see PI cosplay Yoko, I know it'll be crazy hot

>> No.6815726

I think everyone has suggested that Tash should cosplay that.

I'd love to see PI cosplay a disney princess, maybe Snow White or Cinderella.

>> No.6815731

actually yeah she does have a good face for Disney. Doesn't seem like her cup of tea though.
Anyone else expecting an explosion of hobbit/dwalf cosplays this year?

>> No.6815740

Yes. I should really get around to seeing The Hobbit before Armageddon.

>> No.6815763

I reckon casey would suit taiga. I kind of want to see anita cosplay mulan or a final fantasy character. And PI as yoko holy fuck.

>> No.6815771

Is it just me or have some cosplayers just disappeared off the map like alena and shelby. I remember PI disappearing for while. So glad she came back

>> No.6815808

Shelby still helps run that uni cosplay club afaik? And Alena deleted her twitter, not sure what's going on with her.

>> No.6815840

Both have been busy with their own little cosplay endeavors. Alena deleted her twitter because not enough people were paying attention to her so she uses facebook as a substitute. Shelby, as previous anon above stated, has her little posse.

>> No.6815858

1. Cosplay isn't a priority for most people, if you have a work or school deadline it's going to be put on the back burner
2. By the stage you realise "oh shit I'm running out of time this is a hot mess" you are sick of the project and want it out of the way.
3.Parkinson's law

>> No.6815879

Anyone know what happened between Shelby and that R18 ball organiser?

>> No.6815882

Then why enter in the first place? It's a competition. You don't HAVE to enter, especially if you know you could have done better.

>> No.6815884

Who's actually going to the R18 ball anyway? It seems a little...odd.

>> No.6815885

Something happened between them?

>> No.6815888

I always feel I could have done better

>> No.6815893

it'swaaaaaay easier to get a venue for over 18 functions - people want to sell you drinks.

>> No.6815909

Sorry, I meant more in that she's got all these weird rules around it. Yep, agreed, 18+ venues are easier to organise (and are generally more fun for the grownups) but I keep hearing how she's making it less of a party and more of like, a kids' birthday party, with booze. If that makes sense.

>> No.6815914

Oh god really? She went ahead with that stupid couple card game didn't she?

>> No.6815915

I see what you mean. So many rules about the costumes - way to make it complicated!

>> No.6815934


I think so, yeah. Not sure on the specific game, but that's what I mean. It'd be cool to go to a bar in (bar appropriate) costume and hang out and just chill, but this is just really weird! I don't think it needed to be complicated. I'll be interested to hear how it goes though, maybe everyone will go and it will be awesome, and us naysayers will have to just stay anon. Maybe.

>> No.6815945

"Just a reminder to every one. Our ball has a theme ;)

It is 'Other world' or Parallel world.
So the plan is you dress as your character but change one or two details that YOU think would be different in another world.
If your character is a good guy you can make him evil. If your character is shy...make him a ladies man. If your character uses double scimitars give her a gun blade ;)

For example. Sebastian from Black butler wears all black. You could have his exact outfit but in white.

You get the gist. Have fun with this theme everyone. Go crazy. "


>> No.6815968

Oh hell no.

>> No.6815985
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>> No.6816017
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>> No.6816096

"I am thinking when people walk in the door males get a red card and females a blue one AND ON EACH ONE IS PRINTED ON HALF OF A COUPLE SO SAY IF YOU HAVE MICKEY MOUSE YOU HAVE TO FIND MINNIE MOUSE (oops caps and I am not re-writing that I am too lazy) and the new couple who can stick together for an hour gets a free drink. Just to get more people mingling I want it to be fun! "

>> No.6816106

I think there should be a rule about training tbh, people with it should still be able to compete, but I think it needs to be taken into account

>> No.6816111

With the comp, you mean? I agree - there are a lot of fashion/costume students in both novice and open.

>> No.6816113

I'll probably end up going because my friends are, but I have never been so put off by an event organiser being overenthusiastic before. I think they don't realise that most attendees won't mind just hanging out with their mates in costume.

>> No.6816120


>> No.6816132

Who of those people enters the novice?

>> No.6816139

Pura, for one - and I think victoriancouture? Although possibly not any more, and I'm not sure what Pura was doing when she won in Chch with her Lia dress.

>> No.6816144

She was with Tash so entered open. And since winning that she can't enter novice now anyway.

>> No.6816346

Okay, cool. Point stands though, there should probably be some allowances made for people with relevant training vs those utterly without.

>> No.6816385

I guess that's what the novice/open sections are for? Obviously someone with training could enter novice, but only if they haven't won anything. And it'd be kind of hard to police something like that. I'm happy with the novice for those with no wins/up to 3. It definitely works well and encourages people to enter.

>> No.6816418

I don't think it needs to be a new section or anything, just a question on the entry form, like age.

>> No.6816541

She's wearing a corset, big woop. Sick of hearing about her in cgl threads tbh

>> No.6816550
File: 44 KB, 500x281, Brienne-of-Tarth-house-baratheon-30574364-500-281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sylvie would make an epic Brienne of Tarth from Game of Thrones.

>> No.6816562
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>> No.6816588

it's just a wip photo calm down

I second this!

>> No.6816612

I wish I had photos to contribute to this thread but no one seems to have done any shoots lately. Looking forward to seeing all the photos after Hammy/Wellygeddon!

>> No.6816640

she's no part of House Baratheon, she's a filthy traitor and they shall have her head

>> No.6816645

Are you talking about me (Sylvie), or Brienne? :9

>> No.6816661


those who cosplay traitors shall also be executed

>> No.6816670

o hai thar joffrey

>> No.6816686

I thought it was Stannis.

Everyone who looks even remotely like Brienne should cosplay her, she's the best.

>> No.6816698

Brienne is mah homegirl! If Sylvie did this I WOULD WORSHIP HER FOREVER.

>> No.6817854

If Sylvie did this I would trail after her with a fake hand worn around my neck. Then we'd get in a bath together and I'd cry.


>> No.6817865


>> No.6817866

Wish I was going to welly.
I haven't really done much, cosplay related anything really
I'm so lazy wah

>> No.6817890

"Sad News – Unfortunately due to last minute filming commitments both David Giuntoli and Eric Roberts will no longer be able to attend the upcoming Hamilton/Wellington events.
We are working on replacement guests and hope to make at least one (ideally two) very cool announcements Tuesday afternoon (tomorrow).
We know this is a blow to Grimm fans in particular, but beyond our control.
We will update the event schedules online tomorrow afternoon as well."

Anyone actually bothered?

>> No.6817900

Oh shit, cosplay, right. Will probably just get a simple costume finished so I have at least one to wear to Welly; I'm more focussed on Aucks this year and to be honest was more going to Welly for the celebrity guests.

>> No.6817901

I actually really wanted to see Eric Roberts :(
Although I have to wonder what he is filming ahaha

>> No.6817904

I'm really sad about David Giuntoli not going anymore, I was excited! I'll wait to see what other guests are being announced to decide whether I try to sell my Hammy cocktail party ticket.

>> No.6817938


What are you making for Auckland?

>> No.6817959

My Aika Online character (three guesses as to who I am). HOPEFULLY IT WILL BE COOL, I'm excited to make it.

>> No.6817966
File: 441 KB, 1280x1024, Aika_Online_05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This game looks interesting.

>> No.6817972

Yep that's totally the outfit I'm doing, got to get it started soon if I want to finish in time for the comp.

>> No.6817987



Nah, bruu~ I reckon it'll come out good, whatever the costume looks like. Just saw some other screenshots and they are seriously impressive outfits.

>> No.6818184

Not cosplay related but dat weather. My bf had to wade to work through thigh-high water. Good excuse to stay inside and make cosplay!

>> No.6818191


Pretty bad down here in Christchurch. You around that area?

>> No.6818206

One of our mall carparks got pretty much flooded. We drove around 3 times just to go through the puddle.
We are such children >_>

>> No.6818306

Oh yeah also Rachel hadn't actually started her sewing course when she made Lia - she made it between the two.

>> No.6818435

Nah wellington. I hope you're okay though.

>> No.6818557

Holy shit, I had to wade through a mini stream at the freaking train station to get home from uni today.

>> No.6818562

No no, just a little central Auckland mall, i think the drains were blocked and about half the car park was out of commission.

>> No.6818803

God damn Tatsuhime

>what is google.

So sick of newbs expecting to be spoon instructions on how to make something without even trying to find out themselves first.

>> No.6818806

Friggin' everyone in the fb group is like this, it's infuriating.

>> No.6818811

Sounds like parts of Wellington

>> No.6818879

Pamela aggravates me to no end In the fb cnz group.

>> No.6818885

Her face is so unfortunate.

>> No.6818928

is it just me or are most or the newbies really fucking annoying?

>> No.6819008


What a lot of intolerance and hate. I bet you guys were pretty annoying and asked dumb questions when you started, too.

The not using Google is understandably infuriating, but they will learn (hopefully).

>> No.6819012 [DELETED] 

Ibget where they're coming from, it takes a tiny bit of effort to find the answers to questions like theirs and spoonfedding them is not going to help them in the wrong run cause they'll just come back and ask more stupid questions.
There are so many cosplay resources on the net and most of them are so easy to find it's not even funny.

>> No.6819018

I get where they're coming from and it's annoyance, not hate or intolerance. Why should people tolerate stupidity anyway?
It takes a tiny bit of effort to find the answers to questions like theirs and spoonfeeding them is not going to help them in the wrong run cause they'll just come back and ask more stupid questions.
There are so many cosplay resources on the net and most of them are so easy to find it's not even funny.

>> No.6819068


Yeah, but 'her face is unfortunate' etc? Mean and going too far. I would've thought NZ was better than that.

>> No.6819086

Didn't realise you'd linked that post, that was out of line, yeah.

>> No.6819110


There's even a fucking tutorial thread linking a shit ton of things, it's not even that hard to just google the vague thing you're looking for.

Perhaps it's my intolerance to kids but even some of the older people joining are annoying me.

>> No.6819594

>I bet you guys were pretty annoying and asked dumb questions when you started, too.

Not really no. People at least tried to find the answers out themselves before asking for help.

>> No.6819715

Hell, I STILL ask (What I see) Dumb and annoying questions xD

>> No.6819728

Actually, no. Largely because the resources that are available now just didn't exist. And to echo what >>6819018 said, they are not asking questions that need a real person to answer. It takes ten seconds to google most of this shit. The older noobs aren't any better, I think the whole lazy not-wanting-to-do-your-own-research<wbr> thing is rubbing off.

>> No.6819748

Part of research is asking questions too though
I ask other cosplayers what material they think is best, or what they used for a particular costume, etc

>> No.6819753

Yeah I said she aggravates me, I think the face comment was over the line.

I was more annoying than most when I started so I try not to judge.

More cosplay photos? What's everyone working on? I know this was asked before but I love progress pics.

>> No.6819793

Excellent! Questions are awesome. But, asking for recommendations or the pros and cons of different materials is not the same thing is "how do i wig" or "where buy foam". Some questions are definitely best asked of a human being and not a search algorithm, but not all; that's what's so frustrating. I personally don't bother looking at the group much any more, and others probably do the same, so people with actual questions that are relevant and require more info get missed. I know I don't bother asking that group anything.

>> No.6819825


I don't see why 'where buy foam' is a bad question, NZ has a lot of niche suppliers for various items that aren't Googleable, or that people know about. But that's nitpicking and I still don't agree generally, although thank you all for being civil.

>> No.6819865

Agreed, some things are hard to find. Foam is not one of them. The first thing I did when I saw that question was to google it, to prove a point, and the first four hits were all NZ-based suppliers with a good web catalogue.

For someone who is restricted to brick and mortar suppliers, yup, asking a group of people who may know local places is logical. But if you're not, with the entire interbutts at your fingertips there's really no excuse for not taking ten seconds to check first. At the very least, you won't have to wait until someone answers; you'll know straight away.

On the "where buy foam" note, the person who asked that question did eventually elaborate - they wanted the differences between different brands/types etc, and that's something that you kind of do need to ask people about to get their personal input. But that's not what they asked straight away, so how would people know to give that information in their responses? That's another thing - being clear in what you need to know is a big help, and also posting a picture if you have a character-specific query. This is all basic, logical, practical stuff - I seriously don't understand how people don't get it. Maybe they are assuming everyone is a mind reader.

>> No.6819873

Also, of course we're being civil. Most of us are frustrated with not being able to help, this is an awesome hobby and more people should do it and be excited about it. They just shouldn't expect people to do all their work for them. It's insulting, and very hard to give someone the benefit of the doubt in regards to not being horrible when they're doing their best to avoid doing any work.

>> No.6819907

Basically, if you're getting into cosplay (or anything new, really), there's definitely a grace period for asking dumb questions. Everyone does it. However, you are expected to figure out (usually through people telling you, very nicely) that there is a wealth of information out there for you to go and find and learn about, and then STOP asking stupid questions, and start asking other questions. Don't stop asking. Just don't expect people to hold your hand forever.

>> No.6820095
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>> No.6820098
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>> No.6820100
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Less bitching, more cuties.

>> No.6820306


I dont exactly frequent 4chan, so Im responding to this rather late, but you know what?
You are all right. I agree with you. I know I piss you all off.
I dont mean to, and half the time Im not even aware Im doing it.

I am sorry.
honestly, I dont know what to do about it. So I guess I have a problem. If I knew what it was I probably would at least try and stop doing it.

I dont know if anyone actually cares any more as I have probably burned down most of my bridges here, and I am not one to believe in redemption, but I will say simply that I am asking for help. What am I doing wrong, what must I change?
I want for what it is worth to try and improve myself.

>> No.6820560

for starters, stop reacting to people getting mad by pushing their buttons. It's immature, and really irritating. listen when people tell you to stop, and don't assume people are always joking.

>> No.6820985

Fucking seconded.

>> No.6821176

Dont swear, its rude. Especially when someone is actually asking for your help for a change rather than just ranting as he usually does (rich coming from me, I am well aware of the irony).

I will try and apply your advice.

Well come on then, there has got to be more if that was just for starters. Hit me with the whole damn lot, and if 10% actually sinks in to my thick skull, we can probably say that you were successful in teaching an idiot to at least try and behave like a normal human being.


>> No.6821307

Even the way you reply is irritating. How about just leaving the community and not getting on our nerves?

>> No.6821310

You rude bitch.

I personally like kitten. Yes he says stupid shit, but in the end he is still a good person and much less annoying than some people. But telling him to fuck off makes you a much worse person.

>> No.6821316

it's not our problem to teach you how to act. and who cares about swearing esp on the internet

>> No.6821320

The condescension and fake self awareness in this post burns

>> No.6821322

Just don't be a creep? Surely its not that difficult to figure out what is inappropriate behaviour.

Are you even reading this conversation?

>for starters, stop reacting to people getting mad by pushing their buttons.
>Fucking seconded.
>Dont swear, its rude.

The 'how do wig' question is the most irritating question. Its also frustrating when they ask where do find wig, people help by finding wigs suitable for them, and then they ignore what everyone said to go with something cheaper? That isn't accurate/won't work at all? If you're going to ask for help at least fucking listen when you're given it.

>> No.6821345


i don't care about how kitten acts but you sound like a hypocritical cunt.

>> No.6821359

So its wrong for people to want Kitten to leave but everyone agrees on wanting Highlander to leave?

You two are sounding like the hypocritical ones.

>> No.6821380
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>> No.6821385
File: 33 KB, 576x452, 1339225194163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are unfailingly creepy when it comes to the young women in our community. You've been called out on that multiple times, and on other things here on /cgl/ and on Facebook (when it comes to the racism hodown last year), so you know exactly what it is you're doing wrong. People have told you plenty of times.

If you actually want to change then do so, don't act like you don't know what the problem is when people have straight up told you plenty of times.

If you actually want to come across like a non-creeper, then great. But just do it. You're the only one here that can change your persona, you know what you gotta do, so do it.

Protip: not calling young girls 'delicious' is a good place to start. You're the adult in this situation, even if you might think they're flirting with you or whatever, it's up to you to not go any further. Minors are minors, dude.

I'm also seconding the not pushing people further when they're offended or upset thing. If you genuinely don't want to upset or offend people, I just seriously can't understand why you'd do it.

>> No.6821386
File: 323 KB, 1078x1860, sintel_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planning to do Sintel for Auckgeddon, since I can't make it to Welly.

>> No.6821388

I don't mind either of them because they're both hilarious. Our country is boring when it comes to drama so a couple of ephebophilic old men being asshats is something I don't mind.

>> No.6821389
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There is something about the bitching in this thread I'm enjoying immensly.

>> No.6821391

Wow! That'll be awesome!

>> No.6821395

If I can pull it off that is, haha

>> No.6821403

Is this Fleyer??

>> No.6821402

Um, he was pretty fucking condescending in his post as well.

Good on you for liking Kitten, he needs someone to stick up for him if this is how he tries to defend himself.

>> No.6821407


Yeah, was gonna say, that looks pretty epic!

>> No.6821408


>> No.6821413

We could always just start talking about Kyle again, that was fun.

>> No.6821415

Seriously, Im simply trying not to antagonize you further but rather ask what is wrong so that I can try and fix it.

I mean lets face it, Im pretty socially incompetent. I know it, you know it.

Yes, I know there are some people who dont like me, yes, I expected rude replies, I know I annoy a lot of people, fantastic, you have told me nothing new.

I would like to fix those aspects of myself. Is this so wrong?
You people who sit on your high morale horse beating on people you dont agree with, yet the minute one of them comes along and says "ok, help me be better then" you tear him to shreds?

>> No.6821416

I love talking about Kyle. Apparently he's having issues with his Ironman suit. It makes me so happy.

>> No.6821421
File: 349 KB, 500x278, tumblr_mfugp0fe6P1r2iz18o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't me cause I am going to Wellygeddon!
Hello you :B

So because I don't have anything to contribute with have this gif

>> No.6821423

oh hai there

>> No.6821426

Do you even read? >>6821385 said exactly what you do that people don't like.

>> No.6821428

He apparently isn't entering in Wellington either.

>> No.6821431

oh he's selling his Loki off to someone overseas. Shit I hope he's washed it cause fuck pleather smells bad fast.

>> No.6821430

I kinda feel bad for Kitten sometimes. Wasn't all that long ago that I was where he was. And I do reckon that the only reason I changed was because I had the support of people who could see I was being a dickhead, even when I couldn't.

Basically, I was tolerated long enough to change. I had a certain amount of contrition in me, a willingness to change, so my bullshit was tolerated, and now I'm much better.

I haven't spoken to Kitten in quite some time, and maybe now he has that level of contrition. I don't know. But when I cut ties with him, he hadn't. He was unapologetic. And he had more than enough time.

Life is full of second chances, mate. Sometimes though, you need to look somewhere new to find them.

>> No.6821436

As you've been told, to put it simply, a lot of girls here, who are mostly underage, feel uncomfortable/creeped out by some of the things you say or post to/about them.

How can you fix it? Try to talk to them as you would talk to a colleague at work - that means nothing that could be construed as inappropriate. If you feel the need to compliment a girl, instead of commenting on her body shape in a way that could be construed as lascivious, try saying something nice about the construction of the outfit, or another detail like the accuracy of a wig or prop.

Basically just act towards (especially) minors as though you're in a work/professional environment. You are not their close personal friend and communicating with them as if you have that level of intimacy, leads you to be viewed negatively by both the recipient of your attention and others around them who are aware of your comments/attitude - especially given your gender and age in comparison to most of the girls.

I don't mean to offend you by pointing this out, and I hope this post helps you to understand why you've gotten some negativity aimed toward you.

>> No.6821432

I thought his Loki costume was pretty good. But jfc his personality could sure use some work.

>> No.6821435


sorry, that happened while I was typing.
But ok, if that is what it takes I will try and do so.

>> No.6821445

It has been a few years, I have had time to think, and I do realize my mistakes now.

I am prepared to look elsewhere for my second chances. I dont think I would want them here anyway as things stand.
There are people in the community who I am still fond of, and would like to keep in touch with if they still want to, but basically I am prepared to move on.

>> No.6821447

The thing that annoys me most is that he's willing to cosplay characters he doesn't like cause they're popular and not characters that he feels "I hate you so much and want to punch you in the face but I love your characterisation, you're a brilliant bastard" about but characters that he literally does. not. like.

>> No.6821448

Kyle is my favourite lolcow

>> No.6821450

Hey a single line from somebody that you don't know the identity of is hardly a fair measure of their overall personality. Even if one doesn't like what was said it would be prudent to avoid being presumptuous.

>> No.6821453

No, I understand. I didnt a few years ago. Thank you.

>> No.6821457

I wish I could buy you a beer, you put that beautifully.
I have a lot of respect for people who mess up, but learn from their mistakes.

>> No.6821459

This can be applied to Kyle, and even Kitten

>> No.6821469

Except that its not a single line for those two.

>> No.6821481

aw woulda look at that, i'm finally one of the big kids c':

>> No.6821482

If this is Alex, no u are not get off 4chan you are not 18

>> No.6821485

oh this is okay then!

>> No.6821484

friend no i'm way cooler than alex

>> No.6821486

What do you mean by this?

>> No.6821487


>> No.6821488

Well, there is nothing more I can really say except thanks, and I am sorry.

I shall step out now.

>> No.6821493

How about no.

>> No.6821492


Tatsuhime's latest post. Um.

>> No.6821494

WHY doesn't she read anything

>> No.6821495


>> No.6821497

Man, if there is one person I DON'T like, it's her.
With this R18 event of hers, she's going to bring a bad name to cosplayers, because I can see it getting REALLY out of hand.

>> No.6821496

you love him and want to have his Loki-babies

>> No.6821499

yes friend

>> No.6821501


>> No.6821503

No more bitching about anyone!

>> No.6821504

She's just such a...weeb

>> No.6821505


>> No.6821506


>> No.6821507


>> No.6821509


>> No.6821510

not even that, I think she just tries too hard and needs to calm down a wee bit

>> No.6821508

Nah, I just personally never had a problem with him.

>> No.6821511

smells good

>> No.6821512
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>> No.6821514

this is now a saf thread

>> No.6821513

I'm watching you two

>> No.6821515

which two

i didn't mean for this i'm sorry

>> No.6821517

actually that would make it a nose thread. I vote we start posting everyones noses.

>> No.6821518

Not actually going to Wellygeddon (Next year, hopefully), but looking forward to seeing all your costumes!

Small thing that continues to irk me with some kiwi cosplayers: Make up. Seriously. You don't need to get hardcore or anything. But some mascara, blush, and lip balm will preform MIRACLES. Well, maybe not miracles. But it stops you from looking totally flat in your photos.

(Yeah I just totally gave away who I was)

>> No.6821520

no need to apologize, not your fault. I am Death, derailer of threads

>> No.6821522


>> No.6821523

it's okay i wasn't actually sorry :P

but seriously i am super duper excited for both of the geddons! i love yall & can't wait to see your beautiful faces (& noses) in awesome cosplay

>> No.6821525

even while I sleep?...

>> No.6821528
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i'm in for nose thread

>> No.6821529
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I didn't think I was going to Welly this year, hooray for $9 flights right

>> No.6821530

*stands outside window*

>> No.6821526

I must be clueless because i dunnoooo

>> No.6821532

Either this or too much make-up.

>> No.6821535

Well that's what happens when you try and make something out of foam, and then expect it to look like in da mooveez. He has no brain :)

>> No.6821536
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>> No.6821538


You flying bloody Jetstar or something?

>> No.6821540

oh god i chuckled

>> No.6821537

Is he even slightly aware of how much he is disliked?

>> No.6821541

This. Small PSA for everyone: Eyeliner always looks more flattering on the outer lashline corners of your eyes. If you put it just on your lower waterline, you're just making your eye look smaller. Remember, eyeliner is a visual trick to give you "thicker" eyelashes. Also, youtube is your make-up friend. Learn to use it.

>> No.6821542

And now, for something completely different.

I lack both motivation and skill to create cosplays. I enjoy cosplaying, and the community, but the construction brings me no joy. Is there any stigma in getting costumes commissioned? I have done so before, and likely will do so again regardless, but the community assumption is always that the costume was made one's self (which is statistically likely I think) but I don't know if there is any negative feelings toward commissions hidden behind that assumption.


>> No.6821549

Me no like using makeup

>> No.6821550

No stigma, just don't pretend you made it yourself.
Kitten pls go and stay go.

>> No.6821543

Even if he was I doubt he'd care, he seems like the kind of person who thinks any publicity is good publicity.

>> No.6821544

It wasn't bad, but it wasn't as amazing as he and all his fangirls made it out to be. Certainly not enough to warrant the ego.

he is so deserving of that title it is just amazing

um, no - both of them have proven repeatedly and at great length that they are dickheads. Kyle particularly is a mysoginistic shitstain.

omg who is this tatsuhime person what have I missed?

>> No.6821545
File: 15 KB, 196x236, wrgq34ty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets do dis

>> No.6821546

Air NZ had $9 grab a seat flights, they went flying out the door pretty quickly ;)

>> No.6821552

nope, scored ridiculous cheap night rider fares on air NZ, it was a special deal. They sold out in less than half a day, I got lucky.

>> No.6821555

As long as you give credit where it's due no one really cares otherwise. As soon as you say you made it await the shit storms.

Slightly back on topic who are we all keen to see who cosplay at Wellygeddon?

>> No.6821553

No stigma at all :) Go for it! The only people who will care are snobby dicks (I don't actually know of anyone who would be shitty about it) and the only thing that upsets people is if you try and pass it off as your own work.

>> No.6821554

nah, a lot of us buy costumes from taobao! ain't nothing but a thing, the main fun, in my opinion, is wearing the costume! if you can't spare the cash or time, there's nothing wrong with commissioning c:

>> No.6821557

Nope. I've commissioned things and honestly, I'm happy I did. I don't have the ability to sew to the level I'd want, and I'm happy to be paying a deserving person.

>> No.6821558

super excited to see tails' aerith! i think she's gonna be hecka cute

>> No.6821560

Is anyone keen for Hamilton at all? For those of us not able to make welly?

>> No.6821563

Do it, it's worth it for the quality of your costume. Having no make-up greatly brings down the over all appearance of what you're wearing and is something that takes little effort to do compared to most costume elements.
Even characters from rougher settings like ASoIaF or LoTR/Hobbit can use a bit of subtle make-up. Characters from games and other 2d media go without saying.

>> No.6821561

Yeah, nah, wouldn't be making that mistake. :) cheers.

>> No.6821566


>> No.6821564

Guessing who is who on here has to be my favourite game.

>> No.6821570

I'm very keen for it, had to cancel Welly so it's my only geddon until Auckland. I really need to get onto finishing my costumes though.

>> No.6821567

i'm really excited for hammy! i really enjoyed it last year, and i think having more people will make it even better. the venue is really nice, imo

>> No.6821568


>> No.6821572

Yeah i enjoyed it last year too! And this year I will cosplay to it haha

>> No.6821574

same here, haha. p excited! cosplaying always makes a con that much better for me

>> No.6821576
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I'm pretty sure I don't even try to hide, my gifs are a total give away.

>> No.6821581
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:D :D :D

>> No.6821591
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Boys take note of this also.

Powder those faces, you little shits, unless you want to look double extra greasy when people use flash. Also concealer around the eyes (does any one not have dark circles on con day?) and on blemishes. That's your basic stuff. The rest is all gravy.

It will make you look and feel so much better once you see the photos, I promise you.

>> No.6821592

Oh god
>you little shits

>> No.6821594
File: 7 KB, 250x250, costanza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>losing at at little shits

>> No.6821602

I have never heard males being referred to as little shits

>> No.6821605

Not every one's a hardened 4chan user like you, Costanza-chan, with your reaction images and your two year old meme

> using reaction images on a kiwi thread
> if you're not me who are you oh god I don't understand
> I think we should be together

>> No.6821606

You have clearly not spent enough time around us

>> No.6821611

Or with me like wow I call everyone a little shit at some point in their life.

>> No.6821612


Fyrinnae does some great finishing powders at dirt cheap prices and they're incredibly effective.

ALSO. Please, do not contour with bronzer (boo hiss thin lizzy) if you're not wanted to look sunkissed/tanned/etc. Bronzer has light reflecting pigments in it, which ruin the whole contour (Contouring is about making shadows, not tan reflective streaks on your face)

>> No.6821614

Who are you quoting?

>> No.6821617

>implying greentext is always used for quoting

>> No.6821618

Hey look, I can go on here with my phone! Complete shit Wellington weather has killed my internet.

People mentioning if I'm in open or novice - when I entered miyoubi at auckgeddon I couldn't change to novice because I'd won best group with that magnacarta group at welly. And yeah, I made lia before I started my sewing course, so .I somehow worked out how to sew well.between miyoubi and lia, but I think that was through making mistakes, now that I look back, miyoubi was so bad.

I actually havent sewn much since lia, only Mrs toad last year. I don't have much time. 8:30am to 4:30pm course five days a week, working all Friday afternoon and on saturdays. Gyusle and I started peach and daisy in Jan or Feb and now geddon is four weeks away and we still have heaps to do, haha

>> No.6821627

>do not contour with bronzer

fucking thank you! I use a cool grayish brown eyeshadow because shadows (and the fake shadows you create with contouring) are gray, not bronze. even matte bronzers are usually bad colors for contouring and just make your face look strange.

good colors for contouring are NYX Taupe blush, MAC Coquette eyeshadow, Cork, Wedge, and Charcoal brown. any matte taupey-brown color is good for a contour color.

>> No.6821628

It was me who used you as an example of people in novice with training - sorry! You were the first who sprang to mind, I didn't mean to sound like I was attacking you or anything. I wasn't sure when you started studying :9

>> No.6821630

You are a god(dess) and I would kiss you in a second if I could see your face. I've been wondering which specific shades to use as a contour and was too chicken to ask, I keep bugging Pip with all my dumb questions. SO THANKS

>> No.6821631

I'm pretty sure bugging pip is never the incorrect action

>> No.6821633

but what if I don't give a fuck

>> No.6821635
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 702752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the palette I have, that brown is fine for contouring right? Its not shimmery at all. I can never tell if its actually doing anything when I use it though.

>> No.6821640

brb scaling ebay

>> No.6821642

use a light hand or a duo fiber brush with it if you're pale, but yes, that's perfectly fine. it's not a warm-toned brown.

if you need tips on how to contour watch some videos, Petrilude on youtube did a good one. :) If you can't tell if it's actually doing anything, contour one half of your face first and compare it with the other half.

>> No.6821644

Cool greyish brown might look good on you, but it really comes down to skin-tone. If you're really fair, then no, a warm brown probably won't look good... but a lot of those things you just listed will look really bad on half the New Zealand population.

BUT that said, losing the shimmer is more important than getting the contour colour right, since you should be doing that shit with a light hand anyway (unless you're doing drag), so whatever, it's not that big a deal.

>> No.6821647


glad I could help! I got into makeup because I wanted to be good at it once I started wearing lolita, and now I'm just a huge makeup geek on top of the frills. haha. also I'm really pale, so finding a good contour color has always been a struggle for me. Wedge is a good color for me personally, but it would be good to try something grayer than that.

if you need something cheaper in a similar color, just search each MAC eyeshadow color I listed with "dupe" after it. you should get tons of suggestions. many dupes will be from Nyx, which is a pretty good, cheapish brand you can get at Ulta in the states.

>> No.6821648


Best way to check is to grab a mirror, and sit in some natural light (Not direct sunlight, just by a window where light is hitting your face squarely). Does the contour seem natural? If you squint your eyes, do the colours suit your complexion? Is the colour similar to the natural shadowing in your eye crease, underlip, etc? If you've got pinky skin, definitely listen to the other make-up anon and go for a taupey blush. Girls with warmer/yellower skin can get by easier, but testing is always good.


BUGGING ME IS NEVER A BAD THING <3 I'm still learning about make up and I'm happy to share the knowledge

>> No.6821649

I'm not sure why I never thought of doing that thanks! Might try in the weekend.

I got mine off TradeMe for like $25 so try there first maybe?

>> No.6821652

Small holla: Sleek do amazing blushes and even more amazing eye shadow palettes for really cheap PLUS the shipping is super cheap as well.

>> No.6821655

Yeah sorry my colors were mostly for fairer skins, if you have warmer undertones or are darker skinned, shades like MAC Espresso eyeshadow and their blush in Blunt work better. If you found a good powder that matches your undertones, it's also good to try the same powder one or two shades darker than yours for a contour.

sorry for being a little too specific, but the things i mentioned first are the shades I've had experience with personally

>> No.6821657

oh hell yes. Pomegranate blush is the most gorgeous thing in the world in the winter, it's like that "just came in from the cold" color and it looks good on lots of skin tones

idk if it's discontinued but that color is a fucking godsend for making me look less washed out in the winter.

>> No.6821660

Nope, they're still selling it! I've got the blush in Flamingo which is HOLY BALLS BRIGHT but you only need a smidgen of it - I don't think I'll ever use it up haha.

>> No.6821666

Thanks! I came across them a little while ago and never quite got around to looking into reviews...I'm picking up the au naturel eye palette now. Also maybe some other stuff. Possibly lots. Oops..

>> No.6821679

Rowan. You smell.

>> No.6821683

awesome! i remember it making a huge splash among makeup geeks when it first came out, it's gooorgeous. i want flamingo so bad for the summer, it's adorable.

>> No.6821685

I wish I felt confident enough to cosplay at the moment. I miss it, but I feel like I look like utter shit. Anyone else get like this?

>> No.6821687
File: 143 KB, 537x560, 1329885988902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think every one gets it at some point :( Hope you feel better soon! Cosplay is fun and can be a real confidence boost.


>> No.6821697

Yes. More so that my cosplays look like shit.

>> No.6821698

Rowan and Shanoo both smell

>> No.6821699

I should mention that was pic unrelated, I'm not telling any one to eat shit and die hard.


>> No.6821707

Anyone had any recent dealings with Sleek? I'm tempted to grab some stuff but looking at their fb page and all of it is just filled with customers complaining about not hearing about their orders.

>> No.6821710


Hm. I just bought a bunch of stuff without bothering to look into recent reviews. Dang.

>> No.6821714


I ordered from them last year! They have had issues with not communicating with customers before, but I didn't have any issues? Still, few rules of thumb: Screenshot ALL of your online transactions, check their estimating shipping vs when your package has shipped, check out their refund policy. I'm a huge fan of their stuff, so I hope they're getting on to it :( (Fyrinnae, Make Up Academy, and Shiro Cosmetics are also great budget stores!)

>> No.6821766

Can we share weeb stories? Whether they be past weeby self stories and comparing to now or experiences with any geddon terrors?

>> No.6821767

This isn't really weeb just annoying. Every year at the madman stall you have people talking really loudly to their friends/ to the people operating the stall about how 'oh yeah this anime is real cool but I'd never buy it since I downloaded it for me trololol'.

Like shit man okay we all dl anime but it just seems really rude and obnoxious? Why are you even looking if you don't even intend to buy anything/are going to boast about how you illegally downloaded it.

>> No.6821770

I swear every year I get 'glomped' oh why me and why do they smell so bad

>> No.6821772

I have never been glomped luckily. I didn't think that was really a thing in NZ? Only amongst hyperactive teens and their friends.

>> No.6821785

It's happened to me once, when I was in a pony cosplay a few years ago (it was expected tbh). I nearly poked her friends eye out with my horn when she grabbed me! But then he was a dick anyway so it was kind of okay.

>> No.6822136
File: 19 KB, 191x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never been glomped but I've had a lot of:
>be chilling in Cosplay
>suddenly notice person slowly walking towards me with arms out
>cue me freaking the fuck out because I have some kind of allergy to hugs??

I don't understand wanting to hug a stranger. If I've talked to them online or in RL, whatever. But otherwise... Not impressed.

>> No.6822770

I guess the person is just showing his/her appreciation for your cosplay by hugging. I don't really mind/

>> No.6823371

I was in a costume from a very popular fandom last year (Prefer not to say which) and had the very awkward experience of being asked for a "couples" photo. I don't really care much about shipping within fandoms or anything like that, but this person was wanting a very *realistic* photo and it freaked me the fuck out. Worse, their friends were there and were all going nuts about how cute it was and how much they shipped it.

>> No.6823917


>> No.6823944

Oh no, I didn't see it as attacking or anything - I more mentioned it because I only just remembered that I actually didn't sew it after I started! Peach will be my first comp cosplay after starting my course :P

>> No.6823947

Oh god that happened to Syill at Welly Geddon last year and she shut that girl down so hard. Was hilarious.

>> No.6824093

Oh, actually, re-reading your post, I have never entered in novice, haha. Magnacarta group had to be open cause of Lucy and Sylvie, etc, Miyoubi I entered open, and Lia I entered open. I feel that novice is for beginner sewers - while I wasn't very good at sewing when I entered Miyoubi, I had been sewing for years, so I didn't want to enter novice. I know that's not how it works, but hey.

>> No.6825186

I've seen a few people discussing how they think that cosplay is becoming more and more about personalities/photoshoots rather than construction/conventions.


>> No.6825284

Agreed. Although not for everyone, which is nice! It is becoming the most visible/well known form of cosplay, though. I like a good photoshoot as much as anyone, it's a fantastic way to show off your hard work, but I'm so not even remotely interested in boring costumes. School uniforms, street clothes, etc; that kind of thing gets you popular with fans of the characters, but I honestly could not give a shit about that kind of thing if I tried. I want to see awesome costumes, not some wanky fanservicey depiction of a 2d schoolkid.

>> No.6825295


And more on this note - if you want to be famous, great! That is actually quite a good way of doing it - getting in with fans of the character who may not necessarily care about the costume. Good marketing, I guess? Lot of amazing cosplayers who aren't "famous" though. I feel like I like them better tbh, because they seem to me at least to be in it for the love of the hobby and not the likes on facebook or whatever. I identify more strongly with that attitude.

>> No.6825619
File: 85 KB, 720x960, bigsister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would like to take this moment to share someone's WIP (not mine!) Abby's Big Sister costume is looking AMAZING, and she has still got all the dirt, rust and blood etc to put on the helmet! This is going to be one of my fave Wellygeddon costumes for sure!

>> No.6825783

I just about peed when I saw that on fb, she has done such an amazing job! It looks like something out of a movie, she's AWESOME.

>> No.6826412

There are quite a few school uniform characters that I want to cosplay because I love the character, but I really can't be bothered spending time and money on a costume that I can easily buy off taobao for cheaper, so that's what I'm doing for those characters from now on.

Agreeing on the its more on photoshoots now as well. Not saying that that's a bad thing, I love getting nice shots of my cosplays! But I also like just having fun relaxed shoots, where the objective isn't getting awesome photos, but more just hanging out in cosplay and getting a couple of nice shots, along with a whole lot of fun derp ones. Not that that can't happen in a 'professional' shoot! But when its just all friends cosplaying from the same series it comes a lot more naturally.

>> No.6826424

It's interesting you say that, since I cosplay simple animu costumes only if I love the series. It seems like you're a bit dismissive of that and seem to think the only reason anyone would cosplay a costume like that is for attention?

I'm not trying to piss you off, please correct me if I'm wrong.

>> No.6826427

Holy crap this is amazing! I've been looking forward to Abby cosplaying this ever since she announced it! She is a really amazing cosplayer, I feel like she's never really gotten her due.

>> No.6826435

Same here, I would rather cosplay a school uniform or casual costume of a character I love than a complex costume that I love the design of but don't so much love the character of.
Hell, a fair few of my simple costumes are from series that don't have at all large fanbases/aren't widely known.

>> No.6826487

I think anon is trying to say they're more interested in the costuming/craft side of cosplay rather than seeing simple outfits or slightly altered street clothes that don't take a lot of talent to produce. Nothing wrong with that, just as there's nothing wrong with doing a simple costume if you love the character. We're all into cosplay for different reasons.

Having said that, I do think popularity doesn't equal talent and not naming names, but I also think those two things get mixed up in the cosplay community sometimes.

>> No.6826491

Can i just take this anon moment to lovingly hate you all for being so amazing and what not.
Even though i've been cosplaying a wee while now i still consider myself a noob.
I love you guys and I learn so much from you all
I want to like, hide you in my closet or something cos i miss you allll

>> No.6826533

popularity in the cosplay scene tends to equal
>cute/hot girl
>decent costumes
>good photography

>> No.6826537

oh also
>advertising yourself

>> No.6826546


No no, all good - I just mean in terms of the fame thing! I don't mean what people cosplay in general, sorry; I worded that a bit ambiguously. Cosplay is great, and it's nobody's business what you want to cosplay or why - making a costume because you love the character is kind of the point? Regardless of what the costume is, school uniform or suit of armour :9 My complaint is more that there are so many cosplayers getting famous because of clever marketing and appealing to popular tastes than for their costuming skills. Not that it's any of my business in the end, but like I griped before, I'd personally rather see some more impressive stuff all up in my social media feeds.

>> No.6826548

Are you talking just NZ or the general community? I don't really know of any 'famous' NZ Cosplayers, so I'm curious as to who you're talking about.

>> No.6826554

I agree totally, I just feel it's a bit unfair that a 'cute/hot' girl with an average costume who relentlessly markets themselves on social media can get much more recognition as being a 'talented cosplayer' than someone who's got awesome costuming skills and turns out quality stuff, but isn't necessarily generically hot and doesn't cultivate a tumblr/FB/DA fanclub.

Admittedly I'm more about the costuming side of things but that's just my personal preference.

>> No.6826559

It is fair, but its life I guess? If you really want to be 'popular' you have to be willing to always put yourself out there, and say check out x, y, and z etc etc. You're not going to get popular if only the same few people are seeing your stuff.

>> No.6826560

agree with this 100%!

>> No.6826651


>> No.6826669


>> No.6826684

New thread