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/cgl/ - Cosplay & EGL

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File: 273 KB, 950x1312, 346453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6795465 No.6795465[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

WhatHaveIDone.Jpeg con edition

>Be at tf2 photo shoot
>Meet spy who seems kinda cute
>Talk for a bit
>Somehow end up going on a date
>Realize during sex that he is an awkward as fuck neckbeard
>"That was my first time, girlfriend."
>mfw I got up and left

>> No.6795471

>random sex at a con
>realize the person you slept with was socially awkward
Why were you surprised.

>> No.6795480

I don't know. He seemed normal... at first... Or mysterious... I don't know.

>> No.6795483

>"That was my first time, girlfriend."

Come on... are you trolling me?

>> No.6795484

maybe you shouldn't sleep with people you just met? just sayin'.

>> No.6795486

it's your fault that you chose a spy OP should have gone with a different class

>> No.6795487

I really wish I was.

Haha, nawww. Nawww.

>> No.6795489

>Be at con
>Meet guy
>Lol at his autism impression
>Actually autistic

>> No.6795494
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You just had sex.
He ended up being awkward.
Or he said the wrong thing at the wrong time and you were sensitive to it.

Life still goes on but what you did was make some dude's night and, hopefully, found some enjoyment out of it at the same time. So cheer up, buttercup.

>> No.6795501

Should've report him to the police for raping you.

>> No.6795503

Haha, yeah I'm not that hype about it, I don't regret making his night. I'm just sharin' my awk con story.

And everyone else should do the same.

>> No.6795506

yfw you realize this was prolly the fat neckbeard in question

>> No.6795508

>see this guy me and my friends think is cosplaying as Captain from Hellsing
>ask if he is
>says yes
>take a picture
>he grabs me by the arm and
>"take more."
>forced to take more and more pictures of this guy.
>end up taking like 80 fucking pictures before we're able to pry away
>later realize he was actually cosplaying germany from hetalia

>> No.6795509

>ever going to a con
lebbit pls go

>> No.6795513

Nobody calls anyone "girlfriend" but sassy black women.

>> No.6795516

I went on a date with a guy I meet at a pre-con meet and greet when I was a tween. He turned out to be a pedophile preying on the underage girls and when all the other nerd dudes found out they threatened to kick his ass if he showed up at the con. Lols were had.

>> No.6795521

>meet a guy at con
>seems to be pretty cool
>lives locally, we become friends
>current boyfriend pissed me off to no end at the time so dumped his ass to date con dude
>condude becomes ULTRA possessive
>reads my texts, wont let me hang out with friends
>whines about how I'm always "ignoring him" if I don't text him back in .5 seconds with two paragraph responses

worst three months of my life.

>> No.6795524
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>Do a cosplay that involves a belly shirt even though I'm crazy self conscience
>See this woman, not sure what this chick is cosplaying, but dem shorts are up her 300 pound asscrack and dem tittays are about to release
>Scoffs as she walks by me, saying SOME people should show less skin

>> No.6795543

Seconded. He decieved you, so it's right to do so.

>> No.6795567

>Meet guy at con, find out he's a friend of a friend's friends
>Lots of similar interests, spend nearly the whole con together
>Decide to get together
>He's quiet, too quiet...
>Finally get him to open up more after a month
>Talks about his metal band all the time, which doesn't actually exist because he's shit growls and barely has any friends
>"I grew up alone", "Everyone who has ever wronged me should just apologize", "I practice Asatru because it makes me more metal", "BRUTAL"
>Warning, deluded try-hard faggot detected. Eject. Eject. Eject.
>Avoid him like the plague now

Oh to be young and borderline retarded. He was on Anime Punch staff while we were dating, but got kicked off a year later for being "too stupid".

I'll repeat, he was -too stupid- for -Anime Punch staff-. That's like winning the upperclass twit of the year award.

>> No.6795569

so u dumped a guy who pissed u off to no end for another guy who pissed u off to no end. maybe u should get someone else to pick ur men for u.

>> No.6795582

>Dance with shirtless fat guy at rave
>His teet hits me in the face

>> No.6795586


GED detected.

>> No.6795588

I'm engaged now.
I've just learned that most men that lived in that area were complete asstards

>> No.6795592

Why are you typing like that. Get of the internet.

>> No.6795611


>> No.6795623

I lol'd

>> No.6795642

Teeth? Thats sick.

>> No.6795652



>> No.6795655


>> No.6795657

No, a teet. A tit.

>> No.6795661

>Date this cosplayer I know from conventions
>Realize he's a huge fucking attention whore
>Lies about all this shit (told everyone that he was a firefighter in training, traced a bunch of drawings, etc.)
>Turns out to be abusive as fuck
>Never dating a cosplayer again

>> No.6795666

I think they meant teet like tit /manboob.

>> No.6795669
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>told everyone that he was a firefighter in training

>> No.6795672
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>Realize during sex that he is an awkward as fuck neckbeard
Since you thought he was cute at first, he must've been a "sharp dresser".

>> No.6795677

Am I like the only person on the internet who's never made any kind of mind-numbingly bad decision at a con before?

>> No.6795678

I've never been to a con, so no.

>> No.6795691

>Friend gets invited to a formal dance at the con by a cute guy in cosplay. I go along with her (We were 17 at the time)
>Had a nice time but guy ended up ignoring her and trying to make her jealous with other girls. We shrug it off but I eventually push her to dance with him.
>Ended up telling her "oh I bet you were so jealous huh? All those other girls were all over me, I bet you wanted to kill them or something." during the dance
>We run off and go to the rave later. Have a nice time but is stopped by this creepy 20+ year old dude. No cosplay, no wig, ugly as fuck
>He tries to dance with us and gets extremely distressed that we don't recognize him
>"I'm that hot cosplayer!! Don't you remember?"
>Ask her why is she talking to his creep? A moment later I remember it's the guy from the dance
>We exclaim omg in shock and he tries to impress us by badly shuffling in front of us and shaking his thumb
>Never laughed harder at a tryhard pedofag

>> No.6795695

How did he act "autistic"?


>> No.6795706

>he tries to impress us by badly shuffling in front of us and shaking his thumb
Wait... what? I'm trying to picture this. He has his thumb up and he's wiggling it or something?

>> No.6795709

Yes. Just wait, your time will come.

>> No.6795711

The voice and general awkward shuffling.

>> No.6795717

What can I say? Spies know how t'dress.

>> No.6795721

This video is painful.

>> No.6795724


Who's the awkward fuck now?

>> No.6795743


That's an act.

>> No.6795748
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>> No.6795752

Still him.

>> No.6795756

Good. Then I no longer feel awkward for thinking he's hot.

>> No.6795761

He was basically like putting it out towards us and swifting it across, then trying to do the robot while shaking the thumb, then started shaking it back and forth as he tried to shuffle.

I'm really glad we didn't develop any connections with him. He joined my local homestuck group (I apologize for being one) and all he did was ask question and then linked us to his cosplay page everytime he posted.

The dude has an okay body but a terrible face, like terribly bad skin. His wigs cover it up mostly, but he doesn't style his wigs and buys most of his cosplays. He got such a huge ego from his subpar cosplays, it's so disgusting.

>> No.6795764

I think the worst thing I did was make out with and almost get head from an underage Patty cosplayer.

I'm so boring.

>> No.6795767
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You couldn't tell it was fake? It's super obvious.

Also he reminds me of this guy.

>> No.6795777

quite frankly you're a dumb bitch for even bothering to complain about this on the internet. so you had a one night stand with a loser, who cares? its not the end of world, slut.

>> No.6795780

>Share story
Learn the difference and calm your jimmies.

>> No.6795793
File: 994 KB, 496x368, git.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about greentext stories

Second time I get to use this gif.
Polite sage for no contribution.

>> No.6795798
File: 83 KB, 1067x1024, ohgodwhy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There have been tons of times where hooked up at a con, and then afterwards the guy was incredibly awkward.

spoiler: I'm the guy


>> No.6795821

>be 16 at a con
>meet really cute 19 looking rave guy
>hang out all weekend
>have sex
>asks me my age
>"I'm 16"
>"I thought you where 19 0.0 I'm 26"
>aww shiiiiit

Still talk sometimes

>> No.6795824
File: 337 KB, 245x207, tumblr_lxuyw1xDQE1qfgg2no3_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meet friend of friends at convention, hit it off immediately
>long-term, long-distance relationship ensues
>things are mostly great in spite of distance due to mutual love and trust
>he moves locally, no job for months, stops taking antidepressants
>"hey maybe you should take your antidepressants because you're really fucking irrational for no reason and I can't even talk to you without you pulling passive-aggressive whiny shit on me"
>refuses to get any help whatsoever
>loses interest in me romantically/sexually
>is still incredibly jealous of every guy I know because of his own low self-esteem
>blames cosplay for all my faults
>keeps manipulating me into not breaking up with him because "muh depression"
>finally break up with him for dragging me down mentally and academically for having to deal with his constant drama queen meltdowns
>he tries to get me back twice in the next year and a half because "no other girl is like youuuu"
>mfw the only guy I ever gave a shit about turned into this complete fucking loser

>> No.6795831

And that is why you should ask for ages early on when you meet someone during a con.

>> No.6795841

lol these are some pretty fucked up stories.
But honestly not every guy cosplayer is some beta as fuck autist.

>> No.6795850

I would love to meet a funny as fuck confident bro at a convention. Looks are kinda important, but confidence is key. I'd let someone like that fuck the shit out of me.

>> No.6795873

>Guy cosplaying as spy.
>Happens to make you think his normal and or mysterious.
>turns out he's not.

Something tells me you've never played TF2.

>> No.6795879

Games aren't always real life... Sadly, this was not the case.

>> No.6795895
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>Ex boyfriend attending same con, he's been flirting with me all night
>I'm boozy, let's hook up
>Go back to his room, rip off clothes
>"Wait Anon. I wanted to tell you before anyone else did."
>Insert diatribe about how he got this other girl knocked up but he's not sure that the baby is his, but he can't believe she didn't let him help name the baby,
>Bust out of there as quickly as possible and tell him I don't need no baby drama


>> No.6795897
File: 61 KB, 547x587, 1362204886992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6795901

>Dating older men when you're in your fucking tweens
Jesus Christ how horrifying

>> No.6795911

Was there ever any doubt?

>> No.6795925

I'm just giving you a hard time OP.
Better luck next time.

>> No.6795941

At least he told you before you did anything?

That's so weird though.

sage because I don't really have a story relevant to this thread

>> No.6795947

Haha, I know. No hard feelings.

>> No.6795965


>> No.6795967

>Be a teenage girl, eta 15 or 16
>Go to first con party
>20-something guy is wasted
>Takes advantage of him, tries to get him to fuck me
>Attendees later call security because they think that he's sexually harassing me and trying to pressure me into underage sex
>Gets arrested

>> No.6795970
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plot twist, he was a sassy black woman cosplaying as an fat ugly neckbeard.

>> No.6795995
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>> No.6796001

That is a feel I am unfortunate enough to know.

>Be 18 at AWA
>Meet super attractive man I'd previously spoken with online
>Try to get to know him a bit more. He seems cool.
>Can't find rest of our thought to be group. End up hanging out together.
>Get ready to go to rave together.
>Skimpy rave clothes awh yeah let's start flirting for real now
>"So how old are you? You're 23 at most."
>He's 29
>Oh shit
>Do I attempt to flirt with him anyways...? Or should I move on...

I ended up losing track of him at the rave because I misplaced my phone and ran to go find it (never did.)
So it was almost a WhatHaveIDone.jpg incident. I think if I run into him at future conventions, I won't pursue anything... especially now that I know. That might make it more awkward.

>> No.6796006

I'm going to assume most of you are in their 20's, but would you be comfortable with a younger guy (18 or so)?

>> No.6796038

But I'm not every single girl that's ever existed ever. I'm just one of them. Also, I like much older guys, so I'm on the opposite end of the spectrum.

>> No.6796052

>Be in lolita at a con
>random Hitler cross dresser (bio male dressed as a woman with Hitler 'stache) asks to take a picture with me
>happens at least twice
>Hitler-lady doesn't remember me and insist in taking another photo with her

What I don't understand is why the person wanted to take a picture with them even though it was with my camera.

>> No.6796080

nice b8, m8

>> No.6796085

I'm 19 but also prefer (much) older men like the previous anon. So no.

>> No.6796092

The only time I have recently dated a younger guy, it totally sucked. He was only really interested in partying, sex, and drinking. I go to work, want to go to nice diners, and go out on the weekends. He was a fun boy toy, but definitely not long term or serious. For 23 and younger guys I view them as hit it and quit it (I'm 26 for reference) while any guy my own age or older would be someone I can at least give a real chance.

>> No.6796090

If you want the opinion of a faggot, i like men who LOOK like they are in my age range. Therefore, anyone from 18 to 50 can do.

>> No.6796119

It's a safe bet that nobody wants the opinion of a faggot.

It's also a safe bet that, as a faggot, you're going to give it to us anyway.

>> No.6796137
File: 26 KB, 114x214, bram-strokers-dracula.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really wish there was spoilers on this board. Pretend the following is in a spoiler block.

You thought the spy was cute at first because he was disguised. Disguises are removed when the spy shoots his weapon.

>> No.6796138
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Tough words, hurts me a lot. I can, however, insult you back.

Even though i am homosexual, i have fucked more girls in a weekend then you have in your entire life.

>> No.6796141

You forgot your trip Voldemort

>> No.6796148

You are still a faggot.
How can his words hurt you when you explicitly state you are faggot? You must be one of those attention whore faggots.

>> No.6796150


>> No.6796151

All cosplaying chicks prefer older men because they want a piece of their father's dick.

>> No.6796155

>only interested in partying, blah blah blah
Oh look, another woman pretending to be more sophisticated then she actually is. I am sure someone will fall for it.

>> No.6796156

No. They are usually immature.

I don't really like older guys either though. A lot of them try to treat me like a little sister or something which is weird.

I usually stay within a year or two of my age.

>> No.6796162

Nah, I like men who are at least 5 years older than me. But I guess I could make exceptions if the younger guy both looked older/around my age and was very smart.

>> No.6796163

Not her, but its call maturity and growing up. Should try it once, you may like it.

>> No.6796169

>a female calling anyone immature.
What is your definition of "immature"? I am really curious.

>> No.6796172 [DELETED] 

He wasn't like 40 or anything, I was around 14 and I'd say he was 23, 24? Nothing happened between us but he tried the exact same thing with a younger girl and he took a bath with her and made her let him eat her out apparently. D:

>> No.6796175

Most of the chicks ITT were felt up by daddy/stepdaddy/mommy's BF or were in a single mother household

Which is why they went into cosplay to begin with. Either this or the stripper pole, am I right honey?

>> No.6796176

Or you know, you could date a guy you LIKE regardless his age (Unless a drastic jump either way)

>> No.6796181

No, they search explicitly for older seed that resembles a male they latched onto as a child. That IS what they like. The "age" itself.

>> No.6796183

Pretty sure no one in this thread is initiating relations with people they hate.

>> No.6796184


Everyone's a faggot on the internet.

>> No.6796188

My husband is 8 years older than me. I don't have any daddy issues, grew up in your average family setting and never experienced anything traumatic. It's not that big of a leap in age but I feel it unfair to label everyone who dates an older guy as some daddy deranged victim of rape

>> No.6796189

All women have a little faggot in them anyways. That is why it is so in fashion for them to call themselves bisexual.

>> No.6796190


Please don't respond to this troll.

>> No.6796191

But not everyone on the internet is a is who takes it up his ass. There's at least a difference of 5 inches and a sore ass.

>> No.6796193

He wasn't like 40 or anything, I was around 14 and I'd say he was 24, 25? Nothing happened between us but he tried the exact same thing with a younger girl and he took a bath with her and made her let him eat her out apparently. D:

>> No.6796194

Anyone who calls him/herself bisexual is just an attention whore.

>> No.6796196


Come on, bro, I know you've at least put your finger in up to the knuckle.


What's with you and your fixation on women? Faggot.

>> No.6796197

>internet is a is who
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "The Female Opinion".

>> No.6796199

Don't acknowledge them, we get the daddy issues trolls pretty often. Hide the comments and carry on browsing.

>> No.6796204


>alluding to women ever

Shit, son, you queer or what?

>> No.6796205

What's up with all these /r9k/ angry neckbeards in here? Don't you have a second hand fleshlight to bitterly masturbate with somewhere..?

>> No.6796206

Do people really believe this?

>> No.6796208

>>Please don't respond to this troll.

lol you mean this troll, right?

>> No.6796210

>Come on, bro, I know you've at least put your finger in up to the knuckle.

Nope. Never really thought about doing it.

>internet is a is who
>Ladies and gentlemen, I give you "The Female Opinion".
Train of thought were off the cliff there. was ment to say "is a faggot who takes"

>> No.6796214

Spoiler alert: all posts containing blatent misogyny, racism, or homophobia are 90% likely to be an off-board troll looking for some giggles. Don't respond. Report if you want.